Body Systems Caeden Vincent Health Science, Pickett 4B
● Alopecia-rapid and sudden hair loss ● Malignant melanoma- a cancer that grows out Integumentary System of the melanin producing cells, characterized by irregular moles. ● Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema)- Long term ● derm/o; dermat/o- skin Epidermis-Contains melanocytes, keratinized, outer layer of skin, no blood ● inflammation of the skin. ● kerat/o- horn; hard supply Tinea Pedis (athlete’s foot)- a fungal infection ● xer/o-dry of the feet usually caused by excessive Dermis- Middle layer of skin that contains blood vessels, regulates body temp sweat. and sensory information. ● xanth/o-yellow Dermatologists- specialize in the diagnosis and cure of skin disorders. ● erythr/o- red Basement membrane-anchors the epidermis to the dermis ● pedicu/o- louse (plural); lice ● onych/o- fingernail or toenail Keratin-a fiber protein that is the main component of hair, nails and skin. ● myc/o-fungus melanin - a pigment that give skin its color. Plastic Surgeons- Deal with the cosmology part of skin, makes the patients ● pil/o-hair body part look different. ● lip/o-fat Hair follicle- A saclike epidermal ingrowth in which a hair develops. ● rhytid/o-wrinkle ● albin/o-white Sebum- a fatty or oily substance produced by the sebaceous glands. ● Protects internal organs and blood cells Subcutaneous layer- composed of connective and fatty tissue which from damage and pathogens connects the dermis to the muscles, insulates the body and protects underlying muscle. ● Excretes liquid wastes ● Helps maintain bodies natural Lunula- crescent shaped area at the base of a fingernail temperature through sweating and Hair shaft- the part of the hair that extends beyond the skin. insulation
Musculoskeletal system Fibromyalgia- pain in the muscle fibers Tendinitis- inflammation of the tendons my/o- muscle The muscular system helps control the body through movement Osteoporosis- condition of small holes in the bones; brittle bones myel/o-bone marrow both voluntary and involuntary. It also helps with insulation. osteoarthritis - bone joint inflammation oste/o- bone cost/o- ribs The Skeletal system helps protect important organs, provide rheumatologist - a specialist who diagnoses and treats conditions in crani/o- skull support for the body and create new blood cells in the bone the joints, especially arthritis. -pexy - fixation marrow. chondr/o-cartilage cancellous bone- the spongy, porous inside tissue of a bone. Orthopedic surgeon- a surgeon who specializes in problems with arthr/o- joints the spins and extremities. Deals with musculoskeletal problems -plegia - paralysis Cartilage- flexible, rubbery connective tissue; found in the immature related to arthritis, trauma and congenital disorders. kinesi/o- movement skeleton, at the epiphyseal growth plate, and on joint surfaces. Medullary cavity- central, hollowed-out area in the shaft of a long bone Ossification- process of bone formation Red bone marrow- found in cancellous bone; site of hematopoiesis smooth muscle- visceral muscle (found inside organs and is controlled by the brain) striated muscle- skeletal muscle (voluntary muscles that are controlled by the person) Tendon- connective tissue that binds muscles to bones Vertebra- individual segment of the spine composed of the vertebral body, vertebral arch, spinous process, transverse process, and lamina, enclosing the neural canal. Suture- immovable joint between bones, such as the skull
Nervous system Alzheimer’s disease- involves the death, damage or decay of neural cells in which memory is neur/o- nerve neurosurgeon - a surgeon who specializes on compromised. encephalo/o- brain performing surgery on the brain. Stroke- a stroke is when there is an issue with the myel/o-spinal cord Radiologist- specialize in the diagnosis of blood vessels that supply the brain, either the ambul/o-walking conditions such as acute strokes, aneurysms bursting of one or the stoppage of one can cause a -esthesia - sensation and vertebral fractures. stroke. mening/o- the meninges epilepsy - is a condition of high activity in the brain characterized by uncontrollable seizures. Especially psych/o- mind To receive interpret and respond to sensory with overstimulation concuss/o- concussion information and to control the voluntary and Meningitis- acute inflammation of the meninges or the membranes covering the brain. Most common symptoms are fever, headache and neck stiffness involuntary actions of the body. central nervous system (CNS)- made up of the Brain and spinal cord peripheral nervous system (PNS)- Nerves throughout body (such as cranial nerves and spinal nerves) Autonomic nervous system- regulates the actions of involuntary movements. Somatic nervous system- controls voluntary activities neurons - the cells of the nervous system that emit electrical impulses to send messages to each other. stimuli - changes either inside or outside the body the change nervous system functioning Neurotransmitters- chemicals released by neurons that activate other neurons synapse - space between two neurons where neurotransmitters cross. Spinal cord- nerves that run up and down along the back that transmit most messages between the body and the brain. axon - end of a nerve cell that carries and delivers messages away from the body of the cell.
