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Body Systems Notes (1)

Published by alexis.ross.006, 2016-11-03 12:40:32

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Body SystemsBy: Lexie Ross 2A

Table of Contents ● Integumentary System ● Musculoskeletal System ● Digestive System ● Urinary System ● Nervous System ● Special Senses ● Cardiovascular System ● Respiratory System ● Reproductive System

Integumentary System Table of contents

Integumentary System- Table of contents

Integumentary System- ● Name for the skin and its structures ● Called a membrane because it covers the body ● Called an organ because it contains several types of tissue ● Called a system because it has organs and other parts that work together for a particular function Table of contents

Integumentary System-Function: ● Protects from ultraviolet rays and pathogens ● Sensory perception such as pain, temperature, and touch ● Regulation of body temperature through blood vessel dilation or constriction ● Storage of fats, sugars, water, vitamins, and salt ● Absorption of medicines ● Excretion of salt, excess water, and heat ● Protection of vitamin D Table of contents

Integumentary System-Key Terms: ● Derm/o, Dermat/o- skin ● Kerat/o- cornea, hard, horny tissue ● Xer/o- dry, dryness ● Xanth/o- yellow ● Erythr/o- red ● Pedicul/o- louse ● Onych/o- nail ● Myc/o- fungus ● Pil/o- hair ● Lip/o- fat, lipid ● Rhytid/o- wrinkle ● Albin/o- white Table of contents

Integumentary System-Vocabulary- 1. Callus- an abnormal thickening of the epidermis caused by constant exposure to friction 2. Elasticity- the ability of a tissue to return to its original shape after contracting or stretching 3. Shaft- the superficial portion of the hair 4. Root- the portion of a hair that penetrates into the dermis and sometimes the subcutaneous layer 5. Terminal Hair- hair located on the head, eyelashes, and eyebrows 6. Vellus Hair- short, fine, pale hair (a.k.a. Peach fuzz) 7. Cerumen- earwax 8. Keratin- an insoluble protein that makes up and nails 9. Dermatology- the medical specialty dealing with diseases of the skin10. Merkel cell- a type of epidermal cell that makes contact with a tactile disc, which function in touch. Table of contents

Integumentary System-Layers of the Skin: ● Epidermis- outer layer, thin as paper, lacks blood vessels, has two layers (1. Stratum Corneum- outer portion 2. Stratum Germinativum- provides new cells), provides new cells, and produces melanin ● Dermis- majority of the middle layer, contains hair follicles, nerves, collagen/elastin (gives it strength), blood vessels, and oil/sweat glands ● Sub-Q- bottom layer, made of fat/connective tissue/blood vessels, helps keep you warm, contains roots of oil/sweat glands and hair follicles, and keeps muscles intact. Table of contents

Integumentary System- ● Glands- ○ Sudoriferous glands- sweat glands, open on surface, two types (1. Eccrine- when hot, 2. Apocrine- stressed/emotional) ○ Sebaceous glands- oil glands, prevents dryness and infections ● Hair- consists of root and hair shaft, everywhere except palms, lips, and the soles of your feet ● Nails- made out of dead keratinized epidermal cells Table of contents

Integumentary Sytem-Skin Color- ● Skin color is inherited and is determined by pigments in the epidermis ○ Melanin- brownish/black pigment ○ Carotene- yellow-red pigment ● Discolorations- ○ Erythema- reddish color caused by burns ○ Jaundice- yellow caused by bile in blood ○ Cyanosis- bluish discoloration caused by lack of oxygen Table of contents

Integumentary System-Skin Eruptions- ● Macule- freckle ● Papule- pimple ● Vesicles- blisters ● Pustules- pus-filled sacs like acne Table of contents

Integumentary System-Diseases/Abnormal Conditions- ● Cold Sore- blisters that occur on the lips or around the margins of the lips ● Bowen’s disease- a very early form of skin cancer pertaining to the squamous cells ● Vitiligo- loss of pigment in the skin ● Ringworm- highly contagious fungal infection of the skin or scalp Table of contents

Integumentary System-Health Careers- ● Dermatologist- a skin doctor; the medical expert you should consult if you have any significant problem with your skin ● Plastic Surgeons- someone who performs the process of reconstructing or repairing parts of the body, especially by transfer of tissue, either in the treatment or injury or for cosmetic reasons. Table of contents

Musculoskeletal System Table of contents

Musculoskeletal System- Table of contents

Musculoskeletal System-Functions: ● Skeletal System- ○ Bone acts as framework for the body ○ Bones support and protect internal organs ○ Joints, in conjunction with muscles, ligaments, and tendons make possible the wide variety of body movement ○ Calcium required for normal nerve and muscle function is stored in bones ○ Red bone marrow, which is located in spongy bone, has an important function in the formation of blood ● Muscular System- ○ Muscles hold the body erect and make movement possible ○ Muscle movement generates nearly 85% of the heat that keeps the body warm ○ Muscles move food through the digestive system ○ Muscle movement, such as walking, aids the flow of blood through veins as it returns to the heart Table of contents

