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Omer Hamaagan-Assaf - Swipes and Fragments
Omer Hamaagan-Assaf - Swipes and Fragments
About Omer Hamaagan-Assaf
Omer Hamaagan-Assaf (1974) is a contemporary artist; father of four, industrial engineer, ad man and a triathlete. Omer started the path to becoming a painter at the age of 8 as a young scholar of Aviva Pasternak. At the age of 29, Omer was awarded a scholarship to the Hadassah School of Communication and Design in Jerusalem.

The variety of coats and additives played a pivotal role in the development of Omer’s unique painting technique which he describes as “deep-paint surfing” using acrylics, glue, gels, latex and passion; uninterrupted finger engraving in the unformed void resulting in rusticated, expressive & sensuous forms and surfaces. His two main collections are entitled Vast Fragments and Hira.

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