tia 1 1 .A t:.S & W S `TVVX Q +n.. IMM ^^ 6\"tl
AKDEAMI ( AINS MALAYS IA PERNYATAAN MIS I mencapai, menggalak, Bertamemngkat kecemerlangan dalam biding sains,kejuruteraan dan teknologi khusus untukkemajuan dan pembangunan negara dan jugauntuk kebaikan manusia sejagat MISSION STA TEMENT the pursuit, encouragement andenhancement of excellence in the fields of science,engineering and technology, for the development of thenation and the benefit of mankind.
1KANDUNGAN/CONTENTS 1 Laporan Presiden BANGUNAN AKADEMI Prec6dent.'c Report A CA DEMY BUILDING 6 Fungsi Akaderni Sains Malaysia 31 Bangunan dan Kemudahan FnnclioIIs of lbe.lcadem) o/ S rn^uces :Malaysia Akademi 1 czrrle>Iry Bnilrliu, and 1 vcrlitiec 8 Fellow Baru Akadcmi ,`err, Fellorrc of the: lradcrrr^ LAIN-LAIN AKTIVITI 1996 OTHER 1996 A CTIV ITIES 9 Scnarai .Fellows Akademi Sains Malaysia Licto 1 ellon:c.'lcadeiill of Scieace.c:llcr/uj:ria 35 Syarahan Faraday 1996 bertajuk `From A 2B-C\"14 Ahli-ahli Majlis Akademi Sains Malaysia I //u dui T_ecture 1996\"From A213-C\" 1996 alembers o/Council o_ f ,tlbe. lcadeury of Sciences 37 Bengkcl Mengenai \"Harnessing tl-lalaysia 1996 Science & Technology for the Seventh Malaysia Plan\"15 MesN-uarat Majlis 11,7' rksbop orr \"Harnessing Science & Counci/Rlleetti^,s Technology for the Seventh Malaysia Plan\"16 Jawatankuasa Kerja dan Program I1 orlon; Conmrillees trod Pro rzrmrries 39 Syarahan Perdana . Innaa!Oralion18 Kakitangan Akademi .Stcr// oft/,e Icade^^^^ 39 Bengkel Mengenai \"IEE Teachin,g Kits\" ASM/CDC19 Carta Organisasi Akademi Sains Malaysia fl-'orisbop on \"IEE Teaching Orgarrlsatiou Chart A c adeni). o l, Sricnc es Kits\".-4SW l CDC' A ia/ciysia 40 Syarahan Umum Mengenai `Robotics ACARA KEMUNCAK 1996 and Industrial Automation\" Anjuran HIGHLIGHTS OF 1996 .ASM/TPM Pub/ic Lectur-e on \"Robotics and23 Mesyuarat.Agung Pertama Akademi Sains Industrial Automation\" byA SNI/ Malaysia TPM 1 `'ir:cl^ ^lnnrrr/C//, nil^lleetin, o/tbe_ Lvdemj of Sraenceslllala}sicr 41 Sesi Dialog antara Akademi Sains Malaysia dan Badan Profesional26 Jamuan Makan Malam Tahunan Sains, Kejuruteraan dan Teknologi 1 ruura/J),iiuer Dialr,rre .Sc_c.rioii Between the. 1 caderrq and Science, 1: n;ineerzn5 (11/( /'] cchrmlogj Pro/esrional A ssociations
ll TAKLIMAT 53 Newsletter Akademi B R IEFIN GS -lcademy Neal:sletter45 Taklimat di Kementerian Sains, AKTIVITI ANTARABANGSA Teknologi dan Alam Sekitar INTERNA TIONA L A CTIV ITIES Briefirt, at the Ministry of Science, Teclmology^ and the E rrr'ir torment 57 Majlis Permasyhuran Akademi Sains Afrika Selatan46 Taklimat di MIGHT Lun^guratiorr of the A cademy of Sciences, I3riefirr, atM1GHT South A frica47 Taklimat di Kementerian Pertanian 58 Lawatan ke United States National Briefing at the llinistryy of /I,riculture Academy of Sciences dan The U.S. National Academy of Engineering47 Taklimat di Perbendaharaan I sit to The United States National I3iiefrog at the Trea.sru A cademy of Sicences acid] he US. ,'N^itional A cademy of 'Etlgirreeririg48 Taklimat di Technology Park Malaysia Corporation Sdn. Bhd 58 Persidangan Sempena Ulangtahun Briefing at the Technology Park W alegsia Ke 10 Science and Engineering Corporation Sdii. Bhd. Academy of South Africa (SEASA), Johannesburg PENERBITAN 1996 The /0th ^' Inuir'ersar}' Conference of 1996 PUBLICA TIONS Science and Engineering A cademy of South A frica (SEA SA ), Joharanesbuq51 Mahathir : Kepimpinan dan Visi Dalarn Sains & Teknologi 59 Mlesvuarat antara Akademi-Akaderni A lcrhathri'r: Leadership and V ision in Science Sains dan Kejuruteraan dan Ahli Majlis & Technology S & T Kebangsaan daripada Negara- A bdul A Zi.Z A bdul Rahman and negara Asean, China, Jepun dan Korea Su>nangala Pillai Selatan A leeting of The A cademies of Sciences and52 Pcrnyataan Tentang Sains dan Polisi Engineering and National S & T Councils Sains from A sean A lember Countries, China, Japan Some Reflections on Science & Science and South Korea Policy Sir Aaron King 59 Mesyuarat antara Ahli M ajlis dan Institut Kejuruteraan Elektrik (TEE)52 Robotics and Industrial Automation United Kingdom Robotics and Industrial Autornatiorr 1leetin, between Conncii ;1.1e>nbers and Shinsuke Sakakibara Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) United Kingdom53 Kertas Persidangan Permashvuran dan Persidangan Meja Bulat Proceedings of the Inarrguratioa and International Roundtable
m60 Lawatan kc Akademi Kejuruteraan China, PELAWAT-PELAWAT Beijing, China AKADEMI 1996 I grit to the Chinese A cadeny of Engineering, Beijing, China A CA DEMY V ISITORS IN 199660 La\yatan ke Royal Academy of Engineering 69 Kunjungan Mentcri Sains dan dan Royal Society of United Kingdom Teknologi, Brazil I 'A ril to The Ro) a/. lradelny of Engirreerin;, curd I 'isitby H.E.:1linisterofSciencesand Royal Society of United Kingdom Technology Bnr:vil61 Pemenang Pertandingan Esei mengenai 69 Kunjungan dui Yayasan Faraday Lecture melawat ke tempat- tempat menarik mengenai Sains dan Penyelidikan Jcrman Teknologi di United Kingdom dan Perancis Student Winners of Essay Competition on the I isit by, German Research Forurdatiou Faraday Lectm-e visit placer of interest in , Science and Technology in United Kinodonn and France 70 Kunjungan dari Akademi Sains Uzbekistan63 Simposium Antarabangsa mengenai I `isit from Academy of Sciences Technology Policy irr a Border /ess Wor ld Econon j' , U.Zbekistan Tokyo I nternatiorralSy vnporiyun on `Technology Policy 71 Kunjungan dari Akademi Sains dan in a Borderless V'orld Economy\", Tokyo Kejuruteraan Afrika Selatan I'isitfrom the Science and Engineering A cademy ofSouth A frica (SEASA)64 Mesyuarat diantara CAETS, Akademi 71 Kunjungan dari Akademi Teknologikal Sains AustraliaKejuuuteraan China, Korea Sclatan , Malaysia L'isit fi onz the A ustralian A cademy of Technological Sciencesdan Filipina_Aleeting betrrecu C. I [--'TS' lcaderrmd.r o/'Engineering China, South K orea, Malaysia andPhilippines LAIN-LAIN OT HER S65 Lawatan kc Royal Swedish Academy Of 75 Scsi Perbincangan Fellows Sains Engineering Sciences (IVA) dan Menghadiri Peiubatan Mesyuarat Tahunan , Simposium Tahunan Medical Sciences Fellows Brainstorming dan Jamuan Makan Malun 1996 Session Ac I 7sit to The Roya/ Swedish ademy o f PENYATA AKAUN Engineering Sciences (IV 1) and attendance at AKADEMI SAINS MALAYSIA I f '-A 1 nnual Meeting, Symposium and Dinner STA TEMENT OF A CCOUNTS 1996 A CA DEMY OF SCIENCES66 Lawatan ke Republik Uzbekistan MA LA Y SIA l'isit to the Republic of U:-hekistan
1LAPORAN PRESIDENPRESIDENT'S REPORTSaya dengan sukacitanya melaporkan aktiviti- I am pleased to report the activities undertakenaktiviti yang telah dijalankan oleh Akademi by the A cademy during theyear° 1996.sepanjang tahun 1996. This year has been some what special for theTahun ini merupakan tahun yang istimewa bagi A cademy as it had for the first time, elected itsAkaderni, buat pertama kalinya telah memilih Follow first Honorcny Fellow in the person of Y A BKehormat pertama, YAB Dato' Seri Mahathir Dato' Seri Dr A fahathir .W ohamad, the PrimeMohamad, Perdana Menteri Malaysia dan enam Minister of Ma/gysia and six new Fellows atorang Fellow baru Akademi pada Mesyuarat Agung the A cademty'r filstA nnual GeneralMeeting heldTahunan pertama yang telah berlangsung pada 20 on 20' A pril 1996. The membership of theApril 1996. KeahlianAkademi pada hujung tahun A cademy at the end of theyear stood at 56.ini berjumlah 56 orang. The Acadevny office building at 902-4, . jalan TunBangunan pejabat Akademi beralamat 902-4, Jalan Ismail was handed over to the A cademy, on 31'Tun Ismail telah diserahkan kepada Akademi pada September 1996 after renovation work was31 September 1996 selepas kerja-kerja completed The Acaderuzy commenced operationspengubahsuaian selesai. Akademi memulakan of zcial/y fr°omv the new premise w.e.f. 1\" Octoberoperasi secara rasmi di pejabat baru pada 1 1996. The A cademy Building houses theOktober 1996. Bangunan Akademi mengandungi Academy off ce, an Information Centre, a Councilpejabat Akademi, Pusat Informasi, Bilk Mesyuarat Roomy, a Conference Room, a Reading Room andMajlis, Bilik Seminar, Bilik Bacaan dan lain-lain other facilities such as computer workstationskemudahan seperti kemudahan komputer yang which are connected to the Internet via a leaseddisambungkan terus melalui Internet talian terus. line.Keahlian Majlis dan Jawatankuasa Kerja Akademi The membership of the Council andtidak berubah seperti tahun lepas. Majlis telah lV orking Committees of the A cademybermesyuarat sebanyak tujuh kali sepanjang tahun remained the same as lastyear. The Councildan semasa mesyuarat tersebut Majlis meet seven times during the year and in
2 telah membincangkan beberapa isu mengenai those meetings it deliberated on numerous issues S & T dan meluluskan bcberapa aktiv iti-aktiviti relating to S T, and approved a number° of utama Akademi untuk dilaksanakan. Aktiviti- important activities for the A cadezrzy' to cam, out. aktiviti tersebut adalah seperti berikut: These activities are highlighted below: Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan Akademi yang The A cadezmj,'s first A nnual General Meeting pcrtama telah diadakan pada 20 April 1996. was held on 20' A pril 1996. The meeting besides Disamping meluluskan Laporan Tahunan 1995 approving the 1995 A nnual Reports and dan Pcnyata Akaun Tahunan, mcsyuarat juga Statement of A ccounts, also approved the election meluluskan pemilihan YAB Dato'' Seri Dr of IA B Dato' Seri Drlllahathirlllohazzzad, Mahathir Mohamad, Perdana Menteri Malaysia the Prime Minister of Malaysia as the first sebagai Fellow Kehormat Pertama Akademi dan Honorary Fellow of theA cademy and the election pemilihan enam orang Fellow baru serta tujuh of six new Fellows and seven Council Members. Ahli Majlis. The 1996 A nnual Dinner was held on the 3\" Jamuan Makan NMIalam 1996 telah berlangsung of A ugust at the Hotellstana, Kuala Lumpur: pada 3 Ogos di Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur. The Rt.Hon. Prime Minister of ',A Ialaysia, Y A B Perdana Mcntcri Malaysia, YAB Dato' Seri Dr Dato' Seri Dr MahathirMohamad and Y Bhg Mahathir Mohamad dan YBhg Datin Seri Dr Datin Seri Dr-Siti Hasmah A lohd.A li were the Siti Hasrnah Mohamad All adalah tetamu guests of honour: The dinner was also attended kchormat. Jamuan makan malam turut dihadiri by Y B Datuk Law Hieng Ding, the Minister oleh YB Dato' Law Hieng Ding, Menteri Sains, of Science, Technology and the Environment. Tcknologi dan Alam Sekitar. Lebih kurang 500 A bout 500 guests including Captains of tetamu hadir termasuk Ketua Industri, Fellows, Industry, Fellows, eminent members of the ahli kehormat, Malaysian Scientific Community Malaysian Scientific Community as well as juga tetamu kchormat lain daripada Akademi- distinguished guests fi•om sisterA cadezzzies f °om Akademi negara-negara Ascan, China, Jepun A sean Countries, China, japan and Korea were dan Korca. present. Upacara kemuncak jamuan makan malam The highlight of the dinner was the conferment adalah pcnganugerahan Fellowship Kehormat of the Honorary, Fellowship of ' the A cademy on Akadezni kepada YAB Dato' Seri Dr Mahathir Y A B Dato' Seri Dr Mahathir lllohamad, the Mohamad, Perdana Menteri Malaysia sebagai Prime Minister of Malaysia for his outstanding penghargaan kepada sumbangan , kepimpinan contribution through his leadership and vision to dan visi beliau dalarn pembangunan S & T di the development of S 6- Tin Male0wia. Malaysia. During the dinner the Acadezrj! also launched a Semasa jamuan makan malam ini juga pihak book title \"Mahathir: Leadership and Vision Akademi tclah melancarkan buku \"Mahathir: in Science & Technology \". The book Kepizzzpinan dan V isi dalazn Sains e3 Teknologi \". highlights the enormous contributions of IAB Buku ini memaparkan sumbangan YAB Dato' Dato ' Seri DrMahathirMohanzad in providing Seri Dr NIahathir Mohamad dalam menerajui leadership and vision in the areas of S 6- T f r kepimpinan dan visi dalarn bidang S & T untuk the development of ' the country. pembangunan negara.
