Hubungi Kementerian ESDM di: Contact the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources at: Website: Email: [email protected] KementerianESDM @KementerianESDM Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral @kesdm #EnergiBerkeadilan
In order to improve services to public, Human Resources Development form of state financial reform that implies Development Agency of Energy and Agency (BPSDM) of Energy performance-based budget management. Mineral Resources have flexibility to use and Mineral Resources has budget. However, it still has strict control transformed into a Public Basically, Public Service Agency adopts over aspects of planning, implementation, Service Agency (BLU). sound business practices. Thus, any evaluation and accountability. Through Public Service government agency of the Public Service Agency, Human Resources Agency status has the flexibility to manage It is expected to lead toward service Development Agency its finances based on efficiency and of Energy and Mineral productivity principles. improvement to public. The services Resources is present as a professional, reliable, In this case, the implementation of budget is provided by Public Service Agency of independent and reputable more structured and oriented to outcomes Government agency. and benefits. Although it is benefit oriented, Human Resources Development Agency Public Service Agency does not prioritize the PROFILEFFICIENCY & PRODUCTIVITY profit. Instead, it is more oriented towards of Energy and Mineral Resources include improving the aspect of accountability and developing the paradigm of public service. education services, training services, certification services, expertise services, workshop services, laboratory services, oil treatment services, water treatment services and education and training services. Public Service Agency (BLU) is a KEMENTERIANservices to public, either in the forms of Since 2017, a number of units under public is also implemented by Human government agency established to provide THE SPIRIT TO SERVE The improvement of services to goods or services, without prioritizing the Human Resources Development Agency Resources Development Agency of benefits. Instead of, the services provided ESDMof Energy and Mineral Resources Energy and Mineral Resources through are based on the principles of efficiency cooperation with a number of Business and productivity. have transformed into Public Service Entities (BU) or Permanent Enterprises Agency. The unit consists of AKAMIGAS (BUT) in the Energy and Mineral Polytechnic of Energy and Minerals (PEM); BLU is a realization of the Government’s Center for Human Resource Development Resources sector. With the steps and commitment to improve service to the of Oil and Gas (PPSDM Migas); PPSDM of efforts made by Human Resources public as stated in Government Regulation Electricity, New Energy, Renewable Energy Development Agency of Energy and THE PROFILE OF(PP). 74 of 2012 on the Amendment of the and Conservation (NREEC); and PPSDM Mineral Resources as Public Service Government Regulation (PP) No. 23 of Geology and Mineral Coal (Geominerba). Agency (BLU), it is expected to be able 2005 on FinancialTMHanEageMmeInNt IoSf TPuRbYlic OF ENERGY AND MINERAL REtoSpOroUduRceCpEroSfessional, competent and Service Agency (PK-BLU). On the other With the status of Public Service Agency service oriented of Energy and Mineral hand, Public Service Agency is also a (BLU), the four units of Human Resources Resources personnel.
4 Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral DAFTAR ISI 6 Pengantar - Menteri ESDM CONTENTS Introduction – The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources 8 BAB I Profil Kementerian ESDM CHAPTER I The Profile of Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources 48 BAB II Profil Sekretaris Jenderal Kementerian ESDM CHAPTER II The Profile of the Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources 52 Bab III Profil Inspektorat Jenderal Kementerian ESDM CHAPTER III The Profile of the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources 62 BAB IV Profil Direktorat Jenderal Ketenagalistrikan CHAPTER IV The Profile of Directorate General of Electricity 76 BAB V Profil Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi CHAPTER V The Profile of the Directorate General of oil and gas
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral 5 86 BAB VI Profil Direktorat Jenderal Mineral dan Batubara CHAPTER VI The Profile of the Directorate General of minerals and coal 96 BAB VII Profil Direktorat Jenderal Energi Baru, Terbarukan dan Konservasi Energi CHAPTER VII The Profile Directorate General of New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation 106 BAB VIII Profil Badan Geologi CHAPTER VIII The Profile of Geological Agency 118 BAB IX Profil Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan ESDM CHAPTER IX The Profile of Research and Development Agency of Energy and Mineral Resources 126 BAB X Profil Badan PROFIL Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia ESDM KEMENTERIAN CHAPTER X The Profile of Human Resources ESDM Development Agency of Energy and Mineral Resources
6 Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Selamat Datang di Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Welcome to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Sektor energi merupakan sektor yang menyangkut hajat hidup bangsa Indonesia. Sektor ini memiliki peran strategis dalam mendorong laju perekonomian nasional. Tak hanya perekonomian, sektor energi juga mencakup aspek keadilan serta berkontribusi dalam peningkatan pendidikan, kesehatan, dan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Seiring dengan itu, kehadiran Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) dalam struktur Pemerintahan Indonesia pun memiliki peran yang sangat penting sebagai motor penggerak sektor energi. Kementerian ESDM merupakan regulator dan penyelenggara urusan Pemerintah di bidang energi dan sumber daya mineral. Kementerian ESDM juga merupakan penyumbang terbesar—setelah pajak—terhadap pendapatan negara sebagai Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak (PNBP). Melalui penyelenggaraan dan pengelolaan sektor energi, Kementerian ESDM mendorong terwujudnya kemandirian, ketahanan, serta kedaulatan energi nasional.
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral 7 The energy sector is a sector concerning the life of people Indonesian nation. This sector has a strategic role to promote the national economy. It shall not be only the sector of economy, but it also includes aspects of justice and contributes the improvement of community education, health, and welfare. Concomitant with the matter aforementioned, the existence of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) in the structure of the Government of Indonesia also has a very important role as the driving force of the energy sector. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is the regulator and implementing agency of Government affairs in the fields of energy and mineral resources. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is also the largest contributor – after taxes – for the state revenues in the form of Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP). Through the administering and managing the energy sector, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources promotes the realization of national energy independence, resilience and sovereignty.
8 Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral PROFIL KEMENTERIAN ESDM The Profile of Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral 9
10 Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral LOGO Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Logo of The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 42 Tahun 2015 tentang Tata Naskah Dinas Kementerian ESDM, telah dijelaskan bahwa penggunaan logo Kementerian ESDM yang digunakan dalam acara resmi harus mengikuti kaidah yang benar. Logo Kementerian ESDM digunakan dalam Tata Naskah Dinas sebagai identitas agar publik lebih mudah mengenalnya. Based on the Regulation of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 42 of 2015 on Official Papers of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, it has been described that the logo of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources to be used in an official event shall follow the correct rule. The logo of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is used in an Official Papers as the identity that public will be easier to know it.
