Dance to Your HealthWe as a world are more aware than ever of the importance of physical fitness to our overallhealth. While we remain aware of the need for physical activity far too many of us find far toofew reasons to incorporate physical activity into our daily lives and routines. There are manyreasons that we procrastinate in this particular effort. For some time is the defining factor whileothers will readily admit that they have no appreciation whatsoever for those activities thatcome to mind when exercise is considered.Whatever your reason for not incorporating exercise and physical activity into your dailyroutine, have you considered dancing for your health? There are all kinds of wonderful reasonsto dance though I can think of very few that would be better than dancing for the sake of yourhealth and physical well being. The good news when it comes to dancing is that in mostinstances it doesn't feel as though you are getting exercise and the burning of calories doesn'tsting nearly as much when you're having fun burning them.Dancing has evolved a great deal and while the history of dance is a long and noble history.Even, one might add, a quite manly history for those men who haven't considered dancing inthe past.Benefits of DancingIn addition to burning calories, a good thing for dieters everywhere, dancing also helpsstrengthen your muscles and bones. It can provide either a low impact or high impact workoutaccording to your wishes and the music you select, it can be entertaining and feel like fun ratherthan a chore-this means you are more likely to actually do it than many other exercise programs,and it can help tone all areas of your body rather than focusing on one particular area as manyexercises do.Dancing also provides an excellent opportunity to socialize and meet others if you take classeswhile in the process helping you gain a better sense of balance and grace (those like me whohave absolutely no sense of grace could greatly benefit from this alone). Dancing, and thephysical activity alone can help you ward off potential illnesses that are often associated withexcess weight and too little physical activity. Even as little as thirty minutes of dance 4 days a
week can bring about profound results when it comes to your overall health and well being.More importantly however than any of these benefits of dancing mentioned above dancing isfun. This means that you will enjoy life a little, laugh a little, and accidentally work a littlephysical fitness into your life without feeling as though you are suffering for the sake of doingso. So many people get very little physical activity because they do not see physical activity asfun.If you are wondering what sort of dance is right for you, there are many from which to choose.Square dancing is great fun for couples as are ballroom and swing dancing. Line dancing,contra square dancing, clogging, and tap dancing can be great fun in larger groups or as aparticipant in a class. If you want something a little sexier for your dance efforts you can alwaystry Salsa dancing, Flamenco dancing, or belly dancing.If you live in or around a relatively large community it is quite likely that you can find classesor teachers for private lessons for each of these forms of dance quite easily. You do want tomake sure that anyone you take lessons from knows what they are doing. You can also look inyour local paper for square dancing groups or bars or clubs that offer line dancing classes ondesignated nights during the week.Whether you have been dancing all your life or are a rank novice when it comes to dancing, thisis a great way to bring physical fitness into your life and improving your health without feelingas though you are really working for it or experiencing a sense of dread at the very thought.PPPPP682Title:How To Compare Low Cost Health Insurance In ConnecticutWord Count:323Summary:抯Connecticut residents need to keep a few things in mind when they are comparing their low costhealth plans. It best to pick a plan that will fit your lifestyle. Here are a few things toconsider:1.Alternative care: If you find that you infrequently go to a medical doctor and prefer to go toan acupuncturist or a chiropractor, make sure you select the plan that will accommodate your抯wishes. Many plans will only allow a few visits to alternative care practitioners. Let ...Keywords:Article Body:Connecticut residents need to keep a few things in mind when they are comparing their low cost
抯health plans. It best to pick a plan that will fit your lifestyle. Here are a few things toconsider:1.Alternative care: If you find that you infrequently go to a medical doctor and prefer to go toan acupuncturist or a chiropractor, make sure you select the plan that will accommodate your抯wishes. Many plans will only allow a few visits to alternative care practitioners. Let face it,your practitioner knows which insurance companies are the most receptive to alternative care.Make sure you get advice from your practitioner as to which companies to select from抳2.Keeping the same doctors: Do you have special medical needs that are treated by a doctor thatyou e developed a relationship with? It takes years to build a doctor patient trustingrelationship. If you value your relationship with your doctor, you should obtain a listing ofinsurance plans that your doctor accepts. Those companies are the ones you should use whenshopping for low cost health insurance3.Out of Pocket Expenses: Can you handle large co-pays and high deductibles? Usually thelower your co-pay, the higher your premium and visa versa. Determine how much you canafford to pay out of pocket.4.Pre-Existing conditions: If you are currently being treated for a particular illness or condition,you might have to continue with your current insurance company. Many insurance companieswill not provide coverage for pre-existing conditions.抰5.Children: If you don have children and are not planning to have any, then coverages likepediatric care and pre-natal care is not of a concern. However, if you have children or arethinking of having children, check with your pediatrician as to which insurance companieshe/she accepts.6.Shop Around: The key to getting the best possible price on health insurance is to getalternative quotes and compare.Title:The Best Golf Fitness Exercise To Improve The Power In Your Golf SwingWord Count:814Summary:The game of professional golf has transformed over the years. Many spectators, journalists, andpros themselves state that golf is now a game of power. Driving distance is integral to winning損on Tour, club manufacturers gear much of their advertising around the ower game? and it isa wish of most every amateur.Improved distance off the tee or with any club on the course requires increased clubhead speed.Clubhead speed is a product of power in your golf swing. Increasi...
