Akademi SainsMalaysiaAcademy of SciencesMalaysia902-4,JalanTirn Ismail50480 KualaLumpurMalaysiaTel:603-2949898Fax:603-2945858E-mail:samsudin@akademisaignosv. m. yHome Page:hap:// SainsMalaysia2000All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced,storedin aretrieval system,or transmitted in any form or by any means,electronic,mechanicalp, hotocopying,recording,or orherwisew, irhour theprior permissionof the Copyright owner.C o v e rD e s i g na n d P r i n t e db y :Hazrah EnterpriseTel:603-6867950
Laporan Presiden- 5 AKTTYITI.AIflTYITI MPresidznt'Rs eport ACTIWTIESFungsi - -15 wffiFunctions Aktiviti-aktiviti - 43Fellow Kehormat - -18 Actiaities @HonoraryFelhw @Fellow I{anan - 19SeniorFelhws Nasihat KepadaKer:rjaan- 44 6%FellowBaru- 20 Adaiceto Gouernment @New FelhwsSenaraiFellow - 22 ProgramKecemerlanganSains- 5/ @List of FellowsAhli-ahli Majlis - 25 @Membersof Council @MesyuaratM$lis - 26 ScienceExcellenceProgramrneCouncilMeetings ProgramKesedaranSuns- 62 ff@ireJawatankuasKaerjadanProgam- 27 Sci m ceAwarenessPrograrnrne d@w\WorkingConzrnitteeasnd PrograrnmesCana Oryanisasi - 29 Membantu unruk Meningkatkan @wOrganizationChart KeupayaanIndusui Malapia Dalam R%**_%ACARA UTAMA BidangTeknologr-65HIGHLIGHTS ,4ssistingin UpgradingTechnloogical frMeqyuaratAgung Tahunan Capabilityin MalaysianIndustryKeempat - 33FourthAnnwal GeneraMl eeting ProgramAntarabangsa - 68 *:Majlis MakanMalamTahunan -.?8 IntemationaI PrograrnrneAnnual Dinner l-awatan- 82 % % %% Wsits Pebwat- 82 % Visitors Penerbitan- 83 % Publications % wb€ 6 PENYATA KE\TANGAN STATEMENT OFACCOUNTS
LAPORAIP.{RESIDENPRESIDENT'RSEPORT AcademicianTSarniDatukDr Ornu AbdulRahmaFnASc emenjakditubuhkan padatahun inceits inceptionin 1995,the It 1995,Akademi SainsMalaysia Academy of SciencesMalaysiatelah berkembang,bukan sahajadari has grown from strength to strength, enzsegibilangan Fellow malah dari segi not only in terms of the number of ooo\aktiviti-aktiviti yang dijalankan dan Fellows but also in terms of activitiessumbangannytearhadapperkembangan and contributionsto the developmentof Flsains,kejurutera:rndan teknologi science,engineeringand technology anegara.BilanganFellowAkademi of the nation. The membershipofsehinggaakhir tahun 1999adalah the Academy at the end of 1999 zseramai77 orang, s t o o da t 7 7 . z Menolehkebelakangt,ahun 1999 Looking back, 1999 hasbeenaadalahtahun yang banyakmenempa successfulyear for the Academy. It is ZkejayaanbagiAkademi. Ini dapat madepossiblethrough the dedicationdicapai melalui dedikasiFellow dan of the Fellowsand staffof the rIkakitanganAkademi. Oleh itu, Academy. Permit me to highlightizinkan sayauntuk menghuraikan some of the Academy'smajorpencapaianAkademi yang utama achievementsin 1999.padatahun1999. The Academy held its Fourth Akademi menganjurkan Annual GeneralMeeting on24 AprrlMeqyuaratAgung Thhunanyang 1999.The meeting approvedtheKeempatpada24April 1999. 1998 Annual Report and StatementMesyuaratmeluluskanl,aporan ofAccounts ending 31 DecemberThhunan1998 dan Penyata 1998 and the electionof ten newKewanganberakhir31 Disember Fellows of the Academy together1998sertaperlantikansepuluh with the electionof theVice President,Fellow baru Akademi bersama-sama &
LaporanFresidexa FresidewtkRewwrt denganperlantikan Naib Presiden, SecretaryGeneral,Honorary SetiausahaAgung, Bendahari Ti:easurearndsix new Membersof Kehormat dan enamAhli Majlis the Council.The Academyalsofor Akademi yang baru. Akademi juga the first time electedfour Senior buat penama kah melantik seramai Fellowsbasedon their outsranding empat Fellow Kanan berdas.arkan contributionsand achievementisn sumbangandan pencapaianmereka the areasof SET for the benefitof yang unggul ddam bidang sains, the nation and the humankind.The kejuruteraandan teknologi untuk SeniorFellowsareentitled to be manafaatnegaradan manusia cdled Academiciari.The selectionof sejagat.Fellow KananAkademi the SeniorFellowswasdoneby a adalahlayak digelar Academiciari. SpeciaPl anelchairedbyThn Sri Pemilihan Fellow Kanan Dato'SeriAhmadSarjiAbdul Hamid. dilaksanakanoleh satuPanelKhas In 1999the SeniorFellowselected yang dipengerusikanoleh Tan Sri areAcademicianTan Sri Datuk Dr Dato' SeriAhmad SarjiAbdul OmarAbdul RahmanFASc, Hamid. Padatahun 1999,Fellow AcademicianDato'Ir LeeYeeCheong Kananyang dilantik terdiri daripada FASc,AcademcianDr M.K. AcademicianTan Sri Datuk Dr RajakumarFAScand Academician OmarAbdul RahmanFASc, TanSriDatuk DrAugustineS.H. AcademicianDato'Ir LeeYee Ong FASc. CheongFASc,AcademicianDr M.K RajakumarFAScdan One of the main rolesof the AcademicianTanSri Datuk Dr Academyis to provideindependent AugustineS.H. Ong FASc. adviceto the Governmenton matters Salahsatu daripadaperanan relatedto sEiencee,ngineeringand Akademi adalahmemberi nasihat technology.In 1999,the AcademyF kepadaKerajaanberkenaanperkara hasbeenentrustedby theGovernment berkaitandengansains,kejurureraan to undertakethe reviewof thez dan teknologi.Padatahun 1999, National ScienceandTechnology Akademi telah diberi mandat oleh Policythat wasfirst formulatedin+ Kerajaanuntuk mengkaji semuladan 1986.In undenakingthe review mengolahPolisi56rT Kebangsaan process,the AcademydrawsrelevantP yangmula digubalpadatahun 1986. expertisefrom within its Fellowsas Dalam melaksanakantugasini,zz I Akademi menggunakantenaga well asother relevantorganizationszzb mahir yang terdiri daripadapara and professionabl odies.The review FellowAkademi dan pakar-pakar is donein the contextof Malaysia'strr dari organisasidan badan-badan competitivenesisn responseto the k-F! professionayl angberkaitan.Kajian driven economy.It will address semulaini dibuat dalamkonteks issuest,he rolesof SET strategies! dayasaingMalaysiasebagari espons and plan of action that will enhance m
n-aporanPnesidecxi'ressadf i !em wts iteffiCIr{kepadak-ekonomi.Ia akan competitivenesosf Malaysiain the k- Frmenangani isu-isu,perananSEf,, driven economy.The inceptionstrategidan pelan dndakan yang report hasbeensubmittedto the rrlakan meningka*an dayasaing Ministry of ScienceandTechnologyMalaysiadalam k-ekonomi. Laporan and the Environmentand the final srlawal telah pun dimajukan kepada reportwill be duefor submissioninKementerianSains,Teknologidan April2000. eAlam Sekitardan laporan akhir yanglengkapakandiserahkanpa& bulan Through a Seminaron \"Future ?,April2000. Directionsand Business n Opportunitiesin FoodProductionin Melalui Seminar\"Future NAP3\" the Academyis finalizing a ooo\Directionsand Business specialreport containingOpportunitiesin FoodProductionin recommendationsand action plans INAP3\" Akademisedangdi dalam on future prospectsfor the food andproses menyiapkansatulaporan agricultureindustriesin Malaysia. Ikhasyang mengandungiusulan danpelan tindakan mengenaiprospek Under the Culture of Excellence zmasahadapanindustri makanandan Programmeaimedat inculcatinga zpertaniandi Malaysia. cultureof excellencein science, engineeringand technology,the 3 Di bawahProgramKecemerlangan Academyheld its 1999Annualyangbertujuanunruk menanam Oration. The Oration entided zbudayakecemerlangandi dalam \"Superfluidityin 3HE: Discoverybidangsains,kejuruteraandan and Understanding\"wasdeliveredby 3teknologi, Akademi menganjurkan Prof DouglasOsherofi,a NobelSyarahanPerdana1999.Syarahan Laureatein Physicsin 1996at theyangbertajuk\"Superfluidiryin 3HE: Universityof Malaya.fu a follow-upDiscoveryand Understanding\" to this event,theAcademyindisampaikanoleh Prof Douglas collaborationwith the UniversityofOsheroff PemenangAnugerah ScienceMalaysiaorganizeda PublicNobel dalambidang Fizik tahun Lectureentitled \"The Nature of1996di UniversitiMalaya.Lanjutan Discoveryin Physics\"which wasalsodari program ini, Akademi dengan deliveredby Prof DouglasOsheroff.kerjasamaUniversiti SainsMalaysiamenganjurkansatu SyarahanUmum The Academyhasbeentaskedbyyang bertajuk \"The Nature of the Ministry of ScienceT, echnologyDiscoveryin Physics\"yangjuga and the Environmentto comeupdisampaikanolehProf Douglas with a proposalon how to getaOsheroff MalaysianNobel Laureateby the Year2020.This arisesfrom the Akademijuga telahdiberi mandat challengethrown to the scientificoleh KementerianSains,Teknologi community by our PrimeMinister,danAlamSekitaruntuk menghasilkan YAB Dato' SeriDr Mahathirkertascadanganbagaimanauntuk w