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral 11 VISI & MISI Kementerian ESDM Vision & Missions of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources VISI MISI Vision Missions Terwujudnya ketahanan dan 1. Meningkatkan keamanan pasokan energi 6. Meningkatkan pembinaan, pengelolaan kemandirian energi serta peningkatan nilai tambah energi dan mineral dan mineral dalam negeri. dan pengendalian kegiatan usaha energi yang berwawasan Iingkungan untuk memberikan manfaat yang sebesar- Improving the security of domestic energy and dan mineral secara berdaya guna, berhasil besarnya bagi kemakmuran rakyat. mineral supplies. guna, berdaya saing, berkelanjutan dan Realizing the energy sustainability and independence as well as 2. Meningkatkan aksesibilitas masyarakat berwawasan lingkungan. increased the added-value of terhadap energi, mineral dan informasi geologi. Improving the supervision, management and environment sound energy and Improving people’s accessibility to energy, control of energy and mineral business activities minerals to provide maximum efficiently, effectively, competitively, sustainably benefits for the people welfare. minerals and geological information. and environmentally sound. 3. Mendorong keekonomian harga energi 7. Meningkatkan kemampuan kelitbangan dan mineral dengan mempertimbangkan kemampuan ekonomi masyarakat dan kediklatan ESDM. Improving the ability of research and Promoting the economical price of energy and mineral development (litbang) and education and considering the community economic capacity. training (diklat) agencies of Energy and Mineral 4. Mendorong peningkatan kemampuan dalam Resources. negeri dalam pengelolaan energi, mineral 8. Meningkatkan kualitas SDM dan sektor dan kegeologian. ESDM. Promoting the improvement of domestic Improving the quality of human resources (HR) capability to manage energy, minerals and and Energy and Mineral Resources sector. geology. 9. 5. Meningkatkan nilai tambah energi dan mineral. Melaksanakan good governance. Implementing the good governance. Increasing the added value of energy and minerals.
12 Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Tata Nilai Organisasi Kementerian ESDM PROFESIONAL Professional Organizational Value The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Bekerja dengan semangat, cermat, akuntabel, disiplin, akurat, dan tuntas atas dasar JUJUR Honest kompetensi terbaik dengan penuh tanggung jawab, komitmen yang tinggi, membangun Berpikir, berperilaku, bertindak dengan amanah, sinergi internal dan eksternal, serta mampu transparan, penuh integritas, memegang teguh kode etik, melihat perkembangan jauh ke depan. dan loyal kepada bangsa dan negara. The Ministry should work passionately, The ministry should think, behave, and act in a full carefully, in accountable manner, by discipline, trustworthiness, transparency, integrity, code of ethic accurately and comprehensively by using the best obedience and loyalty to the nation and state. competence in a full responsibility, high commitment, internal and external synergy, as well as being able to plan the future development. MELAYANI Serving INOVATIF Innovative BERARTI Meaningful Memberikan layanan prima dengan Berwawasan terbuka, selalu belajar untuk Menjadi manusia yang memanusiakan memahami kebutuhan pemangku peningkatan diri, memiliki ide baru yang bermanfaat, manusia, memberi manfaat bagi diri kepentingan, dilakukan dengan sepenuh mampu membuat solusi alternatif dalam pekerjaan sendiri, orang lain, Kementerian ESDM, hati, proaktif, profesional, simpel, masyarakat, bangsa dan negara, sehingga efisien, dan tepat waktu dalam rangka untuk mempercepat tercapainya target kinerja. menjadi teladan, tempat bertanya, mampu memenuhi kepuasan internal dan publik. The Ministry should be open-minded, always be memimpin, dan memecahkan masalah. The Ministry should give the best services learning for self-improvement, have useful new ideas, by understanding the needs of stakeholders and be able to find alternative solutions to accelerate The Ministry should be a humanitarian institution, wholeheartedly, proactively, professionally, in the targets achievement. beneficial for itself, others, people, nation and state, simplicity, efficiently and on time in order to then by the end, will be a role model, a place to ask, fulfill internal and public satisfaction. be a good leader and problem solver.
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral 13 Struktur Menteri Staf Ahli Expert Staffs Organisasi Minister a. Kepala Badan Pengembangan a. The Head of Human Resource Kementerian ESDM Sumber Daya Manusia Energi dan Development Agency of Energy and Sumber Daya Mineral Mineral Resource Organizational Structure and Structural Officials b. Staf Ahli Bidang Perencanaan b. The Expert Staff of Planning Affairs of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources c. Star Ahli Bidang Investasi dan c. The Expert Staff of Investment and Infrastruktur Infrastructure d. Staf Ahli Bidang Lingkungan d. The Expert Staff of Environment Hidup dan Tata Ruang and Spatial Planning Inspektorat Jenderal Sekretariat Jenderal Sekretariat Jenderal DEN Inspectorate General Secretariat General Secretariat General of DEN Ditjen Ditjen Ditjen Ditjen Badan Badan Litbang Badan Diklat Minyak dan Ketenagalistrikan Mineral dan Energi Baru Terbarukan Geologi ESDM ESDM Gas Bumi dan Konservasi Energi Directorate General of Batubara Geological Agency Research and Development Education and Training Directorate General of Electricity Directorate General of New Renewable Agency of Energy and Agency of Energy and Oil and Gas Directorate General Energy and Energy Conservation Mineral Resources of Minerals and Coal Mineral Resources Kapus Data dan Teknologi Informasi Kapus Pengelolaan Barang Milik Negara The Head of Center for Data and Information Technology The Head of Center for State-Owned Asset Management
14 Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral THE STRATEGIC POLICIES AND PLAN Securing the domestic energy and raw Improving energy access and infrastructure materials supplies Improving energy diversification Improving energy efficiency and emission reduction Optimizing the fossil fuel supply capacity Increasing mineral production & PNT Preparing domestic energy allocation Realizing Optimization of state revenue from Optimizing state revenue from Energy Energy and Mineral Resources sector and Mineral Resources sector
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral 15 Realizing more precisely-targeted energy Realizing more precisely-targeted subsidy and competitive price energy subsidy Realizing the improvement of Energy and Realizing more precisely-targeted Mineral Resources Sector Investment energy subsidy Realizing professional management and Realizing professional management and HR HR, Improving science and technology and Improving science and technology and geological geological sector service sector service Improving science and technology capacity
16 Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral THE POLICIES AND STRATEGIC PLAN OF 2015 – 2019 OPTIMALISASI PRODUKSI OPTIMIZING FOSSIL ENERGY PRODUCTION ENERGI FOSIL MINYAK BUMI PETROLEUM Completing strategic oil and gas projects. Menyelesaikan proyek migas strategis. Preparing and entering the Oil and Gas Work Areas (WK). Penyiapan dan penandatanganan Wilayah Kerja (WK) Migas. Pemboran eksplorasi migas, CBM, dan shale gas. Exploration drilling of Oil and gas, CBM and shale gas. Keputusan cepat atas kontrak migas yang akan berakhir (sebelum injury time). Making quick decisions on oil and gas contracts that will come Penggunaan teknologi Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR). into expiration (before injury time). Pembangunan komersial prototype rig CBM. Menyiapkan kebijakan, kerangka regulasi, insentif kegiatan Using Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) technology. usaha hulu migas, khususnya untuk KKS nonkonvensional dan daerah remote. Constructing Commercial prototype rig CBM. Peningkatan kolaborasi Ditjen Migas, Badan Geologi, Balitbang ESDM, SKK Migas, dan KKKS. Preparing policy, regulation draft, activity incentive of oil and gas upstream business, especially for non-conventional and remote BATUBARA COAL areas. Mengendalikan produksi batubara. Improving the collaboration among Oil and Gas Directorate Menyiapkan rekomendasi wilayah pengusahaan batubara, 12 General, Geological Agency, Research and Development of wilayah per tahun. Energy and Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas Special. Task Force Peningkatan recovery penambangan batubara. (SKK Migas) and KKKS (Cooperation Contract Contractor). Pembinaan, pengaturan, dan pengawasan usaha utamanya untuk mengatasi tumpang tindih lahan, perizinan, keselamatan, dan lingkungan. Controlling coal production. Preparing recommended coal concession areas, especially 12 areas per year. Increased recovery of coal mining Developing, regulating and supervising the business, especially to overcome overlapping of area, permit, health affairs and environment.
