C ertEssentials, LLC was formed in May of 2005 as a certificate of insurance management operation. In 2006, CertEssentials became the marketing arm for a guaranteed cost workers’ comp insurance program for the propane industry endorsed by the Texas Propane Gas Association (TPGA) and a myriad of insurance programs for the Texas Alliance of Energy Producers (TAEP). These programs offer discounts to TAEP and TPGA members and include: GL/Business Auto/ Pollution, Guaranteed Cost Workers’ Comp, Control of Well, Oilfield Property, Rig Physical Damage, Care – Custody – Control and Upstream Equipment. In 2009, CertE received a Managing General Agency license and shortly thereafter formed the DBA “UmbrellEssentials” to serve as a broker to sell follow form excess coverage over BITCO primary General Liability, Business Auto, and Pollution. BITCO themselves will not offer excess policies over its broad, claims-made pollution form. We are currently licensed in 23 states and accept submissions from any agent. While we are a licensed MGA, we currently have marginal underwriting authority and operate primarily as a brokerage. CertEssentials filed another DBA to market under the name One Star Insurance Solutions, LLC in December of 2011. The name change better describes the services we provide as an MGA, developing and administrating specialized insurance solutions for the energy sector. What began as a certificate management operation has become much, much more...Photo: texasoilandgassafety.com
PROGRAM GUIDE Alliance Employer Solutions…………………………………………………………………….Pg 4 Provides HR solutions, payroll & tax solutions, workers’ comp in the TAEP Safety Group, and more! LMoEnWeASwtiathraEffonredarbgleyhEeamlthpclaoreyoepetiBonesnfoerfTietxaTsreunsertg…y i…nd…us…try…e…m…plo…ye…rs...……………N…EW…!…..…Pg 5 CA rcoumdpereOheinlsi+veSianslutrwanacetperrogHraamufloirnogilfiPelrdotrugcrkiangm………N…E…W…! ……..…………………..……...Pg 8 UmbrellEssentials……………………………………………………………………………….…..Pg 10 Provides follow-form Excess Liability Coverage with A-rated carriers up to $10 million limit. Energy Property Program…………………………………..………………………………….Pg 12 Includes Control of Well, Care, Custody and Control, Rig Property Damage, and Oil Lease Property insurance. CertEssentials………………………………………………………………………………………….Pg 14 Manages certificates of insurance and master service agreements. Safety Groups Group plans with the potential to earn dividends*. Electrical Safety & Insurance Group……………………………………………………..Pg 15 Safety group program for Commercial Electrical Contractors with the potential to earn dividends*. TAEP Safety Group with BITCO Insurance……………………………………………….Pg 16 General Liability/Business Auto/Pollution. Discounts for oil & gas accounts with potential to earn dividends* LSEG Workers’ Comp Safety Group………………………………………………………..Pg 18 Guaranteed Cost Workers’ Compensation with Texas Mutual Insurance Company for propane dealers endorsed by the Texas Propane Gas Association (TPGA). TAEP Workers’ Comp Safety Group……………………………………………………….PG 19 Guaranteed Cost Workers’ Compensation with Texas Mutual Insurance Company for Oil & Gas producers.*dividends are not guaranteed and past dividends are no guarantee of future dividends 2
TX ALLIANCE OF ENERY PRODUCERS PROGRAMSOne Star Insurance Solutions has teamed up with the Texas Alliance of Energy Producers (TAEP) to offerspecialized insurance programs to TAEP members. These programs are available through all independent agents.BITCO Insurance Companies Dividend plan for TAEP member oil lease operators and TAEP Program oilfield contractors (GL, Auto, Pollution)UmbrellEssentials Follow-form excess coverage over BITCO’s TAEP programEnergy Property Program 10% discount for TAEP members on property coverage— control of well, care custody and control, rig physical damageCrude Oil + Saltwater Hauling Program TAEP membership required for Texas domiciled businessesLoneStar Energy Employee Benefit Multi-employer welfare arrangement (MEWA) endorsed by Trust TAEP as preferred healthcare coverage TAEP membership requiredTAEP Workers’ Comp Safety Group Premium discounts and the opportunity to earn dividendsCertEssentials 10% discount for TAEP membersAlliance Employer Solutions TAEP membership requiredWhat is the Alliance?Based in the oil patch, the Alliance represents the interest of the oil and gas industry at both the state and federallevels of government. The Alliance’s commitment is ensuring that tomorrow’s energy policy will be one in whichour members can grow and prosper.Created in 2000 through the merger