Musculoskeletal System- Table of contentsKey Terms: ● My/o- muscle ● Myel/o- spinal cord, bone marrow ● Oste/o- bone ● Cost/o- rib ● Crani/o- skull ● -Pexy- surgical fixation ● Chondr/o- cartilage ● Arthr/o- joint ● -Plegia- paralysis, stroke ● Kinesi/o- motion

Musculoskeletal SystemVocabulary- 1. Cranial Bones- skull bones: ethmoid, frontal, occipital, parietal, sphenoid, and temporal 2. Fissure- narrow, slit-like opening in or between bones 3. Osseous Tissue- bone tissue 4. Ossification- process of bone formation 5. Sinus- hollow air cavity within a bone 6. Origin- attachment of the muscle to the bones that remains stationary 7. Extensor- increases the angle at a joint 8. Flexor- decreases the angle at a joint 9. Tendon- cordlike or bandlike mass of white fibrous connective tissue that connects a muscle to a bone10. Ligament- a short band of tough, flexible, fibrous connective tissue that connects two bones or cartilages or holds together a joint Table of contents

Musculoskeletal System-Diseases/Disorders: ● Bradykinesia- means extreme slowness in muscle movement ● Myomalacia- is abnormal softening of muscle tissue ● Arthritis- is an inflammatory condition of one or more joints ● Lordosis- abnormal curvature of the spine Table of contents

Musculoskeletal System-Health Careers: ● Podiatric Medical Assistant- makes castings of feet, takes x-rays, and assists the podiatrist in surgery ● Athletic Trainer- works to prevent and treat athletic injuries and provides rehabilitation services to athletes who have been hurt. ATs provide massage, corrective exercises, diet supervision, and equipment fittings. An ATC is a certified athletic trainer Table of contents

Digestive System Table of contents

Digestive System Table of contents

Digestive SystemFunction- ● The function of the digestive system is to digest food (break food down into smaller parts), absorb nutrients, and excrete waste. Table of contents

Digestive SystemKey Terms- ● cholecyst/o- gallbladder ● enter/o- small intestine ● col/o, colon/o- colon, large intestine ● hepat/o- liver ● gastr/o- stomach ● or/o- mouth, oral cavity ● -pepsia- digestion ● chol/e- bile, gall ● proct/o- anus, rectum Table of contents

Digestive SystemVocabulary- 1. Villi- fingerlike extensions of the intestinal mucosa that increase the surface area 2. Rugae- folds of the stomach. 3. Small intestine- organ responsible for absorbing nutrients from the food. 4. Esophagus- pathway from the mouth to the stomach that uses peristalsis. 5. Pancreas- a gland located behind the stomach that secrete pancreatic juice to aid in digestion, and also produces insulin. 6. Gallbladder- an organ that stores bile until it is needed in the duodenum. 7. Liver- large organ, makes bile and filters blood 8. Jejunum- middle portion of the small intestine. This is where chemical digestion ends and absorption begins. 9. Duodenum- first part of the small intestine. Most digestion takes place here.10. Ileum- last and longest portion of the small intestine, extends from the jejunum to the caecum of the large intestine. Table of contents

Digestive SystemDiseases/Disorders- ● Gastritis- inflammation of the stomach ● Anorexia- lack or loss of appetite for food ● Cirrhosis- a progressive degenerative disease of the liver characterized by the disturbance of the structure and the function of the liver. ● Jaundice- yellow discoloration of the skin and other tissues caused by greater than normal amounts of bilirubin in the blood. Table of contents

Urinary System Table of contents

Urinary System Table of contents

Urinary SystemFunction- ● Responsible for the elimination of waste produced by homeostasis. Table of contents

Urinary SystemKey Terms- ● -cele- hernia, tumor, swelling ● -lysis- breakdown, separation ● cyst/o- urinary bladder ● nephr/o- kidney ● ren/o- kidney ● -uria- urination, urine ● -pexy- surgical fixation ● -ectasis- stretching, dilation, enlargement ● pyel/o- renal pelvis Table of contents

Urinary SystemVocabulary- 1. Kidney- One of two bean-shaped organs on either side of the backbone in the lumbar region; it filters nitrogenous wastes from the bloodstream to form urine. 2. Glomerulus- Tiny ball of capillaries (microscopic blood vessels) in the kidney. 3. Medulla- inner region of an organ. The renal medulla is the inner region of the kidney. 4. Nephron- Combination of glomerulus and renal tubule where filtration, reabsorption , and secretion take place in the kidney. It is the functional unit of the kidney; each capable of forming urine by itself. There are about 1 million nephrons in a kidney 5. Renal Artery- Blood vessel that carries blood to the kidney. 6. Renal Vein- blood vessel that carries blood away from the kidney and toward the heart 7. Ureter- One of two tubes leading from the kidneys to the urinary bladder. 8. Urethra- Tube leading from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body. 9. Urinary bladder- hollow, muscular sac that holds and stores urine.10. Urination- process of expelling urine Table of contents

