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Home Explore Morales_Elam_Project 2_Brand Guidelines

Morales_Elam_Project 2_Brand Guidelines

Published by emorales9609, 2022-05-09 00:35:46

Description: Morales_Elam_Project 2_Brand Guidelines


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Hey There! This branding guide for Blooms & Threads was put together with care to maintain consistent branding & visual language. Following these guidelines will ensure future advertisements, displays and other media will remain cohesive. 2

Feminine Contemporary Clean MOODBOARD Blooms & Threads is inspired by delicate line work paired with bold bright colors and geometric shapes that add a more contemporary and modern feel to the brand. Our target audience is young women who enjoy vintage clothing, which is currently popular due to the interest in the Y2K clothing style as well as the known environmental impact of fast-fashion. Blooms & Threads is a thrift store that sells vintage goods with customization options and offers a fun alternative to fast-fashion. 3


Primary Logo The primary Blooms & Threads logo is a wordmark. This is the cleanest way to convey a clear message of BT’s branding: a delicate logo with a feminine feel and distinct typographic elements as well as a bright palette. The wordmark typeface used for the logo is “Quiche Display”, while the subtitle uses “Mr Eaves XL Mod” in regular weight. The primary logo should not be scaled down lower than 1” in width. 5

1” width 6

Secondary Logos The secondary logos include a black version, a white version when being used on a colored background, and an emblem featuring the BT ampersand and the BT “petal”, which is also utilized in patterns for the brand. The black and white version also features more negative space around the ampersand for easier legibility, which carries over to the emblem for a unified feel. The black and white mark should not be decreased in size to less than 1” in width while the emblem should not be less than .75” in height. 7

1” width .75” height 8

Colors The BT palette is as follows: Blooms Sage (green), Blooms Daffodil (yellow), Blooms Sakura (pink) & Blooms Quince (salmon). Tints and shades are acceptable, depending on context. The palette included CMYK formulas, HEX codes & Pantone Color System® codes. Spacing The BT logo should have at least a 33% border around it when placed with other elements or alone in a frame. This will prevent over crowding and competing elements in proximity to BL logo. logo width: 1.33” frame width: 2” 9

Blooms Quince Blooms Daffodil Blooms Sage Blooms Sakura C4 M70 Y56 K0 C10 M11 Y69 K0 C46 M23 Y82 K3 C2 M43 Y0 K0 HEX# E86F66 HEX# E8D36E HEX# 94A256 HEX# EEA5C9 PMS 7416C PMS 609C PMS 5835C PMS 230C Tints Shades 10


Photo Treatments The overall goal is to give a soft feel to photographs used within the system. Photographs for e-commerce listings should not receive distracting treatments to avoid taking away from the products, however a background treatment is appropriate. All other images should have some type of color overlay or softening effects to maintain the brand’s aesthetics. Color overlays should be done with the official brand colors. 12

Prohibited Usage These guidelines exist to maintain a professional and cohesive look, and some- times rules are required to avoid ineffective or just downright unappealing graphics. These rules include avoiding skewing, rotating, squashing, distorting or otherwise resizing the logo without constraining proportions, editing individual elements of the logo, colorizing the logo with unapproved colors, adding unap- proved graphic elements and placing other elements within the 33% border that should exist around the logo at all times. 13

No distorting No rotating No skewing No editing elements No unapproved colors No unapproved graphics 14

Typography We chose 2 options for our typographic system Quiche Light for our wordmark exclusively and Mr Eaves XL Mod for both headlines and body copy, because Mr. Eaves is incredibly versatile and clean with many weight options. Maintaining these standards will help to continue to maintain the brand’s look and feel. Quiche Display Light ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 Mr Eaves XL Mod OT Book ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 Reg ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 15

þe 16

Thank You Blooms & Threads was designed to appeal to young women with an interest in fashion and also saving the planet we want to make sure this is conveyed consistently in our branding, because we want to take the same amount of care in our brand that we do for providing affordable vintage clothing to the neighborhood and serving as an advocate for the environment. 17

Designed by: Elam Morales ART 541

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