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Home Explore February 2022 E newsletter

February 2022 E newsletter

Published by Moscow UMC, 2022-02-10 19:24:53

Description: February 2022 E newsletter for the Moscow United Methodist Church.

Keywords: Newsletter,MUMC,UMC,Church Newsletter


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The Moscow United Methodist Church 126 Church Street Phone: (570)842-7251 Moscow, PA 18444 Email: [email protected] Website: February 2022 e-Newsletter Table of Contents: Pastor Letter (2) Christian Connections (5) Financial Update (5) From the Trustees (6) Water Sensors (7) Audit (8) Ash Wednesday (8) MUMC Faith Stories (9) Foundations in Faith (11) Sunday School (13) Learning Tree Preschool(14) Donation Station(15) Souper Bowl of Caring(15) Circle of Prayer Churches (16) CPR/AED Classes (16) District and Conference (17) 1

Pastor’s Letter Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. Psalm 27:14 We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. Psalm 33:20 Happy February, the month of the mythical tradition of Groundhog’s Day, the celebration of love on Valentine’s Day, and the federal holiday of Presidents’ Day. It is also Black History month. As I mention special times during February, we all know that more than anything, it is the deep midst of the Winter season, when most folks will express that they have had enough of the cold and snow (and ice). They are ready for Spring to arrive. One positive on this subject is that daylight increases more and more. That gives us an indication, we are headed towards warmer weather and the renewal that will come. Yet, for some these long days of winter drag on. So what do we do if or when this feeling may come upon us? We wait and we hope. Basically, February seems to be a lengthy period of waiting that not only brings cold temperatures, but also, high heating bills, remaining indoors while desiring to be outside enjoying the life breathing beauty of nature. God formed all of creation in an orderly fashion with purpose in every season there is, both literally and according to life experiences. There is goodness to be discovered and always something to be thankful for, especially as 2

new discoveries are made. As we venture through all seasons in faith, we can try new activities, pursue new endeavors, or gain new healthy interests to include in our daily routines. Winter does truly offer wonderful workings of God to enjoy. We only have to open ourselves to try a fresh expression of divine love to warm our hearts on chilly days. Not only are there many socially secure ideas to choose from, there are many spiritual opportunities to choose from. Why not join in an unfamiliar means of devotion or type of prayer or Christian group to strengthen your faith for life’s journey or try a new way to serve God and the church. There is much to choose from, plus more motivating possibilities on the horizon, especially as the holy season of Lent approaches. Becoming more active in the church will enhance living. From participating in the Christian Connections virtual Bible Study to Sunday School to learning a new spiritual discipline to helping at the food pantry to promoting and supporting our missional collections or handing out the recent Blessing Bags for the needy that were made by the Sunday School children or attending community and learning gatherings, also fellowship get-togethers (either online or in person) or assisting in maintaining the church facilities with the Trustees and the Wednesday Morning Crew for spiritual growth and worship to promoting our Learning Tree Preschool and more, the church community has much available to keep you busy through the winter as we wait for the natural cycle of seasons to transition. 3

Not many of us are good at waiting. Yet in the waiting there’s much to learn and do, to give glory to God and uncover rewarding paths to rejoice that have never been tried before. Like all of God’s people in any generation, we all wait united in the Spirit for the coming Kingdom with our Lord. As the verses above state, we are to be strong in waiting during trying times and hope while waiting for the seasons to pass and the ultimate living in eternity to commence. Hope is essential in waiting, so hope, be helpful in extending grace and service, and trust that in the smallest of seemingly insignificant factors and facets of living, God’s Spirit moves making big blessings happen. Have faith better days are soon to arrive in due time. Always remember, the Son of God shines everyday! For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently. Romans 8:24-25 Hymn of Promise Verse One In the bulb there is a flower; In the seed, an apple tree; In cocoons, a hidden promise: Butterflies will soon be free! In the cold and snow of winter There’s a spring that waits to be, Unrevealed until its season, Something God alone can see. 4