Urinary SystemDiseases/disorders- ● Nocturnal enuresis- involuntary peeing during sleep “bed wetting” ● Cystalgia- pain in the urinary bladder ● Urinary retention- the inability to empty the bladder ● Dysuria- painful and burning sensation when peeing. Table of contents

Urinary SystemOccupations- ● Urologist- a physician who specializes in diseases of the urinary organs in females and the urinary and sex organs in males. ● Nephrologist- a physician who studies and deals with the adult and pediatric study of the kidneys and its diseases. Table of contents

Nervous System Table of contents

Nervous System Table of contents

Nervous SystemFunction- ● Coordinates and controls all bodily activities. Table of contents

Nervous SystemKey Terms- ● neur/o- nerve ● encephal/o- brain ● myel/o- spinal cord ● ambu/o- to walk ● -esthesia- feeling ● mening/o- meninges ● psych/o- mind ● concuss/o-shaken together Table of contents

Nervous SystemVocabulary-1. Central Nervous System (CNS)- consists of the brain and the spinal cord, which occupy the dorsal bodycavity,2. Neuron- nerve cell, the structural units of the nervous system, highly specialized cells that conductmessages in the form of impulses.3. Peripheral nervous system (PNS)- the part of the nervous system outside the CNS, consist mainly of thenerve that extend from the brain and spinal cord.4. Axon- impulse generating and conducting region; neuron process that carries impulses away from theneuron body5. Dendrites- are shot, tampering, diffusely branching extension; receptive regions. Receives informationfrom other neurons.6. Cell body- largest part of the neuron, contains cytoplasm and the nucleus, control center of the cell.7. Threshold- minimum level of stimulus needed to activate a neuron,8. Spinal cord- controls reflexes; carries signals from the brain to the rest of the body9. Somatic nervous system- regulates conscious activities10. Autonomic nervous system- regulates involuntary activities Table of contents

Nervous SystemDiseases/Disorders- ● Migraine headache- a syndrome characterized by a sudden, severe, sharp headache usually present on only one side. ● Alzheimer’s disease- group of disorders associated with degenerative changes in brain structure that lead to characteristic symptoms including progressive memory loss, impaired cognition, and personality changes. ● Encephalitis- inflammation of the brain. ● Parkinson’s disease- a chronic, slowly progressive, degenerative CNS disorder. It is characterized by fine muscle tremors, a masklike facial expression, and a shuffling gait (gait=manner of walking). Table of contents

Nervous SystemCareer Opportunities- ● Polysomnographic technologist- administers sleep disorder evaluations ● Neurosurgeon- perform surgery on the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves to remove tumors, relieve chronic pain and treat wounds, vascular disorders and diseases such as Parkinson's and epilepsy. Table of contents

Special Senses Table of contents

Special Senses Table of contents

Special SensesFunction- ● The special senses system allows the body to react to the environment by providing information such as sight, hearing, taste, and smell (also balance). Table of contents

Special SensesKey Terms- ● irid/o- iris ● -cusis- hearing ● -opia- vision condition ● ot/o- ear ● tympan/o- tympanic membrane, middle ear ● ophthalm/o- eye ● -metry- process of measuring Table of contents

Special SensesVocabulary- 1. Taste buds- structures on the tongue that contain the receptor cells for taste. 2. Photoreceptors- detect light waves 3. Mechanoreceptors- detect sound waves and pressure on the skin and in the inner ear 4. Gustation- taste 5. Olfaction- smell 6. Chemoreceptors- detect the molecules in our food and the air around us 7. Nociceptors- detects pain 8. Thermoreceptors- involved with temperature regulation/sensation 9. Lacrimal glands (tear sacs)- produces tears to moisten and cleanse the eye, located in the corner the eye and is connected to the nasal cavity10. Tympanic membrane (eardrum)- separates the outer ear from the middle ear Table of contents

Special SensesDisease/Disorders- ● Anosmia- inability to detect odors ● Blepharoptosis- drooping of the upper eyelid ● Conjunctivitis (pinkeye)- inflammation of the conjunctiva ● Ageusia- a disorder that causes the inability to detect tastes. Table of contents

Special SensesCareer Opportunities- ● Ocularist- a dispensing optician who specializes in the fitting of artificial eyes ● Audiologist- provides care to individuals with hearing problems Also does test, diagnosing, and prescribing treatment. Conducts noise-level testing in workplaces, and works to prevent hearing loss. Table of contents

Cardiovascular System Table of contents

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