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Home Explore The Kronicle: April 2020

The Kronicle: April 2020

Published by RK&K, 2020-04-24 09:27:35

Description: The Kronicle is published quarterly by RK&K for our employees, families and friends. Now in its 32nd year, the goal of the Kronicle is to share the news and culture of our firm.


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Kkthtehe rRoONnIiCcLleE April 2020 COVER STORY Project Profile: I-40 Design-Build 8 MATT COOK Learn as you go Hard work deserves Remote interview recognition project win 18 PROMOTIONS 4 JASON WILLIAMS How the team prepared Learn more about what each for the challenge person brings to RK&K Employee profile: The temporary new normal In the Field 2 WORKING DIFFERENTLY 6 LEE DAYTON See your colleagues’ We sit down with Lee and get an workspaces as you all #GSD inside look into his day-to-day What goes on here 10 GRAPHICS Take a behind the scenes look at our veteran graphics group

IN THIS ISSUE Contents 2WORKING DIFFERENTLY: YOUR PHOTOS 4WORKING DIFFERENTLY: REMOTE WIN k ron6EMPLOYEEPROFILE:LEEDAYTON 8PROJECT PROFILE: I-40 DESIGN-BUILD 10WHAT GOES ON THERE >>>graphics 14 16international WOMEN’S day 182020 Promotions 42Happy Anniversary! On the cover: The I-40 Design-Build Project. Read more about it page 8.

Thank “you for continuing nicletoholdtrue Letter from the PartnersWelcome to The Kronicle, issued electronically during this time to keep things moving! Over the last month, a lot has changed in our world – how we do business, what we can do outside, what activities we can do with family and friends – but one thing that remains the same is the strength of the RK&K team. Mark Dumler We have been sharing daily Melinda Peters messages with information about what is happening, key areas of focus, and shout outs of success. Let’s not lose sight of all that continues to be accomplished daily to our core“ to support our clients and values the work we do. We truly appreciate all you are doing to continue to support and PROTECT the BUFFALO! In this issue look out for your amazing work from home Mimi Kronisch photos and photos of team members continuing to work in the field safely! We are also excited to announce well deserved promotions. Congratulations for the outstanding work! Thank you for continuing to hold true to our core values of Keith Skinner Responsive PEOPLE | CREATIVE Solutions as together we adapt to the challenges we face daily. We know we will get through as a stronger firm, with more tools and more expertise to collaborate more effectively and, ultimately, stay true to the RK&K way. Enjoy this electronic edition and stay safe and healthy! -Mark, Melinda, Mimi, Keith, and Nate Nate Atkinson april 2020 | theapKrRiOl N2I0C2L0E | 1

DWIOFFREKRINENGTLY With COVID-19 at the have had to adjust to the new safe distance from their col- forefront of daily life, social distancing guidelines. leagues. Adjusting to this new working at RK&K has Office employees have transi- normal has been challenging, looked a little different lately. tioned to working from home but RK&K has taken these ob- Whether you work in an office and field employees have had stacles in stride and continue or in the field, all employees to make changes to maintain a to #GSD (aka, Get Stuff Done). “Initially, I was very leery about working from home. How could I possibly do Microstation on a laptop? But RK&K came through and provided me with the monitors I needed to efficiently do my job. My Water Resources and Natural Resources coworkers have kept me busy and SiriusXM has kept me entertained. I feel very grateful to work at a great company. For me, RK&K has made these trying times a lot easier.” -Debi Adkins, Baltimore 2 | the KRONICLE

“Working from home and coordinating with staff and clients is very similar to my daily routine. The biggest change for me has been juggling when and how to fit everything in. I found adjusting my normal working hours so I am available to help with school assignments, availability to spend some quality time with my son baking or going on bike ride, or for routine stuff around the house is what has worked for me. Basically, rollin’ with it to #GSD!” -Jen Trimble, York april 2020 | 3

DWIOFFREKRINENGTLY REMOTE INTERVIEW PROJECT WIN by Jason Williams The Mount Clinton Pike Shared Use Path Project in the City of Harrisonburg, Virginia is a re- cent project win where our team worked remotely in all aspects of the pursuit. The RK&K team worked together from multiple offices to collaborate on the RFP response, which included no in-person meetings, even before COVID-19 became part of our standard vocabulary. The team includes a cross- We submitted the proposal previous preparation and section of the company; in mid-February and were internal communication the Mimi Kronisch is providing notified in early March that we RK&K team was comfortable Partner support from were shortlisted to interview presenting remotely and Fairfax; the project team is for the project on March 16th. made the decision to offer that led by Jason Williams in Given the dispersed nature option to the City. They were the Roanoke office; Morgan of the team, all our planning appreciative of our flexibility Barnes in Raleigh handled and preparation was done via and accepted our offer to all of the Marketing items; GoToMeeting, Skype, and over present virtually. On the the design team consists of the phone. As the interview interview day we presented Nathan George of the Healthy date quickly approached, from Roanoke and Fairfax to Communities Team from we prepared and practiced the client in Harrisonburg, who DC; and Brian Finerfrock remotely, but the team planned could see both our PowerPoint will lead Water Resources to meet in Harrisonburg to presentation and a video out of Fairfax. Additional present in person. During this feed of the presenters. The support was provided by our time the COVID-19 pandemic RK&K Team’s responsiveness Transportation, Traffic, and CEI was progressing from a news and creativity in the face of teams in Richmond. story in other countries to uncertainty ultimately led to a a reality for us. Given our project win. 4 | the KRONICLE

The project itself is funded SEND US through VDOT’s Revenue Sharing program and proposes YOUR STORIES construction of a shared use path along a segment of Mount How have you Clinton Pike. In addition to the and your teams path, the project will add a new been collaborating left turn lane onto Chicago differently? Send Avenue, a new digital speed your tips, tricks, and radar sign to the corridor, and lessons learned to enhance a crosswalk with a [email protected] Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon. Traffic signage and april 2020 | 5 pavement markings will also be reviewed and updated throughout the corridor. We are currently developing the fee proposal and look forward working on a cool project and providing our design services to a new client. -JW

IN FIELDTHE with LEE DAYTON A behind the scenes look at life in the field and beyond for our CM/CEI staff L ee Dayton is a Project Engineer in the Baltimore Office who started with RK&K 22 years ago. Kronicle Editor Merritt Davis sat down with Lee recently to get a firsthand perspective on what he does both at work and outside it. Merritt Davis: Lee, thanks so started at RK&K. Lee: Why have I been here much for taking time to talk for 22 years? Because RK&K with us. Could you walk us MD: What is your favorite part keeps me busy and treats me through your duties? of the job? well. Lee Dayton: I manage Lee: My favorite part of the MD: What inspires you? an inspection staff of one job is being able to get to to three inspectors. I also know my Inspectors. Lee: I’m also a musician, so conduct meetings with any nice music inspires me. the owner, contractor, and MD: What makes RK&K what designer on a regular basis. I it is? We’re not together right now, am out there on the project but I was in a heavy metal to take care of whatever is band called Kan of Worms. I needed and to keep the play bass guitar and sing. project moving. MD: What are three MD: How’d you get traits that define into this line of work? you? Lee: Through Lee: Trustworthy. surveying and then Friendly. Open. various jobs up until I 6 | the KRONICLE Lee rockin’ out during his Kan of Worms days

MD: What would you tell a new MD: If you could meet any I would like to play a big music hire that you wish you knew three people, who would they show one day. I don’t think earlier on? be? that’s going to happen, but who knows. Lee: I would say be Lee: Well, being patient. A lot of people into music, I’d I like to cook, so I wouldn’t want success to come like to meet mind going to cooking school right away, but it takes Dave Mustaine when I retire. time. from Megadeth. MD: What’s the best trip you’ve MD: What is the best I’d like to see my grandfather ever taken? advice you’ve ever again. He died when I was received? eight years old. I don’t really Lee: I was on tour with the remember him much, but my band and we went from Los Lee: There are some mom says he was a pretty Angeles, through the South things in life that you unique guy. I have letters when to Georgia, up to Virginia, and can’t control, don’t let it he was in the military. I have then back across to California. affect what you do. copies of letters that he wrote We were out for a month and to his mom in prose. He would a half and played 18 shows. MD: What is your favorite write her in verse. My mom I am lucky I had the chance activity away from work? said his poetry was so good to do it because I know a lot Hallmark wanted him to write of musicians who miss out Lee: Music. And being out cards for them because of family, work, and in the woods. And food, I whatever. We had recorded love food. Being diabetic Not into politics our full CD and had already has made me change my so much, but I am planned a short tour, so it was diet and introduced me to a Civil War guy, then or never. different types of food, like the so I would say I Mediterranean style — and wouldn’t mind MD: What is real Chinese food. meeting Abraham your favorite Lincoln. meal? On the ICC project, there was an inspector who was from MD: What are three things on Lee: My mom’s your bucket list? spaghetti and China, and he meatballs. It’s went back to see Lee: I want to travel. I’ve actually one his family. He always wanted to go to Ireland of my birthday brought me back and see the castles. I started presents every a real Chinese getting into the craft beer, and year. cookbook my favorite beer is Scottish ale, so I want to go over there written in and taste a real scotch ale Chinese. straight from the source.