3Di bawah Program Kesedaran Sains, Akademi Under the Science A wareness Programme, thedengan kerjasama Institution of Electrical A cademy, with the co-operation of theEngineers (IEE) United Kingdom dan Quantum Institution of Electrical Errgirzeer c (IEE )Field Sdn. Bhd. telah menganjurkan Syarahan United Kingdom and Ozzantzzzzz Field Sdn.Faraday 1996 bertajuk `Front a2h-c\"pada 13 April Bhd., organised the 1996 Faraday Lecture1996 di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (PWTC), entitled \" From alb-c\" on the 13'r A prilKuala Lumpur. Acara ini telah ditaja oleh Tenaga 1996 at the Putra W orld Trade CentreNasional Bcrhad telah dihadiri seranai 900 orang (Plk'TC), Kuala Lumpur. This event,tetamu, termasuk 750 pelajar terpilih dari 26 sponsored by Tenaga Nasional Berhad, wassekolah mencngah dan vokasional dari seluruh attended by 900 guests, including 750 selectedMalaysia. students from 26 secondary and vocational schools throughout Malaysia.Sebagai susulan kepada acara tersebut, Akademitelah menganjurkan pertandingan menulis esei A s a follow zip to this event, the A cademybertajuk `Me Impressions of the Faraday Lecture organised as essay competition entitled \"ivir1996\"untuk pelajar-pelajar sekolah menengah. 10 Impressions of the Faraday Lecturepemenang telah ditaja oleh Akademi untuk melawat 1996\" amongst high school students, and 10sambil bclajar ke Eurotunnel, United Kingdom dan winners were sponsored by the A cadezzry to visitPerancis. Usaha-usaha akan ditcruskan untuk the Eurotunnel, United Kingdom and France.menghasilkan syarahan ala Malaysia yang (farts are continually being made to promotemerangkwni tajuk-tajuk pencapaian projek-projek similar Malaysian made lectures fiatrrring localsains, kejuruteraan dan teknologi tempatan. advances and projects in science, engineering and technology.Sebahagian daripada usaha program menyemaibudaya kecemerlangan dalam sains dan teknologi A s part of its programme to foster a culturedi Malaysia Akademi telah menganjurkan Syarahan of excellence in Science and Technology inPerdana pada 2 Ogos 1996. Syarahan bertajuk Malaysia the A cademy held its Inaugural\"Some Reflections on Science and Science Police\" telah Oration on 2\"`' A ugust 1996. The orationdisampaikan oleh Sir Aaron Klug, Presiden Royal entitled\"Some Reflections on Science andSociety dan pemenang Nobel Laureate dalam Science Policy\" was delivered by Sir A aronbidang kimia. 250 tetamu telah menghadiri majlis Klzig, the President of the Royal Society andyang bersejarah ini. Nobel Laureate in Chermzistry. 250 guests attended this historic event.Di bawah program yang lama Akadeini dengankerjasama Teknologi Park Malaysia Corporation Under the same broad programme, theSdn. Bhd. (TPM), menganjurkan Syarahan umum A cademy, in collaboration with andmcngenai \"Robotics and Industrial A utomation\". Technology Park Malaysia Corporation Sdn.Syarahan ini telah dihadiri oleh 100 tetamu dan Bbd. (TP1V I), organised a Public Lecture ondisampaikan oleh Dr Shinsuke Sakakibara, \"Robotics and Industrial Automation\".Pengurus, Basic Research Laboratory, FANUC The lecture which wa.s attended by 100 guestsLtd., jepun_ was delivered by Dr Shinszke Saleakihara, Manager, Basic Research Laborator_p,Untuk memenuhi peranan Akademi sebagai I A NUC Ltd., japan.penasihat kepada kerajaan mengenai perkara- In fulfilling the A cademyi role of providing in dependent advice to the government on matters related to science, engineering and technology
4 perkara berkaitan dengan sains kejuruteraan the seven separate A ction Plan Committees met dan teknologi, tujuh buah jawatankuasa Pelan several tunes during the year and came up with Tindakan telah bertemu beberapa kali seven preliminary reports to be presented and sepanjang tahun dan telah menghasilkan tujuh discussed among Fellows in January 1997. laporan awal yang akin dibentangkan dan The reports covered topics on science education, dibincangkan dikalangan Fellows pada Januari agriculture, natural resource management, bio 1997. Laporan merangkumi tajuk: pendidikan diversity, culture of excellence, enhancing sains, pertanian, pengurusan cumber ash, bio- technological capability, science awareness and diversiti, budaya kcccmerlangan, meningkatkan information. technology. It is expected that the pencapaian teknologi, kesedaran sains dan A ction Plan Reports will be ready for- teknologi maklumat. Adalah dijangkakan presentation to the Government by mid 1997. Laporan Pelan Tindakan akan siap untuk dibentangkan kepada Kerajaan pada Under the same programme, the A cademy pertengahan tahun 1997. organised a two-day workshop themed \"Harnessing Science & Technology for Di bawah progam yang sama Akaderni telah the Seventh Malaysia Plan\". The workshop menganjurkan bengkel dua hari bertemakan which was of ficially opened by, Y B Datrrk Law `V arnessing Science & Technology in the Seventh 1-lieng Ding, the Minister- of Science, Malaysia Plan.\" Bengkcl ini telah dirasmikan Technology and the Environment, was attended oleh YB Dato' Law Hieng Ding, Menteri Sains, by police makers, senior Government officials, Teknologi dan Alam Sekitar dan telah dihadiri representatives from S & T professional oleh penggubal dasar, pegawai kanan Kerajaan, organisations, Fellows of the A cademy and wakil dari badan profesional S & T, Fellows members of academia. Representatives fi°om Akademi dan ahli-ahli akademik. Wakil various A cademies of Science and Engineering daripada beberapa Akademi Sains dan fromA sean countries, China, Japan acrd South Kejuruteraan daripada negara-negara Asean, Korea as well as from the Commonwealth China, Jepun dan Korea Selatan, termasuk juga Partnership for Technology management Commonwealth Partnership for Technology (CPTA l) also attended the workshop. The Management (CPTM) turut menghadiri bengkel >nain objective of the workshop was to ini. Objektif utama bengkel adalah untuk deliberate on the direction, strategies and plans membincangkan mengenai arah, strategi dan that have irnplicatiorrs orr science, engineering perancangan yang berkaitan dengan implikasi and technology in the Seventh Malaysia Plan. sains, kejuruteraan dan teknologi di dalam A report containing recommendations of the Rancangan Malaysia Ketujuh. Laporan bengkel workshop and the workshop proceedings are yang mengandungi cadangan-cadangan serta being published by the A cademy prosiding akan diterbitkan oleh Akademi. The A cademy published several publications Sepanjang tahun Akademi telah menerbitkan during the year as follows beberapa buah penerbitan seperti berikut: • \"1-lahathir : Leadership and I'ision in 1V lahathir: Leadership and V ision in Science and Science and Technology\" Technology\" • Some Reflections on Science arrd Science Policy Some Reflections on Science and Science Police
5• Robotics and Industrial A utomation • Robotics and Industrial A utomation• Proceedings of the Illaug/ration && International • Proceedings of the Inauguration Round Table International Round Table• Newsletters Akademi • Newsletters of the A cademy• 1995 A nnual Report and Statement of A ccounts • 1995 A nnual Report and Statement of /1 ccounts• Members' Handbook • Menlberr' HandbookDi pcringkat antarabangsa , A kademi telahmenghantar wakil dan menvcrtai secara aktif A t the international level, the A cademy sentdalam dua belay (12) aktiviti antarabangsa reprerentatires and actively pal ticipated in twelveseperti seminar, mcsvuarat clan lawatan he (12) internationally organised events such asAfrika Selatan , Amerika Syarikat , China, Jepun, selnincrrs, meetings and visits in South A fiica,United Kingdom, Perancis , Sweden dan The United States, China, Japan, the UnitedRepublik Uzbekistan. Kingdom, Prance, Sweden and the Republic of U:Zhekistan.Sebagai kesinambungan kepada program yangtelah dijelaskan dalam tahun 1995, pihak In continuation of the programme initiated inAkademi turut menganjurkan scsi lawatan dantaklimat untuk Fellows kc Kemcnterian Sains, 1995, the A cademy organised visits and briefingTeknologi dan Alam Sckitar , MIGHT, sessions for Fellows with the Ministry of Science,Kementcrian Pertanian , Perbendaharaan dan Technology and the Eurrronlnellt, MIGHT theTechnology Park Malaysia Corporation Sdn. Ministry of A gricz/lture, the Treasury andBhd. (TPM). Technology Park, Ma/gysia Corporation Sdn. Bbd. (MU).Pada tahun 1996, pihak Akademi diberipenghormatan scrta berpeluang untuk menjadi In 1996, the A cademy also had the honour andtuan rumah kepada beberapa pelawat pcnting privilege to host important visitors fi-onz Brazildaripada Brazil, German Research Foundation, the German Research Foundation, the A cademyAkademi Sains Uzbekistan , Akademi Sains dan of Sciences U:Zbekistan, Sciences and EngineeringKejuruteraan Afrika Selatan ( SEASA) dan A caddeluy of South A fiica (SEA SA ) and theAkademi Sains Teknologikal Australia. A ustralian A cadenD, of Technological Science.Pihak Akademi merancang untuk mengadakan The A cademy looks forward to plan andlcbih banvak aktiviti pada tahun-tahun hadapan implement more activities in the coming yearssejajar dengan misi dan objektif Akademi - in line with the A cademj' s mission andmencapai, menggalak , Berta mcningkatkan objectives the pursuit, encouragement andkccemcrlangan dalam bidang sains, enhancement of excellence in the fields ofkejuruteraan dan teknologi khusus untuk science, engineering and technology for thekemajuan dan pembangunan negara dan juga development of the nation and the benefit ofuntuk kebaikan manusia sejagat. mankind.Tan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul Rahman F.A.Sc.
