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2022 NAFA-courseGuide_FINAL-220120-spreads

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RnI GaIfNaA .LeS ON LY. COURSE GUIDE | DIPLOMA + DEGREE | 2022–23 COUR du .sg SE GU I DE O Cert No.: EDU-2-2020 +dipldoemgareeScShocShoolcohofol ooAflrotAf&rtMsDuMessaicingangement, Dance & 2 20 2 2Theatre Validity: 16/06/2019 – 15/06/2023  UEN: 201006523M 3 17/08/2018 – 16/08/2022  © 2021 Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts. All Rights Reserved.

T NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 2 F B O U A N A A Oil on canvas. Portraits of pets. Pirouettes. Medleys in E major. Ruang Antara Jiwa (Space vision What is the point of inspiration if it doesn’t inspire us to do something? Between Souls) A leading arts institution At NAFA, we make, we invent, we learn. enriching lives and communities We have all we need to create anything. by Mohammed Bashiir through education and practice. Creativity is the quality we bring to whatever we do, Mohammed Yusof not occasionally, but continuously. Diploma in Fine Art mission It is an attitude. Inspire learning and growth An inner approach. through the arts. A way of looking at things. It is reflected in the calibre of our students, core values it is the reputation of our faculty. Passion, Care and achieving Excellence Here, we celebrate creativity in all its forms. through the NAFA spirit of Creativity, Exploration and Resilience. This is a place for Originals Only.

E NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 4 HNEA F A N C F A C U LT Y NAFA is committed to achieving excellence in our pedagogy. PE R I Our faculty consists of local and international professionals T E who are dedicated to student-centric learning. Their expertise X and dedication to student development in turn inspire students to pursue a lifelong passion in the arts who become confident leaders in their chosen field. E Established in 1938, the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) CURRICULUM NAFA has a rigorous and practice-led curriculum which prepares students for is Singapore’s pioneer arts education institution, well-reputed for a firm foundation while nurturing their creative attitudes and critical thinking nurturing students with diverse artistic talent. skills. Our curriculum focuses on in-depth learning while allowing students to choose electives across disciplines based on their personal interests. Through Through industry-led practice and experiential learning, NAFA individual and group assessments, students learn to problem-solve and are nurtures creative leaders who lead in both traditional and encouraged to be self-directed learners where they take active responsibility contemporary art practices. for their own learning. The academy offers full-time diploma and degree courses through The NAFA curriculum builds upon our rich cultural heritage that promotes a the School of Art & Design comprising Fine Art, 3D Design, Design spirit of innovation and artistic imagination in Southeast Asia. In particular, & Media, and Fashion Studies Programmes; the School of Arts Interdisciplinary Studies is a unique feature of our curriculum that has an Management, Dance & Theatre; and the School of Music. emphasis on Southeast Asian arts, history and culture. With the collaboration between NAFA’s Institute of Southeast Asian Arts (ISEAA) and the academic With 13 Cultural Medallion Award recipients and 14 Young schools, students are offered a platform to work together, experiment with Artist Award winners among its prominent alumni, NAFA remains ideas and innovate across disciplines. committed to inspire learning, resilience, and growth through the arts. Entrepreneurship@NAFA is another highlight of the NAFA experience which aims to encourage a spirit of exploration and innovation in our students. Through various programmes and events, students are given the opportunity to develop entrepreneurial skills, as well as collaborate and network with peers and industry partners.

NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 6 I N D U S T R Y- B A S E D NAFA currently collaborates with the University of the Arts London LEARNING and the Royal College of Music, London to offer Bachelor with PARTNER Honours degree courses. Through these collaborations, our UNIVERSITIES diploma graduates can further their academic and creative pursuits with faculty and course offerings from both NAFA and our world- class partner universities. NAFA provides authentic learning Industry-based learning is also a feature of NAFA’s UNIVERSITY OF THE ARTS LONDON opportunities for diploma students in degree courses where students will be assigned to the form of industrial attachments/ participate in live-client project or internship (for BA University of the Arts London (UAL) offers an internships, industry/community (Hons) Design Practice), local or international arts extensive range of courses in art, design, fashion, projects and teaching practice, residency or internship (for BA (Hons) Fine Art), communication and performing arts. UAL's graduates through a strong network of professional-standard public production (for BA (Hons) go on to work in and shape the creative industries esteemed creative industry partners. Performance Making), or teaching practicum (for BEd worldwide. UAL is ranked second in the world for Art (Hons) in Instrumental & Vocal Teaching). and Design in the 2021 QS World University Rankings With an emphasis on industry-based learning in the by Subject®. curriculum, students can gain broader perspectives, Such industry-based learning enhances the career develop problem-solving skills and learn about pathways of our students and prepares them for their The University has a world-class reputation and is social responsibility. Fine Art, Dance and Music future careers. Participation in projects that engage with made up of six equally renowned Colleges and three students also have the opportunity to develop the community also allows students to find fulfilment institutes: Camberwell College of Arts, Central Saint and hone their teaching skills to nurture the next in their personal, intellectual and artistic development. Martins, Chelsea College of Arts, London College generation of arts practitioners.  Organisations we have collaborated with include Walt of Communication, London College of Fashion, Disney Studios, A*STAR, Resorts World Sentosa, the Wimbledon College of Arts, UAL Creative Computing National Gallery Singapore and National University Hospital.  Institute, UAL Social Design Institute and UAL Decolonising Arts Institute. ROYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC , LONDON Founded in 1882, the Royal College of Music Photo Credit: Nathaniel Tan (RCM) is a world-leading music conservatoire with a prestigious history and contemporary outlook. The RCM boasts a vibrant community of talented and open-minded musicians who are taught in a dynamic environment, many of whom graduate from the RCM to become the outstanding performers, conductors, and composers of the future. The RCM was named the top institution for performing arts in the UK and Europe and second in the world in the 2021 QS World University Rankings.

NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 8 OVERSEAS Having an overseas learning experience is one of the key highlights OVERSEAS IMMERSION The School of Art & Design currently offers the overseas LEARNING of an education at NAFA. Visits to educational institutions and PROGRAMMES immersion programme as an elective for its first-year EXPERIENCE events overseas are organised for students to gain global exposure students at various institutions in China such as the to new ideas and innovations in their fields, as well as to foster Overseas immersion programmes comprise lectures, Beijing Institute of Technology, Xiamen University of multi-cultural integration and collaboration. hands-on project work, workshops, industry visits Technology, China Academy of Art, Sichuan Fine Arts and field trips. These programmes are conducted Institute as well as the King Mongkut’s University of at institutes of higher learning overseas during the Technology Thonburi in Thailand. school vacation. Dance and Theatre Programmes from the School of Through such programmes, students are given Arts Management, Dance & Theatre offer the overseas opportunities to interact with and learn from faculty immersion programme as an elective for their second- members of the host institutions, gain insights from year students, which were conducted at the Western industry experts, and learn more about other cultures. Australian Academy of Performing Arts in Australia Students will attain credits towards their NAFA and Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta in Indonesia diploma upon completion of the programme. respectively in 2019. The School of Music has also been conducting the overseas immersion programme as an elective for second-year students at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing, China, since 2018. STUDY TRIPS Italy; Chulalongkorn University in Thailand; COLLABORATIVE STUDENT EXCHANGE Victorian College of the Arts in Australia; PROJECTS PROGRAMMES Study trips organised at the course or ASEAN Theatre Festival in Nanning, module level complement classroom China; Guangzhou and Hong Kong for NAFA’s strategic partnerships with international Student exchange programmes provide students teaching by giving students the exposure to fabric sourcing, factory tours and market institutions overseas provide students with the the opportunity to experience different learning industries relevant to their course of study. study; Angkor Wat, Ayutthaya as well as opportunity to collaborate with peers on research, environments. This broadens their outlook and Such trips aim to broaden perspectives and various Southeast Asian countries for art and design or performance projects where they approach to the arts; helps them develop valuable life provide students with a better understanding interdisciplinary projects on Southeast will gain invaluable industry experience. skills as well as gain awareness and appreciation of and appreciation of their field of study. Asian puppetry. other cultures. Upon completion of the programme, The School of Music, for instance, has been students will be granted module exemptions for their Past study trips include visits to the World collaborating annually with the Tainan National NAFA diploma. Expo Exhibition and Venice Biennale in University of the Arts in Taiwan on the NAFA-Tainan University of the Arts voice recital project. This is a The 3D Design Programme, for instance, has a student recital prepared by students from both institutions exchange programme with King Mongkut’s University where practices in teaching and learning of the of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT) in Thailand where 3D performing arts are exchanged. Design diploma students spend up to one semester at KMUTT reading modules, working on projects with Thai students and lecturers and engaging in activities to learn about Thailand’s society and values.

H OL NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 10 O O S C F FINE ART PG Diploma in Fine Art Diploma in Art Teaching 13 AR 3D DESIGN Diploma in Design (Furniture and Spatial) & Diploma in Design (Interior and Exhibition) D PG Diploma in Design (Landscape and Architecture) Diploma in Design (Object and Jewellery) 17 T DESIGN & MEDIA E PG S Diploma in Advertising 23 Diploma in Graphic Communication Diploma in Illustration Design with Animation I Diploma in Screen Media G FASHION STUDIES N PG Diploma in Fashion Design Diploma in Fashion Business and Management 29 DEGREE COURSES Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Fine Art Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Design Practice PG 33

NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 12 AG TLAA NTHMEUFSOLDTCUEIHDRSIOSIPGOCRNLIORPub&ayODGLnMigpIolMAFoRNhmnatmaaAEAArmianeDMJFRRidwinBaeIYTMaA(AsShrptiE&LaircAMeESoBDNhAe:atmwEDRFemeSenINdFNSYIouGAIuEsNlosS)fNGAHR(ITSOTHO,NR3AODSDTU)DUGOEDHSFIFEIGIESTRNS. S, C E SOAD takes the lead in contributing to contemporary arts and design education, with a focus on creative expression, technical competencies, integrative practices, and critical thinking. The curriculum is designed to cultivate a strong foundation in the fundamentals of art and design. It exposes you to different disciplines to help you discover potentially new areas of interests. With a network of internationally recognised artists, designers, scholars, guest lecturers, visiting professors and artists-in- residence from Singapore and overseas, SOAD is where you are given ample opportunities to participate in industry projects, work alongside established design practitioners to gain valuable hands-on experience and cross conventional aesthetic boundaries to develop innovative practices. FUNDAMENTAL FINE ART STUDIES PROGRAMME The pioneering Fine Art courses are designed to encourage critical thinking, investigate cultural The SOAD Fundamental Studies Programme cultivates landscapes and cultivate contemporary approaches a strong foundation in fundamental art and design toward artmaking. We aim to groom ethical skills and prepares you before your specialisation in and resilient artists who embrace the spirit of the second semester. This programme is designed authenticity and collaboration, to lead in the local to develop knowledge and skills across different and regional art ecosystem. mediums, exposing you to various historical, cultural, social, and technological perspectives. 3D DESIGN While imparting crucial industry-relevant skill sets, this The premise of 3D Design is built on improving the programme exposes you to a practice-based learning quality of things that we use and the spaces we environment, and collaborative learning through group live in, through the process of framing problems, work and peer learning. articulating solutions and by empathising with users. The crux of 3D Design is anchored in the DESIGN & MEDIA design of objects, spaces, and environments within personal and public domains. Design & Media is about empowering you to explore the ambiguity and embrace design complexities, FASHION STUDIES allowing you to gain the confidence to realise your design aspirations. This programme provides you A dynamic mixture of ‘Communication, Lifestyle, with a strong foundation in visual literacy, content Culture and Identity’, Fashion Studies exposes development and idea generation. you to the interconnectedness of these elements alongside inter-programme learning. SCHOOL OF ART & DESIGN

AFR I T N EYOMUETRHTAHIANNYOPDKOPADIUNRDRONRGOEELAVOAAFDSEACRGEKL’THSSIOILEIISLPGSTFSTOINNYAI,COEEASADURNAAYTRSDTROMOPTCURIARCRCEKHASIOUITOTNELIUICNGOATRIAER.NVSLCASETHSEcreeantdaivebeyvloeeitusnlhordyrpwuoloemisuutcathgeorrtinynhYonnitotonydteauhrogemneuawvadprrebsitolalclproarorobipactralwealraadyytdogboieoperiourkvnemrresssraf.oinstaiwTpiecv.oheilieadtpechlpitsonaipoevfintrrepiotdcasurfotaceniouvcusintertslistiescitueo.hsersnTeatiahowlnelil/siaattlhclhndaaiedoclrssspecoteaarnapldeigsvnalues NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 14 Bachelor of Arts (Honbsy) NFiangeaArartjaPnSraAkcinntaicDneyeaep by FDaripislFaoehmeBal iTinnhteeFiSPnehreaAsfeiretnece ”“byroeusNprAocFnwuAsrigtiiabohrllsasitenoiottenfytepofhouxaurberplnsmeolochdIyousfoeohrrpmesonoaal,udfevmusareassstpurouhibnpnotcneeoinriiinteeeqm.ybgnctu.ey,iienandadtuirnedsirv,dteeeuatnensrntenidstdcyhobtaueoprealodgoekbdy DIPLOMA IN ARSTimTEAJiCaHNINiGng SCHOOL OF ART & DESIGN

NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 16 Can you promise to be human? by Tan Yan Yee Brenda (Chen Yanyi) Diploma in Art Teaching DIPLOMA IN FINE ART The Diploma in Fine Art provides you with the and 4-Dimensional (photography, video, sound, DIPLOMA IN ART TEACHING The Diploma in Art Teaching is designed to If you aspire to become a teacher with the Ministry experience of contemporary art practice through performance art) mediums and disciplines. nurture innovative art teachers. The course of Education (MOE), Singapore, you should apply a practice-led approach. Your learning journey is adopts a comprehensive approach to art directly to MOE in January 2022, by visiting led by a dedicated team of art practitioners who Regardless of your chosen medium, the course is teaching in two core disciplines: fine art and are committed to facilitating your personal, social, devoted to professional studio practice to enhance design. By integrating the studio practices scholarships-sponsorships/art-music- intellectual, and artistic growth. Supported by field your technical competencies whilst experimenting of art and design, as well as learning key teacher/. If selected, you will receive full funding for trips, gallery visits, networking opportunities, industry with ideas and projects to sharpen visual abilities and processes of art teaching and pedagogy, your three-year course at NAFA and one-year course projects, and collaborative projects, you will build strategies, bolstered by research methodologies and you will be provided with a multi-perspective at NIE, plus a monthly allowance. Upon completion confidence in your artistic pursuits and nurture your theoretical knowledge. All of these will enable you to understanding of art education. You will of the four-year training course, you will serve a five- visual language in NAFA. embark on a journey of self-discovery as an emerging undertake a teaching practice where you will year bond teaching in primary schools. artist. You will stay relevant and challenged in the apply the knowledge and art skills learnt to The course approaches studio practices through contemporary art world as you engage in creative different modes of learning. This integrated LEARNING OUTCOMES: 2-Dimensional (painting, drawing, printmaking), communities, including industry collaborations and experience aims to foster your artistic and 3-Dimensional (ceramics, sculpture, installation art) internships initiated by the academy. intellectual development, enabling you to — Acquire deep knowledge of various perform as an effective educator in a art and design practices LEARNING OUTCOMES: variety of contexts. — Teach with confidence — Develop skills in critical and creative thinking When you successfully complete the Diploma — Communicate and facilitate better — Develop competencies in traditional and in Art Teaching at NAFA, you may apply to the National Institute of Education (NIE) of learning among students contemporary art practices Nanyang Technological University to spend — Be an effective educator equipped with — Develop conceptual and theoretical an additional year to obtain a Diploma in Art Education. At NIE, you will apply the knowledge of teaching pedagogies frameworks in artmaking knowledge learnt and art skills acquired to — Develop authentic learning, viewpoints and different modes of classroom learning. Please refer to the NAFA website for the course modules. 21st century values — Develop self-awareness, empathy and social insights into Singapore and the region Please refer to the NAFA website for the course modules. SCHOOL OF ART & DESIGN

NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 18 3 D D E S I G NpoDsshEsUAaiSbrSWDpiIlEGiceitApirInReLeNwlNsosFSLahmtDytOMuo,oeAAoaptFCEu3oTwNCdo3iRrnDToeHnUiDcQDltAfslHuDeETSgDihdUMgtcSODhreteeeahSniIIesPnElEsSdRDdnpsiPgiAgiluSigEceSPcfy-APnaConaaeIao,RGCtLArt.radluiEenTIoOAttcgnENdoiObnCanNeWCBmSau.psgOOEAddiEpaLolIWdaNdeFTebLMEDrprisAciHSCatoMlipEPiiigoOtawfIsrOiRSNnAonelotLi.Nsrss,saMENIotyAt,PVcaseHnoIDoPhNEEMnrgutpEsAodRtDeIPIuawNDSyNnnhSknRoiSAESiualednOulOTvrRAIneEgbrtVeHNurVeSTScisaEsraRArIIte.meNCcamThSOLacyneaGHUuteoEdnUnAilvEsLutiTtdnNTeiGosrAtsguDHrOdDtt-THedhooeoEEEdFeinsfPnhCSbiQkoStiSagUghIyRifGnnnOKhUeBipEdgn-sNIALLrdqLAdksoaeUIuLLutTiCfOnlusaeIlSsTIsdTidlVstgFiI.DtrYiOsTnEYyoyiOOOo-oNfpOpbDanuBMrraScaaFoUEwsJilcAclESeiNWTittelIidilCItNHesDGi,bIossTTSlIEeenNNarSH.RdeeenG.,TrlxSdbasYEHpSytTOeoNEAadWsUVNetCeIdEDRaEmOUNSNTREMAELNT ”“indainvbdidraaubnaeg–dl.oaoIoaSdwanpomdniannetEAtlariyexat,lsnhlhaNotiDonbiAowneiFotnsuAiretoirag,odtntunIobDreareerm,ed,asainttgaonIunegtrhetrinorot (INTERIIsOaRDaIAcPNLNODeMEhXAaHINIEBlDIiTzEIOSaNIbG)eNth SCHOOL OF ART & DESIGN

NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 20 DIPLOMA IN DESIGN Lean Common Ground (Learning Hall) (FURNITURE AND SPATIAL) by Ng Shi Hui Sarah Diploma in Design (Furniture and Spatial) by Sheryka Umaya Diploma in Design (Interior and Exhibition) Through this course, you will gain perspectives on effective furniture design in both domestic and commercial settings. You will learn to enhance DIPLOMA IN DESIGN environments by utilising functional yet aesthetically pleasing furniture. (INTERIOR AND EXHIBITION) Through the combination of 3D and spatial design knowledge, you will Explore the aesthetic and creative processes of develop skills which allow you to build a multidisciplinary approach to the design through the conceptualisation and creation of design process. In addition to learning about technologies, trends and their interior and exhibition spaces. Through studio projects impact on design, your comprehensive learning experience will help develop involving residential, corporate and hospitality design, your abilities in critical analysis, design synthesis and communication. you will gain a strong grounding in spatial relationships and develop a sensitive and appropriate response to LEARNING human behaviour. You will learn to design innovative LEARNING OUTCOMES: display solutions and experiences for commercial and OUTCOMES: communication purposes. — Work with a wide range of materials — Apply the principles of design and become familiarised with various theories through the conceptualisation production techniques and creation of interior and exhibition spaces — Approach design processes with an integrated and multidisciplinary — Demonstrate a sensitive and perspective in the context of personal, appropriate response to human public, domestic and commercial behaviour in relation to spaces environments — Acquire skills to design creative — Demonstrate aesthetic and ergonomic and innovative display solutions sensibilities in relation to space and and experiences its environment Please refer to the NAFA website for the course modules. Please refer to the NAFA website for the course modules. SCHOOL OF ART & DESIGN

NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 22 MACO DIPLOMA LEARNING IN DESIGN OUTCOMES: by Vianita Yulistika Utomo (OBJECT AND Diploma in Design (Object and Jewellery) JEWELLERY) — Acquire the skills to develop design capabilities in lifestyle products Through this course, you will learn to create objects and objects and accessories ranging from personal expression to functional lifestyle products. Departing from conventional — Understand user behaviour and high-volume production and technology-led mass identify trends consumption products, the focus is to develop skills which will improve your understanding of materials, — Cultivate aesthetic sensibilities and appreciation of crafts, sensitivity to interactive craftsmanship skills behaviour, elemental technologies, and sustainable production methods. Our aim is to help you set the — Nurture entrepreneurial traits pace in integrating design, culture, fashion, trends and entrepreneurial business practices in an aggregated Please refer to the NAFA website for the course modules. industry landscape and consumer environment. DIPLOMA LEARNING ”“ NAFA’s curriculum is IN DESIGN OUTCOMES: comprehensive – there (LANDSCAPE AND are overseas study ARCHITECTURE) — Manage human and environmental exchange trips, exhibitions, forces that change our constructed competitions, and a lot of This course is about the study of the constructed external environment opportunities to collaborate external environment – that is, landscape and with various industry architecture. The course presents both as an — Acquire strategies to integrate theory professionals and companies. integrated discipline and is structured to help and application of knowledge relevant you understand the relationship between people, to the landscape industry Lua Boon Kai space and environmental forces that change our landscapes. This comprehensive course includes — Demonstrate aesthetic sensitivity and DIPLOMA IN DESIGN theory, application of knowledge and project environmental awareness (FURNITURE AND SPATIAL) practices that are relevant and pragmatic. Please refer to the NAFA website for the course modules. SCHOOL OF ART & DESIGN

D NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 24 & E S I M D G N E I AstrwatiplelrgaonilccsaaeoriIrmdsDagiesmLtbEaeaoaiIaiAgsTnFfbtg,uhEkOlreiaGeiWneentRxnEyUasaotEpd,AoeEqtlwNeiyiNsuoCpoeriliDAdeiniErnupxeYoedRgApRpntfwagaleeTAcEoAysekisdeIolrNTelOtseCiuhngwiIiDnfOorNruOaliyointanrgihNoCnueMarIchutNgsl,thOtitMrsheheh.AatecDaEeMxirIvcNhrptTmEfacecMoeupTDrohdpSsrinoEUonioemeIdttCufDGeweNnnaisedrnOecmNrIdteTtCmierhtiiNneOeaso.oAeAcncdlrTd,dieTtiNePypEsatiIoaoslt,DlRONio.nuteaOIoTeNnvMnxo,ipVds,DtlyEshluPIoolEDDeeaaurRletVnIIlNyAwOydEoiG,LBlulWObrLYeEPIOTMMHU-ESAWNOTFIL.TOVHCINAUGSSSTORKNIOLLVNSIGS, UAL ”“tDoIPIdLOaosMmhAstaoItNhpoGtipednhRrdakAromPoycmaHA,uyeAIngCagesasadnChsspiOdtani,ypmdMnatairMeotynoMaUacdatNrajthoIotcneCiiuemnhAn.sTrt,toNdInOit,hmnAehNeIau’seFyynveiA.egwcsnrheaeeavyarostIlivveed in SCHOOL OF ART & DESIGN

NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 26 DIPLOMA IN DIPLOMA IN GRAPHICThe Transparent Whopper ADVERTISING COMMUNICATION by Elita Jacinta Diploma in Graphic Designed to inspire the next generation of thinkers Communication and innovators, the Diploma in Advertising offers in-depth, in-demand and industry-led practices in The Diploma in Graphic Communication inspires strategic advertising and brand communication. the next generation of visual communicators with a knowledge-rich and practice-based curriculum. Bring your ideas to life through art direction, Develop critical thinking skills to create meaningful photography, copywriting, videography, and motion and engaging content. Unleash your creativity through graphic design. Learn by undertaking a six-month graphic design, typography, photography, videography, internship that gives you a professional edge. Develop motion graphics, and new media. Learn by undertaking a cutting-edge portfolio and win prestigious awards a six-month internship that gives you a professional that will get you noticed in advertising, marketing, edge. Build a diverse and innovative portfolio that gets public relations, or even the start-up scene. you noticed in the industry. Foodlingo LEARNING LEARNING OUTCOMES: OUTCOMES: by Alvin Christian & Nolan Ng Jun Xi Diploma in Advertising — Build an award-winning portfolio to — Build an award-winning portfolio to kick- kick-start your creative career start your creative career — Attain knowledge, skills and — Attain knowledge, skills and understanding understanding to meet the demands of to meet the demands of the graphic the advertising industry communication industry — Utilise strategic communication skills to — Utilise art direction skills to pitch ideas communicate ideas — Lead and collaborate effectively — Lead and collaborate effectively Please refer to the NAFA website for the course modules. Please refer to the NAFA website for the course modules. SCHOOL OF ART & DESIGN

NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 28 DIPLOMA IN ILLUSTRATION The Bean Bop Project DIPLOMA IN DESIGN WITH ANIMATION by Georgia Anne Elizabeth Black SCREEN MEDIA Diploma in Illustration Design with Animation The Diploma in Screen Media offers a hands-on Designed to nurture the next generation of image-makers, the Diploma in Illustration Design approach in filmmaking to inspire a new generation with Animation offers a concept-focused and craft-based curriculum. of visual storytellers. Develop critical thinking skills to create meaningful and engaging content. Bring your Develop a professional showreel showcasing your imagination to life through storytelling, drawing fundamentals, illustration, and 2D animation expertise in directing, cinematography, scriptwriting, across both traditional and digital platforms. Learn by undertaking a six-month internship producing, editing, sound design and visual effects. that gives you a professional edge. Develop a portfolio showcasing your expertise in visual Explore the art of creating original content through storytelling and artistic craftmanship. diverse approaches such as narrative feature films, documentaries, and digital journalism. Learn by undertaking a six-month internship that gives you a professional edge. LEARNING OUTCOMES: LEARNING OUTCOMES: — Build an award- — Attain in-depth — Utilise illustration — Lead and — Attain in-depth industry knowledge and winning portfolio industry design and collaborate skills in filmmaking to kick-start your knowledge animation skills effectively creative career and skills on to communicate — Utilise a diverse spectrum of content in illustration and ideas the production of works for the screen animation — Develop a professional showreel of original content — Lead and collaborate effectively Please refer to the NAFA website for the course modules. Please refer to the NAFA website for the course modules. Wu Tong DIPLOMA IN ADVERTISING ”“ At NAFA, I have truly met some of the most ambitious, talented, and caring friends who look out for you and want the best for you. What's more, we come from different disciplines and we would share knowledge, information, skills, and even job opportunities. SCHOOL OF ART & DESIGN

ASST HU I DO IN E SFAOSROHIFIAGONIICNNNDHNAAARLOT,LETVNALLhAEaNAEisTnNVFDiIdpnVAAGrtmcEEoeNEoIggVaSTDmSrrrOaaTkEbCSmtehOLiiSconKtRemUioFnenIIEGecnLTedgoAoxAfLINpidfwpOusdTSreFektr,eioIhNstvAirVhnNlfMeeteliAsiSEccssolEroEeeiRe,trTeaWpheaEI-YwnrtsrNtlPeoTo-ic;icwtdTTAuIyfhmAaNeoogUEClinsehcGrhaCCIlieaEuTdgntsntOshHDIndTuaVedet,NHhcMpdpiEmDcpceprOE,rBoearelIaidoVnccsLrIfFefNcsattEOebiUmhftcsARsuuiaGaoTkasTliSnllniUindlIoIdflsEEOsdaiRnin.ssScaaNgEIiinNlnolisltgdfaDatfuntcaUiddoosSesnnhcncTioateRsnpp’Yetu.. al NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 30 F “”I theidnaukncfdaNrteArtieoehFdnaeAidolmiieamsninapmadt,ptch.oucrceNosroeeatAruxraciFypngthAlithseonattgsrgbaeiwlvanaeeatrdhtgsyfaoeoar–triodnhrdtsadeohiwasmerdirensmipexst.riuuiadogldceafnetatiinidscoteansbaluioltityfshmwoofhldtahstethe MERCHANDIDSRIIPNaLGdOhMAaNADKINaMsFAAhRSyKHaEIpTOINNG By Ow Yeong Hui Qi Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Fashion and Marketing SCHOOL OF ART & DESIGN

NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 32 DIPLOMA IN DIPLOMA IN FASHION BUSINESS FASHION DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT The Diploma in Fashion Design introduces you to The Diploma in Fashion Business and Management forecasting and garment production, together with fundamental design skills. Through a range of creative combines the practical components of design and digital design and computer-aided manufacturing. projects, you will build a knowledge of design, research, product development. This course is ideal for students You will benefit from hands-on experience through and construction processes, 2D development, fabrics interested in the management and retail side of the industry-relevant projects as you learn how to and garment construction. The first semester serves industry — such as retail management, buying, public manufacture, buy, promote, and move fashion products to equip you with foundational and introductory skills. relations and product development — or those who into the world. You will work often alongside students The second semester focuses on all elements in the want an insight into starting a fashion business. of Fashion Design, sharing facilities and some modules discipline of fashion: from creative design practice and taught by a strong team of dedicated staff. In your patternmaking to fashion communication and You will share your first year of this course with third year, you will develop and produce a collection of garment construction. the Diploma in Fashion Design students. In your outfits, which will promote your look and aspirations for second year, you will start taking modules which are fashion to an external audience. In your second year, you will be introduced to the focused on product development, retail buying, trend industry through projects, visits, and guest speakers. Your skills will be tested not only by the curriculum, but Morphosis LEARNING OUTCOMES: also through national and international competitions. You will have opportunities to undertake textile design by Geronimo Jhorell Terence Palor — Analyse the fashion consumer and components. In your third year, you will design, develop, Diploma in Fashion Business and Management market trends and produce a collection of outfits which will promote your style and aspirations for fashion to an — Use research skills and analysis external audience. methods to produce a range of fashion products relevant to set assignments By Juwita Elisabeth Clara Diploma in Fashion Design — Formulate concepts appropriate to set assignments in the form of 2D and 3D LEARNING OUTCOMES: — Manage your own learning and evaluate your fashion products own progress as you work individually or — Analyse the global fashion design landscape in teams — Manage your own learning and evaluate your own progress as you work — Use research skills and analytical methods to — Communicate the design and research individually or in teams produce a range of fashion products relevant process effectively through verbal to set assignments presentations — Communicate the design development and research process effectively — Formulate concepts appropriate to set — Utilise appropriate technology and 3D skills in through verbal presentations assignments in the form of 2D and 3D the production of your work fashion products — Utilise appropriate technology and 3D skills in the production of your work Please refer to the NAFA website for the course modules. — Attain required mathematical skills related to merchandising activities Please refer to the NAFA website for the course modules. SCHOOL OF ART & DESIGN

NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 34 RE E BACHELOR The Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Fine Art course, SE S OF ARTS validated by the world-renowned University of the Arts London (UAL), is a three-year course that will (HONOURS) prepare students with the knowledge and skills FINE ART required to lead the local and regional arts scene as a holistic, reflective, and engaged art practitioner. D E G O U R The course aims to develop students’ ability to work collaboratively and independently around transdisciplinary and collective art practices that are supported by industry partnerships and projects. BA (Hons) Fine Art explores cultural research, distinctively informed by the NAFA (Nanyang) spirit of adventure, exploration, and resilience. Students will be immersed in a studio environment that supports creative experimentations across varied techniques that are essential to a Fine Art practice, from traditional mediums to contemporary approaches. Students will engage themselves in the UK as part of the international placement at UAL, and also hold an internship or residency placement in their 2nd year. C 14 Portraits by Nicholas Long Teng Min Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Fine Art Practice

NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 36 Apotheosis Menolak Lupa – Remembering the Unremembered DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Central Location within Singapore’s Untitled Arts and Heritage District by Zhuang Xuehong by Grace Angel Practice-Led and Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Fine Art Practice Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Fine Art Practice Industry-Focused Curriculum The NAFA campus is located in the city centre and within close proximity and walking distance LEARNING Development of relevant Fine Art approaches, of the Singapore Art Museum, Objectifs - Centre OUTCOMES: knowledge, methodologies, techniques and skills, for Photography and Film, Centre 42, various art informed by contemporary context and industry institutions, museums and galleries. This vibrant district — Employ experimentation, insights in a realisation of an independent and is a catalyst for discourse, dialogue, teaching and problem solving and invention engaged Fine Art practice. learning of the arts. by demonstrating advanced practical and decision-making Interdisciplinary and International Placement at UAL skills to evidence a commitment Transdisciplinary Learning to artmaking The proposed course will offer students the opportunity Examination of issues from different disciplinary to spend seven weeks on an international placement — Demonstrate a systematic perspectives and the opportunity to challenge as in London. Students will benefit from the immersion in understanding of a diverse range well as integrate ideas and skills into original and a lively cultural capital with opportunities to experience of fine art practices and debates, cohesive responses. diverse art practices. They will experience classes and and the ability to position them workshops co-taught by faculty from both institutions, within contemporary cultural, The NAFA Spirit and the stimulating multi-cultural integration and collaboration. social, and historical contexts Southeast Asian Arts Dimension The UAL-NAFA Partnership — Self-direct continuing learning Engagement in Southeast Asian art to drive research and development through inquiries, to raise critical discourse and open new The UAL-NAFA partnership is the first for the University independent planning and critical perspectives that will broaden and contribute to artistic of the Arts London, ranked first in art and design reflection that demonstrates and cultural research around the region. undergraduate programmes according to the 2021 ethical, inclusive, and safe QS World University Rankings. It is Europe’s largest practices in both studio and Extended Learning and Discursive Knowledge specialist art and design university, with over 19,000 external activities students from more than 130 countries. This partnership Fostering experimental and independent learning marks the first time that the University is offering — Communicate effectively in through the Fine Art Ateliers and engaging in validated programmes outside the UK. visual, oral, and written forms to expanded and discursive knowledge in contemporary articulate, analyse and evaluate art practices through the student-led digital space ideas and the work of self and Living Archive of Contemporary Southeast Asian Art. other practitioners Promote global awareness, multi-cultural — Apply developed conceptual and integrations and collaborations practical approaches to making a consolidated body of work Cultivation of global awareness and multi-cultural integration through the immersion in diverse cultural Please refer to the NAFA website capitals with opportunities to experience international for the course modules. art practices. SCHOOL OF ART & DESIGN

NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 38 ContiNEW the Old by Emillia Lee Yuen Chee Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Spatial Design BACHELOR The Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Design Practice course, OF ARTS validated by the world-renowned University of the Arts London (UAL) is a three-year course that will propel (HONOURS) your career in the design industry. DESIGN Develop mastery in your technical competencies in one of the four design PRACTICE domains (3-Dimensional, Communication, Fashion, and Spatial). You will also broaden your multidisciplinary perspectives, and a robust set of transferable skills necessary to navigate the design landscape of today. 3-DIMENSIONAL COMMUNICATION Acquire knowledge, skills, and professional attributes in one of four Explore 3-dimensional design in an engaging creative Focus on crafting visual content, including the domains on the right: process of discovering materiality, form and technique. manipulation of image and type from a static Through hands-on experiences and experimentation, state to motion. You will be exposed to a variety of you will be exposed to a variety of craft and design design briefs that range from brand expressions to practice in furniture, object, and jewellery. communication design for digital media. Long Live Hawkers FASHION SPATIAL by Chan Yuit Leng Be introduced to the fundamental skills and knowledge Explore the creative process of design through the Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Design and Media of fashion design through a creative process of artistic conceptualisation and creation of spaces. You will exploration and development. You will be exposed to gain an understanding of spatial relationships as key learnings in textile studies and design, garment well as design sensitive and appropriate responses construction (patternmaking, draping, and sewing), through the creation of human-centric occupancies. and fashion drawings. Attending lessons as one cohort, you will collaborate across domains and engage in research-based studios. You will also spend seven weeks in the UK as part of the international placement at UAL. Grounded on a practice-led and industry-based learning pedagogy, you will work on client projects and gain exposure through a 10-week internship in your final year. SCHOOL OF ART & DESIGN

NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 40 By Anadier Ong Soo Teng DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Live-Client Project/Internship LEARNING Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Fashion OUTCOMES: Practice-Led and All students will have the opportunity to undertake a Industry-Focused Curriculum live-client project/internship in the final year for a period — Develop technical, creative of 10 weeks that will provide students with insights and and critical thinking skills in Students will experience live client projects or knowledge of professional practice, aligning their skills the planning, executing and internship as part of the course requirement. Such and capabilities to the real needs of the industry. managing of intradisciplinary, work experience aims to deepen students’ skill sets multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary through industry application and attaining mastery Central Location within Singapore’s and transdisciplinary design by integrating theory with practice. Modules such as Arts and Heritage District projects Design Studio and Design Futures and Insights, will enable students to develop skill sets that relate to NAFA is located within the Bugis Arts Belt in the city — Utilise knowledge and their design toolkits while responding to real-world centre, within walking proximity to the National Design understanding of materials, challenges in creative manners. Centre, museums, galleries, and arts groups, where a processes, techniques, and vibrant surrounding environment serves as an active technologies to produce Interdisciplinary and catalyst for engaging discourse, dialogue, teaching and innovative design solutions while Transdisciplinary Learning learning of the arts. focusing on user-centricity Students will be equipped with skills from their chosen International Placement at UAL — Plan and execute projects domain and progress to explore interdisciplinary independently and in a team, and opportunities, learning to see design as a synergetic The course offers students the opportunity to spend apply the principles of service fusion of different perspectives. A student-led seven weeks on an international placement in London, design, experience design and transdisciplinary project will be undertaken in the final studying with international practitioners and experts in business management to create semester of the course. their fields. Students will benefit from the immersion in experiences and products a lively cultural capital with opportunities to experience Understanding Current Issues design from fresh perspectives. The studio modules will — Expand their understanding of and Future Trends be conducted by faculty from London over this period, the evolving roles of design that adding to the multicultural integration and collaboration. may transcend the creative and The reading of cultural issues with emergent cultural industries political, economic, social, technological, legal and The UAL-NAFA Partnership environmental contexts will be woven into the — Analyse, evaluate, and synthesise curriculum as students study the impact of design with The UAL-NAFA partnership is the first for the University information to initiate relevant its integration in the community. Students will apply of the Arts London, ranked first in art and design design solutions that sustainably design thinking to explore interventions, test ideas, and undergraduate programmes according to the 2021 QS respond to current and assess their design impact. World University Rankings. It is Europe’s largest specialist emergent political, economic, art and design university, with over 19,000 students from social, technological, legal The NAFA Spirit and the Southeast Asian more than 130 countries. This partnership marks the first and environmental issues and Arts Dimension time that the University is offering validated programmes contexts, leading towards future outside the UK. trends The course will have a strong Southeast Asian arts focus to drive research inquiries, raising critical Eye Opening — Articulate and communicate discourse while opening new perspectives that will by Grandis Arya Abdilla effectively through a range of broaden and contribute to practices and cultural Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Design and Media media, to facilitate and document research around the region. A Southeast Asian their design practice masterclass kickstarts every semester and serves as a stimulus to the learning journey, with aspects of cultural Please refer to the NAFA website for heritage incorporated into the course. the course modules. SCHOOL OF ART & DESIGN

H OL NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 42 O O S C F AMRDATTANHSNAECGAEET ARTS Diploma in Arts Management MANAGEMENT PG 45 DANCE Diploma in Dance PG 47 M THEATRE Diploma in Theatre (English Drama) & Diploma in Theatre (Mandarin Drama) R PG 49 E DEGREE COURSES E PG N Bachelor of Arts (Honours) 53 Performance Making T,

NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 44 AG TL AA N CTHTEHRESEDACSAUTOHNRNPOUCEIEQROERCUCFL&OETOEhOPeMTSlDPaPRyCirrHFeweaPBsAcrsMheiOttgnoo:EhtAtrDIR/o:t:NFiOApCFOuAllRoitrTlvuiemveENrdTeeraTNiTrtCS:iCSRnMhCeHhSoaTEeonshmnEogeEgTEnpRa:hMtrJi,seHoPSuW(AErPAnenREeHsgRytRlNiPTsOohiIFcTOPNtDAuorArGSaewmsGDhAaC/e)RrJMesUoECtuUeAdNMeACRanLMitrsNTETOMYIANOSEGTASNS,NE,DTMDTAHAOENNPENDPHCATRYEM,ROSEA&IVCANISDAALGEOEAFMENT. E Our well-established training in arts management, dance and theatre is focused on the cultivation of industry-relevant management and artistic skills. All our students are offered hands-on experience — on campus and in the industry — across and between disciplines. With our practice-based and industry-led approach, you will gain valuable practical experiences that enhance your future career prospects. To ensure that our courses remain relevant to the industry, NAFA maintains close ties with key arts and cultural organisations. Curriculum development is always discussed and planned with leading practitioners. ARTS THEATRE MANAGEMENT NAFA's Theatre Programme aims to develop well- NAFA’s Arts Management Programme provides rounded theatre-makers who are ready to take on comprehensive training in a range of skills to prepare challenges on stage as well as behind the scenes. By you for a career in the exciting arts scene and cultural equipping you with a wide range of performing, creative industries. In addition to learning how to manage the and management skills, we enhance your potential to operations of arts companies, you will play a key role embark on a variety of careers in the theatre industry. in supporting the artists in organising arts events and developing audiences. Graduates of the programme can look forward to making an impact in the development of the arts in Singapore and beyond. DANCE NAFA’s Dance Programme aims to produce dance artists with an edge and versatility. Performance and creation underpinned by somatic practices and cognitive processes simultaneously challenge dancers within their capabilities and develop them to meet the demands of dance in a constantly changing world. SCHOOL OF ARTS MANAGEMENT, DANCE & THEATRE

NNAAFFAACCOOUURRSSEEGGUUIIDDEE22002222––2233 PPGG4466 ARTS TURNING ARTISTIC IDEAS INTO REALITY The Diploma in Arts Management aims to train professionals for the MANAG E M E N T TAKES MORE THAN PASSION ALONE. arts and cultural industries, an important and growing sector. Through BEHIND EVERY SUCCESSFUL ARTS EVENT, a broad-based and practice-led curriculum, you will be equipped with DIPLOMA INYOU WILL FIND A TEAM OF SKILLEDa range of essential business and technical skills for work in arts and ARTSMANAGERS AND TECHNICAL SPECIALISTS.cultural organisations, projects, festivals, and events. MANAGEMENT NAFA’s Diploma in Arts Management will arm you with Internships and industry projects as well as an overseas immersion the skills necessary for a career in the arts and cultural programme will be provided to prepare you to enter this vibrant and sector. You will learn how to organise events, develop increasingly sophisticated industry as a young professional. arts audiences, and provide support for the artists. The training you get from the Diploma in Arts Management You will be taught by a team of experienced lecturers and be given will prepare you for contributing to the growth and opportunities to learn from industry practitioners. evolution of the arts scene in Singapore and the world. LEARNING OUTCOMES: — Explain and respond appropriately to the ”“ I believe it is essential for artists to learn legalities and government policies pertaining the intricacies of Arts Management for — Discuss the performing, visual and literary to the arts a holistic outlook of the arts industry. It arts using appropriate vocabulary gives artists a better understanding of — Contribute to the management of a range of our roles, how we can be more visible in — Discuss arts and cultural issues from a local arts and cultural projects the scene and garner more appreciation and global perspective among diverse audiences. — Explain and discuss technical requirements of — Explain and analyse management issues any arts projects using appropriate vocabulary Reshmma Paskaran relating to arts and cultural organisations — Install, operate, and maintain simple lighting BACHELOR OF ARTS (HONS) — Apply the knowledge of the arts scene in and sound systems ARTS MANAGEMENT decision-making as arts managers — Apply basic stage management skills for SCHOOL OF ARTS MANAGEMENT, DANCE & THEATRE — Develop and implement marketing solutions, arts performances for arts organisations and events — Use a variety of digital platforms and software — Develop fundraising and entrepreneurial plans to contribute to the success and sustainability for arts organisations and projects of arts organisations and projects — Apply budgeting and accounting skills for — Apply written and oral communication skills arts projects and events appropriate for arts management — Implement appropriate human resource management practices Please refer to the NAFA website for the course modules.

E NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 48 D A “”N CTHAESCIDAOINPTUhLtRRehOeStcEoMugEgGrleroTSAiItcbhOhIuaetWIeNllNauracdpmnwoIaDTpdAu,inltHraihAacSesletisecNgtArOrsaniiesCbcneaCuNeaddEttnieEOvbcweseIru,iSiNtOdlibeNthnigrxvTDAiFciepansnEuFtlgIdttoeTrSMoAsyaurrsHealsTrttePnrhthetecEeiIrstoecNaOyolenhef-sipFubrCbtv.nvRrosaeneEaiaoqTAnmnsctfWudetertuaResIiadssNnedusYkintnlCisrisieiqoalcfTl,eaOfsniOuenerHb,aneNikUrnNrlpiEennigrAdrTneoSgnoFiSaLwgtvEsgAlOimlOeiebnrtR’surad.OagUsaVgmcftieATKaaitkomyclHT.ngluOseorEk.lo.ftiRAunydYSndao-dsTnfSscolTeefaYcnstLdtuyErleerssinto Crossings BDraIPnLdOoMnA TINanDgANCE Choreographer: Embracing the distance, the void between us matters SCHOOL OF ARTS MANAGEMENT, DANCE & THEATRE by Gillian Tan Dancers: Diploma in Dance students Photo Credit: Bernie Ng DIPLOMA IN DANCE Study in a unique intercultural environment mentored be able to reference the contemporary, classical, and by an international faculty of respected artists. A traditional in the performance and creation of dance. hallmark of our dance approach is its connectivity and interactivity with a breadth of communities, disciplines, Highlights of the Diploma in Dance include industry- and cultures, with a focus on Southeast Asia. You will based learning in partnership with major local dance find this unique quality showcased in our performance companies and leading independent artists. This platforms like Crossings, Third Space and Dancers @ will provide you with an authentic experience and Work as well as through industry projects. networking opportunities in the field. You can also expect frequent masterclasses, workshops and talks Our curriculum is primarily based on practice and by guest artists from all over the world. application and influenced by both Asian and Western perspectives. Upon completion of the course, you will Additionally, NAFA collaborates with institutions to offer an overseas immersion programme. LEARNING OUTCOMES: — Draw on creative and critical thinking skills to contribute to dancemaking — Demonstrate a technical/artistic foundation in Ballet and Contemporary Dance — Draw upon a range of transferable skills to collaborate with others, including — Draw upon Asian Dance & Movement practices interdisciplinary projects in performance/creation — Use contextual knowledge to deepen the — Apply somatic practices towards personal understanding of dance performance enhancement, injury prevention and maintenance Please refer to the NAFA website for the course modules.

T NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 50 H E PhCoaDtsoirte:TCDchrteeiopdrPloi&trm:eMPsaeleainnmyt/wTpFhrhuiegistauhWtrtre:eeOSs(lEeitvanPesgrioclCitnsuh:hroJeDonsurga/rnmJeoaye)TsNotuaNdiroewnthsere A T R EPhCoaDtsoPirte:lCaPcCyrteeworrdrorf:iiostgJ:rshmaM越tla:yeenDdmneHipnvdahisMniiseenadWYnvdbdeyaoesurtByinulPAsooibc(tytHptwuurBhoryeAnisaers-lN()/leHrJTroenokhAanaeesaioalN)FnnitrTdsateAhdgireAeyoa’ersttonsrtyeShfolToAtyuerfrtduhsielagcSnreetttsuooaaprdeemrtrenorn-tsrepmufaoesPacrtrtekmtroiennaignrcgin.rgiaei—nmsagysmtooptheuirbaaowettfciicofloleanamrnssls.ehpoerelpcisely REJAULISTTTYUTRTATANLIRKENAEINGSTNID—MNIROTGERTTAEAOMTKSOE.HISANNTO ”“anDddIPiLfmcOfeoaMJrlayklAeanaenInbbdNtunyoeTnpNerHinairnAqEvactvFAouicoooTAnetulnRivrcpEJ,piaaenrbi(gegEesgricNopintnueGawoggssrLiewIcLSniosnr.HogfoPrulaDsskoasrsRtclttu-aAf.aododMrlguireAspean)tcrtnhtiohspejeelfiricnrnotadsmru,ystry SCHOOL OF ARTS MANAGEMENT, DANCE & THEATRE

NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 52 The Diploma in Theatre is a practice-based and industry-ledDIPLOMA IN THEATRE Havoc Girls & Kamikaze Boys course that aims to train well-rounded theatre-makers.(MANDARIN DRAMA) The core curriculum comprises of modules in acting, Playwright: Nabilah Said contextual studies, movement, voice, and stagecraft.DIPLOMA IN THEATRE Director: Brian Gothong Tan You will be exposed to a wide range of international(ENGLISH DRAMA) Cast: BA (Hons) Theatre Arts students theatre practices and guided to develop your own creative Photo Credit: Memphis West Pictures / Joe Nair voice as a budding theatre artist. Through modules in Interdisciplinary Practice and Industry-Based Learning, LEARNING OUTCOMES: you will learn how to collaborate with artists from other disciplines, work in real-world industry productions while — Create content and perform — Articulate a thorough — Work collaboratively on a building professional networks. in a wide variety of theatre understanding of the history range of theatre-related You can also look forward to participating in an Overseas contexts and styles and contexts of major projects Immersion Module to learn about foreign forms of theatre international theatre styles, that can inform your own artistic practice. — Engage drama techniques conventions, and practices — Develop essential and This three-year course is taught by an international for a range of developmental transferrable skills that can faculty and professional practitioners from the local and purposes — Develop fundamental skills be applied across the arts international theatre industry. and strategies for drama and cultural industry — Fulfil the fundamental teaching The Girls in Red Headscarves 红头巾 management, technical and Director & Playwright: Yu Weijie design requirements of a Cast: Performed in Mandarin by BA (Hons) Theatre Arts students theatre performance Photo Credit: Memphis West Pictures / Joe Nair Please refer to the NAFA website for the course modules. SCHOOL OF ARTS MANAGEMENT, DANCE & THEATRE

NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 54 E G RE E BACHELOR OF U R SE S ARTS (HONOURS) PERFORMANCE C D O MAKING The Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Performance Making course, offered in collaboration with the world-renowned University of the Arts London (UAL), is a three-year course that will prepare you with performance, creation and production knowledge and skills required of emerging professional dance and theatre artists. You will follow a specialisation in either Dance or Theatre and have dedicated classes in that discipline. In addition, students from both Dance and Theatre will also attend classes together that focus on interdisciplinarity, research and performance making skills. The course aims to develop your ability to work collaboratively and independently on making original and interpretative works that can contribute to today’s fast evolving performing arts landscape. You will learn research methodologies and approaches as well as digital technologies and consider their possible application to performance making. The course provides you opportunities to connect and engage with the industry and professionals including directors/creatives. You will also be involved in interdisciplinarity as a process: collaborating with another/other discipline(s); thinking critically about a subject/topic from different perspectives and synthesising information to gain a more comprehensive understanding; and integrating your own discipline with another/other discipline(s) to construct new knowledge/practice.

NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 56 The Third Space DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Havoc Girls & Kamikaze Boys LEARNING Playwright: Nabilah Said OUTCOMES: Choreographer: Bangungot at Guni-guni Practice-Led and Director: Brian Gothong Tan (Nightmares and Hallucinations) Industry-Focused Curriculum Cast: BA (Hons) Theatre Arts students — Demonstrate an artistic identity by Filomar Tariao Photo Credit: Memphis West Pictures / Joe Nair and an embodied knowledge of Development of specialised pre-professional technical Dance or Theatre performance Dancers: Diploma in Dance students and artistic proficiency in Theatre or Dance to forge Central Location within Singapore’s forms with technical proficiency Photo Credit: Bernie Ng a personal performance identity, enhance content Arts and Heritage District and confidence creation, and realise original performance projects. Engagement in Singapore’s vibrant performing — Demonstrate reflexive thinking, Interdisciplinary Learning arts scene accessible by NAFA’s location within critical and creative engagement Singapore’s Arts and Heritage District. The Stamford with traditions and histories Participation in classes and workshops to Arts Centre, The Theatre Practice, Singapore Dance to construct/reconstruct and engage and examine interdisciplinary forms and Theatre, Singapore Chinese Dance Theatre and present/represent culture in processes. The opportunity to practice and apply other organisations are within walking distance. The performance making interdisciplinarity in an original group devised work Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay, Goodman Arts Centre will be provided in year 3 of the course. and Aliwal Arts Centre are in close proximity to NAFA. — Engage in performance making through the application of Cultural Awareness, the NAFA Spirit International Placement at UAL appropriate performance and the Southeast Asian Dimension vocabularies, techniques, The opportunity to spend five weeks on an international research, new media and Cultivation of local, regional, and global awareness placement at University of the Arts London, studying digital technologies, structures, and appreciation through immersion in diverse with international practitioners and experts in their contexts, and methods. Retrieve cultural capitals and opportunities to experience fields. Students will benefit from the immersion in a and synthesise, document and multi-cultural integrations. lively cultural capital with opportunities to experience describe, analyse, evaluate, performance making from fresh perspectives. articulate, and communicate Engagement in creating contemporary performance information and ideas about expressions with a sense of adventure and innovation, The UAL-NAFA Partnership performance drawing on Western and Asian performing arts traditions, with a focus on Southeast Asia. The UAL-NAFA partnership is the first time that the — Participate with enterprise, University of the Arts London is offering validated resourcefulness, and resilience Industry Project courses outside the United Kingdom. This partnership in the organisation, curation, signals another step towards eminence for NAFA which and realisation of contemporary Development of industry related skills through has established itself as a premier arts institution in performance productions participation in a professional-standard public Southeast Asia known for its rigorous and high-quality production directed by an industry professional. curriculum. The inaugural partnership will extend UAL’s — Apply interdisciplinary approaches expertise in the teaching and learning of art and design to realise contemporary to this part of the world, enriching the arts education performance landscape in Singapore and the region. Please refer to the NAFA website for the course modules. SCHOOL OF ARTS MANAGEMENT, DANCE & THEATRE

H OL NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 58 O O S C F MUSIC DIPLOMA Diploma in Music COURSES Diploma in Music Teaching Specialist Diploma in Orchestral Conducting PG Music Preparatory Course 59 Bachelor of Music (Honours) Bachelor of Education (Honours) in DEGREE Instrumental & Vocal Teaching COURSES PG 67

E NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 60 AG TLAA N CTHLEENASEIDNCWCIDNHUSUSGORTSKOURMTILDLRIUCLYEOSSUNIAFLCTTNUOMSIADMUHNTTSOIESSHILCAIESPNRKHWTEIEHILVGICLDEEHSOEMR-RGLYCSENCEGTVNIAOSEEYTNLEMRRSEOMEERTFDULAHNESTAAVIIPNTOTAEYDNNC. TTDINAHEIELNEVEISETDMMLHUO.ESPISC This is designed to offer you a myriad of career choices such as the harpsichord, fortepiano, chamber organ, through a faculty-specific, practice-led, and industry- Baroque bows, Baroque timpani, Baroque flute, focused curriculum which imbues skills and artistic Baroque trumpets, and the bassett horn. Besides creativity, allowing you to adapt and navigate through the intensive studies in a stimulating environment, networks fast-changing industry. The programme is also unique in are also created for future careers, and our students that it offers specialised pathways for training in Western are well sought-after in various sectors of the music or Chinese music, and that you have the added opportunity profession, both locally and abroad. to attend and participate in cross-cultural performances. In addition to weekly public performances on campus at Our first-class international faculty has the expertise and the Lee Foundation Theatre, student soloists, ensembles, industry experience to nurture highly creative and musically and orchestra have the opportunity to be heard regularly versatile professionals. Our multiculturalism offers regional in performances throughout Singapore, at venues such as and international music students a great environment to the Victoria Concert Hall, Esplanade Recital Studio, and study and perform. We regularly host visiting professors Esplanade Concourse. and artistes from all over the world for masterclasses, workshops, lectures, residencies, online classes as well as We have strong links with professional arts organisations specialist support. in Singapore and renowned music conservatoires overseas, in particular, the Royal College of Music in London and You will gain access to our range of quality conventional the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing, holding us to musical instruments, and also have opportunities to some of the world’s highest musical standards. experience our special range of historical instruments, MUSIC • Composition • Percussion • Piano, Organ PRINCIPAL STUDY • Voice • Violin, Viola, Violoncello, • Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Double Bass, Classical Guitar, Harp Bassoon, Saxophone • Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, • Dizi, Erhu, Guzheng, Pipa, Suona, Yangqin, Euphonium, Tuba Zhongruan, Sanxian, Sheng SCHOOL OF MUSIC

NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 62 DIPLOMA IN MUSIC The Diploma in Music course aims to train provide additional performance opportunities. Vocal versatile and confident musicians with the students will take Italian, German and French language Photo Credit: Antonius Cong and Mr Ken Cheong skills and knowledge necessary to develop an classes, while students majoring in composition will assured ability in performance, or composition. have classes in instrumentation, composing for screen media, orchestration and more. Equip yourself with technical and musical skills in your instrument/composition, along Other core units in professional studies, contextual with theoretical, conceptual and contextual studies, aural and musicianship classes, and career knowledge essential to your musical skills will provide support and depth to your study and development and understanding of the musical help develop key skills in areas such as communication, discourse. In addition, you will also develop digital technology, collaborative work, problem solving practical skills and knowledge to prepare and study skills, with the aim to enhance employability. yourself for the music industry. The course You will also be exposed to the industry through offers you specialised pathways for training Industry Projects, Teaching Practice, Industrial in Western or Chinese music, and you will Attachments, which will help you acquire interpersonal have the added opportunity to attend and to skills and work values within a professional environment. participate in cross-cultural performances. In addition, the course leverages on NAFA’s cultural The Diploma in Music course centres around heritage and multidisciplinary environment, and offers weekly 1-on-1 lessons for principal study. you the opportunity to engage in interdisciplinary Faculty-based activities include choral, duo, projects which push the boundaries of your discipline, chamber, ensemble and orchestral training that contributing to the development of the arts scene. Thantakorn Lakanasirorat ”“ Lecturers at NAFA inspire us LEARNING OUTCOMES: to feel deeply about the music DIPLOMA IN MUSIC we create, and guide us on — Provide a specialist education to nurture how to apply what we've learnt versatile musicians who can contribute actively from theory into our practical to the music industry and the community — Build an entrepreneurial mindset in performance. Here, I started to project-led collaboration believe in the power of music — Develop artistic expression in performance or – that it can resonate with and composition through technical competence, — Provide opportunities to appreciate, move people’s hearts. stylistic understanding and creativity experience and discuss the creative practices from various disciplines and within the — Impart students with practical skills and Southeast Asian tradition knowledge that are useful for the industry, for current times and the future — Create opportunities for practice-led, industry- based learning, to communicate knowledge — Curate the opportunities of group performance and understanding of music education in through regular ensemble experiences various professional contexts — Cultivate critical and reflective processes to find the relevance of music in the community Please refer to the NAFA website for the course modules. SCHOOL OF MUSIC

NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 64 DIPLOMA IN MUSIC TEACHING The Diploma in Music Teaching course aims to train Institute of Education (NIE), along with lectures Photo Credit: Nathaniel Tan well-rounded music educators with the skills and and tutorials on instrumental/vocal teaching in the knowledge necessary to develop a strong foundation Instrumental/Vocal Teaching core modules. Tan Jie Qing in performing their instrument/composition, as well as in teaching. Through a broad-based and practice- Other core units in contextual studies, aural and BACHELOR OF MUSIC (HONS) led curriculum, you will be equipped with a range of musicianship classes, and career skills provide functional performance skills and teaching strategies support and depth to your study and help develop key for various music education contexts. skills in such areas as communication, collaborative work, problem solving and study skills, with the aim You will develop through various modules and to enhance employability. You will also be exposed activities offered in this course. The Principal Study to the industry through Industry Projects, Teaching (Pedagogy Track) core modules seek to develop Practice and Industrial Attachments, which will help your foundation in your instrument/composition, with you acquire interpersonal skills and work values within opportunities for solo performances and ensembles. a professional environment. The Professional Studies core modules expand the Leveraging on NAFA’s cultural heritage and range of skills essential for aspiring music educators, multidisciplinary environment, the course offers which include orchestra/chorus, Kodaly workshops, you the opportunity to engage in interdisciplinary percussion, conducting, and more. Music education projects which push the boundaries of your discipline, and pedagogy classes are taught at the National contributing to the development of the arts scene. LEARNING OUTCOMES: — Curate opportunities of group performances ”“ At NAFA, there is a lot of through regular ensemble experiences exposure to different kinds of — Provide a comprehensive and well-balanced music, ranging from Chinese, education to nurture versatile musicians who — Provide opportunities to appreciate, Indian, Western to Malay music. can contribute actively to the music industry experience and discuss the creative practices This exposure brings me to and the community from various disciplines and within the a higher level as a musician, Southeast Asian tradition and I feel that NAFA is the — Develop essential pedagogical skills and best institution for pursuing strategies to build a strong foundation in — Create opportunities for practice-led, industry- Chinese music in Singapore as music teaching based learning, to communicate knowledge not many schools in Southeast and understanding of music education in Asia provide training in Chinese — Train confident musicians with the technical various professional contexts instruments. competence, stylistic awareness and creativity in performance, or composition — Cultivate critical and reflective processes to find the relevance of music in the community — Impart practical skills and knowledge that are useful for musicians and music educators, for current times and the future Please refer to the NAFA website for the course modules. SCHOOL OF MUSIC

NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 66 SPECIALIST DIPLOMA IN Photo Credit: Yong Junyi ORCHESTRAL CONDUCTING The Specialist Diploma in Orchestral Conducting LEARNING OUTCOMES: MUSIC PREPARATORY COURSE The Music Preparatory Course is specially designed for LEARNING course aims to provide professional development students who wish to develop instrumental foundation OUTCOMES: opportunities to aspiring conductors working — Demonstrate artistic expression and music theory knowledge, prior to entering the with orchestras, symphonic wind bands, or other in conducting through technical three-year Diploma in Music course. The course will run — Demonstrate the instrumental ensembles in various competence and stylistic understanding for 12 weeks across a semester, from January to April. establishment of solid professional contexts. technical foundation — Integrate musical ideas to communicate INSTRUMENTAL TUITION through the presentation This course will develop and enhance conducting the creative aspects of music making (PRINCIPAL STUDY) of required musical techniques, broaden repertoire knowledge, and refine works the interpretational abilities of musicians working — Curate opportunities for group You will attend weekly individual lessons with selected with orchestras or other instrumental ensembles. performance through regular professional musicians. These specialist tutors will help — Communicate musical ensemble experiences you develop strong and solid techniques along with understanding of The Specialist Diploma consists of two certificates: repertoire preparations. required musical works Certificate in Orchestral Studies (120 hours), and Please refer to the NAFA website for the course modules. through performance Certificate in Orchestral Leadership (120 hours). MUSIC APPRECIATION or in a composition portfolio interview Each certificate consists of four modules: You will learn about basic musical form as well as the — Principles of Conducting lives and works of leading composers. You will also learn — Establish foundation — Orchestral Repertoire and Analysis about the development of Western music history. of pitch accuracy, — Score Reading and Musicianship Skills chord recognition, — Instrumentation of the Orchestra MUSIC THEORY & rhythmic and melodic AURAL TRAINING understanding The curriculum is practice-led and industry-focused, where you will be given opportunities to apply This class will cover all basics in music theory and ear Please refer to the NAFA website for acquired knowledge in authentic professional training. You will sit for an assessment based on the the course modules. environments, such as podium time to lead the NAFA requirements of ABRSM Grade V theory, which may also Orchestra in rehearsals. be taken externally. SCHOOL OF MUSIC

NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 68 RE E BACHELOR This is a two-year top-up course for diploma SE S OF MUSIC graduates offered in collaboration with the (HONOURS) Royal College of Music (RCM) in London. D E G Final-year students will attend International Placement for seven O U R weeks at the Royal College of Music in London (for Western Instruments) or ten weeks at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing (for Chinese Instruments). In addition to principal study lessons, students will be offered opportunities to perform in public events. The Bachelor of Music (Hons) course is relevant to Singaporeans who aspire to work in the developing music industry, either as performers or teachers. It is also relevant to individuals interested in pursuing further studies. The course will provide you with the opportunity to study and perform within a multicultural environment. C Photo Credit: Yong Junyi SCHOOL OF MUSIC

NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 70 Photo Credit: Yong Junyi DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Related & Second Study Photo Credit: Nathaniel Tan 1-on-1 Principal Study Lessons Instrumentalists have opportunities to undertake LEARNING Related Study on an instrument related to your OUTCOMES: Receive weekly lessons of up to 45 hours per year with Principal Study (e.g. harpsichord for pianists, piccolo your Principal Study lecturer to further develop your for flautists). Second Study tuition is also available — Sharpen your individual skills composition or instrumental/vocal performance skills and students with an equally high level of ability in two and deepen specialist interests, with flair. Additionally, through regular attendance of areas may undertake Joint Principal Studies. establishing yourself in the performance classes, masterclasses and concerts, you profession will expand your awareness and understanding about Elective Modules matters of style and performance practice. — Develop close links with the Enjoy the flexibility to choose up to 120 credits music profession in its Comprehensive Curriculum of elective modules to plan your learning pathway widest sense according to your interests and inclinations. A comprehensive performance programme to help — Gain a sense of individual and you prepare for the ever widening demands of the Exciting Exchange Opportunities collective responsibility music profession in a range of ensembles both at NAFA and the RCM, including orchestra, symphonic Participate fully in college life overseas, with either — Respond flexibly to changing wind ensemble, Chinese ensemble, chorus and the Royal College of Music (London) or the Central professional expectations and chamber music. Conservatory of Music (Beijing) for one term during demands within broader musical, the BMus 4th year. cultural, interdisciplinary, and Masterclasses & Artist Residencies economic perspectives Hear and learn from some of the best in the music Please refer to the NAFA website scene, with Masterclasses in all areas, including the for the course modules. RCM Visiting Professor Scheme and NAFA Artist in Residence projects. SCHOOL OF MUSIC

NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 72 BACHELOR OF This is a two-year top-up degree programme DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: EDUCATION for Diploma graduates offered in collaboration with the Royal College of Music. It builds on 1-on-1 Principal Study Lessons (HONOURS) IN NAFA’s Diploma in Music Teaching Course, INSTRUMENTAL & designed for those wishing to be professional Develop your technical competencies through VOCAL TEACHING instrumental or vocal teachers, and musicians 1-on-1 weekly sessions with your Principal Study in educational contexts. lecturer. Expand your breadth of knowledge through performance classes, masterclasses and concerts. LEARNING Students will be involved in 1-on-1 instrumental/vocal lessons, OUTCOMES: small-group seminars, and observation visits to industry International Placement partners. Final-year students will take part in a teaching — Cultivate performance mastery on practicum to immerse themselves in the music education Take part in the seven-week international placement your instrument industry, as well as attend an international placement for at the Royal College of Music in London, where you seven weeks at the Royal College of Music in London to gain will experience RCM’s state-of-the-art resources and — Integrate musical ideas with insights on music education in a different context. world-leading expertise to develop unique cultural creative pedagogical aspects in perspectives on music education. music making Photo Credit: Nathaniel Tan Teaching Practicum — Recognise, evaluate, analyse, and synthesise music education Immerse yourself in the music education industry literature through a critical lens by applying your knowledge and skills in a teaching environment. Reflect on your teaching aims and — Incorporate inclusive pedagogical outcomes under the guidance of a mentor. practice to adapt to the learning needs of diverse students Weekly Teaching Seminars — Effectively use technology and Broaden your horizons through weekly teaching digital media in your pedagogical seminars on repertoire studies. Delve deeper into practice the socio-historical contexts of musical repertoire, and survey key learning resources to adapt your — Engage and apply your artistry in teaching approaches to a wide range of musical teaching practice repertoires. Hone your analytical skills and develop instrument-specific teaching approaches to cater — Develop your own beliefs and to learners’ needs. values as an educator in a way that is informed by recent Elective Modules research developments Develop and nurture your leadership and applied skills Please refer to the NAFA website through a range of elective modules, which you can for the course modules. choose based on your interests, needs and inclinations. Learn to apply your knowledge to the fields of study that interest you. SCHOOL OF MUSIC

NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 74 A DM I SS IONS DIPLOMA DEGREE ADMISSION P G Potential in Artistic PG Degree courses offered ACADEMIC P G Diploma GRANTS & P G Government REQUIREMENTS in partnership with INFORMATION SCHOLARSHIPS 7 7 Talent and Creativity 88 University of the Arts 95 105 Financial Schemes ADMISSION London REQUIREMENTSP G Educational P G Degree P G Scholarships & PG Degree courses offered 8 1 Qualifications in partnership with 97 109 Financial Aid Schemes (Local) 89 Royal College of Music, London P G Educational P G Potential in Artistic 8 3 Qualifications (International) 9 0 Talent and Creativity P G Language Proficiency P G How to Apply COURSE P G Diploma INTERNATIONAL P G International FEES APPLICANTS 84 94 101 113 Applicants P G Module Exemption P G Degree P G Overseas Education 8 4 And Advanced 103 115 Counsellors Standing P G How to Apply 86

NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 76 ADM I S SI ONS DIPLOMA ENROLMENT AT A REQUIREMENTS GLANCE EDUCATIONAL AGE QUALIFICATIONS REQUIREMENT The creative impulse never settles. This is the first step to an extensive background in arts education. Whether your talent lies — Singapore-Cambridge GCE O-Level 16 years of age and above in the year you are in performing or visual arts, we believe in creating opportunities — Singapore Integrated Programme and SOTA enrolled into Year 1 of the diploma course. to develop your passion. — Institute of Technical Education — International – Refer to page 83 POTENTIAL IN ARTISTIC HOW TO APPLY TALENT & CREATIVITY LANGUAGE 01 CHOOSE a course from one of our Schools PROFICIENCY Art & Design 02 CHECK Submit a portfolio of 10 –15 images of recent art/ 03 APPLY — School of Art & Design — School of Arts Management, English Proficiency design work or take a three-hour admission test. — School of Music Dance & Theatre — All courses except Diploma in Dance and Arts Management the specific course admission requirements Diploma in Music: Submit a 500-word personal statement GCE O-Level Grade C6/TOEFL iBT 50/TOEFL and a testimonial. — International applicants residing overseas may contact the 500/IELTS Academic Band 5/SAT score of 480 NAFA-appointed education counsellors (details on page 115) (Evidence-Based Reading & Writing component)/ Dance Duolingo score of 75 Perform in an entrance audition and participate at in a brief interview. — Diploma in Dance and Diploma in Music: 0 4 L O O K U P Scholarships & Financial Aid Schemes GCE O-Level Grade D7/TOEFL iBT 40/TOEFL Theatre 400/IELTS Academic Band 4/SAT score of 450 Participate in a workshop, a brief interview and (Evidence-Based Reading & Writing component)/ perform in an audition monologue. Duolingo score of 55 Music Mandarin Proficiency Perform in an entrance audition and participate Diploma in Theatre (Mandarin Drama): in a brief interview. Composers are required to submit a portfolio of two to five compositions. GCE O-Level Grade C6 in Chinese Language or Higher Chinese or Literature in Chinese. SPECIAL FACTOR LOCAL & Recognition is accorded for prior achievements INTERNATIONAL in areas relevant to intended studies. DIPLOMA ENROLMENT SCHEDULE APPLICANTS 3 JANUARY 2022 31 MARCH 2022 LOCAL INTERNATIONAL APPLICANTS APPLICANTS Admission Enquiries: +65 6512 4071 [email protected] — School of Art & Design Diploma Courses – — International applicants residing overseas Course application information on page 77 may contact the NAFA-appointed education counsellors (details on page 115) — School of Arts Management, Dance & Theatre and School of Music Diploma Courses – Course — Applications made through non application information on page 78 to 80 NAFA-appointed education counsellors will not be accepted — You will be notified by post on the outcome of your application within 4 – 6 weeks after your Portfolio Submission/Interview/Admission Test/Audition ADMISSIONS

