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Home Explore March 23 2016 DM

March 23 2016 DM

Published by djstevens88, 2016-04-07 15:00:00

Description: March 23 2016 DM


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\|xiFAIIIy00411pzYNo. 13 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 2016 75¢Report details health of Dinwidie County residents By Michael Campbell to healthy foods, the quality of air and water, income, dardized and combined using “scientifically-informed News Editor and teen births for nearly every county and city in the weights.” From that point, counties are ranked in two United States. overall categories, “health outcomes,” meaning how DINWIDDIE - As the headlines are increasingly healthy a county is now, and “health factors,” lookinglooking at public health and discussing ways for the “The goals of the program are to build awareness at how healthy a county will be in the to make healthy choices in the face of rising of the multiple factors that influence health, provide ahealthcare costs, a new study paints a picture of condi- reliable, sustainable source of local data to communi- Locally, Dinwiddie ranked 74th overall in the Com-tions across the Commonwealth and a local level. ties to help them identify opportunities to improve their monwealth in health outcomes out of 134 cities and health, engage and activate local leaders from many counties. The “County Health Rankings and Roadmaps” pro- sectors in creating sustainable community change, andgram, which is a collaborative effort between the to connect & empower community leaders working to Health outcomes looks at measures including pre-University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute improve health,” the group said on their website, where mature death, the percentage of adults reporting fair orand the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, analyzes the rankings are complied and presented to the public. poor health, the average number of physically or men-vital health factors, ranging from high school gradu- tally unhealthy days reported in the past 30 days, andation rates, obesity, smoking, unemployment, access The report’s methodology uses county-level data from a variety of national sources, which are then stan- See HEALTH, page 2TV Anchor Reads to Southside Students Michael Campbell/The Dinwiddie Monitor Dinwiddie County Public Schools Photo A man looks at plans for the, now cancelled, U.S. Route 460 bypass. Last week, VDOT an-March is Reading Month for Dinwiddie County Public Schools and, at Southside Elementary School, they have nounced they were still awaitng decisions fromhad Mystery Readers “pop” into their classrooms to share their favorite books with the students. Last week, one federal regulators on a new version of theof those Mystery Readers was WRIC-TV 8News’ Amanda Malkowski, Co-Anchor for Good Morning Richmond roadway’s designand 8 News at 9:00. Malkowski treated the kids to a reading of Dr. Seuss’ “Oh, The Places You’ll Go!” Southern Va. U.S.Supervisors approve open-pit sand mine Route 460 project awaiting decisions Dinwiddie County Planning Commission Photo By Michael Campbell Unlike previous Pre- News Editor ferred Alternatives,This plot of land along Troublefield Road will be the site of a newly approved open-pit sand and gravel mine as U.S. Route 460 fromsupervisors approved the operation’s Conditional Use Permit during their meeting last week. VIRGINIA - One just west of the com- of the more closely- munity of Zuni in Isle By Michael Campbell along the 26000 block of Trouble- The gathered material would then watched projects by of Wight County to the News Editor field Road in Stony Creek so they be stockpiled on the site and then residents along the road’s intersection with can utilize over 115 acres of the loaded into the rubber-tired loader. United States Route Interstate 295 in PrinceDINWIDDIE - A new sand and land to operate the open pit sand 460 corridor spanning George County wouldgravel mining operation is slated and gravel mine, which is a surface As the mineral extraction process from just southeast of be part of a no-build al-to move forward in the county af- mining technique of extracting continues, operators note that the Interstate 295 in Prince ternative, which meanster the Dinwiddie County Board of rock or minerals from the Earth via mining lifts would take place be- George County down the roadway would notSupervisors unanimously approved an open pit or burrow. low the existing water table, re- to the city of Suffolk receive improvementsa conditional use permit for the op- sulting in a pooling of water in the continues to be in ques- in connection with thiseration in Stony Creek last week. As part of the newly approved mine pit, creating a small lake.” tion as officials await corridor improvement operation, the sand and gravel decisions on required project. According to county documents, material would be mined using “As the mining in each area of permits.Samuel Shands and his agent Don- an excavator, which would mean the site is completed, the banks of VDOT admits a finalald Shaffer were seeking a condi- no use of blasting or other more the lakes created by the mining ex- According to the decision “has not beentional use permit for the property disruptive methods of extraction. Virginia Department made” on construction See MINE, page 2 of Transportation, the of the project and the state agency is active- agency is expecting ly meeting with state permit decisions to be and federal permitting made sometime dur- agencies to make sure ing the Summer of this requirements for per- year by the U.S. Army mits are met for the Corps of Engineers, preferred alternative of and Department of En- the Route 460 corridor vironmental Quality, improvement project. and the Virginia Mari- time Resources Com- Over a year ago, mission. VDOT announced that the recommended Over the past sev- Preferred Alterna- eral years, other alter- tive would improve native designs of the 17 miles of U.S. 460 corridor improvement from Suffolk to west of project drew concern Zuni. A new four-lane from residents, county divided highway would leaders, and state and be built from the U.S. federal permitters due 460/58 interchange to anticipated wetlands in Suffolk to west of impacts, particularly Windsor. From west in Sussex County and of Windsor to west of along the Blackwater Zuni, the existing U.S. River. 460 would be upgraded to a four-lane divided During that time, ap- highway and include a proximately $300 mil- new bridge across the lion had been spent on Blackwater River to the project, with Trans- eliminate long-standing portation Secretary Au- flooding problems. brey Layne confirming See VDOT, page 2 HERE TO SERVE YOU! Billing or Payment Inquiries?If you have questions about your subscription, need to place Contact: Christina Shelton �������������������������������� Contact 434.634.4153 434-432-1654, ext. 29 [email protected]

