ii. Bridge and collaborate with STI professionalsAs part of a long-term strategy, engagementwith critical target groups is imperative.The following describes the strategies tobridge professionals from the academia andindustry:a. COST and ASEAN-wide interventions: Industry specialistTalent Level Industry Specialist.Current Scenario Insufficient manpower to address R&D and operational needs of member countries in critical industries.Ideal Scenario Availability of personnel (both local and international) to meet R&D and needs of individual/collective needs of ASEAN countries.Geography Scenario InterventionASEAN Member Recommendations Increase the number of STI academics contributing to key sectors of the economy. This could be effected byStates (AMS) mandating certain number of days of compulsory commercial work as part of their field of study. Where foreign specialists are required, locals should be integrated in the work groups to generate transfer of knowledge. Expected Outcomes Maximise value extraction from human capital and access to shared resources. Increased availability of industry specialists can be highlighted by countries to attract foreign investment.I nter-ASE AN Recommendations sC oreluattioionns of open source engagement platforms to expedite sharing of knowledge and efficiency in developing for specific challenges. Greater collaboration among industry specialists leading to improved mobility within ASEAN. Improved efficiency Expected Outcomes and effectiveness in addressing challenges.Intra-ASEAN Recommendations LS eTvI eorpapgoerotunneitxyisfotirngindinutsetrrnyastpioencaial lriestlas.tiWonosrkanadloSnTgIsfidoecuMs ianriesatrsieusnodfeTrrtaadkeentobyadCdOreSsTstHoRprreoqmuoirteemAeSnEtAs Nofafos raenign investors within the ASEAN region. Provide a conducive environment for talent mobility, retention and development within ASEAN. Expected Outcomes IInnccrreeaasseedd inflow of foreign industry specialists and corresponding transfer of knowledge to local expertise. availability of human resources then acts as a catalyst to attract additional foreign investment in the region. 195
b. COST and ASEAN-wide interventions: Academicians Talent Level Academicians. Current Scenario Insufficient numbers of academicians (local and foreign) to meet teaching and research requirements Ideal Scenario Sufficient qualified academicians to address teaching needs. Geography Scenario Intervention Country Recommendations dAedv oeplot ppefaesrtt-otrapcekepr rdoegvrealmopmmeesntot ptrraoignrnamecmesessatroy boost the number of academicians at all levels. In the short term, human resources to meet immediate needs, while implementing longer term education programmes from the grassroots level. These should be mandated to contribute through shortfalls across the education value chain. Expected teaching and research programmes. address human capital local STI needs. Outcomes IInnccrreeaasseedd availability of academic strength to numbers of researchers addressing Creation of open source engagement platforms to expedite sharing of knowledge and efficiency in developing Recommendations so lutions for specific challenges. Development of a COST facilitated exchange programme among regional Regional academicians. Expected Outcomes eGfrfeeactteivrecnoelslasbinoraadtidornesasminogncghianldleunsgtreys.specialists leading to improve mobility within ASEAN. Improved efficiency and International Recommendations Lc aepveitraalgeexcohnaCngOeSpTriongterarnmamtioens.aAl nttertawctotrhketopparrtoicmipoatetiopneeorf to peer development programmes. Encourage human industry in the development of ASEAN’s academic base. ImmapnrpoovewderqtuoafliitllyimofmAeSdEiAatNe academicians to address research and teaching requirements. Attraction of foreign needs in the education value chain. Expected OutcomesSource: The Asean Secretariat 2015196
Further Reading 6-7 Malaysia’s focus outside of ASEANThe Malaysian industry players areexploring opportunities to tap the potentialin East Asian countries to include Korea,Japan and China for achieving new growthand a globalised approach to ultimatelyemerge as a developed economy by 2020.However, in line with the global economictrends, Malaysia must achieve some focuswith ASEAN, alongside its expandingfoot-print as well as business networks in theBRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, SouthAfrica) as well as in the MIST (Mexico,Indonesia, South Korea, and Turkey).According to Maxwell (2012), developing Figure (a). BRICS remain critically important markets integrated into the world economy.markets as they continue to ‘emerge’, have *2012 figures are based on estimatesbecome the engines of global economic Sources: Corpart 2013; Maxwell 2012growth. To illustrate, India, China, Brazil, andmany other countries are undergoing thekind of economic transformation that SouthKorea, Japan, and the nations of Europeexperienced during the post-World War IIboom. Furthermore, the economic progressin emerging markets is happening at anaccelerated pace due partly to advances intechnology, sound economic policymakingand reduction in poverty as a result ofhealth, education, and other social reforms.From 1996 to 2010, emerging markets grewat more than twice the rate of developedcountries — about 5% versus 2% annual GDPgrowth, respectively. Even more impressiveis that, recently, income disparity betweenseveral certain emerging economies anddeveloped countries are declining rapidly. 197
