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Home Explore YOU! Magazine - Issue 1_2

YOU! Magazine - Issue 1_2

Published by sipgraphic, 2017-11-07 09:10:05

Description: YOU! Magazine - Issue 1_2

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WENDY TRENDING FITZWILLIAM Caribbean Style Miss Universe BEAUTY & ISLAND GROOMING LIFESTYLE DOUGLA 5 STAR AKIL The New Race Soca Artist YOU! Magazine by Calvin French - 1

4 YOU! 30 5 Star Akil 5 You Tell US! 34 Face Paint 6 You Message 38 Flashback of a 7 Editor’s Note Caribbean Rendezvous 8 YOU! 39 Lights Contributors Camera Action 10 Vodak Ad 44 Wendy 11 Peter Elias Ad Fitzwilliam 12 YOU Style 48 Caribbean Aesthetic 14 Threads for 52 Be-You-Ty YOU 56 Groomed 16 Boll’ Face Style Men 18 The Cosquel 60 Dougla YOU 68 Ashvin Bally 24 There’s Soo much More 72 Jewelry to Sexy Caribbean 74 Caribbean Music Fuses Men & with Afrobeats Women

76 Island 90 Tropical Trends Cuisine 92 Portrait of 78 Ecliff Elie a Woman - Kerron Riley 80 CLD 98 Night Vision 82 Evidence of Style 100Pause For a Cause - The Pink 84 Vogue Italia Tea! 86 Kaia Gerber 104 Calvin French 88 Denim Love, 106 Look out for Love Denim YOU FEATURES CARIBBEAN STYLE TRENDING ISLAND LIFESTYLE BEAUTY & GROOMING Cover Story Shot by Clavin French on rocks of the beautiful North Coast of Trinidad, Miss Universe 1998, Wendy Fitzwilliam dressed in a fabulous bouquet of anthurim flowers - serving us all sorts of natural beauty. She chats with us further inside! 4 - YOU! Magazine by Calvin French

TELL US! EDITORIAL ADVERTISING MARKETING Calvin French Editor-in Chief Brian Matthew Creative Director Design and Layout YOU! Designer

MESSA GE You is the identity and heart of the cultural and social trend setters of the Caribbean You is dedicated to bringing together the very best in Caribbean fashion, style, lifestyle and entertainment. You highlights the talent and creativity of the new generation of Caribbean designers and artisans. Fashion. Carnival. Culture. Style/ Trends. MAS. Makeup. Makeup. Music. Business. Food & Drink. Entertainment. Grooming. Events. Health & Fitness. Technology 6 - YOU! Magazine by Calvin French

E d it or’ s N o t e GOING AGAINST THE CURRENT You magazine is an expression of YOU! It is the way I see Caribbean lifestyle, fashion, entertainment and culture. I have photographed so many people but I have fallen in love all over again with my beautiful Caribbean people. The seductive silhouettes of Jamaican women, their commanding, sleek and beautiful nature, the well-chiselled bone structure of Trinidadian men - we have great talent on these islands. I want to stir up excitement with this magazine as far as fashion and lifestyle is concerned. I want to highlight the fun side of fashion and create unity, unity in terms of all agents sharing the real and true meaning of fashion. Photography for me is a lifestyle; it is what you wear and how you wear it. Fashion photography is my forte and by living in Milan and Paris and working with world designers, I believe that I understand the underpinnings of fashion. In this issue, we have a bit of everything. Starting with the cover story of my dear friend Wendy Fitzwilliam – whom when I initially met on my second trip to Trinidad after many years of not being here, I thought to myself, “wow what an amazing ebony woman she is”. When my other very good friend, Peter Elias called me to tell me that she won Miss Trinidad and Tobago Universe and that they were coming to New York- I was ecstatic! When Wendy walked into my 17th floor, Park Avenue office, my entire staff was very mesmerized by her beauty. They were more than certain she was taking the Miss Universe crown that year – and so she did! Growing up in my village of Claxton Bay, there were a mix of Afro and Indo Trinidadians (commonly known to us as Dougla), which was my inspiration for this first issue. As you will read in the editorial, I always thought Douglas were such an interesting mix, which is so unique to us in the Caribbean. This issue is dedicated to my friend Justin Joseph, who initiated the magazine before his abrupt passing. It truly saddened me, but I am sure he would be happy to know it came to fruition. Enjoy this issue and thank you to all who made it possible. There is much more to come! YOU! Magazine by Calvin French - 7