6 FUNGSI AKADEMI SAINS MALAYSIA FUNCTIONS OF THE A CA DEMY OF SCIENCES MA LA Y SIA ♦ untuk menggalakkan dan merangsang to promote and foster the development of pembangunan rains , kejurutcraan dan science, engineering and technology. teknologi. to provide a forum for the interchange of ideas ♦ untuk mengadakan forum pertukaran among scientists, engineers and technologists. pendapat di kalangan ahli sains, jurutera dan ahli teknologi. 4 to promote national awareness, understanding and appreciation of the role of science, ♦ untuk menggalakkan kesedaran ncgara, engineering and technology irr human progress. pemahaman dan pcnghargaan akan peranan sains, kejuruteraan dan teknologi dalam to promote creativity among scientists, kemajuan manusia. engineers and technologists. ♦ untuk menggalakkan daya rekaciptaan to promote national self-reliance in the fields dikalangan ahli rains, jurutcra dan ahli of science, engineering and technology. teknologi. to act as a foram for nrairetairairzg awareness ♦ untuk menggalakkan sifat berdikari ncgara on the part of the Government of the dalam bidang sains, kejuruteraan dan Jlglr lcarce of the role of science, engineering teknologi. and technology in the development process of the nation and for° bringing national ♦ untuk bertindak sebagai forum untuk development needs to the attention of mengekalkan kescdaran di pihak kcrajaan akan scientists, engineers and technologists. pentingnya peranan sains, kejurutcraan dan teknologi dalam proses pembangunan negara v to ana/yse particular national problems and dan membawa kepada perhatian ahli sains, identify where science, engineering and jurutera dan ahli teknologi akan kcperluan- technology can contribute to theirsolution and keperluan pembangunan negara. accordingly to make recommendations to the Government. untuk menganalisa masalah-masalah tertentu negara dan mengenalpasti dimana sains, to keep in touch with developments in science, kejuruteraan dan teknologi dapat memberi engineering and technology and ident'those sumbangan kepada penyelesaian masalah developments which are relevant to national dengan membuat syor-syor kepada Kcrajaan. needs and to bring such developments to the attention of the Government. ♦ untuk sentiasa mengambil perhatian tentang pcrkembangan sains, kejuruteraan dan teknologi serta mengenalpasti perkembangan- perkembangan yang relevan dengan keperluan negara dan membawa kepada perhatian kcrajaan akan perkcmbangannya.
7♦ untuk menyediakan laporan-laporan, kertas- to prepare reports, papers or other documents kertas atau dokumen-dokumen lain relating to the national science, engineering and berhubungan dengan dasar rains, kejuruteraan technology policy and make the necessary dan teknologi negara dan membuat syor-syor recorm,^zendations to the Government. yang perlu kepada Kerajaan. to initiate and sponsor multi-diciplina y♦ untuk mendayausahakan dan membiayai studies related to and necessary for the better kajian pelbagai disiplin yang berkaitan serta understanding of the social and economic keperluan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang implications of science, engineering and implikasi-implikasi sosial dan ekonomi tenting technology. sains, kejuruteraan dan teknologi. to encourage research and development and+ untuk menggalakkan penyelidikan dan education and training of the appropriate pembangunan pendidikan serta latihan tenaga scientific, engineering and technical manpower. manusia yang sesuai dalam bidang saintifik, kejuruteraan dan teknology. <> to establish and maintain relations between the A cademy and overseas bodies having the♦ untuk mengadakan dan mengekalkan same or almost similar objectives in science, hubungan antara Akademi dan badan-badan engineering and technology as the Academy. luar negeri yang mempunyai objektif yang hampir sama atau hampir serupa dengan to advise on matters related to science, objektif Akademi. engineering and technology as may be requested by the Government from time to time.♦ untuk melakukan apa-apa perkara lain sebagaimana yang diniinta oleh Kerajaan dari to do such other acts which are consistent with semasa ke semasa. the A cademy of Sciences A ct 1994 as may be required in or der to further the advancement♦ untuk melakukan apa-apa tindakan lain yang of science, engineering and technology in konsisten dengan Akta.Akademi Sains 1994 Malaysia and the welfare and status of the sebagaimana yang dikehendaki untuk A cademy. meningkatkan kemajuan sains, kejuruteraan dan teknologi di Malaysia dan kebajikan Berta taraf Akademi.
8 FELLOW BARU AKADEMI NEW FELL0W S OF THE A CA DEMY FELLOW KEHORMAT HONORA RY FELLOW YAB Dato' Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad Perdana Menteri Malaysia Prune Minister of Malaysia Presiden Ik kademi Sains Nfalavsia men_vampaikan Fellowship Kehormatkepada YAB Dato' Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad The President of TheAcrfden,y of Seicucer Alala)sia presdnliq the I lonor,,r] It-!%o^zrhi,n /o ) : 4 Da /o' Seri Dr 1lehelhir .1Io, jero/ FELLOW BARU 1996 1996NEW FELLOW SO Profesor Dr Lam Sai Kit F.A.Sc. 71 Profesor Dr Shaharir Mohd. Zin Ketua Jabatan Mikrobiologi Perubatan F.A.Sc. Head Depariment of Medical Microbiolo Profesor Matematik Universiti Malaya Professor of illathe/r/atics Universiti Kebangsaan MalaysiaO It Hong Lee Pee F.A.Sc. Pengerusi Eksekutif O Emeritus Profesor Dr Tan Wang E.\ecl/tir,'e Chairman Seng F.A.Sc. Pilecon Engineering Sdn. Bhd. Pengarah I - rusan Marta iii, DirectorO Profesor Dr Ang Kok Jee F.A.Sc. Kulim High-Tech Profesor Perikanan Professor q1' Fisheries O YBhg Tan Sri Dato ' Dr Abu Bakar Universiti Pertanian Malaysia Dato ' Suleiman F.A.Sc. Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan Director-General of Health Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia
9SENARAI FELLOW AKADEMI SAINS MALAYSIA/LIST OF FELLOW S A CA DEMY OF SCIENCES MA LA Y SIAPara Fellow Yayasan dalam bidang Sains Perubatan Foundation Fellow in Medical Sciences1. Dr M . K. Rajakumar F.A.Sc. 7. Dato ' Dr M. Jegathesan F.A.Sc. (Naib Presider Akaderni)/ Timbalan Ketua Pengarah, Kementerian Kcsiliatan i\Ialavsia Rakan Kanan, Drs Oorloff, Rajakurnar & Rakan Kongsi l'Irni^tr^r o1 Fleallh 1vlalapsia 8. Datuk Dr G. Sreenevasan F.A.Sc.2. Tan Sri Dato' Dr Haji Abdul Majid Ismail F.A.Sc. Jururunding Pakar Bedah Urologi Pcngerusi/ Pusat Pcrubatan Pantai dan Hospital Syarikat Endah Seri Sdn Bhd :'ssunta3. Dr Mak Joon Wah F.A.Sc. 9. Dato' Dr Yahya Awang F.A.Sc. Kctua, Jabatan Pcrubatan Tropika jururuncling Pakar Bedah Kardiotoraks Institut Pemvelidikan Perubatan Institut Jantung Negara (I :1R) 10. Datuk Dr Keshmahinder Singh F.A.Sc.4. Dato' Dr Lim Kee Jin F.A.Sc. Bekas Rakan Kanan, Firma Pcmbedahan Pakar Perubatan jururunding Kanan ;\lata Hospital Pakar Johor 11. Profesor Dr Looi Lai Meng F.A.Sc. tol 1-10.c)5 jururunding Kanan Pakar Histopatologi dan Patologi5. Datuk Dr Hussein Awang F.A.Sc. jururunding Pakar Bedah Urologi dan Universiti Malaya Pengarah Pcrubatan 12. Dato' Dr Nadason Arumugasamy Hospital Tawakal F.A.Sc. I )irector Jururunding Pakar Bedah Neuro6. Profesor Dato' Dr Khalid Abdul Kadir :-1 rw I'eiiro Sd;r Bbd F.A.Sc. Dekan dan Protcsor Pcrubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
10 Para Fellow Yayasan dalam bidang Sains Kejuruteraan Foundation Fellows in Engineering 1. Raja Tan Sri Ir Zainal Raja 5. Tan Sri Dato ' IrAbu Zarim Haji Omar Sulaiman F.A.Sc. F.A.Sc. Pengerusi dan Pengarah Urusan Juru Runding/ 2. Tan Sri It J.G . Daniel F.A.Sc. Bekas Kctua Pengarah KTA 'I'enaga Sdn. Bhd. Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran Malaysia 6. Tan Sri Dato ' It Haji Shahrizaila 3. Dato' Ir Lee Yee Cheong F.A.Sc. Abdullah F.A.Sc. (Setiausaha Agung Akaderni) (Bendahari Kchormat Akademi)/ Presiden dan Ketua Pengawai Eksckutif KTA Tenaga Sdn. Bhd. Pengerusi/ KTA Tenaga Sdn. Bhd. 4. Dato ' Dr Ikmal Hisham Albakri F.A.Sc. 7. Dato' Dr Muhammad Ridzuan Haji Pengarah/ Salleh F.A.Sc. Kwnpulan Arkitek Sdn Bhd Pengerusi/. Quantum Field Sdn. Bhd. 8. Tan Sri Dato' It Muhammad Yusuff Muhammad Yunus F.A.Sc. Pengerusi/ S'111 n. W )d, 9. Tan Sri Dato' It Halaluddin Mohd. Ishak F.A.Sc. Pengerusi/ Cru.;zrr'?irr^ . fr;i, cep:; Para Fellow Yayasan dalam bidang Sains Biologi Foundation Fellows in Biological Sciences 1. Profesor DrAbdul Latif Ibrahim F.A.Sc. 2. Profesor Dato' Dr Ahmad Nawawi Pengarah Urusan Haji Ayob F.A.Sc. Direktorat Bioteknologi Kebangsaan, Profesor Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Alam Jabatan Botani Sekitar ^7i7'%Oi? B ote ; D ogJ' Diret-m v az University Malaya 1 .f lY ihll^ll'j' G^ .SG??ilc'P, ^CG^li1f ^Ga^' dilfl i. i z ir ot1meijt