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral 17 PENINGKATAN ALOKASI INCREASING DOMESTIC ENERGY ALLOCATION ENERGI DOMESTIK GAS BUMI NATURAL GAS Constructing of FSRU and LNG Terminal Pembangunan FSRU dan LNG Terminal Constructing gas transmission pipeline Pembangunan pipa transmisi gas Menyiapkan Perpres tentang Tata Kelola Gas Bumi Preparing the Presidential Regulation on Natural Gas Menyiapkan Pe rmen ESDM terkait Teknis Persetujuan Alokasi Governance dan Harga Gas Pemutakhiran Neraca Gas Bumi Nasional Preparing the Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources concerning the Technical Approval on Gas Allocation and Price Updating National Gas Balance Sheet BATUBARA COAL Increasing coal DMO of the average about 27% per year Decreasing average export percentage of the average of 14% Peningkatan DMO batubara rata-rata sekitar 27% per tahun per year Penurunan persentase ekspor rata-rata sekitar 14% per tahun Preparation of the national coal balance Penyusunan neraca batubara nasional Supervision of coal DMO implementation on PKP2B and IUP Pengawasan pelaksanaan DMO batubara pada PKP2B dan IUP Agreement process to improve PKP2B sta Proses persetujuan peningkatan tahapan kegiatan PKP2B
18 Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral PENINGKATAN AKSES DAN INFRASTRUKTUR ENERGI IMPROVING ENERGY ACCESS AND INFRASTRUCTURE BBM OIL FUEL A plan to build a grassroots oil refinery of 300,000 bcpd Purchasing of crude oil directly from oil producers Rencana pembangunan kilang minyak grassroot 300 ribu bcpd Replacing RON 88 gasoline with RON 92 gasoline gradually Pembelian minyak mentah langsung dari produsen minyak Making the effort to provide national fuel stock reserves Mengganti bensin RON 88 dengan bensin RON 92 secara bertahap about 21 days Mengupayakan cadangan stok BBM Nasional sekitar 21 hari Controlling Oil Fuel volume and subsidy Pengendalian volume dan subsidi BBM Providing and distributing 3kg LPG LPG LPG Implementing LPG 3 kg monitoring system Constructing LPG mini refinery Penyediaan dan pendistribusian LPG 3kg Converting Oil Fuel (BBM) to LPG for fishing boats Penerapan sistem monitoring LPG 3 kg Pembangunan kilang mini LPG Constructing 118 SPBG units Konversi BBM ke LPG untuk kapal nelayan Planning to supply gas and adjusting gas price for transportation Preparing legal basis to assignment and operating GAS BUMI NATURAL GAS SPBG and jargas (Natural Gas Distribution Network) Constructing Natural Gas Distribution Network Pembangunan 118 unit SPBG Rencana penyediaan gas dan penyesuaian harga gas untuk transportasi Constructing 42 GW power plant, 35 GW (new project) + Penyiapan payung hukum untuk penugasan dan operasionalisasi SPBG 7 GW (under construction) dan jargas Constructing non-powered electricity infrastructure Pembangunan Jaringan Gas Kota Accelerating the completion of electricity infrastructure Constructing submarine cable of 20 kV of 62,98 kmc in LISTRIK ELECTRICITY Kepulauan Seribu Pembangunan pembangkit listrik 42 GW, 35 GW (proyek baru) + 7 GW (sedang berjalan) Pembangunan infrastruktur listrik non-pembangkit Percepatan penyelesaian pembangunan infrastruktur ketenagalistrikan Pembangunan kabel laut 20 kV sepanjang 62,98 kms di Kepulauan Seribu
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral 19 KONSERVASI ENERGI DAN CONSERVING ENERGY AND REDUCING EMISSION PENGURANGAN EMISI KONSERVASI ENERGI CONSERVING ENERGY Auditing energy of 10 government buildings per year Implementing Pilot project of electricity usage Audit energi 10 gedung pemerintah per tahun monitoring system in buildings Pilot project sistem monitoring penggunaan listrik di Implementing energy conservation investment and bangunan gedung efficiency Implementasi investasi konservasi dan efisiensi energi Implementing save-energy public street lighting Penerapan penerangan jalan umum hemat energi Energy-saving labeling Labelisasi hemat energi Implementing Energy Management System (SNI: ISO Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Energi (SNI: ISO 50001) 50001) Implementasi 2 pilot project cogeneration (2015—2019) Implementing 2 cogeneration pilot projects Menyiapkan regulasi pelaksanaan konservasi energi dan cogeneration (2015–2019) sosialisasi penghematan energi Preparing regulations on energy conservation and energy saving dissemination PENGURANGAN EMISI REDUCING EMISSION The pilot project of clean energy area Pilot project wilayah energi bersih Implementing strategies of “Energy Conservation” and Penerapan strategi “Konservasi Energi” dan strategi “Energy Diversification” “Diversifikasi Energi”