2 Dinwiddie Monitor, Wednesday, March 23, 2016 VDOTMINE from page 1from page 1traction process are sloped at ceasing, the post-mine land to the mine and must sweep away Commonwealth of Virginia Photoa three to one slope and these would return to its “pre-mine ag- any debris that may be disbursedsloped lake banks are stabilized ricultural use,” meaning the entire from the hauling operations. Transportation Sec. Aubrey Layne has been vocalwith seed,” the planning commis- site would be reclaimed by reveg- about his concerns about the Route 460 project as itsion’s report reads. etating the site by using the stock- According to the planning com- continues to move forward in Southside Virginia. piled topsoil and any stockpiled mission’s report, a recent traffic The stockpiled materials would overburden. count on Troublefield Road found in an interview with The Alternatives impacts detailbe processed on site at a screen- that it had an average daily traffic Sussex-Surry Dispatch in an anticipated wetlandsing plant that would be able to As part of the county planning count of 290 cars per day. 2015 that approximately impact of 52 acres, 22handle “approximately 80 tons commission’s recommendation $294 million paid to the displacements, includingper hour” of sand and gravel and for approval and the Board of Su- In terms of oversight, the De- contractor for a road that 15 residential properties,officials stressed that “There is no pervisors’ eventual approval, the partment of Mines, Minerals, and won’t be built. three commercial proper-crushing of rock material allowed site operators must adhere to sev- Energy’s, or the DMME, Division ties, three farms, and oneas part of this mining operation.” eral conditions, which includes of Mineral Mining would issue In 2014, Governor Terry non-profit property. only operating from 7:00 a.m. to and oversee the required permit McAuliffe announced that Stockpiled waste materials from 4:00 p.m. Monday through Fri- and license issuance for the op- work would be suspended “VDOT will continuethe mine would be either sold or day and 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on eration of the mine. on the Route 460 project to take a methodical andutilized on site to reclaim the Saturdays, except on Federal and until further testing and deliberative approach withbanks and slopes of the facility. State Holidays, the maximum Those permits will have to be environmental work can the Corps and the FHWA,” depth of the mining pits cannot filed with the Dinwiddie County be done. said VDOT Commissioner “After the sand and gravel is exceed 14 feet, and no crushing Planning Department before min- Charlie Kilpatrick. “En-processed on the mine site, it is or blasting operations can occur ing can begin along Troublefield Last year, The Gover- gaging with our federalhauled offsite utilizing the haul at the site. Road. nor’s office confirmed that partners is critical as weroad that extends from Trouble- U.S. 460 Mobility Part- work through the com-field Road into the site along the In addition, a “maximum of The Conditional Use Permit ners, the company that was plexities of environmentalexisting farm service road,” the fifty truckloads of mined material will be reviewed “a minimum of contracted to execute the work and project develop-report details. to include sand, gravel, topsoil, one per calendar year” to evaluate now-cancelled U.S. Route ment.” overburden, and spoils,” can be compliance with the conditions 460 public-private partner- It is estimated by operators that hauled from the site during the outlined in the agreement. ship to build a new billion- Once the necessary en-“no more than 50 truckloads of given hours of operation and op- dollar 55-mile stretch of vironmental decisionsmined sand and gravel material erators of the site must perform According to operators in highway, would return $46 have been made and thewill be hauled offsite each day daily inspections of the roadway speaking with the planning com- million in “already-spent Project is scored, under aduring the conditioned hours of within 200 feet of any entrance mission, “It will take about a year funds” back to taxpayers new law that’s based on anoperation.” to get through all the preparation and cancel an additional objective data-driven pro- stages” before digging operations claim of $103 million that cess, the Commonwealth Following mining operations can begin at the property. the company had filed un- Transportation Board will der the contract. decide whether or not toHEALTH advance the Project for In terms of environ- further design and con-from page 1 mental impact, documents struction. summarizing the Preferredthe percentage of live births with rose eight spots from its ranking rates of smoking, obesity, childlow birthweight. in 2015, going up to 90th overall poverty, and teen births, and high- in Virginia. er numbers of uninsured adults The top three counties in health than their urban counterparts.outcomes were centered in North- According to the study’s data, Large urban counties have lowerern Virginia, with Loudoun, Fair- the health factors category looks at smoking and obesity rates, fewerfax, and Arlington, ranking high- a wide swath of data that creates a injury deaths, and more residentsest. At the bottom of the list, city or county’s ranking, including who attended some college,” saidnearby Hopewell ranked at 118 percent of current smokers, obe- Melissa Blair of the Robert Woodwith Sussex next at 119. The cit- sity, number of newly diagnosed Johnson Foundation.ies of Petersburg and Emporia sexually transmitted infections,were at the bottom at 133 and 134 high school graduation rates, vio- “The County Health Rankingsrespectively. lent crimes rates, and a number of show how important it is to exam- others. ine all the conditions that impact Last year, Dinwiddie was scored wellbeing and can help families76th overall in the health outcomes The Northern Virginia-region thrive,” said Risa Lavizzo-Mourey,category in the group’s report. just outside of the Washington MD, RWJF president and CEO. D.C. Beltway saw highest rank- “Ranks are great for garner- ing in health factors, with Falls “Communities around the na-ing attention, simplifying a lot of Church City, Arlington, Fairfax, tion are using the County Healthcomplex data, and making com- and Loudoun resting in the top Rankings to drive improvementsparisons between one community four spots. The nearby Tri-Cities in education, housing, job training,and another at a point in time,” of Hopewell and Petersburg were healthy food options, and more, asthe study explained, adding, “they scored 128th and 134th, while they work to build a Culture ofshouldn’t be used alone to measure Colonial Heights was ranked 37th Health.”a single community’s progress.” in this category. The study can be found online When looking at the health fac- “Rural counties have higher at category, Dinwiddie CountyPopular Restaurant ‘The Boathouse’ toOpen Hopewell Waterfront Location Contributed to ents from the region. The location is close to sev- The Dinwiddie Monitor The new restaurant will hire eral new neighborhoods and approximately 75 new staff corporate centers, including The Boathouse’s fourth members from the Hopewell Rolls Royce andlocation, The Boathouse community. Capital City Point, will open inHopewell in late The renaissance underway The view from the new lo-Summer/early Fall 2016. in Richmond is spreading cation is second to none. across the region. Hopewell You’ll find us at 701 W has invested over 7 million The Boathouse Restau-Randolph Rd, Hopewell, VA dollars in a riverfront rede- rant Group is comprised of23860, on the River Walk velopment plan that will tie The Boathouse restaurantsbetween the marina and the together three projects: the at Sunday Park, Rockettspopular Beacon Theatre. River Walk, Beacon Theater, Landing, Short Pump and and Hopewell Marina. City Point as well as tequile- The venue is 6,000 square ria Casa del Barco and “tablefeet with an outdoor patio Kevin Healy, owner of to farm” diningarea overlooking the conflux The Boathouse Restaurant program, Dinner in theof the James and Group, believes this is an Field. important time in the area’s Appomattox rivers. We can revitalization. With the Bea- Whether it’s an occasionaccommodate 132 people in- con Theatre and the develop- to celebrate with the wholeside and 64 outside. ment in Southern Chestereld, family or a night out on the the City of Hopewell is at a town, we pride ourselves on The menu will feature the tipping point and is ready for making it a memorable ex-same classic coastal elements the activity that The Boat- perience. From the breath-that inspired The Boathouse house will bring. taking vistas we’re famousbrand, in a for to the locally-sourced,unique setting reminiscent The Boathouse at City fresh ingredients we serve,of the Rocketts Landing and Point will be located along the Boathouse RestaurantSunday Park locations. the River Walk, between the Group has received wide-ac- Beacon Theatre and claim for creating ments that We’ll continue to uphold Hopewell Marina. last long after the meal.our commitment to servefresh, locally source ingredi-

