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Laporan Tahunan 2006

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Description: Laporan Tahuan 2006


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Pernyataan Misi Mission Statement... mencapai, menggalak, sertameningkatkan kecemerlangandalam bidang sains, kejuruteraandan teknologi khusus untukkemajuan dan pembangunanNegara dan juga kebaikanmanusia sejagat. ... the pursuit, encouragement and enhancement of excellence in the fields of science, engineering and technology for the development of the nation and the benefit of mankind. In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 1

Akademi Sains Malaysia / Academy of Sciences Malaysia902-4, Jalan Tun Ismail50480 Kuala LumpurTel: 603 - 2694 9898Fax: 603 - 2694 5858E-mail: [email protected]© Akademi Sains Malaysia 2007All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by anymeans, electronic, mechanical, photocopying recording, or otherwise without permission of the Copyright owner.Cover. From left: Spathoglottis microcilina, Bungarus flaviceps, one of the venomous snakes, found in Maliau Basin,Nepenthes stenophylla and Nyctixalus pictus, (Rhacophoridae). Common name is Cinamon frog, one of the raretree frogs in Maliau Basin. (Pictures: Dr Norhayati Ahmad, UKM).2

Kandungan 5 Contents 12-13 14-15 Laporan Presiden | President’s Report Fungsi ASM | Functions of ASM 16 Felo Kehormat | Honorary Fellows 17 Felo Kanan | Senior Fellows 18-23 Felo Baru | New Fellows 24-25 Senarai Felo | List of Fellows 26-27 Ahli Majlis | Council Members 28-31 Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan Kesebelas 11th Annual General Meeting 32 Jawatankuasa Kerja dan Pasukan Bertindak 33 Working Committees and Task Force 34 Carta Organisasi ASM | ASM Organisational Chart 35-36 Carta Organisasi Sekretariat | Organisational Chart of Secretariat 37-43 Dalam Kenangan | In Memoriam Projek RMK9 | Ninth Malaysia Plan Projects 44-55 56-79 Acara Utama 2006 | 2006 Highlights 80-99 100-119 AKTIVITI-AKTIVITI | ACTIVITIES 120-131 Nasihat kepada Kerajaan | Advice to Government 132-133 Kecemerlangan Saintifik | Scientific Excellence Kesedaran Sains | Science Awareness 134 Jaringan Antarabangsa | International Linkages Projek Khas | Special Projects Penerbitan ASM | ASM Publications Akronim | Acronyms PENYATA KEWANGAN | STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTSIn Pursuit of Excellence in Science 3


Laporan Presiden President’s ReportTan Sri Datuk Tahun 2006 memperlihatkan kemajuanDr Ahmad Zaharudin Idrus FASc dan kekukuhan fungsi teras Akademi Sains Malaysia. 2006 merupakan tahunPresiden, Akademi Sains Malaysia yang penuh dengan aktiviti di manaPresident, Academy of Sciences Malaysia Akademi menerima peruntukan di bawah Rancangan Malaysia kesembilan untuk dua projek baru selain daripada menyambung dua projek lama di bawah Rancangan Malaysia kelapan. MOSTI telah memperuntukkan dana kepada Akademi untuk memulakan empat projek baru. Sepanjang tahun 2006, Akademi telah melaksanakan pelbagai aktiviti dan pastinya banyak perkembangan positif dapat dilaporkan pada tahun ini. Another year is over. Another year of further progress and consolidation of our core functions. Year 2006 was an eventful year with the Academy receiving funding under the Ninth Malaysia Plan (9MP) for two new projects besides continuation of funding for two old projects under the Eighth Malaysia Plan. MOSTI also allocated funds to the Academy to initiate four new projects. Throughout 2006, the Academy was a hive of activities and there is certainly much to be reported this year. In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 5

Laporan Presiden President’s ReportMengimbas kembali aktiviti tahun lepas, saya ingin In reflecting on the past year, I would like to first singlemenarik perhatian bahawa pembukaan Pejabat out the inauguration of the International CouncilSerantau ICSU untuk Asia dan Pasifik telah dirasmikan for Science (ICSU ) Regional Office for Asia and theoleh YAB Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Abdul Razak, Timbalan Pacific by the YAB Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Abdul Razak,Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Pejabat Serantau ICSU Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia. The ICSU Office isterletak di Akademi, dan saya amat yakin bahawa hosted by the Academy, and I am confident that thepenubuhan pejabat ICSU akan menyumbang ke arah establishment of the ICSU office will contribute towardspengukuhan hubungan Akademi dengan badan S&T further strengthening the Academy’s linkages withantarabangsa. international S & T bodies and allow it to draw on the new synergies that are bound to be created.Dalam usaha untuk memastikan dana R&D yangdiperuntukkan ke universiti dan institusi penyelidikan In a move to ensure R&D funding allocated tomemberi kesan ke arah masyarakat berpengetahuan universities and research institutions results in outputsdan bertaraf global, MOSTI telah memberi mandat that propel the nation towards knowledge intensivekepada Akademi untuk membangunkan sistem industries and global competitiveness, MOSTI haspenarafan bagi memantau pencapaian program mandated the Academy to develop a system of ratingpenyelidikan universiti dan institut penyelidikan.Sistem that will allow for tracking of the performance ofpenarafan ini dijangka dapat berfungsi sebagai tanda research programmes/activities funded by MOSTI soaras dan perbandingan antarabangsa. as to identify research strengths of universities. The rating system is expected to allow for internationalAkademi telah diperuntukan di bawah RMK9 untuk comparisons and benchmarking.menjalankan ekspedisi saintifik serta merekodkankekayaan biodiversiti negara. Ekspedisi Saintifik The Academy has been allocated 9MP funding to buildLembangan Maliau merupakan siri pertama ekspedisi on capacity and capability of local scientists to carry outsaintifik yang dianjurkan oleh Akademi di bawah scientific expeditions and map the biodiversity heritageperuntukan ini. Ekspedisi ini bukan sahaja berjaya of the nation. The Maliau Basin Scientific Expedition ismelibatkan penyelidik yang ramai, tetapi ekspedisi the first in a series of scientific expeditions planned byini juga berjaya menerokai bahagian utara timur the Academy under this allocation. This expedition islembangan yang belum pernah diterokai. Hasil significant as it not only succeeded in bringing togetherdaripada ekspedisi lembangan Maliau adalah satu the largest group of researchers ever, but also coveredlaporan mengenai Pengurusan Lembangan Maliau. the north western part of the Basin which has been largely uncovered. An Advisory Report on Maliau BasinAkademi ditugaskan memberi nasihat dan menyediakan Management is expected to emanate from the Maliaulaporan dalam pelbagai aspek STI. Salah satu program Basin Expedition.baru MOSTI yang dijalankan oleh Akademi adalahprogram Brain Gain Kebangsaan yang bertujuan Our advisory role to the nation has been calleduntuk menggalakkan rakyat Malaysia yang berbakat upon again. The Academy has been tasked with thebekerja di luar negara kembali bekerja di Malaysia dan preparation of strategic expert reports on variousmenawarkan saintis luar negara agar bekerjasama aspects of STI uptake. The New National Brain Gaindalam R&D serta membangunkan jaringan kerjasama Programme of MOSTI is aimed at encouraging theantarabangsa. Program ini mewujudkan sistem return of Malaysian talents working abroad, enticingpemilihan saintis yang telus. Sehubungan dengan itu, foreign talents to collaborate in R & D and establishing collaborative networks. The programme offers a single interface for transparent selection of talents for the several initiatives established under this Programme.6

Laporan Presiden President’s ReportMOSTI telah memberi kepercayaan kepada Akademi MOSTI has entrusted the Academy to undertake theuntuk mewujudkan panel penilaian untuk memilih implementation of a number of initiatives and towardssaintis di bawah program ini. this, the Academy has set up a number of expert review panels.Salah satu bidang yang menjadi fokus kerajaan adalahpendekatan strategik pendidikan sains. Akademi Another area of concern to the Government is thetelah diberi peruntukan di bawah RMK9 untuk strategic approach to Science Education. The Academymenjalankan program jangkauan luar pendidikan sains. has been given a 9MP allocation under the ScienceSehubungan dengan itu,Akademi telah mengendalikan Education Outreach Programme. To value-add,bengkel dengan pihak yang berkepentingan untuk the Academy organized a workshop with relevantmembangunkan pelan tindakan bagi melaksanakan stakeholders to develop an Action Plan for theStrategi Pendidikan Sains untuk negara. implementation of the Science Education Strategy for the nation.Ekoran daripada peristiwa Tsunami pada bulanDisember 2004, MOSTI telah meminta Akademi untuk As a result of the tsunami event of December 2004, MOSTImenjalankan kajian berkenaan gempa bumi dan has requested ASM to carry out a study on earthquakestsunami bagi mengenalpasti dasar dan tindakan yang and tsunami in order to identify appropriate policy andsesuai. Berlanjutan daripada itu, pada akhir tahun planning responses. Then towards the end of 2005, the2005, Jabatan Meteorologi Malaysia, yang mewakili Department of Meteorology Malaysia, representing theKerajaan Malaysia, dan Akademi Sains Malaysia Government of Malaysia, and the Academy of Sciencestelah menandatangani perjanjian dan melantik Malaysia (ASM) signed an agreement which establishedAkademi sebagai peneraju dalam “Kajian Bencana ASM as the lead organization in the “Seismic anddan Risiko Seismik dan Tsunami di Malaysia”. Di bawah Tsunami Hazards and Risk Study in Malaysia”. Underkajian ini, Akademi bertanggungjawab menjalankan this Study, ASM is responsible for Data Collection,Pengumpulan Data, Penilaian Bencana Seismik dan Seismic Hazard Assessment, Structural Behavior andTsunami, Penilaian Tindakbalas Struktur, Penilaian Vulnerability Assessment, Code of Practice and PublicTahap Ketahanan, Kod Amalan dan Kesedaran Awam. Awareness.Akademi juga telah mengambil inisiatif menyediakan The Academy has also taken the initiative to preparelaporan untuk perhatian umum seperti isu GMO, reports on public concerns such Genetically Modifiedkesan kepupusan hutan terhadap kesihatan dan Organisms (GMOs), impact of deforestation on ruralBioteknologi. Berperanan sebagai penasihat kepada health and Biotechnology. Given our advisory role toKerajaan, Akademi haruslah memastikan bahawa the Government, the Academy has to ensure that theselaporan ini menunjukkan pendekatan strategik yang reports chart the strategic direction that the nationmembolehkan negara menyelesaikan permasalahan should take to resolve the problems and concerns thatyang dikenalpasti. we have identified.Salah satu fungsi utama Akademi adalah untuk One of the major functions of the Academy is to identifymengenalpasti teknologi yang membolehkan negara technologies that will allow the nation to leap-frog.untuk melangkah lebih jauh. Nanoteknologi semakin Nanotechnology is being increasingly touted as adikenali sebagai penjana kepada pertumbuhan new engine for world economic growth. Not to missekonomi. Dengan mengambil kira potensi bidang ini, out on the opportunities that this sector may openAkademi telah menyediakan satu rumusan Inisiatif up, the Academy has prepared a brief on the NationalNanoteknologi Kebangsaan. Adalah diharapkan Nanotechnology Initiative which is expected to be In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 7

