Med Term Review By: Amber Bahaji Class: 4B Teacher: Pickett
Integumentary system Musculoskeletal system Reproductive The Human Body Nervous system system Urinary Special senses system Cardiovascular Digestive system system Respiratory system
Analogy: the integumentary system is like the filters in the house Back to main because the regulation what is happening on the outside page Integumentary system Key terms: Function: Vocabulary: -Protection- protects Perspiration- sweat Epidermis- outer layer of skin From UV rays, physical debris and pathogens -Body temperature Dermis- layer below the epidermis Healthcare careers: maintenance- helps Keratin- water-repellent protein -Dermatology Melanin- pigments that are brown or black technician- they are homeostasis Sebum- oil assistants that take vital signs, record patient’s -Perceiving stimuli- Arrector-pili- muscle fibers on hair follicles history, and prepares Gland- cell or cells that secrete substances patients for for exams detects temperature, touch, and procedures. pain and pressure inside or outside the body -Dermatology nurse practitioner- they are Lipocytes- cells that make and store fat professionals that can prescribe medicine, -Excretion- excretes waste Collagen- protein skin, bone,cartilage, ligaments and order lab work, and do minor procedures. products tendons Diseases and disorders: -Albinism-condition of losing pigmentation Cyanosis-condition of turning blue -Eczema- condition of certain areas of skin becoming irritated and itching -Gangrene- death of blood tissue
Analogy: This is like the foundation of the house because the musculoskeletal system helps give the body structure Musculoskeletal system Functions: Vocabulary: Key terms: Skeletal: Ligaments- tissues connects bone to bone Protection- protects internal organs and Tendons-tissues that structures Support- gives the body connects muscle to bone structure Foramen-passageway for blood vessels and nerves Creation of red blood cells- Sinus- hollow cavity in a bone bone marrow produces Thorax-made of rib, vertebrae, and sternum Fascia- RBCs Mineral storage- stores Automaticity-ability of muscles contracting without calcium and phosphorus nerves Excitability-ability of skeletal muscles receiving and Healthcare careers: Muscular- replying to nerves by contraction Prosthetist-works with patients with or in need -secures bones and allows Extensibility-ability of skeletal muscles stretching of a prosthesis movement to occur Radiologic technologist- performs -produces body heat Diseases and conditions: X-rays for diagnosis and treatment -protects organs Myomalacia- abnormal softening of muscle tissue -helping blood flow and Myoma-muscle tumor other fluids Arthritis-inflammation of the joints -helps move food Lumbago- Lower back pain
Analogy: The nervous system is like the power system because it is connected to all of the house Vocabulary: and sends electrical signals. Sensory neurons-sends Nervous system signals to the brain and spinal cord Nerves:group of neuron fibers Function: Myelin sheath:protective Sensory input: sends layer on the axon signals from the sensory Central nervous system: organs to the CNS made of spinal cord and brain Integration:interprets the and it receives, processes and sends a reaction from all information from the over. Healthcare careers: Electroneurodiagno sensory organs Frontal lobe- anterior part of stic technologist- in Motor output:CNS sends the brain charge of the use of message to the effectors Parietal lobes- superior part diagnostic as a response of the brain equipment for the Occipital lobe-posterior part nervous system Neurosurgeon- Hemiparesis-paralysis ofof the brain; controls vision treats and Temporal lobe-lateral parts diagnoses Diseases and conditions: one side conditions of the Astrocytoma-tumor of glial of the right and left cerebrum nervous system tissue Hemiplegia-paralysis of parts Cerebral contusion-bruising one side of the body Cerebellum-posterior part of in the cerebral Paralysis-temporary or the cerebrum permanent loss of Diencephalon-posterior part movement of the forebrain
Special senses Analogy: This is like the security cameras because they monitor what happens inside and outside Key terms: Function: monitor changes and Vocabulary: irid/o- iris stimuli (internally and -cusis- hearing Macula- pigmented area -opia- vision condition externally) near the retina ot/o- ear tympan/o- eardrum; tympanic The sensory organs detect Rods- photoreceptors for membrane opthalm/o-eye black and white -metry- process of measuring stimuli and send impulses to Cones- photoreceptors Diseases and conditions: the nerves, which is transmitted for color Cataract- clouding of the lens Hordeolum- inflammation and then there is a response Aqueous humor- watery of the eyelid; sty Myopia-nearsightedness from the body fluid that shapes the Hyperopia- farsightedness eyeball Otalgia-earache Healthcare careers: Vitreous humor- gel that Audiologist - a person keeps retina in place who specializes in Cerumen- earwax hearing, balance, and Malleus- auditory ossicle other disorders and bone that is conditions related. hammer-shaped Ophthalmologist- Incus- anvil shaped performs eye exams middle ossicle bone and prescribes Stapes-stirrup shaped medicine and inner ossicle bone treatment. Gustatory sense- sense of taste