Dinwiddie Monitor, Wednesday, March 23, 2016 3 VIRGINIA CUSTOM THINNING & CHIPPING, LLC QUALITY PINE PLANTATION THINNING, LOGGING AND WHOLE TREE CHIPPING The White House Photo Offering Complete Pine Plantation Management Including Second ThinningsPresident Barack Obama condemned the attacks in Belgium and offered support tothe country during a press conference as he travels in Cuba this week. Complete Whole Tree Chipping Protect Your Investment...Dozens Killed After Explosive Call me today for a FREE evaluation and explanation of my services.Devices Detonate in Belgium C. K. Greene, Owner By Michael Campbell people congregate,” the State Depart- Phone: 804-586-7198 • Fax: 434-848-3086 • Email: [email protected] News Editor ment advised. “Authorities believe there is a high likelihood terror at- Billy Whitman, forester 804-731-8031BELGIUM - According to published tacks in Europe will continue as Eu-reports, at least 26 people have been ropean members of ISIL return from ������������������killed with over 100 others injured Syria and Iraq.”in a series of explosive device deto- President Barack Obama, who is cur- ���������������������������������������nations ripped through the Zaventem rently on a trip to Cuba as the two �������������Airport and Molenbeek metro train countries continue to establish a re-station early Tuesday morning East- lationship after years of economic ������������������������ern time. and political separation, spoke on the tragedy in Belgium during a Tuesday ����������������������������������������������� The attacks have also, according morning press conference, saying theto U.S. government officials, had thoughts and prayers of the American ����������������������������������American victims but their condition people are with the people of Bel-remains unknown. Those who are gium. ���������������������������������traveling through Belgium have beenasked to shelter in place and avoid all “We stand in solidarity with them in �����������������������������������public transportation out of an abun- condemning these outrageous attacksdance of caution. against innocent people,” the presi- ������������������������������������ dent remarked. “We will do whatever The United States Embassy has is necessary to support our friend and �����������������������������placed the nation under a threat rating ally Belgium in bringing to justiceof Level 4, or “serious and imminent those responsible.” ���������������������������������attack,” adding that such an event can �����������������������happen with little to no notice. Obama went on to say that this re- cent attack, the fourth such terrorist ������������������������ The attack comes only days after an attack in Europe since January 2015,anti-terrorism police raid took place in including the Charle Hebdo satiricalthe Brussels suburb of Molenbeek on newspaper shootings that left 12 dead,March 18 where one of the suspects a hostage situation at a kosher super-in a November 2015 terror attack on market that ended with nine peoplea series of cafe and a music venue in losing their lives, and the coordinatedParis that left over 100 people dead attacks of November 2015 where 130was arrested, according to the U.S. people died after bomb detonationsEmbassy. and gunfire rang out in a restaurant, bar, and the Bataclan theatre during a “Credible information indicates rock concert.terrorist groups such as ISIL and al-Qa’ida and its affiliates continue to “The world must unite,” Presidentplot near-term attacks in Europe,” Obama said Tuesday. “We must be to-a warning on the State Department gether, regardless of nationality, race,website reads. “All European coun- or faith, in fighting against the scoretries remain vulnerable to attacks from of terrorism.”transnational terrorist organization.” Secretary of State John Kerry spoke ISIL claimed responsibility for with Belgian Foreign Minister DidierTuesday’s attack but their involve- Reynders after the attacks, his spokes-ment has not been confirmed by in- person confirms in a statement.vestigators. “Both ministers agreed that that The State Department and Europe- the perpetrators must be brought toan authorities continue to warn of the justice and that attacks such as thesepossibility of more attacks conducted underscored the need for a continuedby lone individuals inspired by “ex- and concerted push by all nations totremest organizations” that could oc- counter violent extremism,” Kerry’scur with little to no warning. office reported Tuesday. “They also agreed to stay in touch as the investi- “Extremists have targeted large gation proceeds.”sporting events, theatres, open mar-kets, aviation services, transportationsystems, and public venues whereVGR, Hopewell to hostsmall business workshop Contributed to ence in our local economy,” said The Dinwiddie Monitor VGR President & CEO ReneeHOPEWELL, VA - Virginia’s Chapline.Gateway Region Economic De-velopment Organization (VGR) Let’s Put Our Cities on the Mapand the City of Hopewell have is a program designed to empow-teamed up to help regional small er communities to support theirbusinesses grow their presence local businesses and encourageonline with a Get Your Business them to get on the map. LocalOnline Workshop. businesses keep our communi- The workshop will be on ties strong; when we help themWednesday, March 23 from succeed on the web, they make8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. in the our communities even stronger.Hopewell Department of SocialServices multipurpose room: “Four out of five consumers use316 East Cawson St, Hopewell, search engines to find local infor-VA 23860. mation nearby, yet only 37 per- Google’s Get Your Business cent of businesses have claimedOnline program aims to bring their listing on a search engine,”community members, business says Soo Young Kim, head ofowners and civic leaders together Small Business Engagement atto help small businesses succeed Google. “Small businesses areon the web. As one of VGR’s the engine of local economiescore strategic initiatives, the or- and when they flourish, theirganization is dedicated to help- communities do as well.”ing all businesses succeed. “VGR is dedicated to assist- This Get Your Business Onlineing companies of all sizes, from Workshop is a Google presenta-our local entrepreneurs to inter- tion hosted by VGR and the Citynational corporations. We are of Hopewell. Small businesspleased to partner with Google owners and leadership will ben-and our communities to provide efit from presentations and assis-resources that will make a differ- tance in verifying their business online, getting found on Google search and maps, as well as in- formation on receiving a free website for a year.