Laporan Presiden President’s Reportmelalui inisiatif ini, negara boleh meningkatkan tahap further firmed up drawing on the knowledge andpengetahuan dalam bidang ini dengan mempelajari experiences of other countries in this far reachingdaripada pengetahuan dan pengalaman negara- field.negara maju. Under the thrust of the National Nobel LaureateDi bawah teras Program Nobel Laureate Kebangsaan, Programme, the Academy organised several eventsAkademi telah mengendalikan beberapa aktiviti ke towards science excellence. One of its major activitiesarah kecemerlangan sains. Salah satu aktiviti utama di under this Programme is the National Nobel Laureatebawah program ini adalah Program Jangkauan Luar Outreach Programme for secondary science studentsNobel Kebangsaan untuk pelajar sekolah menengah to enhance their scientific research skills and motivateuntuk mengukuhkan kemahiran penyelidikan saintifik them to pursue a career in science. One state levelsdan memberi motivasi kepada mereka untuk membina programmes were held this year besides a nationalkerjaya dalam bidang sains. Satu program peringkat level programme for MARA Junior College Students.negeri telah diadakan, di samping program peringkat The Academy, as one the international partners of thekebangsaan untuk pelajar-pelajar Maktab Rendah Lindau Council, again facilitated the participation ofSains MARA. Akademi, sebagai ahli antarabangsa three young scientists from the Chemistry disciplineMajlis Lindau, sekali lagi mengelolakan penyertaan at the Annual Meeting of the Nobel Prize Winners intiga saintis muda dalam bidang Kimia pada Mesyuarat Lindau. Participation in this prestigious meeting shouldTahunan Pemenang Anugerah Nobel di Lindau, pave the way for Malaysian researchers to achieveJerman. Penyertaan dalam mesyuarat yang berprestij excellence in science as well as gain internationalini membuka laluan kepada saintis Malaysia untuk recognition. Under this programme too, the Academymencapai kecemerlangan dalam sains dan juga invited Nobel Laureate Professor CN Yang, winner ofmendapat pengiktirafan antarabangsa. Di bawah Nobel Prize in Physics in 1957, to give a Public Lectureprogram ini juga, Akademi telah menjemput Nobel and Scientific Oration.Laureate Professor CN Yang, pemenang AnugerahNobel dalam Fizik, 1957 untuk memberi Syarahan In a move to support excellent scientists with a provenUmum dan Saintifik. track record in identified priority areas of fundamental sciences, research funding has been initiated under theDalam usaha untuk membantu saintis yang mempunyai Scientific Advancement Fund Allocation (SAGA). Therekod cemerlang dalam bidang sains asas, satu dana aim of such an allocation is to allow these scientists topenyelidikan yang dikenali sebagai SAGA telah move to the next level of achievement including gainingdiwujudkan. Tujuan dana tersebut adalah untuk international recognition for knowledge generationmembolehkan saintis ini maju setapak ke hadapan and new discoveries. Currently 91 projects amountingdan mendapat pengiktirafan antarabangsa atas usaha- to about RM 19.4 million are being funded with SAGAusaha menjana pengetahuan dan penemuan baru. funds. All first and second round SAGA projects arePada ketika ini,91 projek sedang dibiayai di bawah dana expected to be completed by the end of 2007.SAGA yang berjumlah RM 19.4 juta.Semua projek SAGAdi bawah pusingan pertama dan kedua, dijangka akan Increasing complexity in Science and Technology callsdisiapkan pada akhir tahun 2007. for the nation to develop a more focused research agenda with emphasis on excellence. This year, thePerkembangan Sains dan Teknologi yang semakin Mahathir Science Award, Malaysia’s most prestigiouskomplek, mendorong negara untuk memberikan scientific excellence award for tropical research, wastumpuan kepada agenda penyelidikan berfokuskankecemerlangan. Tahun ini, Mahathir Science Award,yang merupakan anugerah kecemerlangan sains8

Laporan Presiden President’s Reportyang paling berprestij di Malaysia dalam bidang won by the Faculty of Medicine, University of Malayapenyelidikan tropika, telah dimenangi oleh Fakulti for their outstanding contribution to the understandingPerubatan Universiti Malaya. Anugerah ini diberikan and treatment of the Nipah Encephalitis. It is importantdi atas sumbangan mereka dalam menjalankan that the excellence that this Award signifies is sustainedpenyelidikan dan rawatan mengenai virus Nipah for international recognition. Scientific excellence alsoEncephalitis. Adalah penting taraf kecemerlangan calls for innovation and creativity among our top notchanugerah ini dikekalkan bagi memastikan ia terus researchers and talents. To invigorate the nationalmendapat pengiktirafan antarabangsa.Untuk memacu Innovation Agenda towards developing intellectualagenda inovasi negara ke arah membangunkan modal capital to propel the economy forward, this year theintelektual bagi membangunkan ekonomi,pada tahun Academy was entrusted with organising a Nationalini Akademi diberi kepercayaan untuk mengendalikan Innovation Award for our outstanding innovatorsAnugerah Inovasi Negara. Anugerah ini adalah untuk and researchers and to draw on these ideas for expertmengiktiraf penyelidik dan pereka-cipta yang telah evaluation for possible commercialisation. This yearberjaya menghasikan produk atau perkhidmatan yang the Award was won by Professor Dr Asma Ismail FAScmempunyai potensi untuk dipasarkan. Pada tahun a Fellow of the Academy in the Products Category, byini, Kategori Produk dimenangi oleh Prof Dr Asma Department of Drainage and Irrigation for the ServicesIsmail FASc yang merupakan Felo Akademi, Kategori Department Category, Mr Syed Ahmad Tun Dr SyedPerkhidmatan dimenangi oleh Jabatan Pengairan Nasir for the Grass Root Category and Kolej Tunkudan Saliran Negeri Pulau Pinang, Kategori Akar Umbi Kurshiah, Negeri Sembilan for the School Category.dimenangi oleh En Syed Ahmad Tun Dr Syed Nasir danKategori Sekolah dimenangi oleh Kolej Tunku Kurshiah, Our Science Awareness activities have seen furtherNegeri Sembilan. refining in strategies and approaches. The Public, Sterling and Inaugural lectures constitute a steadyProgram Kesedaran Sains telah memperlihatkan banyak component of our efforts towards strengtheningpembaharuan dari segi strategi dan pendekatan. sharing of experiences and building on linkages bySiri Syarahan Umum, Sterling dan Syarahan Perdana our scientific community. But to inculcate a culturemelambangkan usaha kita untuk berkongsi pengalaman of scientific inquiry among the young, our ongoingdan menjalinkan hubungan dengan komuniti saintifik. projects are the National Science Challenge, theDalam pada itu, bagi menjana budaya saintifik di Dumex National Science Championship and thekalangan generasi muda, National Science Challenge, ASM-MOE-INTEL Science Programme. These projectsDumex National Science Championship dan Program have been well received by the schools and haveSains ASM-MOE-INTEL, merupakan program yang emerged as premier annual events. The Academy ondianjurkan oleh Akademi. Program tersebut telah its part will continue to work on the format in line withmendapat sambutan baik daripada sekolah dan international developments in Science and Technologytelah dinobatkan sebagai aktiviti tahunan. Akademi and our educational aspirations.akan sentiasa menaiktarafkan program ini demipembangunan Sains dan Teknologi serta aspirasi The Academy has also been given funds to consolidatependidikan kita. S&T linkages with OIC and other countries. For the first time, a Science and Technology Management CourseAkademi juga diberi peruntukan untuk was organized for Researchers in OIC countries. Thememperkukuhkan hubungan dengan negara OIC dan Training Course, a follow up to the Kuala Lumpurjuga negara-negara lain. Buat pertama kalinya, Kursus Declaration on Science and Technology for Socio-Pengurusan Sains dan Teknologi telah dikendalikanuntuk penyelidik dari negara OIC. Kursus Latihan iniadalah hasil daripada Kuala Lumpur Declaration on In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 9

Laporan Presiden President’s ReportSience and Technology for Socio-Economic Wellbeing EconomicWell-Being of the Ummah, aimed at providingof the Ummah, bertujuan untuk menjana budaya a creative and innovative organisation culture in S&Tinovasi dan kreativiti Sains dan Teknologi serta as well as the opportunity to network with researchmemberi peluang untuk berhubung dengan institusi institutions in Malaysia.penyelidikan di Malaysia. Meanwhile, we have continued to consolidate ourSelain itu, Akademi juga terus memperkukuhkan linkages with international research institutionshubungan kerjasama dengan institusi penyelidikan and our sister academies. We participated in severaldan Akademi Sains Lain di dunia. Akademi menyertai international meetings and the Academy has beenbeberapa mesyuarat antarabangsa dan diberi peluang given the opportunity to participate in some projects.untuk menyertai beberapa projek. Ini merupakan satu This is a significant development for the Academy.pencapaian yang membanggakan. The Malaysian Antarctica Research Programme (MARP)Program Penyelidikan Antartika Malaysia (MARP) telah has seen further consolidation and progress with thememperlihatkan pengukuhan yang lebih positif dengan admission of new research projects. The total numberwujudnya projek baru.Jumlah projek untuk tahun 2006 of projects for 2006 now stands at 10 biological sciencesadalah 10 projek sains biologi dan 7 projek sains fizik. and 7 for physical sciences. Human resource capacityDengan penganugerahan PhD kepada dua penyelidik was enhanced with the graduation of 2 PhD candidatesdan penaiktarafan dua program MSc kepada program and the upgrading of 2 MSc to PhD programmes.PhD telah memperkukuhkan sumber tenaga manusia. The MARP research programme currently has 8 PhDPada masa ini,program penyelidikan MARP mempunyai candidates, 21 MSc and 7 undergraduates working8 calon PhD, 21 calon MSc dan 7 calon peringkat ijazah on various fields of scientific research in Antarctica.yang bekerja dalam pelbagai bidang penyelidikan Among the major outcomes of the research projectssaintifik di Antartika. Antara hasil utama projek include increased exposure, greater involvementpenyelidikan termasuklah peningkatkan jumlah saintis in Earth System Research efforts, and scientificyang didedahkan dengan penyelidikan antarabangsa, contribution to global issues such as Climate Changepenglibatan yang lebih meluas dalam Penyelidikan and Environmental Conservation. Through MARP,Sistem Bumi Antarabangsa dan sumbangan saintifik di Malaysia will continue to promote Antarctica as adalam isu global seperti Perubahan Cuaca dan Koservasi common heritage for all mankind in the UN and otherAlam Sekitar. MARP Malaysia akan terus mempromosi international fora.Antartika sebagai warisan manusia sejagat di dalamPertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu dan di platform Over the five-year period of the 9MP, the Academyantarabangsa yang lain. has been given funding to initiate a publications programme including a journal. The first issue ofSepanjang tempoh masa lima tahun RMK9, Akademi our journal, ASM Science Journal, is scheduled fortelah diberikan peruntukan untuk memulakan publication in June 2007 while several manuscriptsprogram penerbitan termasuk jurnal. Judul pertama have been received for consideration of publication.jurnal adalah ASM Science Journal, yang mana ia Meanwhile publications such as the Estidotmy, targeteddijadualkan akan diterbitkan pada bulan Jun 2007. at inculcation greater science awareness among ourBeberapa buah manuskrip telah diterima dan sedang young has been regularly published.dalam pertimbangan untuk diterbitkan. Sementaraitu, penerbitan Estidotmy yang mensasarkan untukmemberi kesedaran berkenaan sains kepada generasimuda diterbitkan setiap bulan.10