I-40the SDTEOSIRGYNAsdolorepedquamaudaesendam auta sus ant hil maximin ciatius BUILDaeriataque iusda venetum inctius TITLE“Learn as you go”voluptaestqueoptatis by Matt Cook J une 19, 2018 was a great day for RK&K. The S.T. Wooten / RK&K team was awarded the NCDOT I-5111 / I-4739 design-build project: a $360 million widening project along I-40 east of Raleigh. Not only did the team have the lowest bid, we also had the highest technical score (95). This was a testament to all the hard work by all disciplines in our company. The 13-mile project includes 6 interchanges, coordination with an adjacent project, 15 bridges, and almost 10,000 feet of stream impacts. After a fast paced and arduous control review. This review reviews help prevent this design process, our contractor process involves checking sediment loss. In our monthly began work in early start areas the sizes of the E&SC basins, reviews, S.T. Wooten can dis- only a few months after project making sure the drainage flow cuss with NCDOT their plans award and full construction paths match what was antici- and operations, helping them approximately one year after pated on the plans, and work- understand the day to day ac- award. Once construction ing to solve any issues that tivities. They can also bounce began, the Raleigh Water come up during construction. questions off RK&K for the best Resources group transitioned measures to use in interme- from office personnel on the North Carolina has a strict diate phases. This is a great project to field personnel. As policy regarding sediment loss benefit for the contractor. part of the contract with NC- on NCDOT projects — no sed- DOT, we are required to meet iment loss is allowed! While It has also been a great bene- monthly onsite with their that is the goal, everyone does fit for RK&K. Even though our personnel and the contractor understand that losses will design can be analyzed, re- for erosion and sedimentation occur during larger storm viewed, and approved on paper, events. The design and field invariably field issues will 8 | the KRONICLE

“This has been an opportunity to use innovative measures while protecting the “ -MATT COOK jurisdictional features. MANAGER WATER RESOURCES arise. We work through those is- dinated with the environmental sues; we learn what devices work agencies, met onsite, and made best in different situations; we amendments to the E&SC plan gain valuable knowledge while to protect against sediment loss. working in the field. This knowl- This process is working well and edge is then taken back to the will continue for many months office and used in future pursuits at this one site. The typical skim- and designs. Showcasing what mer basins we provide next to we have learned sets RK&K apart our project footprint for E&SC from the competition. can’t impact wetlands. This has been an opportunity to use inno- One of these learning opportuni- vative measures while protecting ties is currently ongoing during the jurisdictional features (e.g. our construction of the interstate geotextile lined berms, turbidity along a sensitive wetland and curtains, etc.). stream. In one area of the proj- ect, the proposed roadway fill is Working in the field has been a approximately 25 feet tall as we great way to grow as engineers. widen the facility from 5 lanes to We have strengthened our rela- 12 lanes (including future lanes). tionships with NCDOT inspec- This fill is next to Swift Creek, tors, which carries over to other a sensitive water passage and projects; we are able to watch FEMA crossing, and also a wet- as contractors implement our land. There are North Carolina designs; and we are given the op- legislative mandated environ- portunity to apply critical think- mental buffers along Swift Creek ing and analysis to real time is- since it feeds the Neuse River sues. This is an aspect that we as and to top it off, just adjacent to Water Resources engineers really the site is a beaver dam more enjoy. It’s another great reason to than 50 feet in length. The dam feed the buffalo at RK&K! needed to be breached in order to start construction. We coor- -MC april 2020 | 9

Video Animation Click below to view this compilation of video animations recently developed for RK&K projects. WHAT GOES ON THERE >>>  WATCH NOW graphics “The RK&K graphics Ask just about any Project Manager across the company team continually about their experience working with our in-house graphic amazes me with their designers/3D design specialists, and more than likely, they ability to translate will all tell you the same thing: They are talented. They are respon- abstract thoughts sive. They consistently go above-and-beyond. These guys epito- and concepts into concrete designs “ mize our tagline of Responsive PEOPLE | CREATIVE Solutions. And that wow our clients. with more than 65 years of combined experience, they have clearly earned the trust and admiration of their clients, both internal and 10 | the KRONICLE external. Here’s why: RK&K’s graphics ers. Kenton has a background team — Kenton Bontrager, JP in communications, TV, and Chevalier, and Bill Kramer radio broadcasting. Bill has a — are truly passionate about background in architecture. JP what they do. And honestly, was pursuing a mechanical they are just really nice people. engineering degree. However, along the way, each of them Believe it or not, neither Ken- discovered and were captivat- ton, JP, nor Bill actually set ed by the art of visualization out to become graphic design-

3D Visualization - Fully Modeled “ From highly and graphic design. And for As can be imagined, a lot “informative static more than 20 years, this team has changed over the last 20 graphics to fully has been pushing the limits of years, and the team continues rendered 3D virtual project visualization by ex- to stay current on the advanc- reality experiences, ploring new ways of convey- ing tools and technology in our graphics team ing complex ideas in an in- a variety of ways in order to helps clients and teresting, easy-to-understand produce more efficient and the public visualize format. realistic renderings. potential engineering solutions before they RK&K’s first project to leverage Today, RK&K’s Graphics team are built. this new approach to project continues to serve as a tre- visualization was the WMATA mendous asset that consis- graphics F11 Metro Storage and Main- tently sets the firm apart from team tenance Yard. Prior to this our competitors. For all project capabilities project, WMATA hired artists types (and in all disciplines), to hand-paint renderings of Kenton, Bill, and JP have been » Project Displays/Posters proposed buildings and fa- known to produce spot-on cilities. Shortly after joining deliverables — often adding » Technical Report Figures RK&K, JP demonstrated his their own creative touch — ability to generate renderings while still remaining true to » T ypical Sections/Cross of every building from any the vision of the technical Sections view plus an animation of the staff and client. While having entire yard. The renderings more details upfront clearly » Project Maps were accurate to the CADD allows the team to work more plans and cost less than the efficiently and reduces the » 3D Print and Laser Cut hand-painted renderings. And amount of re-work, the team so began the shift in thinking has been known to deliver » 3 D Visualizations and about how projects would be graphic concepts based only Simulations visualized moving forward. on a short phone conversation » Partially Modeled (Photo-Based) Soon after, Kenton and Bill or quick napkin sketch. And » Fully Modeled joined the team, and as they they are quick to note that say, the rest is history. no job is too small! Time and » Video Animation » V irtual Reality 360 Video Simulations april 2020 | 11