4 Dinwiddie Monitor, Wednesday, March 23, 2016OPINION & COLUMNS Video Rewind: Miller’s CrossingForbes: A Well-Guarded Peace By ROGER BELL rated Martin Scors- I-M Assistant Edi- ese offering. It’s ar- By RANDY FORBES whether the U.S. should have a vessels and crews. They raided guably better than Congressman strong Navy. We knew we were coastal communities—including tor “The Godfather, Part a seafaring nation. But could we Washington, DC—and set the Joel and Ethan II.” It’s been called the Forgotten rely upon others’ navies to pro- White House and Washington Coen have been mak-War, but it left a strong mark here tect our interests? Could we even Navy yard ablaze. The blockade ing movies together The story beginsin Virginia. The War of 1812 afford a Navy? What value and crushed the fledgling American since the 1980s. The with dialogue youtested both the quality of our benefit would it bring to our so- economy and cost us over $100 brothers, with Joel hear before you can ciety? There were sharp debates million, a huge hit to a brand new ostensibly as director even see a face, with Navy and its over this topic, and they were nation. and Ethan as produc- a gravelly-voiced importance. largely left unresolved – until the character saying At that time, War of 1812. Nevertheless, a handful of er, have “I’m talking about the American American ships were able to collabo- friendship, I’m talk- fleet barely Our Navy had inadequate fund- sneak past the British blockad- rated on ing about character, had a dozen ing, forces, and manpower when ers. Thanks to the quality of their several I’m talking about ... ships to its we found ourselves in the midst construction and the bravery of movies ethics.” name. Our of war– with the enemy right at their captains and crews, these consid- country was the water’s edge. British naval ships were able to raid British ered by That line of dia- young and power far exceeded that of the commerce and best their Royal many to logue sets up the relatively in- U.S. The Royal Navy had 500 Navy counterparts in a number be hall- entire movie, with experienced– active warships, 140,000 sailors, of ship-to-ship duels. These suc- marks of those three things, and so was its and was renowned for its recent cesses helped convince Britain the me- friendship, characterNavy. victories against Napoleon. to sue for peace and retreat from Roger Bell dium of and ethics, serving In the years prior to that war, our shores. cinema, as the backbone ofour nation was questioning what The British blockaded the including “Rais- virtually every inter-sort of military America was go- Atlantic coast, including the The War of 1812 was not a ing Arizona,” “The action between char-ing to have and, in particular, waters of the Chesapeake Bay. See FORBES, page 5 Big Lebowski,” and acters throughout the The British captured merchant “O Brother, Where movie. Art Thou?” Two ofFranken: In the Heat of the Fight their films, “Fargo,” The story starts and “No Country for with character John- credo that it doesn’t matter what one is a victim. Old Men,” have won ny Casper coming they say about you as long as But then, martyrdom is the coin Best Picture at the to City Boss Leo they’re saying something about Academy Awards. complaining that a you -- and he’s milking this for all of the realm in the Orwellian world Yet not one of certain bookmaker it’s worth. What better way to rile of politics. The far right constant- those films is nearly is giving out infor- up his millions of devoted haters ly rails about a “war on religion,” as good as their trag- mation when Casper than to paint himself, and by exten- meaning that the religionists are ically overlooked fixes a fight. Casper sion all of them, as victims? Those not allowed to discriminate against 1990 crime mas- wants Leo’s permis- bad protesters are infringing on his groups, like gays, who violate their terpiece, “Miller’s sion to kill the of- freedom of speech. Never mind that beliefs. Complaints about the ob- Crossing.” fending bookie. the speech freely incites violence scene divide between the super-rich For those who against said protesters or intense and everyone else are dismissed as read this column When he doesn’t anger at the media who cover it; “class warfare,” which ignores the regularly and saw get that permis- his devoted fans adore how he says reality that it’s those in the upper, my review of “The sion, it touches off what’s been hidden in their hearts. make that stratospheric, class who Godfather” not long a war between Leo have waged war by bribing our ago, you may have and Casper, a war Think about that: Millions of leaders in government to make sure noticed a reference the main character, Americans harbor profound big- they’re not held accountable for to this film. While Tom, gets caught up otry against Mexicans, Muslims, their grotesque financial misdeeds. “The Godfather” re- in and has to decide women, those with disabilities, mains the touchstone exactly which side the political establishment (come And, of course, it’s those people of crime movies, and he’s going to come to think of it, that last one is OK). of color who have so discriminated its sequel ranks right down on in the con- Meanwhile, his campaign manager, against whites by demanding that up there, “Miller’s flict. Corey Lewandowski, tries to justify they are treated fairly by the legal Crossing” is the best his alleged assault against a female system and that society in gen- crime movie that The result of the reporter from Trump-friendly Bre- eral gives them equal opportunity. is not “The Godfa- conflict is a cine- itbart as an understandable mistake. White people, at least a lot of them, ther.” matic gem, a movie He thought she was someone from feel they are under siege, and Don- Yes, you read that without any weak- mainstream media. Well, in that ald Trump is here to protect them right. It’s better than nesses and riddled case ... -- maybe become President of the “Goodfellas,” “Casi- with outstanding per- Disunited States of America. no,” “The Departed” formances, propped Journalists have routinely vic- or any other over- up by writing and timized Trump, so the narrative What is otherwise known as re- stellar direction. goes, with our constant “dishonest” sentment politics is veering from reporting. But aren’t we the same incendiary to explosive. We need Gabriel Byrne, as people who his opponents bitterly honorable politicians to lower the the lead character complain are giving him an inor- temperature. Unfortunately, there’s dinate amount of basically free a real shortage of them. See REWIND, page 5 advertising because the showman By BOB FRANKEN vacuums in huge ratings? Again, (c) 2016 Bob Franken D-M Welcomes His horrified critics may ostra- Trump has unified all sides. Every- Distributed by King Features Letters to the Editorcize him for being such a crass act, Synd.but many of Donald Trump’s most Womack Publishing welcomes letters to thebizarre pronouncements turn out be editor on matters of public concern. Letterstrue. For example, he was ridiculed must be signed with full name and include thefor having the chutzpah (look it up, writer’s address and telephone number (tele-Trump supporters) to insist that he phone numbers are used for verification only).was a “unifier.” That, it turns out, is Letters may be edited for length, clarity, ac-certainly the case. curacy and grammar. Womack Publishing will You know where I’m going with accept no more than two letters per month, perthis. Contempt for Trump is as bi- person or organization. Womack Publishingpartisan as anything gets these days. reserves the right to edit or reject any letter atHillary Clinton, or her sound-bite the discretion of the publisher.scriptwriters, chastised him for hisheated rhetoric as his rallies have Mail letters to:turned increasingly violent: “If you Editorplay with matches, you’re going tostart a fire you can’t control. That’s Dinwiddie Monitornot leadership. That’s political ar- P.O. Box 786son.” Bernie Sanders, who Trumprefers to as a “communist” who has Emporia, VA 23847sent provocateurs to his raucous E-mail: [email protected], responds by calling him a“pathological liar.” Trump embraces the huckster Womack Our Mission: to be a written and visual record Publishing of what makes our community special. is pleased towelcome The Co. Inc. DinwiddieMonitor to the Published weekly by ���������� ���������������� Womack Publishing Company, Inc. REGIONAL EDITOR EDITOR/ DIGITAL MEDIA DIRECTOR Family! 