of the North Texas Oil & Gas Association and the West Central Texas Oil &Gas Association, the Alliance has a combined membership of over 3,350 members. It is the largest stateindependent oil and gas association in the nation.The Alliance brings together members in 300 cities and 29 states for the common purpose of protecting the oiland gas industry and developing programs—insurance, public educations—that make them more profitable. TheAlliance’s effectiveness relies upon speaking with one, unified voice.Independents drilled 96% of wells in Texas, and produced 88% of the oil & gas in Texas.Together we are strong…Individually, our voice becomes fragmented and weak.BECOME A MEMBER AT www.texasalliance.org 3
ALLIANCE EMPLOYER SOLUTIONSHow would your business benefit if you could -Increase productivity and profitability?Focus more on core business functions?Control business expenses?Reduce liabilities and business risks?Growing Your Business Just Got Easier.At Alliance Employer Solutions, we help companies maximize employee productivity, improve employee relations andreduce the employer risks associated with personnel administration. When we apply our drive and expertise to yourorganization, we add value all around—putting productive hours back in your day, putting passion back in your workplaceand putting energy back in your energy business.Services Include: Human Resources & Compliance Solutions (PEO & ASO) Payroll & Tax Solutions Employee Benefits Solutions Safety & Risk Management Solutions Workers’ Compensation Insurance Solutions (TAEP Workers’ Comp Safety Group) 4
NEW! LONESTAR ENERGY EMPLOYEE BENEFIT TRUST Benefits SummaryThe following tables show the benefit plan options offered through LEEBT. Any benefitchanges are subject to approval by the LEEBT Board of Trustees and require verification thatthe benefit(s) or options are acceptable under state and federal regulations.MEDICAL PLANS $1000 $3000 $5000 $3000 $5000 HSA HSAIn Network $1,000 $3,000 $5,000 $3,000 $5,000Calendar Year Deductible $3,000 $9,000 $13,200 $9,000 $12,900 Per Member Per FamilyCoinsurance 80%/20% 80%/20% 80%/20% 80%/20% 100%/0Calendar Year Out of Pocket Maximum (including deductible) Per Member $4,000 $5,500 $6,600 $6,000 N/A Per Family $10,000 $12,000 $13,200 $12,900 N/AOffice Visit Co-pay $20 $25 $40 N/A N/ASpecialist Visit $40 $50 $60 N/A N/A(up to $1000 per visit reimbursable at 100%; amount in excess subject to deductible and coinsurance)Outpatient Diagnostic $20 $30 $40 N/A N/AProcedures Co-pay(after copayment, 100% up to $500, then subject to deductible and coinsurance)MEDICAL PLANS $1000 $3000 $5000 $3000 $5000 HSA HSAOut of NetworkEligible charges limited to 100% of Medicare allowable amount. $6,000 $10,000 $18,000 $30,000Calendar Year Deductible $2,000 $6,000 $7,500 50%/50% 50%/50% Per Member $6,000 $18,000 $22,500 Per Family Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited UnlimitedCoinsurance 50%/50% 50%/50% 50%/50%Calendar Year Out of Pocket Maximum (including deductible) Per Member $13,200 $13,200 Unlimited Per Family $26,400 $26,400 Unlimited 6
NEW! LONESTAR ENERGY EMPLOYEE BENEFIT TRUSTMaximums None None None None None Lifetime None None None NoneIn Network None 100% 100% 100% 100%Calendar Year 100%Preventive Care None None None None None None None None(In network only benefit) None None None NoneHospice None Covered as any Covered as anyHome Health Care None other illness other illnessSkilled Nursing None Covered as any Covered as any other illness other illnessAdditional Benefits Substance Abuse Director Covered as any Covered as any other illness other illness In Patient Covered as any Covered as any Covered as any Covered as any Covered as any Out Patient other illness other illness other illness other illness other illnessMental/Nervous Covered as any Covered as any Covered as any other illness Covered as any Covered as any other illness other illness Not covered other illness other illness Not covered In Patient Covered as any Covered as any Covered as any Out Patient other illness other illness other illnessSerious Mental IllnessIn Vitro Fertilization Covered as any Covered as any Covered as any other illness other illness other illness Covered as any Covered as any Covered as any other illness other illness other illness Not covered Not covered Not coveredRX PLANS Plan A Plan B Plan C $5 $10 $20Retail Co-Pays 30 Day Supply Generic $5 $10 $20 Preferred Brand Name $25 $35 $45 (formulary) $80 Non-Preferred Brand $40 $60 (non-formulary) $40 $10 $20 $90Mail Order Co-pays $50 $70 $160 90 Day Supply Generic $80 $120 Preferred Brand Name (formulary) 20% up to $150.00 Non-Preferred Brand (non-formulary)Specialty DrugsIMPORTANT NOTE: This Benefit Summary is intended as a reference only and should not be relied upon to fullydetermine coverage. If this summary conflicts with the Plan Document (or Certificate of Coverage, for full insurancebenefits), the Plan Document (or Certificate of Coverage) will prevail. Please refer to the full benefit materials for anexact description of the benefits that are provided and for other terms and conditions of coverage. 7