Kenton Bontrager JP Chevalier Bill Kramer Graphic Designer Senior 3D Specialist, Graphic Designer 3D Specialist, Graphic Designer again, this team’s work con- Working closely with our traf- project limits or experience sistently results in a product fic engineering profession- within a specific boundary. that makes our clients say, als, the team can integrate “That is perfect!” or “This is photo-realistic elements into For use in proposals and/or exactly what I was thinking!” traffic simulations models. presentations, the team often prepares graphic renderings RK&K’s graphics team sup- Their work is also vital to the or animated videos. In sup- ports numerous project de- success of many of our cli- port of short-list interviews velopment efforts, including ents’ public outreach efforts. or industry conferences, the technical illustrations (such For public meetings, the team group has produced 3D print/ as typical sections) and pho- develops a variety of display laser cut giveaways. to renderings (such as design boards which translate com- option comparisons or be- plex, technical information Software capabilities include: fore/after views) for project into a visual format that is AutoCAD; MicroStation; 3D reports. The team creates easy for non-technical stake- Studio MAX; Adobe Photo- animated 3D simulations to holders to comprehend. To- shop; Adobe Illustrator; Adobe illustrate construction se- gether with our in-house GIS Premiere; Adobe InDesign; quencing/techniques and professionals, the team can Microsoft PowerPoint; Corel maintenance of traffic plans. develop project maps showing Draw. In many cases, the “We were asked to provide projections throughout the work of our graphics some slides to then day — with and without the team has helped MDOT SHA Administrator project. The graphics were to actually get a (and current MDOT really well received by SHA project approved. Secretary), Greg Slater, for a and ultimately helped to Project Manager presentation he was giving get the project approved. Matt Snare recalled at the legislative session to The team received a lot one recent example: help sell the benefits of the of kudos, including the Governor’s proposed Traffic following quotes taken from Relief Plan (a high-profile email chains, ‘SHA loves effort). We worked with these slides, thank you!” Kenton to create animations “My personal opinion – showing a map with speed those slides are amazing!’” 12 | the KRONICLE

3D Print and Laser Cut Project Displays/Posters Typical Sections 5’ 5’ 11’ 10’ 11’ 5’ 5’ 4’ SIDE- BIKE SOUTHBOUND GRASS NORTHBOUND BIKE GRASS SIDE- WALK LANE TRAVEL LANE MEDIAN TRAVEL LANE LANE BUFFER WALK 3D Visualization - Partially Modeled (Photo-Based) FOR MORE WORK SAMPLES, VIEW THE VISIT THE GRAPHICS PAGE ON THE INTRANET GRAPHICS PAGE april 2020 | 13

EASY # ACCESS 1 #• VPN not needed 2• Access from anywher e Top features and best ways to use your new resource MAKE IT YOURS • Per sonaliz ation t hr ough bookmar ks • Same process as • Get to what you other systems need fast #3 FINDING MADE SIMPLE • Optimiz ed search • Customiz ed FAQs • Docs & for ms Libr ary • Employee directory 14 | the KRONICLE

STAY UP #TO DATE 4• News • Messages • Polls • Dedicated staff • Announcements to keep updated • and more! • send updates and additions to #[email protected] NEVER STALE • New features added as needed #6• COMING SOON: R K&K TV, company calendar , and more! CONSTANT IMPROVEMENTS STAY UPDATED AT

iWnteOrMnaEtioNn’aSlA call to action for accelerating daywomen’s equality by Merritt Davis Celebrated annually on March 8, International Woman’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The theme for IWD 2020 was #EachforEqual. A balanced world is a better over the lunch hour on Friday, RK&K was important, event world. An equal world is an March 6th at all RK&K offices. organizer Erron Ramsey said, enabled world. How will you “This was the first year RK&K help forge a gender equal Employees wore purple and celebrated IWD. We felt it world? Maybe you’ll celebrate contributed aspirational was important to participate women’s achievement, or messages to a pledge wall. in this global celebration raise awareness against bias, The messages answered to acknowledge the or perhaps take action for the question “What action achievements of women in equality. can I take to help forge a society, specifically at RK&K more gender equal world?” and in the transportation The Women’s Leadership There were purple themed industry. We hope it is new Forum organized an event breakfasts and snacks tradition we can continue.” enjoyed by all. -MD When asked why celebrating IWD at tiona ual Wom Interna 16 | the KRONICLE

EVENT VOLUNTEERS Thank you to all of the volunteers who helped make this event a success! • Erron Ramsey • Kim Troiani • Jill Boxley >>EVENT LEAD • Erin Seals • Holly Weiss • Elizabeth • Madeleine Andrews Isern-Santiago • Jaime Schnurr • Jordan Olson • Jessica O’Neill • Sarah Kamins • Kimberly • Danielle Gaskin Warren • Sherl White • Michele Ziehl • Terri Becker • Jennifer Trimble • Lorainne Barksdale • Heather Coons • Kate Russo • Kayla Peters • Dalia Metwaly al Day #Each m en’s april 2020 | 17

2020 SPRING PROMOTIONS Congratulations We’ve said it before and a moment to recognize we’ll say it again and again, those whose dedication and because it is the simple truth talent have earned them a — employees are RK&K’s promotion. most valuable asset. We value the hard work and The Partners are pleased dedication of all our staff, to announce the following and we would like to take promotions. 18 | the KRONICLE Wekiva Parkway in Orlando

Bibi Baral, EIT, Associate Engineer, has gained valuable experience working on a wide variety of retrofit improvement projects involving sidewalks, roundabouts, and new road extensions. Bibi is an active member of WTS and was recently accepted as a mentee in the WTS Mentoring Program. Bibi Baral Baltimore Highways Satya Dinakar Bollapragada, EIT, Associate Engineer, has performed condition inspections for various MDTA and MDOT SHA bridges. He has experience in designing steel, concrete, and wood structural components, as well as the development of cost estimates and review of shop drawings for various projects. His significant projects include Reisterstown Metro Station Stairs Replacement and US 29 BRT. SatyaBollapragada Baltimore Structures Shawn Daniel Shawn Daniel, EIT, Associate Engineer, has provided traffic engineering, design, and analysis support for projects in the DC, Washington, DC Baltimore, Fairfax, and Richmond offices. He’s worked on-site at MDOT SHA’s District 3 Office, performed design tasks for the DC Protected Traffic Bikes Lanes, Connecticut Avenue Streetscape and K Street Transitway, and helped develop the firm’s approach to Safe Routes to School and High Injury Network studies. Travis Danko Travis Danko, EIT, Associate Engineer, has worked on a variety of structural design and inspection projects during his time with Baltimore RK&K. His most notable projects include the inspection of the I-95 Tydings Bridge over the Susquehanna River (MDTA), the MD 152 Structures Bridge Replacement as part of the I-95 Express Toll Lanes Northern Extensions (MDTA), and the Inwood Bypass Bridge Replacement (WVDOH). Rhiannon Dodge, EIT, Associate Engineer, began as an intern and became full-time after graduation. As a member of our environmental staff, her experience includes sewer collection system evaluation and rehabilitation, feasibility studies, cost estimating, and design. She is also pursuing experience with bridge inspection by obtaining her NHI Safety Bridge Inspection certification. Rhiannon Dodge Keyser Water/Wastewater april 2020 | 19

2020 SPRING PROMOTIONS Noyan Erermis, PE, Associate Engineer, is responsible for the development of roadway plans and concepts. His design and modeling skills have been utilized on many projects, including Western Perimeter Road in Blacksburg, VA, I-66/Nutley Interchange in Fairfax, VA, Richmond-Henrico Turnpike in Henrico, VA, and various urban improvement projects in Virginia. Noyan Erermis Richmond Highways James Galgano, EIT, Associate Engineer, has worked on a mixture of NCDOT and SCDOT projects, being responsible for roadway design, plan production, intersection improvement, widening projects, and cross slope corrections. Projects he has worked on include the SCDOT Low Impact Bridges Design-Build pursuit, I-385 Cross Slope Corrections, US 321 Widening, and NC 211 Realignment. James Galgano Columbia Highways Owen Hitchcock, EIT, Associate Engineer, primarily works on operational and safety analyses with a variety of clients. His projects include addressing citizen concerns on state highways (MDOT), performing an ISATe safety analysis for the Hampton Roads Crossing (VDOT), and assisting in the development of a statewide truck restriction policy (DelDOT), as well as work for PennDOT. Owen Hitchcock Baltimore Traffic Pavan Thendulkar Kukkundoor, EIT, Associate Engineer, has played a key role on several high-profile tasks, including the I-95 SB Express Lanes project, I-270 Innovative Congestion Management, and the I-495/I-270 Managed Lanes Study. He has worked on-site at MDOT SHA providing technical support, traffic model development, and analyses. Pavan Kukkundoor Baltimore Traffic Kabin Luitel Kabin Luitel, EIT, Associate Engineer, models floodplain studies, stormwater management systems, and performs geospatial analysis. Richmond His projects include the High Rise Bridge Design-Build, Tuckahoe Creek LOMR, Richmond Henrico Turnpike, Sadler Road, Richmond Water Resources Highway, and I-66 FAM. He has developed C++ and Python programs to accelerate designs and is passionate about solving complex engineering problems with advanced technology. Kabin also brings experience from the United Nations Development Programme in Nepal. 20 | the KRONICLE