111 Baker Street, Emporia, Virginia 23847 Phone: 434-634-4153 Fax: 434-634-0783 ������������������������������� ������������������������������� Email: [email protected] LETTERS TO THE EDITOR (USPS 0746-794) The Dinwiddie Monitor welcomes letters to the editor on matters of public concern. Letters must be signed with full name and include the writer’s address and telephone number. (Telephone numbers are used for veri- fication only.) Letters may be edited for length, clarity, accuracy and grammar. Letters should be mailed to the Dinwiddie Monitor, P.O. Box 786, Emporia, VA 23847 or faxed to (434) 634-0783. Subscription Rates������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ �������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

Dinwiddie Monitor, Wednesday, March 23, 2016 5 REWIND from page 4 Tom, is an enig- evoke the period in ma, an actor who which the movie delivers brilliantly is set, Prohibition, in a far more de- and the violence manding role than is always counter- it appears to be, balanced by artist- layering Tom with ry. A scene where all sorts of con- characters are flict, showing his shooting at each intelligence in other while the just sitting still soundtrack plays and thinking, tak- “Danny Boy” is a ing information particularly pow- given to him by erful bit of im- the others around agery and should him and using it, be shown in film and employing his schools through- monster brain to out the world. get out of several situations where it In many ways, in appears for a cer- fact in every way tainty he’s about you can count, to be killed. “Miller’s Cross- ing” is a major In fact, in no oth- achievement of er movie I’ve seen the art of cinema. before or since The only frustrat- have I found my- ing thing about self asking, “how’s it is the fact that he going to get out now, more than of this?” 25 years later, the Coen brothers still Every shot in the haven’t matched movie contributes it, and very few something to the people have even story and to the bothered to notice. overall “feel” of the film. Every Miller’s Crossing: word of dialogue ***** seems designed to Michael Campbell / The Dinwidie Monitor PhotoThe ALDI store days before its grand opening in Colonial Heights in 2015. At the time, none of ALDI’s storesaccepted credit cards but, according to the company, they have begun accepting those as payment.ALDI starts taking credit cards By Michael Campbell ter every time they come to full name is “Albrecht Dis- ���������������������������� News Editor see us; and offering them the count,” opened several other convenience of using their stores in the Richmond and ���� ����������� ��������������� ���� ����������� ��� ����������VIRGINIA - One of the credit cards will help us do Waynesboro area. In 2015, ���������� ���� ����� �������� ��� ��������� ������ ���������newest grocery store chains just that.” the company also has moved ����������������������������������������������������������to join the Tri-Cities and into former Bottom Dollar ������� ������� ���� ������� ������� ���� ���� ��������������Metro-Richmond markets Previously, the company food stores across Pennsyl- ������� ��������� ������� ������� ���� ���� ������ ����� ������is slated to implement big said that the high cost of vania after that company ����� ���� ������ ����� ���� ���� ������ ������������ ����� �����changes as ALDI announc- credit card processing fees shuddered many of their ���� ����������� ���� ��������� ����� ������������ ������� ����es its plans to accept credit were behind their decision to stores, re-opening 30 of ����������������������������������������������������������������cards at its stores nation- not accept credit cards in the those 66 storefronts as ALDI ������������������������������������������������������������wide. weeks leading up to ALDI’s stores. ���� ���� ����������� ����������� �� ����������� ��������������� initial store opening in Colo- ����������������������������������� In a statement, the gro- nial Heights at the intersec- ALDI has been seen as acer announced that Visa, tion of Temple Avenue and competitor to both large- ���� ����� ���� ����� ������� ��� ��� ���������� ������ ��� �����MasterCard, Discover, and Charles Dimmock Parkway. scale grocery stores, such ������������������������������������������������������������American Express, will be as Walmart, Target, and ����������������������������������������������������������������accepted at its nearly 1,500 Along with credit cards, Martin’s Food Stores and, ���� ��������� ������ ���� ��������� ���������� ������ ���� �����stores across 32 states in an ALDI stores accept cash, possibly in a larger way, to ������������������������effort to making shopping most debit cards and Elec- discount “dollar stores,” like“as simple and enjoyable as tronic Benefits Transfer Dollar General and Dollar ��������� ������ ��������� ����� ������� ��� ����� ��� ����� ���possible for its more than (EBT) link cards, commonly Tree, as those retailers ven- ��������� ���������� ���� ���������� ��������� ��� ��������� ���������30 million customers each used in SNAP benefits dis- ture into selling groceries ������� ��� �������� ��� ������ ���� ��������������� ���� �����month.” tribution. at low costs as part of their ����������� ��� �������� ��������� ���� �������� ��������� ��� ��������� business model. �������������� �� ����� ��� ���� ����� ��� ���������� ��� ������ “As ALDI continues to According to their web- ������������������������evolve by expanding its site, their stores continue Later this month, ALDIproduct lines and moving to not accept checks or the will launch its first stores in �������������into new markets, the way Women, Infants, and Chil- Southern California, withwe do business will continue dren program, or WIC. nearly 2,000 stores antici- ���������������������������������������������������to evolve as well,” said Jason pated to be open across the �����������������������������������������������������Hart, CEO, ALDI. “We care Since ALDI’s April 23 country by the end of 2018. ���������� ����������� ��� �������� �� ����������about being able to make opening near the Southpark ����� ������ ����� �������� �������������� ���� �������our customers’ shopping ex- Mall complex and just a According to their web- ����� ��� ��������� ������ ������������ ��������� ���periences simpler and bet- short drive from the Prince site, ALDI stores are accept- ������������������������������������������������� George County line, the Ger- ing credit cards as of now. ��������� man-based grocer, whose ��������������������������������������������������FORBES ���������� ������������ �������� ����������� ���������� ����� ����������� �������� ���� �������from page 4 �����������������������������decisive victory for our couple decades we’ve asking the same questions ing, the cutting-edge ca- �������������������������nation, but it proved the witnessed a sea change. our forefathers consid- pabilities, and support ������������������value of a robust Navy. We have seen that we live ered. Is it worth it to have they need to defeat anyIt answered those tough in a world where threats a strong Navy? Is it valu- adversaries and protect ����������������������������������������������������������questions our nation was are becoming more glob- able? Can we afford it? American citizens and in-considering. Was a Navy al. We have seen that terests. Not just because ��� ���������� �������� ��������� ��� ���� ���������� ���������worth it? Yes, our lead- there are those who want From my vantage point a weak national defenseers decided. We needed a to