WHY KINGDOM PANELS If it's Plywood, it doesn't get better than this.Trusted brand with a Ready availability of Kingdom Baltic Birch Plywood107 year legacy matching decors across all variantsConsistent supply ofquality material assured European technology to ensure consistent qualityWide range for constructionand interior applications Custom-made solutions availableReady stock for promptdeliveries Presence in over 26 countries to serveTransparent your every needgrading system Own manufacturing facilitiesSkilled personnel to procure for Plywood and Blockboardswood from sustainably and global tie-ups formanaged plantations, monitor manufacture of building andproduction process and interior productsdispatch finished products KINGDOM RESOURCES DMCC 207 | Palladium Tower | Jumeirah Lake Towers | Dubai | UAE L: +971 4453 1640 | F: +971 4454 8391 | E: [email protected] www.kingdompanels.com| www.kingdomrg.comThis brochure has been printed on Recycled material. Yet another Nature-First initiative by Kingdom Resources.
SOURCED FROM THE BALTIC. MANUFACTURED AS PER EUROPE.The Kingdom Group Kingdom Resources Baltic Birch Plywood Plant, Suqian City, Jiangsu Province, ChinaBacked by 107 years of priceless experience in the wood products and services business,the success story of the Kingdom Group is quite a remarkable one. Today, the Kingdom Our plants for plywood &Group is present in 26 countries with 20 diverse product portfolios and most importantly other panel products are located at:caters to over 10,000 happy customers worldwide. Weifang, Shandong, China Kolar District, Karnataka, India The Kingdom Group at a Glance Kasaragod, Kerala, India • 107 years of experience • Manufacturing capacity of more than 250,000m3 per annum in China • Production capacity of 120,000m3 per annum in India • 20 diverse product portfolios • Presence in 26 countriesKingdom PanelsKingdom Panels will surely spoil you for choice. FromPlywood, Blockboard, MDF, HDF and OSB to FingerJoint Panels and Decorative Surfaces; each panel isspecially processed to give you the best quality.
Higher Wear and tear High Impact resistance water-resistance resistance surface hardness Minimal voids 100% High strength Withstands extreme calibrated core to weight ratio temperatures Ready made pre- Production Clear surface with Stability of forms veneered attractive user friendly no butterfly patches smooth surface and edgeKingdom Baltic Birch Plywood - Extremelydurable for extremely demanding applicationsThe Kingdom Baltic Birch Plywood is amulti-layered veneer panel and is made up of100% calibrated Baltic Birch core and faced withNatural Birch veneer. The veneer is cross-bondedwith thermosetting and superior weather-proofand boil-proof adhesives. The Kingdom BalticBirch plywood exemplifies excellent strength andstiffness, and is perfect in applications that entailhigh impact and rigidity. Our Baltic Birchplywood is compliant with various formaldehydeemission classes and is a good choice fordemanding usage.
FIND A KINGDOM BALTIC BIRCH PLYWOOD OF YOUR CHOICEKingdom Interior Baltic Birch PlywoodThe Kingdom Interior Baltic Birch Plywoodcomes in various sizes and thicknesses and isperfect for indoor use. It is simple to handleand ideal to use in detail and trim work. Thisplywood is extensively used to make toysand kid’s furniture.Technical Specifications Kingdom Platinum STP Kingdom Film Faced Baltic Birch PlywoodBrand 100% Birch Kingdom Film Faced Baltic Birch Plywood is essentially an exterior Birch 1220x2440, 1250x2500 Plywood of the highest quality that is coated with a special film. ACore Vertical, Horizontal water-resistant acrylic paint forms a protective layer for its edges and gives itSize (mm) 6, 8, 9, 12, 15, 16, 18, 21 higher resistance to abrasion. The film with mesh surface gives this BirchGrain Pattern 24, 30, 35 Plywood superior protection against slippage. This plywood comes in a varietyThickness (mm) AAA of thicknesses and sizes and has strong resistance to most chemicals. It is B, BB & C extensively used in the auto industry during the production of vehicles and inGrade Sanded 2 side (S2) the construction industry for concrete formwork.Face Veneer Type E1, E2, CustomSurface Quality 10 Hr. /12 Hr. BWREmission Class 670-720 kg/m3Waterproofness 8-10%Density MelamineMoisture ContentGlue Type Kingdom Exterior Birch Plywood Technical Specifications Kingdom Platinum FFP 100% Birch The Kingdom Exterior Birch Plywood Brand 1220x2440, 1250x2500 comes in numerous thicknesses and sizes. It Core 9, 12, 15, 18 retains its core characteristics even in Size (mm) AAA extremely humid conditions and is Thickness (mm) Smooth F/F extensively used in both exterior and Grade E1, E2, Custom interior work. Surface Quality 36 hours/72 Hours WBP Emission Class 670-720 kg/m3 Technical Specifications Kingdom Platinum STP Waterproofness 8-10% De utsche Qualit Density Waterproof Acrylic Paint ät Brand 100% Birch Moisture Content Phenol 1220x2440, 1250x2500 Edge Sealing 25-30 times under standard Core Vertical, Horizontal Glue Type working conditions Size (mm) 6, 8, 9, 12, 15, 16, 18, 21 Repeatability Brown Grain Pattern 24, 30, 35 Thickness (mm) AAA Colour of Film B, BB & CC Grade Sanded 2 side (S2) Note: Face Veneer Type E1, E2, Custom For queries on our panel products, write to us at [email protected] Surface Quality 36 Hr. /72 Hr. WBP For more info and specifications of any of our panel products, visit www.kingdompanels.com Emission Class 670-720 kg/m3 Waterproofness 8-10% The results indicated in the table above refer to average values obtained in laboratory tests. However, there could be small variations Density Phenol in the tests reproduced in other laboratories and under other usage conditions. Moisture Content Glue Type “Kingdom Quality Promise” - We will continuously try to improve the specifications mentioned here as part of our DNA of Continuous Improvement and of delivering Value to our customers each and every time.