20 Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral DISIVERSIFIKASI ENERGI ENERGY DIVERSIFICATION PANAS BUMI GEOTHERMAL Facilitating the construction of 16 PLTPs (Geothermal Power Plant) Fasilitasi pembangunan 16 PLTP Applying the highest benchmark price (HPT) of the PLTP (Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 17/2014) Implementasi harga patokan tertinggi (HPT) PLTP (Permen ESDM No. 17/2014) Tendering the WKP Pabum at least 38 WKPs for 5 years Lelang minimal 38 WKP selama 5 tahun Preparing recommendations of WKP Pabum, 4 WKPs per year Menyiapkan rekomendasi WKP Pabum, 4 WKP per tahun Completion Rules: Production Bonus RPP, RPP Indirect Use, Revision of the Regulation of Minister on Pabum Business Activity and Penyelesaian aturan: RPP Bonus Produksi, RPP Pemanfaatan Revision of the Regulation of Minister on Initial Survey Assignment. tidak langsung, Revisi Permen kegiatan usaha Pabum, dan Revisi Permen Penugasan Survei Pendahuluan BIOENERGI UNTUK LISTRIK BIOENERGY FOR ELECTRICITY Pembangunan PLT Bioenergi 1.131 MW untuk 5 tahun Constructing Bioenergy PLT of 1,131 MW for 5 years Menerapkan feed in tariff PLT Bioenergi (Permen ESDM No. Implementing feed in Bioenergy tariff of PLT (Regulation of the 27/2014 & Permen ESDM No. 19/2013) Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 27/2014 & ESDM Regulation No. 19/2013) Pemetaan lahan potensial Mapping potential land BIOENERGI UNTUK BBM BIOENERGY FOR BBM Mandatory Mixing of biofuel (BBN) to oil fuel (BBM) Mandatori Pencampuran BBN ke BBM Increasing the mixing percentage of biodiesel from 10% to 15% (2015) Peningkatan Persentase pencampuran biodiesel dari 10% menjadi 15% (2015) Improving the formula of Market Price Index (HIP) of Biofuel (BBN) Memperbaiki formula Harga Indeks Pasar (HIP) BBN Preparing the implementation of B-20 Penyiapan implementasi B-20 Developing of biofuel (BBN) from Kemiri Sunan (Reutealis trisperma) and Sorgum (Sorghum spp.) in Yogyakarta Pengembangan BBN dari Kemiri Sunan dan Sorgum di Yogyakarta
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral 21 TENAGA AIR HYDROPOWER Constructing hydropower (PLTA)/micro hydro power plant (PLTMH) of 2,500 MW) (for 5 years) Pembangunan PLTA/PLTMH 2.500 MW (untuk 5 tahun) Determining the feed in tariff of hydropower-based power plant Penetapan feed in tariff pembangkit listrik berbasis hidro Constructing PLTM of Oksibil 1 MW (State Revenue) Pembangunan PLTM Oksibil 1 MW (APBN) Implementing of the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Implementasi Permen ESDM NO. 3/2015 Mineral Resources NO. 3/2015 TENAGA SURYA SOLAR POWER Constructing of PLTS (Solar Power Plant) about 189 MW (for 5 years) Pembangunan PLTS sekitar 189 MW (untuk 5 tahun) Implementing and socializing of the Regulation of Minister of Implementasi dan sosialisasi Permen ESDM No. 17/2013 Energy and Mineral Resources no. 17/2013 Lelang kuota kapasitas PLTS Tendering the PLTS capacity quota Fotovoltaik 140 MW di 80 lokasi Photovoltaic of 140 MW at 80 locations Pengembangan PLTS Roof-Top di gedung pemerintah dan Developing Roof-Top PLTS in government buildings and airports bandara Developing PLTS in outer islands and border areas (Research and Pengembangan PLTS di pulau terluar dan perbatasan Development of Energy and Mineral Resources) (Balitbang ESDM) Developing 47 MW PLTS (for 5 years) TENAGA ANGIN & ARUS LAUT WIND & WAVE POWER Preparing the regulation Pilot project of PLTB in outer islands and border areas Pengembangan PLTB 47 MW (untuk 5 tahun) Pilot plant of Wave PLT of 1 MW Menyiapkan regulasi Percontohan pengembangan PLTB di pulau terluar dan perbatasan Pilot plant PLT Arus laut 1 MW
22 Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral RASIONALISASI SUBSIDI DAN HARGA RATIONALIZATION OF ENERGY SUBSIDY ENERGI YANG LEBIH TERARAH AND MORE REGULATED PRICE KONSERVASI ENERGI ENERGY CONSERVATION Improving the enforcement of the implementation of the Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Meningkatkan penegakan implementasi Permen ESDM No. No. 1/2013 1/2013 Promoting the program of oil fuel conversion to gas Meningkatkan program konversi BBM ke gas Improving the supervision system of subsidized oil fuel (BBM) distribution Meningkatkan pengawasan distribusi BBM bersubsidi New policy on oil fuel (BBM) prices (January 1, 2015) Kebijakan baru terkait harga BBM (1 Januari 2015) Consistently socializing “energy-saving” to household, transportation, industry and commercial sectors Sosialisasi “hemat energi” secara konsisten ke sektor rumah tangga, transportasi, industri, dan komersil Energy diversification Diversifikasi energi PENGURANGAN EMISI REDUCING EMISSIONS Adjustment of Electricity Tariff (TTL) for non-subsidized customers Penyesuaian Tarif Tenaga Listrik (TTL) untuk pelanggan nonsubsidi Improving the customer’s voltage Perbaikan tegangan pelayanan Improving the energy of mix power generator Memperbaiki energy mix pembangkit Socializing energy saving Sosialisasi penghematan energi
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral 23 PENINGKATAN NILAI TAMBAH IMPROVING MINERAL ADDED VALUE MINERAL DAN PENGAWASAN AND MINING SUPERVISION PERTAMBANGAN PENINGKATAN NILAI TAMBAH MINERAL IMPROVING MINERAL ADDED VALUE Pembangunan minimal 30 unit smelter dan Constructing at least 30 units of smelter and monitoring monitoring penyelesaian pembangunan the construction completion Pemberian insentif dan kemudahan perizinan Providing incentives and ease of the permit to develop pembangunan smelter smelter PENGAWASAN PERTAMBANGAN MINING SUPERVISION Penyederhanaan perizinan, pengawasan, dan Simplifying the permit, monitoring and controlling the penertiban kegiatan pertambangan secara mining activities in a transparent manner transparan Penegakan hukum pada pelanggaran kegiatan Enforcing law to those violating against the mining pertambangan activities Penerapan kegiatan penambangan yang Implementing sustainable mining activities and berkelanjutan dan menjaga kualitas lingkungan maintaining environmental quality Pengembangan dan peningkatan taraf hidup Developing and improving people’s live at the surrounding masyarakat di sekitar pertambangan area of mining sites