hurt America and rob as Chairman of the House is more often an invita- ���������������������������������������������������������maritime force. And not us of our freedoms, and Armed Services Seapow- tion to confrontation thanjust any maritime force that just like during the er and Projection Forces an overture of peace. But �������� ��������������� ���������� ������ �������� ������– we needed the best in War of 1812, their reach Subcommittee, the an- also because, for us herethe world. The investment can cross our shores. swer is still an unequivo- in Virginia, supporting ����������������������������������������������������������and commitment to build Abroad, we’ve seen a rise cal yes. We cannot afford our military is more thana strong Navy was neces- in naval competition that to under-resource our a priority – it’s personal. �������������������������������������������������������������sary to protect and defend we haven’t seen since the Navy. If we do, we stand These are our brothers,the nation we had worked Cold War: nations – like to invite conflict back to daughters, neighbors, ����� ���� ������ ��� ������� ���� ������ ������ ������� � ��������so hard to create. China and Russia – are our water’s edge. We will and friends. We want to building up their naval undermine our national ensure they are the best �������� ��������������� ��� ���������� ����� ������� ����� Today, to say that our strength. security. We will imperil trained, best prepared,Navy has served us well our freedoms. and best equipped so that ����������������������������������������������������������is an understatement. At home, national de- they can accomplish theirTime and again, our fense cuts have put us This debate is crucial missions and return safely ��������������������������������������������������Navy has protected and in a position that under- for our region. Virginia home to us.defended our nation. It’s mines our ability to meet is known for its role in ��kept enemies at bay. Be- national security require- national defense. Our The danger of eroding ����������������������������������������������������cause our leaders decided ments. Over the last 30 harbors, airfields, and our naval and militaryto “provide and maintain” years the size of our fleet neighborhoods are home strength stretches beyond �� �������� ��������a robust Navy, we defend has shrunk by half, and to the world’s most pow- the oceans and the battle- �ourselves today – not at shortfalls in sailors, ships, erful Navy, but all of our fields. The ripple effectsthe water’s edge of our munitions, and other key military services have a extend past our men and ������������ ���� ���nation – but at the water’s factors are reducing our presence here. The co- women in uniform, fed- ���edge of other nations. The naval strength. operation among the ser- eral workers or defense ������������� ���� ���freedoms and comforts vices, the industries, and civilians. They don’t just ���we enjoy exist largely American economic the communities here in touch the Commonwealth �������������� ���� ����because our nation, in prosperity and national Virginia strengthens our of Virginia. The losses ���commitment to our Con- security have always been military and our national impact every aspect of ���������������� ���� ����stitution, has placed great tied to the sea in some defense. the American way of life ����priority on a dedication to form. The War of 1812 – from our economy, to ������������������ ����� ����a well-guarded peace. made that painfully clear. My priority is to ensure our safety, to our families, ��� And yet, over 200 years that the men and women to our freedoms. ��������������������������������������� ���� However, in the past later, we find ourselves who wear this country’s uniform have the train- ������������������ ����� ����������������������������� ����� ����������������������������� ����� ���������� ���� ���� ������� ���� ����������� ������ ���������� ��� ����������� ����� ���������� ����� �������� ���������� ��������� ����� ����� ���� ������� ����� ��� ���������� ���� ��� ������������������������������������������������������ ��������������������

6 Dinwiddie Monitor, Wednesday, March 23, 2016Dinwiddie Co. Sheriff’s Arrest ReportAll those who are named are presumed Michael Ryan Thomas, 44 years old of North Dinwiddie, Virginia was arrested Ellen R. Green, 46 years old of the 6800innocent until proven guilty in a court of the 21000 block of Butterwood Road, on March 12, 2016 for failing to appear in block of Boydton Plank Road, North Din-law. Every effort is made to ensure the North Dinwiddie, Virginia was arrested court. widdie, Virginia was arrested on Marchaccuracy of information in this report. on March 11, 2016 for driving under the 16, 2016 for probation violation. influence of alcohol, refuse to submit to a Denise R. Winters, 43 years old of theFor the latest case status, contact the breath test, reckless driving, and driving 10000 block of Hull Street, Midlothian, Matthew Ryan Nunnally, 24 years oldDinwiddie County Sheriff’s Office. on a revoked operator’s license. Virginia was arrested on March 13, 2016 of the 4000 block of Jack Flash Lane, for probation violation. Sutherland, Virginia was arrested onDarrin Edward Munford, 29 years old of Courtney Nicole King, 25 years old of the March 16, 2106 for possession of Sched-the 4300 block of Sunset Drive, Peters- 25000 block of Surry Avenue, North Din- Wilkie Bernard Cox, 26 years old of the ule I or II drug, misdemeanor larceny andburg, Virginia was arrested on March 9, widdie, Virginia was arrested on March 22000 block of Swan Circle, North Din- break and entering.2016 for possession of marijuana. 11, 2016 for failing to appear in court. widdie, Virginia was arrested on March 13, 2016 for malicious wounding and Timothy Les Phillipi, 54 years old of theClara Payne, 30 years old of the 12000 Jack Allen Harvey, 64 years old of the 100 assault by mob. 14000 block of Gatewood Road, Dewitt,block of Ruth Hill Road, Church Road, block of South Market Street, Petersburg, Virginia was arrested on March 16, 2016Virginia was arrested on March 10, 2016 Virginia was arrested on March 10, 2016 Trenton Lamar Wiggins, 27 years old of for driving under the influence of alcohol.for contempt of court. for probation violation. the 25000 block of Greensville Avenue, North Dinwiddie, Virginia was arrested on Quincy Curtis-McKensie, 23 years old ofEmbery Cornelious , Sr., 19 years old of George Franklin Hall, 54 years old of the March 13, 2016 for malicious wounding. the 700 block of Juniper Road, Petersburgthe 7900 block of Coleman’s Lake Road, 100 block of Cralle Street, Kenbridge, Virginia was arrested on March 17, 2016Church Road, Virginia was arrested on Virginia was arrested on March 11, 2016 Stormm Harrison-Lee, 25 years old of for domestic assault and destruction ofMarch 10, 2016 for failing to appear in for destruction of property. the 4100 block of Baxter Road, Prince property.court. George, Virginia was arrested on March Amanda Wyche, 43 years old of the 25000 14, 2106 for failing to appear in court. Ruth Talley Whirley, 66 years old ofKristin Michelle Gillette, 27 years old of block of Sterling Road, North Dinwiddie, the 9400 block of Boydton Plank Road,the 3700 block of Madison Street, Prince Virginia was arrested on March 11, 2016 Ashley Autry Whirley, 33 years old of North Dinwiddie, Virginia was arrested onGeorge, Virginia was arrested on March for assault and battery. the 9400 block of Boydton Plank Road, March 17, 2016 for domestic assault and11, 2016 for embezzlement, grand larceny, North Dinwiddie, Virginia was arrested on battery.and contempt of court. Richard N. Mohn, III, 26 years old of March 16, 2016 for domestic assault. the 6600 block of Boydton Plank Road, Tom Saunders / VDOT Photo ‘Mercy Street’ / PBS PhotoAs Easter travel season is slated to get underway this weekend, the Virginia Department of Transportation The cast and crew of popular PBS series ‘Mercyis urging drivers to plan ahead for possible delays as some lane closures may still