Laporan Presiden President’s ReportKita telah melepasi sedekad sejak Akademi ditubuhkan. We are at the cross-roads. A little over a decade hasSains dan Teknologi telah semakin berkembang pesat passed since our establishment. Our role and functiondan menjadi begitu kompleks, walau bagaimanapun, to provide advice to the Government on Science andAkademi tetap memainkan peranannya sebagai Technology uptake for the nation has not changedPenasihat kepada Kerajaan mengenai isu-isu Sains dan but Science and Technology have grown increasinglyTeknologi.Bagaimana kita menghadapi fenomena baru complex. How do we cope with this new phenomenonyang kompleks dan mempamerkan kepimpinan yang of complexity and display a more focused andlebih fokus dan strategik bagi memastikan mandat strategic leadership to ensure effective translationkerajaan dapat dilaksanakan dengan efektif. Jelas of the Government mandate. Clearly, we need asekali, kita memerlukan satu rancangan yang dapat strategic plan, a plan that identifies a set of goals andmengenalpasti matlamat, objektif dan mengubal objectives and formulates key strategies essential tostrategi utama untuk menentukan kejayaannya. its success. As part of the Strategic Planning process,Sebagai sebahagian daripada proses Rancangan the Academy organized a Special Forum to firm upStrategik, Akademi telah mengendalikan Forum Khas our model of operations: whether we should be anuntuk membincangkan pelan strategik Akademi,sama advisor, a promoter, a doer or hybrid. We are finalisingada kita patut menjadi penasihat,penggalak,pelaksana the Academy’s Strategic Plan and what is clear to meatau pun hibrid. Apa yang pasti ialah, Akademi perlu is that the Academy must continue to perform theterus memainkan peranan sebagai peneraju idea role of a thought provider to the nation’s Science anddalam menangani isu-isu kritikal pembangunan dan Technology agenda in this increasingly critical stage ofkemajuan kebangsaan di dalam agenda sains dan our growth and development.teknologi negara. I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepSaya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk merakam gratitude to the Government of Malaysia, particularlysetinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada Kerajaan Malaysia, the Honorable Minister of Science, Technology andterutama Yang Berhormat Menteri Sains,Teknologi dan Innovation for chanelling funds and projects to theInovasi yang telah memberi peruntukan dan projek Academy. We certainly appreciate his confidencekepada Akademi.Kami sangat menghargai kepercayaan in the Academy to undertake these projects andbeliau terhadap Akademi untuk mengendalikan bring it successful fruition. I would like to thank theprojek dengan jayanya. Saya juga ingin merakamkan Academicians, Fellows and the scientific communitypenghargaan dan ucapan terima kasih kepada Felo for making available their time and effort to the causeKanan, Felo dan komuniti saintifik yang memberi of the Academy. Finally, a very sincere thank you to thekerjasama, meluangkan masa dan tenaga untuk staff for their dedication, commitment and diligence inAkademi. Akhir sekali, terima kasih kepada semua carrying out their tasks. My appreciation also goes outkakitangan atas dedikasi, komitmen dan ketekunan to all the ‘Friends’ of the Academy.yang diberikan dalam menjalankan tugas.Penghargaanjuga diberikan kepada semua rakan-rakan kerjaAkademi.Tan Sri Datuk Ahmad Zaharudin Idrus FAScPresident, Academy of Sciences Malaysia In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 11

Fungsi ASM Functions of ASMMenggalakkan dan merangsang pembangunan To promote and foster the development of science,sains, kejuruteraan dan teknologi engineering and technologyMengadakan forum pertukaran pendapat di kalangan To provide a forum for the inter-change of ideasahli sains, jurutera dan ahli teknologi among scientists, engineers and technologistsMenggalakkan kesedaran, pemahaman dan To promote national awareness, understanding andpenghargaan akan negara peranan sains, kejuruteraan appreciation of the role of science, engineering anddan teknologi dalam kemajuan manusia technology in human progressMenggalakkan daya reka-ciptaan di kalangan ahli sains, To promote creativity among scientists, engineers andjurutera dan ahli teknologi technologistsMenggalakkan sifat berdikari negara dalam bidang To promote national self-reliance in the fields ofsains, kejuruteraan dan teknologi science, engineering and technologyBertindak sebagai forum bagi mengekalkan To act as a forum for maintaining awareness on thekesedaran di pihak Kerajaan akan pentingnya part of the Government of the significance of theperanan sains, kejuruteraan dan teknologi dalam role of science, engineering and technology in theproses pembangunan negara dan membawa kepada development process of the nation and for bringingperhatian ahli sains, jurutera dan ahli teknologi akan national development needs to the attention ofkeperluan pembangunan negara scientists, engineers and technologistsMenganalisa masalah-masalah tertentu negara To analyse particular national problems and identifydan mengenalpasti di mana sains, kejuruteraan where science, engineering and technology candan teknologi dapat memberi sumbangan kepada contribute to their solution and accordingly to makepenyelesaian masalah dengan membuat syor-syor recommendations to the Governmentkepada Kerajaan12

Fungsi ASM Functions of ASMSentiasa mengambil perhatian tentang perkembangan To keep in touch with developments in science,sains, kejuruteraan dan teknologi serta mengenalpasti engineering and technology and identify thoseperkembangan yang relevan dengan keperluan negara developments which are relevant to national needsdan membawa kepada perhatian Kerajaan akan and to bring such developments to the attention ofperkembangannya the GovernmentMenyediakan laporan, kertas-kerja atau dokumen lain To prepare reports,papers or other documents relatingberhubungan dengan dasar sains, kejuruteraan dan to the national science, engineering and technologyteknologi negara dan membuat syor-syor yang perlu policy and make the necessary recommendations tokepada Kerajaan the GovernmentMendayausahakan dan membiayai kajian pelbagai To initiate and sponsor multi-disciplinary studiesdisiplin yang berkaitan serta keperluan pemahaman related to and necessary for the better understandingyang lebih mendalam tentang implikasi sosial dan of the social and economic implications of science,ekonomi yang terbit dari sains, kejuruteraan dan engineering and technologyteknologiMenggalakkan penyelidikan dan pembangunan To encourage research and development anddan pendidikan serta latihan untuk tenaga manusia education and training of human resource in theyang sesuai dalam bidang saintifik, kejuruteraan dan appropriate scientific,engineering and technicalteknologi fieldsMengadakan dan mengekalkan hubungan antara To establish and maintain relations between theAkademi dan badan-badan luar negeri yang Academy and overseas bodies having the same ormempunyai objektif yang hampir serupa dengan almost similar objectives in science, engineering andobjektif Akademi technology as the AcademyMelakukan apa-apa perkara lain dalam bidang sains, To advise on matters related to science, engineeringkejuruteraan dan teknologi sebagaimana yang diminta and technology as may be requested by theoleh Kerajaan dari semasa ke semasa Government from time to timeMelakukan apa-apa tindakan lain yang konsisten To do such other acts which are consistent with 1994dengan Akta Akademi Sains 1994 sebagaimana yang Academy of Sciences Act as may be required in orderdikehendaki untuk meningkatkan kemajuan sains, to further the advancement of science, engineeringkejuruteraan dan teknologi di Malaysia dan kebajikan and technology in Malaysia and the welfare and statusserta taraf Akademi of the Academy In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 13

Felo Kehormat Honorary Fellow YAB Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi Perdana Menteri Malaysia Prime Minister of Malaysia14

Felo Kehormat Honorary Fellow Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad Bekas Perdana Menteri Malaysia Former Prime Minister of Malaysia In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 15

Felo Kanan Senior Fellows Academician Datuk Dr M Jegathesan FASc Felo Kanan Baru dilantik pada 2006 New Senior Fellow appointed in 2006 1 Academician Tan Sri Datuk Science & Technology Senior Fellow 1999 Dr Hj Omar Abdul Rahman FASc Development and Industry Senior Fellow 1999 2 Academician Dato’ Ir Lee Yee Cheong FASc Engineering Sciences Senior Fellow 1999 3 Academician Tan Sri Datuk Chemical Sciences Senior Fellow 1999 Dr Augustine S H Ong FASc Senior Fellow 2000 Senior Fellow 2001 4 Academician Dr M K Rajakumar FASc Medical Sciences Senior Fellow 2002 5 Academician Tan Sri Dr B C Sekhar FASc Chemical Sciences Senior Fellow 2002 6 Academician Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Mohd Rashdan Science & Technology Senior Fellow 2003 Hj Baba FASc Development and Industry Senior Fellow 2004 Senior Fellow 2005 7 Academician Dr Yong Hoi Sen FASc Biological Sciences Senior Fellow 2006 8 Academician Tan Sri Dato’ Ir Shamsuddin Information Technology Abdul Kadir FASc 9 Academician Tan Sri J G Daniel FASc Engineering Sciences 10 Academician Dato’ Seri Dr Salleh Mohd Nor FASc Biological Sciences 11 Academician Professor Dr Looi Lai Meng FASc Medical Sciences 12 Academician Datuk Dr M Jegathesan FASc Medical Sciences16

Felo Baru New Fellows12 3 4567 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 Professor Dato’ Dr Sharifah Hapsah Syed Hasan Shahabudin FASc 2 Datuk Professor Ir Dr Mohd Zulkifli Tan Sri Mohd Ghazali FASc 3 Professor Datuk Dr A Hamid A Hadi FASc 4 Datuk Dr Soon Ting Kueh FASc5 Professor Dr Ibrahim Abdullah FASc 6 Professor Dr Mohd Ismail Noor FASc 7 Professor Dr Tan Hong Siang FASc 8 Professor Dr Ow Chee Sheng FASc 9 Dr C Devendra FASc 10 Dr Soh Aik Chin FASc 11 Professor Dr Muhammad Yahaya FASc 12 Professor Dr Lim Ming Huat FASc 13 Dr Choo Yuen May FASc 14 Datuk Dr Mohd Basri Wahid FASc In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 17

Senarai Felo List of FellowsSAINS PERUBATAN MEDICAL SCIENCES1 Academician Dr M K Rajakumar FASc2 Academician Datuk Dr M Jegathesan FASc3 Academician Professor Dr Looi Lai Meng FASc4 Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr Hj Abdul Majid Ismail FASc5 Professor Dr Mak Joon Wah FASc6 Dato’ Dr Lim Kee Jin FASc7 Datuk Dr Hussein Awang FASc8 Emeritus Professor Dato’ Dr Khalid Abdul Kadir FASc9 Datuk Dr G Sreenevasan FASc10 Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Yahya Awang FASc11 Datuk Dr Keshmahinder Singh FASc12 Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Abu Bakar Dato’ Suleiman FASc13 Emeritus Professor Dato’ Dr Lam Sai Kit FASc14 Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Hj Musa Mohamad FASc15 Dato’ Paduka Dr Mustaffa Embong FASc16 Professor Puan Sri Datin Dr Nafisah Hj Nik Mohd Adeeb FASc17 Cmdr Professor Dato’ Dr Hashim Yaacob FASc18 Professor Dr Yap Sook Fan FASc19 Professor Dr Cheong Soon-Keng FASc20 Professor Dato’ Dr Khairul Anuar Abdullah FASc21 Professor Dato’ Dr C P Ramachandran FASc22 Professor Dr Asma Ismail FASc23 Professor Dato’ Dr Anuar Zaini Md Zain FASc24 Professor Dr Victor Lim Kok Eow @ Azman Lim FASc25 Professor Dato’ Dr Khalid Yusoff FASc26 Professor Dato’ Dr Sharifah Hapsah Syed Hasan Shahabudin FASc27 Professor Dr Mohd Ismail Noor FASc18

Senarai Felo List of FellowsSAINS KEJURUTERAAN ENGINEERING SCIENCES1 Academician Dato’ Ir Lee Yee Cheong FASc2 Academician Tan Sri Ir J G Daniel FASc3 Tan Sri Dato’ Ir Abu Zarim Hj Omar FASc4 Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Ir Shahrizaila Abdullah FASc5 Dato’ Dr Muhammad Ridzuan Salleh FASc6 Tan Sri Dato’ Ir Muhammad Yusoff Muhammad Yunus FASc7 Encik Hijjas Kasturi FASc8 Datuk Ir Ahmad Zaidee Laidin FASc9 Dato’ Dr Mohd Ariffin Aton FASc10 Ir Dr Ting Wen Hui FASc11 Ir Hong Lee Pee FASc12 Dato’ Dr Abu Bakar Jaafar FASc13 Professor Dato’Wira Ir Dr Mohammad Noor Salleh FASc14 Professor Ir Abang Abdullah Abang Ali FASc15 Professor Dato’ Ir Dr Sahol Hamid Abu Bakar FASc16 Professor Dr Mohd Ali Hashim FASc17 Dr Ma Ah Ngan FASc18 Professor Dato’ Dr Goh Sing Yau FASc19 YB Dato’ Sri Dr Jamaludin Mohd Jarjis FASc20 Professor Ir Dr Radin Umar Radin Sohadi FASc21 Professor Datuk Ir Dr Mohd Zulkifli Tan Sri Mohd Ghazali FASc22 Professor Dr Tan Hong Siang FASc23 Professor Dato’ Dr Ow Chee Sheng FASc In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 19