113. Profesor Dato' Dr Syed Jalaludin 7. Tan Sri Dato' Dr Ahmad Mustaffa Syed Salim F.A.Sc. Babjee F.A.Sc. Naib Canselor dan Profesor/ Pcngerusi/' Universiti Pertanian Malaysia rill phatrd Grtittp Vale!),.ria)4. Datuk Dr Ahamd Zaharudin Idrus 8. Profesor Dr Yong Hoi Sen F.A.Sc. F.A.Sc. Profesor/... Naib Canselor/ jabatan Zoologi Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Univcrsiti Malaya5. Dato' Dr Salleh Mohd Nor F.A.Sc. Bekas Kctua Pcngarah 9. Profesor Dr Chin Hoong Fong F.A.Sc. Institut Pcnvelidikan Hutan :Malaysia Profesor Emeritus jabatan Agronorni dan Hortikultur6. Profesor Dato ' Dr Zakri A. Hamid Uepcr rf/1/e F.A.Sc. Unversiti Pcrtanuan Malaysia Timbalan Naib Canselor (Pembangunan) Universiti Kebangsaan MalaysiaPara Fellow Yayasan dalam bidang Sains Matematik dan Fizik F'ovtxlatiort Fe.ellorr s in J Jatltcnrrticulancl Phtsic,rl.gcicucc.51. Dato' Dr Chatar Singh F.A.Sc. 4. Profesor Dr R. Ratnalingam EA.Sc. Bekas Profesor hizik Profesor Fizik dan Pcngarah Pusat Perundingan dan Inovasi Universiti Sains Malaysia2. Dato ' Dr Ahmad Tajuddin Ali F.A.Sc. Universiti Sains Malaysia Pengerusi Eksekutif/ Tcnaga Nasional Berhad 5. Encik Fateh Chand F.A.Sc. Kctua Pengarah3. Profesor Dato ' Dr Mohd. Sham Mohd. Jabatan Penyiasatan hajibumi Malaysia Sani F.A.Sc. Naib Canselor dan Profesor/Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
12 Para Fellow Yayasan dalam bidang Sains Kimia Foundation Fellows in Chemical Sciences 1. Tan Sri Dr B.C. Sekhar F.A.Sc. 3. Dr Haji Badri Muhammad F.A.Sc. Pcngcrusi Eksekutif/ Pcngarah, 13ahagian Kirnia clan Tcknologi, Institut Penvclidikan Kclapa 2. Tan Sri Datuk Dr Augustine Ong Sawit Malaysia Soon Hock F.A.Sc. Pcngarah, Pcrkhicimatan Saintifik clan 4. Profesor Dr V.G . Kumar Das F.A.Sc. Teknikal, Majhs Promosi Kelapa Sawit Profesor Yavasan Kiunia Inorganik date Malaysia Dckan, Fakulti Sains Universiti Malaya Para Fellow Yayasan dalam bidang Teknologi Maklumat Foundation Fellows in Information Technology 1. YM Tengku Datuk Dr Mohd . Azzman 3 . Tan Sri Dato ' Jr Shamsuddin Abdul Shariffadeen Tengku Ibrahim F.A.Sc . Kadir F.A.Sc. Presiden dan Kctua Eksckutif/ PcngerusiEksckutif/ Sapura Holdings Sdn. Bhd. MIMOS Berhad 4. Haji Ismail Sulaiman F.A.Sc. 2. Profesor Dato ' Dr Mohamad Za-.vawvi Pcngarah Urusan/ Ismail F.A.Sc. Mcsiniaga Sdn. Bhd. Nail.) Canselor clan Profesor Kejuruteraan Elektronic/ Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
13Para Fellow Yayasan dalam bidangPembangunan Sains & Teknologi dan Industri Foundation Felloii-s in Science & Technology Dc velopment and Industri-1. Tan Sri Dato' Dr Mohd. Rashdan Haji 5 . Tan Sri Dato' Ir Wan Abdul Rahman Baba F.A.Sc . Yaacob F.A.Sc. Pengerusi E.l:sckutif/ Kctua Pengarall, jabatan Kcrja Rata Tclekom Malaysia Bcrhacl2. Tan Sri Dato ' Dr Haji Ani Arope RA.Sc. 6. Datuk Dr Syed M .A. Alhady F.A.Sc. Pengerusi 1 ksckutif/ Bekas Pakar Bedah Kanan, Hospital Tenaga Nasional Berhad Besar Kuala Lumpur3. Tan Sri Datuk Dr Haji Omar Abdul nil f l1r.ti/>ilal Rahman F.A.Sc. (Presiden ;\kademi)/ 7. Datuk Dr Abdul Aziz Sheikh Abdul Kadir F.A.Sc. Pcnasihat Sains, jabatan Pcrdana Nlentcri Pcngarah, Institut Pem-elidikan Getah t\falay-sia4. Tan Sri Dato' Dr Mohamed Yusof Hashim F.A.Sc. Kctua Eksckutif, Majlis Promosi Kelapa Sawi Malaysia
14 AHLI-AHLI MAJLIS AKADEMI SAINS MALAYSIA 1996 MEMBERS OF COUNCIL OF THE A CA DEMY OF SCIENCES MA LA Y SIA 1996 YBhg Tan Sri Datuk Dr Hj Omar Abdul Rahman F.A. Sc. Presiden/ President YBhg Dr M.K. Rajakumar F.A.Sc. Naib Presiden/ I ice PresidentIYBhg Dato' Ir Lee Yee Cheong F.A.Sc. Setiausaha A gung/Secretary GeneralYBhg Tan Sri Dato' Ir Shahrizaila Abdullah F.A.Sc. Bendahari Kehormat/Houornr}' Treasurer Ahli-Ahli MembersO YBhg 'fan Sri Datuk Dr O YBhg Tan Sri Dato' Ir Augustine S.H. Ong F.,A. Sc. Shamsuclclu7 :Abdul Kaclir F.A. tic.O YBhg Datuk Dr Sallch Nlohd O YBhg Dam' Dr Ahmad Nor F.:A.Sc. Tajuddin All 1-::A.Sc.D YM Tengku Datuk Dr Mohd O YBhg Tan Sri Ir J.G. Daniel Azzman Shariffadeen F..\.Sc. Tengku Ibrahim F.A.Sc. O YBhg Tan Sri Dato' Dr lr WanO YBhg Datuk Dr rllunad A. Ralunan Yaacob F.:A_Sc. Zaharudin Idrus F.A.Sc. Cl YBhg Dato' Dr M'I. JcgathesanO YBhg Profesor Dato' Dr F.:A.Sc. \Iohd \"/awa«i bin Ismail FA.Sc. O YBhg Dato' Dr Chatar Singh I'.,1.Sc.O YBhg Profesor Dato' Dr Svcd Jalaluddin bin Svcd Salim FA.Sc.
15MESYUARAT MAJLISCOUNCIL MEETINGSUntuk tahun berakhir 31 Disember 1996, Ahli For the year ending 31\" December 1996, theMajlis telah bertemu sebanyak tujuh (7) kali Council met seven (7) times as follows:seperti berikut: • 27\" February 1996 • 27 Februari 1996 • 27\".March 1996 • 27 Mac 1996 • 18\" May 1996 • 18 Mel 1996 • 22\" June 1996 • 22 Jun 1996 • 10`\" April 1996 • 10 April 1996 • 5`h October 1996 • 5 Oktober 1996 • 14\" December 1996 • 14 Disember 1996 A t these meetings, the Council deliberated onDalam mesyuarat ini Ahli Majlis telah the following issues:berbincang mengenai isu-isu berikut: • O f face of the Acadenjj • Pejabat Akademi • Inrestment of Academy :r Funds • Pelaburan Tabung Akademi • Academlqr ',c Action Plan • Pelan Tindakan Akademi • ; lcadeno' 's staff structure • Struktur kakitangan Akademi • Appointment of staff. • Perlantikan kakitangan • Review of 1997 Budget • Pemeriksaan Belanjawan 1997 • Annaal Oration • Pidato Tahunan • Public Lecture • Syarahan Umum • Annual Dinner and Conferment of • Jamuan Makan Malam Tahunan dan Honorary Fellowship and Fellowship Penganugerahan Fellow Kehormat dan of the Academy Fellow Baru Akademi • IForksbop on \"Harnessing Science • Bengkel mengenai \"Harnessing Science and and Technology for the Seventh Technology for the Seventh Malaysia Plan\" Malaysia Plan\" • Penerbitan Buku \"Kepimpinan dan V isi • Publications of book \"Mahathir: Mahathir dalam S & T\" Leadership and Vision in S & T\" • Mesvuarat Akademi-akademi Sains, • Meeting of Academies of Sciences and Kejuruteraan dan Organisasi Engineering and similar Organisations seumpamanya di ASEAN, China, Jepun in ASEAN Countries, China, Japan dan Korea Selatan and South K orea • Penerbitan -Newsletter • Publication of i\7ewsletters • Perlantikan Juruaudit • Appointment of Auditors • Pencalonan Fellow Baru • 1Noauination of New Fellows • Prrtuk:rrna plan Lawatan • 1 .ticharrges and Visits
16 JAWATANKUASA KERJA DAN PROGRAM W ORKING COMMITTEES A ND PROGRA MMES Untuk membantu Majlis Akademi dalam To assist the Council in its uaanagement and pentadbiran dan operasi Akademi, Majlis telah operation of the A cadeul),, the Council has menubuhkan beberapa Jativatankuasa yang set up oariolrs committees which are responsible bertangungja\vab untuk menjalankan beberapa ,for carrying out specific functions and fungsi dan tanggungjawab. Dalam tahun 1996 responsibilities. In 1996, the followirr,g Jawatankuasa-Jawatankuasa ialah seperti berikut: colnlnittees were operational 1. Jawatankuasa Eksekutif/Executive Committee Presiden / Pr-cidcnt Timbalan Presiden / I ire President Setiausaha Agung/.S':\":r-utcig General Bendahari K ehormat / 1lol/orcn•y Treasurer 2. Jawatankuasa Kewangan /Finance Committee Pengerusi/( : Tan Sri Dato' Ir Shahrizaila Abdullah F.A.Sc 3. Jawatankuasa Program/Pi'( raanune Committee Pengerusi Penyelaras/ (.o-oreii//;/ ,,r : Tan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul Rahman F.A.Sc 4. Jawatankuasa Hal Ehwal Antarabangsa /International A f airs Con mi\"'tee Pengerusi/<,f,;,/;w,,,,; : Dato' Ir Lee Yee Cheong F.A.Sc 5. Jawatankuasa Anugerah /;4iv,Irds Committee Pengerusi /Chairn!c/u : Dr M.K.Rajakumar F.A.Sc 6. Jawatankuasa K eahlian/ llenrbership Committee Pengerusi/C,i-,j ;;,;; : Tan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul Rahman F.A.Sc 7. Jawatankuasa Pelan Tindakan /.,,coon Fla Conlli,ittec Pengerusi Penyelaras/ Tan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul Rahman F.A.Sc
178. Jawatankuasa Kecil /Scab Committees q Pertanian dan Ekonomi Sumber Asas yang Lain/ I yriculture and Other Pengerusi /Chairmarr : Datuk Dr Abd Aziz Kadir F.A.Sc Biodiversiti/ RRrodit'eru*l; Pengerusi/CI iirvr^+r.:: Profesor Dato' Dr Mohamad Zawawi Ismail F.A.ScU Pendidikan Sains/Sr/'c// I ;rlu,rlmn Pengerusi /C/iirm,ir' : Datuk Dr Ahmad Zaharuddin Idrus F.A.Sc-^ Pengurusan Sumber Asli /.^,rlnr,r% Resoiji; r .Ilcrrr^r,^rrr rr/Pengerusi/ (. Encik Fateh Chand F.A.Scq Sumbangan kepada Pembangunan Perindustrian /(.'ont)ibution to Industrial I ^^ r, io/urn ul Pengerusi /Chairman : Tan Sri Dato' Ir Shamsudin Kadir F.A.ScPembangunan Budaya Cemerlang /Dcrr%o/)rucu/ of (.nilr,rc of T:.tirriiru,^Pengerusi / : Dr M.K. Rajakumar F.A.Sc Sokongan daripada Awam - Melalui Kesedaran dan Kefahaman Sains dan Teknologi /,Sip/ort /roai Public 7 hr-oa;b S^'icu,r arr(/ 7',/uolo\"') l r),rr,uCss ,rud l 'udr^:^l^utdiu^ Pengerusi /C/,rirr^nur : Tan Sri Dato' Dr Mohd . Yusof HashimF.A.ScJ Teknologi Maklumat /Ju/oruia/iou 7^^/uro%o^^^ Pengerusi /C. /_ri;N, ur: Tuan Haji Ismail Sulaiman F.A.Sc- Tabung Penyelidikan Perubatan Dr R. Bhagwan Singh Pengerusi /C/ouivmiau: Dato' Dr M. Jegathesan F.A.ScJawatankuasa Pelan Tindakan melalui beberapa The Action Plan Committee and Submesyuarat sepanjang tahun telah menyediakan Committees after meeting ser'eral timer daringderaf laporan yang akan dibentang dan the year havefilially came r p with draft reportsdibincangkan di kalangan Ahli-ahli Fellows which will be presented and discussed amongAkademi pada bulan Januari 1997. Adalah Fellows in Janruarp 1997. It is expected thatdijangkakan Laporan Plan Tindakan Akademi the Action Plan will be ready' for presentationakan siap untuk dibentangkan kepada Kerajaan to the Government by mid 1997.pada pertengahan tahun 1997.