Corey Matz, EIT, CBSI, Associate Engineer, brought valuable bridge inspection and structural design experience to his role at RK&K. He has since gained crucial design experience of bridges, culverts, and retaining walls while further building his bridge and sign inspection experience. Corey Matz Harrisburg Structures Cortney Natalicchio, EIT, Associate Engineer, has experience that includes structural design of steel/concrete/timber/masonry, analysis of existing structures, rehabilitation, and structural inspection. Her most notable project at RK&K has been the bridge design of the Inwood Bypass over I-81 (WVDOH). CortneyNatalicchio Baltimore Structures Jordan Palmer Jordan Palmer, PE, Associate Engineer, has worked on a variety of roadway projects in several states including Pennsylvania, Texas, North Columbia Carolina, and South Carolina. Jordan has experience in roadway design, pavement design, guardrail design, signage and pavement Highways markings, traffic control, and plan preparation. His current and previous assignments include work in South Carolina on I-385 and in North Carolina on US 321, I-40, NC 211. Paul Phillips Paul Phillips, Associate Engineer, has worked on a variety of local government and VDOT design and planning projects. He has also Fairfax played a key design role on the Nutley Street/I-66 interchange, which is part of the $2.5 bilion P3 project to reconstruct I-66 from the Beltway Highways to Route 29. Paul has taken on increased project responsibilities and task leadership and is now primarily focused on design efforts for Virginia design-build projects and pursuits. James Sheehan James Sheehan, EIT, Associate Engineer, is an up and coming engineer in the Site Development Group. He has been engaged Baltimore in multiple projects, including Johns Hopkins Hospital, GBMC, Fair Hill Events Center, and TopGolf. James has become involved in all Site Development Site Development disciplines including utility systems, stormwater management, erosion/sediment control, paving, and grading. James is also assisting in the development of CAD guidelines for the group. april 2020 | 21

2020 SPRING PROMOTIONS Justin Sottile, EIT, Associate Engineer, has worked on a variety of projects, including the I-95/MD 152 interchange, Life Sciences Center Loop Trail, MD 124 at Goshen Branch, and MD 190 at Braeburn Parkway. He co-chairs the RK&K Golf Outing and is on the RK&K softball team. Outside RK&K, Justin is a committee member for ASHE Chesapeake and regularly volunteers to support the MdQI Outreach program. Justin Sottile Baltimore Highways Kush Vashee, EIT, ENV SP, CAPM, Associate Engineer, has worked on roadway projects for various agencies and localities throughout Northern Virginia; including FCDOT, Arlington County, Loudoun County, and the Town of Herndon. Kush is the Communications Chair for the ASCE National Capital Section YMF and a member of the ASHE Potomac Section. Kush Vashee Fairfax Highways Lawrence Walsh, Associate Engineer, is responsible for various transportation engineering projects for the Wilmington Office. His most significant projects include Philadelphia Pike Road Reconfiguration, 896/4 Park and Ride, Georgetown Transit Hub, and various Pedestrian Access Route projects for DelDOT. Lawrence Walsh Wilmington Highways Daniel Webb Daniel Webb, EIT, Associate Engineer, has internship experience working for MDOT SHA and FHWA. As a member of our Wilmington Wilmington traffic section, he has taken a prominent role as lead designer for DelDOT Pavement and Rehabilitation projects. His notable Traffic assignments include Henlopen Acres Pedestrian Crossing, bicycle improvements along SR 14, and Lea Boulevard Pave and Rehab project. Elijah Wireman, EIT, Associate Engineer, began his career with RK&K as an intern during his final semester and became a full-time employee upon graduation. Elijah’s focus while at RK&K has been on roadway design for PennDOT projects and was recently the primary designer for the preparation of an interstate maintenance project contract completed in just 11 days. Elijah Wireman King of Prussia Highways 22 | the KRONICLE

Michele Ziehl, PE, Associate Engineer, is heavily involved with SCDOT pursuits and has worked on a number of low volume bridge replacements for NCDOT. Michele is currently designing dual bridges and three culverts for the R-2511 US 17 NCDOT project in Beaufort and Martin Counties. Michele Ziehl Columbia Structures Michael Zierhoffer Michael Zierhoffer, EIT, Associate Engineer, has primarily been the lead highway engineer for the I-95/MD 152 interchange project. Mike’s Baltimore activities include co-chairing the RK&K Golf Outing and playing professional indoor soccer as goalkeeper for the Baltimore Blast. Highways Although challenging, he thoroughly enjoys balancing work, play, and unique hours to complete tasks while attending practices and games during the season. Gordon Marsh, Associate Environmental Scientist, has quickly become a integral part of the Natural Resources team in Raleigh. Gordon has also been involved with NCDOT’s Project ATLAS protected species predictive modeling effort and leads the Raleigh Natural Resources team predictive modeling program. Gordon Marsh Raleigh Natural Resources James Mize, GIT, Associate Geologist, is responsible for planning and performing geotechnical field investigations and preparing geotechnical data reports for roadways, bridges, and retaining walls. His project experience includes I-40 widening, Perquimans River swing span bridge, US 19/129, Pea Island sand surveys, and NC 28 acid rock studies. James Mize Raleigh Geotech Lauren Piper Lauren Piper, Associate Planner, has supported coordination with local officials and agency representatives, facilitated public meetings, Raleigh provided public outreach materials, processed public comments, supported development of Traffic Noise and Design Noise Reports, Planning assisted with fieldwork and documentation of community studies and historic resources, and much more. Her positive attitude, dedication, creativity, and efficiency with a wide range of new/challenging tasks are much appreciated by internal and external clients. april 2020 | 23

2020 SPRING PROMOTIONS Nathan George Nathan George, AICP, Bicycle and Pedestrian Practice Lead, has played a key role in growing RK&K’s bicycle and pedestrian planning/ Washington, DC design services and Healthy Communities Team. He has led and supported several bike/ped, complete street, trail, transit and Highways multimodal projects in MD/DC/VA and throughout the firm. He has also presented and participated in several professional events to enhance our technical skills, increase visibility and build relationships with clients and partners. Derek Krueger, PE, CCM, CEP, Construction Manager, has managed several projects for Cecil County, Howard County, and City of Baltimore. He is currently working at Weller Development Company’s Port Covington project, where he is assisting with infrastructure development. Derek is currently enrolled at Penn State University (Masters, Engineering Management). Derek Krueger Baltimore Construction Office Luke Middleton, PE, Construction Manager, is currently serving as the Resident Engineer on the $263 million I-26 Interstate reconstruction project in Asheville, NC. Luke manages a staff of 26 engineers, surveyors, and technicians. Luke Middleton Greensboro Construction Inspection/Field Tim Corbin, MBA, Creative Media Design Manager, has partnered with technical and business management staff to grow the breadth and depth of the firm’s creative media capabilities. He brings in- house video and audio production, photography, desktop publishing, and creative design strategy to client projects, pursuits, and other firm initiatives. Tim is also an FAA certified Part 107 UAS pilot. Tim Corbin Baltimore Communications Zachary Ellerby, Designer, provides CADD support and utility coordination for NCDOT projects and is currently working on design- build projects, including the $360 million I-40 project. With his previous power distribution design experience, RK&K won the power relocation design in Hertford, NC. Zachary Ellerby Raleigh Utilities 24 | the KRONICLE