Beyond BRICS? Over the years, Malaysia has establishedBRICS’ total GDP is almost four times bigger strong bilateral ties with countries such asthan the combined GDP of the MIST Japan, Thailand, USA, China and itscountries [Table(a)]. BRICS house more than immediate neighbouring country Singaporethree billion people, six times more than for exchange of skills, knowledge, resources,MIST’s population. MIST economies are and above all, business and trade.ranked better according to the World Bank’sEase of Doing Business Index, as well as the Also, Malaysia has been actively pursuingWEF’s Enabling Trade Index. Mexico, Indo- projects in three of the BRICS economiesnesia, South Korea, and Turkey are all rankedmuch higher, and are considered to be more (India, China, and South Africa) [Table (b)].open to business than the BRICS countries.Table (a). A comparison between BRICS and MIST countries and Malaysia Table (b). Number and value of manufacturing projects approved*2012 GDP and GDP growth figures are based on estimates. by Malaysia Investment Development Authority (MIDA), January - May 2014 and 2013Indicators BRICS MIST MALAYSIA January - May 2014 2013 14.6 trillion 3.9 trillion 0.3 trillionTotal GDP (2012) Country No Foreign Investment No Foreign Investment 4.3% 4.1% 5.6% Japan (RM) (RM)Average annual GDP 30 30 26growth (2012) 102 65 18 33 8,903,421,643 55 3,591,876,939 83 55 24Population median China 10 4,421,070,281 22 3,017,650,478age (2010) 4,123,445,724 17 1,716,996,438 Germany 4 3,237,308,489 126 4,522,314,186Ease of Doing Business 681,130,800 1 940,000(2012 average rank) Singapore 52 488,862,224 18 131,020,413 460,028,888 1 9,600,000Enabling Trade Index South Africa 1(2012 average rank) Taiwan 16 India 6 Source: MIDA 2014Source: Corpart 2013; The World Bank 2012b; World EconomicForum 2012198
Further Reading 6-8 Further Reading 6-9 Globalisation index data score Malaysia’s potential STI collaboratorsLooking at the published scores in Malaysia’s top Potential STI collaboratorsTable (a) below, we can benchmarkMalaysia’s overall competitive positioning revealed technology From top 30 most competitive countries From ASEAN countries basedwith the likes of Taiwan and South Korea advantage (RTA) (IMD ranking) based on ASM RTA analysis on COST reportand more developed nations such asSingapore and Hong Kong, with high Food chemistry New Zealand Brunei, Thailand, Indonesia, potential opportunities for cross-borderand collaborative trade, business, talent Laos, Myanmar, Philippines, and knowledge exchanges. Cambodiaa) For instance, Hong Kong’s main strength lies in the exchange of technology and ideas (5.45 Biotechnology Iceland, Denmark Indonesia, Brunei, Singapore, points higher than the global average of 3.28 of all 60 countries listed in the Globalisation Vietnam, Thailand Index Score). Furniture, games Hong Kong Laos, Singapore, Thailand, b) Similarly, Belgium’s scores on exchange of technology and ideas have also improved Vietnam, Myanmar significantly, mainly due to a deepening broadband penetration and an increase in the Basic materials chemistry Netherlands Cambodia, Singapore, Vietnam, number of internet subscribers. Indonesia Semiconductor Singapore, Republic of Korea Thailand, Cambodia Environmental Qatar, Thailand Philippines, Myanmar, Laos, Indonesia, Brunei Computer technology Israel, USA, Canada Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, VietnamTable (a). Globalisation index data score Sources: IMD 2014b; OECD 2013; WIPO 2014cGlobalization Index Overall Tech TradeData Score: Ernst & Young 2014 Hong Kong 7.96 8.76 8.43Singapore 6.34 5.76 8.67Netherlands 5.00 4.52 6.35Belgium 5.56 4.40 6.44Switzerland 5.43 4.40 5.35Hungary 4.75 4.32 6.51Denmark 4.97 4.28 5.94New Zealand 4.62 4.24 5.77South Korea 4.10 4.20 5.96Taiwan 4.60 4.19 5.90Norway 4.39 4.19 5.36Sweden 5.00 4.18 6.29Malaysia 4.50 4.17 6.16Source: Ernst & Young 2014 199