NEW! CRUDE OIL + SALTWATER HAULING PROGRAMA Comprehensive Insurance Program for Oilfield TruckingOne Star Insurance Solutions, LLC is excited to announce a partnership with Rockhill Insurance Group forcoverages through both their distribution unit and environmental group. We now provide a single, simpledestination for agents to place trucking accounts that were previously difficult to write. This program is availableto risks located in Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico.Applicable Classes Available Coverages H Saltwater Transportation H Auto Liability - Admitted product written by Plaza H Crude Oil Transportation Insurance CompanyCoverage Terms H Auto Physical Damage - Non-admitted product written by Rockhill Insurance Company$1MM/$2MM or $2MM/$2MM primary per coverage H Cargo Coverage - Non-admitted product written bypart limits with up to $4MM aggregate Rockhill Insurance CompanyEndorsed By: H Commercial General Liability - Non-admitted product written by Rockhill Insurance Company H Contractor’s Pollution Liability - Non-admitted product written by Rockhill Insurance CompanyInsured requires active TAEP membership if in TX H Transportation Pollution Liability - Non-admitted product written by Rockhill Insurance CompanyRequired Items for SubmissionPlease send the following items to [email protected] at the earliest possible date to ensure your quote isreleased in a timely manner. Incomplete submissions cannot be processed.H Acord Apps 125, 126, 127 H Current Drivers ListH Rockhill Transportation Pollution Liability App H Current or most recent income statementH Vehicle Schedule H Current MVRsH At least three (3) years of loss history for the H Contractors & Consultants Master Application immediately preceding three year periodContact Hannah Walters by email ([email protected]) or phone (940–397-2731) for any further questions.About Rockhill Insurance GroupRockhill Insurance Group is a specialty insurance company offering admitted and non-admitted insurance inselect market niches where our underwriting teams are positioned to offer creative insurance solutions,underwriting expertise, and top tier service to our brokers and managing general underwriters. Rockhill has anA-XII (Excellent) Financial Strength Rating from A.M. Best. 8
CRUDE OIL + SALTWATER HAULING PROGRAMThe Coverage Sets Us Apart!Coverage comparisons are important in deciding the proper limits andcoverages available to oilfield trucking. One Star Insurance Solutions, LLC hasprepared this new program for oilfield truckers paying special attention to theneed for pollution limits and coverage wording. Various markets will offerflawed policies which limit coverage. These are the items to consider whenplacing your next oilfield trucking account.Trucker’s Auto LiabilityMany markets offer this product to include pollution events covered by endorsement. While this would appear the logicalway to transfer the risk, it has issues. In this manner, the Auto Liability Limit and Pollution Liability Limit is one and thesame, commonly referred to as shared limits.In One Star’s Trucking Program, the auto liability does not include pollution from the auto operation. Rather than endorsethe auto policy and share limits, this program offers a separate Transportation Pollution Liability policy with $1MM/$2MMlimits of liability. The additional cost is negligible from the way most companies write pollution via endorsement butprovides separate limits and, thus, more protection than shared limits.Trucker’s General LiabilityWhile this exposure is not great on a Saltwater/Crude Hauler, they do have some lease site liability, including pollution notcaused by the auto operation. Most companies offer the pollution included in General Liability as a shared limit and on aTime Element Limited Cover. The Time Element typically requires discovery within 30 days and reporting within 90 days. Asnoted in our Business Auto Pollution, One Star’s