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Home Explore The Moses Effect Ebook

The Moses Effect Ebook

Published by thexpertmarketer, 2017-05-06 13:35:36

Description: The Moses Effect Ebook


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THE MOSES EFFECT“Your Royal Marines were not prepared for ourincursion. Thanks to Captain Mendoza’s withholding ofinformation regarding our impending arrival.We took your people by surprise and happily withoutany injuries to your people or ours. We have all thevessels under my command.”Jorgensen leaned against the Chart Bench, shoulderssagging and said to Rafa, “Rafa… Why?” After all thethings we’ve been through over the years… Why?You’re in the Royal Navy… What are you thinking?”“My family and I came to Britain and were Nationalisedwhen I was fourteen years old, but my heart was still inSpain. All the years we’ve worked together we havenever had to be involved with any action that involvedSpanish interests, so my loyalties had never been put tothe test. In fact, I hoped they never would” explainedMendoza.Shaking his head Jorgensen responded “You know thatthe Sussex is a British ship Rafa.”“Full of Spanish gold and in Spanish waters” Gonzalezinterrupted.“You keep out of this! This is between Rafa and me!”Jorgensen snarled.“Guards!” Gonzalez shouted. Onto the Bridge came twocombat dressed soldiers holding automatic weapons.“We can do this in a civilized manner Commodore, oryou’ll be placed under arrest and detained.” 251

JAMES YOUNG“You can not do this!” responded Jorgensen.“Commodore. I am in control of these vessels and myinstructions are to stop your operation. Send you, yourmen and vessels on their way without any furtherdifficulties. This will then be something that neverhappened. Do you understand Sir.’’Gonzalez continued “Now if your ready Commodore.We’ll have your men, who are down on the Sussex, backon-board. Dismantle this, may I say very effectiveoperation, and we will all be on our way. And mymission completed.”Jorgensen accompanied Commandante Gonzalez andMendoza from the Bridge down to the platform betweenPegasus and Aurora.As Mendoza and Jorgensen accompanied Gonzalez,Jorgensen asked Mendoza “For the sake of our pastfriendship, how did you arrange all this Rafa?”Rafa looked at Karl’s pained expression and said “It allbegan when we were last here and had to break off theoperation because of the accident.” Karl nodded andRafa continued “That’s when my loyalties began tobother me. Our friendship, my families BritishCitizenship, being in the Royal Navy, but above all myown heartfelt loyalty to Spain.”After a little pause Rafa sighed and said “It was due tothe accident that I came to the conclusion that men werejust interested in the gold and Spanish gold at that.” Heheld up his hand to stop any counter argument that may 252

THE MOSES EFFECTbe offered by Karl. “I felt in this instance, my loyaltieswere to Spain. I know you’ll have a very different viewKarl, but that’s how it is!”Rafa continued “While our ships were dispatched to ourvarious locations after the accident. I contacted theSpanish Consulate in Athens Greece. I believe they inturn contacted the Spanish Ambassador in London whohad already been trying to involve and fool the British injoining a further attempt to acquire the treasure.”“How did you come to be on Pegasus?” Karl asked hisfriend.“I took the Launch from Cosmos. I knew CommandanteGonzalez was to arrive on Pegasus. I told CaptainPhilips, Aurora’s Captain, that I had arrived on Aurora,as she was nearer to Cosmos and Pegasus and that Ineeded to cross over to Pegasus to meet with you as Ihad been supposedly ordered. When really it had beenarranged for me to meet Commandante Gonzalez.”“That was it Rafa. Was it?”“I’m afraid so Karl. Sorry it ended like this.” They allwalked in silence to the centre of the platform.When they reached the centre of the platform Jorgensennoticed the three Marines, Second Lieutenant JohnBuckingham, Lance Corporal Trevor Price and PrivateHarold Wallace being guarded by four Spanish soldiersin Combat Fatigues holding Automatic Weapons.“Where are the rest of your men, Lieutenant?” asked 253

JAMES YOUNGJorgensen.“They are detained on Aurora,” he replied.“Don’t worry Commodore” Gonzalez said “Your peoplehaven’t been hurt. As I mentioned earlier, we were ableto take them by surprise and no fire fight ensued. Allwill be over as soon as we’re able to complete ourmission and you and your men will be free.”Gonzalez asked Jorgenson “May I speak with your menbelow at the Sussex Commodore?”He passed the Transmitter to Commandante Gonzalez.“Ola Seigniors” came the voice over the radio receiverthat was attached to Masterson belt. Masterson stoodstartled for a moment not believing what he was hearing.“Ola Seigniors. I am Commandante Fernando Gonzalezde Unidad de Operaciones Especiales de Espana (UOE),Spain’s Special Forces, your illegal entry into SpanishTerritorial Waters, being within the 12 nautical milesfrom Spain’s mainland, so I am ordering you to return tothe surface and desist from attempted robbery of Spanishproperty.”Grabbing the Radio Transmitter from Masterson,Donaldson could hardly contain himself as he retorted“We are in International Waters and not engaged in anyfelonious nor any other activity that is not within our…”The Radio Transmitter on Donaldson’s belt bust into life“This is Commodore Jorgensen! Return to the surfaceimmediately and without question. Inform Aurora when 254

THE MOSES EFFECTyou’re ready. Over and out.”Stunned. All three of us looked at each other. Mastersonbroke the silence “Let’s get our equipment on the Cradleand do as the Commodore said.” Both Donaldson andMasterson had their backs to me as they began to loadthe equipment that we had onto the Cradle.While their backs were turned I picked up, next to myright foot, five gold Doubloon’s and two Emeralds. EachEmerald is about three Carats in weight. These items hadspilled from one the crates surrounding us.Emeralds are usually more valuable than diamonds,especially in the United States of America. The mostvaluable emerald is the Bahia Emerald. It was 180.000Carats weighing 840lbs found in Brazil in 2001, Iwonder whose finger that would fit? It’s estimated valueis more than £300,000,000.I slipped the Doubloon’s and Emeralds into the pocketsof my coveralls and stepped onto the Cradle. As there isno legal claim to the treasure at the moment I thought,it’s not Treasure Trove in the truest sense of the wordand also the concept of Treasure Trove was abolished in1996. So Finders Keepers.The Cradle began to ascend.The sight that met our eyes when we emerged onto theplatform was at first most perplexing. Spanish officersand soldiers. Our own Marines under guard.Commodore Jorgensen and Captain Mendoza standingwith a some Spanish officer. 255

JAMES YOUNGI spoke first, “What’s going on? Why were werecalled?”“Who are you?” Commandante Gonzalez enquired.“Never mind who he is!” Donaldson interjectedaggressively. “Who do you think you are interferingwith our lawful…”“That’ll do Donaldson!” Commodore Jorgensen ordered.“We don’t want to escalate the situation that we havehere.”“As I communicated to you previously, I amCommandante Fernando Gonzalez of the Unidad deOperaciones Especiales de Espana . You will stop thispernicious activity immediately, before anyone is injuredand an International Incident develops.”“You have no right to interfere! And we will do no suchthing without direction from our own Authorities.” wasDonaldson reaction.“Calm down Donaldson! I’ll handle this,\" saidJorgensen.“Commodore Jorgensen I recommend you do just that!Contact your people and let’s have this situationresolved before things develop into a serious escalation.”“Commandante, Donaldson, let’s go aboard Pegasus andget this matter resolved” directed Jorgensen.Not going to be left out I said “I’ll come too.” 256

