InTroduction to Dispensing Pharmacy ASSISTANT PROF. KARUNRAT TEWTHANOM, RPH, PhD FACULTY OF PHARMACY, SILPAKORN UNIVERSITY This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-ND.
Objectives To make students can explain definition, the dispensing process/ Model To make the students can explain the role of pharmacist in dispensing To make the students explain the Good Dispensing Practice To make the students can apply knowledge in the real situation This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-ND.
Scope ❑ Definition ❑ Dispensing process ❑ Good Dispensing practice ❑ The roles of Pharmacist in Dispensing ❑ Conclusion ❑ Lab Explanation / Question and answers This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-ND.
Definition Dispensing refers to a process of preparing and giving medicine to a named person on a basis of prescription. Source: This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC.
Dispensing Process
Dispensing Process
Good Dispensing Practice
Good Dispensing Practice
Good •Dispensing precaution —safety of prescriptions Dispensing Practice •In dispensing a prescription, a pharmacist has to exercise •an independent judgment to ensure the medicine is safe •and appropriate for the patient, as well as that it conforms •to the prescriber’s requirements. If there is any doubt, the prescriber is to be contacted.
“Right” For Dispensing Medication
Good Dispensing multiple Facsimile and Dispensing repeat prescriptions scanned Practice at one time prescriptions Internet, mail-order Other indirect dispensing and supply of medicines
Good Extemporaneous Dispensing dispensing (compounding) Practice Incident records Labelling of dispensed medicines
Good Dispensing Practice
Good Dispensing Practice
Good Dispensing Practice
Good Dispensing Practice
Good Dispensing Practice
Good Dispensing Practice
Good Dispensing Practice
Good Dispensing Practice
Good Dispensing Practice
Specific direction for use, including frequency and Good dose Dispensing Practice The patient's name or in the case of an animal , the owner name and the kind of animal The dispenser's (and if different, the checking pharmacist's) initials A unique identifying code
Good The name , address and telephone number Dispensing of the pharmacy or pharmacy department Practice at which the prescription was dispensed Storage directions (where important) and eapiry date (where applicable) The words \"Keep out of reach of children\"
Good Ancillary labels Dispensing Practice Some ancillary labels are mandatory: these are listed in the Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Medicines and Poisons (SUSMP). The routine use of other ancillary labels in the Australian Pharmaceutical Formulary and Handbook is recommended having regard to each patient's circumstances
Good For medication that required a federal transfer warning Dispensing Practice
Good Dispensing Practice
This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND. Good Dispensing Practice Counseling patients about prescribing medicines
Good Dispensing Practice
Good Dispensing Practice
Good Privacy and confidentially Dispensing Practice Dispensing error and near misses Pharmacist work loads Dispensary assistants/ Dispensary technicians/Hospital pharmacy technicians
The roles of Pharmacist in Dispensing
Receive and Receive and validate the prescription validate Understand Understand and interpret the prescription and interpret The roles of Prepare Prepare items for issue Pharmacist in Dispensing Make Make a final check Record Record the action taken Issue Issue medicine to the patient with clear instruction and advice.