Trucking Program provides a separate Contractor’s Pollution Liability policyfor Worksite Pollution. These limits are not shared with General Liability. Additionally, our Pollution Liability is not subject toTime Element reporting. These are the areas of limitation from most markets. By providing separate pollution limits withno time element reporting requirements, One Star and Rockhill have developed the best product for oilfield truckingaccounts.Driver Requirements Ineligible DriversH Must be 25 years of age or older H More than 1 major violation in the past 5 yearsH Must be less than 75 years of age H Habitual Offender: driver has 5 or more minor violationsH Must have at least 3 years of continuous Class ‘A’ , CDL in the past 5 yearsexperience in the United States and 3 years of H Misrepresentation or providing false information for aexperience driving tankers or tanker trailers, or hauling police reportsimilar class H License is currently suspended/revoked or driving whileH Employment history is required if the above is not met license suspended/revoked H Driving without proper license and endorsements H Restricted driving privileges (to and from work or while at work in a personal auto) H Driver is medically disqualified 9
EXCESS LIABILITY COVERAGE offers a comprehensive Excess Program available to allindependent agents for excess coverage with limits from $1 million to $10 million.This program is open to all agents with a specific focus in the oil & gas sector, whohave needs for increased limits /coverages over underlying policies and want to takeadvantage of the follow-form coverage.This Excess coverage is also available on risks such as contractors for building trades,transportation construction, utility construction, land improvement, forest products,structural moving and general contractors. Rate Indication Workbook (RIW) Effective immediately, agents will now be able to produce real-time indications for excess coverage for their clients using our Rate Indication Workbook (RIW). Barring unusual circumstances at underwriting, this indication will become the quote! It is our recommendation that you offer this indication unsolicited to all of your oil & gas clients. The reason is two-fold: The RIW is at your fingertips to provide fast, accurate indications for your clients. In most cases, the indication that is calculated will be the final quote. And most important, by offering an excess quote you have alleviated the burden of a potential E&O claim.Gunnar Kephart, E&O Specialist for the Independent Insurance Agents of Texas has indicated that the largestnumber of E&O claims have come as a result of not offering enough limits or not offering the coverage at all.Contact Ashley Tobias ([email protected]) or (940) 704-4556 for submission guidelines orany questions. Make complete submissions to [email protected].*Complete submissions will need to be made to UmbrellEssentials with all required data before a formalized quote can be issued. 10
EXCESS LIABILITY COVERAGE FAQsCoverage comparisons are important in deciding the primary/underlying and the excess. It is alsoimportant to have the same coverage wording apply from the primary through the excess.Several markets such as Travelers, ACE, and Chartis have the same wording available with limits of$1,000,000 primary and $10,000,000 excess. This is very attractive and simple for the insured and theagent. However, these companies’ forms include wording with a Time Element factor to be met orcoverage is excluded.Q: What is Time Element wording and what does it mean?A: Time Element says the incident must be known to the insured within a certain number of days and reported to the insurance company within a certain number of days. Travelers form says first known within 30 days and reported within 90 days; ACE says first known within 30 days and reported within 60 days; and Chartis says first known within 7 days and reported within 21 days. These Time Element requirements can be very limiting to the insured and can cause E & O exposure for the agent. To the contrary, the BITCO Stand-Alone Pollution Policy simply says the “pollution incident” commences on or after the Retroactive date shown in the declarations. This means any incident beginning prior to that date is not covered as would be expected. There is NO Time Element limitations in the BITCO Policy.Q: What is a Pollution incident?A: Travelers, ACE, and Chartis forms defines it as being sudden and accidental, abrupt, and unexpected or unintended by the insured while occurring