Senarai Felo List of FellowsSAINS BIOLOGI BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES1 Academician Dr Yong Hoi Sen FASc2 Academician Dato’ Seri Dr Salleh Mohd Nor FASc3 Emeritus Professor Dr Abdul Latif Ibrahim FASc4 Emeritus Professor Dato’ Dr Ahmad Nawawi Hj Ayob FASc5 Tan Sri Datuk Dr Ahmad Zaharudin Idrus FASc6 Emeritus Professor Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Syed Jalaluddin Syed Salim FASc7 Professor Dato’ Dr Zakri Abdul Hamid FASc8 Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Ahmad Mustaffa Babjee FASc9 Emeritus Professor Dr Chin Hoong Fong FASc10 Dr Francis S P Ng FASc11 Professor Dr Mak Chai @ Mak Lian Fong FASc12 Professor Dr Ho Yin Wan FASc13 Associate Professor Dr Koh Chong Lek FASc14 Emeritus Professor Dr Mohd Nordin Hj Hasan FASc15 Dr Rajanaidu Nookiah FASc16 Professor Dato’ Dr Sheikh Omar Abdul Rahman FASc17 Professor Dr Muhamad Awang FASc18 Emeritus Professor Dato’ Dr Mohamed Mahyuddin Mohd Dahan FASc19 Dato’ Dr Yeang Hoong Yeet FASc20 Professor Dato’ Dr Abdul Latiff Mohamad FASc21 Professor Dr Ghazally Ismail FASc22 Professor Dr Mohamed Abdul Majid FASc23 Professor Dr Helen Nair FASc24 Dr Soh Aik Chin FASc25 Dr C Devendra FASc20

Senarai Felo List of FellowsMATEMATIK DAN SAINS FIZIKAL MATHEMATICAL AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES1 Dato’ Dr Chatar Singh FASc2 Tan Sri Datuk Dr Ahmad Tajuddin Ali FASc3 Emeritus Professor Dato’ Dr Sham Sani FASc4 Professor Datuk Dr R Ratnalingam FASc5 Datuk Fateh Chand FASc6 Dr Shaharir Mohamad Zain FASc7 Senior Professor Dr Chia Swee Ping FASc8 Dr Fon Wai Chu FASc9 Professor Dato’ Dr Hassan Said FASc10 Professor Dato’ Ir Dr Chuah Hean Teik FASc11 Professor Dato’ Dr Ibrahim Komoo FASc12 Professor Dr Bahrom Sanugi FASc13 Professor Dr Harith Ahmad FASc14 Professor Dr Kurunathan Ratnavelu FASc15 Professor Dr Tou Teck Yong FASc16 Professor Dr Muhammad Yahaya FASc17 Professor Dr Lim Ming Huat FASc In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 21

Senarai Felo List of FellowsSAINS KIMIA CHEMICAL SCIENCES1 Academician Tan Sri Datuk Dr Augustine Ong Soon Hock FASc2 Dr Hj Badri Muhamad FASc3 Professor Dato’ Dr V G Kumar Das FASc4 Emeritus Professor Dr Ng Soon FASc5 Dr Ho Chee Cheong FASc6 Datuk Dr Mohinder Singh Sucha Singh FASc7 Dr Goh Swee Hock FASc8 Professor Dr Halimaton Hamdan FASc9 Professor Dato’ Dr Md Ikram Mohd Said FASc10 Dr Lee Chnoong Kheng FASc11 Professor Datuk Dr Sukiman Sarmani FASc12 Dr Choo Yuen May FASc13 Professor Dr Ibrahim Abdullah FASc14 Professor Datuk Dr A Hamid A Hadi FAScTEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY1 Academician Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Ir Shamsuddin Abdul Kadir FASc2 YM Tengku Datuk Dr Mohd Azzman Shariffadeen Tengku Ibrahim FASc3 Dato’ Ir Dr Mohd Zawawi Ismail FASc4 Emeritus Professor Dato’ Dr Tan Wang Seng FASc5 Datuk Dr Mohamed Ariff Nun FASc6 Dr Mohamad Awang Lah FASc7 Dr Mohamad Zahran Dato’ Sheikh Abdul Halim FASc8 Dr Zaharin Yusoff FASc9 Dato’ Professor Dr Ir Zainul Abidin Md Shariff FASc10 Professor Dato’ Dr Ir Mashkuri Hj Yaacob FASc22

Senarai Felo List of FellowsPEMBANGUNAN SAINS & TEKNOLOGI DAN INDUSTRISCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRY1 Academician Tan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul Rahman FASc2 Academician Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Mohd Rashdan Haji Baba FASc3 Tan Sri Dato’ Hj Ani Arope FASc4 Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Mohamed Yusof Hashim FASc5 Tan Sri Dato’ Ir Wan A Rahman Yaacob FASc6 Datuk Dr Abdul Aziz Sheikh Abdul Kadir FASc7 Datuk Yong Poh Kon FASc8 T Ananda Krishnan FASc9 Tan Sri Datuk Dr Yusuf Basiron FASc10 Datuk Alladin Hashim FASc11 Professor Datuk Dr Mazlan Othman FASc12 Tuan Hj Ir Mohamed Zohari Mohamed Shaharun FASc13 Datuk Dr Saharan Hj Anang FASc14 Dato’ Dr Ong Eng Long FASc15 Professor Dr Jalani Sukaimi FASc16 Professor Dr Khalijah Mohd Salleh FASc17 Dr Chan Kook Weng FASc18 Dato’ Dr Abdul Razak Mohd Ali FASc19 Dato’ Ir Lai Pin Yong FASc20 Datuk Dr Soon Ting Kueh FASc21 Datuk Dr Mohd Basri Wahid FASc In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 23

Ahli Majlis Council Members Presiden: President: Tan Sri Datuk Dr Ahmad Zaharudin Idrus FASc Naib Presiden: Vice-President: Academician Dato’ Sri Dr Salleh Mohd Nor FASc Setiausaha Agong: Secretary General: Professor Datuk Dr Mazlan Othman FASc Bendahari Kehormat Honorary Treasurer: Datuk Ir Ahmad Zaidee Laidin FASc Ahli Majlis Council Members: Academician Dr Yong Hoi Sen FASc Academician Tan Sri Datuk Dr Augustine SH Ong FASc Academician Professor Dr Looi Lai Meng FASc Academician Datuk Dr M Jegathesan FASc Datuk Dr Abdul Aziz Sheikh Abdul Kadir FASc Dato’ Dr Ong Eng Long FASc Tan Sri Dato’ Ir Shahrizaila Abdullah FASc Datuk Fateh Chand FASc Dato’ Dr Mohamad Zawawi Ismail FASc (Resigned on 28 July 2006; replaced by Dr Chan Kook Weng on 29 July 2006 ) Dr Ho Chee Cheong FASc Professor Muhammad Awang FASc Professor Dato’ Dr Md Ikram Mohd Said FASc24

Ahli Majlis Council MembersBagi tahun berakhir pada 31 Disember 2006, Majlis For the year ending 31 December 2006, the Counciltelah bermesyuarat enam (6) kali seperti berikut: met six (6) times as follows:• Mesyuarat Majlis ke-65: Sabtu, 25 Februari 2006 • 65th Council Meeting: Saturday, 25 February 2006• Mesyuarat Majlis ke-66: Sabtu, 25 Mac 2006 • 66th Council Meeting: Saturday, 25 March 2006• Mesyuarat Majlis ke-67: Sabtu, 27 Mei 2006 • 67th Council Meeting: Saturday, 27 May 2006• Mesyuarat Majlis ke-68: Jumaat, 28 Julai 2006 • 68th Council Meeting: Friday, 28 July 2006• Mesyuarat Majlis ke-69: Jumaat, 29 September 2006 • 69th Council Meeting: Friday, 29 September 2006• Mesyuarat Majlis ke-70: Jumaat, 11 Disember 2006 • 70th Council Meeting: Friday, 11 December 2006Pada mesyuarat ini, Majlis antara lain, telah At these meetings, the Council deliberated on themembincangkan isu-isu berikut: following issues:• Penilaian Semula Belanjawan 2005 dan • 2005 Budget Review and 2006 Budget Belanjawan 2006 • Projects under the Eight Malaysia Plan and• Projek-projek di bawah Rancangan Malaysia Ninth Malaysia Plan Kelapan dan Rancangan Malaysia Kesembilan - Advice to Government Programmes - Program Nasihat kepada Kerajaan - Achieving Excellence in STI Programmes - Program Mencapai Kecemerlangan - Science Awareness Programmes dalam STI - International Programmes - Program Kesedaran Sains - Publication - Program Antarabangsa - Penerbitan • ASM Programmes and Activities• Program dan Aktiviti ASM 11th Annual General Meeting - Saturday; 29 April 2006Mesyuarat Agung ke-11 - Sabtu; 29 April 2006 In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 25

Mesyuarat Agong Tahunan Kesebelas 11th Annual General MeetingAkademi Sains Malaysia telah mengadakan Mesyuarat The Academy of Sciences Malaysia held its 11th AnnualAgung Tahunan Kesebelas pada 29 April 2006 di Bilik General Meeting on 29 April 2006 at Seminar Hall,Seminar, Akademi Sains Malaysia dan dipengerusikan Academy of Sciences Malaysia with the President, Tanoleh Presiden,Tan Sri Datuk Dr Ahmad Zaharudin Idrus Sri Datuk Dr Ahmad Zaharudin Idrus FASc in the Chair.FASc. Lima puluh tiga Felo menghadiri Mesyuarat Fifty three Fellows of the Academy attended the AGM.Agung tersebut. Presiden Akademi menyampaikan The President of the Academy presented his welcomeucapan alu-aluan dan berterima kasih atas sokongan address and thanked members for their support.yang diberikan. The Chairman announced that Nobel LaureatePengerusi mengumumkan Nobel Laureate Profesor Professor Dr Ahmed H Zewail was to be conferredDr Ahmed H Zewail sebagai Felo Kehormat Akademi Honorary Fellowship of the Academy of SciencesSains Malaysia. Malaysia.Mesyuarat membincangkan dan meluluskan perkara- The meeting discussed and approved the following:perkara berikut: • 2005 Annual Report and Statement of Accounts• Laporan Tahunan 2005 dan Penyata Kewangan ending 31 December 2005. berakhir 31 Disember 2005. • Election of fourteen new Fellows of the Academy• Pemilihan empat belas orang Felo baru Akademi of Sciences Malaysia as follows: Sains Malaysia seperti berikut: • Professor Dato’ Dr Sharifah Hapsah Syed Hassan Shahabudin – Sains Perubatan / Medical Sciences • Professor Dr Mohd Ismail Mohd Noor – Sains Perubatan / Medical Sciences • Professor Datuk Ir Dr Mohd Zulkifli b Tan Sri Mohd Ghazali – Sains Kejuruteraan / Engineering Sciences • Professor Tan Hong Siang – Sains Kejuruteraan / Engineering Sciences • Professor Ow Chee Sheng – Sains Kejuruteraan / Engineering Sciences • Dr Soh Aik Chin – Sains Biologi / Biological Sciences • Dr C Devendra – Sains Biologi / Biological Sciences • Professor Dr Muhammad Yahaya – Sains Matematik dan Fizik / Mathematical and Physical Sciences • Professor Lim Ming Huat - Sains Matematik dan Fizik / Mathematical and Physical Sciences • Dr Choo Yuen May – Sains Kimia / Chemical Sciences • Professor Dr Ibrahim Abdullah – Sains Kimia / Chemical Sciences • Professor Datuk Dr A Hamid A Hadi – Sains Kimia / Chemical Sciences • Datuk Dr Soon Ting Kueh – Pembangunan Sains dan Teknologi dan Industri / Science and Technology Development and Industry • Datuk Dr Mohd Basri Wahid – Pembangunan Sains dan Teknologi dan Industri / Science and Technology Development and Industry26