Further Reading 6-10 increasingly necessary, as the scale of both unlikely to produce all the answers by itself: the budgets and research challenges grow. science infrastructure works best when it is Reasons for Malaysia to focus on 3. Collaboration brings significant benefits, both supported by, and enables, other systems. multilateral collaborations compared measurable (such as increased citation to bilateral impact and access to new markets), and less However, the primary driver of most easily quantifiable outputs, such as broadening collaborations comes from the scientists The continued strength of the traditional research horizons. The facilitation of themselves. In developing their research centres of scientific excellence, such as collaboration, therefore, has a positive impact and finding answers, scientists are seeking the US, Western Europe and Japan, that not only on the science conducted, but on the to work with the best people, institutions invest heavily in research and receive a broader objectives for any science system (be and equipment which complement their substantial return in terms of performance. it enhancing domestic prosperity or addressing research, wherever they may be. The With large numbers of research articles, specific challenges). connections of people, through formal and the lion’s share of citations on those articles informal channels, diaspora communities, and successful translation, as seen through 4. The global scientific community is increasingly virtual global networks and professional the rates of patent registration, and the charged or driven by the need to find communities of shared interests are emergence of new players and leaders point solutions to a range of issues that threaten important drivers of international towards an increasingly multipolar scientific sustainability. These “global challenges” have collaboration. world. This shows that the distribution of received much attention in recent years, and scientific activity is concentrated on a are now a key component of national and Source: The Royal Society 2011 number of widely dispersed hubs. multinational science strategies and many funding mechanisms. Therefore, The Royal Society UK, in their 2011 published book, entitled Knowledge, (1) Global challenges are interdependent and Networks and Nations: Global Scientific interrelated: climate change, water, food and Collaboration in the 21st century, energy security, population change, and loss of emphasised on the importance of biodiversity are all interconnected. The multilateral collaborations. The reasons that dynamics between these issues is complex; and they have mentioned is as below: yet many global assessment and research programmes are managed separately, often 1. The scientific world is becoming increasingly reflecting a lack of coordination in the policy interconnected, with international collaboration sphere. Governments, civil society and the private on the rise. Today, over 35% of articles sector need to take a broader perspective on published in international journals are global challenges in order to appreciate how they internationally collaborative, up from 25% are interrelated. 15 years ago. (2) Global challenges are being addressed via a 2. Collaboration is growing for a variety of number of different organisational mechanisms: reasons. Developments in communication through inter-governmental or international technologies and cheaper travel make it easier bodies, through national systems, and by private than ever before for researchers to work individuals and corporations. These mechanisms together; the scale of research questions; often deploy novel and innovative forms of and the equipment required demands that partnership, some of which work well, others not researchers are mobile and responsive. so successful. Valuable lessons can be drawn from Collaboration enhances the quality of scientific existing models in designing, participating in and research, improves the efficiency and benefiting from global challenge research. effectiveness of that research, and is (3) Science is essential to addressing global200 challenges but it cannot be done in isolation: A wide range of approaches will be required, including the appropriate use of financial incentives, incorporating non-traditional forms of knowledge, and working with the social sciences and wider disciplines. Science is crucial but it is
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Acknowledgement 209