THE MOSES EFFECT“You!” all three looked at me.“Yes! I’ve been assigned to this mission with the highestauthority and I’m not going to be sidelined.”“Who’s that authority?”“The British Prime Minister!” came my reply.“Oh… very well,\" said Jorgensen and all four of usboarded Pegasus and went to the Commodores Cabin.Entering the Bridge of Pegasus and before we enteredthe Commodore’s cabin, Jorgensen spoke to FirstOfficer Christopher Chambers, who had been observingevents from Pegasus’ bridge.“Get me Admiral Dennison, Commander of the GibraltarSquadron. Top priority and patch it through to my cabinwithout delay.”“Aye, Aye, Sir” Chambers replied.“You’ll not get much support from there Sir,”commented Donaldson.“There’s only two high speed Patrol Boats and threesemi-inflatables at his disposal. Missile Destroyers,Frigates or any other Front Line vessels only call intoGibraltar for refuelling, minor repairs or Shore Leave.There’s no Naval vessel with any clout stationed there.”Irritated by Donaldson’s continued interferenceJorgensen conveyed to Donaldson his frustration “I’mthe Senior British officer here Donaldson and I don’tneed your observation nor hindrance!” Suitably 257

JAMES YOUNGchastised Donaldson stepped back. Jorgensen continued“It’s not our Naval Power that is the point, but his accessto Government Officials in London.”“Your call to Admiral Dennison Sir.”“Thank you Christopher” said Jorgensen.“Admiral Dennison Sir. This is Commodore KarlJorgensen of HMS Pegasus.”“I’ve been expecting a communication from you.”“You have Sir. Why is that?”“We were about to send out our Patrol Boats toinvestigate what was going on. The activity out there hasbeen sending our Communication and radar boys in aflat-spin, particularly when Spain sent out Helicoptersfrom Alicante. Make your report Commodore if youwould”“I have with me Commandante Gonzalez of Spain’sU.O.E. He and his men have commandeered Pegasus,Aurora, Cosmos and Stella and ordered us to depart thearea immediately.”“He’s done WHAT?”Gonzalez gestured to Jorgensen to hand him theTelephone Transmitter. To which he complied.“Ola. Admiral this is Commandante Gonzalez of Unidadde Operaciones…” 258

THE MOSES EFFECT“Never mind all that! What are you doingcommendeering British vessels? This is outrageous!”interrupted a blustering Admiral Dennison.“It is not our intention to remain here Admiral.”“Then why are you there?”“These vessel’s are engaged in unlawful TreasureHunting. Seeking to extract the treasure from a sunkenvessel containing Spanish gold.”“You mean the Sussex. A British ship.”“Admiral. As you know both our government’s havebeen engaged in long negotiation over this matter anduntil it is resolved, it is imperative that neither sideantagonize the other over this matter. We areendeavouring to intervene and stop anything that mightjeopardize negotiations”Calming down Admiral Dennison responded “Whydidn’t you contact the Governor here in Gibraltar first?”“Admiral… as you know this was the second time inrecent weeks that there has been an attempt to raise theGold. We could not just stand by and let it… in ouropinion… be stolen.”Admiral Dennison thought for a moment and said “I’llcontact Gibraltar’s Governor, and he can speak toLondon for their directions.”“Excellent. That is what I hoped you’d say. AdiósAdmiral, I await your recommendation.” With that, he 259

JAMES YOUNGhanded the telephone back to Jorgensen and said “Thankyou Commodore. I’m sure things will have a satisfactoryconclusion.”“While we wait would you care to join me in a littlerefreshment Fernando. May I call you Fernando.“Si… er… Karl.” They both laughed.“The Governor of Gibraltar, Prime Minister” as thePrime Ministers Private Secretary handed the PrimeMinister the telephone.Looking a little puzzled the Prime Minister took thetelephone. “Hello Edmund, this is unexpected.”“HMS Sussex sir. It appears that there has been anattempt to raise the gold from the Sussex by some of ourNavel personnel.”“Go on, remembering his own meeting with ‘S’ andsome senior members of the Armed Forces regarding theSussex. Well the Spaniards haven’t taken too kindly tothe efforts to raise the bullion and have commandeeredthe vessels involved.”“Ohhh No!” sighed the Prime Minister, “Go on.”“Admiral Dennison is awaiting your instructions, sir.Apparently the Spaniards just want the operation to stopand they are awaiting your instruction to our people todesist. Then the Spaniards will return the vessels toBritish command and return to their base.”“OK Edmund. Give them the order to disengage the 260

THE MOSES EFFECToperation on my orders.”“Thank you Prime Minister, I’ll convey that instructionimmediately.”“Thank you, Edmund. Goodbye.” He replaced thereceiver and sat back deep in thought Back to theDrawing-Board. Will this infernal matter never beresolved!’Back on Pegasus “It’s Admiral Dennison Sir,\" said FirstOfficer Christopher Chambers once again handing thetelephone transmitter to Commodore Jorgensen.“Commodore Jorgensen here Admiral.”“Simple and direct, straight from the Prime Minister.Desist all operations and disperse.”“Understood. Thank you, Sir.” With a shrug of theshoulders, he replaced the handset and said “Thank youChristopher. That’ll be all.”Addressing Commandante Gonzalez “They’re myinstructions Fernando. Desist from all operations anddisperse.”Smiling the Commandante put out his hand to shakeJorgensen’s hand, which he reciprocated and theCommandante said “I am pleased to hear that. I willinstruct my men to disembark and have great pleasure inreturning your vessels to your command.”“Karl if you are ever in Alicante please look me up” 261

JAMES YOUNG“I’ll be happy to do that Fernando.”“If you’ll excuse me, gentlemen. I must see that myinstructions from the Prime Minister are carried out.”Jorgensen left the Bridge, but passing the Radio Roomhe instructed the Radio Operator to contact Aurora tobegin the process of dismantling the Platform.Jorgensen went down to the Engine Room of Pegasus tofind Pat McNamara the Chief Engineer on-boardPegasus. He found Pat where he’d expected to find him,between the Large Diesel Engines that drove the shipthrough the water and also provided the steam that drovePegasus’ electrical generators, providing the electricalpower for Pegasus.Pat had an oily rag in one hand also clutching in thesame hand a lubricating oil can, in the other hand he washolding a steel rod about a yard long. The sound of therotation of the bearings could be conveyed through theRod to an experienced engineer like Pat.The Rod transmitted the slightest vibration that wouldindicate any developing problem. That was what Pat wasdoing, listening. One end of the rod was against theBearing Housing of the Diesel Engine and the other endwas against Pat’s left ear.“Still following the old ways Pat?”“Aye, Sir. You can’t beat listening the to the purr of theDiesel while she’s running smooth.”“Why not let your Engineers take care of things Pat.” 262