{,aporanFresidexa P,&sivfeemf\eutsuwyt menghasilkanPemenangAnugerah Mohamad. fu a follow up the Nobel Malapia pa& tahun 2020. Academy had set up a Task Force to Ini adalahlanjutan daripadacabaran propose activities and line of action oleh PerdanaMenteri Malapia, YAB that will enable the Academy to Dato' SeriDr Mahathir Mohamad come up with the concept paper. kepadamagyarakatsaintifik negara. One of the initiatives that have been Sebagasi usulanAkademi telah undertaken by the Academy is the menubuhkan satuJawatankuasa organization of an exclusivelecture Petugasunruk mencadangkan on \"Nobel Prize- Its Organization aktiviti dan pelan tindakan yang and Strategies:An Exclusive Insight\" harusdiambil b\"gr membolehkan which was delivered by ProfJan S. Akademi menghasilkankertas Nilsson, President of the Royal cadangantersebut.Salahsatudaripada SwedishAcademy of Sciences.The inisiatif yang diambil olehAkademi proposal encompassthe inculcation adalahmenganjurkansatu qyarahan of the culture of excellencein the elsklusif berkenaan\"Nobel Malaysian scientific communiry the Prizr - Its.Organization and encouragement of research,the Suategies:An F-xclusiveInsight\" l\"ymg of the foundation for the yang disampaikanoleh ProfJan S. creation of innovative, motivated Nilsson, PresidenRoyal Swedish and researchminded Malaysian Academyof SciencesK. enas scientistson whom we can depend cadangantersebutmerangkumi upon for our future development in usahapemupukan budaya the areasof science,engineering and kecemerlangadni kalanganmasyarakat saintifik Malapia, penggalakan technology. penyelidikan, dan perletakanasas Another significant event under bagi menghasilkansaintisMalapia the programme was the launching of yang inovatif, bermotivasidan the Malaysia - Antarctica Research 'researchminded' untukpembangunan Programme by YAB Dato' Seri sainsk, ejuruteraandan teknologi di Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Deputyz masahadapan.t Prime Minister during the Academytez Satudaripadaaktiviti utama di 1999 Annual Dinner. I am pleasedz bawahprogram ini adalah to report that the first team ofa pelancaran ProgramPenyelidikan Malaysian scientistshad successfully\0 Malaysia-Antanika olehYAB Dato' concluded its researchin Antarctica.\\0o SeriAbdullah Ahmad Badawi, The four-member team shared their Timbalan PerdanaMenteri semasa experiencesand thoughts aboutzzts Majlis JamuanThhunanAkademi conducting researchin Antarctica in 1999. Sayadengansukacita particular and co-operative research memaklumkan bahawakumpulan in generalin a briefing sessionheld peftama saintis Malaysiatelah at the Academy.The uniqueB b erjayamenggendalikan environment in which the research s
LaporanFresidenFy&sideyaRt's.epatnpenyelidikanmerekadi Antanika. wasconductedrepresenat nKumpulan penyelidik seramaiempatorang ini telah berkongsi interestingaspectespeciallyin termpengalamandan buah fikiran merelamengenaipenyelidikan di Antanika of researchpreparation,organization,khususnyadan penyelidikan secarakerjasamaarnnyapada satu sesi managemenat nd implementation.taklimat di Akademi. Persekitaranyang unik dimana penyelidikan Under the currentresearchdijalankan merupakansatuaspekyang menarik terutamanyadari segi programme,Intensificationofpersediaanpenyelidikan,penganjurandan pengurusansefta Researchin Priority Areas(IRPA)perlaksanaannyaD. i bawahprogrampenyelidikanmasaini, Penumpuan hasalteadyapprovedtwo projectsinPenyelidikandalam Bidang-bidangKeutamaan(IRPA) telah meluluskan Antarctica.The first projecton thedua projek di Antartika. Projekpertamamengenaipencemaran studyof organicpollutantsaroundbahanorganik di sekitarScottsBasesedangdiialankan. Projek kedua ScottBaseis underway.The secondmengenaikajian GelombangGravitidi kawasanRossIsland sedangdi 'pWroajveecstinonththeeresgtuiodnyooff Gravitydalamprosespenapisan oleh New RossIslandisT,ealand'sAntarctic ResearchCommittee (ARAC). at the moment undergoingNew Sepertitahun lalu, duapemenang Zealand'sAntarctic ResearchdianugerahkanGeran PenyelidikanPerubatanDr RanjeetBhagwan Committee (ARAC) veming.Singh. MerekaadalahDr Fong MunYik dari Universiti Malaya dan Dr fu in previousyear,two recipientsKamarul fuiffin dari HospitalUniversitiKebangsaanMalapia. wereawardedthe Dr RanjeetSyarahanMemorial Dr RanjeetBhagwanSinghyang keduabenajuk BhagwanSingh Medical Research\"The New BiologyandMedicine\"disampaikanoleh Prof Erling Grants.They wereDr FongMun YikNorrby, ProfessorF, akulti Perubatan,Institut Karonslika/SetiausahaAgung from Universiti Malaya and DrRoyalSwedishAcademyof Sciences.Akademi juga menganjurkansatu KamarulAriffin from Hospitalbengkelteknikal \"Principles, Universiti KebangsaanMalaysia.The secondDr RanjeetBhagwanSingh Memorial Lectureentitled \"The New BiologyandMedicine\"was deliveredby Prof Erling Norby, ProfessotMedical Faculry, tEs! KaronslikaInstitute/Secretary trl Generalof the RoyalSwedish h] Academyof SciencesA. technical R workshopfundedunderthe Dr ! RanjeetBhagwanSinghMedical ocot\\ ResearchFund on \"Principles, F{ Protocolsand Pitfallson a FluorescenecIn Situ Hybridization z z (FISH) wasalsoorganizedby the z Academy. -l Other highlightsof the year under the ScienceExcellence Programmeincludedthe India- I
n-aporanFresidecn f]rcsit{erutR'seip*rt ProtocolsandPidallson Fluorescence ASEAN Eminent PersonsLecture In Situ Hybridization (FISH)\" y^g SeriesP. rof P.N.Thndon,Emeritus dibiayai oleh Geran Penyelidikan ProfessorD, epartmentof PerubatanDr RanjeetBhagwanSingh. NeurosurgeryA, ll India Institute of Diantara acarakemuncakyang Microsurgery(AIIMS) delivereda lain di bawahProgram lectureon \"Stateof the Art KecemerlanganSainsadalahSiri (Neurosurgeryi)n Indid' and SyarahanIndia-ASEAN Eminent anotler on \"RecentAdvancesin P.ersonsP.rof P.N.Thndon,Professor PathogenesisIn, vestigationand Emeritus, JabatanNeurosurgeri,All Theatmenot f Brainstem India Institute of Microsurgery Haemeorrhages\"H. e alsodelivereda (AIIMS) menyampaikansyarahan paperon \"India'sResponsien Terms benajuk \"Sate of theArt of National S&T Policyto the (Neurosurgery)in Indid' dan Knowledge-drivenEconomy''at the \"RecentAdvancesin Pathogenesis, InternationalSeminaron National Investigation andTleatment of S&T PolicyReview. BrainstemHaemorrhages\"B. eliau juga membentangkankertaskerja One of theAcademytmajor areas yangbenajuk \"India'sResponsein of focusis to assisitn upgradingthe Termsof National S6cTPolicy to t}re technologicacl apabiliryand Knowledge-drivenEconomy'' di competencyof Malaysianindustries. SeminarAntarabangsaKajian Under this thrust area,the Academy SemulaPolisiS&T Kebangsaan. in collaborationwith theJapan Salahsatudaripadafokus utama ScienceandTechnologyCorporation Akademi adalahunruk membantu [ST) organizedtwo high level meningkatkan keupayaanteknologi industry fora,viz. \"Strategyfor dan kompetensiindusui Malaysia. UpgradingMalaysianIndustry\" and Di bawahbidang fokus ini, Akademi \"Human ResourceDevelopmentforP dengankerjasamaJapaSn cienceand UpgradingManufacturingPz TechnologyCoqporation 0ST) telah Capabilityin Malaysia\".The menganjurkandua forum industri participantsat thesefora arethose> peringkat tinggr. Satudarinya adalah from the industrialsectors.2 mengenai\"Strategyfor Upgrading May 1999sawthe continuationzP Malapian Industr/ dan yang of the PETROSAINS-ASM 19981 IF keduanyaadalahmengenai \"Human 1999Lecture,amajorprojectunder\0\\oo ResourceDevelopmentfor Upgrading Manufacturing the Academy'sScienceAwareness Capabiliryin Malaysid'.Peseftaezz forum tersebutadalahdari kalangan Programmewhich wasdevelopedto increaseawarenesasndt{ sektorindustri. understandingof the centralrole Bulan Mei menyaksikan which scienceand technologyplay. The secondphaseof the! sambunganSyarahanPETROSAINS- PETROSAINS-ASM 1998I 1999 &s
LaponanFresidenFafesideeaEt'tsep*rtASM I 998I l999,satu projek utama Lecturebeganin PulauPinang F.'di bawahProgramKesedaranSains followedby Kulim, Beseri,Kuantan,Akademi yang benujuan untuk Kota Bharu,KualaTerengganu, E!meningkatkan kesedarandan Kuching and endedin Kotakefahamantentangperi pentingnya Kinabalu.The Lecturereceived =rtsainsdan teknologi. overwhelmingresponsefrom both Fz the studentsand the teachersA. total FasakeduaSyarahaPn ETROSAINS- of 7,437 studentsand 602 teachers ?ASM 199811999ini bermuladi from 424 schoolsfrom all overPulau Pinangdengandiikuti oleh Malaysiaparticipatedin the PhaseI ooo\\Kulim, Beseri,Kuantan,Kota Bharu, and PhaseII of the Lecture.ThisKualaTerengganu,Kuching dan Lecturewassolelysponsoredby aberakhir di Kota Kinabalu. Syarahan PETRONAS and the Academytersebutmandapatsambutanyang hopesfor this collaborationto zamat memberangsangkandaripada continuein the future. zparapelajardan guru-guru yangterlibat. Serama7i ,437 orangpelajar Sincegiventhe mandateto lead zdan 602 orang gant daripada424 the effortsin the establishmenot fbuah sekolahtelah terlibat dengan the National ScienceandTechnology rlSyarahanini. Syarahanini telah ResourceCentre(NSTRC), theditq\" sepenuhnyaoleh PETRONAS Academyhastaken the appropriatedanAkademi berharapagar actionsto realizethe proposal.kerjasamaini akanbenerusanuntuk Subsequendythe Academywasgivenmasa-masaakan datang. a pieceof land in SerdangS, elangor by Universiti PutraMalaysia(UPM). Semenjakdiberi mandat oleh The Academy'sCouncil then decidedKerajaanuntuk menerajui that the NSTRC be setup on thispenubuhan PusatSumberSainsdan land asthe Academy'scontributionTeknologiKebangsaan(NSTRC), to the NSTRC. An architectfirmAkademi telah mengambil langkah- wasthen engagedto draw thelangkahyangwajar unruk conceptualplan of the NSTRC. Themenrealisasikancadangantersebut. final paperon the establishmenot fSelanjutnyaAkademi telah diberi the NSTRC which hasbeenreviewedsebidangtanah di Serdang,Selangor and approvedhasbeensubmittedtooleh Universiti Putra Malaysia MOSTE for approval.The Academy(UPM). Majlis Akademi proposedthat the establishmenot fkemudiannyamemuruskansupaya the NSTRC be includedin the 8mNSTRC didirikan di atastanah MalaysiaPlan.tersebutsebagasi umbanganAkademikepadaNSTRC. Sebuah In 1999,theAcademyhasbeenfirma arkitek ditugaskanuntuk vervactivein internationalactivities.melakar pelan konsepNSTRC.Kertascadanganyang telah dikaiisemuladan dipersetujui telah 11