24 Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral ENERGY TARGET AND SOVEREIGNTY 2015 - 2019 Produksi Listrik Production Electricity Petroleum 700 Coal 1,295 Natural gas 1,295 Generator Capacity Electrification thousand bpd. thousand boepd thousand boepd 86.6 GW Ratio 97% Penggunaan Intensitas Elastisitas Dalam Energi Energi Negeri Primer Energy Elasticity Domestic Usage Natural gas Coal 60% Primary Energy 64% intensity Infrastruktur LNG Energi Energy infrastructure Oil refinery 1 unit FSRU/Regasification Unit/ Gas Pipe 18,322 km SPBG (Natural Gas Natural Gas Distribution LNG Terminal 7 Unit Filling Station) 118 units Network 1.1 million SR
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral 25 NATIONAL ENERGY MIX TARGET 2013 TOTAL 194 MTOE Pembangkit Generators: 51 GW Konsumsi Energi Energy Consumption: 0.8 TOE/kap Konsumsi Listrik Electricity Consumption: 776 KWh/kap 2025 TOTAL 400 MTOE Pembangkit Generators: 115 GW Konsumsi Energi Energy Consumption: 1.4 TOE/kap Konsumsi Listrik Electricity Consumption: 2500 KWh/kap 2050 TOTAL 1000 MTOE Pembangkit Generators: 430 GW Konsumsi Energi Energy Consumption: 3.2 TOE/kap Konsumsi Listrik Electricity Consumption: 7000 KWh/kap
26 Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Permudah Investasi Facilitation of Investment PERIZINAN YANG HAMBAT INVESTASI TERUS DIPANGKAS Licensing Resisting Investment Keeps Cut out Migas Minerba Listrik EBTKE Oil and gas Mineral and Coal Electricity New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation KESDM KESDM KESDM KESDM 18 Regulasi Regulations 32 Regulasi Regulations 20 Regulasi Regulations 5 Regulasi Regulations 23 Perizinan Licenses 64 Perizinan Licenses 9 Perizinan Regulations/Licences are revoked SKK Migas Regulations/Licences are revoked 12 Regulasi Regulations 186 Total BPH Migas 3 Perizinan Licenses Regulasi/Perizinan Dicabut Regulations/Licences are revoked
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral 27 MEMACU INVESTASI ESDM Rendahnya harga energi global dalam DI TAHUN 2018 3 tahun terakhir menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi sektor ini SPURRING MEMR’S INVESTMENT IN 2018 The low of global energy prices in last 3 years has denomination: US$ Billion challenged for this sector Investasi ditargetkan naik hampir 2 kali lipat pada tahun 2018 Perlu kita awasi dan evaluasi terus agar target target optimis ini dapat tercapai -Archandra Tahar The Investment is targeted to rise almost twofold by 2018 We need to keep watching and evaluating, so that this optimistic target can be achieved Fokus yang terus dilakukan: Continue focusing on: Menghapus regulasi & perizinan yang menghambat investasi (Jan-Maret 2018: 186 regulasi/perizinan) Deleting regulation and licence which obstruct investment (Jan-March 2018: 186 regulations/licences) Pendamping/fasilitas investasi Investment facilities SasKaercaenpsattraantepgeisn:gMaemnbinilgankaktenpyautusan strategis invSepsetaesdi isnusbtrastekgticordeEcniesirogni mBakriun,g Terbarukan, dan Konservasi Energi
28 Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Program Prioritas Pemerintah Government Priority Program RASIO ELEKTRIFIKASI The Electrification Ratio Melistriki Indonesia hingga ke pelosok tanah air (wilayah terdepan, terluar, Electrification Ratio (%) dan tertinggal/3T), melalui program 35.000 MW, 7.000 MW (lanjutan fast track program I dan II serta program reguler), program listrik pedesaan, dan pra elektrifikasi (lampu tenaga surya hemat energi atau LTSHE) Electrifying Indonesia to all over regions of nation (most developed, outer and underdeveloped regions/3T), through the program of 35.000 MW, 7.000 MW (fast track continuing program I and II and regular program(, rural electrification program and pre-electrification (solar-powered lamp with energy saving or LTSHE) Generator Installed Capacity (GW)
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral 29 95,35% REALISASI 2017 REALIZATION IN (TARGET 92,75%)
30 Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Program Prioritas Pemerintah Government Priority Program SUBSIDI ENERGI MAKIN TEPAT SASARAN DIALSDIubHIvAeKnLtioAInHoNfKEnUeArgNNy ArTeURUiNghKtTonUBTaKErgLeBtA, dEivNLerAtJedANforJYpArAodYuNcAtivGeNspLGenEdiLBngEI. HBIHPRPORODDUUKKTITFIF Rp.958 965 TriliuTrniliTurillinon Subsidi energi 3 tahun terakhir 410 tradnsimpiasinPrgoykeka3s5.000 MW 2012-2014 915 Rp. 635 triliun 66%Peran PLN dalam penyediaan sangat besar. atau Apabila pembangkit IP3P41s,u8dah sidapib, naanmduinngtkraannsm3istiabheulunmsesibape, lmumaknayPaL,N terkena klausul Triliun Ru“pdieaehmed dispatch”, dimana IPP duinantuggkabpesluadnajhabyearonpgerleasbi,ishehpirnogdgauPkLtiNf. harus membayar. Total 306,5 310,0 101,8 Subvention of Energy in last 3 years has been trimmed by Rp. 635 trillion 390 or 66% compared to 3 years earlier, for productive spending. Subsidi Listrik 323Triliun100,0 Telah BelBaenjlaaninjafriansftrrauskttruurk, tur, 712 731 111 Keskeehsaetha2an.t7a&1n2p&eknmpdesind; dikiadnikan oSfuEblevcPetnLritcNioitny Rp.94,6 Difungsikan 568(InTfrrai(8lsTitu0rruinlckituRumnruesp,R;Hiuaepha5li)t,ah8,h%) PLN Subsidi 43.284 aspnednEddinu0gca,2tio%n IPP BBMI/PLPPG Triliunkms;29403,%0 269 Subvention Trillion 2.792 kms 256 105 of Fuel 2015-2017 (6%) 444 3.321131,9kms2; 710%,0 534 155 1666.084 kms9;2 420 119,1 Konstruksi 628 kms15;6 34,5% 97,616,17(92346k,6m%s) 1,3% TARGET 58,3 106,8 60 390 370 2015-2019 60,8 50,6 47,7 46 353 46.597 kms 63,1 Infrastruktur 2013 2014 2015 43,7 P4r7a,0Kons4tr6u,k9si 332 27.093 kms Infrastructure 2016 2,605 kms; 2017 2(5081%8 ) 24,488HKkeeamsltehsh;atan 250,163% 2014 5P2e,6nd%idikan sEpdeuncadtiinogn 2012 2015 2016 2017 2018 Outlook APBN APBN