THE MOSES EFFECT“These old Diesels and I have spent many hours togetherand I just can’t bring myself to leave their care tosomeone else. They may have their High Faluting newelectrical gadgets, but you can’t beat this old Rod fordetecting any possible faults”“I’ll have to drag you away from your beloved engine’sPat.”“Oh… Why is that Karl?”“We’ve been Rumbled! Our orders from London are toleave the area Post Haste. Can you oversee the liftingand storing of the Tesla Coils into the hold please Pat?”“That’s a pity. When we were so close to completion.”“Hey your right Pat. But that’s the situation. Can I leavethat to you?”“Aye, Sir.”“Thanks Pat.” Jorgensen returned to the Platformbetween Pegasus and Aurora. There he found myself,Donaldson, Masterson, Commandante Gonzalez andCaptain Mendoza. They were all in a group with SecondLieutenant, John Buckingham and his two Royal Marinecompanions. Also the Spanish guards, all stood relaxedand chatting.Looking round Commandante Gonzalez spoke first,“Everything seems to be progressing well Karl.”Jorgensen nodded in agreement. “I’ll take my leave withmy men and Vaya con Dios.” 263

JAMES YOUNG“Thank you Fernando. But why don’t you and your menstay on-board, we’re heading for Gibraltar. You candisembark there.”“Gracias mi Amigo, but I think it would it would appearmost inappropriate for us to disembark in a BritishProtectorate. Even though it’s really belongs toEspana.”“Let’s not go there! Commandante” said a chucklingJorgensen.“Perhaps not Karl. I’ll contact our base, they can havethe helicopters return and we can use the Forecastles ofPegasus and Aurora to disembark.”He continued “We’d been able to Abseil from thehelicopters onto the Forecastle. We were unable toAbseil onto the decks of the Pegasus and Aurora due totheir open Cargo Holds. Incidentally, your decoystratagem was very effective. We hadn’t realised whatwas happening until we were attempting to board.Notwithstanding that, the abundance of Derricks andCranes on the ship's decks which would additionallyhinder the helicopter landing on the deck to facilitate ourdeparture. I think it would be more appropriate to leavevia the Forecastle the way we arrived on board. Don’tyou?”“Perhaps you're right,\" agreed Jorgensen.“One more thing Commodore. My orders are that I mustwait to see that this operation is completely abandonedbefore I leave. 264

THE MOSES EFFECT“Don’t you trust us Fernando?”“Orders are Orders. You know that Karl.”“I do indeed. It’ll not take long as you see things arealready being dismantled. You’ll soon be on your way.”Talking on a more serious tone Commandante Gonzalezadded “I must inform you Commodore that should thissituation arise again without the agreement of our twogovernments, we will return with a more robust force.”Jorgensen remained silent and hoped he was able tomaintain a non-committal expression as he entertainedfuture plans.Responding to Gonzalez “I’m sure that will not be thecase. The British Prime Minister has given orders thatthe operation was to end, so that is the end of the matter.May I accompany you to the Forecastle to await thesatisfactory conclusion of this matter and your... Whenyou're satisfied, departure Fernando?” Jorgensen repliedin a more diplomatic manner.“Yes. That will be most satisfactory Karl.”The small group Jorgensen, Gonzalez, SecondLieutenant John Buckingham and myself were about tomove to the Forecastle accompanied by three SpanishU.O.E. soldiers. When… “May I go with youCommandante and place myself under your protection?”Jorgensen, Commandante Gonzalez, in-fact all of uslooked and faced… Captain Mendoza. 265

JAMES YOUNGTaken by surprise. “Come with us? My protection?”Commandante Gonzalez asked incredulously. “What doyou mean?”“Well. I can see no reason to stay. I will face a CourtMartial and will, no-doubt, spend a considerable amountof time in prison if I return to Britain. Which I wouldn’tlike! Additionally, you would not have been dispatchedhere had I not conveyed, due to my loyalty to Spain, thereal purpose of this expedition.” Mendoza moved next toCommandante Gonzalez as he spoke.“I surrender to you Commandante.”Jorgensen and Gonzalez looked at each other‘Nonplussed.’“Mendoza. Your going no where!” These aggressivewords were spoken by Donaldson. Donaldson hadfollowed the group unobserved. The immediate reactionof the three U.O.E. soldiers, because of Donaldson’sbelligerent attitude was to raise their automatic weaponsand point them at Donaldson.“Woe!… Hold on!” Jorgensen responded as he steppedbetween the Spaniards and Donaldson. “Let’s not let thisget out of hand. Donaldson Back off!”“You cannot let this man go free!” was Donaldson’sreaction.“I’m in command here! Not you!” Jorgensen insisted.“It’s me who decides what happens.” 266

THE MOSES EFFECT“I’m afraid you are incorrect Commodore. By force ofArms. I’m in command here!” Commandante Gonzalezinterrupted.Jorgensen lowered his head and his shoulders sagged.“Can we not drop this Us and Them confrontation? Allthe ‘This belongs to us’ and ‘No it’s not, it’s Ours’ hasgot us in this mess in the first place”Jorgensen ordered “Donaldson Back Off! Or it’ll be youin the ‘Brig.”The Brig is a prison, especially on a warship, in this casea place where an individual could be held securely.Jorgensen now addressed the Commandante“Commandante. Donaldson is under my command andacting without my orders. I’ll deal with him. Do youagree?”“I agree. He’s your man.”“I’m not under your command, Commodore. I’mhere…”“That’s enough from you Donaldson!” said an infuriatedJorgensen. “I am in command on this ship and you’ll doas I say! Lieutenant Buckingham!”“Yes, sir.”“One more word from him and you have my permissionto gag him and throw him in the Brig.“Yes, sir.” 267

JAMES YOUNGLooking at Commandante Gonzalez, Jorgensenenquired, “Is that satisfactory Comendante?”“Most satisfactory” said a smiling Commandante.“Could you ask your men to lower their weapons, ifyou’d be so kind?” enquired Jorgensen.“Of course,\" replied Gonzalez and indicated to his mento lower their weapons.“It looks as though there’s only the Coils to be loweredinto the hold of Pegasus, which will complete thedismantling procedure and we can all depart to ourvarious locations” observed Jorgensen.”“It does indeed Commodore. However, it does leave onequestion unanswered.”“What’s that?”“What about Captain Mendoza?”Mendoza had been standing silently observing, he nowfelt free to speak. “I repeat my request to go withCommandante Gonzalez.”Jorgensen sighed, “I know your fears Rafa, but why doyou want to leave. Especially after all the years we’veserved together?”“All of our previous assignments have never required meto question my inner loyalty to Spain. This has! Soagain, I make a request to you Commandante that I maysurrender to you.” 268