I-aporaraFresiden .1 Presidffia{sRepert dimajukan kepadaKementerian It sentnvo delegationsabroad,one Sains,Teknologi dan Alam Sekitar to the PeoplesRepublicof China untuk kelulusan.Akademi and the other to the Kyrghyz mencadangkansupayapenubuhan Republic.I led both delegationsT. he NSTRC dimasukkanke dalam main objectiveof the visits wasto RancanganMalaysiake 8. explorenew developmentsand opportunitiesin the areasof research Padatahun 1999,l&ademi telah in sciencee, ngineeringand bergiat aktif dalam melaksanakan technology(SET) in China and Kyt#y\". The visitshopedto aktiviti di peringkat antarabangsa. mateialize collaborative R&D Akademi telah menghantardua programmesin SET between delegasike luar negara, satuke Malaysiaand China and Kyrghyz Republik RalryatChina dan satuke SET professionals. Republik Ky,*f\". Kedua-dua delegasidiketuai oleh sayasendiri. The Academyin collaboration Objektif utama lawatanadalah with theJapanInternationalScience unnrk meninjau perkembangan and TechnologyExchangeCentre terbaru dan peluangpenyelidikan di [ISTEC), the Ministry of Science, dalam bidang sains,kejuruteraandan teknologi di China dan Kyrghyztan. Adalah diharapkanlawatanini akan Technologyand the Environment memeteraikanprogram kerjasama andInstitution of Engineers penyelidikan dan pembangunan Malaysia(IEM) organized\"The ddam bidang sains,kejuruteraandan FourthAsia-PacificScienceand teknologi di antaraparaprofessional TechnologySeminar\".About 100 dari Malaysiadan China serta participantsrelatedto S&T policy, KytgJqy\". projectmanagemenat nd R&D Akademi dengankerjasamaJapan managemenftrom 11 countriesin InternationalScienceand the fuia-PacificRegionattendedthe Gchnology ExchangeCentre Seminar.zP [ISTEC), Kementerian'Sains, The Academyalsohad the Gknologi dan Alam Sekitardan privilegeto hostmany distinguished.tiz Institut JuruteraMalaysia(IEM) visitorsthroughout the year.Among menganjurkan SeminarKeempat them wereProf EmeritusDr Muz SainsdanGknologi Asia-Pasifik. ShikJhon, Presidentof the Koreano\-o Seramaliebih kurang 100peserra Academyof SciencesandTechnology\o yang berkaitandenganpolisi S6cI, (KAST), Prof S.Nilsson,PresidentzzL pengurusanproJ dan penyelidikan of the Royal SwedishAcademyof dan pembangun\"akndari sebelas 'SWceiernnceerAsNr,boebr,ePl LreasuirdeeanttoePf rtohfeNF negarafu ia-PasifikmenghadiriFtrl seminartersebut. InternationalCouncil for Science Akademijuga berpeluangmenjadi'E hos kepadapelawat-pelawatpenting (ICStt) and Prof PN. Thndonof theH Departmentof NeurosurgeryAll &2
LaporanPresidenFresidesatR'senoytdisepanjangtahun. Diantaranya India Institute of Microsurgery F!adalahEmeritus Prof Dr Mu Shik (AIIMS) and Nobel LaureateProfJhon, PresidenKoreanAcademyof DouglasOsherofi Stanford frlSciencesandTechnology(KAST), UniversityCalifornia.Prof S. Nilsson,PresidenRoyal q{SwedishAcademyof Sciences, The Fellowsof the Academy'PSe7m'eernneaArnrgbAenru, PgererasihdNenoIbnetel rPnraotfional continueto gathernationaland zCouncil for Science0CSU) dan internationaldistinctionsarisingProf PN. ThndondariJabatan from their activitiesand =NeurosurgeriA, ll India Institute of participationin many regionalandMicrosurgery (AIIMS) danPemenang internationalactivities.Academician g\AnugerahNobel Prof Douglas Dato' Ir LeeYeeCheongFASc,ViceOsheroff, Stanford University Presidenot f theAcademy,leda four @California. memberdelegationto theThird Annual MeetingofASEAN SET Z ParaFellowAkademi terus Academiesand SimilarNationalmendapatpengiktirafan nasionaldan Organizationsand DialoguePartners zantarabangsma enerusipenglibatan froin Australia,Japan,and Chinamerekadalam banyakaktiviti which washeld in Manila. The Dserantaudan antarabangsa. membersof the delegationwereAcademicianDato' Ir LeeYee Dato' Dr SallehMohd Nor FASc, zCheongFASc,Naib Presiden SecretaryGeneral,Tan Sri Datuk IrAkademi mengetuaidelegasiseramai ShahrizailaAbdullah FASc,Fellowof rlempat orangmenghadiri Mesyuarat theAcademyandMr Zahh Ismail,fhhunan Ketiga'ASEAN SET SeniorScientificOfficer of theAcademiesand SimilarNational Academy.Dato' Dr SallehMohdOrganizationsandDidogue Parmers\" Nor FAScdelivereda paperentitleddari Austrdia, Japan,dan China \"Competitivenessin A Knowledge-yang diadakandi Manila. Delegasi Driven Economy:The Roleofdianggotaioleh Dato' Dr Salleh ScienceE,ngineerinagndTechnolog;/'Mohd Nor FASc,SetiausahaAgung, which wasjoindy preparedby meTan Sri Datuk Ir Shahrizaila and the SecretaryGeneralDato' DrAbdullah FASc,FellowAkademidan SallehMohd Nor FASc.Encik Zahir Ismail, PegawaSi ainsKananAkademi.Dato' Dr Salleh Dr YongHoi SenFAScMohd Nor FAScmembentangkan representedthe Academyon mykenaskerjabenajuk\"Competitiveness behalfat the Internationalin A Knowledge-Driven Economy: Symposiumon \"SciencePoliry inTheRoleof ScienceE,ngineerinagnd Asia\" which washeld in Irkutsk,Technologi'yangdisediakanolehsaya Russia.He presenteda paperentitledbersamadenganSetiausahAagungDato' \"Competitivenessin a Knowledge-Dr SallehMohdNor FASc. Driven Economy:The Roleof ScienceE, ngineeringand 1g4* I. G-t
traponarFl residen Pr;esidewRt's.ewCIrt DrYong Hoi SenFAScmewakili Technology''.I attendedthe Sixth Akademi bagi pihak sayake and SeventhAsianConferenceon SimposiumAntarabangsa'Science ScientificCooperation(ACSC) in Policy in Asid' yang diadakandi Tokyo.ProfDato'Dr ShamSani Irkutsh Rusia.Beliaumembentangkan FAScalsoattendedthe SeventhACSC. k'CeonmaspkeetirtjiaveynaensgsbiennaajKunkowledge- AcademicianDato' Ir LeeYee Driven Economy:The Role of ScienceE, ngineeringandTechnology\". CheongFAScrepresentedMalaysia Sayamenghadiri \"AsianConference in both the lAP-Sustainabiliry on ScientificCooperation(ACSC)\" Tlansition CoordinatingCommittee yangKeenamdan Ketujuh diTollyo. (STCC) meetingswhich wereheld at Prof Dato'Dr ShamSaniFAScjuga the FrenchAcademyof Sciencesin menghadiri ACSC yangketujuh. Parisand the Hungarian Academyof Sciencein Budapest. AcademicianDato' Ir ke Yee CheongFASctelahmewakiliMalaysia AcademicianDato' Ir LeeYee di dua MesyuaratIAP-Sustainability CheongFAScand I attendeda meetingin Seoulon the Tiansition CoordinatingComminee establishmenot f an fusociation of (STCC) yang diadakandi French AsianAcademieosf Science(sAMS). Academyof Sciencesdi Parisdan During the yearthe Academy HungarianAcademyof Sciencedi publishedthe following: Budapest. 1. 1998Annual Report AcademicianDato' Ir LeeYee 2. Reporton \"The Roleof CheongFAScdansayatelahmenghadiri Scientistsin Malaysia- mesyuaratdi Seoulmengenai TowardsExcellencein penubuhanAssociationof Asian Researcli' Academieosf Science(sAAAS). 3. Newsletter PenerbitanAkademi sepanaj ng 4. Proceedingosf the 4mAsia-F ahun adalahsepertiberikut: PacificScienceandTechnologyP 1. LaporanTahunan1998 ManagementSeminar: StrategicApproachesforPz 2. Laporan \"The Role of SustainableSocio-economic Scientistsin Malavsia-hl TowardsExcellencien Researcli' Growth in the Faceof Global Newsletter Changes- Co PublishedbyP Prosiding SeminarPengurusanzezqld SainsdanTeknologi Asia- JST MOSTE, JISTECand\0\Io IEM Pasifikke4:SuategicApproaches\zz for SustainabSleocio-economic 5. Internal Publications In 1999,theAcademyreceivedc: Growth in the Faceof Globalb Changes- PenerbitanbersamaFFi olehJSI MOSTE,JISTEC 387 publicationsfrom international dan IEM institutionsand 110publicationsH PenerbitanDalaman from localinstitutionsincluding 14
Padatahun 1999,Akademi Journals,Books, Proceedings,menerimasebanyak387 penerbitan Academies News and Annualdari institusi antarabangsdaan 110 Reports. The Academy alsonaskahpenerbitan daripadainstitusi circulated 1000 copies NewsletterstempatantermasukJurnal, Buku, and 1000 copiesAnnual ReportProsiding,BeritaAkademi dan locally aswell asabroad.LaporanThhunan.Akademi jugamengedarkansebanyak1000 naskah Finally I would like to record myNewslettedr an1000naskahlaporan sincereappreciation and gratitude toThhunan di dalam dan luar negara. all Fellows of the Academy for their support and generouscontribution Akhir sekalisayaingin merakamkan in terms of time, knowledge andsetinggipenghargaankepadasemua experienceand also for their activeFellowAkaderni diatassokongandan participation in our activities.Asumbangandari segimasa, sincere'thank you also to all staffforpengetahuandan pengalamandan their support, dedication andjuga penglibatanmerekadidalam commitment. I congratulate allaktiviti yang dijalankan.Terima Fellows and staffof the Academy onkasihyang ikhlas juga ditujukan the efforts they have made. ThekepadasemuakakitanganAkademi results of those efforts, summarizeddiatassokongan,dedikasidan in this report, speakfor themselves.komitmen. Sayamengucapkantahniah kepadasemuaFellowsdan I am looking forward to the yearkakitanganAkademi diatassegala 2000, which appearsparticularlyusahamereka.Hasil usahatersebut, exciting, and to a firll programme ofyang dinyatakandidalam laporan ini, activities already mapped out.menjadibukti. Fr Sayamenunggukedatangantahun 2000,yangnampakmenarik, rlldan mempunyai program aktivitiyang telah sediaterancang. \] ezAcademicianTanSri Datuk Dr OmarAbdul Ra.hmanFASc Presiden,Akademi SainsMalaysia ooo\ PresidentA, cadzmyof ScienceMs akysia o 15 Z z F 3 z .t
