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Home Explore The Meetinghouse News september2018

The Meetinghouse News september2018

Published by stockette, 2018-09-03 10:37:49

Description: The Meetinghouse News september2018


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The Meetinghouse News his grandfather that it was impossible to September 2018 carry water in a basket and he was going to use a bucket. His grandfather said, \"I \"By all these lovely tokens don't want a bucket of water, I want a September days are here, basket of water. You can do this. With summer’s best of weather You're just not trying hard enough\" and And autumn’s best of cheer.\" he went out the door to watch the boy try again. - Helen Hunt Jackson At this point the boy knew it was The Empty Basket impossible but he wanted to prove to his grandfather that it wouldn't work so heEach morning, Grandpa was up early tried one more time. One more time thesitting at the kitchen table reading from basket was empty. \"See grandpa, it'shis old worn-out Bible. His grandson, useless!\"who wanted to be just like him, tried toimitate him in any way he could. The old man said, \"So you think it's useless? Look at the basket.\"One day the grandson asked, \"Grandpa, Itried to read the Bible just like you but I The boy looked at the basket and for thedon't understand it, and what I do first time he realized that the basketunderstand I forget as soon as I close the looked different. Instead of a dirty oldbook. What good does reading the Bible wicker coal basket, it was clean. \"Son,do?\" that's what happens when you read the Bible. You might not understand orThe Grandfather quietly turned from remember everything, but when you readputting coal in the stove and said, \"Take it, it will change you from the insidethis old wicker coal basket down to the out.\"river and bring back a basket of water.\"The boy did as he was told, even though Moral of the wicker basket story: Takeall the water leaked out before he could time to read a portion of God's wordget back to the house. The grandfather each day; it will affect you for good evenlaughed and said, \"You will have to if you don't retain a word. God's love ismove a little faster next time,\" and sent like the ocean, you can see itshim back to the river with the basket to beginnings but not its end.try again.This time the boy ran faster, but againthe old wicker basket was empty beforehe returned home. Out of breath, he told

Important Dates Drive-Thru  September 5 - Choir practices begin The Drive-Thru plans are coming along  September 8 - Drive-Thru nicely. Some new props have been Meeting made and other are being refurbished  September 9 - Rally Day and upgraded. Our next meeting will be  September 9 - Deacons Rally September 8 at 9:30 am. Day Brunch  September 16 - New Member Sign - ups for the Drive - Thru begin in Class begins September so please look them over and  October 27 - Harvest Home see what you can do to help. Dinner  October 28 - Heritage Day Committee Reports  November 10 - Holiday Boutique Church LifeLibrary Corner Coffee Servers Needed - Regular coffee hour will resume September 17. PleaseEach month we will be featuring a new sign up for a Sunday in Old Scot's that has been donated to Old All you need to bring is milk, juice and aTennent's Library for people to read. If snack to share - all other items areyou would like more information about provided.any of the books please contact CindyHughes. Harvest Home will be coming onThis month's book is called Heaven is October 27. Sign up sheets to help orfor Real by Todd Burpo. If you have not donate food items will be out this, it is a must read for everyone! YOUR HELP IS thisThe book is about an almost 4 year old is one of our major community outreachnamed Colton, and his experiences while programs. Please sign up or call Leniin Heaven during an operation for a Hughes at 732-308-0650 for moreburst appendix. Colton was able to recall and people that he knew nothingof. Heaven is for Real is “A beautifully Membership and Outreachwritten glimpse into heaven that willencourage those who doubt and thrill New Member Classthose who believe” (Ron Hall). Pastor Doug will be starting a New Member Class beginning on September 16 at 9:30 am in Old Scot's Hall. If you are interested in attending please contact him through the church office.

We will learn a bit about Church Home-Bound Communion MinistryHistory, some Theology, some The Communion Ministry needs fourPresbyterian Polity (or how we do past and present Elders and Deacons tothings), learn a bit about each other, and reach out and share fellowship and serveanswer any questions you may have communion to our home-boundabout who we are and what we do. members. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board as you enter Old ScotsHoliday Boutique Hall on the left. Please speak to PastorThe Holiday Boutique will be held on Doug about this special ministry.November 10 from 10-4. This is a greattime to shop for unique Christmas and Youth MinistriesHoliday gifts. If you are interested inhelping with this event or would like VBS was an amazing adventure as wemore information please contact found ourselves Shipwrecked for aRoseAnn in the church office. week. 27 young people attended VBS this year. Special thanks goes to BethMission Committee Nicol who created all the wonderful scenery and the VBS committee forThe Mission Committee would like to planning, cooking and running the event.remind everyone that School will bestarting soon and the Samaritan Centerwill be looking for school supplies aswell as regular staple items. If you canplease remember to bring items to OldScott's hall and place them on the shelf itwould be much appreciated.Worship Rally Day will be on September 9 beginning at 9:30. Come, register, meetFall Worship Schedule your child's teacher and join us forSummertime worship at 9:30 ends refreshments as we begin the newSeptember 2. We will return to 11:00 Sunday School year.worship in the Sanctuary on September10.

Adult Sunday School Final ThoughtsAdult Sunday School will begin onSeptember 9 with the study of Matthew. \"The breezes tasteIf you are interested please contact Bill Of apple peel.Sauer for more information or see the The air is fullflyer attached to the newsletter. Of smells to feel- Ripe fruit, old footballs,Worship Assistants Burning brush, New books, erasers,September 2 Chalk, and such.Liturgist – Linda Sauer The bee, his hive,Greeter – RoseAnn Thompson Well-honeyed hum,Head Usher – Charles Buda And Mother cutsUshers - Eda Cruz & Joyce Zimmerman Chrysanthemums. Like plates washed cleanSeptember 9 With suds, the daysLiturgist – Joyce Zimmerman Are polished withGreeter – Carole McLean A morning haze. \"Head Usher – Bob McLean - John UpdikeUshers - Marge Nelson & GeorgeNelsonSeptember 16Liturgist – Sara Jane NixonGreeter – Virginia CampbellHead Usher – Eda CruzUshers - Gary Weiss & RoseAnnThompsonSeptember 23Liturgist – Laura HerczegGreeter – Carole McLeanHead Usher – Bob McLeanUshers - Sarah Shaw & Charles BudaSeptember 30Liturgist – Sara Jane NixonGreeter – Sarah ShawHead Usher – George NelsonUshers - Sara Hughes & Gary Weiss

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