THE MOSES EFFECT“Commodore. This is a matter for you” Gonzalezindicated.“Captain Mendoza has surrendered to youCommandante, are you accepting his surrender or not?”“I accept his surrender and he is now under myprotection.”Almost pleading, Jorgensen addressed Rafa. “Rafa…considering all that you have done in service with theBritish Navy and the fact that I will Speak-Up for you,things will not be so bad if you stay. We’ve been friendsfor a long time Rafa, please reconsider. Also think ofyour family back in Britain.”“Karl. I’ve made up my mind. I wish to go.”Karl Jorgensen stood in silence for a few moments, thensaid “Goodbye my friend. I have no hard feelings.” Heshook Mendoza’s hand. Speaking further toCommandante Gonzalez he asked “What happens now?”“The short answer is, he comes with us. What the futureholds, like you, I don’t know. But considering hisactions on behalf of Spain I don’t think things will betoo bad.”“What will you do Rafa?” asked Karl Jorgensen.“I have family in Barcelona that have restaurant’s nearthe centre of the city, in fact right within Placa de SantaFilip Neri. I’ve often thought of becoming a Chef. Ithink I’ll try my hand there.” 269

JAMES YOUNGGrinning from ear to ear Jorgensen relied “I can’tbelieve it! Chef Mendoza. I’ll have to come and see it”“You’ll be more than welcome mi Amigo, vaya condios” as he raised his eyes and looked skyward toobserve the approaching Helicopters.“Everyt’ing is ready and stowed for departure Sir” PatMcNamara informed Jorgensen, as he came fromoverseeing the storage of the Tesla Coils within the holdof Pegasus.Jorgensen looked from the Forecastle toward the Sternand saw that the large steel hatches had been closed andsecured. “Thanks Pat everything seems in order.”“I wouldn’t let you down Sirrr”“Thanks again Pat.”“The helicopters are about to land,\" said LieutenantBuckingham.“I knew that, Lieutenant. I could hear the noise and I amstruggling to stand due to the Downdraught of theHelicopter Rotas. But, thank you all the same.”“Sir” Buckingham said sheepishly.“I trust everything is to your satisfactionCommandante?” Jorgensen asked.“Yes. Commodore it is. We’ll now disembark.”“Does that mean our… Er… Er… our guests are leaving 270

THE MOSES EFFECTSir.” Pat enquired.“It does Pat. Can you now please return to your dutiesand see that Pegasus is set for immediate departure.”“Aye, Sir” Pat replied and headed for the sanctuary ofthe Engine Room, at least that’s how Pat saw it.The Spanish contingent of the UOE on-board Pegasus,boarded the Helicopter, the last two remaining wereRafa and Commandante Gonzalez. Speaking to themboth, Jorgensen said “Rafa my friend. I wish you well.Fernando. I hope next time we meet will be under bettercircumstances.”“I do too. Don’t forget your promise to visit me inAlicante.”“And me in Barcelona Karl. Don’t forget!” added Rafa.With a salute Commandante Gonzalez boarded thehelicopter with Rafa following. Before Rafa could boardthe helicopter a shot rang out! Rafa fell back onto theforecastle deck. All of us instinctively looked toward thedirection of the shot and observed Donaldson holding aGlock semi-automatic pistol.“We’ll deal with this Commandante. Donaldson’ll gethis just deserts have no fear of that!” said an infuriatedJorgensen.“Arrest him Lieutenant!”Lieutenant Buckingham took out his own pistol andpointed it at Donaldson. Without any resistance from 271

JAMES YOUNGDonaldson Buckingham disarmed him.“WHY! Donaldson? What’s gotten into you?” AskedJorgensen disbelievingly.“He’s a traitor and he was getting away scott free, butnot on my watch.”“I want that man!” demanded Commandante Gonzalez.“This is a British ship Commandante! The events havetaken place on-board this ship and therefore we’ll dealwith this under British jurisdiction. You have my wordon that! However, there seems to be a more pressingneed.”“What’s that Commodore?” asked Gonzalez.“It appears that Rafa Mendoza is still alive.”Our eyes focused on Mendoza lying prone on the deck.There was blood spreading from between his rightshoulder blade and right collar bone.“Medic!” called Commandante Gonzalez.From within the helicopter a Spanish Army Medicappeared.“See what you can do and if possible get him ready todisembark with us.”“Si Comendante.”The Medic jumped from the helicopter and knelt next to 272

THE MOSES EFFECTMendoza. From his belt, he unsheathed a knife and cutaway Mendoza’s clothing around the wound and said“From a preliminary examination, it looks as though thebullet has entered and broken part of his shoulder bladeand as it exited snapped his collarbone.Taking from his Medics Bag some Field Dressings hesaid “I’ve done what I can Comendante to stop the flowof blood, but he needs to get to hospital as soon aspossible, although it is a clean wound and not lifethreatening.”“Get him on-board immediately.”I crossed over to the Medic and helped him lift Mendozainto the waiting hands of two Spanish soldiers.”When Mendoza was safely secured on-board thehelicopter for the forthcoming journey, ComendanteGonzalez addressed Jorgensen “We’ll take our leavenow Commodore”“Very well Comendante” Jorgensen replied.At the orders of Gonzalez, the helicopter lifted off andheaded for Alicante.Commodore Jorgensen accompanied by the arrestedDonaldson and Lieutenant Buckingham, who washolding his own Glock pistol pointed at the disarmedDonaldson headed for the Bridge of Pegasus. I was alsoaccompanying them as we crossed the deck of Pegasusfrom the Forecastle to the Bridge. 273

JAMES YOUNG“As we walked to the Bridge I sidled up to Donaldsonand said “I thought you were a good shot. You onlywounded him.”“That’s all I meant to do! With those injuries he’d notbe doing much Cheffing.”We entered the Bridge, meeting First OfficerChristopher Chambers on the Bridge of Pegasus. He’dbeen watching proceedings from the Bridge and hadobserved all the arm waving and gesticulations.“Things looked a little hairy Commodore” the FirstOfficer commented when Jorgensen entered the Bridge.“Yes, they were, and they still are! First Officer. I wantthis man placed under close guard and don’t let him outof sight. Understand!”“Yes Sir” responded Christopher Chambers.Returning to the Bridge, First Officer Chambersaddressed the Commodore “Donaldson is locked in theStern Storage Bay and a guard on the door with ordersnot to let him out without your own specific orders sir.”“Very good Christopher. Would you please now get methe Engine room”“Immediately Sir” Chambers responded, rememberingone of his earlier encounters with CommodoreJorgensen.“Pat are the engines ready?” 274

THE MOSES EFFECT“Aye Sirrrr” was Chief Engineer Patrick MontagueMcNamara’s enthusiastic response.“Thank you Pat. Chambers.”“Aye, Sir”“Set a course for Gibraltar”“Aye, sir… but… we can see Gibraltar from here sir.”Suppressing laughter and endeavouring to mockinglyscold the young ‘First Officer,’ Jorgensen said “We’llnot get lost then will we?”“Er… No Sir.”“Please also contact Aurora, Cosmo and Stella andinform them to proceed to Gibraltar and await theAdmiralty’s orders. There’s no need to use the Ship toShip Telegraph now. You can use the radio.”The First Officer once again replied “Aye, Sir.”Helmsman, “Bring her about. I believe according to ourFirst Officer you can see our destination.”“Aye, Aye Sir.”Pegasus was under way. 275