FI]NGSIFUNCTIONSI untuk menggalakkandan # to promote and foster the h merangsangpembangunansains, development of science, kejuruteraandan teknologi engineering and technology HI untuk mengadakanforum * to provide a forum for the {rl pertukaranpen&pat di kalangan interchange of ideas among ahli sains,jurutera dan ahli scientists, engineers and z teknologi technologists 7I untuk menggalakkankesedaran * to promote national awareness, negara,pemahamandan understanding and appreciation ooo\ penghargaanakan peranansains, of the role of science, kejuruteraandan teknologi dalam engineering and technology in F{ kemajuanmanusia human progress ao untuk menggalakkandaya * to promote creativity among rekaciptaandi kalanganahli sains, . scientists, engineers and z jurutera dan ahli teknologi I technologists z,O untuk menggalakkansifat # to promote national self-reliance z berfikari negaradalambidang in the field of science, sains,kejurutera:rndan teknologi engineering and technology JI untuk bertindak sebagafiorum # to act as a forum for untuk mengekdkankesedarandi maintaining awarenbsson the pih\"k Kerajaanakanpentingnya part of the Government of the peranansains,kejuruteraandan significance of the role of teknologidalamproses science, engineering and pembangunannegaradan technolory in the development membawakepada perhatianahli process of the nation and for sains,jurutera dan ahli teknologi bringing national development akan keperluan-keperluan needs to the attention of pembangunannegara scientists, engineers and technologists* untuk mengandisamasalah- masalahteftentu negaradan # to analyze particular national mengendpastidi manasains, problems and identify where kejuruteraandan teknoogi dapat science, engineering and memberi sumbangankepada technology can contribute to ffi
Funesi f wwc.ut9smrus penyelesaianmasalahdengan their solution and accordingly membuatsyor-syorkepada to make recommendations to Kerajaan the Government * unruk sentiasamengambl * to keep in touch with perhatian tentangperkembangan developments in science, sains,kejuruteraandan teknologi engineering and technolory and sertamengenalpasti identify those developments perkembangan-perkembangan which are relevant to national yang relevandengankeperluan needs and to bring such negaradan membawakepada developments to the attention perhatian Kerajaanakan of the Government pekembangannya # to prepare reports, papers or * untuk meyediakanlaporan- other documents relating to the laporan, kertas-kenasatau national science, engineering dokumen-dokumenlain and technology policy and make berhubungandgngandasarsains, the necessaryrecommendations kejuruteraandan teknologi negara to the Government dan membuat syor-syoryang * to initiate and sponsor multi- perlu kepadaKerajaan disciplinary studies related to * untuk mendayausahakandan and necessary for the better membiayaik\"ji* pelbagai understanding of the social and disiplin yang berkaitansefta economic implications of keperluanpemahamanyanglebih baik tentangimplikasi-implikasi science, engineering and sosialdan ekonomitentangsains, technology kejuruteraandan teknologi # to encourage research andF development and education andP * untuk menggalakkanPz penyelidikan dan pembangunan training of the appropriateFl pendidikan senalatihan tenaga scientific, engineering andP manusiayang sesuaidalam bidang technical manpower7 saintifik, kejuruteraandan * to establish and maintainPz o teknologi relations between the Academy€\o * untuk mengadakandan and overseasbodies having the mengekalkanhubungan antara sarne or almost similarIzts Akademi dan badan-badanluar objectives in science,? negeriyang mempunyai objektif engineering and technology asF yanghampir serupadengan the Academytr! objektifAkademi! gs
jf:'u!,tnf,t{gtgs#pi'f.s* untuk melakukan apa.apaperkara * to advise on matters related to lain dalambidang sains, science, engineering and kejuruteraandan teknologi technolory as may be requested sebagaima^n yangdiminta oleh by the Government from time Kerajaandari semasake semasa to time* untuk melakukan apa-apa * to do such other acts which are tindakan lain yang konsisten consistent with this Act as may denganAkta Akademi Sains1994 be required in order to further sebagaimaany{rg dikehendaki the advancement of science, untuk meningkatkankemajuan engineering and technology in sains,kejuruteraandan teknologi Mdaysia and the welfare and di Malaysiadan kebajikanserta status of the Academy taraf Akademi F.i fr! rJ z 7 ooo\\ a z z 3 z 3 t9
FELLO\UIr(I{}{AI.{SENIORFELLOVTSAcademicianTanSri Datuk Dr OmarAbdul RahmanFAScAcademicianDato'Ir AcademicianTanSri EtLeeYeeCheong FASc Datuk DrAugustineS.H. Ong FASc s ez ooo\\ a z z F zAcademicianDr M.K. RajakumarFASc 23.
FELLO\UTBARU NEWFELLOWS Dr Mohd tuiffin Hj Aton (EngineerinSgciences) Dato'Ir Hj Ahmad ZatdeeHj Laidin K (EngineeringSciences) sr Prof Dr Koh Chong Lek (BiologicalSciences)F oaPzPP Dr Mohd T.ahranb2 Dato' SheikhAbdul HalimzP (Information Technolory) 0Fzze Prof Dr Z.aharinb YusoffF (InformationTechnolory)H ry4 kk
Prof PuanSri Datin Dr Nafisah Hj. Nik Mohd Adeeb (MedicalSciences) Prof Dr Mak Chai @Mak Lian Fong (BiologicalSciences))EMINS DatukAlladin Hashim (S ScT Developmentand Industry)LAYSIA tt Dato' Dr MazlanOthman H (S 6.T Developmentand Industry) sProf Dr Ho Yin \Van(Biologicd Sciences) zz ooo\\ 6 z z- z il 23
SenaraFi ellowL999Lisr wfF*Nsuu1s999t SAINSBIOLOGI/BIOLOGICAL SCIENCEST:- il* - -w1. ProfessoDrr AbdulLatifIbrahimFASc2. EmerituPs rofessoDrato Dr AhmadNawawHi ajiAyobFASc4 Datu-k_DrAhladZaharudinIdrusFASc5e.:.PD4't:o[',D;r;DSa\"llJehiMl;o#h#dSinor.FHAS\"-ciarns.7. ThnSriDato'Dr&ded,tMustaffaBabieeFA$i8. Dr YongHoi SenFASc9. FraeritusProfessoDr r,'Chin Hoong FongFASc10. Dr FrancisS.P.Ng FASc11. ProfessoDr r Mak Chai @Mak Lian FongFASc12. ProfessoDr r Ho Yin \Wan'FASc13. ProfessoDr r Koh Chong Lek FASc SAINSMATEMATIK DAN FIZTI<NTMATHEMATICAL AND PHYSICALSCIENCES SAINSKIMIA/CHEMICAL SCIENCES Ft 25 Fl rl {zz ooo\\ a z 3Z F z
SenanaFiellow1999 Lisre{Fe{,fr,w1u9s99.,.-- -. , -*-l ---- ----- - :*- : ----:i .t --..- .i TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT/INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY : PEMBANGUNAN SAINSscTEKNOLOGI DAN,INDUSTRI/ DE\IELOPMENT-zPFlqzzPoH\\\9oozzbq:NFR!q 26
AHLr MAJLTS1999COUNCILMEMBERS1999 AcademicianTan Sri Datuk Dr OmarAbdul RahmanFAScAcademicianDato' Ir LeeYeeCheong FASc Dato'Dr SallehMohd Nor FASc+ , AcademicianTaSnriDatukDrAugustineS.H.OngFASc Prof Dato' Dr<riAbdulHamid FASc i f! Dr YongHoi SenFASc j n Datuk Dr Abdul Ain S.A.Kadir FASc bezs Encik FatehChand FASc 1,', ooo \ Prof Dr Looi Lai Meng FASc ii Dato' Dr Ikmal HishamAlbakri FASc i 'I a Dr Ho CheeCheongFAScProfDatuk PadukaDr MustaffaEmbongFASc z z- Ir K. KumarasivamFASc Dr Chia SweePing FASc F Prof DrAbdul LatiffIbrahim FASc z'4T4
MESYUARAIMAJLIS COUNCILMEETINGS Bagitahun berakhir31 Disember For the yearending31 December 1999, Majlis bermesyuaratsebanyak 1999,the Councilmet five (5) times: (5) lima kali: 27 February1999(23'd) - 27 Februari t999 (ke23) lOApril 1999(24'h) 10April 1999 ke24) 3 May 1999Q5e) - 3 Mei t999 (kez5) 17 July 1999Q6e) 17IluJart999 (ke26) I November(276) I November 1999 (ke27) 18 December1999(28e) 18 Disember1999(ke28) At thesemeetings,the Council Padamesyuaratini, Majlis deliberatedon the following issues: membincangkanisu-isu yang - Reviewof 1999Budgetand berikut: - IGji* SemulaBelanjawan Programmeof Activities I 999 danAktiviti Program PETROSAINS-ASM Lecture - Siri SyarahanPETROSAINS- Series- PhaseII - ASM Annual Oration and ASM - FasaII PublicLectures - SyarahanPerdanaASM dan Dr RanjeetBhagwanSingh SyarahanUmum ResearchGrant and Memorial - Geran PenyelidikanPerubatan Lecture Dr RanjeetBhagwanSingh - ASM Fund Raisingt. dan SyarahanMemorial - ASM Annual Dinner - PenubuhanThbungASMz - Majlis Makan MalamThhunan Reviewof National SET Policy ASM - AntarcticaProgrammeFjP - IGji* SemulaPolisiSainsdan Proposaol n How to GetA Nobel Laureateby the Yearcz1 Teknologi Kebangsaan 2020 - ProgramAntaftikazP oF - Cadanganbagaimanaunruk - ExchangesandVsits menghasilkanPemenang\\\0oozz Anugerah'Nobel padaThhun 2020bF - Pernrkarandan lawatant!:! 2S
JA\TATANKUASKAERJADAI\ PROGRAMWORI{INGAND PROGRAMMECOMMITTEESUntuk membantu dalam To assistits management andpentadbiran dan operasiAkademi, operation of the Academy, theMajlis telah menubuhkan beberapa Council has set up variousJawatankuasayarirg committees which are responsibleforbertanggungjawabuntuk carrying out specific functions and responsibilities.In 1999, themenjalankanbeberapafungsi dan following committees were operational:tanggungjawabD. alam tahun 1999Jawatankuasa-jawaankuasaadalahsepertiberikut: PrcsidenlPresident FAcademicianTan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul RahmanFASc r.l Naib Presidenl VicePresident AcademicianDato' Ir LeeYeeCheongFASc ri SetiausahaAgu nglSecretaryGmeral 5 Dato' Dr SallehMohd Nor FASc BendahariKehormxl Honorary Ti,easurer azsAcademicianTan Sri Daruk Dr AugustineS.H. Ong FASc a PengerusilChairmanAcademicianThn Sri Datuk Dr AugustineS.H. Ong FASc z PenegerusiC/ hairman Z AcademicianDr M.K. RaiakumarFASc P F PengerusilChairman AcademicianDato' Ir LeeYeeCheongFASc z 2W J