C O NTRIB UT O RS PETER ELIAS Peter defines himself as a retailer (he has been in the business for over 20 years). With a degree in Economics and Art History, being strongly influenced by his mother’s 35-year involvement in the fashion industry. His Involvement with the Miss Trinidad & Tobago representatives for over 15years, he’s considered responsible for bringing corporate attention to its importance locally, contributing to this country’s success and branding internationally (notwithstanding the developmental role to so many young ones). He has worked with a wide variety of regional and New York based magazines and personalities as a stylist. Apart from his one-off creations, he produces a ready-to-wear line offered in his outlets and an annual Resort Collection, which is also distributed. BRIAN MATTHEW Brian has a passion for fashion, public relations, branding and events. With a resume crossing over 10 years of experience in the industry, he has worked with numerous local and international brands to the likes of Absolute Vodka, Black Opal Cosmetics, Jergens and Vina Maipo. Has also worked alongside numerous local designers and labels such as Claudia Pegus, Shaun Griffith Perez and Bang Bang. Being professionally qualified in public relations and events management, Brian has lent his skill set to numerous fashion as well as corporate events within the Trinidad Public Service and the Tobago House of Assembly varying from, Caribbean Fashion Awards, Miss World Trinidad and Tobago Culinary Festival to mention a few. NIGEL CELESTINE Nigel Celestine is described by many as an incredible choreographer. He is a highly sought after model, fashion and event co-ordinator, fashion runway coach, stage manager, stylist and runway sound designer. He is the go-to expert by top Trinidad and Tobago designers such as Claudia Pegus, Peter Elias, Heather Jones, Meiling, Radical Designs and Eclife Elie. He has also styled numerous fashion editorial for various publications and styled advertisements for Converse, Francis Fashions and Micles. On the photography front, professionals such as Calvin French, Gary Jordan and Kerron Riley have sought after his talent. KERRON RILEY Kerron Riley is a lifestyle and fashion photographer and entrepreneur. Born in Trinidad spent many years in Bethesda, Maryland USA. The holder of a Photography Degree from The Maryland School of Art, he quickly became known for a unique photographic style that was as complex and as beautiful as his mixed heritage. His penchant for photography and knack for business has gained him prolific work for several publications (Caribbean Belle, Scorch, TEL, Mentality, Profiles 96 and more), as well as for several high profile meetings such as the Summit of Americas 2010 and the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting 2010. He has been privileged to photograph Queen Elizabeth II and the past President of the United States of America Barack Obama, several world leaders, celebrities and local personalities. 8 - YOU! Magazine by Calvin French

C O NTRIB UT O RS ASHVIN BALLY - Hairstylist KIRK THOMAS - Makeup LORRAINE WALDROPT – Writer SEAN NERO - Writer KATRINA LAYDOO – The Makeup House KWESI MARCONO - Photography JORDAN LUM HUNG - Photography YOU! Magazine by Calvin French - 9

AWARD-WINNING QUALITY IN EVERY POUR ME D A L W I N NE R 10 - YOU! Magazine by Calvin French Please Drink Responsibly.

AWARD-WINNING QUALITY IN EVERY POUR ME D A L W I N NE R YOU! Magazine by Calvin French - 11 Please Drink Responsibly.

S T YLE Caribbean folk have their own sense of style. Mixing and matching non-traditional pieces of clothing. What is YOUr sense of Style? 12 - YOU! Magazine by Calvin French

Caribbean folk have their own sense of style. Mixing and matching non-traditional pieces of clothing. What is YOUr sense of Style? YOU! Magazine by Calvin French - 13

14 - YOU! Magazine by Calvin French 14 - YOU! Magazine by Calvin French THREADS FOR

YOU! Magazine by Calvin French - 15 - 15 YOU! Magazine by Calvin French

face BOLL’ style “Boll’ Face” (pronounced: bowl face), is Trinidadian patois meaning “In your face or (Makeup by: Avionne Mark) Fashion by: Micles pushy”. At YOU, we would like to think Boll’Face style to mean, strong, confident expressing oneself however they please. 16 - YOU! Magazine by Calvin French 16 - YOU! Magazine by Calvin French

style Fashion by: Micles YOU! Magazine by Calvin French - 17 17 YOU! Magazine by Calvin French -