JAMES YOUNG CHAPTER TWENTYWhen Pegasus berthed in Gibraltar’s harbour. AndrewDonaldson and myself caught the first Military flightfrom Gibraltar to Brize Norton. That was after a heatedargument with Jorgensen and Donaldson regardingwhether or not Donaldson should be arrested forinsubordination and attempted murder.This was the way matters developed. On birthing atGibraltar. Commodore Jorgensen ordered thatDonaldson be brought from the Storage Bay. Whilewaiting for Donaldson, he’d contacted AdmiralDennison to inform him of the incident involving theshooting of Captain Mendoza. Jorgensen also insistedthat immediate arrangements should be made to conveneDonaldson’s Court Marshial.“We’ll listen to the accounts before making such anarrangement” Admiral Dennison seeking to forestallwhat was in the Admiral’s opinion Jorgensen’sKangaroo Court.A court convened to try someone without good evidenceand a sham set-up to give the impression of a legalprocess but ignoring the normal rule of law.“I insist that this Court Martial be convened” Jorgensendemanded. “I was there, I saw what happened andDonaldson is going to be tried.”\"You may have seen what happened, but you don't knowwhy it happened.\" 276

THE MOSES EFFECTI don’t think they needed any Radio Transmission, asthey shouted at each other, they could probably be heardin Johannesburg, South Africa.\"A Court Martial is convened for members of the ArmedForces, which they are not!!\"Stunned and taken aback, a chastened, confusedJorgensen had the wind taken out of his sails. SubduedJorgensen continued, “What do you mean, not membersof the armed forces? They are Royal Naval Officersdressed in Royal Naval uniforms.”Attempting to clarify matters Admiral Dennisonanswered Jorgensen “That's as it may be. All is not as itappears. They were dressed in their respective uniformsto allay suspicion and conceal their true identity, to avertany interference to their operation.”“Who and what are they?”“All will be clarified presently, when you all arrive inmy office” the Admiral intimated.In the meantime orders were issued to bring Donaldsonto the offices of Admiral Dennison.As instructed the guards arrived with Donaldson. Theguards, Jorgensen, Donaldson and I departed from theQuayside to Admiral Dennisons office.Jorgensen entered the Admiral’s office alone.“Take a seat Commodore” 277

JAMES YOUNGJorgensen took a seat.Attempting to begin the proceedings on on a calmer notethan their previous conversation the Admiralcommenced “What’s this all about Karl?”“Sir. I believe you are aware of the situation thatdeveloped on board Pegasus. When Donaldson shotCaptain Mendoza.”“Yes”“Well, surely that is a matter for Court Martial”Dennison replied “We’ll sort this out when we bring inDonaldson. I understand he’s here.”“Yes, Admiral.”“Then bring him in.”“Very well sir” and Jorgensen rose from his chair andwent to the door and instructed us all to enter.Donaldson entered the Admirals office ahead of theguards the rest of the party following. It was Jorgensenwho had ordered the guards to accompany Donaldsonand I, and we were now waiting outside the Admiralsoffice. I was there allegedly as a witness consequently Iwas to attend also.We entered the office.“The Admiral expedited proceedings by saying “We cansettle this matter with one phone call.” 278

THE MOSES EFFECTA resolution came with a call to Gibraltar’s Governor,Braithwaite. It was by his intervention, and hisexplanation that Donaldson and myself were MI6Agents and acting under direct orders from ‘S’, head ofMI6 and Admiral Dennison that the Commodore had noalternative but to let Donaldson go free.”That directive was conveyed to Commodore Jorgensen.Jorgensen felt he couldn’t believe his ears and said“Incredulous! I don’t believe it! How can this man befree to shoot anyone he feels inclined to? And get awaywith it!”Donaldson interrupted the Commodore. “Mendoza was atraitor and as such my instructions were to stop him andhandle any situation and eventuality as I saw fit. Which Idid!”“That's the end of the matter!” The Admiral raising hisvoice authoritatively.“I understand,” looking at Donaldson and myself “thatyou two are to report to ‘S’ in London immediately!”“Yes Sir. We are.” I confirmed.“You’d better jump to it or woe betide you if you don’t!The Atlas Military Transport Aircraft will take you backto Brize Norton. It will be arriving this evening and youcan depart on the return flight.”“May we take our leave, sir” I asked. 279

JAMES YOUNG“Of course” the Admiral confirmed.Now addressing Jorgensen the Admiral stated that thiswas a Top Secret assignment and should he breath aword, it would be him that would be arrested.As I left the Admiral’s office with Andrew I askedAndrew “Can we do anything we like as part of MI6!And get away with it?”Donaldson just looked at me in silence with a knowinglook. Seems like it, I thought.It was an uneventful flight back to Brize Norton. Wewere picked-up by one of the company cars and taken tothe River House. We were shown straight into ‘S’’office.On entering “Well?” was the only question we wereasked by ‘S’ as he looked at us, I’d like to say it was aWithering Stare but it wasn’t. Just a steady, unflinchingstare at both of us as he sat at his desk with his left armresting at right angles and his right arm stretched outresting on the desk with a Rat-a-tat-tat, Rat-a-tat-tatwith is fingers on the desk, staring silently as he awaitedour reply.“Don’t try to frighten the children S,” said Donaldson.He was certainly frightening me, and he’s my uncle!\"“There was no alternative due to the way mattersdeveloped. You’ll be fully cognizant with the outcomeSir.” Donaldson looked back at ‘S’ with an unflinchingstare, handbags at dawn I thought. 280

THE MOSES EFFECT“Quite so, quite so,\" was the amiable reply of ‘S.’Looking at whom I thought was the gibbering idiot. Me!‘S’ asked “What are your observations?”“He acquitted himself very well,” Donaldsoninterrupted.“I wasn’t speaking to you F19”Looking once again at me “96! I asked for yourobservations”Feeling rather uncomfortable, I replied “We sir. I’m notsure of the legitimacy and protocol of all theproceedings. In fact, I wonder whether or not I’m cut outfor this role.”“We all feel that way at first, due to our relativeinexperience. You’ll soon fit in” Donaldson reassured.“I’m not so sure.”“After a few more assignments you’ll have moreconfidence in, not only your own abilities, but also thelegitimacy of them and the assurance that what you'reasked to do is necessary.” ‘S’ confidently affirmed.“I have just the assignment for you and F19,” ‘S’continued, “It’s regarding the San Jose, she sank off thecoast of Panama in 1708.”“But! I’m getting married, as you know, and you agreedto my ‘Leave’ on the 29th.” 281

JAMES YOUNG“I did” Uncle George agreed. I feel I can think of ‘S’ asUncle George on this matter.“Well, I’ll be blowed!” Andrew exclaimed. “You keptthat quiet.”“As you say agent F19, endeavouring to add the official‘on a need to know basis’” all three of us smiled.“With your permission Sir,\" I addressed ‘S’ “I’d like totake my leave.”“Of course. Where are you going?” asked ‘S.’“To Sir Maximilian’s… er… Sarah’s”“Do we have anything to go on, regarding hisactivities?” Donaldson asked.“Not as yet,” ‘S’ replied. “But we’re hopeful.”“What do you mean?”Addressing me ‘S’ said, “Just keep your eyes and earsopen.“Why? What would I be looking for? I enquired.“When we were at the Spanish Ambassadors Residence Iindicated to you there was a matter we were looking intoregarding Sir Maximilian.”“Yes” I replied cautiously.“Well, besides suspected Insider Trading. 282