during the Policy Period and reported to the company within the Time Element. To the contrary, the BITCO Policy says the Pollution incident commences on or after the Retroactive date and has NO Time Element factor and does not have sudden and accidental wording.Q: What wording is in the Excess Policy?A: Travelers, ACE, and Chartis uses the same wording as the primary in the excess. To the contrary, only with UmbrellEssentials Excess Program can we provide the broad BITCO Pollution wording. The UmbrellEssentials Program provides the same terms and conditions up to $10,000,000 limit as the BITCO primary policy.Q: What if the agent moves from Travelers, ACE, or Chartis and the insured has a pollution incident that occurs in the last day of coverage?A: The insured would still be subject to the Time Element reporting provisions.Q: What about with BITCO?A: The BITCO form allows for a one year extended reporting period for those instances. This would be much broader than the Time Element wording. 11
ENERGY PROPERTY - CONTROL OF WELL Control of Well Insurance Well Control Trends Program Features Oil & Gas Lease OperatorsH 10% TAEP Discount are at significant risk forH Fast Turn AroundH Flexible Options and Limits blowoutsH ExperienceH Endorsed by Texas Alliance of Energy Producers Blowout Case Studies Key Risks Arising from Blowouts The industry shift to unconventional Include: drilling and unconventional wellH During drilling, a pad well has a completions has had the following blowout that communicates with H Extinguishing any fire from any effect on Well Control Risk: two other wells on the pad at the insured well caused by a well that is operator’s still site. out of control. H Increase in blowouts during well completions.H A non-owned well on another prop- H Expenses incurred in bringing the erty blows out as a result of hydrau- well under control. H Increase in blowouts involving lic fracturing during the completion communication between wells. of a well on an adjacent property by H Re-drill and Extra Expense incurred to an operator. restore the well. H Increase in blowouts caused by casing/cementing failure.H Operator buys control of well insur- H Pollution & Clean-Up expenses. ance only for drilling & work over H Increase in blowouts caused by wells. A producing well has a signifi- H Evacuation surface events. cant blowout with high costs to the operator H Underground Blowout In addition to the above blowout trends, the industry is also seeing:H Operator has a significant blowout H Third Party Equipment which took a relief well to be drilled H An increase in blowouts involving to bring the well under control. Evac- Transfer Risk with Insurance!! production wells. uation and surface pollution clean up costs were unexpected. Re-drill costs H An increase in blowouts involving were significant. The operator was plugged and abandoned wells. underinsured. Have your Insurance Agent contact us! 12
ENERGY PROPERTY PROGRAM Rig Property Damage Care, Custody and ControlH Rig Property Damage insurance. Oil Lease PropertyH Broad Insurance coverage and Insurance competitive pricing.H Loss of Hire and Contingent Control of Well insurance available. Terrorism Broad form “All Risk” Property Damage Oil & Gas Lease Operators can be insurance including Business Interruption responsible for all equipment at a wellThe Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) and Boiler and Machinery coverage. site that is in their Care, Custody, &enacted in 2002 requires all commercial Control.property and casualty insurance policiesto offer Terrorism coverage. Completion contractors place expensive pieces to each other for the HydraulicTRIA coverage is very rarely purchased by Fracturing process. It has been advisedthe Oil & Gas industry due to the limited it is now possible to have over $100 mmcoverage that is offers. The definition of of equipment onsite.an “Act of Terrorism” by the governmentis the main limiting factor. Liability for all of the equipment at the well site during the completion stage ofEco Terrorism is an example of a form of a well is sometimes placed on theTerrorism not covered by TRIA and an operator by the completion contractorexposure all Oil & Gas operations could through the Master Service Agreement.have. Acts of Sabotage are also not cov-ered. There have been documented un- insured losses due to this of overThis new Terrorism insurance product $30,000,000.has much broader coverage and is de-signed for Oil & Gas operations. An operator in this position who wants to manage this new risk with insurance;Available for all Oil Lease Property and this new insurance product addressesControl of Well Risks. those needs. One Star Insurance Solutions, LLC Curtis Heptner P.O. Box 8086 Wichita Falls, TX 76307 940-397-2771 | [email protected] 13