THE COSQUEL “Cosquel” (pronounded coskel) , is Trinidadian patois meaning “outlandish or garish taste in clothing, decor or style”. Our interpretation; a stylish person who has a unique colourful, hip fashion with sense and style.” Fashion by: Micles 18 - YOU! Magazine by Calvin French

COSQUEL YOU! Magazine by Calvin French - 19

Fashion by: Micles 20 - YOU! Magazine by Calvin French

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22 - YOU! Magazine by Calvin French

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Style & Make-up - Peter Elias YOU! Magazine by Calvin French - 25

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Star Akil 30 - YOU! Magazine by Calvin French 5 30 - YOU! Magazine by Calvin French

5 Akil Anthony Borneo, known professionally as 5Star Akil, is a Trinidadian Soca artiste as well as a radio personality and disc jockey. Born in St James, a suburb in Trinidad which locals have dubbed “the city that never sleeps”, 5 Star Akil started his career in music as a disc jockey, playing live music at Club Prosperity in his home town. He, along with friends, eventually formed one of the most successful DJ outfits in Trinidad and Tobago, Associate Degree Sound System. Star 5 Star Akil eventually got his breakthrough in radio when he was approached by Anthony “Chinese Laundry” Chow Lin On to work as an on air personality at 96.1wefm, one of Trinidad and Tobago’s top urban radio stations. In 2010, the popular DJ narrowly escaped death after being shot five times and would go on to become one of the Caribbean’s most consistent and fastest rising artistes in the Soca business. Akil With only 5 years experience under his belt, 5Star Akil has continuously delivered hit after hit and has developed a solid catalogue of Soca songs, including his breakthrough single, “Partier”, as well as “To Meh Heart”, ”Noise”, “Island Adventure”, ”Never Done”, “Wifey Material” and “Tuh Night”. YOU! Magazine by Calvin French - 31 YOU! Magazine by Calvin French - 31

In 2016, 5 Star Akil’s created history in Trinidad and Tobago when his single, “Different Me” (written by Jovan James and produced by Nikholai Greene) gave champion Steel Orchestra Desperadoes, it’s 11th National Panorama title after not winning a championship for the past 16 years. The success of “Different Me” further propelled 5Star Akil to parter with Jamaican brand, Lasco iCool for the re-launch of the iconic Byron Lee’s Jamaica Carnival. Alongside the King of Dancehall, Beenie Man, 5 Star Akil was the only Soca artiste to lead brand Jamaica Carnival’s Road March celebrations. Jump to Carnival 2017, 5Star Akil has added 6 songs to his existing catalogue, including Hero, Go Go Dancer, Find Yuh Way, Too Lit, True Fêter and Doh Blame It with newcomer Kevin Dodds. 32 - YOU! Magazine by Calvin French 32 - YOU! Magazine by Calvin French

2017 also saw 5 Star Akil debut his HERO Mix Tape - a 14-track EP which combines his classic hits like “Partier”, “To Meh Heart” and “Noise” with recent favourites, as he celebrates 5 years of success in the Soca industry and to commemorate such an important milestone in his music career. YOU! Magazine by Calvin French - 33 YOU! Magazine by Calvin French - 33

34 - YOU! Magazine by Calvin French 34 - YOU! Magazine by Calvin French Face Paint

Face Paint YOU! Magazine by Calvin French - 35 YOU! Magazine by Calvin French - 35

M.A.C Cosmetics recently collaborated with THE LOST TRIBE for their 2018 Carnival presentation. M.A.C International Director of Makeup Artistry, Romero Jennings, worked alongside Executive Creative Director of THE LOST TRIBE, Valmiki Maharaj, to design the makeup looks for the 2018 Costume presentation. As key artist, Romero lead the execution of the makeup looks by a team of certified M.A.C makeup artist for the official photo shoot of the costumer as well as backstage at the Festival of the Bands (Tribe Band Launch) which took place on July 15, 2017. 36 - YOU! Magazine by Calvin French 36 - YOU! Magazine by Calvin French

