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Home Explore Danger! Our kids' health is at risk.

Danger! Our kids' health is at risk.

Published by eva, 2015-01-06 09:40:03

Description: Health situation of children in America nowadays leaves much to be desired. And the main
reason of this is not the natural environment polution aggravation or genetic problems but our
own vagueness and inability to raise in our kids love for physical activities and sports.

Keywords: kids health


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Title:Danger! Our kids' health is at risk.Word Count:799Summary:Health situation of children in America nowadays leaves much to be desired. And the mainreason of this is not the natural environment polution aggravation or genetic problems but ourown vagueness and inability to raise in our kids love for physical activities and sports.Keywords:kids healthArticle Body:The American nation on the whole faces a very serious problem at present. It is obesity.Nowmatter how much time adults spend in the gym, it will not change the situation much till we donot pay attention to the need of physical activity for our children who are going to track the risk抯factor from childhood to adolescence and, finally, adulthood. The problem of nationoverweight is to be dealt with starting with the youngest representatives of our society.The American children, one in eight being obese, are on the verge of such health outcomes asdiabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension. And this are only a few to mention. This isdangerous as unhealthy children will grow up into unhealthy adults. So far, the effort of theofficials to promote physical actibvities in children has not brought evident results. On the

contrary, countless social, cultural and environmental factors have caused the increase ofsedentary life style in children.The public opinion poll's results are sad and clear: the children at present prefer watchingtelevision and playing video games to going for sports. The hours kids spend on this uselesspastime reach up to 25-27 a week. Average kid though spends only 14 minutes a day onphysical activity!And we cannot blame them as our schools are very poor at providing children with sufficientphysical training.Of course, there are physical education classes at school. But however ridiculous it might sound,they are more into theory rather than drawing kids into physical activity (sports). It feels for抯teachers and instructors together with parents more safe for children safety. And lack ofplay grounds is another negative factor.To achieve sufficient results every parent, teacher and all the agencies and persoanlitiesinvolved this way or that should show team approach do his/her best to:<ul><li>limit time children spend on watching TV and playing computer games<li>to raise kids?interest in active games by playing with them during recess at school andphysical education classes<li>take measures to assure the kids?health and life are safe during the physical activity</ul>Role of the parents in raising interest for physical activity in their children is under question thesocial quests tell. According to the recent data, the fact that both parents are involved actively insports and healthful way of living in general does not mean that their offspring are as muchactive if active at all. Maybe being too busy with their own fitness program or whatever, theyleave their kids?physical activity life up to school staff.On the other hand, if youngsters are forced to take physical training, they are more likely tooignore physical activities when they are grown up. This issue is to be taken care of with greatdelicacy, first of all on the parents?part who must choose playful form of exercising toencourage their kids to be active. Playing in the backyard with kids or even fooling around withthem in the house can become an excellent alternative to the bring and, unfortunately, uselessphysical training classes. And short 5-10 minutes active breaks during a day will give your kidnecessary 30 minutes activity a day. In addition, do the following to support your children:抰<ul><li>don hesitate to tell a kid again and again and again that he is really good at this or thatactivity<li>encourage regular physical activity no matter where a child is: at home, school, etc.抰<li>give preference to the activities that the child enjoys and never force him.<li>Don forget about the individual approach and choose an activity adequate for a child</ul>The significant effect can be achieved only if the measures are taken by all the institutionsrelated to a child, that is as much by an educational institution as by a family. And as earlier westart the physical education of a child in the full meaning of these words, as better the result will

be. So, promoting physical education in primary school must become an every-day life issue.In conclusion, it is necessary to underline that to sustain health of the nation children must haveadequate conditions for sport and physical activities in general. And traditional models ofphysical training are proved to be ineffective, therefore, are to be substituted for modern waysto encourage love for healthy living. Children and their families must kept informed about althe progressive innovations in physical activity and stimulated to make them part of theirroutine. This measures will serve to awake healthy behaviors in our children which is so neededto improve the health situation in the country.You can read more at <a href=\"\">children's healthsystem</a> articles.Title:How To Compare Low Cost Health Insurance In MassachusettsWord Count:728Summary:The words \"low cost\" and health insurance are seldom seen in the same sentence any more, butthe truth is that there are several things you can do that will lower the cost of your healthinsurance. Let's look at a few of them.Let's start with the hard choices first: Stop smoking and lose weight.Neither of those things is easy to do, but if you're serious about finding low cost healthinsurance then you are definitely going to have to quit smoking and stop using chew...Keywords:Article Body:The words \"low cost\" and health insurance are seldom seen in the same sentence any more, butthe truth is that there are several things you can do that will lower the cost of your healthinsurance. Let's look at a few of them.Let's start with the hard choices first: Stop smoking and lose weight.Neither of those things is easy to do, but if you're serious about finding low cost healthinsurance then you are definitely going to have to quit smoking and stop using chew or anyother tobacco product. There's no way to do this half-hearted - you simply must quit.Losing weight is a different story. Losing weight is more difficult for most people thanquitting smoking. The problem is, a large portion of your monthly health insurance premiumis based on your BMI (Body Mass Index). This is a politically correct way of talking about fat.