exist on area interstates. Street will be returning to Virginia for a second season of filming.VDOT: Plan Ahead for Easter Travel PBS Series ‘Mercy Street’ to return to Virginia for filming Contributed to 95 and I-495 express WORK ZONES AND Portsmouth Contributed to Commonwealth of Virgin-The Dinwiddie Monitor lanes. Drivers need ei- OTHER TRAFFIC I-264 – Right lanes The Dinwiddie Monitor ia for so warmly embracingRICHMOND, Va. – On- ther an E-ZPass Flex ALERTS closed both directions Mercy Street. The periodline tools from the Vir- (for HOV-3 to ride toll- While VDOT will lift between Portsmouth VIRGINIA - Gover- locations and Virginia’sginia Department of free) or an E-ZPass to most lane closures for Boulevard and Effing- nor Terry McAuliffe an- exceptional crew and ac-Transportation (VDOT) use the express lanes at holiday travel, motor- ham Street for construc- nounced today that the tors are all integral to theoffer current traffic and all times. ists may encounter per- tion of the new Martin PBS Civil War drama se- series’ success, and we areroad conditions, making manent work zones or Luther King (MLK) Ex- ries Mercy Street will be absolutely thrilled to betravel easier throughout HAMPTON ROADS travel delays in the fol- tension. Two lanes open returning to Virginia for a returning to film a secondthe Easter holiday pe- HOV SCHEDULE, lowing locations: to traffic. second season of filming. season,” said Beth Hoppe,riod and every day. TUNNELS AND OTH- Buckingham County Richmond Season one filmed on lo- Chief Programming Ex- ER INFORMATION: Route 20 – Replacing U.S. 360 – Replacing cation in Central Virginia ecutive and General Man- You can find real- bridge over Slate Creek. bridge deck. Traffic lim- and has been both a critical ager, General Audiencetime information about I-64/I-264/I-564 HOV Speed limit in work zone ited to two lanes on Me- and popular success since Programming, PBS.traffic, incidents and diamond lanes – HOV reduced to 45 mph. chanicsville Turnpike premiering in January.congestion on Virginia restrictions will be lifted Charles City County over I-64, with one trav- “Virginia’s history, natu-roads at 511Virginia. on all HOV diamond Route 5 – Replacing el lane each direction. The series is inspired by ral beauty and architecturalorg. Download the free lanes on Friday, March bridge over Herring Ramp from eastbound real events that took place assets provide filmmakersmobile VDOT 511 app, 25. Creek. Temporary sig- U.S. 360 to westbound at Mansion House, an Al- and television series writ-or call 511. Coverage on I-64 reversible lanes − nal directing traffic. I-64 remains closed. exandria hotel owned by a ers with compelling sto-the system is expanding, Lanes will operate on the Dinwiddie County Follow posted detour. Southern family that was ries to tell,” said Mauriceand now includes many regular schedule with no Route 226 – Replacing Rockbridge County turned into a Union hos- Jones, Virginia SecretaryU.S. routes in addition HOV restrictions on Fri- bridge 0.3 miles east of I-64 – Rehabilitating pital during the Civil War. of Commerce and interstate coverage day, March 25. U.S. 460. Temporary Maury River bridge. The series follows two “Productions like Mercyto better help motorists I-64 Hampton Roads signal directing traffic. Eastbound traffic will volunteer nurses on oppo- Street create jobs for Vir-plan travel. To report Bridge-Tunnel (HRBT) Frederick County detour across median site sides of the conflict: ginians and bring invest-a road problem or get – Motorists traveling to I-81 – Reconstructing to westbound lanes be- Mary Phinney, a staunch ment into our communi-answers to your trans- Virginia Beach are en- interchange at exit 310. tween mile markers New England abolition- ties. We thank PBS for itsportation questions, call couraged to use the I- Speed limit through 53.3 and 55.3. Traffic ist, and Emma Green, a continued commitment toVDOT’s Customer Ser- 664 Monitor-Merrimac work zone reduced to 60 both directions will use willful young Confederate the Commonwealth.”vice Center at 800-FOR- Memorial Bridge-Tun- mph. westbound bridge dur- belle. The series exploresROAD (800-367-7623) nel (MMMBT) as an Greensville County ing work on eastbound rarely-examined aspects Virginia Film Officearound the clock. alternative to the HRBT. U.S. 301 – Replac- bridge. of the Civil War, including Director Andy Edmunds To Virginia Beach, ing southbound bridge Waynesboro the way in which the need noted, “Our industry is VDOT will suspend take I-664 south to the over rail tracks north Route 340 – Replacing for healing the wounded thrilled to welcome Mercymost highway work MMMBT. Then take the of Emporia. Traffic de- bridge over South River. and sick helped to advance Street back for anotherzones during the Easter Portsmouth/Norfolk exit toured to I-95. Road closed between modern medicine, and the season. It is a testamentholiday to limit conges- (exit 15A) to I-264 east Hampton Constitution Park and impact the challenges of to the commitment for au-tion and provide as many to Virginia Beach. I-664 at I-64 – Rehabili- East Avenue. Through war had on women’s roles thenticity from the produc-travel lanes as possible. Travel to Outer Banks tating bulkhead at bridge traffic will use Broad in society. ers, and the superb support – Motorists going to the on northbound I-664 fly- Street (Route 250) as from our crew, talent and VDOT will lift lane North Carolina Outer over ramp to westbound detour. “I am so pleased that government partners.”closures on interstates Banks should use I-664 I-64. Prepare for traffic Mercy Street has alreadyand other major roads in and the MMMBT to shift to the right lane af- Westmoreland County had such tremendous suc- Season two of MercyVirginia during the fol- save time. From I-664 ter Powhatan Parkway Route 205 – Replacing cess and will be returning Street will begin film-lowing dates and times: south, take I-64 west to (Exit 2). bridge on James Mon- to Virginia to film season ing in 2016 in the Central exit 292, Chesapeake Isle of Wight County roe Highway over Mat- two,” said Governor Terry Virginia area. The project Noon, Friday March Expressway/I-464/ U.S. 58 – Replacing tox Creek. Temporary McAuliffe. “This out- is eligible to receive Vir-25 to noon, Tuesday, Route 17. Keep left to bridge over rail tracks signals directing single standing show is a great il- ginia incentives. The ex-March 29 continue to the Chesa- and Route 632. Follow traffic lane on bridge. lustration of the enormous act amount is based on theNORTHERN VIRGIN- peake Expressway detour. Wythe County opportunities Virginia of- number of Virginia work-IA HIGH OCCUPAN- (Route 168), and take I-77/I-81 overlap – High fers to film and television ers hired, Virginia goodsCY VEHICLE (HOV) Nags Head/Great Bridge traffic volumes could producers and to tourists and services purchased,SCHEDULE AND (exit 291B) to the Outer slow or stop vehicles who enjoy history and and deliverables, includingOTHER INFORMA- Banks. through this eight-mile natural beauty. I hope all Virginia tourism promo-TION: Highway Advisory Ra- stretch. Be alert for de- Virginians will continue tions. Season one included dio (HAR) – Tune to lays on northbound I-77 to support Mercy Street a promotional recognition Normal HOV restric- 1680 AM to stay in- at the I-81 merge. and take advantage of our for Virginia tourism thattions and schedule are formed on Hampton many exceptional Civil aired during each broad-in effect throughout the Roads traffic, travel con- War sites and attractions, cast of the series.Easter holiday period. ditions and construction particularly those in Alex-Find information on information. andria, where the original The economic impact ofNorthern Virginia HOV story of Mercy Street took Virginia’s film industry inschedules and Interstate place, and in Central Vir- 2014 was $413.6 million, ginia where the PBS series providing $59.4 million in is filmed.” state and local tax revenue for the Commonwealth, “We are grateful to the as well as 3,438 full-time jobs.