GENERAL GRADING RULES FOR KINGDOM CC type:BALTIC BIRCH PLYWOOD FACE VENEER TYPES III quality type Face permits limited patches and sound knots except for open defectsThe face veneer types are generally classified as per their Close split and open split maximum size of 300 x2mm permittedquality and appearance. The better looking side is called Face Glue penetration cannot be more than 5% of surface of panelwhile the inferior looking side is called Back. Overlapping with maximum length 200mm is permitted Repairing with double plugs permitted B type: Designed for laminating I quality type Clear face C type: Defect-free IV quality type Light uniform shade Face has patches Veneer overlapping and open split not permitted Small veneers split and open knots are permitted Repairing by plugs not permitted Small core voids and Veneer lap are permitted Surface panel is not sanded BB type: Glue penetration permitted II quality type Face permits an average of 3-6 small colour matched patches Please note: Few light mineral streaks & tight pin knots permitted • Types B, BB, CC are usually sanded • Type C is not sanded • The primary difference between B and BB Types is the plugs Open split with an upper limit size 200 x 2mm is permitted Glue penetration not more than 2% of surface panel permitted Veneer overlapping with max length 100mm is permitted Repairing with single plug permitted
THERE ARE MANY REASONSTO CHOOSE KINGDOM BIRCH PLYWOOD.FIND YOURS.Exceptional Screw Holding Looks greatUnlike other grade plywood, the The edges of the Kingdom Birchcore layer of Kingdom Platinum Plywood give it a huge edge overBirch Ply is made of uniformly other plywoods available in thethick hardwood birch veneers that market. They don’t just look greatform a void free core. This not only but also add real value whileenhances the screw’s grip but also designing the product. Kingdom maximises its holding capacity. Baltic Birch gives you the freedom to leave its edges exposed if it suits yourCleaner Joinery taste. The void-free core gives theEach layer of the Kingdom edges a distinct look and can save youPlatinum Birch Ply has uniform time and material cost of applyingthickness and is calibrated. Its full an edge tape and its glue. It is madecore birch veneers ensures clean of natural face veneer (sanded bothdadoes, rabbets, dovetails and side) and can be stained withmitres. Its core is void-free and the different colours and lacquered withjoinery benefits from the full glue various PU colours.coverage. This optimum joineryensures good looking and long Edge finishlasting clear joints. The uniformly constructed birch plywood has faces and edges that canMore strength, more stability be easily machined, lacquered orKingdom Platinum Birch Ply is waxed. The contrasting dark gluestronger and more stable than other lines against the lighter birch veneersplywood. Every plywood runs the looks very trendy and is often used inrisk of warping & bowing and contemporary designs especially inKingdom Baltic Birch is no furniture, shelving and interiors.exception. However the crossbonded layer of 1.4mm thick birchof full core veneer composed withthermosetting not only gives thesheet more balance but also ensuresflatter products. It also maintains ahigh strength to weight ratio whichmakes it a highly preferred optionfor jigs and fixtures that requireaccuracy for a longer duration.
APPLICATIONSConstruction Formwork Flooring/ Roofing Wooden homes and sports stadiumsTransport Trailers & Semi-trailers Vans Light Commercial VehiclesParquetPackagingLaser engraving, die cutting and mouldsKitchen cabinets, carcasses andupholstered furnitureBathroom furniture,various furniture componentsSound insulation andspeaker box manufacturingMusical instrumentsVehicle industryDoor, door frames and door surfacesSouvenirs and display boardsTraffic signs and noticesShip buildingWind Turbine BladesTrade and storage EquipmentWooden homesCold Storage cargo holdsContainer floorsElectric panel boardsTransformers
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