18 KAKITANGAN AKADEMI STA FF OF THEA CA DEMY Akademi telah mengadakan dua sesi temuduga The Academy conducted two separate yang berasingan untuk pemilihan kakitangan interview s for staff recuitwent. Candidates Akademi. Calon yang memohon jawatan app lying for jrrrrior stuff positions were kakitangan sokongan telah ditemuduga oleh interviewed by the Executive Director of the Pengarah Eksekutif Akademi, Dr Samsudin Academy, Dr Samsudin Tu^gimao orr 2\"' Tugiman pada 2 September 1996. September 1996. Pada 5 September 1996, Setiausaha Agung On 5\" September 1996, the Secretary- Akademi, YBhg Dato' Jr Lee Yee Cheong General of the A cademy Y Bhg Dato' Ir Lee F.A.Sc., Bendahari Kehormat, YBhg Tan Sri Y ee Cheong FA .Sc., the Honorary Treasurer, Dato' Jr Hj Shahrizaila Abdullah F.A.Sc. dan Y Bhg Tan Sri Dato' Ir Hj Shahrizaila Pengarah Eksekutif, Dr Samsudin Tugiman A bdullah FA .Sc. and the E%velttire Director, telah menjalankan temuduga untuk mengisi Dr Samsudin Ti giman conducted the interview jawatan Pengurus Pusat Informasi dan Pegawai for the recruitment of the A cademy'c Sains. Inforlsratiorr Centre \ianager and Scientific 0//;\"-(,I-. Kakitangan Akademi adalah seperti berikut: Dr Samsudin Tugiman for Pengarah Eksckutif/ Cik Hazami Habib Pengurus Pusat Informasi/ Puan Tengku Sharizad Tengku Dahlan Pegawai Sains/ Cik Sabiroh -NId. Sabri Penolong Pegawai Tadbir/Setiausaha kepada Pengarah Eksekutif )flicer/Src,etaru tot .^ erntive Director Puan Asmah Amat Pembantu Tadbir/ Puan Tuan Akmal Tuan Abdullah Pembantu Tadbir/ i.i, Encik Mohd . Zairi Mansor Pembantu Perpustakaan /l .:' i;-:rr l ccistant
ACARA KEMUNCAK 1996 23 HIGHLIGHTS OF 1996MESYUARAT AGUNG PERTAMA AKADEMI SAINS MALAYSIAFIRSTA NNUA L GENERA L MEETING OF THEA CA DEMY OFSCIENCESMA LA Y SIA Mesyuarat Agung Pertama Ahli-ahli Exco Akademi di Alescuarat Agung Pertama Akademi Sains Malaysia Exco members of the Academy at the FirstAnnical Generalll( :;,: telah diadakan pada 20 April 1996. Seramai 35 Tan Sri Dato' Dr Abu Bakar Sulaiman F.A.Sc Fellow telah menghadiri Prof Dr Lam Sai Kit F.A.Sc Jr Hong Lee Pee F.A.Sc mesyuarat itu. Mesyuarat Prof Dr ring Kok Jee EA.Sc telah berbincang dan Prof Dr Shaharir Mohd. Zain F.A.Sc meluluskan beberapa Prof Emeritus Tan Wang Seng EA.Sc perkara seperti berikut: • Laporan Tahunan 1995 dan Penyata Kewangan • Pemilihan YAB Dato' Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad sebagai Fellow Kehormat Pertama Akademi• Pemilihan enam (6) Ahli Fellow baru AkademiThe A cademy :r First A nnual General A 'leeting was held on 20\"' A pril 1996. It was attended by 35 Fellows. The greeting discussed and approved the following: • 1995 A nnual Report and Statement of A ccounts • Election of Y 4B Dato' Seri Dr Mahathir Mohammad as the first Honoratj} ' Fellow of the Academy• Election o/'.rix (6) new Fellows of the A cademy
24 ACARA KEMUNCAK 1996 HIGHLIGHTS OF 1996• Pemilihan tujuh orang ahi baru Majlis • Election of seven new members of the Councilq Datuk Dr Salleh Mohd.Nor F.A.Sc q Datuk Dr Salleb Mobd.Nor- F.A .Scq YM Tg. Datuk Dr Mohd Azzman q Y M Tg Datuk Dr Mohd A ZgmanShariffadeen Tg. Ibrahim EA.Sc Shar ffadeen Tg.Ibrahinz F.A .Scq Tan Sri Dato' Ir Shamsuddin Abdul q Tan Sri Dato' Ir Shamsuddin A bdul Kadir F.A . ScKadin EA.Sc q Dato' Dr Ahmad Tajuddin Aliq Dato' Dr Alunad Tajuddin Ali EA.Sc F.A .Sc q Tan Sri Ir J_G. Daniel EA.Sc q Tan Sri Jr J. G. Daniel F.A .Sc q Dato' Dr M. Jegathesan F.A.Sc q Dato' Dr Chatar Singh EA.Sc q Dato' Dr M. Jegathesan EA .Sc • Perlantikan Ernst & Young sebagai q Dato' Dr Chatar Singh F.A .Sc Juruaudit Luar bagi tahun 1996 • A ppointment of Ernst & Y oung asDi akhir Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan, Presiden the External A uditors for 1996telah menvampaikan ucapan Presiden yangpertama. Dalam ucapannya, beiau memberitahu A t the end of the A nnual General Meeting,kepada ahli mesyuarat bahawa pada beberapa the President gave the first Presidential address.bulan pertama selepas penubuhan, pihak In his speech the President informed the meetingAkademi telah memikirkan cara-cara that the first few months after its establishmentmemperkukuhkan arah hala tuju Akademi. the A cademy was preoccupied with theAkaderni juga telah menganjurkan Majlis establishment aspects. The A cademy was alsoPermasyhuran Akaderni dan Perbincangan Meja able to organise the Inauguration Dinner ofBulat Antarabangsa. Presiden juga menekankan the A cademy and an International Roundarah dan fokus pendekatan yang Akademi harus Table discussion . The President alsotumpukan, seperti: highlighted some of the areas on which the A cademy will focus its attention, such as: • Memberi nasihat kepada Kerajaan mengenai perkara-perkara yang berkaitan dengan • Providing advice to Government on sains, kejuruteraan dan teknologi yang matters relating to science, engineering menjadi agenda utama negara and technology which are of national importance • Memperkukuhkan budaya kecemerlangan dalam bidang sains dan teknologi di • Fostering a culture of excellence in science Malaysia and technology in Malaysia. • Membantu dalam meningkatkan kepakaran • A ssisting in upgrading the technological teknologi dan persaingan dalam sektor capability and competency of Malaysian Perindustrian di Malaysia industries • I\MIenggalakkan kesedaran orang ramai • Promoting public awareness of the tentang kepentingan sains dan teknologi importance of science and technology in dalarn kehidupan seharian everyday life
ACARA KE IUNCAK 1996 25 HIGHLIGHTS OF 1996 Jawatankuasa Eksekutif/ 1 :.,'ct•ntive C ow/wItterJawatankuasa Kewangan Jawatankuasa Program Jawatankuasa Hal l /i/ \" (.m ijUiiie Proszzriuwe (.vim!/I/tc c Ehwal Antarabangsa luterucNir^u,T! If/^rirxComiuitIec 9Jawatankuasa Anugerah Jawatankuasa Keahlian l t, l rrlr CowwIl.!( r jei»berrhipConrinillee Jawatankuasa Pelan Tindakan I'Violl PI(In (ariiniillce MOMMMOM-Nd JAWATANKUASA KERJA ASM A SM W ORKING COMMITTEESPresiden juga mengumumkan 7 Jawatankuasa The President also announced the setting lipKerja yang akan memainkan peranan yang aktif of 7 working committees which will be activelydalam membentuk strategi pembangunan, involved in developing strategies, plans andpelan dan program-program yang meliputi 4 programmes covering the jour major thrustteras utama yang telah dinyatakan seperti diatas. areas outlined above. One of the prioritiesSalah satu tumpuan utama Akademi ialah of the A cademy will be to provide inputs inmemberi maklumat dalam usaha the implementation of the 7\"' MLlalaj'sia Plan.mengimplementasikan Rancangan Malaysia Ke The President concluded his address by seeking7. Presiden mengakhiri ucapan dengan the co-operation and support of all Fellows inharapan untuk mendapatkan kerjasama dan the A cademyc activities.sokongan dari semua Fellowuntuk menjayakanaktiviti Akademi.
26 ACARA KEMUNCAK 1996 HIGHLIGHTS OF 1996 JAMUAN MAKAN MALAM TAHUNAN A NNUA L DINNERTetamu Kehormat di jamuan Makan bialam Tahunan _Akademi Sains Malaysia Honorable quests at the A cademy of Sciences .11alaysea A nueeal DinnerJamuan Makan Malam Tahunan telah The A iinllal Dinner was held on the 3'dianjurkan pada 3 Ogos 1996 di Hotel Istana, _4iigust 1996 at the Hotel Lstana,.KeralaKuala Lumpur. YAB Dato' Seri Dr I\MIahathir Lumpen'. The Rt. Hon.Primee Minister ofMohamad dan YABhg Datin Seri Dr Siti Malaysia, IA B Dato' Seri Dr .SlabatbirHasmah Mohamad Ali telah menjadi tetamu Mohamad and IA Bh Dative Seri Dr Sitekehormat pada malam tersebut. Jamuan makan I lasmab Mobd_-11i were the ,nests of honour.malam juga turut dihadiri oleh YB Datuk Law The dinner was also attended by I-B DatlebHieng Ding, Menteri Sains, Teknologi dan Law Ilieng Ding, the A linister of Science,Alam Sekitar, Sir Aaron Klug, Presiden Royal 1 ecbrrology and the Lnriroruleent and the SirSociety, U.K. dan 500 tetamu yang terdiri .-1aron Klug, President of the Royal Societe,daripada Ketua-ketua Industri., Fellows, Ahli-ahli L?. K. -- 1 hoer! 500 guests includierg Ccptain.sSains Malaysia yang terkemuka juga tetamu dare of Industry, Fellows, eminent rneemtber:r of theAkademi luar seperti negara-negara ASEAN, Malaysian Scientific community as well asChina, Jepun dan Korea. distinguished guests fi-om sister A cadeneies of .-1SEA jy countries, China, Japan and KoreaAcara kemuncak jamuan makan malam adalah were also present.pengurniaan Fellow Kehormat Akaderni kepadaYAB Dato ' Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad, The highlight of the dinner was the confermentPerdana Menteri Malaysia atas visi dan of the Honorary Fellowship of the lcademyrsumbangan besar beliau dalam pembangunan on U 1B Dato' Seri Dr•A lahathi -,A lohamad,S & T di Malaysia serta mutu kepimpinan pang Prime Minister of A Ialaysia for his vision andcemerlang kepada negara. outstanding contributions to the der'elopment of S & T in Malaysia, and for providing eminent leadership to the 'X ation.
ACARA KI:MMUN('AK 1996 27 HIGIILIGHI:S OF 1996Sehubungan dcngan pengurniaan Fellow In coljrlllctiou with the conferment of /heKehormat kepada YAB Dato' Seri Dr Mahathir I lononary I `e/lowship our IA B Dato' Seli Dr1Mohamad, sebuah buku bertajuk \",W ahathir : tllahathir.llohcimad, a book entit/ed \" MahathirKepiutpinalt dan f 'i.ri dalam Snius clan Tekno/ogi\"telah : Leadership and Vision in Science anddilancarkan oleh Presiden Akademi, YBhg Tan Technology\", was commissioned by theSri Datuk Dr (hnar_Sbdul Ralunan F A.Sc. Buku A cademy curd authored by ProfessorA bdalA :riZini mengcnai sumbangan besar YAB Dato' Seri A bdn/ Rahman and .l Ls Samangala Pi//ai wasDr MIahathir l\Iohamad dalam mencrajui launched b_ l' the Pre.rideu! o f the A cademy, I73hokepirnpinan dan visi dalam bidang S & T untuk Tan Sri Datitk. Dr Omar .-I M111 Rahrncnipembangunan negara. Adalah diharapkan F.A .Sc. The book hi;hli^hts the cnorlnorrssumbangan beliau yang telah ditulis dalam buku contibiitiollsof 5: 1B Duto'Seri Dr.l fahatbirini akan menjadi somber inspirasi kcpada generasi alobamad in proridiii; leadership and vision inmuda di Malaysia untuk meminati bidang sains, the areas of S c' T for the development of thekcjuruteraan dan tcknologi. count! . I/ is hoped that the book will be a source Of inspiration f or the yoiiliger geneleill'oli of .lktIttysialis, and to kindle their interest in science, elhilleerrlh and techilo/o y.l-c11c vs mcnerirna sijil pcrlantikan daripada Presiden I''eiiau's reeeilvrrg Ihen ,rmo/L. /roni The the M sideutIr I-long Lee Pee I-.mcritus Prof Dr l^an A\ ang .ScngProf Dr Shahatir Alohd Zin Prof Dr Lam Sai hitPerlantikan marl me/%owBaru telah bcrlangs>_uig pada S\".\- new Fe/lows were also inducted the satemalan yang soma oleh Presiden Akade ni Tan Sri c-rr'ning by the President of the A cademe, TanDatuk Dr Omar Abdul Rahman F.A.Sc. dan Sri Datiik Dr OmarA bdu/Rahman 1'..4.Scseterusnya menyampaikan sijil pcrlantikan mcrcka. fold presented with their scrolls.