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral 31 PERAN SEKTOR MIGAS THE ROLES OF OIL AND GAS SECTOR MENJAGA 2017 KETAHANAN ENERGI DAN AKUNTABILITAS MAINTAINING ENERGY SECURITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY LIFTING LIFTING GAS BUMI MINYAK BUMI Target Target 1.150 ribu boepd 815 ribu bopd * bopd: Barrel oil per day Memastikan akuntabilitas dan boepd: Barrel oil equivalent transparansi produksi minyak per day Permen ESDM No. 39/2016 | Flow Meter To ensure oil production accountability and transparency The Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 39/2016 | Flow Meter CAPAIAN LIFTING MIGAS sebesar 1.944 RIBU BOEPD, atau 98,9% dari target APBNP 2017 sebesar 1.965 RIBU BOEPD Oil and Gas lifting Achievement is 1,944 thousand BOEPD, or 98.9% of the 2017 APBNP target of 1,965 THOUSAND BOEPD
32 Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral THE ROLES OF OIL AND GAS SECTOR Program Prioritas Pemerintah Government Priority Program PERAN SEKTOR MIGAS MENINGKATKAN AKSESIBILITAS ENERGI YANG TERJANGKAU TO INCREASE AFFORDABLE ENERGY ACCESSIBILITY Percepatan BBM JARINGAN GAS KOTA satu harga SAMBUNGAN RUMAH* Acceleration of one price oil fuel NATURAL GAS DISTRIBUTION NETWORK* Permen ESDM No.36/2016 Realisasi 2017: Realization in 2017 Konversi BBM ke LPG di Kapal Nelayan Kecil 365.190SR Kapal Nelayan di bawah 5GT Conversion of oil fuel (BBM) to LPG for Small Fisherman Boats Fishing Boats under 5GT Perpres No.126/2015 Realisasi 2017: 17.081Unit Converter Kit bagi nelayan di 28 Kabupaten/Kota Realization of 2017: 17,081 units Converter kits for fishermen in 28 regencies/cities
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral 33 PERAN SEKTOR MIGAS THE ROLES OF OIL AND GAS SECTOR PEMBERDAYAAN EKONOMI NASIONAL NATIONAL ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT Meningkatkan kontribusi untuk daerah participating interest 10% kontrak migas kepada daerah Permen ESDM No.37/2016 Increasing contribution to the regions Participating interest of 10% of oil and gas contract to regions Menurunkan harga gas untuk industri tertentu Permen ESDM No. 40/2016 Decreasing gas prices for certain industries Mendorong pembangunan kilang minyak swasta Permen ESDM No. 35/2016 Encouraging the construction of private oil refineries Efisiensibiaya operasi dan meningkatkan gairah investasi migas menyusun Kontrak Migas skema Gross Split dan PP No.27/2017 terkait Cost Recovery The efficiency of operating costs and increasing oil and gas investment interest
34 Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Program Prioritas Pemerintah Government Priority Program BBM SATU HARGA ONE PRICE OIL FUEL PRICE Demi mewujudkan keadilan energi di seluruh wilayah Indonesia, Dilaksanakan di 160 Lembaga Pemerintah mencanangkan kebijakan kebijakan Bahan Minyak (BBM). Satu Penyalur di 148 Kabupaten harga yang difokuskan di daerah tertinggal, terluar, dan terdepan (3T). sampai akhir 2017 For the sake to realize energy justice throughout the territory of Indonesia, the Government launches the one price Oil Fuel (BBM) policy. It is focused ditargetkan beroperasi pada 2019. on the under developed, outer and most developed (3T) areas. It was implemented at 160 Distributing Agencies NAD until the end of 2017 in 148 Regencies it is targeted to operate in 2019. Pulau Pulau Batu Kaltara Sumut Kep.Riau Jagoi Babang Long Apari Morotai Utama Riau Gorontalo Sulut Malut Sumbar Kalbar Kaltim Moswaren Kalteng Siberut Tengah Papua Barat Sulteng Sumsel Papua Bengkulu Kalsel Sulbar Maluku Paniai Barat Sultra Lampung Kep.Karimun Jawa Wangi Wangi Banten Jateng Pulau Raas Labuhan Badas Jatim Bali NTT NTB Waingapu Rencana Telah Beroprasi
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral 35 2017 Harga Jual BBM Menjadi Telah Beroperasi 57 Fuel Selling Price to be Lokasi penyalur BBM Rp 5.150 Rp 6.450 Has Operated 57 Oil Fuel distributor locations Solar Premium di Sumatera, Jawa, Bali-Nusa Tenggara, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku-Maluku Utara, Papua, dan Papua Barat. Rencana Program 73Lokasi 30Lokasi BBM Satu Harga Penyalur Penyalur Distributor The Plan of the Program of One Distributor 2018 Locations 2019 Locations Price Oil Fuel
36 Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Program Prioritas Pemerintah Government Priority Program PERCEPATAN BBM SATU HARGA ACCELERATION OF ONE PRICE BBM Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 36 Tahun 2016 Based on Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 36 of 2016 “SEBAGAI UPAYA MEWUJUDKAN KEADILAN BAGI SELURUH RAKYAT INDONESIA” “AS THE EFFORT TO REALIZE SOCIAL JUSTICE FOR ALL INDONESIAN PEOPLE” Margin fee penyaluran : Badan usaha penerima penugasan wajib memberikan jasa penyaluran (margin fee) lebih tinggi kepada penyalur di wilayah tersebut. Distribution margin fee : The business entity receiving the assignment shall provide margin fee more than the dealer in the region.