Mesyuarat Agong Tahunan Kesebelas 11th Annual General Meeting• Perlantikan Ahli Majlis / Appoinment of Council Members • Dr Ho Chee Cheong FASc – Ahli Majlis / Council Member • Professor Dato’ Dr Ikram Mohd Said FASc – Ahli Majlis / Council Member • Tan Sri Dato’ Ir Shahrizaila Abdullah FASc – Ahli Majlis / Council Member • Datuk Fateh Chand FASc – Ahli Majlis / Council Member • Academician Dr Yong Hoi Sen FASc – Ahli Majlis / Council Member • Professor Dr Muhammad Awang FASc – Ahli Majlis / Council MemberPengerusi memberitahu bahawa Majlis ASM bersetuju The Chairman informed the Meeting that the ASMmemilih Datuk Dr M Jegathesan FASc sebagai Felo Council had agreed to appoint Datuk Dr M JegathesanKanan baru. Perlantikan dicadangkan oleh Panel Khas FASc as the new Senior Fellow. His appointment wasyang dipengerusikan oleh Tan Sri Abdul Halim Ali. recommended by the Special Panel which was chaired by Tan Sri Abdul Halim Ali. In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 27

Jawatankuasa Kerja dan Pasukan Bertindak Working Committees and Task Force JAWATANKUASA EKSEKUTIF JAWATANKUASA KEWANGAN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE FINANCE COMMITTEE Presiden / President Pengerusi / Chairman Tan Sri Datuk Dr Ahmad Zaharudin Idrus FASc Datuk Ir Ahmad Zaidee Laidin FASc Naib Presiden / Vice President JAWATANKUASA KEAHLIAN Academician Dato’ Seri Dr Salleh Mohd Nor FASc MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE Setiausaha Agong / Secretary General Pengerusi / Chairman Prof Datuk Dr Mazlan Othman FASc Academician Dato’ Seri Dr Salleh Mohd Nor FASc Bendahari Kehormat / Honorary Treasurer JAWATANKUASA PELABURAN Dato’ Ir Ahmad Zaidee Laidin FASc INVESTMENT COMMITTEE PENGERUSI KUMPULAN DISIPLIN Pengerusi / Chairman CHAIRMAN OF DISCIPLINE GROUPS Datuk Ir Ahmad Zaidee Laidin FASc Sains Perubatan / Medical Sciences JAWATANKUASA PERJAWATAN Academician Datuk Dr M Jegathesan FASc ESTABLISHMENT COMMITTEE Sains Kejuruteraan / Engineering Sciences Pengerusi / Chairman Tan Sri Dato’ Ir Dr Shahrizaila Abdullah FASc Prof Datuk Dr Mazlan Othman FASc Sains Biologi / Biological Sciences JAWATANKUASA AUDIT Prof Dr Muhamad Awang FASc AUDIT COMMITTEE Sains Matematik & Fizik / Pengerusi / Chairman Mathematical and Physical Sciences Tan Sri Dato’ Ir Shahrizaila Abdullah FASc Datuk Fateh Chand FASc JAWATANKUASA NASIHAT KEPADA KERAJAAN Sains Kimia / Chemical Sciences ADVICE TO GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Dr Ho Chee Cheong FASc Pengerusi / Chairman Teknologi Maklumat / Tan Sri Datuk Dr Ahmad Zaharudin Idrus FASc Information Technology Dato’ Ir Dr Mohd Zawawi Ismail FASc Pasukan Bertindak Bioteknologi & Pertanian / Task Force on Biotechnology & Agriculture Pembangunan S&T dan Industri / S&T Development and Industry Pengerusi / Chairman Datuk Dr Abdul Aziz S A Kadir FASc Academician Dr Yong Hoi Sen FASc28

Jawatankuasa Kerja dan Pasukan Bertindak Working Committees and Task ForceJawatankuasa Perubahan Landskap Perhutanan: JAWATANKUASA PENDIDIKAN SAINS DANKesan terhadap Kesihatan Luar Bandar TEKNOLOGIChanging of Forest Landscape: Impact SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY EDUCATIONon Rural Health Committee COMMITTEEPengerusi / Chairman Pengerusi / ChairmanDato’ Prof C P Ramachandran FASc Prof Dr Khalijah Mohd Salleh FAScJawatankuasa ASM “Regulation of Genetically JAWATANKUASA PENYELIDIKAN SAINS ASASEngineered Organisms and Products” COMMITTEE FOR FUNDAMENTAL SCIENCERegulation of Genetically Engineered RESEARCHOrganisms and Products Committee Pengerusi / ChairmanPengerusi / Chairman Prof Datuk Dr Mazlan Othman FAScProf Dr Yap Sook Fan FASc JAWATANKUASA PENERBITANJawatankuasa Bencana Tabii PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEENatural Hazards Committee Pengerusi / ChairmanPengerusi / Chairman Prof Datuk Dr Mazlan Othman FAScProf Datuk Dr Mazlan Othman FASc JAWATANKUASA TABUNG AMANAHJAWATANKUASA HAL EHWAL ANTARABANGSA DR RANJEET BHAGWAN SINGHINTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE DR RANJEET BHAGWAN SINGH MEDICAL RESEARCH FUND COMMITTEEPengerusi / ChairmanAcademician Dato’ Sri Dr Salleh Mohd Nor FASc Pengerusi / Chairman Academician Prof Dr Looi Lai Meng FAScJAWATANKUASA CABARAN SAINS KEBANGSAAN& KEJOHANAN SAINS KEBANGSAAN DUMEX JAWATANKUASA ANUGERAH SAINS MAHATHIRNATIONAL SCIENCE CHALLENGE & THE MAHATHIR SCIENCE AWARD COMMITTEEDUMEX NATIONAL SCIENCE CHAMPIONSHIPCOMMITTEE Pengerusi / Chairman Prof Datuk Dr Mazlan Othman FAScPengerusi / ChairmanDatuk Dr Abdul Aziz S A Kadir FASc JAWATANKUASA INOVASI INNOVATION COMMITTEEJAWATANKUASA BUDAYA KECEMERLANGANCULTURE OF EXCELLENCE COMMITTEE Pengerusi / Chairman Dato’ Dr Mohd Ariffin Hj Aton FAScPengerusi / ChairmanAcademician Dato’ Seri Dr Salleh Mohd Nor FASc In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 29

Jawatankuasa Kerja dan Pasukan Bertindak Working Committees and Task Force JAWATANKUASA PEMANTAUAN PROJEK RMK9 PASUKAN BERTINDAK EKSPEDISI SAINTIFIK 9MP PROJECT MONITORING COMMITTEE TASK FORCE ON SCIENTIFIC EXPEDITION Pengerusi / Chairman Pengerusi / Chairman Prof Datuk Dr Mazlan Othman FASc Prof Dato’ Dr Ibrahim Komoo FASc JAWATANKUASA KESEDARAN DAN KEFAHAMAN PASUKAN BERTINDAK DASAR STI S&T AWAM TASK FORCE ON STI POLICY PUBLIC S&T AWARENESS AND UNDERSTANDING COMMITTEE Pengerusi / Chairman Tan Sri Datuk Dr Yusuf Basiron FASc Pengerusi / Chairman Dr Ho Chee Cheong FASc WAKIL ASM UNTUK MESYUARAT KEBANGSAAN DAN ANTARABANGSA JAWATANKUASA P&P ANTARTIKA ASM REPRESENTATIVE AT NATIONAL MALAYSIAN R&D IN ANTARCTICA COMMITTEE AND INTERNATIONAL MEETINGS Pengerusi / Chairman Federation of Asian Scientific Academies and Academician Dato’ Seri Dr Salleh Mohd Nor FASc Societies (FASAS) JAWATANKUASA PEMBANGUNAN LESTARI Presiden / President DAN BIODIVERSITI Academician Tan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul BIODIVERSITY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE Rahman FASc (Malaysia) DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Science Council of Asia (SCA) Pengerusi / Chairman Prof Dato’ Dr Ibrahim Komoo FASc Kordinator / Coordinator Prof Emeritus Dr Mohd Nordin Hassan FASc PASUKAN BERTINDAK PROGRAM AIR TASK FORCE ON WATER PROGRAM Majis Pembangunan Kemajuan Sains Negara (MPKSN) Pengerusi / Chairman National Council for Scientific Research and Tan Sri Dato’ Ir Dr Shahrizaila Abdullah FASc Development Wakil / Representative PASUKAN BERTINDAK TANAH ASM DI UPM Prof Datuk Dr Mazlan Othman FASc TASK FORCE ON ASM LAND AT UPM (Setiausaha Agung/Secretary General) Pengerusi / Chairman Inter Academy Council (IAC) Datuk Dr Abdul Aziz S A Kadir FASc Wakil / Representative Academician Dato’ Seri Dr Salleh Mohd Nor FASc PASUKAN BERTINDAK VISI 1441 (OIC) TASK FORCE ON VISION 1441 (OIC) International Council for Science (ICSU) Wakil / Representative Pengerusi / Chairman Prof Dr Muhammad Awang FASc Academician Dato’ Seri Dr Salleh Mohd Nor FASc30

Jawatankuasa Kerja dan Pasukan Bertindak Working Committees and Task ForceScience Council of Asia (SCA) Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Projek Brain GainWakil / Representative MalaysiaProf Emeritus Dr Nordin Hj Hasan FASc Project Management Committee of Brain Gain MalaysiaNetwork of Academies of Science in OIC Countries(NASIC) Pengerusi / ChairmanWakil / Representative Prof Datuk Dr Mazlan Othman FAScAcademician Dato’ Seri Dr Salleh Mohd Nor FASc Kajian Risiko Bencana dan Risiko Seismos danInter Academy Panel Water Program (IAP) Tsunami di MalaysiaWakil / Representative Seismic and Tsunami Hazard and Risk in MalaysiaTan Sri Dato’ Ir Dr Shahrizaila Abdullah FASc Pengerusi / ChairmanINTEL – ISEF Science Program Datuk Fateh Chand FAScWakil / RepresentativeDr Ho Chee Cheong FASc Program Sains untuk Angkasawan The Angkasawan Science ProgrammeInter Academy Medical Panel (IAMP)Wakil / Representative Pengerusi / ChairmanAcademician Prof Dr Looi Lai Meng FASc Prof Datuk Dr Mazlan Othman FAScPROJEK KHAS Pameran Kegemilangan Sains dalam TamadunSPECIAL PROJECT Islam: Sains Islam Mendahului Zaman Exhibition on Scientific Excellence in IslamicPenilaian dan Penarafan Penyelidikan untuk Civilisation: Islamic Science Ahead of Its TimePenyelidikan Sains yang Dibiayai KerajaanResearch Assessment and Ranking for Publicity Pengerusi / ChairmanFunded Science Research in Malaysia Prof Datuk Dr Mazlan Othman FAScPengerusi / Chairman Anugerah Inovasi NegaraProf Datuk Dr Mazlan Othman FASc National Innovation Award Pengerusi / Chairman Prof Datuk Dr Mazlan Othman FASc In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 31

Carta Organisasi ASM ASM Organisational Chart MAJLIS AKADEMI SAINS MALAYSIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES MALAYSIA COUNCIL JAWATANKUASA PASUKAN BERTINDAK KUMPULAN DISIPLIN SEKRETARIAT COMMITTEES TASK FORCE DISCIPLINE GROUPS SECRETARIAT Eksekutif Program Air Sains Perubatan Executive Water Program Medical Sciences Kewangan Bioteknologi & Pertanian Sains Kejuruteraan Finance Biotechnology & Agriculture Engineering Sciences Keahlian Tanah ASM Di UPM Sains Biologi Membership ASM Land at UPM Biological Sciences Pelaburan Visi 1441 (OIC) Sains Matematik dan Fizikal Investment Vision 1441 (OIC) Mathematical and Physical Sciences Perjawatan Ekspedisi Saintifik Sains Kimia Establishment Scientific Expedition Chemical Sciences Audit Dasar STI Teknologi Maklumat Audit STI Policy Information Technology Nasihat kepada Kerajaan Pembangunan S&T dan Industri Advice to Government S&T Development and Industry Hal Ehwal Antarabangsa International Affairs Budaya Kecemerlangan Culture of Excellence Pendidikan Sains dan Teknologi Science and Technology Education Penyelidikan Sains Asas Fundamental Science Research Penerbitan Publications Inovasi Innovation SAGA Steering Committee Jawatankuasa Pemandu SAGA Tabung Amanah Dr. Ranjeet Bhagwan Singh Dr. Ranjeet Bhagwan Singh Medical Research Fund Anugerah Sains Mahathir The Mahathir Science Award Program Penilaian Pemeringkatan Penyelidikan Research Ranking Programme Pemantauan Projek RMK9 9MP Project Monitoring Pengurusan Projek ‘Seismic Hazard and Risk Study in Malaysia’ Project Management of Seismic Hazard and Risk Study in Malaysia Cabaran Sains Kebangsaan & Kejohanan Sains Kebangsaan Dumex National Science Challenge & Dumex National Science Championship Kesedaran dan Kefahaman S&T Awam Public S&T Awareness and Understanding P&P di Antartika Malaysian R&D in Antarctica Pembangunan Lestari Sustainable Development Pengurusan Projek ‘Brain Gain’ Project Management Committee for Brain Gain Project32