Dinwiddie Monitor, Wednesday, March 23, 2016 7Above: Kevin Harvick leads the field at the Auto Club 400 at Fontana. Below: Jimmie Johnson celebrates his 77th career Sprint Cup Series win. NASCARmedia.comJohnson wins battle for California overfellow West Coaster Kevin Harvick at finish Reid Spencer cause the sixth and final caution two-mile track. had dominated the event until the needed to, just didn’t have the NASCAR Wire Service of the afternoon. With the race “I got a great run off of Turn 2, final restart. front tires turning and the back FONTANA, Calif. – Jimmie destined for overtime, the lead- wouldn’t grip.Johnson won the battle between lap cars came to pit road for new and I thought ‘Man I’ve got a shot “That sucks,” said Harvick,hometown heroes on Sunday, out- tires, with Denny Hamlin leading at this thing,’” Johnson said of the who has finished second 20 times “Still, a good day for us. ...dueling Kevin Harvick in over- Harvick and Johnson back onto opening lap of the final restart. in 77 events since joining Stew- We’ll keep at it.”time at Auto Club Speedway. the track. “Which I didn’t expect to have. art-Haas Racing in 2014, his “Awesome teamwork, boys!” Harvick has been so fast. I cleared championship season. “Just way Hamlin ran third, overcomingJohnson shouted on his radio af- Hamlin chose the outside lane him and kind of got away. too tight right there. Couldn’t put radio problems that left him miredter taking the 77th checkered flag for a restart on Lap 204, leaving the throttle down. Wouldn’t turn. in traffic early in the race. Joeyof his NASCAR Sprint Cup Se- Johnson behind Harvick in the “We saved our best for last, for Logano ran fourth, followed byries career, breaking a tie with the inside lane. Johnson pushed Har- sure. I told everybody Superman Harvick described the late-race Ricky Stenhouse Jr., who notchedlate Dale Earnhardt for seventh on vick clear of Hamlin into Turn kicked Batman’s butt and it hap- caution as a “worst-case scenar- his first top five since last year’sthe all-time victory list. “There’s 1 and dived to the inside of the pened (teammate Dale Earnhardt io.” spring race at Bristol.nothing like winning at home.” race’s dominant driver, who had Jr. was driving the Batman car The six-time series champion led 142 laps to that point. and finished 11th).” “We weren’t very good on re- Rookie Chase Elliott, Carl Ed-from El Cajon got the chance he starts for four or five laps, unless wards, AJ Allmendinger, Bradneeded when Kyle Busch blew Johnson stayed in the gas off Driving a No. 48 Hendrick we were all by ourselves,” said Keselowski and Jamie McMurraya tire and hit the Turn 3 wall on Turn 2, ultimately clearing Har- Motorsports Chevrolet adorned Harvick, who nevertheless re- completed the top 10. PolesitterLap 198 of a scheduled 200 to vick and pulling away to win by with a “Superman” logo to plug tained the series lead by 11 points Austin Dillon finished 24th, after .772 seconds. The victory was the movie “Batman v. Superman: over Johnson. “The No. 48 was a loose wheel forced him to return Johnson’s second of the 2016 sea- Dawn of Justice,” Johnson led 25 able to hang with us, and we just to pit road after stops under cau- son and his sixth in 22 starts at the laps, but his rival from Bakersfield weren’t able to drive it in like I tion on Lap 110.Top finishers, race statisticsfor NASCAR Sprint Cup SeriesAuto Club 400 held Sunday NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Race 14. (4) Ryan Newman, Chevrolet, 205. ������ , LLC- Auto Club 400 205. 31. (30) Michael McDowell, Chev- (804) 861-2020 3500 South Crater Rd. Petersburg (Inside Walmart) Auto Club Speedway 15. (13) Paul Menard, Chevrolet, rolet, 205. Fontana, California 205. 32. (17) Martin Truex Jr., Toyota, ������������������������������������������ Sunday, March 20, 2016 Dr. Robert Foster 16. (34) Landon Cassill, Ford, 205. 204. 1. (19) Jimmie Johnson, Chevrolet, 17. (23) Casey Mears, Chevrolet, 33. (16) Chris Buescher #, Ford, Optometrist205. 205. 18. (29) Clint Bowyer, Chevrolet, 204. NOW OPEN & Accepting New Patients 2. (2) Kevin Harvick, Chevrolet, 205. 34. (39) Jeffrey Earnhardt #, Ford,205. 19. (20) Matt Kenseth, Toyota, Hours: 205. 200. 3. (3) Denny Hamlin, Toyota, 205. 20. (7) Trevor Bayne, Ford, 205. 35. (14) * Ryan Blaney #, Ford, Ac- Monday-Friday: 9 AM - 5 PM 4. (9) Joey Logano, Ford, 205. 21. (25) Aric Almirola, Ford, 205. Thursday: 9 AM - 3 PM 5. (18) Ricky Stenhouse Jr., Ford, 22. (35) David Ragan, Toyota, 205. cident, 195.205. 23. (28) Regan Smith, Chevrolet, 36. (37) * Josh Wise, Chevrolet, Contact Lens Exams • Glaucoma Evaluation 6. (8) Chase Elliott #, Chevrolet, 205. Dry Eye Exams • Diabetes Exams205. 24. (1) Austin Dillon, Chevrolet, 195. 7. (5) Carl Edwards, Toyota, 205. 205. 37. (22) Greg Biffle, Ford, Engine, 8. (11) AJ Allmendinger, Chevro- 25. (6) Kyle Busch, Toyota, 205.let, 205. 26. (36) * Cole Whitt, Chevrolet, 146. We accept Medicaid, Medicare, Tricare and most Insurances 9. (15) Brad Keselowski, Ford, 205. 38. (31) Danica Patrick, Chevrolet,205. 27. (33) Matt DiBenedetto, Toyota, 10. (10) Jamie McMurray, Chevro- 205. Accident, 120.let, 205. 28. (12) Kasey Kahne, Chevrolet, 39. (32) Kyle Larson, Chevrolet, 11. (27) Dale Earnhardt Jr., Chev- 205.rolet, 205. 29. (38) Michael Annett, Chevrolet, Accident, 46. 12. (21) Brian Scott #, Ford, 205. 205. 13. (24) Brian Vickers, Chevrolet, 30. (26) Kurt Busch, Chevrolet, Average Speed of Race Winner:205. 137.213 mph. Time of Race: 2 Hrs, 59 Mins, 17 Secs. Margin of Victory: 0.772 Seconds. Caution Flags: 6 for 33 laps. Lead Changes: 26 among 8 driv- ers.

8 Dinwiddie Monitor, Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Dinwiddie Monitor, Wednesday, March 23, 2016 9

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