This study would not have been possible without contributions and inputs from a range of individuals and organisations. In particular, ASMwould like to thank various ministries, agencies and departments under the Malaysian Government, private sector and individuals who areinvolved directly or indirectly in: Providing key information and data Airestec Sdn Bhd Agensi Inovasi Malaysia (AIM) AJM Planning and Urban Design Sdn Bhd Astro Malaysia Holdings Berhad (ASTRO) Alam Sekitar Malaysia Sdn Bhd Bahagian Dasar dan Hubungan Antarabangsa (MyIPO) Amat Sinar Sdn Bhd Collaborative Research in Engineering, Science & Technology Cancer Research Initiative Foundation (CREST) Chemical Industries Council of Malaysia Department of Higher Education (JPT) Composite Technology Research Malaysia (CTRM) Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM) Department of Fisheries Sabah Institute for Labour Market Information & Analysis (ILMIA) DreamEdge Sdn Bhd Malaysia Department of Insolvency Envisar Consultants Sdn Bhd Malaysia Research Assessment (MYRA) Exis Tech Sdn Bhd Malaysian External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) Fanli Marine and Consultancy Sdn Bhd Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) Foxboro (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd Malaysian Productivity Corporation (MPC) Furutec Electrical Sdn Bhd Malaysian Science and Technology Information Centre (MASTIC) GITN Sdn Bhd Malaysian Technology Development Centre (MTDC) Impian Eksekutif Sdn Bhd Ministry of Communication and Multimedia Malaysia (KKMM) Indkom Engineering Sdn Bhd Ministry of Education (MOE) Innoveam Sdn Bhd Ministry of Human Resources (MOHR) Institut Bank - Bank Malaysia (IBBM) Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) Integrated Well Services Sdn Bhd (IWSS) Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovations (MOSTI) International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) National Science Centre (PSN) Kay Marine Sdn Bhd National Science Research Council (NSRC) Kossan Rubber Industries Bhd. Parliament of Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre Performance Management Delivery Unit (PEMANDU) MAHSA University Radio Televisyen Malaysia (RTM) Malaysia Petroleum Resources Corporation (MPRC) RDC Ecosystem, Innovation Capital (MDEC) Malaysia Productivity Corporation Sime Darby Technology Centre Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC) Talent Corporation Malaysia Berhad (TalentCorp) Manipal Medical University MMU) USAINS Holding Sdn. Bhd. Medical Devices Authority Medical Devices Corporation Sdn Bhd Participating in the Surveys, Industry STI Perception Audits, Medik TV Focus Group Discussions, Media Engagement Exercises, and Megapadu Sdn Bhd Face-to-Face Conversations MIDF Amanah Investment Bank Berhad Agensi Inovasi Malaysia (AIM) MIMOS Berhad Airbus Customer Services Sdn Bhd Ministry of Education210
Ministry of Science, Teknology & Innovation (MOSTI) Participating in ASM Working Group Meetings and DiscussionsMonash University Malaysia (MUM) Dr Phyllis Lam Li Wan, Deputy Director, PSNMy CO2 Sdn Bhd Dr Sivanes Pari, ILMIANasmech Technology Sdn Bhd Hafiza Atha Ahmad, Consultant of MPCNational Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM) Idzuafi Hadi Kamilan, Research Officers, Research Unit,National Instruments Academy and Innovation Nucleus (NI-AIN)Natural Wellness Parliament of MalaysiaNottingham University Malaysian Campus (UNMC) Iftiza Ahmad Nizar, Secretariat of JKPDA, AIMOxdec Seven Lok Lee Lee, Former Manager of Global Competitiveness, MPCPelaburan MARA Berhad Marina Yusoff, SME Corp MalaysiaPenchem Technologies Marshitah Bahar, Department of Standards MalaysiaPertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia Mohamad Khairol Khalid, Science Officer, MASTIC-MOSTIPetrofac - RNZ Integrated (M) Sdn Bhd Muhammad Lofty Abdul Karim, AIMPetrofac Malaysia Rafidah Hasbullah, Science Officer, MASTIC-MOSTIPlatCom Ventures Sabrina Kamin, Science Officer, MASTIC-MOSTIPRO-Secretariat Management Services Sdn Bhd Uma Maniam, Fund Management Section, Planning Division, MOSTIQAV Technologies Sdn Bhd Vinson Embaran, Science Officer, MASTIC-MOSTIReef Check MalaysiaSilterra Malaysia Sdn Bhd Conducting Surveys, Industry STI Perception Audits, FocusSilverlake Group of Companies Group Discussions, Media Engagement Exercises, and Face-to-SNO Architects Sdn Bhd Face ConversationsStrand Aerospace Malaysia Sdn Bhd Ameera HaniSYM World Innovation Dr Yunus Yasin, ASTITechnip GeoProduction (M) Sdn Bhd Jeanette Good, The StarTelekom Malaysia Law Yao Hua, BFMTNB Research Sdn Bhd Rosmala NasirToshiba Transmission and Distribution Systems Asia Sdn Bhd Saiful Bahri Bahrom, PetrosainsTrisystems Engineering Waifai LoUniversiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) Wee, WencomUniversiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka Performing Research Activities Such as Data GatheringUniversiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) and AnalysisWawasan Open University Abdul Malik Abd RahmanWorld Wide Fund for Nature Malaysia Dr Wong Chan YuanYoung Scientist Network (YSN-ASM) Fung Hon Ngen Mazmiha Mohamed Mohd Zulhairi Mohad Kidar Siti Norfadila Mohd Taib 211
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