THE MOSES EFFECTInsider Trading is dealing on the Stock Exchange whilsthaving confidential information which is illegal.Maximilian has also been implicated in the robbery ofthe Banco Centra in Brazil, where $70,000,000 wasstolen in 2005, although not proven and most of thedollars have not been recovered. This is in addition toother alleged bullion and jewellery heists,” ‘S’ informedus. “So be careful, he’s not as clean as he appears.”“What! What about Sarah?” I asked disbelievingly.“You can rest easy on that score,” ‘S’ reassured. “Fromwhat we know, Sarah’s not involved nor implicated inany way.”“That’s a relief. I’ll be on my way, sir.”“Very well. But just before you go… listen out forDoubloons or Pieces of eight coming up in anyconversations.”“Why would that be sir?” I thought ‘what more couldthere be that Maximilian is supposedly involved in?’‘S’ proceeded to inform both Andrew and myself thatthe ships Pegasus, Stella, Aurora and Cosmos, whichwere the ships engaged in the HMS Sussex escapade,were part of a scheme to lure St John-Smyth intorevealing his hand.‘S’ continued with the narration and explained thatCosmos, being of Spanish registration, although ownedby Maximilian, was thought to be an excellent foil to 283

JAMES YOUNGentice Max, as the Sussex was in Spanish waters. Well,almost.This being particularly alluring when Maximilian wasinformed that a Spanish Captain, the Captain of Cosmos,had been approached and appeared willing, for a price,to assist in abstracting some if not all the bullion toMaximilian’s benefit.To me the knock-out punch came when the followingstatement was made by ‘S.’ “As you were aware F19,Captain Rafa Mendoza is of Spanish decent and he,along with his immediate family, were Nationalised asBritish Citizens twenty years ago. His loyalty to Britainis beyond doubt.”“Wait a minute!” I couldn’t help myself. “Mendozasaid, although he was a Nationalised British Citizen. Hisloyalty was to Spain.”“Good foil! Wasn’t he?” Donaldson remarked.“Well, I was thoroughly taken in!”“All those involved had to be unaware of CaptainMendoza’s part, which he performed beyondexpectations.”“Even Commodore Jorgensen?”“Yes, even him. The whole scenario wouldn’t haveworked if anyone didn’t believe Rafa wasn’t a turncoat.”“But you shot Rafa!” I exclaimed. 284

THE MOSES EFFECT“As you yourself said. I am a good shot. If I’d wanted tokill him I wouldn’t have missed. As it is, you heard theMedics comments, a clean wound, not life threatening.He’ll be OK.”I was in a constant state of bewilderment. “Let me getthis right! Rafa had been always on our side. Did heknow we,” looking at Donaldson “were going to bethere?”Donaldson clarified matters “Captain Mendoza knewMI6 were to be involved, but didn’t know who they’d beuntil we arrived.”“Why would he believe that MI6 was going to beinvolved?”‘S’ answered my question. “We approached Mendozaand made him aware of our involvement and he wasadditionally made aware of Sir Maximilian’s motive tosteal most, if not all, of the bullion from the Sussex.Maximilian had acquired illicitly, Doubloons and Piecesof Eight from other shipwrecks. It is understood that hekeeps some of those ill-gotten gains in his home safe,under the pretence of being a Numismatic. He isprepared to terminate anyone who endeavours to makesan inquiry about or obtain any of his collection. If wecan call it a coin collection, rather than stolen goods.”‘S’ continued “Captain Mendoza’s function was to gainMaximilian’s trust, and by such, be able to become oneof his confidants. The purpose of which was to obtainevidence of his complicity in, not only this venture, but 285

JAMES YOUNGprevious escapades.”“The intervention of the Spanish seems to havescuppered that contrivance” Donaldson said.Looking at me ‘S’ added “Not necessarily. That’s whereyou come in.”“Me?”“Yes, you. Now that you're about to become part of theSt John-Smyth family. Who better to obtain theinformation we need to put Sir Maximilian away for avery long time.”He further elaborated “I had mentioned to you earlier,when we were at the Spanish Ambassador’s Residence,that it would be helpful for you to get to know Sarah.However, even I didn’t know it would eventually lead toyou marrying the girl… Most convenient don’t youthink?”I protested, “I’m not marrying Sarah for any other reasonthan that I love her and want her as my wife!”“Quite so. Quite so.” ‘S’ replied. “Nevertheless, mostfortuitous and opportune.”I whispered into Uncle George’s ear “That’ll make you afamily member also uncle.”Flushed, ‘S’ clearing his throat “Ahmm… Ahmm… I…I believe you're now fully aware of events. So there’s noneed to detain you both any longer.” 286

THE MOSES EFFECT“Donaldson accompanied me from the office. “What didyou say to take the wind out of the Old Boys Sail?”“Need to know Andrew, need to know”Andrew cocked his head and raised his eyebrows andgave a knowing grin. His habit I’d gotten used too.“Best wishes for the Big Day! Andrew remarked.“Aren’t you coming?”“Wouldn’t miss it for the world. Perhaps for aDoubloon or Emerald or two. Ma’be.”I Froze. Did he know?Andrew winked. He knew, how I don’t know. But heknew.“I know it’s not polite to ask where you're going for yourhoneymoon. But may I ask?” Andrew inquired.“No problem. We’re cruising in the Mediterranean.Boarding in Naples, sailing around southern Italy, backthrough the Mediterranean, stopping off here and thereand finally arriving in Portsmouth”“Would you like me to fly you to Naples?”“Can you do that Andy?” I asked incredulously “Haveyou a Plane?”“Of course I can. I’m a qualified pilot. What do you 287

JAMES YOUNGthink I’m F19. What do you think the ‘F’ stands for?”“I hadn’t given it a thought” was my reply. “Initially Ithought that it was just a number.”“’F’ is for Flight” Andrew confirmed “As I’m a pilot as Iexplained.”“Do you have your own aircraft?”“No, but I’m sure ‘S’could swing one for us.”“Pardon! How can he do that?”“He could authorise a necessary… reconnaissanceflight.”I looked at Donaldson “I don’t believe it. Surely that'snot permissible?”“You may think what you like. I couldn’t possiblycomment!” 288

THE MOSES EFFECT CHAPTER TWENTY-ONEEarlier in the eventful evening of my departure fromMax’s, and my subsequent fracas with my fellowcolleagues and my home débâcle, Kathy as part of herusual routine, was giving Maximilian’s study it’s daily,late evening dusting and polishing.As she approached Max’s rosewood and mahoganyornate desk, her attention was attracted by a goldcoloured object on the floor next to the chair adjacent toMax’s desk, little did she know that that find wouldtrigger a chain of events that would culminate in herdeath and Grants hatred for Maximilian.The object that attracted Kathy’s attention was a goldcoin, the rough size being equivalent to placing one’sindex finger upon one’s thumb forming a circle. On oneside of the coin was stamped a Crusaders Cross and theother, the Arms of the King of Spain.Kathy’s initial reaction was to take the coin toMaximilian... But then, realizing he was entertaining,and not wanting to interrupt the proceedings with whatshe thought would be a confidential matter, Kathy wouldwait until Grant came from the dining room and showhim the coin.Grant came to answer the telephone that had begun toring in the entrance hall. Answering the phone he lookeda little perplexed. A strange sounding voice he thought.As he was about to return to the dining room with amessage for me, he saw Kathy waiting. 289