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FLASHBACK OF A LIGHTS Lay back and remember that time, walking on a white sanded beach sipping on a rum punch with the warm sea island breeze caressing your body. You glance at an exotic individual. The encounter, the conversation, the smiles, the vibe, the sea island breeze. Remember the experience of that scintillating moment you will never forget, a moment that can happen nowhere else but in the West Indies CARIBBEAN RENDEZVOUS Tropical Vibe 38 - YOU! Magazine by Calvin French 38 - YOU! Magazine by Calvin French

LIGHTS ACTION Tropical Vibe YOU! Magazine by Calvin French - 39

THE GALLERY Long Circular Mall, St. James Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago 1-868-628-7771

THE GALLERY Long Circular Mall, St. James Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago 1-868-628-7771

44 - YOU! Magazine by Calvin French 44 - YOU! Magazine by Calvin French FITZWILLIAM

“I am passionate to share my experiences and expertise with Caribbean women. My mission is to elevate their mindset and increase their access to opportunities on the global scale towards self-development and Caribbean branding,” Fitzwilliam declared commenting on the many aspiring Caribbean models who discovered their potential through CNTM’s stewardship. “This cake pop is amazing but my usual snack is watermelon,” she laughed informing me that her diet is dictated by healthy options but occasionally she opts for cake and ice cream. Indeed, her girl-next-door charm was inviting as we zigzagged through her conquests as a Caribbean woman blazing a trail throughout the world. Zigzagging… It was the only way to interview a stalwart who has done so many things in life and influenced so many people. One minute we were reminiscing on the first time she walked the catwalk for local designer, Meiling at age fourteen and in another second we were talking about her favourite TV show as a young woman- Style With Elsa Klench. The impact of European and Caribbean history on her philosophies of fashion, design and style… Then the discussion switched gears to hiking and adventure holidays with her son, Ailan Story By: Lorraine Waldropt and how she strategically carries a skipping rope in her suitcase on her business travels to “Hey girl, where you at?” do a skipping workout in her hotel room after a long day of meetings. I asked the woman whom I have admired for Wow! Before we know it, our time was up and years. The poised, passionate and pioneering I had learned so much about this phenomenal Wendy Fitzwilliam. I wasn’t the only one woman so much that I had to admit that admiring her that day as we met for a quick there is something special about former chat at a coffee shop in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad. Miss Universe 1998, Wendy Fitzwilliam. It is Patrons sophisticatedly seated for their lunch not her quintessential beauty although her at the elegant food spot were oohing, ahhing beautiful brown eyes, illuminative smile and and jumping out of their chairs to take selfies. When they saw her strut in to greet me in her svelte physique render her Miss Universe black pencil skirt, chic shirt and scarf to match for decades to come. It is not her charming they became excited. personality or the fact that she is as real as they get because she doesn’t hide behind the “Hi darling,” she said to me and we exchanged views of the majority but thinks independently. hugs. And that’s the thing about the beloved Miss Universe 1998, she genuinely loves Why does she stand out people. As people greeted her I saw how her eyes became alive. Wendy… The tall model amidst a crowd? from Diego Martin, western Trinidad who placed her islands on the Universal map in 1998; the queen who young girls still look The answer is multifaceted. Wendy Fitzwilliam up to; the book author and friend who gives is special because she dares to be different, great advice; the mother who will do anything she is true to herself; her roots and her for son and the classy lady who gives a new identity make who her she is and the essence meaning to a clutch and a stiletto… Everybody of her being is patented and copyrighted with loves her and even the critics. the Wendy Fitzwilliam seal. And so between coffee and her favourite “Girl, call me sometime, let’s do lunch! Or confectionary (cake pops, her cheat treat), we perhaps we can do a river lime!” were my talk about her life. About her business journey parting words to her after our coffee escape since her title in 1998, her profession as a and in response she smiled broadly and distinguished lawyer, how she fuses business and legal savvy into her co-produced series, agreed as she answered a business call. Her Caribbean Next Top Model (CNTM (with her day was just beginning and it was evening but sister Dionyse Fitzwilliam). A franchise of the then again that’s just a chapter in the life of FITZWILLIAM American Next top model Show, CNTM is the the poised, passionate and pioneering Wendy nurturing ground for Caribbean creativity Fitzwilliam. embodied in modelled, fashion and design. YOU! Magazine by Calvin French - 45

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CaribbeanAesthetic 48 - YOU! Magazine by Calvin French

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