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral 37 Jenis BBM yang diatur : Jenis BBM Khusus Penugasan (JBKP) SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS FUEL TYPE TYPES OF REGULATED FUEL Jenis BBM Tertentu (JBT) SPECIFIC FUEL TYPE Minyak solar 48 (gas oil) Bensin (Gasoline) minimum Minyak tanah (kerosene) RON 88 Lokasi dan Penyaluran Mekanisme Penetapan Harga Locations and Distribution Pricing Mechanism Penyaluran oleh Badan Usaha Penerima Penugasan melalui Penyalur yang ditunjuk Harga dasar dan harga jual eceran JBT dan JBKP ditetapkan oleh Menteri ESDM Badan usaha wajib menunjuk Penyalur baru, jika belum terdapat Penyalur pada lokasi tertentu Badan Usaha Penerima Penugasan wajib menerapkan harga jual eceran yang ditetapkan Penyalur tidak dibebani biaya distribusi Menteri ESDM Lokasi tertentu ditetapkan oleh Dirjen Migas The base price and retail price of JBT and JBKP are stipulated by the Minister of ESDM Distribution by Business Entity Receiving Assignment through The Business receiving the assignment shall apply the designated distributors retail sale price as stipulated by the Minister of Energy The Business entity shall appoint new Distributors, if there is not any and Mineral Resources Suppliers in a particular location The Distributors shall not subject to distribution costs Certain locations specified by the Directorate General of Oil and Gas
38 Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Program Prioritas Pemerintah Government Priority Program PARTICIPATING INTEREST 10% PARTICIPATING INTEREST 10% Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 37 Tahun 2016 Based on Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 37 of 2016 Participating Interest (PI) 10% adalah besaran maksimal 10% PI pada KKS yang wajib ditawarkan oleh kontraktor pada BUMD dan BUMN Participating Interest (PI) of 10% is a maximum amount of 10% PI in the KKS to be offered by the contractor on Region Owned Enterprises (BUMD) State Owned Enterprises (BUMN). Bertujuan untuk Kepemilikan BUMD disahkan melalui Perda BUMD khusus meningkatkan saham BUMD dan dan berbentuk Perusda (100% mengelola PI 10% peran serta dan PI 10% tidak bisa Pemda) atau Perseroan dan satu BUMD nasional dalam diperjualbelikan/ Terbatas (minimal 99% Pemda hanya mengelola pengelolaan dialihkan/ dan sisanya terafiliasi dengan satu PI 10% migas dijaminkan Pemda) Special BUMD Its purpose is The ownership of BUMD is validated by Regional manages PI of 10% to increase the BUMD shares and Regulation (Perda) and in the form of and one BUMD region and national PI 10% cannot be Regional Owned Company (Perusda) only manages one participation to traded /assigned/ (100% Regional Government) or Limited PI of 10% manage oil and gas secured Liability Company (minimum 99% Regional Government and the rest are affiliated with Regional Government)
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral 39 SKEMA KERJA SAMA BUMD SKEMA KERJA SAMA BUMN BUMD COOPERATION SCHEME BUMD COOPERATION SCHEME Gubernur mengkoordinir, Bila BUMD tidak menyatakan menyiapkan dan menunjuk BUMD minat, Kontraktor wajib penerima penawaran PI 10% menawarkan PI 10% kepada BUMN Kontraktor membiayai terlebih dahulu besaran kewajiban BUMD BUMN membiayai sendiri besaran kewajiban sesuai Pengembalian pembiayaan kepada kelaziman bisnis Kontraktor dilakukan tiap tahun tanpa bunga dari hasil produksi bagian BUMD dengan tetap If the BUMD is not interesting, the Contractor menjamin penerimaan bagi hasil untuk BUMD shall offer the 10% PI to BUMN Governor coordinates, prepares and appoints BUMD BUMN shall itself finance the obligation receiving PI of 10% according to the business prevalence The Contractor shall in advance finance the BUMD obligation The financing return to the Contractor shall be made annually without interest from the part of production of the BUMD by ensuring the sharing fund for BUMD
40 Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral KONTRAK BAGI HASIL GROSS SPLIT BAGIAN NEGARA LEBIH BAIK, KONTRAKTOR LEBIH EFISIEN PRODUCTION SHARING CONTRACT WITH GROSS SPLIT: THE BETTER SHARE FOR THE COUNTRY, THE MORE EFFICIENT FOR THE CONTRACTOR Permen ESDM No. 08 Tahun 2017 tentang kontrak bagi hasil gross split disempurnakan dengan Permen ESDM No. 52 Tahun 2017 bertujuan untuk meningkatkan investasi di bidang kegiatan usaha hulu migas. The Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 08 of 2017 on production gross split sharing contract that is improved by the Regulation of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 52 of 2017 aiming at increasing the investment in oil and gas upstream business activity. SKEMA GROSS SPLIT Gross Split Scheme Hasil gas 100% Hasil minyak 100% Cost recovery Cost recovery Base split Pemerintah 52% Base split Kontraktor 48% (belum (belum Pemerintah 57% Kontraktor 43% termasuk termasuk pajak) pajak) PEMERINTAH MASIH MENDAPATKAN Base split dapat disesuaikan 5. Jenis reservoir TAMBAHAN DARI PAJAK berdasarkan 13 komponen*, yaitu : 6. Kandungan CO2 The government still receives additional revenue Base split is able to be adjusted according to 13 from taxes 7. Kandungan mH2iSnyak bumi components. They are: 8. Berat Jenis GROSS SPLIT MEMBUAT BIAYA OPERASI LEBIH EFISIEN 10 KOMPONEN VARIABLE 9. Tingkat komponen dalam negeri GROSS SPLIT CAUSES OPERATING EXPENSE MORE EFFICIENT 1. Status Wilayah Kerja Biaya operasi menjadi tanggung jawab Kontraktor 2. Lokasi lapangan (onshore, 10. Tahapan produksi Operating costs shall be borne by the Contractor Kontraktor secara alami akan melakukan penghematan offshore) 3 KOMPONEN PROGRESIF Contractor shall automatically implement expenditure efficiency 3. Kedalaman reservoir 4. Ketersediaan infrastruktur 1. Harga minyak bumi 2. Harga gas bumi pendukung 3. Kumulatif produksi Migas
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral 41 8 TAMBAHAN INSENTIF HULU MIGAS Permen ESDM Nomor 52/2017 Terkait Bagi Hasil Gross Split 8 Additional Oil And Gas Upstream Incentive The Regulation Of Minister Of Energy And Mineral Resources Number 52/2017 Concerning Gross Split Revenue Sharing REVISI PERMEN GROSS SPLIT: Cashflow maupun keekonomian kontraktor menjadi lebih menarik karena disesuaikan dengan keekonomian PSC Cost Recovery. Telah dikalibrasi pada 12 lapangan migas dengan berbagai karakteristik #IRR PSC Gross Split mirip dengan PSC Cost Recovery REVISION OF REGULATION OF MINISTER ON GROSS SPLIT Cash flow and contractor’s economic factor is more interesting as it is adjusted to the economic factor of PSC Cost Recovery It has been calibrated to 12 networks oil and gas fields with different characteristics #IRR PSC Gross Split is similar to PSC Cost Recovery KUMULATIF PRODUKSI FASE PRODUKSI Split ditambah up to 10% Split ditambah up to 10% PRODUCTION CUMULATIVE PRODUCTION PHASE Split added up to 10% Split added up to 10% HARGA MINYAK KANDUNGAN H2S BESAR Split ditambah (formula) Split ditambah up to 5% OIL PRICE GREAT H2S CONTENT Split added (formula) Split added up to 5% HARGA GAS KETERSEDIAAN INFRASTRUKTUR Progresif split baru (formula) Split ditambah up to 4% Sebelumnya tidak ada INFRASTRUCTURE AVAILABILITY GAS PRICE Split added up to 4% New progressive split (formula) DISKRESI SPLIT POD-2 Tidak dibatasi Dapat tambahan split 3% Sebelumnya tidak dapat SPLIT DISCRETION Unlimited POD-2 May be able to split 3% Previously impossible