Ben Richards, Engineer, has been developing as-built drawings for meter and regulation facilities in VA, PA, MD, and IN as part of NiSource’s ongoing operating pressure assessment. In addition to his NiSource duties, Ben is currently helping develop design drawings for corrosion, AC interference, and municipal natural gas projects. Ben Richards Charlotte Energy & Corrosion Jason Bass, CMIT, Field Engineer II, is focused on project records, construction management and construction inspection. He has worked on various projects in the Richmond area, including I-64 Widening / Route 623 Interchange, I-95 / Lewistown Road Interchange, and I-64 bridges over Airport Drive. He is currently assisting Henrico County DPW with constructability and biddability plan reviews. Jason Bass Richmond Construction Office Josh Pratt, PE, Field Engineer II, serves as the Assistant Resident Engineer on the $135 million Greensboro Northern Loop project in Guilford County. Josh coordinates weekly project construction meetings, oversees all project documentation, and supervises 18 inspectors. Josh Pratt Greensboro Construction Inspection/Field Roderick Flannery Roderick Flannery, GIS Analyst, is responsible for applying GIS technologies to support a variety of groups, with outstanding Raleigh contributions to the noise modeling, as well as leading GIS field data collection efforts. Rod has also played a major role in the RK&K drone GIS/Programming program as an FAA certified Part 107 UAS pilot. Notable projects are the Durham Stormwater Inventory, I-40 Design-Build, and UAS inspections for VDOT. Kyree McLeod, Instrument Operator I, attended a Land Surveyors demonstration day during his senior year of high school, which sparked his interest in land surveying. Kyree started as an entry level surveyor and steadily rose through the ranks to his new position, which now entails operation of the survey instruments, including a Robotic Total-Station and Level. Kyree McLeod Baltimore Plats & Surveys april 2020 | 25

2020 SPRING PROMOTIONS George Demers George Demers, Lead Support Analyst, has experience with a multitude of our software packages, which is instrumental in Baltimore continued support. While George’s accomplishments are vast, of note is that he led the company’s change from on premises to our IT/Computer Services cloud-based phone system and then the switch to GoToMeeting, standardizing our video conferencing. George manages the firm’s many software licenses and purchasing of IT equipment, while leading the Technology Support team. Lindsey Barnwell, PE, Manager, Construction, has a commitment to excellence most recently demonstrated while serving FDOT on the Wekiva 3A/3B projects. We are confident she will continue to excel as the Senior Project Manager on the high profile CFX 528/436 interchange project serving Orlando’s Airport starting this April. Lindsey Barnwell Orlando Construction Office Mark Freeman Mark Freeman, PE, Manager, Construction, joined RK&K after retiring from NCDOT as the Western Region Assistant State Construction Greensboro Engineer. As the ASCE, Mark provided engineering guidance for projects totaling over $2.0 billion including the Monroe Bypass and the Construction Office I-77 HOT Lanes P3 north of Charlotte, NC. Mark is currently providing oversight of CEI Services in NCDOT Divisions 9 and 11, as well as mentoring staff on the $163 million I-26 Widening and Reconstruction in Asheville, NC. Joseph Chalk, PE, Manager, Structures, serves as a Project Manager and Inspection Team Leader responsible for the completion of structure inspections under contracts with MDTA, MDOT SHA, MTA, VDOT, and WVDOH. He has performed inspections for a full range of structure types, ranging from box culverts to bridges of all types and sizes including Chesapeake Bay Bridge and Woodrow Wilson Bridge. Joseph Chalk Baltimore Structures Byron Holden Byron Holden, PE, Manager, Traffic, focuses on work zone safety for motorists and workers while minimizing traffic impacts. He is Raleigh responsible for preparing traffic control plans, signing plans, detour plans, and pavement marking plans. With a long resume that Traffic includes traditional design-bid-build and design-build projects, he also brings a long resume of projects requiring intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and signal design. 26 | the KRONICLE

Robert Gillespie Robert Gillespie, PE, Manager, Transportation, continues to enhance the growth and delivery of our highway services to MD municipal, Baltimore county and state agencies. His recent successes include Chesapeake Center Drive, Savage Complete Streets, Ridgely’s Run Road, Gude Highways Drive, Ethan Allen Gateway, and Flower Avenue Streetscape. Rob is also an active member of CEAM on the Conference and MDOT SHA Liaison committees and was recently nominated to an Associate Member Director position by the CEAM Board. Andy Lynch Andy Lynch, PE, Manager, Transportation, is roadway lead for MDOT SHA’s I-270 project, bridge replacements on I-83 at Padonia Road, Baltimore I-70 at MD 65/US 11/Crystal Falls Drive, MD 124 at Goshen Branch, MD 16 at Mill Creek, and leads several MDOT SHA District 3 and District 7 Highways projects. Andy helped develop winning on-call design proposals in MDOT SHA District 3, District 5 (first-time win), and District 7. He is also Vice President of ASHE-Chesapeake and coordinates our support of MdQI’s Outreach program. Jessica O’Neill, Marketing Coordinator, has well-rounded capabilities including written and graphic skills. Her strong organizational skills, creative, flexible and patient demeanor allow her to work at a dynamic pace. Jessica O’Neill Charleston Marketing Jenny Kornegay Jenny Kornegay, Marketing Manager, is primarily responsible for preparing proposals and presentations to multiple clients throughout Raleigh NC as well as TN, GA, and SC. She also prepares client presentations, creates various marketing materials, leads internal marketing Marketing meetings, organizes and attends conferences, and supports social media. For more than eight years, Jenny has been an active member of the Society for Marketing Professionals Services (SMPS) and currently serves on the Board as the Director of Communication. Justin James, Project Administrator, has served as an Assistant Resident Engineer on a variety of highway projects in Western North Carolina before assuming his present duties as Assistant Resident Engineer for the $263 million I-26 Interstate reconstruction project in Asheville, NC. Justin has daily oversight of 24 technicians. Justin James Greensboro Construction Inspection/Field april 2020 | 27

2020 SPRING PROMOTIONS Deborah White, Project Administrator, has spent the last three years working with the FDOT D5 Construction LAP group as a Special Projects coordinator performing QA on Local Agency projects. Deborah has now moved into the role of support and oversight for QA staff in the Special Projects group as well as providing support for Design-Build Pushbutton Projects. Deborah White Orlando Construction Inspection/Field Jonnie Alexander, PE, Project Engineer, specializes in roadway, stormwater, site development, and stormwater designs. His key project include Richmond Highway in Fairfax), Whitehead Road in Henrico, and Park Lane in Roanoke. Jonnie Alexander Roanoke Highways Kimberly Ambrose, PE, Project Engineer, has worked in both analysis and design. She has taken a prominent role as lead Traffic and ITS designer for DelDOT projects. She is currently the lead traffic designer for the FHWA Highway Safety Improvement Program NCC, SR 273, and I-95 Interchange Improvement. Kimberly Ambrose Baltimore Traffic Erin Beckmann, PE, DEQ E&SC/SWM, Project Engineer, has provided drainage support for roadway projects for various agencies and localities throughout Northern Virginia; including FCDOT, Arlington County, Loudoun County, the City of Winchester, and VDOT. Erin is also the Membership Coordinator for the ASHE Potomac Section. Erin Beckmann Fairfax Highways Arash Bozorgi Arash Bozorgi, PhD, PE, Project Engineer, is responsible for geotechnical design and report preparation for a variety of Raleigh transportation projects. He is also responsible for maintaining geotechnical Microstation standards and procedures. His project Geotech experience includes US 19/129 widening, US 17 widening, James City Geofoam Embankment Design, Perquimans River Swing Span Bridge, and US 158 widening. 28 | the KRONICLE

Erin Cox, PE, Project Engineer, has worked on a variety of projects, including I-81 New River Bridge, Ballston Pond, Four Mile Run Dredge, and Richmond Highway. She also has experience in the field conducting SWPPP and stormwater management/erosion and sediment control inspections on active VDOT construction projects, as well as post-construction BMP inspections for Arlington County. Erin Cox Fairfax Water Resources Michael Curcio Michael Curcio, PE, Project Engineer, has had significant involvement in several key projects including The Catholic University of America Washington, DC New Student Dining Hall, a complicated project with multiple permit packages. He has demonstrated his proficiency in CAD and Civil 3D Site Development and taken a greater role in organizing and understanding permit submittals and the permit process for projects in DC. Michael is also assisting other groups in the Washington, DC office. Theresa Dion, PE, Project Engineer, has worked on many significant projects, including the Bay Bridge All Electronic Tolling final design, Richmond Highway BRT, and the I-270 Innovative Congestive Management. Theresa is also an officer in RK&K’s Toastmasters chapter and a co-chair of Mentoring and Professional Development in the Baltimore chapter of WTS. Theresa Dion Baltimore Planning Emily Guillen, PE, CCR, Project Engineer, has worked on a variety of water resources and water, wastewater and other utility projects. Her experience has an emphasis on green stormwater infrastructure, stormwater management, and combined sewer separations. Emily Guillen Wilmington Water/Wastewater Sean Humphrey, PE, Project Engineer, has performed a variety of design tasks preparing traffic signal, signing, pavement marking, and ITS plans primarily for DelDOT. His notable assignments include the Christina River Bridge Approaches, Walnut Street Sweep Removal, Maryland Avenue Rehabilitation, and numerous Pave and Rehabs statewide. Sean Humphrey Wilmington Traffic april 2020 | 29