Cardiovascular system Vocabulary: Pericardium-outermost layer of the heart Myocardium- middle layer of the heart Analogy: It is like the water system because it moves Endocardium-innermost blood all over the body and without water, people layer of the heart cannot live in the house similarly to the Systole- contractions of cardiovascular system. Functions: The function is the ventricles Diastole- relaxation of the Key terms: to move oxygenated ventricles blood and nutrients Blood pressure- the around the body and to pressure blood moves remove waste from the against the wall of a bloodstream. vein/artery Sphygmomanometer: Instrument used to measure blood pressure Sinoatrial node- Diseases and conditions: pacemaker of the heart Bradycardia- slow heart rate Arrhythmia- irregular heartbeat Veins- carries Atherosclerosis- plaque building up in the arteries deoxygenated blood to the Cardiomyopathy- disease of the heart muscle heart Healthcare careers: Capillaries- small blood Telemetry nurse- measures heart vessels where carbon patterns with equipment dioxide and oxygen can be Cardiologist- physician that treats and exchanged diagnoses heart conditions
Respiratory system Vocabulary: Internal respiration- gas exchange on a cellular level Analogy: It is like the A/C in the house External respiration- because it moves air in and out. exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the Key terms: Functions: atmosphere and the cells ● inhaling oxygen which Ventilation-air moving in and out of the lungs later enters the Larynx- voice-box that helps bloodstream you speak ● Exhaling carbon dioxide Pharynx- the throat and it Healthcare careers: Perfusionist: specialist waste passes air to the windpipe that controls the open-heart Diseases and conditions: Trachea- the windpipe that surgery Bradypnea- slower than normal breathing brings air to the lungs Tachypnea- Faster than normal Alveoli- sacs where gas exchange occurs breathing Diaphragm- structure that helps Pulmonologist: specialist Bronchospasm- contractions of the the lungs contract and expand that treats and diagnoses bronchi Respiration- process of gas relating to the lungs. Croup- barking cough usually found exchange in children Respiration rate- the number of breaths taken in a minute
Analogy: This is like the sewage system Vocabulary: of the house because it takes out all Mastication-process of the solid waste. chewing Duodenum-first part of the Digestive system small intestine that absorbs nutrients Key terms: Functions: Defecation- elimination of solid ● Ingesting food waste ● Breakdown of food Gingiva- the gums (chemical and physical Cardiac sphincter- controls digestion) flow of food from the stomach and esophagus Rugae- protective layer of the ● Absorption of nutrients stomach that aids in digestion Healthcare careers: ● Elimination of solid waste by secreting liquid Appendix- organ that has no Gastroenterologist- function specialist that specializes in Diseases and conditions: Jejunum- second section of thethe treatment of diseases Cholecystitis- inflammation of the small intestine where nutrients and conditions of the is absorbed into the gallbladder digestive system Celiac disease- malabsorption bloodstream syndrome thought to be caused by Cecum- pouch that connects tosDpeenctiisatli-zsepseinciathliesttrtehaattment gluten the ileum and helps move Cirrhosis- scarring of the liver of diseases and conditions waste Hernia-protrusion of an organ through Alimentary canal- tube that relating to the mouth and a muscle winds down the body gums
Analogy: It is like the drain of the Vocabulary: sink because it removes the liquid that is waste. Ureters- transport urine to the renal pelvis to the urinary bladder Urinary system Trigone-triangular-opening of the urethra Urethra- tube that moves urine from the bladder to the outside of Functions: the body Key terms: ● Filters the blood of wasuRtreeinneal calyces- cavities that collect ● Storage of waste Medullary pyramids- carries urine (bladder) from renal cortex to the renal ● Excretion- removal of calyces Renal pelvis- upper part of the ● wastes ureter Producing hormones Internal sphincter- controls urine involuntary Bowman’s Capsule- membrane Healthcare careers: surrounding the glomerulus Urologist- specialist that diagnoses and treats diseases Renal tubule- reabsorption occurs and conditions relating to urinary system and male here reproductive system Dialysis Technician- operates Diseases and conditions: Urination- excretion of urine machines that remove waste in people that have kidneys that Anuria- absence of urine cannot function properly Diuresis- abnormal increase of urine Nocturnal Enuresis- bed-wetting Glycosuria- condition of where sugar is in the urine
Analogy: This is like the floor plan for the house Vocabulary: because without the floor plan, you wouldn’t be able to make a house that is similar Conception: fertilization of the ovum Reproductive system Gonads: glands that produce gametes (ovaries and testes) Key terms: Luteinizing hormone: stimulates the testes to Functions: produce testosterone Male- fertilization of the ovum or Semen- fluid that contains sperm facilitate contraception Prostate gland- produces Female-produce new life liquid that lower the acidity of semen Diseases and conditions: Embryo- a zygote that is Healthcare careers: Cystocele- hernia of the implanted into the uterine wall Bladder that pushes through until 8 weeks after conception Oncologist: specialist that the wall of the vagina. Fetus- a zygote after 8 weeks diagnosing and treating with Stillbirth- death of a baby with of conception cancer patients Effacement- process of the Obstetrician/gynecologist: delivery after the 20th week cervix thinning of pregnancy Dilation- process of the cervix An obstetrician specializes in the care opening of women from pregnancy until after Anorchia- absence of one or Colostrum- yellow fluid from pregnancy both of the testes at birth the breast after a baby is born A gynecologist diagnoses and treats Cryptorchidism- defect where one or that provides nutrients and diseases and conditions relating the both testes do not descend from the antibodies female reproductive system scrotum
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