42 Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral PENYEDIAAN AIR BERSIH Kalimantan Utara 3233 MELALUI PENGEBORAN AIR TANAH 11 PROVIDING FRESH WATER THROUGH Kalimantan Tengah GROUND WATER DRILLING WELL 3343 13 Keterangan : Sumatera Utara: NAD 4 4 2 4 3 2015 2018 Riau: 2016 2019 7 6 17 222 2017 Total 13 6 Sumatera Barat Kalimantan Barat 44244 23343 18 15 Sumatera Selatan 23222 11 Jambi Kalimantan Selatan Sulaw 332 3223 42 10 8 DI Yogyakarta Bengkulu 2433 32222 12 11 Banten Jawa Tengah Bali 3 23 20 322 3 Jawa Timu7r 20 15 15 13 15 15 10 15 Jawa Barat 93 68 10 10 10 10 10 50
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral 43 Ground Water Drilling in Water-Scacity Areas 238 spots ground water drilling wells was constructed in 2017 in 25 provinces Kalimantan Timur 3333 to 2017, totally there are being constructed 12 1.782 spots Ground water drilling wells Sulawesi Tengah Sulawesi Utara Capacity 2 2222 Providing service 2 8 The Target of 2018 Gorontalo 500 DRILLING WELLS in 179 Regencies 22 Providing service for 1 million people 8 Papua Barat 253 10 wesi Barat Sulawesi Tenggara 222 32232 12 12 Sulawesi Selatan 42332 14 Nusa Tenggara Timur Papua Nusa Tenggara Barat 45656 253 55545 24 26 10 5
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral 45
46 Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Struktur Sekretariat Jenderal Organisasi Secretariat General Sekretaris Jenderal The Organizational Structure The Secretary General Biro Perencanaan Biro Sumber Daya Manusia Biro Organisasi dan Tata Laksana Biro Keuangan Planning Bureau Human Resources Bureau Financial Bureau Organizational and Management Bureau Biro Hukum Biro Umum Biro Komunikasi, Layanan Pusat Pengelolaan Barang Pusat Data dan Teknologi Informasi Publik, dan Kerja Sama Milik Negara Informasi Legal Bureau General Affairs Bureau Communication, Public Information Center for State-Owned Asset Center for Data and Information Services, and Cooperation Bureau Management Technology
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral 47 Tugas & Fungsi Sekretaris Jenderal The Duties and Functions Secretary General Tugas Menyelenggarakan koordinasi pelaksanaan tugas, pembinaan, dan pemberian dukungan administrasi kepada seluruh unsur organisasi di lingkungan Kementerian ESDM. To coordinate the implementation of the duties, development and administrative support to all elements of the organization in Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Fungsi 3. Pembinaan dan pemberian 4. Koordinasi dan penyusunan peraturan perundang- undangan serta pelaksanaan advokasi hukum dukungan administrasi yang meliputi Coordinating and formulating legal drafting as well as legal advocacy; ketatausahaan, kepegawaian, keuangan, 5. Pengelolaan barang milik negara dan layanan 1. Koordinasi kegiatan Kementerian ESDM kerumahtanggaan, kerja sama, hubungan pengadaan barang/jasa pemerintah Coordinating the programs in Ministry of masyarakat, arsip, dan dokumentasi Maintaining state-owned assets and the service of Energy and Mineral Resources; Kementerian ESDM Pembinaan serta governmental goods/services procurement; penataan organisasi dan tata laksana 6. Pelaksanaan fungsi lain yang diberikan oleh Menteri ESDM. 2. Koordinasi dan penyusunan rencana, Developing and giving administrative supports Implementing other functions as mandated by the Minister program, dan anggaran Kementerian including administration, personnel, finance, of Energy and Mineral Resources. ESDM general affairs, cooperation, public relations, archive, and documentation of Ministry of Coordinating and formulating plans, programs, Energy and Mineral Resources and developing and budget for Ministry of Energy and Mineral and maintaining the organization and Resources; management;
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral 49
50 Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Visi & Misi Misi Inspektorat Jenderal 1. Mewujudkan Pengawasan Internal secara Profesional dan Independen Vision and Mission of Inspectorate General Achieving Professional and Independent Supervision Visi 2. Mewujudkan Penerapan Sistem Pengawasan Visi Pembangunan Nasional untuk tahun The National Development Vision of Intern Pemerintah di lingkungan Kementerian 2015 - 2019 adalah “Terwujudnya Indonesia 2015 – 2019 is “The realization of Indonesia ESDM Yang Berdaulat, Mandiri dan Berkepribadian sovereignty, independence, and mutual Realizing the Implementation of Government Berlandaskan Gotong Royong”. cooperation – based personality “. Internal Supervising System within the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Dengan memerhatikan visi pemerintah Complying with the vision of the tersebut dan mempertimbangkan kondisi government and taking into account the 3. Mewujudkan pengelolaan tugas dan fungsi umum dan permasalahan Inspektorat Jenderal general conditions and issues faced by Kementerian ESDM dilakukan secara efektif dan Kementerian ESDM, maka Visi Inspektorat the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of efisien serta patuh terhadap peraturan perundang- Jenderal Kementerian ESDM adalah: “Menjadi Energy and Mineral Resources, the vision undangan. Mendorong peningkatan kemampuan Unit Pengawas Internal yang Profesional dan of Inspectorate General of the Ministry of dalam negeri dalam pengelolaan energi, mineral Berintegritas Untuk Mendukung Terwujudnya Energy and Mineral Resources is: dan kegeologian. Tata Kelola Pemerintahan yang Baik, Bersih, Realizing the management of duties and Transparan dan Akuntabel di Lingkungan “To be a Professional Internal ad functions of the Ministry of Energy and Kementerian ESDM” integrated Supervising Unit to Support the Mineral Resources to be carried out effectively Realization of Good, Clean, Transparent and efficiently and complying with laws and Dengan visi tersebut akan memberikan and Accountable Governance within the regulations. Encouraging the improvement of inspirasi mengubah perilaku dan tekad Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources” domestic capability in energy management, bersama dari aparat Inspektorat Jenderal mineral and geological affairs. untuk dapat menjadi teladan dan The vision will inspire the change of mampu berperan dalam mencegah dan the behavior and joint spirit of the pemberantasan korupsi, kolusi dan nepotisme Inspectorate General apparatus to be bersih serta menjadikan Unit Pengawas the role model and be able to play a role Internal yang profesional dan berintegritas. to prevent and eradicate corruption, collusion and nepotism and to create Professional and integrated Internal Supervising Unit.
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