BANGUNAN AKADEMI 31 A CA DEMY BUILDINGBANGUNAN DAN KEMUDAHAN AKADEMIA CA D EM Y B UIL D IN G A ND FA CILITIES Kerja-kerja pengubahsuaian Bangunan pejabat Akademi Sains Malaysia bangunan pejabat ASM di 902-4, Office building of the A cademy of Sciences Malaysia Jalan Tun Ismail yang telah Bilik IIesi carat Majlis dimulakan pada awal tahun dan Council a ieeting Room telah siap serta diserahkan pada 1l pihak Akademi pada 31 Dewan Seminar Akademi September 1996. Akademi mengendalikan tugas-tugas A cademe Seminar Hall rasrninya dari pejabat baru berkuatkuasa pada 1 Oktober 1996.Bangunan ini merupakan pejabat Akademi yang mengandungi sebuah Pusat Informasi, Bilik Mesvuarat Majlis, Bilik Seminar dan kemudahan lain sepertikomputer yang dilengkapi dengan Internet talian terus. Renovalion work, oil the bur/din; at 902-4 Jeilan Tun I.rmall was started at the begiuuing of 1996 and completed and banded Deer to the . lcadeniyy on i 1 September 1996. The I cadellly commenced opelection.r officially %roiii the neiv premise e. f 1 October 1996. The .-lcadellmy building houses the 1cadenr)' o/fice, ail Iufolmllation Centre, a Council Roo///,a Conference Room, Reading Roomsand other facilities .such as compulet'workslatiotrs which are \"onnCrted to the Inlernet r1a rt %crrsrrl Iiue.
LAIN-LAIN AKTIVITI 1996 OTHER 1996 A CTIV ITIES 35SYARAHAN FARADAY 1996 BERTAJUK \"FROMA 2B-C\"FA RA DA Y LECTURE 1996 \"FROM A2B-C\" Sebagai salah satu program kesedaran sains, Akademi Sains Malaysia dengan kerjasama Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) United Kingdom dan Quantum Field Sdn. Bhd.telah menganjurkan Syarahan Faraday 1996 yang bcrtajuk ,,[-,/,0/// a 2 b-c\" pada 13 April 1996 bertcmpat di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur. A .r part of the Science Program ini dibiayai sepcnuhnya This event, .solely sponsored by Awareness Prograrrmrrme, the oleh Tenaga Nasional Berhad TI\'B, was officially opened byA cademy of Sciences Malaysia (INB) dan ianva telah dirasmikan Y B Dato ' Sen Mohd N'ajib with the co-operation of the oleh YB Dato' Seri Mohd. Najib Tun A bdul Ratak, the Tun Abdul Razak, Mentcri Minister of Education Institution o/ Electrical Pendidikan Malaysia. Malaysia. Engineers (IEE) United Kingdom and Ouanturii Field Seramai 900 jemputan, hadir pada Over 900 guests, including Sdn. Bbd. organised the 1996 majlis ini termasuk 750 pelajar Faraday Lecture entitled tcrpilih dari 26 buah sekolah 750 selected students f °om 26 \"From a 2 b-c\" which was mcnengah dan vokasional dari held on the 13\" of A pril seluruh negara dan wakil dari secondary and vocational 1996 at the Prrtra W orld Kementerian-Kementerian, Trade Centre (PIT/ ), Agensi-agensi Malaysia dalam bidang Sains Kejurutcraan dan Kuala Lumpur: Teknologn, persatuan profesional term,-,u&- Fellows Akademi mcnghadi i syarahan ini. schools throughout Malaysia and guests from the corporate sector and various Ministries and A gencies including Malaysian Science Engineering and Technology professional associations as well as the Fellows of the A cademy attended the lecture.
36 LAIN-LAIN AKTIVITI 1996 OTHER 1996 A CTIV ITIES Lille 70 -A-112 kinEurotunnel yang menghubungkan United Kingdom clan Perancis The Eurotnnne/ linking the United Kinedo,n and FrancePcrsembahan video selama scjam yang The one hoetr° tideo presentation which fecrtmed amemaparkan dialog diantara Thorne' de dialogue between Frenchman \"Thorne' de GaniorrdGamond berbangsa Pcrancis, beliau merupakan ofthe18\"\" Cel/tm);Me orrgirralpromoterof aclocs-yang mula-mula mempromosikan rangkaian channel tunnel, and a modern day' Eurotunnelterowong pada abad ke 18 dihubungkan dengan Controller, is aimed at stimulating the interest ofPengawal Eurotunnel zaman sekarang Ma/ay.riarr students in the agegror p of 14-16 yemscbcrtujuan untuk mcrangsang minat pelajar in science, engineering and technology. This ScienceMalaysia yang berumur di antara 14 hingga 16 A wareness Programme has been initiated by thetahun kepada sains, kejuruteraan dan teknologi. A cademy to assist in addressing problems relatingProgram Kesedaran Sains telah diusahakan to the lack of interest of [Ma/aysian students inoleh pihak Akadcmi untuk membantu science. A s a follow-11p to ttri5 event, the A cademymengatasi masalah mengenai kurangnya minat organised an essay' competition emitted `altpelajar dalam bidang sains. Sebagai tindakan Impressions of the Faraday Lecture 1996\"susulan dari program ini, Akademi telah amongst high school students and 10 winner:r weremcnganjurkan peraduan mengarang esei spoii.rored by the./1cademy to r'isitthe Enrotuimel,bertajuk `llb, Impressions of the Faraday Lecture United Kingdom and f d once.1996\" di kalangan pclajar sekolah mencngahdan memilih sepuluh penyertaan terbaik dan Efforts ar e continuallybeing made topr omote similarpemenang telah ditaja perjalanan dan Malaysian made lecturer, featuring local advancespenginapan ke Eurotunnel, United Kingdom and projects to science, engineering and te,•trno/ogy.dan Perancis.Usaha juga sedang dijalankan untukmenganjurkan syarahan yang berorcntasikanMalaysia yangmenumpukan pencapaiantempatan, projek sains, kejuruteraan danteknologi.
LAIN-LAIN AKTIVITI 1996 37 OTHER 1996 A CTIV ITIESBENGKEL MENGENAI \"HA RNESSING SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYFOR THE SEV ENTH MA LA Y SIA PLA N\"W ORK SHOP ON\"HARNESSING SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY FOR THESEVENTH MALAYSIA PLAN\" YB Datuk Law I-lieng Ding, Mcntcri Sains, Teknologi dan Alain Sekitar Berta tetamu kchormat di Mailis Pcrasnuan Bcngkel \"Harnessing Science and Technulug for the Seventh Malaysia Plan\"IB Datak, 1-an, Hieu; Din,..lliuisicr of ScienC, I enhno/sp and the I urriroiiuent and the hororahlegnests at for Opening Ceremotl o/ the workshop on \"I Iarness,n .S'cience and Techno/op Jar the .Soren/h A lalr7.ria Plan.Rancangan Malaysia Ke 7 (1996 - 2000) yang Following the adoption of the 7r' Malaysiatclah dibcntang dan diterima oleh Parlimen Plan (1996 - 2000) by Parliament in Julybaru-baru ini, Akadcrni telah menganjurkan 1996, the A cadeno.t organised a W orkshopBcngkel yang bertemakan \"I-Iarnessin; Science themed \"Harnessing Science andand Technology for the Seren1h A alaysia Plan\"pada Technology for the Seventh Malaysia2 - 3 Ogos 1996. Bcngkel ini telah dirasmikan Plan\", on 2 - 3 A ugust 1996. The W orkshopoleh YB Datuk Law Hieng Ding, 11'Icnteri Sains, was officially opened by Y B Dattrk Law HiengTeknologi dan Alam Sekitar dan telah menarik Ding, Minister of Science, Technology and theminat peserta dari berbagai kumpulan yang Environment and attracted participation fromterdiri daripada penggubal polisi, wakil dari a large and diver egroup encompassing policybcberapa Kementerian yang mempunyai makers, representatives fi-om various Ministrieshubungkait dengan sains, kcjuruteraan dan with portfolios related to science, engineeringtcknologi, badan-badan profesional S & T, and technology, S.E.T. professionalFe/lows akademi dan wakil dari sektor swasta associations, Fellows of the A cademy, as wellyang terdiri daripada pemilik perindustrian dan as representatives from the private sectortuan punya/pengurus bank. Pcscrta luar comprising industrialists and bankers.negara yang mewakili berbagai Akademi Sains Overseas participants representing variousdan Kejuruteraan dari negara-negara ASEAN, A cademies of Sciences and Engineering fi-omChina, jepun, Korea Selatan dan juga wakil A SEA N countries, China, Japan and Southdari Commonwealth Partnership for Korea as well as from the CommonwealthTechnology Management (CPTM) juga Partnership for Technology Managementmenghadiri bengkcl ini. (CPTM) also attended the W orkshop.
38 LAIN-LAIN AKTIVITI 1996 OTHER 1996 A CTIV ITIESBengkel dua hari yang telah diadakan di Hotel The 2-day W orkshop was held at the Istana Hotel Knala Lumpur on the 2\"` A ugust 1996Istana pada 2 Ogos 1996 dan di Auditorium, and at the A uditorium, INTA N Bukit Kiara on 3\" A ugust 1996. The main object of theINTAN, Bukit Kiara pada 3 Ogos 1996. W orkshop was to deliberate on the direction, strategies and plans, and in particular thoseAgenda utama bengkcl ini adalah untuk with implications on science, engineering and technology in the 7th Malaysia Plan, and tomembincangkan secara mcndalam mengenai propose priority action targets for implementation.arah, strategi dan rancangan, terutama hal-hal The proceedings of the workshop are beingyang mempunyai implikasi dalam sains, published by the A cademy.kejuruteraan dan teknologi dalam RancanganMalaysia ke 7 dan mencadangkan keutamaandalam pelan tindakan untukdiimplemcntasikan.Kumpulan kertaskerja dan dokumen yangmengandungi cadangan dan pelan tindakanbengkcl akan diterbitkan oleh pihak Akademi. Ahli-ahli panel bengkel \"Harnessing Science and Technology for the Seventh Malaysia Plan\" Panelist of the woekshop on °Harnersi,g Science and T i'ehnology r the Seventh \Ia/rysia Plan\" i
LAIN-LAIN AKTIVITI 1996 39 OTHER 1996 A CTIV ITIESSYARAHAN PERDANAA NNUA L ORATIONAkademi Sains Malaysia telah menganjurkan The A cademy held its Inaugural Oration at theProgram Syarahan Perdana bcrtempat di INTA N A uditorium in Bukit K ara on theAuditorium INTAN, Bukit Kiara pada 2 Ogos 2\"dAugust 1996. SirAaron K lirg, the President1996. Sir Aaron Klug, Presidcn Royal Society of the R al Societe United K ingdom and NobelUnited Kingdom dan Nobel Laureate dalam Laureate in Chemistry 1982, delivered thebiding kimia 1982, telah menvampaikan Oration which was themed \" Some ReflectionsSyarahan Akademi bertajuk \"Some Reflections on on Science and Science Policy\". 250 guestsScience and Science Police\". Scrarnai 250 orang attended the historic event. Sir Aaron 's orationtetamu hadir pada majlis yang bersejarah ini. ranged far and wide concerning science and scienceSyarahan Sir Aaron merangkumi maklumat policy and some of the advances made in the areasmcngenai rains dan polisi sains serta beberapa of cutting edge technologies such as biotechnology,perkembangan terbaru dalam era teknologi it formation technology (IT) and advancedscpcrti bidang bioteknologi , teknologi materials.informasi (IT) dan advanced materials.BENGKEL MENGENAI \"IEE TEA CHING KITS\" ASM/CDCW ORK SHOP ON\"IEE TEACHING K ITS\"ASM/CDCPada 4 November 1996, satu bengkel telah On 4`1 November 1996 a workshop wasdianjurkan dengan kerjasama Institutions of organised with the collaboration of theElectrical Engineers (IEE) dan Pusat Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE)Pcrkernbangan Kurikulum (CDC), U.K. and Curriculum Development CentreKementerian Pendidikan Malaysia bertujuan (CDC), Ministry of Education Malaysia,untuk memperkenalkan alat bantuan mengajar primarily to introduce the IEE resources inIEE dalam bidang sains untuk sekolah-sekolah science teaching for primary schools. Therendah. Bengkcl ini dikendalikan oleh Puan workshop was conducted by Mrs Dorie Giles,Doric Giles, Manager, Educational Activities Manager, Educational A ctivities of IEE.dari IEE. Dua puluh orang guru sains sekolah Twenty selected prim arry school science teachersrendah yang dipilih telah menghadiri bengkel attended this workshop and discussions wereini. Perbincangan tertumpu kepada pertukaran focussed on the IEE teaching kits, andidea mengenai alat bantuan mengajar tersebut wheather they were suitable for primary schoolsdan samada iany a sesuai untuk kegunaan in Malaysia. CDC will evaluate the findingssckolah-sekolah rendah di Malaysia. Pihak and report to the A cademy and IEE.CDC akan menilai dan melaporkan kepadapihak Akademi dan IEE.