CHRISTIAN CONNECTIONS The Christian Connections virtual Bible study continues to meet in Spirit on Tuesday evenings at 6:15. Upcoming meeting dates: February 15, February 22nd, March 1st. We will be deeply covering The Lord’s Prayer and what the first disciples learned from Jesus about the best prayer practices. Then, discuss how we can best benefit from these practices as modern day disciples. Join us! The link to join is sent out weekly. FINANCIAL REPORT General Fund January 2022: Income $8,140 / Expenses $12,721 (-$4,581) Jan. 31st account balance $11,989 Thank you again to all those who sent in pledges during the Stewardship Campaign. We still have a few being mailed in. Also, thank you to everyone for your continued faithful giving of tithes and offerings. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! 5

TRUSTEES The Trustees discussed the need for a Capital Campaign to fund a new roof and the paving of the back parking lot. This is an Administrative Council decision, and the information will be passed on to them. Temporary repairs were made to the sanctuary windows behind the organ pipes, visible from the parking lot. There is visible water damage on the front wall of the sanctuary to the left of the organ pipes. The insurance inspector suggests that we have a professional check the roof and gable flashing for gaps which have allowed rain/snow to leak in. This will be on the spring agenda. Water sensors, provided free through our building insurance, were placed in bathrooms off the sanctuary and furnace room. If you see a small, white box with a warning sticker….DO NOT TOUCH….please leave it in place. Those are the water sensors and they are monitored through a smart phone app to warn us of a water leak. For some time now, the narthex doors have been temperamental in their locking ability. In order to maintain a secured church, a locksmith is coming to repair the doors and rekey the entire church and education building. If you have a key to the church, you will need to come to the office and sign out a new key. We will keep you posted on WHEN the changeover will take place. 6

Finally, we are looking for TWO members to sit on the Board of Trustees to complete our ranks. The Trustees are responsible for taking care of the church property – church, education building and parsonage. Just as with your home, there are small upkeep items that the homeowner can handle and others that require professional help. It is the same with the church property. Being able to keep ahead of small issues saves money in the long term. If you are interested in being a trustee or in learning more about what we do, please contact any member: Gus Herman, Carol Verrone, John Havenstrite, Nate Bifano, Allen Bendinsky, Frank Ciero or Pastor Lori. As always, if you see something that needs attention, please be sure to notify one of us. WATER SENSORS Meshify Electronic Water Sensors Our insurance company has provided us, at not cost, several electronic water sensors that have been strategically placed in our church, educational building and parsonage. These electronic water sensors will send notifications to the several members of the church Trustees in the event there is an unexpected exposure to 7

water. It is expected these early notifications will help us to prevent any large water problems that could potentially cause damage. We ask if you see these water sensors that you, please do not disturb them. Again, they have been strategically placed in these designated areas for specific reasons. If you have any questions about them you can feel free to contact Donna Mela at [email protected] AUDIT If anyone would like to help with the annual Financial Audit, please contact Barbara Havenstrite at (570)842-9372. She is currently working on the audit, but needs some help with some of the larger accounts (such as the general fund), and someone to sign off on the audit. ASH WEDNESDAY WORSHIP AND REFLECTION Lent begins this year on March 2nd. We will start our Lenten journey of repentance and inner renewal with a time of worship and reflection at 7:00 in the evening. Please come as we center ourselves spiritually for this holy period before Easter. 8