There is one ray of good news - if you can lose even a little of your excess fat you may be ableto slip down one rung on your insurance company's BMI scale - and if you manage to do thatyou could save potentially hundreds of dollars each year on your health insurance.Find a group health insurance plan. There are two reasons you are better off with a grouphealth insurance plan: one, it will be cheaper than an individual plan and, two, a group planmay give you more leeway when it comes to smoking and weight.If your place of employment doesn't offer group health insurance ask around at any clubs ororganizations or associations that you belong to. You'd be surprised at the groups that offertheir members group health insurance. If you don't belong to any organizations that offergroup health insurance ask your friends and relatives if they do - and if so, join!If you run a home-based business it's possible your business could qualify for group rates evenif your only employee is a spouse. Even if your business doesn't qualify for group rates, talkto your tax advisor; it's very possible that a portion on your health insurance could be taxdeductible and a tax deduction could make your insurance more affordable.An HMO or a PPO will provide health insurance at a savings over most individual healthinsurance, but be prepared for the possibility of giving up your favorite doctor - unless he or shejust happens to be a member of the HMO or PPO you're looking into.Keep your credit record clean. Believe it or not you'll pay less for your health insurance thehigher your credit score is.Start living a healthier lifestyle. That means cutting the fast food and the fried food way down,and it means getting at least a little exercise every single day. Exercise doesn't necessarilymean jogging or going to a gym. Exercise can be something as simple as a brisk walk aroundthe block or through your neighborhood park.Can you increase your co-payments? If you can afford to increase your co-pays to 50% everytime you visit your doctor you'll cut way down on your health insurance costs. Of course, thismeans you'll pay more each time you see your doctor, but if you don't see your doctor on aregular basis this can be a great way to save money every month.What about your deductible? Can you afford to increase your deductible? If you can thatwill decrease the amount you pay for your health insurance each month almost immediately -but keep in mind that your deductible is an amount that you must pay each month out of yourown pocket for your health care before your insurance company begins contributing. Don'tmake any financial promises you can afford to keep.Finally, find 3 websites that let you compare the prices of health care policies in Massachusettsfrom different insurance companies. Using the information you have gathered from thisarticle fill out forms on 3 different websites - being careful to put the exact same informationinto all 3 forms. In this way your comparisons actually mean something.And that's it. Once you have the results from all three websites all that's left is for you tochoose the lowest price and you're done! This is how you compare low cost health insurancein Massachusetts and come out smelling like a rose!

Title:The Connection Between Fitness and SinglesWord Count:385Summary:What's the connection between dating and singles? It seems like gyms are often popular placesto meet people, and fitness singles sites are cropping up to satisfy the needs and wants of onlinedaters looking for partners to workout with and romance at the same time.Keywords:Online Dating, Dating OnlineArticle Body:What's the connection between dating and singles? It seems like gyms are often popular placesto meet people, and fitness singles sites are cropping up to satisfy the needs and wants of onlinedaters looking for partners to workout with and romance at the same time. Is there a significantconnection between the fitness industry and single life?One possible explanation for the connections made between fellow gym-goers is the desire tofind like minded people who enjoy active lifestyles and staying in shape. Certainly, a part ofthis is a greater appreciation in general for people who are physically fit. While this is a broadgeneralization, it may be safe to assume that most people who want to keep themselves in shapealso want that from their partner. For this reason, gyms attract like minded people, with similarlifestyles. Also, as has been proven by several psychological studies, similarity and proximityincrease the likelihood of attraction. Therefore, if two people run into each other on a regularbasis, and see each other participating in activities they both enjoy, the chances of meeting andmaking a connection are more likely.Another psychological explanation may come from biological and neurological studies.Chemicals released into the brain during exercise are often associated with feelings of euphoria.These feelings are commonly seen as responsible for a 'runners high' that many consistentexercisers experience. As these feelings of euphoria are experienced, people are conditioned toassociate those positive feelings with other stimulus that surround them. Like Pavlov'sClassically conditioned dogs, a person who see something (like another attractive person) whileexperiencing a positive emotion (a runners high) begin associating these two things together.Eventually, people begin attributing their positive feelings to that person (he/she makes me feelgood). As a result, many singles who are heavily into the fitness lifestyle, and regularly visit thegym, may begin to pair their positive feelings with other fit singles they see at their gym.While these explanations may only be a part of the reason why singles and fitness arefrequently paired together, ultimately, there is some sort of connection between the two.Whether these stem from psychological reasons or the desire to seek out other physicallyattractive or fit people, fitness and singles are frequently paired, and with good reason.

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