40 LAIN-LAIN AKTIVITI 1996 OTHER 1996 ACTIVITIES SYARAHAN UMUM MENGENAI \"ROBOTICS A ND INDUSTRIA L A UTOMA TION\"A NJURA N ASM/TPM PUBLIC LECTURE ON \"ROBOTICS AND INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION\" ORGA NISED BY A SM/TPM YB Dato',-bu Bakar Daud, Timbalan Nfenteri Sains , Teknologi dan Alam Sekitar sertatctamu kchormat di majhs perasmian syarahan a nttrn `Robotic- and lndurozal Autonatioi V B Data' .-lb, Bakar Daud , Deputy 1 1ini_-1er of Seience, Terfinoloty raid the Cnuirnennent cnad the ho,torable gne/is at the opeuiug cere,non) ' of public lertin e on ` Rohotu r and Industuial Deoelopnnent\"Akademi Sains Malaysia dan Technology Park The A cademy of Sciences Malaysia andMalaysia Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (TPM) telah Technology Park Malaysia Corporation Sdn. Bbd.menganjurkan Syarahan Umum bcrtajuk (IPM) organised a Public Lecture on \"Robotics\"Robotics and Industrial A utomation\" pada 26 and Industrial Automation\" on 26't' NovemberNovember 1996. YB Datuk Abu Bakar Daud, 1996. Y B Datuk A bu Bakar Daud, the DeputyfTimbalan Mcnteri Sains, Teknologi dan Alam Minister of Science, Technology and theSekitar dan lebih kurang 100 jemputan luar F_nvironzzzent and over 100 guests attended thehadir pada Syarahan Umum ini yang telah Public Lecture that was delivered by Dr Shinsukedisampaikan olch Dr Shinsuke Sakakibara, Sakakibara, Manager, Basic ResearchPengurus, Basic Research Laboratory, FANUC Laboratory; 1ANUC Ltd. The session wasLtd. Sesi ini dipengerusikan oleh Profesor chaired by Professor Dato' DrMohamad ZawawiDato' Dr Mohamad Zawawi Ismail F.A.Sc., IsznailFA .Sc., CouncilMemberof the A cademy.Ahli Majlis Akademi. Sy arahan Umum ini The Public Lecture comprised two parts;terbahagi kepada dua bahagian; (i) \"Overview of Mechatronics, Machine(i) \"Overview of Mechatronics, Machine Intelligence Intelligence and Robotics\" and and Robotics\" dan (ii) \"Development and Trends in Industrial(ii) `Development and Trends in Industrial Robotics Robotics and Factory A utomation \". and Factor actor_)! Automation \".
LAIN-LAIN AKTIVITI 1996 OTHER 1996 ACTIVITIES ^1SESI DIALOG ANTARA AKADEMI SAINS MALAYSIA DAN BADANPROFESIONAL SAINS, KEJURUTERAAN DAN TEKNOLOGIDIA LOGUE SESSION BETW EEN THE A CA DEMY A ND SCIENCE,ENGINEERING A ND TECHNOLOGY PROFESSIONA L A SSOCIA TIONSSesi dialog telah diadakan di antara Akademi A dialogue session between the A cademy ofSains Malaysia dan badan profesional Sains, Sciences A lalaysia and Science Engineering andKejuruteraan dan Teknologi di Akaderni pada Technology prajessionczl associations was held at21 Discmber 1996. Dua puluh lima wakil dari the 'Icademy on 21\" December 1996. 25berbagai organisasi hadir pada scsi ini, dan representatiresfrom various Science, Eiiegineerirrgmajlis ini dipengcrusi oleh YBhgTan Sri Datuk and Technology professional associationsDr Omar Abdul Rahman F.A.Sc., Presidcn par/ieipcrted in the dialogue, r1)/Eels was chairedAkademi. by )-Bh; Tan Sri Datuk Dr Omar ,-A bdul Rabman F.A .Sc., the President q1' the A cademy.Objcktif sesi dialog ini adalah untukmewujudkan hubungan kerjasama antara The objectives of the dialogue .session were to Jolterorganisasi-organisasi dan Akademi, untuk closer working relations between the ass ociationsmempcrkukuhkan mekanisma dan strategi and the Academy ; to establish et mechanism andkerjasama dalam menjalankan aktiviti-aktiviti .strateg y, f or co -operation in carrying out activitiesrang berkaitan dengan sains, kejuruteraan dan related to science, engineering and technology andteknologi dalam usaha memahami peranan to better understand the associations in relationorganisasi-organisasi tcrsebut dalam usaha to the roles they play in the pursuit of scientfc,meningkatkan tahap sains dan teknologi. engineering and technological advancement.Berbagai isu dibincangkan, salah satu adalah LV 'arions issues were discussed; among which waruntuk menubuhkan sebuah Jawatankuasa a suggestion to set up a joint consultativebersama di antara Akadcmi dan organisasi- committee between the A cademy and theorganisasi tersebut. Pihak Akademi associations. The.A lcademy ojfered its building,menawarkan kcmudahan yang ada di Bangunan its Internet, Honmepage and its administrativeAkademi sepcrti kemudahan Internet, facilities for use by the associations. TheHomcpage dan kemudahan pentadbiran untuk associations agreed to assist the A cademy to setkegunaan badan-badan profesional ini. up the \'atioaal Science and Technology ResourcePcrsatuan juga bcrsetuju untuk mcmbantu Centre.pihak Akademi untuk menubuhkan PusatSumbcr Sains dan Teknologi Kebangsaan.
451 AKLINIAT BRIEFINGSTAKLIMAT DI KEMENTERIAN SAINS, TEKNOLOGI DAN ALAMSEKITARBRIEFINGA T THE MINISTRY OFSCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY A ND THEENV IRONMTF V T Ketua Sctiausaha Felrouer :lkademi mcnghadiri taklimat Kementerian Sains, di Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Alain Sckitar Teknologi dan Alam Sekitar telah menerima Fellow..r of the lcadewy attending the briefing at the dliui.rtrj' of Science, Technology and the hnni ronrnent kunjungan Fe/lows Akademi Sains Malaysia Beberapa pegawai tinggi Fellows of ' the Academy wereke Kementerian di Wisma Kementerian dari berbagai briefed by the Secretary- General jabatan tclah mcmbcntangkan of the Ministry; Y Bhg Dato' Sime Darby, Kuala perkembangan peranan dan V. Danabalan regarding the Lumpur pada 27 januari fungsi jabatan-jabatan mcreka. Ministry's portfolio and Fellows juga mendapat pcluang responsibilities as well as 1996. Seramai 32 Ahli untuk mengnunpulkan maklumat programmes and activities. delegasi yang diketuai mcngenai pusat `?vlalaysiart Science oleh Presiden Akaderni, and Technolq;}' Itfirination Centre' Several of the Ministry r senior YBhg Tan Sri Datuk Dr atau lebih dikenali scbagai officials from the various Omar Abdul Rahman, MASTIC dan usaha-usaha yang departments presented an F.A.Sc.. Fellows Akademi telah dijalankan untuk overview of the respective dibcri pencrangan oleh mcmbangunkan pangkalan data department 's roles andfunctions. sains dan teknologi yang The Fellows had an opportunity Ketua Sctiausaha komprehensif untuk Malaysia. to gather information regarding Kementerian, YBhg Fellows juga diberitahu usaha- the Malaysian Science and Dato' V. Danabalan usaha yang tclah dijalankan Technology Information Centre mcngenai portfolio olch 1\v'IASI'IC untuk membuat or more popularly known as MA STIC and the initiatives Kementerian dan taken by it to develop a tanggungjawab serta comprehensive science and program dan aktiyiti. The Secretary-General of the Ministry of Science, Technology and theEnvironment hosted a visit by the Fellows of the A cademy to the Ministrj' at W isma Sime Darby, Kuala Lumpur on the 27r' January 1996. The 32-member delegation was led by the President of the A cademy, YBhg Tan Sri Datuk Dr OmrarA bdul Rahman, F.A .Sc.
46 TAKLIMAT B R IEFIN GSpenyelidikan mengenai tahap Penyelidikan dan technology database for :llalaysirz. The FellowsPembangunan (R & D), khusus untuk were also inforr1ued of the eorts undertaken bymengetahui perbelanjaan, tenagakerja S & T MA STIC in implementing a Research andbaik disektor awam mahupun sektor swasta Development (R D) surrey aimed atserta Penyelidikan inovasi kepada sektor determining the R c) D etipenditure, S & I'industri untuk menilai sumbangan mereka manpower iu both the public air<1 private .rectorsdalam bidang penyelidikan inovasi as well as an Innovation Surrey tar;etiug theperindustrian di Malaysia. industries to assess factors contributing to, or hampering innovation in industries in i'llalaysia.Satu perbincangan telah berlangsung selepasmajlis taklimat dan salah satu isu yang A discussion followed these pr esentations and onedibangkitkan oleh Fellows Akademi adalah particularly sigm/icantissue raised by the Fellowsuntuk membantu Kementerian Sains, of the A cademy was re,arding par ticipatian f omTeknologi dan Alam Sekitar bersama-sama the A cademy to assist the iA linistr°y of Science,menangani isu sains dan teknologi yang telah Technology and the Enriront.7mnt to jointlymenjadi salah satu agenda kebangaan negara. address science and technology issues which arePihak kementerian juga menjemput pihak of national interest. The z\lirzistr y r esponded byAkademi untuk mengutarakan isu-isu berkaitan invitirt.g the A cademy to deliberate on the issuesdan dibawa kepada pihak kementerian raised and forward to the Ministry particularterutamanya di dalam bidang-bidang yang telah areas iderzt f ed by the A cademy as being per tinentdikenalpasti oleh pihak Akademi sebagai and significant, which the A cademy would likepenting dan perlu diketengahkan dan pihak to make contributions to jointly collaborate withAkademi ingin bersama-sama menvumbang the Ministry.serta bekerjasama dengan pihak Kementerian.TAKLIMAT DI MIGHTBRIEFING A T MIGHTPada 12 Oktober 1996, Fellows Akademi telah On 12\" October 1996, the Fellows of themenghadiri sesi taklimat di MIGHT. Ketua A caden j, attended a brief ng at MIGHT. ItsEksekutif, Dr Ahmad Tasir Lope Pihie telah Chief Executive Officei; Dr A hmad TasirLopememberikan taklimat kepada Fellowsmengenai Pihie briefed the Fellows on MV IIGHT'slatar belakang, peranan, pencapaian dan background, roles, achievements and businessprospek MIGHT. Lawatan dan perbincangan prospects. This visit resulted in both the A cademytelah mengenal pasti beberapa bentuk and MV IIGHT ident irag a number of possiblekerjasama yang boleh dimainkan pihak areas of collaboration. One of which is theAkademi dan MIGHT. Salah satu bentuk possibility of the Fellows of the A cademykerjasama yang boleh dibuat adalah Fellows becoming member s of MIGHT Interest GroupsAkademi menjadi ahli \"MIGHT Interest Group (MIGs).(tiMIGs) \".