Special Senses astigmatism - light refractive error that causes light to be focused irregularly. daltonism - inability to distinguish green from reds. irid/o- iris Collects sensory input data that is vertigo - unbalance; dizziness -cusis- hearing problem received by our brain and transcoded otitis externa- inflammation of outer ear (swimmer’s ear) -opia - vision defect ot/o- ear to be perceived. tympan/o- eardrum Optometrist- Doctor of optometry degree, Gives primary eye care, opthalm/o- eye -metry- to measure Diagnosing and Measuring vision. Cochlea- is the fluid filled snail-shaped structure of the inner ear. Optician- Practitioner designs, fits, dispenses lenses for vision correction Cerumen- another name for ear wax, secreted by glands that line the external auditory canal Eustachian Tubes- these tubes lead from the middle ear to the nasal cavity and the throat. They help to equalize pressure in the head. Snellan- a snellan chart is used to measure visual acuity. iris - colored portion of the eye that helps expand and contract the pupil retina - light sensitive nerve cell layer that turns light data into neural impulses. Pinna- outer cartilage portion of the ear. Tympanic membrane- the eardrum, separates inner ear from outer ear. Sclera- white portion of the eye that is tough and helps to maintain the shape pupil - opening in the center of the eye that controls how much light enters through it.
Cardiovascular system Coronary artery disease- narrowing of arteries cardiomyopathy - heart muscle disease cardi/o- heart The cardiovascular system pumps blood that Myocardial infarction- heart attack, angi/o- blood vessel carries oxygen and other nutrients around the occurs when blood stops flowing to the hem/o; hemat/o- blood body. heart. Brady- slow Tachy- fast aorta -largest artery in the body arrhythmia - irregular heartbeat thromb/o - blood clot -emia- condition of the blood arteriole - small artery leuk/o- white erthyr/o- red artery - largest blood vessel in the body; carries blood away arteri/o-artery from the heart. cardiologist - a Atrium- the two upper chambers of the heart specialists who diagnoses and treats ventricle - the two lower chambers of the heart. ailments of the CV system. capillary - smallest blood vessel Materials pass to and from the bloodstream through the thin capillary walls. diastole - relaxation phase of the heartbeat. Cardiac perfusionist- a endocardium - inner lining of the heart. person who stops the Systole- contraction phase of the heartbeat heart during open heart pulse - beat of the heart as felt through the arteries. surgery so the surgeon can make the fix.
Respiratory System Bronch/o-bronchus This system collects oxygen and pulmonologist - a specialist who revolves around the diagnosis and cyan/o- blue incorporates it into the bloodstream as treatment of lung conditions and diseases. laryng/o-larynx well as eliminating Carbon Dioxide -oxia-oxygen wastes from the bloodstream. Respiratory therapists- usually work in ERs and are tasked with Oxy- oxygen diagnosing breathing irregularities and suggesting treatment options. pleur/o- pleura pneum/o-lungs Larynx- voice box; passageway for air moving from pharynx to pulmon/o-lungs trachea; contains vocal cords thorac/o- chest Bronchi- The passages that branch from the trachea and direct trache/o- trachea air into the lungs. Lungs- two spongy organs, located in the thoracic cavity dyspnea - difficulty enclosed by the diaphragm and rib cage, responsible for breathing respiration. Bronchioles- progressively smaller tubular branches of the emphysema - damage to airways. the alveoli that causes Alveoli- tiny sacs of lung tissue specialized for the movement shortness of breath. of gases between air and blood. pharynx - the throat; passageway through which both food and Pulmonary sarcoidosis- air pass. the development of Nasal Cavity- the cavity behind the nose and above the roof of inflammatory cells in the the mouth that filters air and moves mucus and inhaled lungs, leaves rough contaminants outward and away form the lungs. patches. mucus - a protective substance produced by the mucous membranes. Cystic fibrosis- lung epiglottis - a piece of cartilage that covers the larynx when we infections that often swallow. cause coughing up of pleura - membrane covering each of the lungs that help mucus. protect the lungs, along with helping them slide up and down.