Carta Organisasi Sekretariat Organisational Chart of Secretariat Majlis (Ahli Majlis) Council (Council Members) Dato’ Dr Samsudin Tugiman Pengarah Eksekutif/Executive Director Jusa C (Kontrak)NASIHAT BUDAYA KERJASAMA KESEDARAN PENTADBIRAN & KEWANGAN DANKEPADA KECEMERLANGAN ANTARABANGSA/ SAINS/ PUSAT INFORMASI DAN PENERBITAN/KERAJAAN/ SAINTIFIK/ INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE,ADVICE TO SCIENTIFIC COLLABORATION AWARENESS INFORMATION AND PUBLICATIONGOVERNMENT EXCELLENCE HAZAMI HABIB Pengurus/Manager F48 (F54) (Tetap)TENGKU SHARIZAD NITIA MOHD NASARUDDIN PUSAT KEWANGAN PENTADBIRAN DANTENGKU DAHLAN KARUNAHARAN ABD RAHMAN INFORMASI/ DAN AKAUN/ PERKHIDMATAN/Pegawai Sains Kanan/ Pegawai Sains Kanan/ Pegawai Sains Kanan/ INFORMATION FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATIONSenior Science Officer Senior Science Officer Senior Science Officer CENTRE ACCOUNT AND SERVICEC48 (Tetap) C48 (Kontrak) C48 (Kontrak) SUMANGALA ROSMANIZA ABD MEHAR BANUP LOGANATHAN SITI SARAH SHARIFFAH TALHA SEETHA RAMASAMY MOHD ZAKRY PILLAI RAHMAN JAMALUDDINProjek Ko-ordinator/ NOOR MEAH SYED HASSAN Pegawai Sains/ OMAR Pegawai Penerbitan Akauntan / Pegawai Tadbir/Project Co-ordinator Pegawai Sains/ Pegawai Sains/ Science Officer Pegawai IT/ Kanan/Senior Accountant Administrator(Kontrak) Science Officer Science Officer C41 (Kontrak) IT Officer Publication Officer W41 (Kontrak) Officer C41(Kontrak) C41(Kontrak) F41 (Kontrak) N48 (Kontrak) N41 (Kontrak)SYAMSUL AZMIR MOHD RAZMAN ISMAILHUSSEIN NUR MARINI SAARI Pegawai Sains/ NOR HAZIDAHPegawai Sains/ Pegawai Sains/ Science Officer AWANGScience Officer Science Officer C41 (Kontrak) Pegawai(Kontrak) C41(Kontrak) Penerbitan/ Publication OfficerSALWA HJ MOHAMAD N41 (Kontrak)Pegawai Sains/Science Officer NUR ADZURA SHARIF ASMAH AMAT AZANIZAR SAZARULC41 (Kontrak) Penolong Pegawai Sains/ Pembantu Tadbir/ MOHD ARIS AINI SABOT Assistant Science Officer Assistant Penolong Akauntan/ Penolong C27 (Kontrak) Administrator Assistant Accountant Pegawai Tadbir/ N22 (Tetap) W27 (Kontrak) Assistant Administrator MOHD ZAIRI N27 (Tetap) MANSOR Pembantu NOR HAYATI JOHAN CHE HAIRUL NIZAM Perpustakaan/ Pembantu Tadbir CHE HAMID Library (Kewangan)/ Pembantu Tadbir/ Assistant Assistant Administrator Assistant Administrator S17 (Tetap) (Finance) N17 (Kontrak) W17 (Kontrak) PRISCILLA ROCKE ANTHONY Penyambut Tetamu & Kerani/ Receptionist and Clerk N17 (Kontrak) RUSLI OTHMAN Pembantu Am Pejabat/ General Assistant N1 (Tetap) SHAREEZA SHAARI Pemandu Kenderaan/ Driver R3 (Tetap) In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 33

Dalam Kenangan In MemoriamDato’ Dr AcademicianIkmal Hisham AlBakri FASc Tan Sri Dr BC Sekhar FAScDato’ Ikmal Hisham AlBakri, telah meninggal dunia pada 14 Tan Sri BC Sekhar telah meninggal dunia pada 6 September 2006Januari 2006.Semasa hayatnya,allahyarham sangat aktif dalam akibat serangan jantung ketika berusia 76 tahun.Kematian beliaubidang yang diceburinya.Dato’Ikmal telah menyumbangkan amat dirasai kerana kita telah kehilangan penyelidik terkenalbanyak usaha melalui aktiviti yang berkaitan dengan kerjaya yang mempelopori penyelidikan getah, tokoh akademik ASMallahyarham. Selain daripada penglibatan secara aktif dan dan orang yang disayangi dalam keluarga beliau.berterusan dalam bidang senibina di Malaysia, allahyarhamjuga aktif dalam senibina antarabangsa. Allahyarham Tan Sri Sekhar telah melibatkan diri dalam sektor ini selamasangat komited terhadap pembangunan antarabangsa dan lebih dari 50 tahun.Mendiang telah banyak menerima anugerahglobalisasi untuk memperkenalkan perkhidmatan yang lebih sepanjang hayatnya termasuk 1973 Magsaysay Award yangbaik dalam bidang pembinaan demi kepentingan masyarakat diterima mendiang semasa memimpin RRI. Anugerah tersebutseluruh dunia. adalah kerana pencapaian yang membanggakan dalam penyelidikan getah dan kejayaan meletakkan Malaysia dalamKami dengan ini merakamkan setinggi-tinggi ucapan takziah peta dunia sebagai peneraju pengeluar getah. Mendiangkepada isteri allahyarham,Datin Valerie,dan ketiga-tiga orang adalah orang yang bertanggungjawab memperkenalkan sistemanak allahyarham di atas kehilangan Dato’ Ikmal. Semoga pengredan SMR yang diterimapakai seluruh dunia. Ini secararohnya dicucuri rahmat. Amin. tidak langsung membantu meningkatkan pendapatan dan taraf hidup pekebun kecil.Dato’ Ikmal Hisham AlBakri, passed away on 14 January2006. Whilst he was actively involved in the profession, Masyarakat Malaysia telah banyak mendapat manfaat daripadaDato’ Ikmal has also dedicated much of his efforts towards sumbangan mendiang Academician BC Sekhar.activities associated with or allied to the profession. Besideshis continuous and active involvement with the development Tan Sri Dr BC Sekhar, passed away on 6 September 2006of the architectural profession in Malaysia, he was also active following a heart attack at the age of 76. In his demise, thefor a long time in the international architectural scene. nation lost a world-renowned pioneer rubber researcher, ASMHe was committed to the international development and an academician, and to the family, a loved one.globalisation of the profession and towards promoting betterarchitectural services in the built environment for the benefit Tan Sri Sekhar devoted more than 50 years of his life to theof society at large throughout the whole world. rubber sector,earning several awards in his lifetime including the coveted 1973 Magsaysay Award. It was during Tan Sri Sekhar’sWe extend out deepest condolences to his wife,Datin Valerie, leadership that RRI chalked up several achievements especiallyand his three children and we share with them their loss. advancements in rubber research that helped place Malaysia on the world map as the foremost rubber producer. He was34 largely responsible for introducing the SMR grading system which became the accepted worldwide system of grading for natural rubber. It was this move that assisted our smallholders to increase their income and uplift their standard of living. The nation has benefited much from the legacy of Academician Tan Sri Dr BC Sekhar.

Projek di bawah NinthRancangan Malaysia Malaysia Plan Kesembilan (RMK9) Projects (9MP) In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 35

Projek di bawah Rancangan Malaysia Kesembilan (RMK9) Ninth Malaysia Plan Projects (9MP)Bagi memperkukuhkan lagi peranan Akademi dalam To further consolidate the role of the Academy inmemberi khidmat nasihat strategik berkenaan isu- providing strategic advice in issues related to Science,isu yang melibatkan Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi dan Technology and Innovation and pave the way for thememudahkan laluan negara untuk mempunyai tempat nation to take its place in the international arena as adi arena antarabangsa sebagai penyumbang kepada contributor to world scientific knowledge,the Academypengetahuan saintifik dunia, Akademi Sains Malaysia, of Sciences Malaysia, under the Ninth Malaysian Plan,di bawah Projek Rancangan Malaysia Kesembilan,telah has been allocated RM16,000,000 for 6 programmesmemperuntukkan RM16,000,000 untuk 6 program di under four projects. The projects are outlined in thebawah empat projek.Projek-projek tersebut dinyatakan table below. This is the first time in history that ASM hasdalam jadual di bawah. Ini merupakan kali pertama been allocated direct finding for development underASM telah diberi peruntukan pembangunan secara a Malaysia Plan.langsung untuk Rancangan Malaysia.Peruntukan RMK9 Diluluskan Status Projek9MP Allocation Fund Approved Project Status No Program 1,000,000.00 Baru / New No Project 2,000,000.00 Baru / New 1. Nasihat Kepada Kerajaan 4,500,000.00 Sambungan Advice to Government 1,500,000.00 Continuation ‹ Menyediakan Laporan Kajian Strategik dan Pandangan 6,000,000.00 Baru / New Pakar dalam Isu STI 1,000,000.00 Preparation of Expert Strategic Reports on STI Issues 16,000,000.00 Sambungan Continuation ‹ Penilaian dan Penarafan Penyelidikan untuk Penyelidikan Baru / New Sains yang dibiayai Kerajaan Research Assesment and Rating for public funded Science Research Malaysia 2. Program Kecemerlangan Saintifik Scientific Excellence Programme ‹ Program Nobel Laureate Kebangsaan National Nobel Laureate Programme 3. Ekspedisi Saintifik / Scientific Expeditions 4. Program Antarabangsa / International Programmes ‹ Program Penyelidikan Antartika Malaysia Malaysian Antarctica Research Programme ‹ Rangkaian Kerjasama Antarabangsa International Cooperation Jumlah / Total36

Acara Utama 2006 2006 Highlights Pada bahagian ini, aktiviti-aktiviti In this section, some of the major utama diringkaskan dan events are singled out, synthesised and presented at the forefront of the diperkenalkan di bahagian depan report for immediate attention.These laporan untuk perhatian segera. include the Inauguration of the Regional Acara-acara tersebut termasuk Office for Asia and the Pacific of the International Council for Science, Pembukaan Pejabat Serantau untuk the Conferment Ceremony of our SeniorAsia dan Pasifik, International Council for Fellows and Fellows, and of specialScience, Upacara Penganugerahan untuk significance, the Special Forum with other World Academies of Science Felo Kanan dan Felo-felo, dan yang which aimed to gather strategic signifikan, Forum Khas dengan inputs into the formulation of the Academy’s Strategic Plan. Akademi-akademi Sains, dengan tujuan untuk mengumpulkan input strategik bagi Pelan Strategik Akademi Sains Malaysia. In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 37