jawacanlcuasKaerja dan Frograrxa \Wr&iregaratf Fe'g*u*ruruuu{ *wewE\"tetee AcademiciaTnhnSri Datuk Dr OmarAbdul RahmanFASc(Chairman) AcademicianDato' Ir LeeYeeCheongFASc Dato'Dr SallehMohd Nor (Secretary) Thn Sri Dato' Ir ShahrizailaAbdullah FASc Prof Dato' Dr Mohd Zawawilsmail FASc YM Tg Datuk Dr AzzmanShariffadeenTg Ibrahim FASc Prof Dato' Dr ShamSaniFASc Encik FatehChand FASc Dr YongHoi SenFASc PengerusrlChairman AcademicianTan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul RahmanFASc SetiausahaSl ecraary Dato' Dr SallehMohd Nor FASc SainsPeruba:'anMl edical Scimces ProfDr Looi Lai MengFASc SainsKejur uteraanEl nginning Scimcesr Dato' Dr Ikmal HishamAlbakri FASc SainsBiolo gilBiologicatScienceszP DrYong Hoi SenFAScFl SainsMatematik & FizikaVze Mathematical& PhysicalSciencesz Dr Chia SweePing FAScI SainsKimia/ ChernicalSciences\o AcademicianThn Sri Datuk Dr AugustineS.H. Ong FASc Teknologi Maklumat/ ITtforrnation 7bchnologyzzE Dr Mohd fuif Nun FAScs PembangunanS6cTdan Industri/FF! S &T Deuehprnew& Induttry Daruk DrAbdul AzizS.A.Kadir FASc! 3&
.l*yuJ\"\"kuasaKerjadanFlogram It \:bp' t',1t\"t:ro. ft'[f t,i.1l]Jr frffytl ftrf Ft&,r L w.llt'nt t f t t,t: rll PengerusiKoordinatoil CoordinatingCbainnan .t AcademicianTan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul RahmanFASc z Nasihat Kepada KeralanlAduice to Gooemrnent PengerusiKoordinatorI CoordinatingChairrnan ? AcademicianThn Sri Datuk Dr OmarAbdul RahmanFASc ! Pendidikan SunslScimceEducation PengerusilChairman ooo\\ Prof Datuk PadukaDr MustaffaEmbongFASc r.i Pertaniandan SektorBerasaskanSumberl Agricubureand ResourcBeasedSectors 0 PengerusilChairman Datuk Dr Abdul Aziz S.A.Kadir FASc Z BiodiversitiI Biodiuersity PengerusilChairman zp Prof Dato' Dr Zal<riAbdul Hamid FASc PengurusanSumberAsli/ 3 Natural ResourceMsanagement z PengerusilChairman Encik FatehChand FASc rt Kesedaran dan KefahamanAwam Mengenai S&T/ Public S dt TAuareness, Undnstanding and Leadnsbip PengerusilChairrnan Dr Chia SweePing FASc Budaya Kecemerlangan/ Cuhure of Excellence PengerusUChairrnan ProfDrAbdul latiffIbrahim FASc SumbangankepadaPembangunanIndustri - Meningkatkan KeupayaanTeknologi/ Contribution to Indusnial Deuebpmmt - EnhancingTechnloogicaI Capability PengerusilChairman Dato' Dr Ikmal HishamAlbal*ri FASc 11
IawatankuasaKeria dan Proeram WdrhingaredFrograk*u Cowdiwee i15 -. ' \": i1 rlFzPdzz a-€\\oozzLEFTFB!! 32
MespraratAgungThhunanKeempatFourthAnnual GeneraMl eetingl\ f .ryoaratAgungThhunanyang 'Th. FourthAnnud General FiIVI Keempatdiadakanpada24 I Meetingwasheldon24 April 1999with the Presidentin the Chair. s{April 1999dengandipengerusikan TwentysixFellowsattendedtheAGM. zzoleh PresidenAkademi.Serama2i 6 The meetingdiscussedand q\orang Fellow menghadiri meqnrarat approvedthe following: o 1998AnnualReportand oo\\tersebut. Statementof Accountsending r-i MesTuaratet rsebumt embincangkan 31 Decembe1r 998 o Electionof ten new Fellowsof the itdanmeluluskanperkara-perkabraerikut: Academyo LaporanThhunan1998dan n Prof PuanSri Datin Dr Nafisah z z PenyataAkaun Hj Nik MohdAdeebo Pemilihan sepuluhFellow baru (Medicd Sciences) z .:. Dato' Ir Haji Ahmad Zaidee * Prof PuanSri Datin Dr Nafisah rJ Haji Laidin Hi Nik Mohd Adeeb (EngineeringSciences) (SainsPerubatan) * Dr Mohd Ariffin Haji Aton .:. Dato' Ir Haji Ahmad Zudee (EngineeringSciences) Haji Laidin (SainsKejuruteraan) l. Prof Dr Mak Chai @Mak Lian .:. Dr MohdAriffin HajiAton Fong (BiologicalSciences) i. ProfDr Ho Yin'Wan (SainsKejuruteraan) (BiologicaSl ciences) * Prof Dr Koh Chong Lek * Prof Dr Mak Chai @Mak Lian (BiologicdSciences) Fong (SainsBiologi) .:. Dr Mohd ZahranDato' Sheikh Abdul Halim .:. Prof Dr Ho Yin'Wan (InformationTechnolory) (BiologicalSciences) * Prof Dr ZaharinYusoff (Information Technology) .;. Prof Dr Koh Chong Lek * DatukAlladin Hashim (SainsBiologi) (S&T Developmenat ndIndustry .r Dr Mohd ZahranDato'Sheikh Abdul Halim (Teknologi Maklumat) * Prof Dr ZahainYusoff (Teknologi Maklumat) .:. DatukAlladin Hashim (PembangunanS6cTdan Industri) 44, JI
* Dato'Dr MazlanOthman t Dato' Dr MazlanOthman (PembangunanS&T dan (S6cf Developmentand Indusui) Industry) o Pemilihan Naib Presiden, o Election ofVce President, SetiausahaAgung, Bendahari SecretaryGeneral, Honorary Kehormat dan enamAhli Majlis Treasurerand six new Members baru of the Council * AcademicianDato' Ir LeeYee l. AcademicianDato' Ir LeeYee CheongFASc(Naib Presiden) Cheong FASc (Vice President) .:. Dato'Dr SallehMohd Nor r..Dato' Dr SallehMohd Nor FASc(SetiausahAag\"\"g) FASc (SecretaryGeneral) * AcademicianThn Sri Datuk * AcademicianThn Sri Datuk AugustineS.H. Ong FASc AugustineS.H. Ong FASc (BendahariKehormat) (Honorary Tleasurer) .!. Dr Ho CheeCheongFASc * Dr Ho CheeCheong FASc (Ahli Majlis) (Council Member) * Prof Datuk PadukaDr Mustaffa * Prof Datuk PadukaDr Embong FASc(Ahli Majlis) Mustaffa Embong FASc i. Ir K KumarasivamFASc (Council Member) (Ahli Majlis) * Ir K Kumarasiva\"mFASc (Council Member) * Dr Chia SweePing FASc (Ahli Majlis) * Dr Chia SweePing FASc (Council Member) * Prof DrAbdul Latif Ibrahim * Prof DrAbdul Ladf Ibrahim FASc(Ahli Majlis) FASc(Council Member) * Dr MohamedAriffNun FASc- * Dr Mohamed AriffNun FAScP (Ahli Majlis) (Council Member)zP Di akhir mesyuaratAgung>czPz Thhunan,Presidentelah At the end of the Annual menyampaikanUcapanPresiden. GeneralMeeting, the President I Presidentelah mengutarakan deliveredthe PresidentialAddress. beberapapencapaianutamaAkademi The Presidenthighlighted someof padatahun 1998.Sebagami emenuhi peranannyasebagapi emberi nasihat the Academyt major achievementsczz: kepadaKerajaandalam perkara in 1998. In firlfilling the role of berkaitan dengansains,kejuruteraan providing adviceto theb. Government on mattersrelatedto dan teknologi,Akademi telah memajukantiga laporankepada science,engineeringand! Kera.jaanS. atudaripadalaporan rcchnology, the Academy had 3ffi
tersebutadalahmengenai presentedthreereportsto the Fr\"'MalaysiatNatural Resources Government.One is the studyonManagemencAn Integrated \"Malaysia'sNatural Resources FrlApproach\".Laporanlain adalahsatu Management:An Integratedlaporan khasmengenaiisu lrisis air Approach\".Another is a special s{bertajuk \"The'Water Crisis:A report to the Governmenton the'CWo'amtepreRlelinsoguCrcaesseMfoarnIangteelmraetnetdin issueof watel crisisentitled \"The kzMalaysi/. Laporanmengenai 'W'ateCr risis:A Compelling Casefor o\\"DesigningScienceEducationfor Integrated'W'ateRr esourcesCompetitivenessR: ecommendations Managementin Malaysia\".The E\on Measuresto IncreaseStudent reporton \"DesigningScienceEnrolment in Sciencein Malaysid' Educationfor Competitiveness: 0dimajukan kepadaMenteri Recommendationson MeasurestoPendidikan. IncreaseStudentEnrolment in z Sciencein Malaysia\"waspresented -z SyarahanPerdanaAkademi pada to the Minister of Education.tahun 1998bemajuk'Recent zDevelopmenton Vibrational The Academyt 1998AnnualSpectroscopoyf Ionic Clusters\" Oration entitled \"Recent L]disampaikanoleh Prof LeeYuan Developmentin VibrationalTseh,PresidenAcademiaSinica Spectroscopoyf Ionic Clusters\"wasThiwan dan PemenangAnugerah deliveredby Prof LeeYuanTseh,Nobel dalambidangKimia pada Presidentof AcademiaSinicaTaiwantahun 1986. and Nobel Laureatein Chemistryin 1986. SyarahanPETROSAINS-ASMI 998 dilancarkanolehTimbalan The PETROSAINS-ASM I 998Menteri Pendidikan,YB Dato' Lecturewaslaunchedby the DeputyKhalid Yunus.FasaI Syarahan Minister of Education,YB Dato'tersebutyang merangkumi Kuala Khalid Yunus.PhaseI of the lectureLumpur, ShahAlam, Seremban, which coveredKualaLumpur, ShahIpoh dan Melaka berkahir pada Alam, SerembanI,poh and Melakabulan Oktober 1998dan mendapat wascompletedin October1998andsambutanyangmemberangsangkan receivedoverwhelmingresponsedari guru-guru dan parapelajar.Fasa from the teachersand students.TheII Syarahantersebutakan bermula PhaseII of the lecturewould beginpadabulanMei, 1999. in May,1999. Presidenjuga mengumumkan The PresidentalsomentionedbahawaAkademi telah menjayakan that theAcademyhad successfullyPersidanganMejabulatSains, concludedan APEC Science,KejuruteraandanTeknologiAPEC EngineeringandTechnology39
