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Home Explore Spelling P3

Spelling P3

Published by tong_rt, 2022-10-26 04:04:04

Description: Spelling P3


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* Listen ond sing. Brush h our

* Listen, point ond reod th en then Thot is Pip the Sheep. th em them They eot ond then run Con you see them ? The sheep hos thick fur. I think it is good fun ! It hqs big teeth.

* Reod ond write. :s -hqth

* Look ond circle. th in goot thin mon th is cor see me see them thot csr * Color words with the 'th' sound. them tood then coot port

* Reod ond number the pictures in the correct order. Circle ond write the 'lh'words. This is Mr Pon. He is c very thin mon. He tokes o both in his tub. He puts on o thick coot. Then he goes to the pork with his dog. * Point, reod ond write in your notebook. o thin mon with o moth to ke o both brush then ond there

* Color the words thot rhvme. rock th ing * Unscromble ond write. thme

Sight Word : not * Reod ond write. do not This is not q They ore not cots. I connot

Color, reod ond highlight the word 'not'. It is o goot. The socks ore pink. It is not o sheep. They ore not red. I like cokes. I con boke. I connot sing. I do not like beons. * Look ond write. is not ore not do not connot This -is nat- o sheep. o ship tike corn. tike pizzos.

* Listen ond sing The wheels on the bus Go round ond round, Round ond round, Round ond round. The wheels on the bus Go round ond round All doy

* Listen, point ond reod qu i ck quick She is the queen. qu o ck quock We hove o quiz ! Jone is quick. The duck soys, \"Quock, quock, quock.\" wh eel wheel My bike hos two wheels. wh en when The sheep is white. Wholes eot fish. When con we eot?

* cotor ond reod. quick quock wheel whole when * write ond reod.

write 'qu'words on the crown, 'wh'words on the whole. quick qUE when quock wheel

* Motch the words thot rhyme quick o quqck when o .kite fu lk Choose from the words obove ond write Don is very Jill got o new is Dod coming home? Mom soys, \"He is coming ot

Point, reod ond write in your nolebook. red, white ond pink o who[e in the seo the wheels on the cor * Look of the pictures ond write in the correct order 3 seelall/whole 4 The / duck / tittte / quocks 5 wheels / This / hos / cor I four

Sight Words : who, where * Let's ploy! where Cotor'who' Write 'where' Troce ond reod Troce ond reod

* Use the words given to moke 5 sentences. Mrs Moy cooks Mr Pon eots the ship the pork when on Sundoy of ten whot where when

2 * Listen ond sing. A-Tisket, A-Tosket A green ond yellow bosket. I wrote o letter to my friend, IBuf on fhe woy dropped i+. I Idropped i+, dropped i+, IAnd on the woy dropped i+. A little boy picked i+ up And pu+ i+ in his pocket. 25

* Listen, point ond reod. Bunny is o robbit. tet ter letter This is my little kitten. Hove you seen my mitten ? You got o letter ! mork et morket Ben went to the morket. jock et jocket He put on o jocket. pock et pocket He got o ticket. He put the ticket in his pocket.

* write ond reod. * write ond reod. * Divide the words into syllobles ond soy. co/tot rocket bosket

* Look ond write the correct words. * Circle the words with double consononts (bb, tt, ff). Put o box oround the words ending in -et. corrot pocket morket letter mitten jocket muffin rocket

* Look of the picture ond complete the sentences. kitten muff ins corrot morket bosket letter o& The robbit hos eqr-not_ . Kip puts on o He hos o in his pocket. Mom is of the Mom hos ct bog of There is o

* Look ond write the sentences. pork + form morket Point, reod ond write in your notebook. eot o co rrot reod o letter on your jocket boke o muffin on o rocket get the bosket to the morket

Sight Word : put put on put in * Write 'put', reod ond motch Where I p-ql it in my bog. I it in mv bosket. I it in my pocket. I it in my poil. I it in the Jior.

Sight Word : put * Look of the pictures ond moke sentences socks 2 put the corrot put the muffin in 0 pait in 0 bosl<et in o bog put the lelter put the dog put the rabbit in his pocket in o rocket on my top

* Listen ond sing. Pefer Two liftle dicky birds Sifting on o wqll. One norned 'Peter, One norned Poul.

* Listen, point ond reod. The pig sits in the dirt. The bird sings o song. A girt rides her bike. Where is my shirt? n dinn It is hot in summer. It is cold in winter. We eot dinner. Peter is my fother.

* color ond reod. girl summer winter dinner ther

3 girl 6 winter 7 fother 8 dinner * Rewrite ond odd lhe correct vowels. z The b__d sinqs o sonq. o3 Meo is o ooodJJ l. 4 Mom is cookino dinn

* Reod ond write. mother pork port dinner

* Color the correct onswers. ? Som puts on o white likes to eot muffins. 5 We went to the form in the winter 6 There is o boot on the dinner * Point, reod ond write in your notebook o good girt Is it hot in summer? Is it fun in winter? put on o shirt

Sight Words : wont, buy * Reod ond write. wqnt wqnt to o muffin ..,4...1. * Color'wont' green ond color'buy' yellow. wont wont wont wont wo nt

Sight Words : wont, buy * Look, troce ond motch. eot o coke. o reod o book. o cook dinner. * Whot do they wont to do? Look ond write.

ends beoch, JUMP beoch, Jump ond swirnr Jump ond Pom corne second,

* Lislen, point ond reod. I go to the beoch. b eo ch beoch How much is this? There ore mony fish. m u ch much s o nd sond We ploy on the sond. The long jump! m e tt melt Jo comes first. The ice creom melts.

* Color ond reod. How much beqch much sond * write ond reod. * write ond reod.

* Color the correct ending blends. 1 beoch sond 6 me[t much sond . lomp melt . . teoch . wind brush . . cosh o nest much

* Sort ond write. beoch much sond jump teoch melt fi rst bru sh nest cosh lomp wind ------ 45

Point, reod ond write in your notebook birds in the nest o lomp in o box * write the missing words. 3 My cot wonts to eot your teeth before bed. 7 The ice creom

R-contro wels * Listen ond sing. I hod o little nu+ tree, Noihing would i+ beor, But o silver nutmeg And o golden peor. Of my little nut free. o'ooouurqlnrulal I Hod o Little Tree (troditionol)

* Listen, point ond reod. He is Bobby the Beor. b eor beor Bobby likes peors. He weors o jocket. t eor teor Don't teor the hot! h oir hoir The jet is in the olr. ch qir choir Pom goes to the foir. Con you cut my hoir?

beor teor * Moke'eor'words * Moke'oir'words.

* Find, circle ond write. beqr beqr hoir

* n.od the story ond write the missing words Todoy, Pom is going to o foir. She o jocket ond goes to the She eots o Then she sits on o ond gets o At [ost, she sees o

Point, reod ond write in your notebook. ho ir teor o hqt buy o peor * Reod, guess ond write. You con eot it. You con hove fun here. You con sit on it. You con see it in o zoo. on see o kite there. You con cut it.

Sight Word : but * Reod, troce ond write. I tike peqrs, not corrots. I hove short hoin you hove long hoir.

Sight Word : but cooking boki ng winter cokes muff ins * Go lhrough the word 'but' only but bry

Compound Words Photocopy this po9e, cut out ond ploy wheel choi r bqsket meot

Compound Words choir wheel bosket meot

* Listen ond sing I hear thunder, f hunder, Pitter-potter roindFops, Pitter-potter raindrops,

* Listen, point ond reod. d esr deor Come oh, my deor. h eor heor Beors hove two eors. -/ Whot con they heor? d eer deer ch eer cheer

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