CERTIFICATE MANAGEMENT Multiple Sub-Contractors?Oil & Gas General ContractingCertEssentials manages certificates of insurance and master service agreements for any risk that utilizes multiple sub-contractorsLET US DO THE HARD WORK! WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY!!CertEssentials, LLC will work closely with you to Our substantial database has many of theappease the daunting task of maintaining multiple subcontractors you probably already work with.subcontractors and vendors insurance certificates We will be able to save you time and moneyand Master Service Agreements. trying to track down all the information required. Number of MSA Annual SetupMost insurance companies now require Master & Certificates Fee FeeService Agreements to verify your subsmaintain adequate coverage. 20 or Less $ 500 $ 0CertEssentials, LLC can assist by: 21 to 100 $ 25 per $ 250 Sub $ 350 Acquiring Certificates $ 450 101 to 300 $ 22 perUsing your letterhead, CertEssentials requests MSAs, Subinsurance certificates, and DWC-85 (if necessary) from yourvendors or subcontractors. More than 300 $ 20 per Sub Document Management 10%The documents acquired are kept on file and maintained Discountthroughout the year. Audit AssistanceCertEssentials, LLC works directly with the insurancecompany in getting all the necessary documents needed foryour audit. 14
ELECTRICAL SAFETY & INSURANCE GROUP ESIG and BITCO Have Partnered to Offer Commercial Electrical Contractors a Safety Group Dividend Plan! BITCO has over 25 years of underwriting experience with safety groups, most notably the Texas Alliance of Energy Producers formed in 1988. Members of this safety group have received over $19MM in dividends with this proven model. The purpose of safety groups, like TAEP and ESIG, is to pool like classes of business that have like-minded, safety conscious owners together in an effort to control insurance costs and share safety practices. This group is open to all commercial electrical contractors that have the following governing General Liability codes and meet these minimum requirements: Governing Class Codes 92478—Electrical work within buildings 91551—Communication equipment installation 92451—Electrical apparatus installation, service, repair NOC Available ONLY through BITCO contracted agents MUST be an active subscriber or ESIG, Electrical Safety & Insurance Group, LLC $200 Annual Dues Subscribers of ESIG are eligible for individual pricing on all lines of coverage, including Workers’ Compensation. Pricing will vary by subscriber since rates are based on their individual loss experience, loss control activities, operations and coverage selected. Additionally, Electrical Safety & Insurance Group provides subscribers with various safety benefits, including discounted OSHA classes and safety manuals. The group must actively promote accident prevention and loss control in accordance with the minimum standards. For further details regarding ESIG, visit www.es-ig.com or contact Greg Tobias Program Director Phone: 214-907-5036 Fax: 214-812-9334 Email: [email protected] PO Box 8086 Wichita Falls, TX 76307 *Dividends cannot be legally guaranteed and are subject to approval by the BITCO Board of Directors. Historically, BITCO has never failed to declare or pay a dividend in accordance with approved dividend plans. 15
TAEP SAFETY GROUP WITH BITCO INSURANCE Plan Highlights: Available to any appointed* BITCO agent Remains in agent’s book including profit sharing with no commission reduction Several pricing options available exclusive to TAEP members All oil & gas accounts underwritten and approved by BITCO are eligible to participate. The TAEP membership can be sold at the same time as writing the account. Pricing Considerations: Oil Lease Operation – GL codes 98150 and 98151 receive 20% ‘a’ rate discount Package modification available on packages exceeding $5,000 from .80 to .65 at underwriter discretion Pollution / Saline Underwriting Options: $100,000 sub limit for PD only – 12% of the reduced ‘a’ rate for pollution and 6 for saline with $1000 deductible $1,000,000/ $3,000,000 BI & PD claims-made stand alone pollution policy with a $2,000 deductible. TAEP members receive almost a 30% discount with $1,100 MP on the “per well rate” (See