ADM ISS I ONS NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 78 REQUI REMENTS D I P LOM A SCHOOL OF ARTS MANAGEMENT, DANCE & THEATRE POTENTIAL IN ARTS MANAGEMENT DIPLOMA IN ARTS MANAGEMENT ARTISTIC TALENT AND CREATIVITY SCHOOL OF ART & DESIGN You are required to submit a 500-word personal Testimonial statement and a testimonial at FINE ART DESIGN & MEDIA The testimonial should be written and signed by an Diploma in Art Teaching Diploma in Advertising Personal Statement official (e.g. teacher, principal, advisor, etc.) of an Diploma in Fine Art Diploma in Graphic Communication educational institution you have attended. Through Diploma in Illustration Design with Animation Your personal statement should articulate your interest the testimonial, you will be evaluated based on your: 3D DESIGN Diploma in Screen Media for the arts and future career goals. Through your Diploma in Design (Furniture and Spatial) personal statement, you will be evaluated based on your: — Personality traits Diploma in Design (Interior and Exhibition) FASHION STUDIES — Participation in co-curricular activities Diploma in Design (Landscape and Architecture) Diploma in Fashion Design — Past experiences in artistic practice, arts management and/ — Leadership ability or potential Diploma in Design (Object and Jewellery) Diploma in Fashion Business and Management or attending arts events Interview — Aspiration to work in the arts and cultural industries — Written communication skills Selected applicants may be asked to attend an in-person or online interview. A) PORTFOLIO SUBMISSION breadth of media. The portfolio may include, but is not DANCE DIPLOMA IN DANCE limited to the following: drawing, prints, photography, You are to submit 10 –15 images of your recent art painting, film, video, animation, sculpture, ceramics, You are required to attend an audition. The audition Interview or design work at Your digital work, etc. consists of two sections — practical assessment and portfolio should include development work for the interview: You are expected to discuss why you want to study finished artwork (e.g. sketches, mood boards, etc.). Guidelines on taking photographs of artworks: dance during the interview. You will be reviewed based Portfolios are assessed with the aim of identifying your — You are required to report to the audition venue 30 on your: creative and technical potential to undertake a course — A clean background with no visual clutter distracting minutes earlier to register, warm up and change into your in art and/or design. the artwork should be used. own appropriate attire for dancing — Existing knowledge of and experience in dance performance The work submitted should preferably be not more — The artwork should be evenly lit and there should — The audition may take up to three hours than two years old. It may be the result of assigned not be any shadows cast on the artworks — Dance-related interests and career aspirations class projects or independent exploration. It is Practical Assessment — Dance proclivity and learning attitude recommended that the selected examples of work You are also expected to write a statement of intent of reflect your interests, experience and competencies in about 100 words, stating your reasons for pursuing a You are expected to prepare and perform two Applicants who are unable to attend a live audition art and design. course of study in art and design. Please include your contrasting solos of any dance genre/style (e.g. ballet may request for an online audition. For the practical goals, interests and aspirations for the future. and cultural dance; Chinese classical dance and assessment, applicants may choose to perform the While compiling the contents of the portfolio, you may Chinese folk dance). Each dance should not exceed two solos through the Internet or submit a current concentrate on a single medium or show work in a 90 seconds. The solo dance can be choreographed by pre-recorded performance. Both options will be yourself or by someone else (e.g. your dance teacher). followed by an online interview. B) ADMISSION TEST You are required to bring your own music which may be played from your own media device (e.g. mobile The test consists of three sections (test duration: 2.5 hours): phone, tablet etc.). A costume (e.g. tutu for female ballet classical solo) may be worn. Through your Written essay Drawing from observation Please note that selected performance, assessors will evaluate your: where you will be tested on your where you will be tested on your applicants may be asked to attend ability to write and express your ability to draw an actual object or an in-person or online interview. — Technique — coordination, control and alignment views on art and design a scene in front of you All applicants (except from China) — Artistry — spatial awareness, musicality, dynamic Creative visualisation may select either (A) Portfolio range and performance quality where you will be tested on your creativity and imagination to visualise a Submission or (B) Admission Test. design or solution. — Fitness — strength, control, flexibility, coordination, In view of the COVID-19 travel restrictions, speed, stamina and stretch we are currently only accepting (A) Portfolio Submission through our appointed overseas counsellors. ADMISSIONS

NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 80 SCHOOL OF ARTS MANAGEMENT, DANCE & THEATRE SCHOOL OF MUSIC THEATRE DIPLOMA IN THEATRE (ENGLISH DRAMA) MUSIC DIPLOMA IN MUSIC DIPLOMA IN THEATRE (MANDARIN DRAMA) DIPLOMA IN MUSIC TEACHING You are required to attend an audition. The audition Audition Monologue Audition Composition Portfolio Interview consists of three sections — Workshop, Audition Monologue and Interview. During the audition, you will be asked to perform one You are required to attend an entrance audition Composers should submit a portfolio of at least two, of the three pieces of dramatic texts. You are expected of approximately 15 minutes on your intended but not more than five, contrasting examples of your — You will be given three audition monologues at least to arrive with your chosen monologue memorised. principal study. compositions. Do submit your portfolio one week one week prior to the audition and you will need to in advance of your scheduled audition. You may choose one. You are expected to memorise or be Through your performance of the monologue, Non-pianists are advised to bring along their own submit your work as written scores, recordings or very prepared with your chosen piece assessors will evaluate your: accompanist for the audition. If necessary, please a combination of the two. contact the Student Admissions Office for a list of — You are required to report to the audition — Ability to perform a dramatic text – comprehension, accompanists. The accompanist fee is S$100, for a Please ensure that your written music is clear venue 30 minutes earlier to register characterisation and creativity 45-minute rehearsal and the audition. Applicants are and legible, and that you include full details, required to make arrangements with the accompanists where necessary, of instrumentation, scoring, and — The audition may take up to three hours — Physical skills – presence on stage, spatial directly for practice sessions and payment. performance details. Do not send Sibelius files unless awareness, physical range, movement vocabulary they are accompanied by PDF files of the same — Wear comfortable clothing that allows for and physical portrayal of character The audition consists of the following: material. Recordings should either be on a CD or DVD, ease of movement — Performance of two contrasting works of your or in a file format that can be read in VLC or Windows — Vocal skills – projection, clarity, range and tone Media Player. Workshop choice. Pieces selected from popular music Interview repertoire would not be considered for the Individual works should be clearly indexed on both the You are expected to participate enthusiastically in the purposes of this audition. CD and accompanying documentation. All recordings improvisation exercises and theatre games during the You are expected to discuss why you want to study — Sight-reading should be clearly labelled with your name and the title workshop. Through your participation in the workshop, theatre during the interview. You will be reviewed — Aural awareness of the piece on both the CD and its cover. Portfolios you will be evaluated based on your: based on your: — Music theory* will be returned to you immediately at the end of the — Short interview with the audition panel about your audition or mailed back to you after the audition period — Openness to improvisation and willingness to work — Existing knowledge of and experience in theatre musical experiences, interests and your ambitions upon request. with others and/or performance for future studies and career Online Audition — Vocal response in an improvisation – projection, — Personality traits *The music theory paper (approximately 60 minutes) range, tone and clarity will test applicants in various areas at a level similar to Though live auditions are preferred, applicants who — Innovation and creativity ABRSM Grade V. are unable to attend a live audition may submit a — Physical response in an improvisation – video recording for their audition. If they pass the expressiveness, spontaneity and range Applicants who present documentary evidence of video screening round, an interview via Zoom or MS ABRSM Grade V Music Theory or its equivalent will be Teams with applicants will be arranged by the Student exempted from the test. Further information about the Admissions Office. Applicants will be tested on their requirements of ABRSM Grade V Theory can be found sight-reading and aural awareness during the interview. at Guidelines for Video Recording: — The recording should be a clear and accurate representation of your playing. Do not edit the audio/video of your recording — The camera should be stationary for the performance of each work — The video should show the performer in full body if possible ADMISSIONS

NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 82 EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS ITE Early Admission LOCAL APPLICANTS ITE students from selected full-time Higher Nitec/ MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED Nitec courses* may apply for early admission. They may use their preliminary examination results Singapore-Cambridge GCE O-Level For Diploma in Art Teaching (cumulative GPA of up to the third term for a two-year (NON-MOE SPONSORED) Higher Nitec/Nitec course or fifth term for a three-year Aggregate score of 25 points or better in 4 GCE Nitec course) for application. The minimum cumulative O-Level subjects, excluding English. — Aggregate score of not more than 25 points in GPA for early admission is 3.0. 4 GCE O-Level subjects, excluding English Applicants who are active in their Secondary Schools’ Applicants are still required to submit their final-year Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) may gain up to two co- — Good grades in Art at the GCE O-Level results and meet the admission requirements of curricular attainment bonus points. The co-curricular — Applicants who have external Art qualifications the respective courses. Any applicant who does not attainment bonus points can be used to improve their meet the admission requirements will have his/her education qualification aggregate score for admission and Art portfolios are welcome to apply conditional offer revoked. consideration. Bonus points may also be awarded in — Pass Admission Test or Portfolio Submission recognition of applicants’ achievements relevant to — Selected applicants may be asked to attend an * List of courses eligible for early admission: the course. These may include arts-related activities, awards or recognition, potential contributions to in-person or online interview HIGHER NITEC/NITEC COURSES ELIGIBLE FOR EARLY ADMISSION TO THE learning dynamics, relevant work experiences etc. FOLLOWING NAFA DIPLOMA COURSES For Diploma in Music Teaching Higher Nitec in Architectural Technology Number of co-curricular attainment bonus points (NON-MOE SPONSORED) Higher Nitec in Filmmaking All School of Art & Design Diploma Courses awarded: (Cinematography) — Grades of A1-A2/Excellent: 2 points — Aggregate score of not more than 25 points in Higher Nitec in Games Art & Design Diploma in Arts Management — Grades of B3-C6/Good: 1 point 4 GCE O-Level subjects, excluding English Higher Nitec in Interactive Design Diploma in Arts Management Higher Nitec in Motion Graphics Diploma in Theatre (English Drama) Singapore Integrated Programme — Good grades from acceptable music examination Higher Nitec in Visual Effects Diploma in Theatre (Mandarin Drama) boards or a pass in GCE O-Level Music Higher Nitec in Visual Merchandising Successful completion of Year 4 or higher. Nitec in Architectural Technology — Applicants who are involved in musical groups and Nitec in Digital Animation School of the Arts (SOTA) play a musical instrument are welcome to apply Nitec in Fashion Apparel Production & Design Successful completion of Year 4 or higher. — Pass the music audition Nitec in Interactive Media Design Nitec in Interior & Exhibition Design Institute of Technical Education (ITE) Nitec in Product Design Nitec in Social Media & Web Development Successful completion of full-time Higher Nitec Nitec in Video Production or Nitec. Nitec in Visual Communication Nitec in Visual Effects Higher Nitec in Event Management Higher Nitec in Performance Production ADMISSIONS

NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 84 EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS LANGUAGE INTERNATIONAL APPLICANTS PROFICIENCY MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED The minimum English Language proficiency The minimum English Language proficiency requirement for all Diploma Courses except requirement for Diploma in Dance and International applicants who have completed at least Myanmar Diploma in Dance and Diploma in Music: Diploma in Music: ten years of education are eligible to apply. Relevant — Basic Education High School Examination/ supporting evidence of applicants’ achievements in the — Grade C6 at GCE O-Level — Grade D7 at GCE O-Level arts must be submitted with the application. Matriculation — TOEFL iBT 50 — TOEFL iBT 40 — TOEFL 500 — TOEFL 400 If the earliest you can submit your full results is Philippines — IELTS Academic Band 5 — IELTS Academic Band 4 mid-2022, you may use your most recent school — High School Diploma/Certificate — SAT score of 480 (Evidence-Based Reading & — SAT score of 450 (Evidence-Based Reading & examination or preliminary examination results, which must be certified by your school, for application. Sri Lanka Writing component) Writing component) — Sri Lanka General Certificate of Education - — Duolingo score of 75 — Duolingo score of 55 China — Qualifications equivalent to any of the above — Qualifications equivalent to any of the above — Senior High School Leaving Certificate Examination Ordinary Level — National College Entrance Examination (NCEE), Applicants who do not meet the English Language proficiency requirement for the applied diploma course will have Taiwan the option to enrol in the NAFA Preparatory English Course (PEC). Prior to enrolment in the PEC, applicants are also known as “Gao-kao” — General Scholastic Ability Test (GSAT) required to submit their English Language proficiency scores from certification systems such as TOEFL, IELTS or — Senior Secondary School (Grade 11/Grade 12) Duolingo. They will be placed in the appropriate level – Pre-intermediate Level English and/or Intermediate Level India English or Supplementary English as determined by the submitted scores. Thailand Secondary School Certificate (Standard X) from: — High School Year 12* In addition to the minimum English Language proficiency requirement, the minimum Chinese Language proficiency — The Central Board of Secondary Education requirement for Diploma in Theatre (Mandarin Drama) is Grade C6 at GCE O-Level in Chinese Language or Higher * Good High School Year 10 and 11 results will Chinese or Literature in Chinese. The subject(s) will form part of the 4 O-Level subject requirements. Examinations (CBSE) be considered — The Council for the Indian School Certificate MODULE EXEMPTION AND Vietnam ADVANCED STANDING Examinations (ISCE) — High School Year 11 Results — Other certificates equivalent to GCE O-Level — High School Diploma (Year 12) Applicants may receive module exemption of up to 60 credits, if they have taken and passed the same or similar — Diploma in arts-related studies modules in another institution. The granting of exemption and advanced standing may be subject to applicants Indonesia passing a Portfolio Interview, Audition or Admission Test. Application for module exemption may be subject to a — Sekolah Menengah Atas/Umum (SMA/SMU) Other Qualifications Portfolio Interview or Audition. — General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) National Final Evaluation Examination* — Cambridge International General Certificate of GCE A-LEVEL INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA * Good SMA/SMU/High School Year 10 and 11 results Secondary Education (IGCSE) IB CAREER-RELATED CERTIFICATE (IBCC) will be considered. — International Baccalaureate Middle Year Programme Applicants who have completed GCE A-Level or IB Diploma will be eligible to be considered for module exemption Korea (IB MYP) (up to 40 credits) in the relevant courses. Applicants from SOTA who have completed Year 4 and above are eligible — High School Graduation Certificate of National — International Baccalaureate Diploma (IBDP) to receive advanced standing (Year 1, Semester 2 or Year 2, Semester 1) in relevant Diploma courses subject to — International Baccalaureate Career-related their final or preliminary examination results. Examination (Year 11/Year 12) Certificate (IBCC) Malaysia — International Baccalaureate Certificate — Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) Examination — Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM) Examination — Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) Examination ADMISSIONS

NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 86 HOW TO APPLY COURSES MODULE EXEMPTION — Diploma in Fine Art — Diploma in Illustration Design with Animation — Diploma in Design (Furniture and Spatial) — Diploma in Screen Media HIGHER NITEC/NITEC — Diploma in Design (Interior and Exhibition) — Diploma in Fashion Design — Diploma in Design (Landscape and Architecture) — Diploma in Fashion Business and Management Diploma courses from the Fine Art Programme Diploma courses from the — Diploma in Design (Object and Jewellery) — Diploma in Art Teaching* Full-time ITE graduates from the following courses will Fashion Studies Programme — Diploma in Advertising — Diploma in Arts Management^ be considered for module exemption: Full-time ITE graduates from the following courses will — Diploma in Graphic Communication — Higher Nitec in Games Art & Design be considered for module exemption: — Higher Nitec in Motion Graphics — Higher Nitec in Visual Merchandising * Diploma in Art Teaching applicants who aspire to be MOE teachers should apply via — Higher Nitec in Visual Effects — Nitec in Fashion Apparel Production & Design careers/teaching-scholarships-sponsorships/art-music-teacher — Higher Nitec in Visual Merchandising — Nitec in Product Design — Nitec in Digital Animation STEPS — Nitec in Interactive Media Design Diploma in Arts Management — Nitec in Product Design Full-time ITE graduates from the following courses will 0 1 Apply online at — Nitec in Visual Communication be considered for module exemption: — Nitec in Visual Effects — Higher Nitec in Event Management For all above-mentioned courses except Diploma in Arts Management ^, select either Portfolio Submission or — Higher Nitec in Performance Production Admission Test in the application portal. Diploma courses from the 3D Design Programme Diploma in Theatre 0 2 Print out the Application Acknowledgement for your reference and submit copies* of the following documents Full-time ITE graduates from the following courses will (English Drama/Mandarin Drama) be considered for module exemption: Full-time ITE graduates from the following courses will to the Student Admissions Office, NAFA Campus 1, for verification within five working days from the date of — Higher Nitec in Architectural Technology be considered for module exemption: your online application. — Higher Nitec in Visual Merchandising — Higher Nitec in Performance Production *You will need to bring the original NRIC/Passport and academic documents for authenticity check — Nitec in Architectural Technology during submission. — Nitec in Interactive Media Design — Academic certificates and transcripts, e.g. GCE A-Level/GCE O-Level/ITE and GCE N-Level/other — Nitec in Interior & Exhibition Design equivalent qualifications including TOEFL, TOEFL iBT, IELTS Academic or SAT result, if applicable — Nitec in Product Design — NRIC or passport or valid Student’s Pass — Nitec in Visual Communication — Nitec in Visual Effects 0 3 Make payment of the Application Fee at the cashier counter in NAFA or online at https://payment.nafa. Diploma courses from the Applicants who are paying online will be required to upload the above documents Design & Media Programme during application. Full-time ITE graduates from the following courses will be considered for module exemption: 0 4 Submit your portfolio/personal statement or receive test advisory, according to the option you have chosen in — Higher Nitec in Filmmaking (Cinematography) — Higher Nitec in Games Art & Design Step 1. — Higher Nitec in Interactive Design — Higher Nitec in Motion Graphics Option A: Option B: Admission Test ^ For Diploma in — Higher Nitec in Visual Effects Portfolio Submission Arts Management — Higher Nitec in Visual Merchandising • Receive a test advisory on the — Nitec in Digital Animation This option is available to all date of the Admission Test from Submit personal statement and — Nitec in Product Design applicants. Requests to submit a the Student Admissions Office testimonial at https://pss.nafa. — Nitec in Social Media & Web Development portfolio by applicants from China are after verification of the required Selected applicants may — Nitec in Video Production subject to approval. documents and payment of the be asked to attend an interview in — Nitec in Visual Communication • Submit your portfolio at https:// Application Fee person or via the web. after completion • Attend the Admission Test at NAFA of the online application with the required materials as indicated in the test advisory In view of the COVID-19 travel restrictions, we are currently only accepting (A) Portfolio Submission through our appointed overseas counsellors. 0 5 Receive a letter by post/email on the outcome of your application within 4–6 weeks after your Portfolio Submission/Interview or Admission Test. ADMISSIONS

NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 88 HOW TO APPLY ADM ISS I ONS REQUI REMENTS DEGREE COURSES DEGREE COURSES OFFERED IN PARTNERSHIP WITH — Diploma in Dance — Diploma in Music UNIVERSITY OF THE ARTS LONDON — Diploma in Theatre (English Drama) — Diploma in Music Teaching* — Diploma in Theatre (Mandarin Drama) BACHELOR OF ARTS (HONOURS) FINE ART BACHELOR OF ARTS (HONOURS) DESIGN PRACTICE * Diploma in Art Teaching applicants who aspire to be MOE teachers should apply via BACHELOR OF ARTS (HONOURS) PERFORMANCE MAKING careers/teaching-scholarships-sponsorships/art-music-teacher STEPS EDUCATION AGE REQUIREMENT QUALIFICATIONS 0 1 Apply online at Applicants should be 18 years of age or older The standard minimum entry requirements for this in the year of admission to Year 1. 0 2 Print out the Application Acknowledgement for your reference and submit copies* of the following documents course are one or a combination of the following qualifications: LANGUAGE to the Student Admissions Office, NAFA Campus 1, for verification within five working days from the date of PROFICIENCY your online application. Entry into first year (either one of the * You will need to bring the original NRIC/Passport and academic documents for authenticity check following): All classes are taught in English. If English was not the during submission. applicant’s primary medium of instruction throughout — Academic certificates and transcripts, e.g. GCE A-Level/GCE O-Level/ITE and GCE N-Level/other — Singapore-Cambridge A-Level (Minimum 2 A-Level/ his or her school education, the applicant must provide H2 subjects and a pass in General Paper) evidence at enrolment of the following: IELTS level 6.0 equivalent qualifications including TOEFL, TOEFL iBT, IELTS Academic or SAT result, if applicable or above, with at least 5.5 in reading, writing, listening, — NRIC or passport or valid Student’s Pass — Polytechnic Diploma (Singapore) and speaking. Please visit for other acceptable English language qualifications. 0 3 Make payment of the Application Fee at the cashier counter in NAFA or online at https://payment.nafa. — International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Applicants who are paying online will be required to upload the above documents — Equivalent of Year 12 qualification (e.g. Senior High School during application. Leaving Certificate Examination, National College Entrance Examination (NCEE), also known as “Gao-kao” in China.) 0 4 Receive a test advisory on the date of your audition from the Student Admissions Office. Direct entry into second year: 0 5 Attend the audition at NAFA with the required materials as indicated in the test advisory. — A relevant diploma in Design/Fine Art/Dance/Theatre 0 6 Receive a letter by post/email on the outcome of your application within 4–6 weeks after your audition. from NAFA or a recognised institution APPLICANTS At NAFA, we are committed to providing full and equal educational — Diploma transcript must indicate passing grades in WITH opportunities to all students. The academy firmly believes that every equivalent NAFA diploma modules SPECIAL individual deserves a supportive learning environment. Applicants are EDUCATION invited to inform us in advance of any specific needs, and/or type of NEEDS physical facilities or support you might require. Please include this information in your application form, supplemented with relevant medical reports. This will allow us to plan the appropriate learning support for you. ADMISSIONS

NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 90 DEGREE COURSES OFFERED IN POTENTIAL IN PARTNERSHIP WITH ARTISTIC TALENT AND CREATIVITY ROYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC, LONDON BACHELOR OF ARTS BACHELOR OF ARTS (HONOURS) FINE ART (HONOURS) DESIGN PRACTICE BACHELOR OF EDUCATION (HONOURS) IN INSTRUMENTAL & VOCAL TEACHING Portfolio and Statement of Intent Portfolio and Statement of Intent BACHELOR OF MUSIC (HONOURS) All applicants are to demonstrate their artistic All applicants are to demonstrate their potential EDUCATION AGE REQUIREMENT potential through the submission of the following: through the submission of the following: QUALIFICATIONS — A portfolio which consists of 10 –15 pieces of the Applicants should be 19 years of age or older in the — Statement of Intent of about 500 words outlining the A relevant diploma in Music or Music Teaching from year of admission to the degree course. applicant’s interest(s) of practice and/or work the applicant’s best works. These works should demonstrate NAFA or for students from other musical institutions, applicant aims to produce in the course of study. creativity, passion, and curiosity and be a reflection of the full transcript(s) from current university or college to LANGUAGE applicant’s view of the world. demonstrate successful progression through a course PROFICIENCY — A portfolio which consists of 5 best examples of the of study, equivalent to 2 years of undergraduate applicant’s creative works. Each of these works should — A Statement of Intent (250 – 300 words) which musical training. The minimum entry requirement for English language be supported by up to 3 visuals of development works. communicates the applicant’s purpose in pursuing a proficiency is IELTS Academic Band 5.5 or equivalent.* These works should demonstrate creativity, passion, Design Practice degree course. and curiosity and be a reflection of the applicant’s view *Waived for NAFA applicants who have successfully of the world. — A Curriculum Vitae (CV) Optional completed NAFA’s Diploma in Music or Diploma in Music Teaching. Non-NAFA applicants who have — A Curriculum Vitae (CV) Optional Group Interview successfully completed a recognised and approved Diploma qualification or higher, where the language Interview All applicants are to attend a group interview session of instruction was English, may be given a waiver on a where they are expected to communicate their case-by-case basis. All applicants are to attend a group as well as motivations in applying for the BA (Hons) Design individual interview session where they are expected Practice course and share their views on specific to communicate their motivations in applying for the topics given. BA (Hons) Fine Art course and share their views on specific topics given. ADMISSIONS

NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 92 POTENTIAL IN ARTISTIC TALENT AND CREATIVITY BACHELOR OF ARTS (HONOURS) BACHELOR OF EDUCATION (HONOURS) PERFORMANCE MAKING IN INSTRUMENTAL & VOCAL TEACHING Through an audition that consists of three (3) components – Solo Performance, Interview, and Through an audition that consists of two components – (1) Performance and (2) Interview, we look for: Workshop, we look for: — A passion for music performance and instrumental/vocal — A strong technical and musical foundation on the — Passion for the performing arts — Openness and responsiveness to different teaching instrument/voice cultural perspectives — Commitment and motivation to strive for — A commitment and motivation to strive for excellence in the — The ability to communicate ideas musically, verbally excellence in the course — An aptitude for self-directed learning and BEd programme and in writing critical evaluation of work — Openness and willingness to collaborate creatively — An aptitude for critical thinking and evaluation of ideas — An aptitude for creative thinking and problem-solving and respectfully with others — Ability to communicate ideas physically and/or verbally — An aptitude for self-directed learning and reflective practice — Ability to create, develop and respond to new ideas — Aptitude for creative problem solving and to work with new creative forms We understand that auditions are a significant milestone on every applicant’s journey towards a career as a — Technical/artistic acumen professional instrumental/vocal teacher or musician-educator. The guidance below will help you prepare to the best of your abilities and make you aware of what will happen at your audition. AUDITION 2. Interview AUDITION 2. Interview Personal Statement 1. Solo Performance Applicants are expected to discuss why they want to 1. Performance At least one week before your audition, you are Applicants are expected to perform a monologue study ‘performance making’ during the interview and — Your audition will be recorded and will be reviewed by the required to upload a personal statement (250 – 300 that has been learnt by heart, taken from a published share any relevant experience. Through the interview, words) on the following questions: playtext (2-3 minutes), or a dance solo (1.5 minutes) applicants are assessed on the following: appropriate faculty members from the RCM. — Why are you applying for the BEd course? choreographed either by the applicant or by someone — Passion for the performing arts else. Through the presentation of a solo performance — You should prepare a programme between 10 –12 minutes — What skills do you possess that make you suitable for piece, applicants are assessed on the following: — Commitment and motivation to strive for excellence in and show a variety of styles, periods and characters. You the rigorous demands of the course? — Technical/artistic acumen the course do not need to submit your audition programme in advance. The audition panel reserves the right to hear only part of the Interview — Ability to communicate ideas physically and/or verbally — Aptitude for self-directed learning and critical evaluation programme overall. You are expected to discuss why you want to study of work instrumental/vocal teaching during the interview and Monologue (Theatre Specialism) — Singers should prepare a programme in at least two of the share any relevant experience. • Ability to perform a dramatic text — comprehension, 3. Workshop following languages: English, Italian, French, and German. Typical questions you may be asked during your characterisation, and creativity interview include: Applicants are expected to participate fully in — Non-pianists are advised to bring along their accompanists if — Why do you want to study at NAFA? • Physical skills — presence on stage, spatial awareness, the interactive workshop. Through the workshop, their chosen pieces require accompaniment. A list of NAFA's physical range, movement vocabulary and physical applicants are assessed on the following: Official Accompanists would be made available to applicants — What are your musical interests? portrayal of character — Ability to communicate ideas physically and/or verbally. along with their audition details. There will be a fee payable directly to the Accompanist. — What do you think you need to do most to improve • Vocal skills — projection, clarity, range, and tone — Aptitude for creative problem solving your performance? — You cannot bring a page-turner, your teacher, or a translator Dance Solo (Dance Specialism) — Openness and willingness to collaborate creatively into your audition. The only people in your audition room will — What is your teaching philosophy? • Technique — coordination, control, and alignment and respectfully with others be you, your accompanist, and the audition panel. As our • Artistry — spatial awareness, musicality, dynamic range, courses are taught in English we expect you to be able to and performance quality — Ability to create, develop and respond to new ideas communicate in English at your audition. • Fitness — strength, control, flexibility, coordination, speed, and to work with new creative forms stamina and stretch — Quick Study test will be required of all applicants. — Openness and responsiveness to different cultural perspectives ONLINE AUDITION Guidelines for Video Recording: — Aptitude for creative problem solving Though live auditions are preferred, applicants who — The recording should be a clear and accurate are unable to attend a live audition may submit a video representation of your playing. Do not edit the recording for their audition. If you pass this round, audio/video of your recording an online interview will be arranged by the Student Admissions Office. — The camera should be stationary for the performance of each work — The video should show the performer in full body if possible ADMISSIONS

NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 94 BACHELOR OF MUSIC (HONOURS) HOW TO APPLY Through an audition that consists of – (1) Performance and Interview (for Instrumentalists/Singers), STEPS or (2) Portfolio Submission and Interview (for Composers), we look for: 0 1 Apply online at — A passion for music and performance/composition — An aptitude for critical thinking and evaluation of ideas — An aptitude for self-directed learning and evaluation of work 0 2 Print out the Application Acknowledgement for your reference and submit copies* of the following documents — A commitment and motivation to strive for excellence in — The ability to communicate ideas musically, verbally the BMus programme to the Student Admissions Office, NAFA Campus 1, for verification within 5 working days from the date of and in writing your online application. — A demonstrable security in technical and musical skills — An aptitude for creative thinking and problem-solving on the instrument/voice, or in composition * You will need to bring the original NRIC/Passport and academic documents for authenticity check during submission. We understand that auditions are a significant milestone on every applicant’s journey towards a career as a conservatoire musician. The guidance below will help you prepare to the best of your abilities and make you aware — NRIC for Singapore Citizens (SC) or Singapore Permanent Residents (SPR), passport and valid Student’s of what will happen at your audition. Pass card (if applicable) for international students AUDITION — English qualifications (e.g. IELTS/TOEFL iBT), if applicable 1. Performance and Interview — Certified true copies of academic certificates and transcripts: (Instrumentalist/Singers) — Your audition will be recorded and may be reviewed by the 2. Portfolio Submission and Interview (Composers) 1. For NAFA and Local Polytechnic 2. For other international qualifications Diploma students • Please submit your most recent school examination appropriate Head of Faculty from the RCM. — Composers should submit a portfolio of at least two, • If you are currently in your final semester, please or preliminary examination results, which must be — You should prepare a programme of at least 15 minutes but not more than five, contrasting examples of your submit your academic transcripts of your first certified by your school if you have not received your compositions. You are required to submit your portfolio 5 semesters. Subsequently, please submit your final results. Subsequently, please submit your final and show a variety of styles, periods, and characters. to the Students Admissions Office at least 3 weeks in Diploma certificate and full academic transcript (all results and certificate within 5 working days from the You do not need to submit your audition programme in advance of your scheduled audition. semesters) within 5 working days from the official official release date advance. The audition panel reserves the right to hear only release date two pieces overall. — Written scores may be submitted as PDF files. Do not send — Pianists should prepare from memory a programme of at least Sibelius files unless they are accompanied by PDF files of 0 3 Make payment of the Application Fee at the cashier counter in NAFA or online at https://payment.nafa. three works of their own choice. This should last at least 15 the same material. Recordings should be in a file format minutes and show a variety of style, period, and character. that can be read in VLC or Windows Media Player. Applicants who are paying online will be required to upload the above — Singers should prepare three contrasting pieces in at least documents during application. three of the following languages: English, Italian, French, — Individual works should be clearly indexed on the and German. One-piece must be an operatic or oratorio accompanying documentation. All recordings should be 0 4 Upload your portfolio at aria (with recitative if possible). Pieces selected from clearly labelled with your name and the title of the piece. popular music repertoire would not be considered for the 0 5 You will receive an email from the Student Admissions Office on the details of your portfolio interview upon purposes of this audition. — On the day of the audition, you may submit your work as — Non-pianists are advised to bring along their accompanists written scores, recordings, or a combination of the two. receipt of all required documents and portfolio. if their chosen pieces require accompaniment. A list of Please ensure that written music is clear and legible NAFA's Official Accompanists would be made available to with full information of instrumentation, scoring and 0 6 Receive a letter by post/email on the outcome of your application within 4 – 6 weeks after your Interview applicants along with their audition details. There will be a performance details. fee payable directly to the Accompanist. or Audition. — You cannot bring a page-turner, your teacher, or a — We are looking for evidence of both a talent for translator into your audition. The only people in your composition and the ability to realise effectively, or to start audition room will be you, your accompanist, and the to realise, your ideas in a variety of forms and media. audition panel. As our lessons are taught in English we expect you to be able to communicate in English at your — The interview will include a series of simple aural tests. audition. — Technical work (scales, arpeggios etc) may be required of — Typical questions you may be asked during your interview some instrumentalists. include: — Quick Study test will be required of all performers. • Why do you want to study at NAFA? — Typical questions you may be asked during your interview • What are your musical interests? include: • What do you think you need to do most to improve your • Why do you want to study at NAFA? writing? • What are your musical interests? • What do you think you need to do most to improve your Though live auditions are preferred, performers who are unable to attend a live audition may submit a video recording performance? for their audition. If you pass this round, an online interview will be arranged by the Student Admissions Office. ADMISSIONS Guidelines for Video Recording: — The recording should be a clear and accurate representation of your playing. Do not edit the audio/video of your recording — The camera should be stationary for the performance of each work — The video should show the performer in full body if possible

ACADEM IC NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 96 I N F OR MAT ION D I PLOMA DIPLOMA ACADEMIC CALENDAR AY2022/2023 COURSE TRANSFER OR CHANGE OF COURSE SEMESTER / TERM WEEK FROM (MONDAY) TO (SUNDAY) Prior to course commencement date New diploma students who wish to change courses after accepting an offer in a course are required to notify the Orientation Week 1 – 15 1 August 2022 7 August 2022 Student Admissions Office and re-apply for admission to the new course. Semester 1 Week 8 8 August 2022 20 November 2022 Mid-Semester Week^ Week 16 – 17 26 September 2022 2 October 2022 After course commencement date Assessment Week 21 November 2022 4 December 2022 Eligible diploma students who wish to request for a course transfer must be in their first year of candidature at the Vacation Week 1 – 15 5 December 2022 8 January 2023 time of their course transfer application. They are required to submit their application for course transfer during the Semester 2 Week 8 9 January 2023 23 April 2023 stipulated application period. The programme Vice-Dean will determine if a test/audition/interview is necessary for Mid-Semester Week^ Week 16 – 18 27 February 2023 5 March 2023 any course transfer application. Assessment Week 24 April 2023 14 May 2023 Course transfers are not guaranteed as approvals are subject to the availability of vacancies, test/audition/ Vacation* Week 1 – 7 15 May 2023 30 July 2023 interview outcome (if required), students’ NAFA assessment results and fulfilment of the course requirements. Special Term* 5 June 2023 23 July 2023 Diploma students from Arts Management, Dance and MOE-sponsored Teaching courses are not eligible to apply for course transfer. Students from these courses who wish to change course are required to withdraw from their ^ Individual Programmes may conduct academic-related activities such as make-up classes, workshops or talks, etc. during the Mid-Semester Week. current course and re-apply for admission to the new course. * Students may opt to use the vacation period to take up selected modules, projects, and programmes during the Special Term. CONDITIONAL OFFER GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Applicants who have passed the admission test/audition or have met the portfolio requirement but have not yet met In order to graduate from a diploma course, students are required to attain at least 120 credits (including the English Language proficiency requirement may be offered conditional admission. They are required to either exempted modules, if any), pass all school/course/elective requirements as prescribed by the respective Schools/ complete and pass the NAFA Preparatory English Course or provide documentary evidence showing that they have Programmes, and have no more than three modules completed with provisional pass Grade E. met the English Language proficiency requirement before the commencement of the diploma course. Failing to do so will result in the offer being revoked. MODE OF INSTRUCTION PREPARATORY ENGLISH COURSE Lessons may be delivered face-to-face in classrooms or facilitated online. Lecturers employ a variety of teaching strategies and methods according to the needs of each module. Students are expected to attend every lesson as There are different levels of the Preparatory English Course. Applicants will be placed at the appropriate level as scheduled, either in the form of lectures, tutorials, discussions, demonstrations, case studies, practical exercises, determined by their submitted English Language proficiency scores from certification systems such as TOEFL, field activities, classroom practice or e-learning. IELTS or Duolingo. Our Preparatory English course aims to improve students’ command of English and equip them with essential ASSESSMENT METHODS communication skills that will enhance their learning of the arts at the tertiary level. The course adopts a holistic approach that focuses on: Each module is assessed by either class participation, written assignments, practical performances, portfolio presentations, projects, examinations or any of these combinations. Assessment methods may vary according to — Facilitating learning with learner-centred practice tasks and activities individual module requirements. — Equipping students with strategies for building vocabulary, listening, reading and comprehension capacities — Instilling students’ confidence in communicating ideas and intentions ACADEMIC INFORMATION

ACADEM IC NAFA COURSE GUIDE 2022–23 PG 98 I N F OR MAT ION DEGREE DEGREE ACADEMIC CALENDARS AY2022/2023 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Design Practice Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Performance Making SEMESTER / TERM WEEK FROM (MONDAY) TO (SUNDAY) SEMESTER / TERM WEEK FROM (MONDAY) TO (SUNDAY) Orientation 1 August 2022 7 August 2022 Semester 1 Week 1 – 15 8 August 2022 20 November 2022 Orientation 1 August 2022 7 August 2022 Semester 11 8 August 2022 20 November 2022 Mid-Semester Week1 Week 8 26 September 2022 2 October 2022 Mid-Semester Week2 Week 1 – 15 26 September 2022 2 October 2022 Vacation Week 8 21 November 2022 8 January 2023 Assessment Week2 Week 16 – 17 21 November 2022 4 December 2022 Semester 21 9 January 2023 23 April 2023 Vacation 5 December 2022 8 January 2023 Study Trip to UAL3 Week 1 – 15 13 February 2023 19 March 2023 Semester 2 Week 1 – 15 9 January 2023 23 April 2023 Mid-Semester Week2 Week 6 – 10 27 February 2023 5 March 2023 Mid-Semester Week1 Week 8 27 February 2023 5 March 2023 Vacation Week 8 24 April 2023 30 July 2023 International Placement3 Week 7 – 13 20 February 2023 9 April 2023 Assessment Week2 Week 16 – 18 24 April 2023 14 May 2023 Vacation 15 May 2023 30 July 2023 1. Assessments take place throughout 2. Academic-related activities such as 3. Year 2 students only. A short orientation the semester. Any assessments or replacement classes, workshops or talks, will take place at UAL at the end of Week 1. Academic-related activities such as 2. Assessments take place throughout the 3. Year 2 students only. A short introduction performances scheduled after Week 15 etc. may be conducted during the Mid- 5. Travel dates (to and from London) will replacement classes, workshops, semester. Any presentation or showcase with UAL faculty and students will take will be announced at the start of Semester Week. Classes for PM2523 be announced during Semester 1. seminars, events or talks, etc. may be scheduled for Assessment Week will be place prior to the International Placement. the semester. continue throughout this week for Year conducted during the Mid-Semester announced at the start of the semester. Travel dates (to and from London) will be 2 students. Please consult your Course Week. Please consult your Course announced during Semester 1. Leader for more details. Leader for more details. Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Fine Art Bachelor of Music (Honours) Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Instrumental & Vocal Teaching SEMESTER / TERM WEEK FROM (MONDAY) TO (SUNDAY) Orientation 1 August 2022 7 August 2022 SEMESTER / TERM WEEK FROM (MONDAY) TO (SUNDAY) Semester 1 Week 1 – 15 8 August 2022 20 November 2022 Orientation Week 1 – 15 1 August 2022 7 August 2022 Semester 1 Week 8 8 August 2022 20 November 2022 Mid-Semester Week1 Week 8 26 September 2022 2 October 2022 Mid-Semester Week Week 16 – 17 26 September 2022 2 October 2022 Assessment Week 21 November 2022 4 December 2022 Assessment Week2 Week 16 – 17 21 November 2022 4 December 2022 Vacation Week 1 – 15 5 December 2022 8 January 2023 Semester 2 Week 8 9 January 2023 23 April 2023 Vacation Week 1 – 15 5 December 2022 8 January 2023 Mid-Semester Week Week 16 – 18 27 February 2023 5 March 2023 Semester 2 9 January 2023 23 April 2023 Assessment Week 24 April 2023 14 May 2023 Vacation 15 May 2023 30 July 2023 Mid-Semester Week1 Week 8 27 February 2023 5 March 2023 Week 7 – 13 20 February 2023 9 April 2023 UK Residential Trip3 Week 16 – 18 24 April 2023 14 May 2023 (International Engagement) Assessment Week2 Vacation 15 May 2023 30 July 2023 15 May 2023 30 July 2023 Industry Placement: Internship/Residency3 (8 – 12 weeks) 1. Academic-related activities such as 2. Assessments take place throughout the 3. Year 2 students only. A short introduction replacement classes, workshops, semester. Any presentation or showcase with UAL faculty and students will take seminars, events or talks, etc. may be scheduled for Assessment Week will be place prior to the trip. Travel dates (to and conducted during the Mid-Semester announced at the start of the semester from London) will be announced during Week. Please consult your Course Semester 1. Year 2 students will embark Leader for more details. on a Publication or Industry Placement submission, and Assessment dates will vary. ACADEMIC INFORMATION

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