JAMES YOUNGKathy showed Grant the coin and quickly explainedwhere she had found it. He took the coin from her handand said “we’ll discuss it as soon as I’ve delivered themessage which I’ve just received over the phone. I’ll seeyou in the kitchen as soon as I can. Please wait there.”After delivering the message to me, he went to thekitchen to meet Kathy. Grant informed Kathy that hewould show Max the coin and await his instruction.From Max’s observations they would then know howthey were to proceed. He repeated his request that Kathyshould still remain in the kitchen and await his returned.After receiving Max’s instruction, Grant went to thekitchen and asked Kathy to go to their room in the EastWing of the house. I say room, it wasn’t a spartan roomwith a rudimentary iron bedstead, horsehair mattress andbasic table and chairs with bare floorboards. The type ofroom that one may associate with a television PeriodDrama depicting the ubiquitous view presented asServants Quarters.Grant and Kathy’s rooms were decorated as Max hadpermitted. A comfortable Sitting Room with TV and allmod-cons, a separate bedroom all arranged to Kathy’staste and a bathroom. Additionally, in the Sitting Roomthere was a small side table upon which there were teaand coffee making facilities, Grant liked his morningcuppa.“I’ll just make sure that Max’s study door is closed andeverything is as it should be, before I go to our room,”Kathy informed Grant. 290

THE MOSES EFFECT“OK. But don’t be too long, Max’ll need to speak withus,” Grant reminded her.”Kathy, like all conscientious womenfolk, took her timeto make sure all things in the study were arranged to hersatisfaction.Kathy entered their living quarters only to be faced witha Beretta 9mm Handgun, complete with a Beretta 92Suppressor Silencer, in the hand of Thinthia (Cynthia)Wilmslow. Wilmslow motioned with her gun for Kathyto enter the room. When Kathy had entered, Wilmslowclosed the door, not taking her eyes of Kathy.Kathy stared at Wilmslow. That was the last thing Kathydid. Two shots were fired, puff, puff, the sound muffledby the silencer and Kathy lay dead. Wilmslow openedthe door, closed it, placed the handgun and silencer intothe handbag she was carrying and walked nonchalantlyaway. How cold and heartless could one be?Prior to this event Max had ascertained from Grantwhere Kathy was. “She’s in our room awaiting yourinstruction Max. Shall I go and get her?”Max retorted “That is not necessary I can sort that later.Will you obtain Mrs Wilmslow’s coat and bring it here.After which I’d like you to take Mrs Wilmslow to therailway station.”“Certainly,” and Grant departed to obtain the saidgarment.At the sight of the gold coin in Grant's hand, Maximilian 291

JAMES YOUNGhad stiffened and became stern-faced. When Grantdeparted, Max looked at Thinthia and spoke “There’s alittle something I’d like you to do for me before youleave Cynthia, if you’d be so kind.”“Certainly Max. If I could be of help,” confirmedCynthia.” Max took her arm and whispered into her ear.She stood back with a questioning look on her face. Maxaffirmed his instruction with a nod of his head andCynthia headed for the East Wing.When Wilmslow returned to the dining room, she saidcoolly “I’m ready to go. May I have my coat?”“I have your coat here Mrs Wilmslow” said Grantproffering the garment and helping her adorn herselfwith it.“Thank you Grant, you're most kind.”“Your welcome Miss.” Why do they always say Misswhen it’s obvious they are not!Grant was dressed, ready to depart with Mrs Wilmslowfor the Railway Station. They both, Grant and MrsWilmslow, left the dining room, crossed the hall andexited through the main door. Outside on the drive therewas parked a maroon Rolls-Royce Dawn.Grant opened the nearside rear door for Mrs Wilmslowto enter. When she was seated Grant closed the door andproceeded to open the drivers door. Settled into position,closing the drivers door, he fastened his safety belt andstarted the Rolls, engaged Drive on the selector and then 292

THE MOSES EFFECTheaded for the railway station.After a mile or so’s travelling along the narrow countryroad, Grant slowed and moved a little to the left to let anoncoming vehicle pass. As it passed he observed that itwas a Municipal Refuse Collection vehicle. Grantthought it was strange for them to be out at this time ofnight. I wonder what they are doing out so late? With ashrug of his shoulders, he dismissed the thought andcontinued on their journey.Grant was not aware that the Refuse Collection Vehicleturned onto the drive leading to Maximilian’s mansion.The vehicle went to the rear of the East Wing andparked. Four men dressed in white paper Pathologistcoveralls, blue shoe coverings, latex surgical gloves andpaper head coverings alighted from the wagon andapproached the rear entrance door. A tall man pressedhis Smart-Watch and waited, as they stood next to therear exit.Maximilian saw Sarah, who had come to the hall andwas standing in the open doorway leading from thedining room. Sarah had observed the departure ofWilmslow and Grant. “Everything alright Daddy? Thereseems to be a lot of coming and going” Sarah inquired.Looking at Sarah Max slowly replied “Yes, everything’sfine. Claude had to leave on some business or othertaking his car and Grant’s just taking Cynthia to theRailway Station. He’ll be back in about an hour and ahalf. Come into the drawing room and we’ll have a littlenightcap.” Taking Sarah’s arm they entered. 293

JAMES YOUNGSitting on a rather comfortable chair with a small sidetable to the left and an open fire to the right. Sarahslipped off her shoes and curled into the chair. Her fatherbrought her a Sherry from the ornate drinks cabinetagainst the rear wall and placed it on the side table nearSarah.Max said “I’ll have a Brandy I think” returning to thedrinks cabinet. Sarah enquired, “Why didn’t Claude takeCynthia with him?”“I don’t know, dear. I didn’t want to interfere in theirdomestic affairs, perhaps he was going in the oppositedirection… who knows?” Max did!Max continued “It’s nice to sit and relax after a busy dayisn’t it Sarah? We don’t seem to have many of theseoccasions these days, do we?” Before she could answer,Max stood up “Please excuse me there’s something Iforgot to do.” Max’s Smart Watch had silently vibratedon his wrist.Max entered the entrance hall and approached the maindoor. To the right of the door was a push button panelthat had a handset and small CCTV screen.Max lifted the handset checked the screen and saw thefour men waiting at the East Wing rear entrance. Maxpressed a button on the handset and spoke, givinginstructions and then he pressed the electronic doorrelease for the men to enter.Returning to the drawing room he said “Sorry for that. Ijust had one of those senior moments when I had to 294