TAMMAT 47 BRIEFINGSTAKLIMAT DI KEMENTERIAN PERTANIANBRIEFING A T THE MINISTRY OFA GRICULTURFPada 19 Oktober 1996, YBhg Dato' Zolkipli On 19\" October 1996, IB/jg Dato' Zolkipli A bc/ul, Deputy Secretary, GeneralI hosted a visitAbdul, Timbalan Ketua Setiausaha I telah of Fellows of the A cademy to the Ministry ofmenerima kunjungan Fellows Akademi ke griculture. The Fellows were briefed bjj the Deputy Secretary General I on the latestKementerian Pertanian. Fellows telah diberi dere/opnrent and prog/wnmes o/ ' the ,llinistr_ y and its new direction. The Fellows were also briefedtaklimat oleh beliau mengenai perkembangan by the Heads or Directors of MA RDI, A gn icrdture Department, NA HR AI, JPS andterkini dan program-program yang dijalankan Jabatan Perkhidmatan Haiwan. A discussion after the brie/iu; resulted in agreement on twooleh pihak Kementerian serta halacara baru Projects to be carried out in collaboration between the A cademy and the ,1linistr y.Kementerian. Fellows juga diberi peneranganoleh Ketua-Ketua Pengarah daripada MARDI,Jabatan Pertanian, NAHRIM, JabatanPengairan dan Saliran dan jabatanPerkhidmatan Haiwan. Selepas taklimat, satuperbincangan telah diadakan clan kedua-duapihak bersetuju untuk menjalankan dua projekbersama cli antara pihak Akademi danKementcrian.TAKLIMAT DI PERBENDAHARAANBRIEFING A T THE TREA SURYPada 12 November 1996, Fellows Akademi telah On 12`' November 1996, The Fellows of themenghadiri majlis taklimat di Perbendaharaan A cadenj, of Sciences MMMala)sia attended a briefingyang dipengerusikan olch Ketua Setiausaha, by the Treaseny' which was chaired by the SecretaryTan Sri Datuk Clifford F. Herbert. Fellows telah General, Tan Sri Datuk Clifford F. Herbert.diberi pencrangan mengenai ekonomi dan The Fellows were briefed on the econorrr_y and thebelanjawan oleh Setiausaha Bahagian Ekonomi, budget by the Secretary of Economic Division,Cik Siti Hajar Muhamad Ismail. Perbincangan Cik Siti HajarMuhamad Ismail. The discussionselepas taklimat memberi peluang kepada after the briefing provided an opportunity for theFellows memberi saranan dan cadangan serta Fellows to give suggestions and recommendationsmembangkitkan beberapa isu berkaitan dengan and highlight various issues pertaining to researchpenyelidikan dan pembangunan di dalam and development in the country. A mong the issuesnegara. Antara isu-isu yang dibangkit adalah being raised were IRPA funding and researchseperti pembiayaan IRPA dan research syndication. The A cademy willfollowrrp on marrysyndication. Pihak Akademi akan membuat of important isues raised.tindakan susulan kepada isu-isu penting yangdibangkitkan.
48 T.AN' 'T B R IEFIN GSTAKLIMAT DI TECHNOLOGY PARK MALAYSIACORPORATION SDN. BHD.BRIEFING A T THE TECHNOLOGY PA RKMA LA Y SIACORPORA TION SDN. BHD.Pada 26 November 1996, lawatan ini dianjurkan On 26\" November- 1996, a visit was set npsempena dengan Syarahan Urnurn mengenai in conjunction with the Public Lecture on\"Robotics and Industrial Development\" anjuran \"Robotics and Industrial Development\"Akademi Sains Malaysia (ASM) dan jointly oqaanised by The A cademy of SciencesTechnology Park Malaysia Corporation Sdn. Malaysia (_A Sill) and Tech_ nology Park;Bhd.(TPM) di Auditorium TPM. Selepas Malaysia Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (TPM) atSvarahan Urnum, Felloavs Akademi telah the A nditoriumn TPM. A fter the Publicmelawat ke TPM. Felloavs telah diberi Lecture the Fellows of the A cademy visitedpenerangan oleh En. Annuar Mohd Safar, the facilities at TPM. The Fellows were briefedPengarah Industr dan Teknologi TPM. Fellows by Mh1r A nnear Mohd Safar, Director ofjuga dibcri penerangan mengenai misi TPM Industry o,-& Technoloky TPiV 2. Fellows wereuntuk mempcrtingkatkan industri di Malaysia also informed that the mission of TPM wasagar mampu bersaing secara berkesan di arena to empower Malaysian industries to competepasaran antarabangsa melalui inovasi effectively in the internationallmrarket throughteknologikal dan pembangunan. technological innovation and development.
PENERBITAN 1996 1996 Pt BLIC47/O:\ c 51MAHATHIR: KEPIMPINAN DAN VLSI DALAM SAINS & TEKNOLOGIMA HA THIR: LEA DERSHIPA ND V ISIONINSCIENCE& TECHNOLOGYA bdul A ziz A bdul Rahman and Sumangala Filial Sebagai penghargaan atas YAB Dato' Seri Dr Mahathir memegang buku penganugerahan sebagai \"Mahathir: Kepimpinan dan Visi Dalarn Sains & Teknologi\" Fellow Kehormat kepada YAB Dato' Seri Dr ]A B Dato' Seri DrA lahatbirholding the boo/i on Mahathir Mohamad, `Vliahathir: Leadership and Vision in Science & \"Iechno/ogy Akadetni Sains Malaysia telah memutuskan untuk Bab 3 menjurus kepada Chapter 3 focuses on Dr merekodkan sumbangan .'llahathir;r pivotal role as a peranan utama Dr Mahathir prime mover of science and beliau dalam bidang rains technology and its applicationsdan teknologi - melalui buku sebagai pengerak utama sains in om' country. Chcptet:r 4,5 and 6 deal entirely with his ini. Bab 1 melakarkan dan teknologi dan aplikasinya confribtttiort.r to the pengenalan mengenai Dr .' Intanobile, A erospace and Mahathir Mohamad kepada kepada negara. Bab 4,5 dan Information Technology pembaca. Bab 2 mengesan industries respectively. In minat beliau dalam bidang 6 menjurus kepada chapter 7, the authors have rains dan teknologi untuk highlighted emerging technologies pembangunan dan kekayaan kescluruhan sumbangan that are likely to gain increasing importance. The book, was negara. beliau kepada industri launched by I I3hg Tan Sn Datuk Dr Omar A bdul To Automobil, Angkasalepas Rahman F.A .Sc., the President q1- cut Honor al j I Wlor:rbip on of the A cademy during the 'AB Dato',Seti Drlhlabathir dan Teknologi Maklumat. /1 nnual Dinner of the A cademy, when the cot fer anent hlohamad, the Academy of Dalam bab 7, penulis of the Honorary Fellowship on Sciences Malaysia decided to ) A B Dato' Seri Drtllahafhh- place on record his contributions menekankan mengenai A lohamad was made. to science and technology to book form. Chapter 1 sets the tone peningkatan teknologi yang and introduces Dr Mahathir berkemungkinan menjadi .11oharnad to the reader: Chapter 2 traces his interest in bertambah penting. Buku science and technology fornational development and avealth creation. ini telah dilancarkan oleh YBhg Tan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul Rahman F.A.Sc., Presiden Akademi pada malam penganugerahan Fellow Kehormat kepada YAB Dato' Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
52 PENERBITAN 1996 1996 PUBLICA TIONSPERNYATAAN TENTANG SAINS DAN POLISI SAINSSOME REFLECTIONS ON SCIENCE & SCIENCE POLICYSir Aaron K lugProgram Syarahan Perdana anjuran Akademi yang The Inaugzrral Oration of the A cademy by Sirtelah disampaikan oleh Sir Aaron Klug, Presiden A aron Klug, the President of the Royal SocietyRoyal Society United Kingdom telah diterbitkan United Kingdom has been published as adalam bentuk monograf. A Iornq,ra h. ® ROBOTICS AND INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATIONROBOTICS DAN INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATIONROBOTICS A ND INDUSTRIA L A UTOMA TIONShinsuke Sakak tiaraMonograf ini diterbitkan sempena Program This monograph was published in conjunctions withCeramah Umum anjuran Akademi yang telah the Public Lecture by DrShinsuke Sakakibara,dilakukan oleh Dr Shinsuke Sakakibara, Manager; Basic Research Laboratory FA NUCPengurus, Basic Research Laboratory, FANUC Ltd. Japan which was organised by the A cademyLtd.. ASM telah mendokumentasi kertaskerja with the co-operation of Technology Parkbeliau dalam bentuk monograf yang bertajuk Malaysia Corporation Sdn. Bbd. The\"Robotics and Industrial A utomation\" yang monograph entitled \"Robotics and Industrialmengandungi dua bahagian, bahagian pertama Automation\" consists of two parts, the firstmengenai \"Overview of Mechatronics, Machine part on \"Overview of Mechatronics,Intelligence and Robotics\" dan bahagian kedua Machine Intelligence and Robotics\" andmengenai \"Development and Trends in Industrial the second part on \"Development and TrendsRobotics and Factory A utomation\". in Industrial Robotics and Factory Automation\".
53PENERBITAN 1996 1996 PUBLICA TIONSKERTAS PERSIDANGAN PERMASHYURAN DAN PERSIDANGANMEJABULATPROCEEDINGS OF THE INA UGURA TIONA ND INTERNA TIONA LROUNDTA BLEKertas persidangan ini diterbitkan sempena Majlis The Proceedings were published in coijunctionPermasyuran Akademi pada 8 September 1995 with the Inauguration of the A cademy on the 8'oleh YAB Dato' Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad, September 1995, by the Rt. Hon. Dale' SeriPerdana Menteri Malaysia. Akademi Sains Dr lllahathir 1llohamad, Prime Minister ofMalaysia merekodkan semua ucapan yang telah Malaysia. The A cademy of Sciences Malaysiadisampaikan pada majlis tersebut semasa has documented all speeches made dining thepenganugerahan sijil perlantikkan Fellows Yayasan I vaiguratr,'on, dining the conferment of certificatesAkademi clan semasa Persidangan Mejabulat 01' appointment to Foundation Fellows of themengenai `Peranan A kademi dalam Pembangunan A cademy, and during the InternationalNegara\" pada 9 September 1995. Roundtable on the \"Role of the Academy in National Development \" held on 9\" September 1995.NEWSLETTER AKADEMIA CA DEMY NEW SLETTERPada tahun 1996 Akademi telah menerbitkan 2 In 1996 the A cademy published 2 Newsletters.naskah Newsletter. Newsletter bagi bulan Julai The first Newsletter printed in Jily 1996mengandungi liputan semua aktiviti bermula documented activities of the A cademy coveringdari bulan Januari - Jun 1996. Newsletterterbitan the period from Jaima 7 till June 1996. TheDisember 1996 mendokumentasikan semua second Newsletter published in December 1996aktiviti Akademi sepanjang bulan Julai hingga documented all news and activities of theNovember 1996. A cademy between the months of July until November 1996.