MUMC FAMILY FAITH STORIES We recently had a special worship service with three members of our church family and friends sharing their “Faith Story”. It was a very inspiring Sunday morning listening to and relating to those who spoke about their journey of faith thus far. Many commented on the similarities and some differing experiences they had. Each of us is unique with our own Faith Stories. It helps when we share those stories and brings us into stronger connections with one another, as we are the Body of Christ united. Besides having that 9

special Sunday, we are now having this spot in the monthly newsletter to share more of what each of our Faith Stories are. The story this month comes from Lorie Reigal. If you would like to share your story, please contact Pastor Lori. “Pastor Lori asked me to write about my journey because talking about it in public is difficult for me. I was baptized in the Ashley, Pa Methodist Church. My mom was Methodist and my dad was Russian Orthodox. I was brought up in a family with strong faith in God and Jesus. My first memories of Sunday School are of here at this church. When we moved to the Spring Brook area we went to church there. I was confirmed at the Spring Brook United Church of Christ. I do not remember never having a strong faith, it was kind of inbred. My life has had my share of ups and downs and losses. But God and Jesus help me through them, they have shown me many, many silver linings. God’s faithful people, my church family and friends have strong arms to hold me up and I am one truly grateful, faithful person! My journey continues on! Lorie Reigal” 10

FOUNDATIONS IN FAITH HYMN IN THE BLEAK MIDWINTER CHRISTINA ROSSETTI 1830-1894 Christina Georgiana Rossetti gives us one of the most beloved Christmas hymns. The author of three collections of mostly religious poetry and four devotional books, she came from a family steeped in the arts. Because of her physical beauty, she was often the model for paintings of the Madonna. Her deep faith is thought to be partially the result of the solace that she found in writing as a result of her poor health from age sixteen. Christina’s father, Gabriele Rossetti, was a professor of Italian at King’s College, London, living in exile in England. Among the family friends was Charles Dodgson, who, under the pseudonym of Lewis Carroll, authored the famous Alice in Wonderland. An ardent Anglican, Christina rejected one suitor because he was Roman Catholic. Her most famous hymns are the Christmas texts, \"Love Came Down at Christmas\" composed in 1885 and \"In the Bleak Midwinter,\" first published as the poem \"A Christmas Carol\" in Scribner’s Monthly in January 1872. It first appeared as a hymn in The English Hymnal (1906), where it was paired to a tune by the famous English composer Gustav Holst (1874-1934). Now, over 11

100 years later, we sing this hymn in virtually the same form as it appeared in 1906. This is the final stanza: What can I give him, Poor as I am? If I were a shepherd I would bring a lamb; If I were a wise man, I would do my part; Yet what I can I give him; Give my heart. In a closer look by British hymn writer Elizabeth Cosnett (b. 1936), she notes that, \"when a woman wrote these words women were largely excluded from the professions and from higher education.\" Like the shepherds, Christina was not employed; like the wise men, she held no degree. How many other women would share that category with Rossetti ? Rossetti invites us to offer our own gift to the Christ Child just as the shepherds and wise men did. Rather than the present of a lamb or expensive gifts, however, we offer the most important gift -- our hearts. 12

SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday School continues to meet every Sunday at 9am, for both children and adults. The children have been having so much fun making crafts and playing games, they even did a little decorating for Valentine’s Day. They each made a heart explaining what they think love is, or how they express love, and we hung the hearts on the doors between the sanctuary and the narthex. Last week, they had a blast learning about being a “Fisher of Men”. The older kids got to try their hand at casting actual fishing lines in the social hall, and the preschool class got to fish for paper people using a straw. All the kids got to make their own flying fish out of paper, and the little ones got to throw theirs over the railing and watch them spin. We have also been learning about The Lord’s Prayer. Adult Sunday School continues to meet in Pastor Lori’s office at 9am on Sundays. They will be starting a special discussion about the upcoming Lenten Season. 13

LEARNING TREE PRESCHOOL This month we welcome our second semester. We will be focusing on the letters Oo, Pp, and Qq and numbers 11, 12 and 13. Our themes are My Shadow, Valentine's Day, President's Day, and Dental Health. We added new songs and fingerplays to our circle time and we are enjoying our Scholastic smartboard activities. We love freeze dance and movement games! Valentine's day is approaching and we will be having a classroom party! Snacks, music and games, while playing mailman and delivering Valentines to all our friends! We are looking forward to classroom Olympics for our letter O. Who will win the gold?? Popcorn party for P, and as we hit the letter Q we will be searching for the Queens jewels. Silly Phil says 6 more weeks of winter, but lets think Spring! 14