untuk membincangkan\"Agenda RoundtableMeeting to discuss APEC unruk KerjasamaIndustri \"APECAgendafor Scienceand Sains,Kejuruteraan dan Teknologi TechnologyIndustry Co-operation dalamAbadke 21\". Deklarasidan into the 21* Century\".The l.aporan mejabulat tersebut Declarationand Repon of the dimajukan kepadaYB Dato' Seri roundtable wasforwarded to the RafidahAziz, Menteri Perdagangan HonorableDato' SeriRafidahAziz, Antarabangsadan Industri untuk Minister of InternationalThadeand dimasukkanke dalamAgendaAPEC. Industry for inclusioninto theAPEC Akademi terlibat dalam banyak agenda. seminardan persidangan The Academyhasbeenactively antarabangsadan juga beqpeluang involvedin manyinternational untuk menjadi hos kepadaramai meetingsand conferenceasnd also pelawatpenting disepanjangtahun. had the privilegeto host many Presidenmendorong Fellow imponant visitorsthroughout the Akademi untuk meluangkanmasa year. merekakearahmencapaiobjektif The Presidenturged the Fellows Akademi melalui penglibaranyang of theAcademyto apportion some aktif di dalam akdviri-akdviti of their valuabletime towards Akademi dan untuk mencurahkan furthering the objectivesof the pengetahuandan pengalaman Academythrough acdve merekakepadamasyarakatsaintifik participationin its activitiesand to di Malapia amnya. impart their knowledgeand Sebagami enyahut cabaranoleh experienceto the Malaysianscientific PerdanaMenteri'kepadamasyarakat community in general. saintifik negarauntuk menghasilkan fuising from the challenge PemenangAnugerahNobel pada thrown by the PrimeMinister to thezP tahun 2020, KementerianSains, scientificcommunity to produceats Teknologi dan Alam Sekitartelah Nobel Laureateby the year2020, theezz mengajakAkademiuntuk Ministry of ScienceT, echnologyand bekerjasamamenghasilkansatu the Environmenthasapproachedthe o agendab€aimana untuk mencapai Academyfor possiblecollaboration- kecemerlangadni dalambidangsains. to developan agendato achieve€\o Presidenjuga merakamkan excellencien science.zL penghargaankepadaUniversiti Putra The Presidentalsoexpressehdise?: Malaysiakeranatelah memberi gratitudeto UniversitiPutraEF sebidangtanah di Serdang,Selangor Malaysiafor generouslyallocatingaFI kepadaAkademi. Presiden pieceof land to theAcademyin! menggulung ucapannyadengan SerdangS, elangorT. he President 4ffi
merakamkanterima kasih kepada concludedhisAddressby thankingsemuaFellow di atassokongandan all the Fellowsfor their supportandsumbanganmerekadan kepada contribution and to the SecretariatSelretariatAkademi di atastugas for their excellentwork.merekayangcemerlang.Fellow menghadiri MesyuaratAgungThhunan Keempat ft Fellowsattendingthe 4'hAnnual GeneralMeeting El 4g s e g\ oo\\ a z z 3 7, rl
Majlis Makan Malam Thhunan1999Annual Dinner 1999 kaderhi SainsMalavsia heAcademyof Sciences menganjurkanMajlis Makan Malavsiaheld its Fifth AnnualMalam Tahunannyayang Kelima Dinner on 15August1999atthepada15 Ogos1999di Hotel SheratonImperial Hotel, KualaSheratonImperial, Kuala Lumpur. Lumpur. The occasionwasgracedbyMajlis tersebutdihadiri olehYAB the Rt Hon Deputy PrimeMinisterTimbalan PerdanaMenteri Mdaysia, of Malaysia,Dato' SeriAbdullahDato' SeriAbdullah Ahmad Badawi. Ahmad Badawi.The dinner wasalsoMajlis tersebutjuga dihadiri olehYB honouredby the presenceoftheTimbalan Menteri Sains,Teknologi Deputy Minister of Science,danAlam Sekitar,DatukAbu Bakar Technologyand the Environment,Daud. the Hon DatukAbu BakarDaud. Seramaliebih kurang37D reramu About 370 guestscomprisingyang terdiri dari FellowAkademi, Fellowsof theAcademy,HeadsandKetua dan PegawaAi gensi Kerajaan, Officialsof GovernmentAgenciesKaptenIndustii danKetuaKomuniti and Ministries,Captainsof IndustryF EzP &2tsezPzol!€\o\o Tetamu Kehormat dizz Majlis Makan Malam5 TahunanASMtrt Guestsof Honour at +*-+e--g theASM AnnualE Dinner
Saintifik menghadiri Majlis Makan and ScientificCommunity Leaders F!Malam tersebut. attendedthe dinner. r{ Acarakemuncakpadamalam itu The highlightsof the evening {adalahUcapanThhunanolehTimbalanPerdanaMenteri, Ucapan werethe Deputy PrimeMinister's !Presiden,penganugerahanSijilFellowshipkepadaFellow Kanan dan Annual Addressto the Academy,the zsepuluhFellow baru Alademi danpelancaranProgramPenyelidikan PresidenttAddress,confermentof naMalaysia-Antanika. FellowshipCertificatesto ASM ooo\\ UcapanThhunanyangdisampaikanolehTimbalan PerdanaMenteri SeniorFellowsand ten new Fellows F{antaralain mengutarakanperlunyaparasaintisdan ahli teknologi and launchingof the Malaysia- zMdaysia berdayasaingdi peringkatantarabangsauntuk membolehkan AntarcticaResearchProgramme. ZMalaysiamenjadi sebahagian The Annual Addressdeliveredbydaripadaprosesinovasiglobal;unruk FAkademi menerajuipromosi dan the Deputy PrimeMinister statedpenubuhanKerjasamaP&P amongothersthe needfor Malaysian zAntarabangsadalam bidang sains, scientistsand technologiststo bekejuruteraandan teknolog yang competitiveon the globalstagein Imanapihak Kerajaanbersetuju orderfor Malaysiato be part of theuntuk menyediakansumberyang globalinnovationprocessf;or thediperlukan dan unruk memainkan Academyto takethe leadinperanansebagapi enasihatkepada promoting and establishingKementerian Pendidikan dalam InternationalR&D Collaborationinusahamengulasdan menyediakan SET for which the Governmentkurikulum yang sesuaiuntuk would bewilling to allocatependidikansains,kejuruteraandan necessarryesourcesand to play ateknologi di sekolahdan untuk consultativerole to the Ministry ofAkademi membuat ulasanyang Educationin reviewingandterperincibagi PolisiS6cTTeknologi developingappropriatecurriculumKebangsaanT. imbalan Perdana for SET educationin schoolsand forMenteri juga melahirkansokongannya the Academyto be thoroughin itsterhadapcadanganpenubuhan Pusat taskin reviewingthe National S&TSumberSainsdanTeknologi Policy.The Deputy PrimeMinisterKebangsaan. alsoexpressehdis supporton the proposedestablishmenot f the Akademi juga buat pertama National ScienceandTechnologykalinya menyaksikan ResourceCentre.penganugerahaSnijil FellowolehTimbalan PerdanaMenteri kepada The Academyalsofor the first time sawthe confermentof FellowshipCertificatesby the Deputy PrimeMinister to four SeniorFellowswho wereelected basedon their outstanding +A 4J
*r\"luuJrrf I ltr{.rfnifl InENI[ff] MAtAy$lA Dr Azizan Abu Samah menerima benderaMalaysia 150G0$ry dad YAB Dato' SeriAbdullah Ahmad Badawi sebagaitanda pelancaranProgram PenyelidikanMalaysia- Anunika Dr Azizan Abu Samah receivingthe Malaysian flag from YAB Dato' SeriAbdullah Ahmad Badawi to mark the launchingof the Malaysia- Antarctica Research Programme empat'FellowKanad yangdilantik contributionsand achievementisn berdasarkansumbanganmerekayang the areasof SET for the benefitof cemerlangdi dalam bidang sains, the nation andthe humankind.The kejuruteraandan teknologi untuk SeniorFellowsareentitled to be kebaikannegaradan manusiasejagat. called'AcademicianT. he selectionof Fellow Kanan mendapatgelaran the SeniorFellowswasdoneby a Academiciari. Pemilihan Fellow SpecialPanelchairedbyTan Sri Kanan dilaksanakanoleh PanelKhas Dato' SeriAhmad SarjiAbdul yang dipengerusikanolehTan Sri Hamid. In 1999the SeniorFellows Dato' SeriAhmad SarjiAbdul electedareAcademicianThn Sri Hamid. Padatahun 1999Fellow Datuk Dr Omar Abdul Rahman Kananyang dilantik terdiri daripada FASc,AcademicianDato' Ir LeeYee AcademicianTanSri Datuk Dr CheongFASc,AcademicianDr M.K. OmarAbdul RahmanFASc, Rajakumar FAScand Academician AcademicianDato' Ir LeeYee TanSriDatuk DrAugustineS.H.F Cheong FASc,AcademicianDr Ong FASc.P M.K. RajakumarFAScdan The Right HonorableDato'SeriPz AcademicianTanSri Datuk Dr Abdullah Ahmad BadawialsoFi AugustineS.H. Ong FASc. presentedthe FellowshipCertificatesPz YAB Dato' SeriAbdullah Ahmad to the ten newly electedFellows.z Badawijuga menyampaikanSijil After the confermentof thea Fellow kepadasepuluhFellow baru Fellowshipcertificatesto the Seniorts€ yang dilantik. Selepaspenyampaian Fellowsand new Fellowsof the\\9o Sijil Fellow kepadaFellow Kanan Academy,the Deputy Primezzb dan FellowbaruAkademi,Timbalan Minister officially launchedthe PerdanaMenteri melancarkan MalaysianR6.D Programmein theF denganrasminyaProgram Antarctica.F! Penyelidikandan Pembangunandir.i Antartika. 44
\\ \,r-\----- __-_\"-':' - u_:':;1 TIVITI-AI(TIgI ACTTWTIES ;t I ii
AKTTVITI-AKTTVITI ACTTVITIES kademi SainsMalaysia,yang -fa h. Academyof Sciences tt ditubuhkan empat tahun lalu, I Malavsia,which wastelah diamanahkandenganmisi bl\"untuk mencapai,menggalak,serta establisheifouryears ago,hasbeenmeningkatkan kecemerlangandalam entrustedwith the mission\"to r{ibidang sains,kejuruteraandan pursue,encourag€and enhance zzteknologi khususuntuk kemajuan excellencein the fieldsof science,dan pembangunannegaradan juga engineeringand technologyfor the o\untuk kebaikanmanusiasejagat\". developmentof the nation and the z@ Akademi menjalankanaktivitinya benefitof mankind\". zberdasarkankerangkamisinya: '\Tithin the frameworkof its given F .1. Untuk memberinasihat mission,the Academyorganizedits F kepadaKerajaanmengenai activitiesbasedon the following perkara-perkara-yang thrust areas: z berkepentingannasional 1. To provideadviceto 2. Untuk merangsangbudaya Governmenton matters kecemerlangandalam bidang relatedto sciencee, ngineering sains,kejuruteraandan and technologywhich areof teknologidi Malaysia nationalimportance 3. Untuk membantu 2. To fostera Culture of meningkatkan keupayaan Excellencein the SET in industri di Malaysiadalam Malaysia bidangteknologi 3. To assisitn upgradingthe 4. Untuk menggalakkan technologicacl apabilityand kesedaranumum tentang competencyof Malaysian kepentingansains, industries kejuruteraandan teknologi dalamkehidupan seharian 4. To promotepublic awareness on the importanceof SET in 5. Untuk menggalakkandan everydaylife mengkordinasikanKerjasama dan UsahasamaAntarabangsa 5. To facilitateand coordinate dalambidangpenyelidikan InternationalCollaboration and Cooperationin research 47