2020 SPRING PROMOTIONS Christopher Kijak, PE, Project Engineer, has been involved with structural design, analysis and inspection work since joining RK&K. Chris has inspected a variety of bridges throughout the state of Maryland and has worked on design jobs for the MD 152 Interchange, Quarantine Road Bridge Rehabilitation, and Professional Boulevard Bridge. Christopher Kijak Baltimore Structures Anna Kirby, PE, Project Engineer, has worked on many projects, including the King Street project where she was in charge of the transportation design, the High Rise Bridge project where she supported drainage, stormwater management, and erosion and sediment control, and the on-call with Henrico County, where she designed the sidewalk and drainage for several projects. Anna Kirby Richmond Highways Joe Martin Joe Martin, PE, Project Engineer, began his career as an inspector in our CEI group in the mountains of NC. Joe transitioned to the Raleigh Raleigh Roadway group where he plays a key role in the success of all our NC feasibility studies. His projects include numerous feasibility studies to Highways upgrade existing US routes to future interstates in eastern NC and a project to provide improvements to NC 28 in the mountains. He is also instrumental in helping the Raleigh office transition to OpenRoads. Jon Mize, PE, Project Engineer, has experience in many aspects of traffic design, including signing and pavement marking, Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), signals, detours, and maintenance and protection of traffic. He is proficient with Microstation CADD software, GuidSIGN, AutoTurn, and the development of PS&E packages from the conceptual level until project completion. Jon Mize King of Prussia Traffic Ondine Paitel, PE, Project Engineer, is responsible for the structural design of highway/railroad bridges, retaining walls, and culverts. She performs design calculations, load rating and analysis, and prepares plans and quantities. Projects she has worked on include Perquimans River Bridge, Rogers Road Bridge, U-4700 A – US 321 widening, bridges over Gum Swamp, and NCDOT bridge inspections. Ondine Paitel Raleigh Structures 30 | the KRONICLE

Arjun Roy, PE, Project Engineer, has worked as embedded staff at MDOT SHA Engineering Geology Division, including MD 32 Widening from Main Street to Macbeth Way, I-70 widening from US 11 to Northern Railway, and slope repair projects. He is involved with Connecticut Avenue Streetscape and MD 152 Interchange Reconstruction projects. Arjun Roy Baltimore Geotech Jason Varounis, PE, Project Engineer, has been involved in such projects as the Baltimore Red Line, US 301, 26th Street Retaining Wall repair, and the I-95 Express Toll Lanes Extension. He most enjoys geotechnical engineering because of the variety of sites and scenarios he visits, the engineering challenges they pose, and secrets they hold in the subsurface. Jason Varounis Baltimore Geotech Yubian Wang Yubian Wang, PhD, PE, SASCAP, Project Engineer, she has been key to the success of more than 30 projects in DC, VA, NC, WV, DE, and MD, Washington, DC primarily performing complex traffic simulations using VISSIM. Among many projects, she is currently working on the Route 7 Concept Traffic Study in Loudoun County, VA and the Pentagon City Planning Study in Arlington, VA. Prior to RK&K, Drive. Wang worked for three years as a research associate at FHWA Turner-Fairbank in Virginia. Tyler Black, PhD, Project Manager, is an aquatic biologist and an expert in freshwater mussels and fish with experience ranging from Pennsylvania through the Carolina’s, Tennessee, and West Virginia. Tyler previously spent nine years with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. Tyler Black Raleigh Natural Resources Danielle Brock, PE, Project Manager, is providing PM duties on several large and complex projects including Perkins Redevelopment and Infrastructure project, and Johns Hopkins Hospital CMSC. She is also a commissioner on the Baltimore Public Art Commission and is active with the Baltimore Metropolitan Area Chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers. Danielle Brock Baltimore Site Development april 2020 | 31

2020 SPRING PROMOTIONS Matthew Dockins Matthew Dockins, PE, Project Manager, has experience that includes many aspects of Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Tampa and design, including the development of interchange, roadway, intersection, trail, and site layout alternatives, typical sections, and Planning cost estimates. Additionally, he has overseen the preparation of NEPA documents and led public involvement activities and the development of Preliminary Engineering Reports. Grant Howerton Grant Howerton, PE, CCM, Project Manager, has provided construction management and inspection services for a variety Richmond of clients, project delivery methods, and construction projects. The scope of these projects includes bridges, interchanges, roundabouts, Construction Inspection/Field retaining walls, box culverts, utilities, drainage, grading, asphalt paving, milling and overlay, environmental compliance, wetland mitigation, and traffic signals. Jeremy Keene, PE, Project Manager, has worked on several design- build projects, including the Rodanthe Bridge, which includes a 2.35- mile bridge along the Outer Banks. Other projects include the I-40 Widening Design-Build, Asheboro Bypass, I-73 Design-Build (including the taxiway bridge), and Monroe Bypass. Jeremy Keene Raleigh Structures Harper Kudler, PE, Project Manager, is leading multiple projects for the Site group including LifeBridge at Pimlico, Baltimore City Recreation and Parks On Call, and several tasks for JHU. Harper is also one of our certified Site Ops Professionals. She is active in various Urban Land Institute activities. Harper Kudler Baltimore Site Development Mary Mays Yahl Mary Mays Yahl, PE, Project Manager, has worked on design- build projects, starting with the Monroe Bypass. She is currently the Raleigh Roadway Lead for the $72 million I-40 Widening over Yadkin River Design-Build and the $360 million I-40 Widening Design-Build. She Highways also works on regular bid-build projects such as R-5709, which is a 16- mile 2-lane to 4-lane widening project. She is also a great mentor to the young engineers in the NC and SC offices. 32 | the KRONICLE

Charlie Mitchell Charlie Mitchell, PE, SITES AP, Project Manager, manages multiple complex projects for the Site Development Group. Charlie has been Baltimore the lead Project Engineer for our impressive work at JHU Applied Physics Lab. His expertise in GIS systems and in SiteOPS has also been Site Development useful in landing new work. Charlie has an interest in Sustainability and is one RK&K’s SITES Accredited Professionals. He is active in ASCE and currently holds the position of Treasurer of the Maryland Section. Andy Moy, PE, Project Manager, is relied upon by multiple clients. He has provided solid technical leadership for the Fairfax office supporting multiple roadway teams while mentoring younger staff. His technical leadership efforts on projects such as I-66, Richmond Highway, and others are a testament to his abilities. His client relationships are a key cog in our growth efforts in Northern Virginia. Andy Moy Fairfax Traffic Kathy Poole Kathy Poole, PE, CCM, Project Manager, is currently the construction manager for the DDOT East Capitol Street Bridge Rehabilitation Washington, DC project, as well as the Project Manager for the WMATA Bus Shelter Initiative. Besides her hard hat, Kathy wears several other hats Construction Inspection/Field including active involvement with the DC office marketing efforts and serving in a leadership role with CMAA National Capitol Chapter as Membership Committee Chair. David Ragan, PE, Project Manager, has a varied background in structural engineering and design with an emphasis on bridges. He is a NHI certified bridge inspection team leader and coordinates inspections in NC and SC. David has worked on many design-build projects and pursuits in NC and SC such as the I-40 Yadkin River Crossing, the Rodanthe Bridge, and I-95 Widening. David Ragan Raleigh Structures Nathan Rasnick, PE, Project Manager, is responsible for managing budgets and schedules on projects ranging from shared-use paths to medical office developments and multi-family apartment developments. He leads the site development group from project land use planning layouts through project construction. Nathan Rasnick Richmond Site Development april 2020 | 33