Acara Utama 2006 2006 HighlightsPembukaan Pejabat Inauguration of ICSUSerantau ICSU Regional OfficePejabat Serantau International Council for Science The International Council for Science (ICSU) Regional(ICSU) untuk rantau Asia Pasifik telah dirasmikan oleh Office for Asia and the Pacific was officially inauguratedTimbalan Perdana Menteri Malaysia,YAB Dato’Sri Najib by the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia,YAB Dato’SriTun Abdul Razak pada 19 September 2006 dan turut NajibTun Abdul Razak,on 19 September 2006.The officedihadiri oleh Menteri Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi, YB has its facilities at the Academy of Sciences Malaysia.Dato’ Sri Dr Jamaludin Mohd Jarjis FASc. Pejabat yang The Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation,terletak di Akademi Sains Malaysia itu mempunyai YB Dato’ Sri Dr Jamaludin Jarjis FASc, was also presentdua fungsi utama iaitu mempromosi pendapat saintis at the inauguration. The Regional Office will have twonegara yang sedang membangun mengenai agenda main tasks:to promote the voice of developing countrypenyelidikan sains di peringkat antarabangsa, dan scientists in setting the science research agenda at thejuga untuk memastikan penyertaan saintis dari rantau international level; and to ensure the participation ofAsia Pasifik dalam penyelidikan. Fokus akan diberikan scientists from Asia and the Pacific in such research.kepada Perancangan Strategik ICSU 2006-2011 It will focus on those aspects of ICSU’s 2006-2011khususnya hal yang berkaitan dengan rantau tersebut. Strategic Plan that are specially relevant for this region.Pejabat Serantau ini dijangka menjadi penghubung The ICSU Regional Office is envisaged to serve as anantarabangsa yang penting untuk Malaysia dan important international link to Malaysia and assist inmembantu menjalankan program-program bagi undertaking programmes to strengthen the sciencememperkukuhkan keupayaan sains dalam negara. capabilities of the nation.Pengarah Pejabat Serantau yang baru dilantik ialah The newly appointed Director of the Regional OfficeEmeritus Profesor Dr Mohd Nordin Hasan FASc, beliau is Emeritus Professor Dr Mohd Nordin Hasan FASc, amerupakan seorang saintis alam sekitar yang terkenal renowned environmental scientist from Malaysia.di Malaysia.(Paling kiri) YB Dato’ Abdul Hanan Alang Endot, Ketua Setiausaha, MOSTI, bertukar Tetamu yang menghadiri upacara perasmiandokumen dengan Profesor Thomas Rosswall (paling kanan), Pengarah Eksekutif ICSU Guests at the inauguration ceremonysementara diperhatikan oleh (tengah: dari kiri ke kanan) YB Dato’ Sri Dr JamaludinJarjis FASc,YAB Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Abdul Razak dan Profesor Dr Goverdhan Mehta(Extreme left) YB Dato’ Abdul Hanan Alang Endot, Secretary General of MOSTI, exchangingdocuments with Professor Thomas Rosswall (extreme right), Executive Director of ICSU whileobserved by (centre: left to right) YB Dato’ Sri Dr Jamaludin Jarjis FASc,YAB Dato’ Sri NajibTun Abdul Razak and Professor Dr Goverdhan Mehta38

Acara Utama 2006 2006 HighlightsUpacara Penganugerahan Conferment Ceremony foruntuk Felo Kanan dan Felo Senior Fellows and FellowsAkademi telah menganjurkan upacara penganugerahan The Academy organised a conferment ceremony tokepada Felo Kanan dan Felo baru yang dilantik pada honour the recently appointed Senior Fellows and12 Julai 2006. Menteri Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi, Fellows on 12 July 2006. The Minister of Science,YB Dato’ Sri Dr Jamaludin Jarjis FASc yang juga salah Technology and Innovation, Dato’ Sri Dr Jamaludinseorang Felo, merupakan tetamu kehormat untuk Jarjis FASc, himself a recipient of the fellowship, wasupacara tersebut. Beliau menganugerahkan sijil the guest of honour for the occasion. He presentedperlantikan kepada Felo Kanan manakala Presiden certificates to the Senior Fellows while the PresidentAkademi,Tan Sri Dato’Dr Ahmad Zaharudin Idrus FASc of the Academy, Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Ahmad Zaharudinmenganugerahkan sijil perlantikan kepada 21 Felo Baru Idrus, presented the certificates to the 21 New Fellowsyang dilantik pada tahun 2005 dan 2006 termasuk YB appointed in 2005 and 2006, including the Minister.Menteri sendiri. Datuk Dr M Jegathesan FASc telah Datuk M Jegathesan FASc was appointed the Seniordilantik menjadi Felo Kanan bagi tahun 2006. Fellow for 2006.Lebih daripada 300 tetamu terdiri daripada Felo More than 300 Senior Fellows, Fellows and their wellKanan, Felo dan masyarakat saintifik menghadiri wishers attended this event which was also graced bymajlis tersebut.Majlis ini turut dimeriahkan oleh Nobel Nobel Laureate Professor Dr Chen Ning Yang who wasLaureate Profesor Dr Chen Ning Yang yang berada di then in Malaysia.Malaysia ketika itu.Felo-felo ASM yang telah menghadiri majlis meraikan Felo Kanan dan Felo baruASM Fellows at the dinner celebrating the appointment of new Senior Fellows and Fellows In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 39

Acara Utama 2006 2006 HighlightsYB Dato’ Sri Dr Jamaludin Mohd Jarjis FASc menerima sijil Felo Kanan, Academician Tan Sri Ir JG Daniel FASc, Academician Dato’penganugerahan daripada Presiden,Tan Sri Dr Ahmad Zaharudin Sri Dr Salleh Mohd Nor FASc, Academician Professor Dr Looi Lai MengIdrus FASc dan disaksikan oleh YB Dato’ Kong Cho Ha FASc and Academician Datuk Dr M Jegathesan FASc bersamaYB Dato’ Sri Dr Jamaludin Mohd Jarjis FASc receiving his conferment YB Dato’ Sri Dr Jamaludin Mohd Jarjis FASc (tengah)certificate from the President,Tan Sri Dr Ahmad Zaharudin Idrus FASc Senior Fellows, Academician Tan Sri Ir JG Daniel FASc, Academicianand witnessed by YB Dato’ Kong Cho Ha Dato’ Sri Dr Salleh Mohd Nor FASc, Academician Professor Dr Looi Lai Meng FASc and Academician Datuk Dr M Jegathesan FASc with YB Dato’ Sri Dr Jamaludin Mohd Jarjis FASc (centre)Forum Khas dengan Akademi Special Forum with OtherSains Lain di Dunia World Academies of ScienceMemandangkan Akademi Sains Malaysia kini telah Now that the Academy of Sciences Malaysia hasmasuki dekad baru, Akademi kini lebih tertumpu arrived at the threshold of a new decade, the Academydan memberi kepimpinan yang strategik dalam sains is enjoined to display a more focused and strategicdan teknologi bagi memastikan mandat kerajaan leadership in science and technology to ensure effectivedilaksanakan pada masa akan datang dijalankan translation of the Government mandate in the nextdengan berkesan. Sebagai sebahagian daripada decade and beyond. As part of the strategic planningproses perancangan strategic, pada 13 November process, the Academy organised a Special Forum with2006 Akademi telah menganjurkan Forum Khas other World Academies of Science on 13 Novemberdengan Akademi Sains lain di dunia. Pembentangan 2006. Presentations were made by the Vice Presidentyang dibuat oleh Timbalan Presiden Academia Sinica, of Academia Sinica,Taiwan, and Vice President for R&DTaiwan dan Penasihat Presiden untuk polisi R&D, Policy, Korean Academy of Science and TechnologyKorean Academy of Science and Technology (KAST), (KAST),which was followed by a Roundtable Discussiontelah diikuti dengan Perbincangan Meja Bulat yang chaired by Prof Datuk Dr Mazlan Othman FASc,dipengerusikan oleh Prof Datuk Dr Mazlan Othman Secretary General, Academy of Sciences Malaysia. TheFASc, Setiausaha Agung Akademi Sains Malaysia. main objective of the Roundtable Discussion was toObjektif utama Perbincangan Meja Bulat ini adalah gather inputs and views on the strategic directionuntuk mengumpulkan input-input dan pandangan of ASM based on the roles the Academy should play:bagi memilih laluan strategic Akademi berdasarkan (i) advisor,(ii) promoter,and (iii) doer. The deliberationsperanan yang dimainkan: (i) penasihat, (ii) penggalak at the Forum and the Roundtable Discussion will servedan (iii) pelaksana. Hasil perundingan daripada dalam as input into the Academy’s Strategic Plan.Forum dan Perbincangan Meja Bulat akan dijadikaninput strategik dalam Rancangan Strategik Akademi.40

Acara Utama 2006 2006 HighlightsForum Nanoteknologi Nanotechnology ForumNanoteknologi semakin diiktiraf sebagai jentera baru Nanotechnology is increasingly being touted as a newuntuk pertumbuhan ekonomi dunia. Negara-negara engine for world economic growth. Nations and bigdan pertubuhan-pertubuhan besar sedang bergerak corporations are moving swiftly to lay a foundationdengan pantas untuk menyediakan landasan untuk for exploitation of this technology. So as not to trailmengeksploitasikan teknologi ini. Akademi telah behind other countries in this far-reaching sector, ASMmenganjurkan Forum Nanoteknologi pada 19 organised a Nanotechnology Forum on 19 SeptemberSeptember 2006 bersempena dengan perasmian 2006 in conjunction with the official opening of thePejabat Serantau ICSU untuk rantau Asia Pasifik. ICSU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. The majorMatlamat utama yang ingin dicapai menerusi forum aim of the forum was to identify current knowledgetersebut adalah untuk mengenalpasti status bidang status on this area and to draw on the deliberationsini dan sebagai persediaan bagi menyiapkan kertas of the forum to prepare a National Nanotechnologykerja Inisiatif Nanoteknologi Kebangsaan. Forum Initiative paper. The Forum attracted 40 participantstersebut telah menarik minat seramai 40 peserta yang drawn mainly from universities,research institutes andmajoriti datangnya dari Universiti-universiti, Institut industries.Penyelidikan dan Industri.Bengkel Kebangsaan Kajian National Workshop on Seismic and Tsunami Hazards andBencana dan Risiko Seismik Risks Study in Malaysiadan Tsunami di Malaysia Following an agreement signed at the end of 2005 between the Department of Meteorology Malaysia,Berikutan perjanjian yang dimeterai pada penghujung representing the Government of Malaysia, and thetahun 2005 di antara Jabatan Meteorologi Malaysia Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM), ASM took onyang mewakili Kerajaan Malaysia dan Akademi Sains the role of lead organisation in the “Seismic andMalaysia, Akademi telah menerajui “Kajian Bencana Tsunami Hazards and Risk Study in Malaysia”. One ofdan Risiko Seismik dan Tsunami di Malaysia”. Salah the Academy’s first tasks was the organisation of asatu daripada tugas permulaan Akademi adalah workshop in Kuala Lumpur, the first in a series, entitledmenganjurkan bengkel pertama di Kuala Lumpur “National Workshop on Seismic and Tsunami Hazardsbertajuk “Bengkel Kebangsaan Kajian Bencana dan and Risks in Malaysia” from 24-25 April 2006. TheRisiko Seismik dan Tsunami di Malaysia”dari 24-25 April Workshop was officiated by the Honorable Minister2006.Bengkel tersebut telah dirasmikan olehYB Menteri of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI),Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi, Dato’ Sri Dr Jamaludin Dato’ Sri Dr Jamaludin Mohd Jarjis FASc. A total ofMohd Jarjis FASc. Sejumlah 17 kertas teknikal telah 17 technical papers were presented during the sixdibentangkan sepanjang enam sesi.Bengkel ini diakhiri sessions, culminating in a Panel Discussion chaireddengan Panel Perbincangan yang dipengerusikan oleh by the Acting Secretary-General, MOSTI, Dato’ AlihanPemangku Ketua Setiausaha, MOSTI, Dato’ Alihan Hj Hj Abd. Hamid. An exhibition with the theme ofAbd Hamid. Pameran bertemakan “Gempa Bumi dan ‘Earthquakes and Tsunamis’ was held in conjunctionTsunami”telah diadakan bersempena dengan Bengkel with the Workshop.tersebut. In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 41