THE MOSES EFFECTcheck that Grant had locked the door on his departure.”Sarah retorted “It would be so unlike Grant if he hadn’t.Was it locked?“Yes dear, it was.” Max replied, relieved that Sarah hadaccepted his prevarication. “You’ll have to be carefuldaddy, I’ll be thinking you’ll be needing to go to aNursing Home. Also remember to be kind to me!Because I’ll decide which home you go into.” Maxshowed a hurt expression mixed with a wry smile.The men entered the building, one carrying a black BodyBag. Following the directions Max had given over thephone they entered Grant and Kathy’s suite. They placedKathy’s body into the bag and two of the men carriedKathy’s body out to the Refuse Wagon, opening a sidepanel on the wagon they manhandled Kathy’s body intothe rear of the vehicle.One of the other four looked into the wardrobes andchests of drawers to find some of Kathy’s clothing. Healso searched for her passport, which he found in thedressing table drawer. He bundled up the clothing andput them and the passport into a large black plastic binliner. He followed the two men carrying Kathy’s bodyand deposited the bin liner with her clothes and passportinto the wagon.On returning, all four of them began to clean the room.Using a varying amount of cleaning chemicals, whichthey had brought with them, they began to remove anyevidence of the nights gruesome event. 295

JAMES YOUNGWhen finished, the four men returned to the vehicle andemptied the household waste from the receptacles largerversion of the ubiquitous Wheelie Bin at the rear of thehouse into the back of the wagon to give the illusion thatthey were official Municipal Refuse Collectors anddeparted. It was absolutely incredulous that they wouldact in such a manner.As Grant headed for home through the constrictingnarrow country lanes, he again pulled over to let theoncoming refuse vehicle pass. He looked up to thedriver's cab but the driver looked straight ahead, noteven giving a cursory glance at the Rolls Royce.Grant thought, I didn’t think they would be out andabout at this time of night. The driver didn’t evenacknowledge that he’d pulled over to let them pass. Notacknowledging such action is considered most impoliteby all road users. Grant let the thought go with a ‘Howell’, I suppose they know what they are doing, even ifthey are inconsiderate road users. He continued hisjourney.After garaging the Rolls he entered the house. He wentstraight to their room to speak with Kathy. When heentered the room his nostrils were offended by thepungent smell of bleach and other chemicals. In the darkrecesses of his mind, he had a faint recollection of such asmell, but he couldn’t quite remember when. If Granthad not been still wearing his shoes, he would havedetected the dampness of the carpet, other than that, theroom appeared normal. Curious. He left to find Max. 296

THE MOSES EFFECTHe found Max and Sarah in the drawing room. “Excuseme. Have you seen Kathy? I’d asked her to wait for mein our room.” Grant inquired as he entered.“Is she in the Kitchen?” Max responded.Grant looking a little perplexed replied “I haven’tchecked. But she did say she was going to give yourstudy a final reconnoitre.”“Could she still be there?” enquired Sarah wishing to behelpful.“Excuse me, I’ll go and check” Grant said with aconcerned look on his face.“If you check the kitchen, I’ll take a look in the study,\"said Maximilian pretending to be helpful. As if he didn’talready know of Kathy’s demise.Grant nodded and said “Thank you Max I appreciatethat.”“Is there anywhere you’d like me to look?” asked Sarah.“No, just wait here dear, if you would. Kathy may justcome here” directed Max.After a considerable amount of time searching forKathy. Grant and Maximilian returned to the drawingroom and asked Sarah if Kathy had entered. Sarahignored the inquiry and questioned with an urgent toneto her voice, “Have you found Kathy?”Grant with a distraught melancholy tone to his voice 297

JAMES YOUNGsighed and replied “Err… No!… We… We… Haven’tseen her.”Max stood silently observing the scene. Appearing to beaccommodating Max asked “Could she have gone outsomewhere?”Frustrated Grant’s response was “Where to? I’d askedher to wait in our room until I returned and then we’dboth receive your direction regarding how we were toproceed.”“Proceed! Proceed over what?” Sarah demanded,looking disparagingly at her father.“It’s nothing dear. Just a little question Kathy had askedabout an arrangement I was looking into” Maxresponded. Sarah’s frustration now becoming moreapparent.“Father! What was it about, that arrangement that wouldcause Kathy to disappear or leave?“It was regarding a gold coin Kathy found on the floorof your father's study Miss.” Grant informed Sarah.“Gold coin! What gold coin?” Exclaimed Sarah glaringat her father unable to contain her exasperation anylonger.“It’s a nonentity. I have a collection of old coins, youmust have seen them Sarah. I must have dropped onefrom the Lever Arch File that I keep them in. You know,the brown leather one. I keep it locked in my desk draw 298

THE MOSES EFFECTin the study. It’s the kind of file that have those plasticdisplay pockets in them for stamp or coin collections.”Max raised his eyebrows in his earnestness to pacifySarah and hadn’t noticed his monocle fall from his eye,again.“No! I haven’t seen them,\" Sarah replied coolly.”“That’s as it may be.” Max attempting to evade anyfurther interrogation by Sarah. “I didn’t want to discussthe matter in front of the Wilmslow’s, hence the reason Iinformed Grant and Kathy to meet later.” Max replied.Looking at Grant and Sarah he continued. “It’s been along eventful evening, I suggest we get some sleep.I’m sure Kathy will turn up with some plausibleexplanation and our concerns will be eradicated.”Eradicated, a bad choice of words by Max don’t youthink!Max and Sarah went to their respective rooms and sleepevaded them. Max, evaluating the night's events and theresultant consequences that would occur, lifted hisbedside telephone, dialled and spoke.Sarah struggled to comprehend the events she hadwitnessed through the evening. My sudden departure,followed by Claude’s excuse to leave almost on myheals. Cynthia’s leaving on her own. Kathy’sdisappearance. Gold coins. Her fathers supposedcollection of coins that she could not recall ever seeing.She was completely, mentally exhausted. Sleepeventually overcame her. 299

JAMES YOUNGGrant entered his room. There was that smell again!Familiar, yet bewildering. He crossed the bedroom to hiswardrobe to take out a suit-hanger and unthinkinglyglanced to his right and noticed Kathy’s wardrobe doorslightly ajar, something he’d not noticed earlier.Opening the door, he stepped back and staredincredulously at… at a half empty wardrobe. Most ofKathy’s clothes were gone! Panic overcame Grant. Indesperation he began to look in all the drawers and thedressing table to see if anything else had gone. He foundthat Kathy’s passport had also gone. He was devastated.Forcing himself to continue the search he found Kathy’spurse. The purse contained money, keys, a photographof him, credit and debit cards and a tube of lipstick. IfKathy was leaving, he knew she wouldn’t leave herpurse.He crossed to the bed and sat on it… that smell was stillso pungent. Memories began to stir in Grant's mind. Hestiffened, eyes widened as he recalled where he’dencountered that odious stench, it had been during histime in the armed forces.One mission had been particularly detestable. He’d beensent with a group of Cleaners, as they were known, intoa senior officers quarters where a group of insurgentshad attacked the building and gained access and theofficer had been brutally killed.It had been the Cleaners job to sanitize the office. It wason that occasion that the chemicals Grant now 300

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