2020 SPRING PROMOTIONS Nataliya Schroeder Nataliya Schroeder, PE, PTOE, RSP1, Project Manager, is leading the statewide implementation of the MDOT SHA Tourist Area and Baltimore Corridor signing program, including evaluation of over 700 program participants, signing plan development, and coordination with MDOT Traffic SHA and subconsultants. She is also providing on-site program management for MDOT SHA’s Work Zone Program. Nataliya is a member of the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, where she advises on standards for Guide signs. Chas Starr, PE, Project Manager, has worked in the Fairfax, VA CM Group and in Florida on FDOT projects in Lakeland and Orlando. He is currently serving as the Project Manager for the CFX Systemwide Contract, where RK&K provides full CEI services on various construction projects. Chas Starr Orlando Construction Office Justin Valentin Justin Valentin, PE, CBSI, Project Manager, has participated in a multitude of transportation projects ranging from minor Harrisburg rehabilitations to major construction of new interstates. His experience includes single and multi-span bridges compromised Structures of various materials including pre-stressed concrete and steel, as well as culverts and retaining walls throughout Pennsylvania. Justin is currently the structural lead for several PennDOT design and inspection projects including the Columbia-Wrightsville bridge rehabilitation. Joost van Boekhold Joost van Boekhold, PE, Project Manager, has taken a prominent role in leading Wilmington’s traffic design efforts while providing on-site Wilmington support for the DelDOT Traffic Design Section with the management of Pave & Rehab projects. His notable assignments include the I-495 Traffic Southbound Lane Extension, Union Street Rapid Reconfiguration, Anchorage Wet Pond Pedestrian Improvements, and numerous P&R projects statewide. DJ Wacker, PE, Project Manager, started at RK&K as an intern while a Physics major at Moravian and has, among his accomplishments, been instrumental in securing large biosolids projects and has been responsible for their successful implementation. DJ is a board member of the Mid-Atlantic Biosolids Association. DJ Wacker Baltimore Water/Wastewater 34 | the KRONICLE

Denise Watkins Denise Watkins, AIA, NCARB, Project Manager, has extensive experience in architectural, urban, and sustainable design. Her Baltimore work emphasizes detail, scale, materials, and context-sensitive design. Denise has applied this architectural approach to diverse Planning building types in Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania and Delaware. She is a former member of the Governor’s Green Building Council, the Neighborhood Design Center, and is an adjunct professor at the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA). Megan Oliver Megan Oliver, AICP, Project Planner, brings over 10 years of experience working on award-winning plans and urban designs. Baltimore While at RK&K, her skills have been applied to thoughtful design concepts, inclusive engagement tactics, high-quality graphics, and Planning robust planning reports to reinforce her team’s reputation as a leader in innovative planning and place-based design. Currently, she’s leading an effort to adapt project-specific and firm-wide outreach strategies to our ever-evolving global circumstances. Brittany Rolf, AICP, Project Planner, works on NEPA projects, with a focus on community effects documents and public involvement. She received the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) certification in November 2019. Key projects she has be involved with involved the Corridor Cities Transitway, the B&P Tunnel, and the I-495 & I-270 Managed Lanes Study. Brittany Rolf Baltimore Planning Rich Lefebure Rich Lefebure, CA, LTE, Project Scientist, has most recently focused on support to the consultant review role on wetland/waterway Baltimore permitting for MDE. Rich passed our “wetland calibration” to become an approved field lead in July, 2019, and recently achieved his Natural Resources Certified Arborist (CA) and Licensed Tree Expert (LTE) certifications. Other recent projects for Rich include DelDOT SR1 and Prince Georges County College Park. AaronStullenbarger Aaron Stullenbarger, Senior CADD Operator, has diversified design and drafting for highway, water, sewer, and site development Keyser experience, as well as traffic data collection and analysis. He is proficient in CADD, including SurvCadd, MicroStation J/V8i, and Water/Wastewater GeoPak, as well as Jamar Trax Apollyon Data Recorders and TRAXPro Traffic Data Analysis software. His recent projects include traffic counts and water and sewer system replacements. april 2020 | 35

2020 SPRING PROMOTIONS Adam Bare, Senior Designer, is responsible for the civil/site, piping, process mechanical and HVAC/plumbing preliminary design for all water/wastewater projects handled in the York office, and for the production and QA/QC of all York water/wastewater CADD drawings. Adam Bare York Water/Wastewater Les Pielechaty, EIT, Senior Engineer, is a NACE CP2 and has worked on multiple large interference projects and multi-state pipeline survey projects. His most recent projects include the Atlantic Coast Pipeline project, the Kern River Gas Transmission System 4-year special permit assessment and the 100-mile Williams Pipeline OPPL AC interference study. Les Pielechaty Charlotte Energy & Corrosion Cathy Fernandez Cathy Fernandez, Senior Marketing Coordinator, has provided administrative and marketing support to the E&C group in preparing Charlotte proposals, presentations and graphics since 2010. Over the last two years, her efforts have expanded beyond the E&C group and she now Marketing supports business pursuits across disciplines. Cathy has assisted in the successful pursuit of projects with Dominion Energy, VNG, City of Charlotte, Denver Water, and NCDOT. David Beale, PE, Senior Project Engineer, is responsible for the planning and design for a variety of transportation facilities and projects within the state of Virginia. Several project highlights include Sadler Road in Henrico County and Shockoe Streets Improvements for the City of Richmond. Dave has extensive experience in both MicroStation and AutoCAD Civil 3D. David Beale Richmond Highways Laura Bendernagel Laura Bendernagel, PE, ENV SP, Senior Project Engineer, has a strong background in design and construction management for stormwater Washington, DC management, resiliency, and sustainability projects. Some project highlights with RK&K include DDOT’s Aspen Street project and DC Water Resources Water’s Clean Rivers Project where she was the Assistant Resident Engineer responsible for overseeing construction of more than 120 permeable pavement and bioretention facilities. 36 | the KRONICLE

Shreyas Bharadwaj Shreyas Bharadwaj, PE, PTOE, Senior Project Engineer, serves as a crucial member of our traffic teams for all efforts in North Raleigh Carolina, and supporting our efforts in Virginia. He is a reliable and consistent member of our team who is known even amongst clients Traffic as someone who delivers a high quality product on or ahead of schedule. He has been a significant factor in our ability to expand and deepen our forecasting and analysis work with NCDOT. Michael Geffel Michael Geffel, PE, Senior Project Engineer, has rail and transit experience in MD, VA, WV, and DC, including work on rail geometric Baltimore design and track layout, bus rapid transit design, highway design, civil site design, ADA, maintenance of traffic, earthwork, and cost Rail/Transit estimating. Mike has spent time helping the highway department on the MD 404 project and is currently leading the MTA ADA Bus Stop Improvements project, and leading the engineering efforts for the K Street Transitway project in DC. Christopher Hicks, PE, Senior Project Engineer, has experience that includes project management, engineering and design of multiple natural gas transmission, distribution and rehabilitation pipeline projects throughout Virginia, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. Christopher Hicks Richmond Energy & Corrosion Jason Hoyt, PE, Senior Project Engineer, has experience as a systems integrator building and programming control systems and designing electrical systems for vacuum pumps. Jason’s construction and programming background coupled with his design experience makes him a valuable resource from initial design phase through startup and commissioning. Jason Hoyt Virginia Beach Water/Wastewater Jeremy Kraft, PE, Senior Project Engineer, is a registered PE in Virginia and Texas and has transportation and hydraulic design experience. Significant projects he has worked on with RK&K include the Bowers Hill Interchange Improvements study in Chesapeake, VA and the I-81 Exit 313 Interchange Improvement project in Winchester, VA. Jeremy Kraft Richmond Highways april 2020 | 37