Keywords:Golf, Fitness, Exercise, Golf Stretches, Flexibility, Golf Instruction, Golf SwingArticle Body:The game of professional golf has transformed over the years. Many spectators, journalists, andpros themselves state that golf is now a game of power. Driving distance is integral to winning損on Tour, club manufacturers gear much of their advertising around the ower game? and it isa wish of most every amateur.Improved distance off the tee or with any club on the course requires increased clubhead speed.Clubhead speed is a product of power in your golf swing. Increasing the power in your golfswing will improve your clubhead speed. Equaling more distance on every shot you desire.The question to ask is how do you increase the power in your golf swing? Three componentsexist directly affecting the power in your golf swing:1) Efficiency of Your Golf Swing Mechanics2) Power Generating Capacities of Your Body3) EquipmentReview of the list indicates three integral components exist that directly affecting your clubheadspeed. First and foremost are your golf swing mechanics. Golf swing mechanics can either beefficient or inefficient.Efficient golf swing mechanics allow for you to input the greatest amount of power developedwithin your golf swing into the club and golf ball.揺 揈Inefficient golf swing mechanics result in the exact opposite. Inefficient swing mechanics createwhat is described as nergy leaks?within your golf swing. nergy leaks?cause less power tobe translated to the club and golf ball. This is because large amounts of energy are lost duringthe mechanics of the swing.Again, to improve your clubhead speed and the power outputs within your golf swing. It isnecessary to develop efficient golf swing mechanics.Secondly, equipment does play a role in your clubhead speed. The technological advances inboth club and golf balls have an effect. The key to increasing your power outputs in relation toequipment is to get the correct club and ball for your swing.Matching up your swing and swing speed with the correct equipment will allow you to get themost clubhead speed out of your swing. For example, if your average swing speed is 95 and youare using extra stiff shafts. This could easily result in a loss of clubhead speed in your swing.揵It is strongly recommended you get fitted for your equipment. Getting fitted matches up thecorrect equipment with your swing. Allowing you to get the most ang for your buck?in termsof your golf swing.
Finally, we come to the topic of this article and that is your body. Your body has a direct affecton clubhead speed. It is your body swinging the club, and generating power within themechanics of the golf swing.That being said, developing power within your golf swing is directly related to the ability ofyour body to generate power. Often times this is the forgotten component by many amateurs inrelation to developing power.In order to increase the power outputs in your golf swing it is necessary to implement golffitness exercises into your training program.Golf fitness exercises increase the ability of your body to generate power within the golf swing.Resulting in increased clubhead speed.What is the best golf fitness exercise to increase power in your golf swing?Before answering that question we must look at the mechanics of the golf swing. The golfswing is both a linear and rotational movement.Composed of finite biomechanical movements performed in a specific order. In addition toperforming the biomechanics of the golf swing in a specific order, timing each movement isalso required.In order to perform the mechanics of the golf swing correctly it is necessary for the body tohave certain levels of flexibility, balance, strength, endurance, and power built within the body.If one does not have these physical parameters developed within the body to a certain level. Theability to perform the mechanics of the golf swing efficiently, and generate power will becompromised.The answer to the question of the best exercise for improving the power in your golf swing isnot one specific exercise.揵Improving power in your golf swing requires a asket or exercises?including flexibility,balance, strength, endurance, and power training.A combination of flexibility, balance, strength, endurance, and power exercises are the key toenhancing the power in your golf game.To summarize, improving the power in your golf swing consist of;1) Efficient golf swing mechanics, 2) Proper equipment, 3) Golf fitness training.The combination of these three components result in increased clubhead speed in your golfswing.Not one single golf fitness exercise can improve the power outputs in your golf swing. It israther a combination of flexibility, balance, strength, endurance, and power training exercisesthat enhance clubhead speed.
Implement a comprehensive a golf fitness program into your schedule will undoubtedlyincrease your clubhead speed, driving distance, and overall performance on and off the course.Sean Cochran
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