NASII{AI KEPADA ADVICE TO THE KERAJAAI\ GOVERNMENT Q rl\"h satudaripadaperanan ne of the main roles of the rJ pentingAkademiadalahmemberi Academy is to advisethe nasihatkepadaK.t\".l\"* mengenai Government on matters related to perkarayangberkaitandenganbidang science,engineering and technology sains,kejuruteraandan teknologi. which areof nationd importance. In Padatahun 1999,Akademi telah 1999, rheAcademy has carried out menjalankanaktiviti berikuc the below-mentioned activities: Kajian Semula Polisi Sains dan National Science and Technolog;r Teknologi Kebangsaan Policy Review KementerianSains,Teknologi dan The Ministry of Science,Technology Alam Sekitarmeminta Akademi and the Environment requestedthe SainsMalaysiauntuk mengkaji Academy of SciencesMalaysia to semulaPolisi SainsdanTeknologi undertake the review of the National Kebangsaanyang digubal padatahun Scienceand Technology Policy that 1986.Dato'DrYusof BasironFASc was first formulated in 1986. Dato' telah ditugaskanuntuk mengetuai Dr Yusof Basiron FASc was entrusted satukumpulan yang dianggotaioleh to lead a team ofexperts from pakar dari institusi dan organisasi various key institutions and penting. AcademicianTan Sri Datuk organisations.Academician Thn Sri Dr OmarAbdul RahmanFASc, Datuk Dr Omar Abdul Rahman PresidenAkademi SainsMalaysia FASc, the President of theAcademy yangjuga PenasihatSainsKepada PerdanaMenteri mengkoordinasi and also the ScienceAdvisor to theF dan memberi panduankepada Prime Minister provided the proj.k tersebut. coordination and guidance to thezP Objektif utamaprosesk\"ji* project.l] The primary objectives of thisP semulaadalahz (a) untuk mengkaji semulasecara review processare:z l,rritikal Polisi Sainsdan G) to critically review the currenta\Fo Teknologi Kebangsaandan National SET Poliry andI menilai kesesuaiandan assessits appropriatenessand\0 kaitannya dalam memenuhi relevancein meeting national2z madamat negarasejajar goals in line with changing denganperubahanekonomi, economic, technological andFt teknologi dan transformasi social transformations: sosial.! 4&
(b) untuk mencadangkanPolisi (b) to recommend a new SainsdanTeknologi Kebangsaandan Pelan National SET Policy and Tindakan untuk jangkamasa 200l-2010 berdasarkan Action plan for the period penilaian diatasdengan penekananpadalangkah- 2001-2010 basedon langkahpraktikal dan efektif kearahpembangunan assessmentsabove with keupayaansains,kejuruteraan dan teknologi untuk ekonomi emphasison practical and Parapesera di Seminar yang berdayasaingdan berlandaskanpengetahuan effective measurestowards Antarabangsa\"Challenges sertapeningkatankualiti hidup masadepan. the developmentof SET and Issuein Science, Didalam usahamengkaji semula capabilities for a competitive Engineering andpolisi, Akademi menggunakan Technolog;/'kepakaranparaFellowyang menjaditerasusahakajian semulaPolisi Sains and knowledge-driven Panicipantsat thedanTeknologi KebangsaanS. umberlain dijana daripadainstitusi economy aswell asthe InternationalSeminaronberkaitansepeftiUM, UTM, UUM, enhancement of the nationt Challengesand issuesinUMS, MIGHT MIMOS, MIER ScienceE, ngineeringanddan lainJain pakar dari dalam dan futurequaliryof life. Technologyluar negara. In undertaking Ft Untuk lebih menguatkananalisis the reviewprocess,tersebutdan untuk berkongsi theAcademydrew rrlpengalaman,Akademi relevantexpertise rlmenganuj rkan beberapasesi from within its'brainstormingfdan seminar. FellowsT. hese FznzSebanyak13 sesi'brainstorming2 Fellowsformeddenganpelbagaidisiplin sainsdan the corefor the ooo\\\satuseminarkebangsaandan dua reviewof theseminarantarabangsatelah ridianjurkan. National SET Policy.Additional a SeminarAntarabangsa resourceswere harnessedfrom the\"Challengesand Issuesin Science, zEngineeringandGchnology in a relevant institutions such asUM, zKnowledge-Driven Economy\"diadakandari 30 November- I UTM, UUM, UMS,MIGHI Z MIMOS,MIER andotherexperts from overseaasnd from within the iJ country. To further strengthenthe analysis and to shareexperiencesth, e Academyorganizeda seriesof b r a i n s t o r m i n gs e s s i o nasn d s e m i n a r s . A total of 13 brainstormingsessions with the variousdisciplinesof sciencesand onenationaland two internationasleminarwsereorganized. The InternationalSeminaron \"ChallengeasndIssuesin Science, 49
Disember L999 dr Hotel ParkPlaza, EngineeringandTechnologyin a Kuala Lumpur. Ia dihadiri oleh lebih Knowledge-DrivenEconomy''was kurang 100peserta.Satubengkel held from 30 November - 'Development and Enhancementof 1 December 1999 at the ParkPlaza Researchand Scientific Culture\" diadakan pada4 November 1999 di Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. It was Hotel ShahVillage,PetalingJaya. attendedby about100participants. Lebih kurang 60 pesera menghadiri A workshop on \"Development and bengkeltersebut.Perbincangan benumpu kepadabagaimanauntuk Enhancementof Researchand mengembangkadnanmempeningkatkan Scientific Culture\" washeld on 4 mutu penyelidikansenamembina November 1999 at Shaht Village budayasainsdi kalangansaintis Hotel, PetalingJaya.About 60 participantsattendedthe workshop. Discussionswere focusedon how to developand enhanceresearch Malaysia.Proseskajian semulaitu and build scientific culture arnong jugamenggunakansumberdan Malaysianscientists.The review kepakarandaripadaCommonwealth processalsodrew considerable Partnershipfor Technolog;r resourcesand expertisefrom the Management(CPTM). Akademi Commonwealth Partnershipfor juga bekerjasamadenganMIGHT TechnologyManagement (CPTM). menganjurkanseminarkebangsaan The Academycollaboratedwith MIGHT in a nationalseminarto untuk menyediakankerangkabagi draw up the framework for a SistemInovasiKebangsaan(NIS). National Innovation System(NIS) Hasil daripadasemuaaktiviti ini The outputs from theseactivities digunakan oleh Akademi untuk were usedby the Academy to menguatkaninputnya didatam strengthenits input in the review proseskajian semulaini. Process. Akademi juga menganjurkansatu The Academyhosteda talk byl. ceramaholeh MrTed Harley dari Mr Ed Harley of the DepartmentP JabatanPerdagangandan Industri, ofTrade and Industry UK toz UKyang dihadiri oleh Fellows Fellowsof theAcademy, membersFlztz-s Akademi, ahli JawatankuasaPetugas of the review task force and invited I kajian semulapolisi dan wakil representativesof government and badan-badanKerajaandan swasta private sectororganizationson the\o\o yangdijemput. Ceram\"hy*g subject \"Our CompetitiveEdge:zzts disampaikanbertajuk\"Our Building Knowledge-Driven CompetitiveEdgeBuildingKnowledge- Economy''. The talk highlightedFT Driven Economy\" menekankan how UK respondedto the tentang responsUK terhadap knowledgedriven economy. ekonomi berlandaskanpengetahuan. In addition the Academyhasbeen Selaindari itu, Akademi juga very activeto engageother! melibatkan organisasidan badan or ganizationsand professional 5S
professionallain dalamperundingan bodiesin consultationsto consolidate ftuntuk menggabungkanideadan ideasand opinions. The reviewbuah fikiran. JawatankuasaPetugas team was also involved at certain blini juga terlibatdenganScienceand stageswith the Science andTechnologyCommitteeof the Technology Committee of the ezNational EconomicConsultative National Economic Consultative o\CommitteeII (NECC II) untuk Committee II (NECC II) to ensurememastikanbahawaterdapat policy alignment as far as science, Ipenjajaranpolisi di manaberkaitan engineering and technology aredengansains,kejuruteraandan zteknologi. concerned. The Academy has already z3 Akademi telah memajukanlaporan awal kepadaKementerian submitted the inception report to FSains,TeknologidanAlam Sekitar. the Ministry of Science,TechnologyLaporanakhir kajiansemulaPolisi and the Environment. The final zSainsdanGknologi Kebangsaan report of the review of the NationalakandiserahkapnadabulanApril 2000. Science and Technology Policy will be due for submission in AprilSeminar \"Future Directions and 2000.BusinessOpportunities in FoodProduction in Natural Agriculture Seminar On \"Future DirectionsPolicy III (NAP3)\" And BusinessOppornrnities InSeminar\"Future Directionsand Food Production In NaturalBusinessOppornrnitiesin Food Agriculture Policy III (NAP3)'Production in NAP3\" diadakandari The Seminaron \"FutureDirections15-16 November1999di Hotel andBusinesOs pportunitiesin FoodLegend,Kuala Lumpur. Ia dihadiri Productionin NAP3\" washeld fromseramaliebih kurang 100pesenadan 15-16 November1999*thedirasmikanolehMenteri Pertanian, LegendHotel, KualaLumpur. It wasYB DatukAmar Dr SulaimanDaud. attendedby about100participantsPengerusJi awatankuasaPenganjur, and officiatedby the Minister ofDato' Dr Abdul Aziz S.A.Abdul Agriculture,YB DatukAmar DrKadir FAScmenyamp\"ikan ucapan SulaimanDaud. The Chairmanofdan ucaptamaMenteri. Akademi the OrganizingCommittee,Dato'diwakili oleh SetiausahaAgung, Dr Abdul Aziz S.A.Kadir FAScDato'Dr SallehMohd Nor FASc deliveredthe speechand keynoteyang menyamp\"ik ucapan addressof the Minister.Thepembukaan.Empat\" ucaptamadan Academywasrepresentedby itslapan kertaskerjadibentangkan SecretaryGeneral,Dato' Dr Sallehsemasaseminartersebut.Satu Mohd Nor FAScwho deliveredthe welcomeaddressF. our keynote addresseasnd eight paperswere presentedat the Seminar.A F4 R!