2020 SPRING PROMOTIONS Nicholas Monaco, PE, Senior Project Engineer, provides a wide range of traffic engineering services, including signing, marking, signals, lighting and ITS design, to clients in Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, DC, Virginia and North Carolina. Major projects include High Rise Bridge, DelDOT Open End Traffic, NOVA Bike Lanes and Pavement Markings, and Morrisville Parkway. Nicholas Monaco Baltimore Traffic Rakesh Mora, PE, Senior Project Engineer, is known as someone who is always willing to pitch in to help get our work done. He possesses a passion for our work and constantly strives to better himself and help RK&K get our work done more efficiently. Recently, he has primarily been heavily involved in the I-66 project and has completed all work under pressure deadlines from the design-builder. Rakesh Mora Fairfax Traffic KristianneSandoval Kristianne Sandoval, PE, Senior Project Engineer, has lead numerous NPDES/MS4 projects throughout Maryland and recently in Atlanta. Baltimore These projects have encompassed structural and low-impact development (LID), sustainable stormwater management design Water Resources and retrofits, and watershed feasibility assessment and planning, including stakeholder and community outreach efforts. Her main focus has been design and maintenance of stormwater assets in highly urbanized areas. David Sledziewski, PE, Senior Project Engineer, is a roadway design engineer with a wide variety of experience in different disciplines, particularly pavement design, ADA facility design, and roundabout design. Besides working on multi-discipline projects with RK&K, David serves as a pavement design reviewer for PennDOT’s southeastern District 6-0. David Sledziewski King of Prussia Highways Ben Snyder Ben Snyder, PE, Senior Project Engineer, has various design responsibilities, including alternatives development for projects Harrisburg and proposals, design tasks within active projects, and final plans preparation. Ben is currently serving as the deputy project Highways manager for Pennsylvania’s Statewide Automated Work Zone Speed Enforcement Program. Ben’s 10 years of experience includes the design and review of freeway, arterial, and modern roundabout projects. 38 | the KRONICLE

Christine Sutkowski, PE, Senior Project Engineer, has worked for many clients in Maryland, DC, and Virginia on various highway, transit, and pedestrian/bicycle projects. Recently, Christine has been a lead engineer for the I-495 & I-270 Managed Lanes Study. Christine is an active member of WTS-Baltimore and serves as the Programs Chair. Christine Sutkowski Baltimore Planning Steve McCarthy, AICP, Senior Project Planner, has worked on numerous transit service planning and transit operations analysis efforts in MD, DE, DC, and VA. Steve’s current projects include the Purple Line Light Rail, MTA Eastern Bus Division Redevelopment, FTA Transit Agency Safety and Transit Asset Management Plans, Cecil County Transit Hub, and DTC Monroe Street Garage Feasibility Study. Steve McCarthy Wilmington Planning Maddy Sigrist Maddy Sigrist, PWS, Senior Project Scientist, has most recently worked on the large and complex I-495/I-270 Managed Lanes Study Baltimore where she has led the permitting and natural resources field efforts. Maddy passed our “wetland calibration” to become an approved Natural Resources field lead in May, 2017 and received her PWS in 2018. In addition to the MLS project, she is leading our ongoing wetland mitigation monitoring for MDOT SHA. Greg Vanscoy, Senior Survey Technician, has worked with various types of surveying, including research, field work, preparation of plats and legal descriptions, and currently schedules the survey related efforts. Projects include boundary surveys, topographic surveys, and construction stakeout projects. He is currently enrolled in the Land Surveying & Geomatics program at Great Basin College. Greg Vanscoy Keyser Water/Wastewater Pearce Miller, Senior Systems Analyst, spent much of his first few years overseeing IT operations at the MD 200 ICC Project office. After rejoining the staff in Baltimore, he was instrumental in the conversion of RK&K’s accounting system to Deltek, and continues to use that skill set to develop and integrate other enterprise systems across the company. Pearce Miller Baltimore IT/Computer Services april 2020 | 39

2020 SPRING PROMOTIONS Mitch Scott Mitch Scott, PE, Senior Manager, Design, has led large-scale design projects along interstates, arterials, and urban boulevards. His notable Baltimore projects include WV 2, MD 32/Linden Church Road, US 13 Bypass, MD Highways 32 Phase 2, MD 404 Design-Build, I-95/MD 43 Interchange, WV Inwood Bypass, Broening Highway, and Keyser-McCoole Bridge. He is currently Gary Taylor managing the $200 million I-95/MD 43 Interchange to add Express Toll Lanes and the Baltimore City On-Call Federal Aid Contract. Raleigh Geotech Gary Taylor, PE, Senior Manager, Geotechnical, manages the Geotech Group in the Raleigh office and has been responsible for Lori Magoon Geotech design, investigation, and construction support for a variety of infrastructure projects. Gary has built our Geotech Group from Baltimore scratch to 11 employees providing required Geotech services on Structures millions of dollars worth of highway and infrastructure projects. Lori Magoon, PE, Senior Manager, Structures, manages system preservation projects involving the inspection, analysis and rehabilitation of existing bridges for MDOT SHA, MDTA, and Baltimore City. Recent notable projects include leading the facility-wide structural repairs to over 40 bridges on I-95, I-395, I-695, and I-895 including the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, structural peer reviews for the design-build project for the new US 301 “Nice Bridge” over the Potomac River, and serving as MDTA’s embedded staff managing the ¾-mile long I-895 (Canton Viaduct) Bridge Replacement Project. Stuart Samberg Stuart Samberg, PE, PTOE, PTP, RSP, Senior Manager, Traffic, leads the traffic engineering, planning, and design efforts in most of the Richmond southeast and has helped secure recent new work in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Florida. He is leading efforts Traffic with a major design-build contractor to expand RK&K’s work for that client into multiple states. He is also participating on the national level as leader of the access management committee for the Transportation Research Board. Scott Blevins Scott Blevins, PE, Senior Manager, Transportation, is responsible for the oversight, management and delivery of transportation Raleigh design assignments through 13 NCDOT Division General Engineering Highways Consultant (GEC) contracts. He is responsible for managing multiple individual NCDOT design projects. In addition to his management role 40 | the KRONICLE on individual design assignments, he is responsible for maintaining RK&K’s NCDOT Private Consulting Firm prequalifications, as well the maintenance of RK&K’s billing rates and classifications within NCDOT Consultant Rate System.

Drew Altland Drew Altland, PE, Senior Manager, Water Resources, has been instrumental in RK&K’s growth of Ecological Restoration and Advanced York Hydraulic Modeling. He leads numerous design/construction projects throughout the mid-Atlantic region for a wide array of clients with a Water Resources dedicated staff in York/Philadelphia and routine collaboration from other offices. Drew serves on multiple expert panels, including EPA panels focused on TMDL crediting and a MDOT SHA Hydraulics Panel focused on floodplain modeling, fish passage, and sustainable restoration. april 2020 | 41

AHanpnpivyersary! April 37Jim Ridenour 27Eric Crawford 26George Demers 25Karen Kahl Y Y Y Y E E E E A A A A R R R R S S S S DD 25Charles Wallace 24Jay Johansen 22Dianna Daye 20Matt Cook Y Y Y Y E E E E A A A A R R R R S S S S George Tye 18 Timothy Rojahn 16 Karl Stegmann 13 Carole Cash 12 Sherri Drummond 18 Alec Pope 16 Wanda Kifer 13 Howard Humphreys12 Michael Sulpizio 18 Erik Thompson 16 Juan Puerto 12 Mike Geffel 10 Seyed Saadat 17 BJ Song 15 Josh Gentry 12 Chris Piper 10 Robert Sasscer 17 Steven Stachowski 14 March 26Shane Pridgeon 22Lee Dayton 22Chris Szympruch 20Kim Troiani Y Y Y Y E E E E A A A A R R R R S S S S Brandon McInnis 19 Wesley Deel 16 Shelly Horner 14 Annabelle Mann 12 Dennis Young 18 Jeff Price 16 Greg Goins 14 Jeffrey Follweiler 10 Andrew Foster 10 Terence Kastner 18 Michael Bernhardt 16 Mitchell Speights 14 Denise Watkins 10 Craig Westcott 10 Kelly Bender 16 Steve Mangano 15 Scott Emory 13 David Jackson 16 Marcus Mentis-Cort 15 Myra Bland 13 Eric Klein 16 Ryan Delo 15 Nina Amig 12 42 | the KRONICLE


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