table below) Business auto is ISO filed. MP for auto policy is $500 including hired / non-owned only. Property and inland marine packages available. TAEP Safety Group Dividend** Plan All the above coverages qualify for the dividend plan in addition to pricing discounts already outlined. Attached is an up-to-date dividend history since 1998. Do the math. The plan is very simple: 55% QUALIFIED PREMIUM – MODIFIED LOSSES = DIVIDEND AMOUNT ISN’ T IT ABOUT SAVING YOUR CLIENT ’S MONEY?? * If you are not an appointed BITCO agent, call Curtis Heptner at (940) 397-2771 to obtain a quote. **Dividends are not guaranteed and all dividend plans must be approved by the Texas Department of Insurance 16
TAEP SAFETY GROUP WITH BITCO INSURANCE Alliance members have now received $19,078,425 in dividend checks since the inception of the BITCO / One Star Insurance Solutions, LLC program. The key to this success has been the members emphasis on safety in the field, in automobiles and cooperation with our risk control consultants. An Alliance membership and its insurance programs have a positive impact on YOUR BOTTOM-LINE!Program Year % Total7/1/98 – 1999 12% $170,0077/1/99 – 2000 20% 305,9377/1/00 – 20017/1/01 – 2002 -0- Adverse Losses7/1/02 – 2003 16% 472,1637/1/03 – 20047/1/04 – 2005 -0- Adverse Losses7/1/05 – 2006 29% 1,523,0447/1/06 – 2007 31% 1,867,3007/1/07 – 2008 10% 739,7167/1/08 – 2009 36% 3,028,8807/1/09 – 2010 13% 1,168,7457/1/10 – 2011 17% 1,767,0397/1/11 – 2012 11% 1,246,8287/1/12 – 2013 9% 1,142,9767/1/13 – 2014 9% 1,224,779 25% 3,628,657 5% 792,354How to get a quote:Appointed BITCO agents can make a direct submission by asking for a quote in the Texas Alliance Group. Ifyou are insured by BITCO and are not in the program, ask your agent to put you in at next renewal. If youragent is not appointed with BITCO, have them contact Curtis Heptner. 17
LSEG WORKERS’ COMP SAFETY GROUPThe Lone Star Energy Group was founded in 1994. It is managed by One Star Insurance Solutions andthe carrier is Texas Mutual Insurance Company, the largest provider of workers’ comp and safety groupsin the state. TDI Classification codes allowed in the group are: 5183, 7219, 8006, 8350 and 8387.It is recommended that members of the Lone Star Energy Group join the Texas Propane GasAssociation, but it is not mandatory for admittance. *Dividends are based on performance and therefore are not guaranteed. Additionally, dividends must comply with the Texas Department of Insurance regulations. If you have a client who is currently insured with Texas Mutual, ask the underwriter to put them in the Lone Star Energy Group at renewal and ask for a quote in this group on any new business!! Contact Curtis Heptner, Master Agent at (940) 397-2771 or at [email protected] with any questions. 18
TAEP WORKERS’ COMP SAFETY GROUPThe TAEP Workers Compensation Safety Group, the FIRST oil & gas safety group in the state, wasfounded in 1993. The Plan Administrator is One Star Insurance Solutions, LLC in Wichita Falls, Texas andthe carrier is Texas Mutual Insurance Company, the largest provider of workers’ comp and safety groupsin the state. The group is endorsed by the Texas Alliance of Energy Producers. TDI Classification codes allowed in the group are: 1321, 1322, 3111, 3126, 3719, 3365, 6202, 6203, 6204, 6206, 6213, 6214, 6216, 6219, 6233, 6237, 6238, 7219, 7515, 8107, 8113, 8601, 8606, and 9014. *Dividends are based on performance and therefore are not guaranteed. Additionally, dividends must comply with the Texas Department of Insurance regulations. Requirements for Membership H MUST BE IN GOOD STANDING WITH TEXAS MUTUAL H MUST BE A MEMBER OF THE TEXAS ALLIANCE OF ENERGY PRODUCERS 19
HOW TO CONTACT USDepartment Name Phone EmailAccounting Alyson Gwyn 940-397-2755 [email protected] Management Brenda Odom 940-397-2729 [email protected]/Licensing Stephanie Taylor 940-397-2779 [email protected] Curtis Heptner Control Of Well/ 877-234-2330 [email protected] Oil & Gas Property Greg Tobias Electrical Safety & Ashley Tobias 214-907-5036 [email protected] Insurance Group Excess Liability / 940-704-4556 [email protected] UmbrellEssentials 877-234-2330 [email protected] Information LoneStar Energy 877-234-2330 [email protected] Benefit Trust Hannah Walters 940-397-2731 [email protected] Water/Crude Hauler Curtis Heptner Trucking Curtis Heptner 940-397-2771 [email protected] Alliance of Energy 940-397-2771 [email protected] Producers 20Lone Star Energy Group - Texas Propane Gas Association
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