perbincanganmejabulat mengikut roundtable discussion following the format'Langkawi Didogue' 'Langkawi Dialogue' format was diadakanuntuk sedapsesi.Hasil organized for eachof the three yang dijangkakandari seminarini sessionsT. he expectedoutcome of adalahsatulaporan khaskepada the seminar is a specialreport to the Kerajaanyang mengandungiusul Government containing dan pelan tindakan bagi prospek recommendations and action plans masadepanindustri makanandan on \"Future Prospectsfor the Food penanian di Malaysia. andAgricultureIndustriesin Malaysia\". Forum \"Pengklonan Manusia - Forum on \"Pengklonan Manusia - Satu Perspektif Islam\" Satu Perspektif Islam\" Akademi SainsMalaysiamendapat At the invitation of Institut jemputan dari Institut Kefahaman Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (IKIM), Islam Malaysia(IKIM) untuk the Academy of SciencesMalaysia mengambil bahagiandalam Forum participatedin the Forum \"PengklonanManusia - Satu yang berajuk \"PengklonanManusia - SatuPerspektifIslam\". Forum Perspektif Islam\". The Forum was tersebutdiadakandi Dewan Besar, held at Dewan Besar,IKIM on26 IKIM pada26Ogos 1999.Prof Dr August 1999. Prof Dr Looi Lai Looilai MengFAScmembenangkan Meng FASc presenteda paper on kertaskerjayangbenajuk \"Cloning - \"Cloning - The Scienceof the The Scienceof the Possible\"D. i Possible\".In her paper shedealt with dalam kenaskerjabeliau the scientific aspect of cloning. membincangkanisu pengklonan Dr Abu BakarAbdul Majeed, Senior dari perspektif sains.DrAbu Fellow of IKIM presenteda paper BakarAbdut Majeed,FellowKanan entitled \"Pengklonan Manusia -- IKIM membentangkankenaskerja Mencabar Ketentuan Ti;Ian?\". His benajuk \"Pengklonan- Mencabar presentation was focused on the issuezP Ketentuan Tirhan?\". Pembentangan of human cloning from the beliau bern:.mpukepadaisuFj perspectiveof Islam. From the pengklonanmanusiadari perspektifPez Islam. Perbincanganyang diadakan discussionit can be summarized thatz merumuskanbahawaisu pengklonan issuesof human cloning need to bet resolvedthrough consensusamong manusiaharuslahdiselesaikanatauFr\\€oo experts including Islamic scholars, ditangani melalui konsensusdi scientistsand medical personnel. A antarasemuap4ar termasukparazz ulama, saintisdan ahli perubatan. report on the issueof cloning from Satulaporan mengenaiisu both the scientific and Islamicq: perspectivesin the national contexttsB: pengklonanini dari perspektifsains dan Islam di dalam konteks negara will be prepared.H akan disediakan. 6'9 6t&
Pengurusan Kuatid Air Water Q\"\"lity ManagementAkademi dengankerjasama'World The Academyin collaborationwithHumanity Action Tlust (\7HAT), \WorldHumanity Action TiustMalaysian National Committee onIrrigation and Drainage (\7HAI), the MalaysianNational(MANCID) dan Malaysian'WaterPartnership (MS(/P) menganjurkan Committeeon Irrigation andforum seharipada 11 Oktober1999 & Hotel Legend,Kuala \"Drainage(MANCID) andLumpur. Forum tersebutdirasmikan oleh YB Datuk Amar Malaysian'WaterPartnershipDr Hj SulaimanHj Daud, MenteriPertanian Malaysia. Seramai (M\il?) organizeda onedayforumlebihkurang 100 peseftamenghadiri forum tersebut yang on 11 October1999at theLegend YB DatukAmar Dr Hjmenyediakan saru landasanbagr Hotel, KualaLumpur. The forum Sulaiman Hj Daud semasapeftukaran pengetahuan dan wasofficiatedby YB Datuk Amar Dr perasmianForummaklumat sertaberkongsi Hj SulaimanHj Daud,Ministerof YB DatukAmar Dr Hjpengalaman tentang amalan Agriculture,MalaysiaA. bout 100 SulaimanHj. Daud duringterbaik dan tindakan yang parnclpants the openingofthe Forummembawa perubahan unrukkeselamatandan pemulihan kuditi attended thesumberair kita. Forum tersebutmengumpulkan tenagadalam forum whichbidang tersebut dari dalam danluar negarayang membentangkan provided akertaskerja masingmasing danmengadakan perbincangan platform formengenai topik PengurusanKualitiAir. Ucaptama disampaikan oleh exchangeofProf JanuszKindler, CommissionMember dan Dekan, Fakulti knowledge andKejuruteraan Alam Sekitar,Universiti Teknologi'!?'arsaw, information andPoland.Forum tersebutmemberi,input dan perspektifkepada'global sharingwatervision. experiences regardingbestpracticesand innovativeaction towardsthe protectionand restorationof the qualiryof our freshwateresources. Et The forum brought togetherinterna- Eil tional and local expertswho presentedpapersand held hsl discussionson the topic of W'ater Qu\"liry ManagementT. he keynote uF addresswasdeliveredby ProfJanusz Kindler, CommissionMember and 4\ Dean,Faculryof Environmental Engineering,'WarsawUniversityof ooo\\ Technology,Poland.The Forum I t z z F providedthe nationalinput and z perspectiveinto the globalwater vision. \P{4
Simposium \"Towards A Mosquito- Symposi\"m \"Towards A SafeEnvironment\" Mosquito-Safe Environ ment\" Simposium\"TowardsA Mosquito- A two-daysymposiumon \"Towards SafeEnvironment\" selamadua hari a Mosquito-SafeEnvironment\" was dianjurkan oleh Akademi Sains organizedby the Academyof Malaysiadi Hotel Legend,Kuala SciencesMalaysiaat the Legend Lumpur dari 29-30 Jun 1999. Hotel, KualaLumpur ftom29-30 Simposium ini mengumpulkan June1999.The symposiumbrought pakar-pakardalam bidang biologi togetherexpertson mosquitobiology dan kawalannyamuk untuk and control, to presenttheir findings membentangkanpenemuandan and experiencetso developers, pengalamanmerekakepadapemaju, builders,architectsp, lanters, perancarrgbandar,pengurushotel landscaperst,own planners,hoteliers, dan tempat peranginan,industrialis resortmanagersi,ndustrialistsand dan merekayang inginkan kawasan otherswho want to keeptheir merekabebasdari nyamuk. domainsmosquito-safeI.t was Simposiumini dihadiri oleh 150 attendedby 150participantswho at pesertayangdiakhir simposium the end of the symposiumhad belajarbagaimanauntuk learnedhow to identify the different mengenalpastjienis nyamuk, kinds of mosquitoes,understandthe memahamirisiko yang terdedah risksthey areexposedto, and be kepadamereka,dan berpengetahuan sufficientlyknowledgeableto bagaimanaunruk melaksanakan langkahkawalan. implementcontrol measures. Hasil dari simposiumtersebut, The outcomeof the symposium, selaindari perbincangandan bahan- apaft from the discussionsand the bahanedaranadalahbuku saintifik materialsdistributedat the mengenaisubjekyang dibincangkan symposium,would be a scientifically yang manaakandijadikan sebagai authoritativebook on the subjectPz teftsrujukan ddam usaha which would be a referencetext in menjadikan alam sekitarkita selamat making our environmentmosquito-llF dari nyamuk. Ia juga akan menjadi safe.It would alsobe a sourceof sumbernasihatdan memberi adviceandwould providethez maklumat teknikal kepadapemaju, technicalinformation to thePz$\9 pembinabangunan,arkitek,pereka developersb, uilders,architects, senitaman,industrialisdan ramai landscapersin, dustrialistsand manyzz lagi. Untuk orang awamtermasuk others.For the generalpublic, sekolah,satubuku berillustrasiyang including schools,a separate kurang teknikal dibandingkan illustratedbook is beingplannedF! dengankertaskerjaSimposium adalahdi dalamperancanganuntuk which will be lesstechnicalthan the! dihasilkan. Symposiumpapers. 54