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Home Explore Transformative Emotional Intelligence: Achieving Leadership and Performance Excellence

Transformative Emotional Intelligence: Achieving Leadership and Performance Excellence

Published by rdhammett, 2020-08-31 09:58:42

Description: What is often missing is a culture that respects and values the positive contributions of the emotional system. As Dr. Renee Tonioni shares in Chapter 1 of this book, like anything worth having, it takes time and effort. You also must enlist others on this journey, preferably those with influence among their groups. Your objectives must be clear and your actions purposeful and intentional. Providing the tenets of emotional intelligence absent of meaningful practice and organizational support, will result in a failed effort. This is the challenge facing organizations today. Infusing the tenets of emotional intelligence in a meaningful way, cultivating an environment, and promoting the development of emotionally intelligent team members. It is short sighted for an organization to view emotional intelligence as an initiative.

Keywords: Emotional Intelligence,EI,EQ,Leadership


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Chapter 4 Chapter 4: EEmmotoiotnioalnInatlelIlnigteenlcleigAecntiocneL earning StrategiesA, CcotinosntruLcetas,rannidnTgoSotlsrategies, Constructs, and Tools In this chapter we present the learning framework and pathways to explore and understand, on a personal level, why and how transformative EI is unique, practical, and positive. The goal-focused learning pathways presented are designed for you to use in charting a course of action to develop and apply EI skills, behaviors, and strategies to achieve and be your best. Achieving excellence and being the best you can be is an intentional decision that requires a choice to focus on learning and developing personal EI skills. Individuals who achieve excellence develop and have personal standards of excellence that are self defined and self directed. Teams and organizations that achieve excellence are the same—they develop, define, and reinforce internal standards of excellence from within. As you read this chapter, think about ways that you can practice and reinforce your decision to be your best version of your self. 53

Transformative Emotional Intelligence: Achieving Leadership and Performance Excellence

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