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Published by dontfarm, 2021-06-25 07:16:50

Description: Buy real Facebook accounts for your startup company -

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Facebook is one of the most popular social media networks in the world. It allows you to connect with friends and family, share photos, and keep up with what's happening. But as your page grows, it can take more time than ever before to manage your Facebook account or business page. That's when many people decide they need to buy real Facebook accounts to help them manage their pages more effectively!

Keywords: buy facebook accounts,buy old facebook account,buy facebook accs,facebook accounts for sale,buy aged facebook accounts


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INTRODUCTION This manual was created in order to help you, to begin working with our system and get the best results possible. Our team urges you to read it carefully before you start working with our accounts. Please pay extra attention to all the steps we provide for our system to work correctly. Facebook is improving and developing, the rules and algorithms are changing, but the basic principles of webmaster’s work on Facebook are unchanged, as are the mistakes made by both beginners and high-level specialists. It is impossible to warn the user against all errors in a single manual, so we ask you to use common sense and logic, especially in situations that can be potentially life-threatening to your account.

In addition to this, you can always turn to our support team in situations that may be difficult to resolve. We will try our best to help you out. Our accounts are under warrantee, in accordance with our replacement policy, but it does not always apply to cases that are listed, but are not limited to concepts such as lack of skills, knowledge, mistakes by beginners, reckless actions or aggressive traffic, abuse of accounts, etc. A real arbitrage specialist should always be aware of the latest trends and innovations of Facebook. This applies to creative formats, cloaking, knowledge of advertising campaign policies and topics allowed for advertising.

WHAT AFFECTS THE PRICE OF FACEBOOK ACCOUNTS Before diving into the topic, let’s go over the basics. If you don’t need to google what BM, farming, and cloaking are, scroll down to the block “What affects the price”. Why buy accounts? Facebook accounts are not only about personal photos, messages, comments, and likes.

It’s also a tool for promoting business, a person and a shout for some persons very-important-gosh-nobody-cares opinion. Or someone else’s opinion: depends on who is using the account. Profiles in social networks are widely used by promoters to meet the needs of their customers: to sell products, advertise, punish a competitor or make some noise. At the same time, Facebook keeps an eye on the users. For example, there are products that can’t be sold, words that can’t be used and it’s not in the interests of Facebook so that somebody gets promoted artificially.

To deal with all this you need Facebook accounts. Many Facebook accounts. Where can you get accounts? The main ways to get accounts: Create them Accs can be registered manually or by using special software that creates hundreds of accounts at a time.

Manually This requires a stock of e-mail addresses and phone numbers with which you can register on Facebook. According to the time required to create an account, fill it and make it active, such profiles are jewelry work. At the same time, there’s no guarantee that it will pay off due to how much effort it will take to create a “live” account. With the help of special software In this case, the output is an army of empty or poorly filled accounts.

Accounts created by programs are called autoregs, and if a profile is created recently — doesn’t matter, manually or by means of a program — it is called a freshreg. Empty autoregs with zero activities usually don’t last long: they are either banned by users or by Facebook itself. Depends on the activity that started from the account. For long-last accounts, it is important to create an internal activity that imitates the behavior of a real user. This means that the profile must be filled with personal information, you need to publish photos, posts and communicate with other users.

This is called “warming up” the account. The person who is “warming up” the acc is a farmer. By the way it may take weeks or even months to warm up an acc. Accordingly, the warmer is the account, the higher is its price. More details about that you’ll find eventually.

Rent an account A friend, colleague or nephew — whoever. But how many friends-colleagues- nephews have you got? Meaning the ones who will let you use their accounts for your purposes. Besides, how many of them will be ready to give you their personal page for advertising dating services, dietary supplements or publishing bad reviews? Surely it is possible to make an agreement with an unknown person, but: 1. this person needs to be found 2. there’s no guarantee that he won’t fool you. And again: where will you find so many people?

Get access to a live account Hacked accounts are called brutes. Hacking can happen by password sniffing. The user can also inadvertently transfer his data, for example, by clicking some link or using a program for boosting likes-subscribers. The quality of brutes is affected by the period of keeping — the period during which the owner did not use the account. The probability of a ban is higher if the account has been accessed recently. In this case, the account may be blocked for suspicious activity. If the account was hacked long ago, it may last longer. Brutes are an ambiguous thing: on the one hand, it’s a real person’s account, which means that there’s already some filling and story of activities.

On the other hand, brutes require additional pharming and can be blocked very quickly. There’s another way to get access to a user’s account. Thus, by using cookies you can get access to the profile without entering login and password. In addition to some vulnerability in the case when a user finds out that his account is not used only by him personally, another problem with such accounts is unscrupulous sellers. So, one account can be resold several times or, in principle, several affiliates use it simultaneously. Any of these factors can lead to quick ban. To reduce the risk in case the seller is planning to cheat on you, it is better to work through a guarantor. But the guarantor only checks the details of the deal and the process of its execution. He is not responsible for the things that happen after.

And this despite the fact that brutes and logs may be more expensive: again, because they originally belonged to a real user, which means they are ready to go. Buy old Facebook accs You contact some company or service that specializes in selling accounts. Depending on your goals, objectives, and budget, you are offered ready-made Facebook profiles. These can be empty autoregs, warmed profiles, brutes, or logs — whatever you like as long as you are ready to pay. Buying accounts is convenient: save time, nerves and get profiles at low (or high) cost. The costs and high prices easily pay off if there are some goodies from the seller. And at this point we move on to the block:

WHAT AFFECTS THE PRICE? Typical pricing criteria: Account age - A freshly made account that will immediately rush to send spam or try to place an ad will attract Facebook attention. The term of keeping - Even if the account is “aged”, its quality can be lower due to the period of keeping. Personal information - This includes criteria such as profile completion, photo availability, activities inside the profile, and communications with other users all those actions that are typical for an average user. Advertising - Facebook accounts have the ability to connect both advertisings for one user (ads manager) and a full-fledged advertising network profile BM (Business Manager Facebook). Geo - Depending on the tasks, the accounts are selected for geoposition. Extra’s from the seller - Some services can simply sell you a package of accounts at a fixed price, and then you deal with them yourself. Proxy - We provide you residential proxy so you neither have to spend money and time to find the perfect proxy, nor you get unexpected bans cause of worn-out IP; You can start working right away -  All our accs are over 2 years old and our farmers have already warmed them up perfectly.  You just have to customize the account for your goals.

Guarantees - It sounds like a lousy ad from TV, but yes, we will actually replace your account if you’ll have problems with it within two weeks. Moreover, in addition to the accounts, there is an instruction to increase the limit on daily expenses in BM. Or you can buy an ad account without restrictions. Margin and costs - You will not believe it, but when selling accounts, the seller still wants to make money. If we are talking about a lone farmer, prices will be lower, but there is no quality guarantee. If you buy accounts from a trusted company — for example, — with a name, technical support, and all sorts of technical bonuses, be ready to pay for it. But it’s worth it.


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