Gastroenterologist- specializes in the diseases of the digestive system including esophagus, stomach, and intestines. They do not do surgery. Digestive System Proctologist- a specialist in diseases and conditions of the rectum and anus cholecyst/o- gallbladder enter/o- intestine This system breaks down food both col/o, colon/o- large intestine hepat/o- liver mechanically and chemically and absorbs gastr/o- stomach the nutrients and eliminates the wastes. or/o- the mouth -pepsia- digestion chol/e- bile diarrhea - frequent and liquid bowel proct/o- rectum movements. enzymes - special proteins that break down some nutrients into smaller constipation - contents of the large intestine particles that the body can use. are dry, causing bowel movements to be difficult and less frequent. sphincters - bands of muscles at either end of the stomach rectum - the last section of the large intestine. Gastric ulcer- open sore in the stomach bile - liquid produced that breaks down fats lining. Villi- finger like projections sticking out of the walls of the intestines increasing Colon cancer- uncontrolled growth of the the surface area, improving the body’s ability to absorb nutrients. colon cells causing a tumor to form. saliva - liquid from the salivary glands; begins chemical digestion of carbohydrates esophagus - long, straight, tube that connects the mouth and throat to the stomach. liver - large reddish organ that produces bile and stores nutrients. pancreas - an organ between the stomach and small intestine that produces enzymes for chemical digestion (insulin). stomach - muscular, baglike organ that breaks down food more into chyme through mechanical crushing and chemical digestion with stomach acid.
Urinary System -cele- hernia This system filters the blood and Nephrologist- a doctor who specializes in diagnosing -lysis- breaking down eliminates wastes from the body in and treating disorders of the kidney. cyst/o- bladder the form of urine. nephr/o-kidney urologist - specialist in the genitourinary tract (also deals ren/o-kidney Dysuria- painful urination with male fertility). They are trained in surgical and -uria- urine condition hematuria - blood in the urine medical treatment of diseases that affect these organs. -pexy-surgical fixation Renal calculi - kidney stones -ectasis- dilation polyuria - excessive urination pyel/o-pelvis Urethra- tube-like passageway that extends from the urinary bladder to the opening in both sexes. ureter - long narrow tube that connects the bladder and the kidneys and carries urine. Urinary meatus- opening of the urethra kidneys - filter blood and pull out excess salts, water and other wastes. Renal cortex- outer layer of the kidney Renal medulla- inner part of the kidney Nephron- the functional unit of the kidney bladder - membrane like sac that is used to hold urine. Renal artery- artery that carries blood to the kidney glomerulus - tiny ball of capillaries in the kidney
Female Reproductive System Endometriosis- a condition where the endometrial tissue grows outside of the uterus. Uterine Fibroids- non-cancerous growths in the uterus. cervic/o- cervix This system is primarily concerned Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)- when a woman’s ovaries or adrenal salping/o-fallopian tube with the reproduction of organisms glands produce more male hormones than normal. ov/o- egg and the passing on of DNA. It helps Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)- Inflammation in the lining of the abdominal orchid/o- testicle cavity due to the presence of bacteria that have entered the female’s oophor/o- ovary reproductive tract. men/o- menstruation the gametes of two opposite sexes Gynecologist- specialist in diseases of female reproductive mamm/o- breasts system and surgery of this area. gynec/o-woman/female combine and create a baby. Obstetrician- specialist in the diagnosis and management of pregnancy and delivering babies. colp/o-vagina prostat/o- prostate Ooctye- a female gametocyte that develops into an ovum after two meiotic divisions. Endometrium- the mucous membrane that lines the uterus in which the female gamete implants itself. Progesterone- a sex hormone produced in the ovary the controls the reproductive process. meiosis - cell division of the gametes in sexually reproducing organisms. ovum - the female reproductive cell; the female gamete. Uterus- a hollow muscular organ in the pelvic cavity of females where the egg is fertilized and begins gestation. Ovulation- the expulsion of an ovum from the ovary. Ovary- one of usually two organs that produce ova and secrete estrogen and progesterone. Vagina- the lower part of the female reproductive tract. Cervix- the neck of the uterus
Male Reproductive System sperm - the male sex cell; the gamete Erectile dysfunction (ED)- The regular inability of a man to get and maintain an erection Male urethra- duct through which urine and male during sexual intercourse. gametes are discharged. Epididymitis- Inflammation of the epididymis (Tube that connects testes to vas deferens) Prostate gland- produces a viscid secretion that is Prostate Cancer- a growth in the prostate gland that often has symptoms on the urination the liquid part of semen. and sexual function of the individual, can be fatal. testicles - the male reproductive organ that Hydrocele testis- accumulation of fluid around a testicle; swelling of a testicle due to fluid. produces spermatozoa and secretes androgens. Penis- the male organ of copulation Andrologist- A specialist of the male urinary Androgen- male sex hormone that is released in the and reproductive systems. Treats conditions testis and is responsible for typical male sexual such as male infertility and ED. characteristics. Urologist- works with male reproductive Scrotum- the external pouch that contains the organs along with the urinary system. testis. Vas deferens- a tube that transports male gametes from the testis through the prostate Testosterone- a potent androgen hormone that is mainly produced by the testis. Acrosome- a process at the anterior end of sperm cells that produces enzymes to facilitate penetration of the egg.
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