DONATION STATION Our collection in December and January for the Women’s Resource Center was a huge success. We had a truckload of donations, and they were very thankful for your generosity. In February, we will be collecting items for the North Pocono Food Pantry and Dry Goods Pantry. The most requested items are: Pasta, pasta sauce, canned pasta, tuna, soup, dish soap, cleaning products, and tissues. SOUPER BOWL OF CARING This Sunday, February 13th, we will be celebrating the “Souper Bowl of Caring”, which is a youth lead grassroots movement that was starting to help local food pantries restock after the holiday season. We will have a special collection bin to place items in during the worship service. After the worship service, we will head downstairs to the social hall for a soup sale. If anyone would like to donate soup, please bring it Sunday morning. From 12-2, we will be also holding a drive through collection for the Food Pantry and Dry Goods Pantry. We will be in the lower parking lot collecting items. We will also continue selling soup if there is any left during this collection. 15

CIRCLE OF PRAYER CHURCHES Each week the conference sends a list of churches they will be praying for. This is the list for the week of February 7-12: West Fairview UMC, Enola Woolrich Community UMC, Woolrich Shiloh UMC, Woodland United Church of Nelson, Nelson Moosic UMC, Moosic *Bakers UMC, McClure *Albert Margai Memorial UMC, Gbambatoke - Sierra Leone Greenmount UMC, Glen Rock Center Moreland UMC, Center Moreland North Orwell Union Church, North Orwel Liberty UMC, Lock Haven Camp Penn Camp & Retreat Center, Waynesboro CPR/AED CLASSES We held our second CPR/AED class on Sunday, February 6th, after worship. If anyone would like to be on the list for our next class, please contact Jennie in the office at [email protected] or (570)842-7251. The classes are $20, which include your certification through the American Heart Association, and an 16

information booklet. The classes are 3-4 hours long and cover how to perform CPR, how to use a defibrillator, and basic First Aid (if you choose). Classes are taught by one of our members, Mark Chmielewski, who is a Nurse Educator with St. Luke’s Emergency Transport Services. This is a great opportunity to learn how to use our newly installed AED that is on the wall in the coatroom before you enter the sanctuary. This AED was donated in memory of Gary Reigal. DISTRICT AND CONFERENCE 17

CONFERENCE VIM TRAINING: Must attend all 3 sessions, no charge, resources provided Thursdays: February 24, March 3, March 10 (9:30 -11:30am) VIM Training prepares us to have a positive impact in mission whether it is a few hours or weeks, local, national, or global. It is open to those who have led teams and those who have never been on a mission trip. Taking this training does not require you to lead a trip but equips you for service. Topics covered include: Best Practices, Cultural Awareness, Health & Safety, Team Orientation, Useful Forms, Insurance and Fundraising. Contact Michelle Schwartzman, VIM Coordinator with any questions, email: [email protected] or call 717-766-7441 ext. 3105. 2022 ANNUAL CONFERENCE AWARDS/SCHOLARSHIPS Harry Denman Award Do you know a clergy person, lay person and/or youth who have shown outstanding achievement in evangelism by bringing people into a life transforming relationship with Jesus Christ? Nominate them for the 2022 Harry Denman Evangelism Award. The nominations must be submitted by March 15, 2022. Find out more information on the conference website. Bishop D. Frederick Wertz Award This award is given annually by Lycoming College to a clergy or lay person who has rendered exceptional service to God 18

through the church in memory of Bishop D. Frederick Wertz who was President of the College from 1955-1968.The nominations must be submitted by March 15, 2022. Find out more information on the conference website. 19

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