Acara Utama 2006 2006 HighlightsDari kiri: Profesor Datuk Dr Mazlan Othman FASc,Tan Sri Datuk Dr Dato‘ Ibrahim Komoo menyampaikan senaskah buku berjudulAhmad Zaharudin Idrus FASc,YB Dato’ Sri Dr Jamaludin Mohd Jarjis “Tsunami 26.12.04” kepada YB Dato’ Sri Dr Jamaludin Mohd Jarjis FAScFASc dan Dr Yap Kok Seng pada upacara perasmian Bengkel Tsunami Dato’ Ibrahim Komoo presenting a copy of the book entitledFrom left: Professor Datuk Dr Mazlan Othman FASc,Tan Sri Datuk Dr “Tsunami 26.12.04” to YB Dato’ Sri Dr Jamaludin Mohd Jarjis FAScAhmad Zaharudin Idrus FASc,YB Dato’ Sri Dr Jamaludin Mohd JarjisFASc and Dr Yap Kok Seng at the opening ceremony of the TsunamiWorkshopProgram Brain Gain Brain Gain ProgrammeMenteri Sains,Teknologi dan Inovasi telah memulakan The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovationusaha dengan memberi tumpuan penuh terhadap (MOSTI) has embarked on a focused, holisticProgram Brain Gain. Program Brain Gain Kebangsaan and dedicated effort for sustainable talents. Thisini menggalakkan rakyat Malaysia yang berbakat new National Brain Gain Programme is aimed atbekerja di luar negara kembali bekerja di Malaysia dan encouraging the return of Malaysian talents workingmenawarkan saintis luar negara agar bekerjasama abroad, enticing foreign talents to collaborate indalam R&D serta membangunkan jaringan kerjasama R&D and establishing collaborative networks. Theantarabangsa. Program Brain Gain ini menumpukan Brain Gain Programme focuses on a number ofkepada beberapa bidang utama dalam S&T seperti priority areas of S&T, for example Biotechnology, ICT,Bioteknologi,ICT,Teknologi Pembuatan Termaju,Bahan Advanced Manufacturing, Advanced Materials,Termaju, Nanoteknologi dan bidang keutamaan lain Nanotechnology or other prioritised areas designatedyang ditetapkan oleh Kerajaan Malaysia. Program by the Malaysian Government. The Programme offersini mewujudkan sistem pemilihan saintis yang telus. a single interface to overseas talents and ensuresSehubungan dengan itu, MOSTI telah memberi transparency of the process of selection. The Academykepercayaan kepada Akademi untuk mewujudkan of Sciences Malaysia has been entrusted by MOSTIpanel penilaian untuk memilih saintis di bawah to undertake the implementation of a number ofprogram ini. initiatives. To facilitate implementation, the Academy has established seven Expert Review Panels in the prioritised R&D areas.42

Aktiviti Activities In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 43


Nasihat kepada Advice to Kerajaan Government Disebabkan Akademi Sains Malaysia Due to its multi-disciplinary nature merupakan sebuah institusi merangkumi and the high standing of its Fellows, the Academy is frequently called pelbagai disiplin dan diterajui oleh felo- upon to provide independent advice felo yang tersohor, Akademi diminta untuk to the government on issues of national memberi khidmat nasihat kepada Kerajaan strategic interest. In this regard, not onlyberkaitan isu-isu strategik Negara. Dalam hal is the Academy given specific short and long term projects, ASM is also ini, Akademi tidak hanya diberikan projek called upon to conduct due diligence jangkamasa pendek dan panjang, tetapi on proposals related to S&T juga diminta untuk mengendalikan ’due development that are submitted diligence’ ke atas cadangan yang diberi to the Government. kepada Kerajaan berkaitan pembangunan strategik sains dan teknologi. In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 45

Nasihat kepada Kerajaan Advice to GovernmentBengkel Pendidikan Sains & Science Education & OutreachProgram Jangkauan Luar Programme WorkshopDalam usaha melaksanakan projek-projek dan aktiviti In view of the implementation of the 9th Malaysia Planbaru di bawah RMK9 dalam perancangan lima tahun and of new projects and activities to be undertakenyang akan datang,Bengkel Pendidikan Sains & Program by the Academy in the next five years, a workshop wasJangkauan Luar telah diadakan dari 22-24 Mei 2006. conducted from 22 – 24 May 2006 to provide a platformProgram ini adalah bertujuan untuk mewujudkan to discuss and brainstorm the proposed Nationalplatform bagi membincangkan serta menyusun Science Education strategy.strategi Pendidikan Sains. Among the objectives of the workshop were toObjektif bengkel adalah untuk mengkaji semula, review, refine and value add on the ASM RMK9menapis dan menilai Program Pendidikan Sains dan Science Education Outreach Programme; brainstormJangkauan Luar Akademi dalam RMK9.Bengkel ini juga on the ASM Science Education Advisory project;bertujuan untuk mendapatkan pandangan mengenai discuss other related programmes and activities; andprogram laporan nasihat pendidikan sains serta develop a detailed and complete Plan of Action for allmembincangkan program-program lain yang berkaitan programmes and activities for 2006 – 2008. A Sciencebagi menghasilkan Pelan Tindakan yang terperinci Education & Outreach Programme Action Plan and adan lengkap untuk tahun 2006 hingga 2008. Pelan number of project proposals have been received forTindakan Pendidikan Sains dan program Jangkauan consideration and implementation by the AcademyLuar serta lain-lain projek telah dikenalpasti untuk of Sciences Malaysia.dipertimbangkan dan dilaksanakan oleh AkademiSains Malaysia. About 25 participants from the Ministry of Education, National Science Centre, Petrosains, British Council,Seramai 25 orang peserta telah menyertai bengkel Planetarium Negara, Universities and the privatetersebut.Mereka terdiri daripada wakil dari Kementerian sector who had been involved in Science EducationPelajaran, Pusat Sains Negara, Petrosains, Majlis British, programmes and activities of the Academy attendedPlanetarium, Universiti-universiti dan sektor swasta the workshop.yang terlibat dalam program-program PendidikanSains dan aktiviti-aktiviti yang telah dijalankan olehAkademi. Peserta-peserta Bengkel Pendidikan Sains & Program Jangkauan Luar Participants in the Science Education & Outreach Programme Workshop46

Nasihat kepada Kerajaan Advice to GovernmentInisiatif Nanoteknologi ASM ASM Nanotechnology InitiativeForum Nanoteknologi Nanotechnology ForumNanoteknologi telah menunjukkan potensi sebagai Nanotechnology is increasingly being touted as apenjana baru untuk pertumbuhan ekonomi dunia. new engine for world economic growth. NationsNegara-negara dan syarikat besar sedang bergerak and big corporations are moving swiftly to lay a basicpantas untuk mengeksploitasi teknologi ini. Supaya foundation for exploitation of this technology. So astidak ketinggalan dalam sector ini, Akademi telah not to trail behind other countries in this far reachingmenganjurkan Forum Nanoteknologi pada 19 sector, ASM organized a Nanotechnology Forum onSeptember 2006 bersempena dengan perasmian 19 September 2006 in conjunction with the officialpembukaan Pejabat Serantau ICSU untuk rantau opening of ICSU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.Asia Pasifik. Matlamat utama forum adalah untuk The major aim of the forum was to identify the statusmengenalpasti perkembangan terkini dan hasil dari of current knowledge in this area and to draw onforum ini akan digunakan untuk menyediakan kertas the deliberations of the forum to prepare a Nationalkerja Inisiatif Nanoteknologi Kebangsaan. Forum Nanotechnology Initiative paper.The Forum attractedtersebut berjaya menarik seramai 40 peserta yang 40 participants, mainly from Universities, Researchkebanyakannya dari Universiti, Institut Penyelidikan Institutes and Industries.dan Industri. The Academy paper on “Malaysian NationalKertas kerja Akademi bertajuk “Malaysian National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI): An Overview” wasNanotechnology Initiative (NNI): An Overview” telah presented by Prof Dr Halimaton Hamdan FASc whiledibentangkan oleh Prof Dr Halimaton Hamdan FASc two other presentations were by Professor Dr Catherinesementara dua lagi kertas telah dibentangkan oleh Brechignac,Director of Research at CNRS & President ofProfesor Dr Catherine Brechignac yang merupakan Institute Optique and the President-Elect InternationalPengarah Penyelidikan di CNRS, Presiden di Institute Council for Science (ICSU) on Nanotechnology inOptique dan Presiden Elect International Council for France. The Q&A Session that followed the presentationScience (ICSU) untuk Nanoteknologi di Perancis. Sesi was moderated by Prof Datuk Dr Mazlan Othmansoal jawab selepas pembentangan telah dikendalikan FASc, Secretary General of the Academy of Sciencesoleh Profesor Datuk Dr Mazlan Othman FASc,Setiausaha Malaysia.Agung, Akademi Sains Malaysia.Persidangan Antarabangsa Nanoteknologi International Conference ondan Bahan Termaju Nanotechnology and Advanced MaterialsSebagai langkah untuk membuktikan usaha dan inisiatif In a move to be visible in mainstream efforts andnegara terhadap Nanoteknologi dan memainkan initiatives in nanotechnology and to stake a role forperanan sebagai ahli di dalam kelompok global utama. the nation as a global player, ASM led a delegation toAkademi telah menerajui delegasi Malaysia ke Asia the Asia Nano Forum (ANF) Summit headed by Prof DrNano Forum (ANF) Summit yang diketuai oleh Prof Halimaton Hamdan FASc, and consisting of AssociateDr Halimaton Hamdan FASc. Delegasi tersebut turut Prof Dr Sharifah Bee Abdul Hamid,COMBICAT,University In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 47

Nasihat kepada Kerajaan Advice to Governmentdisertai Prof Madya Dr Sharifah Bee Abdul Hamid, of Malaya; Prof Mohd Nazlan Mohd Muhid, UTM;COMBICAT, Universiti Malaya; Prof Mohd Nazlan Mohd Tengku Sharizad Tengku Dahlan, Academy of SciencesMuhid,UTM;Tengku Sharizad Tengku Dahlan,Akademi Malaysia and Radin Zulhazmi Radin Abdul Halim,Sains Malaysia dan Radin Zulhazmi Radin Abdul Halim, MOSTI.MOSTI. The Asia Nano Forum (ANF) was founded to promoteAsia Nano Forum (ANF) diwujudkan untuk mempromosi excellence in research and the economic uptakekecemerlangan dalam penyelidikan dan peningkatan of nanotechnology within the Asian region. Thisekonomi di rantau Asia. Rangkaian kerjasama ini collaborative network seeks to benefit its memberbertujuan memberi kelebihan kepada ahli ekonomi economies educationally,socially,environmentally anddari segi pendidikan,persekitaran dan ekonomi dengan economically by fostering collaboration and acting asmemelihara kerjasama dan memfokuskan kepada isu a focus for regional and global nanotechnology issues.nanoteknologi serantau.Rangkaian ANF disokong oleh The ANF Network is supported by 13 countries in the13 negara di rantau Asia Pasifik termasuk Australia, Asia Pacific region, including Australia, China, HongChina, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Korea, Jepun, Kong, India, Indonesia, Korea, Japan, Malaysia, NewMalaysia, New Zealand, Singapura, Taiwan, Thailand Zealand, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.dan Vietnam. One of the major activities of the ANF is the ANF SummitSalah satu daripada aktiviti utama ANF adalah (ANFoS) Meeting and Conference. The ANFoS2006Mesyuarat dan Persidangan ANF Summit (ANFoS). was held in Hong Kong from 1– 3 November 2006.ANFoS 2006 telah diadakan di Hong Kong pada tahun The Summit began with a lecture by Prof Klaus vonini bermula dari 1 hingga 3 November 2006. Summit Klitzing, Nobel Laureate in Physics (1985), Max-Plancktersebut dimulakan dengan syarahan oleh Prof Klaus Institut fur Festkorperforschung, Stuttgart, Germanyvon Klitzing, Nobel Laureate dalam bidang Fizik (1985) entitled“New Developments in Nanoscience”. Dr Harolddari Max-Planck Institut fur Festkorperforschung, Weinstock from the US Air Force Office of ScientificStuttgart, Jerman bertajuk “Perkembangan Baru Research, Virginia, USA presented a Keynote Speechdalam Sainsnano”. Dr Harold Weinstock dari pejabatPeserta-peserta “International Conference on Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials”Participants to the International Conference on Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials48

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