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Home Explore EcoAlert Vol. 46 No. 3 | Special Edition | Making it Happen: COP21 in Paris

EcoAlert Vol. 46 No. 3 | Special Edition | Making it Happen: COP21 in Paris

Published by jon.macneill, 2015-12-02 11:42:08

Description: A special edition of the Conservation Council of New Brunswick membership magazine, EcoAlert, focused on the United Nations Climate Change Summit happening in Paris, France between Nov. 30-Dec. 11, 2015.

Articles include:
-The road to locally-made clean energy in New Brunswick
-Charting the course for a low-carbon economy in Canada
-History of international climate negotiations
-Best and the rest: a look at countries' climate plans heading to Paris
-How you can live greener and cleaner at home and work

And more.

Keywords: COP21,Paris2015,climate change,climate change summit,clean energy,renewables,fossil fuels,carbon pollution,emissions reductions,conservation council of new brunswick,climate action network canada


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Help make a difference. Spring Peeper Photo: Nick Hawkins BOARD OF DIRECTORSI want to become a member and supporter: $40 Family $55 Association PRESIDENT $15 Low income, senior, student $30 Individual Liane ThibodeauAre you a new member? Y N DIRECTORSI would like automatic membership renewal * Y * N John Bird Stephanie Coburn John Crompton Susan Eddy Hannah Grant Frank Johnston Scott Kidd David MacDonald Tyler McCready Rob Moir Owen Taylor Paula Tippett Jessica VihvelinI want to make a single gift of: $120 Other STAFF $30 $50 $100 EXECUTIVE DIRECTORMailing address: Lois Corbett Name PROGRAM STAFF Address Matt Abbott, Fundy BaykeeperTel. Blair Cox, MarketingEmail Ronald Fournier, Translator Tracy Glynn, Forest ConservationDonation method: Nadine Ives, Learning Outside Coordinator Jon MacNeill, Communications VISA MasterCard Stephanie Merrill, Freshwater ProtectionName Inka Milewski, Science AdvisorCard # Justine Spits, TranslatorExp. Signature ADMINISTRATIONCheque (payable to Conservation Council of NB ) Stephanie Phillips As a member, you’ll receive: INTERNS¡ A subscription to ecoalert magazine Najat Abdou-McFarland Olivia DeYoung¡ EcoNews, our electronic newsletter Karyn MacPherson¡ G reat member-only discounts Pascale Lea Ouellette Michelle Roy Larissa VerhoevenThe Conservation Council of New Brunswick is a registered charity which carries on Marissa Walcotteducation and awareness projects to solve environmental problems. Donors to the workof the Conservation Council will be provided with a charitable tax receipt. Please send For advertising inquiries or to subscribe to ecoalert,your donation to:180 Saint John St., Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 4A9 please contact our managing editor: Jon MacNeill, [email protected] Thank you for Your Support! or telephone us at 458-8747 GRAPHIC DESIGNER Stacy Howroyd, [email protected] @cc_nb /conservationcouncil

editorial BY LOIS CORBETTThe road to locally-made clean energyStanding beside Canada’s If I can borrow President Obama’s bumpy A clean electricity system that derives all of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau road metaphor, the New Brunswick its energy from renewable sources like solar, at November’s Asian-Pacific government can demonstrate it is serious wind, tides and hydro can serve not only Economic Cooperation forum, about tackling carbon pollution with these home and business heating needs but alsoAmerican President Barack Obama used three elements of mapping the road toward help fuel the transition in transportation —a great metaphor to describe how he a carbon-free energy future. where we can rely on this century’s electricsees a transition away from polluting batteries instead of last century’s combustionenergy sources to a low-carbon economy We need to get the destination engines.unfolding, so that globally we can help right The new road isn’t all shiny bells andavoid devastating climate change. whistles like solar panels and tidal turbines. We must limit the ratio of carbon dioxide in It needs to include boring things like better “This is going to be a messy, bumpy Earth’s atmosphere to 350 parts per million windows and insulation in basements andprocess worldwide, but I am confident (compared to all the other molecules) to attics. The good news about governmentthat we can get it done,” Obama keep global warming to below 2 degrees investment in energy efficiency for industrysaid. “And the fact that we now have Celsius by 2050 to avert the worst impacts and building retrofit programs is thea very strong partner in Canada to of climate change. That tight reduction immediate jobs it creates — for every dollarhelp set up some global rules around budget — we are at about 400 ppm today spent on efficiency, four dollars are returnedhow we approach this, I think, will be — means we need plans now to de- to the provincial economy.extraordinarily helpful.” carbonize our economy — moving quickly Having “Canada, climate change, and and with ambition beyond burning coal, We need a traffic cophelpful” as words all in the same sentence oil and natural gas to using 100 per centhasn’t happened for more than 10 years renewable energy sources by 2050 at the Much as we’d all like it — our roads aren’tnow. And the bumpy road metaphor latest. That’s our destination. governed by voluntary actions. Just like wecould serve well as advice to all premiers, need speed and vehicle safety laws, so tooour own Brian Gallant included. After all, We need to build a better road do we need new laws and rules to guidegood national plans to reduce pollution our economy. We have voluntary targetsalmost always, at heart, contain key Clean electricity is going to become the now — a 10 per cent carbon reduction byactions taken by provincial leadership. backbone of the new economy, and in 2020, for example, and between 35-45 No one should be fooled by claims NB, the key to a low-carbon future is to per cent reduction by 2030. The provincialthat because our country’s pollution is a phase out coal and commit to getting all government needs to introduce newsmall part of the global carbon emissions new electricity supply from renewable legislation that sets firmly in place targetsequation there is little we can or should energy sources over the next 10 years. and timelines for carbon reduction, includesdo. The fact is that Canada is the ninth Environment Canada’s 2013 greenhouse provisions for caps on large polluters, andlargest contributor to the greenhouse gas inventory report pegged N.B. coal-fired guides new building developments towardgases that cause climate change, electricity at almost three million tonnes, net-zero energy use. Progressive legislationpumped out worldwide when we burn oil, the single largest source in the province. would also examine how to charge forgasoline, coal and natural gas. That, and To give some credit where credit is due, pollution — right now it rides free — whetherthe additional statistic that puts Canadians NB Power’s plans to reduce electricity through a carbon tax, like British Columbia, orwell ahead on a carbon pollution-per demand over time, increase renewable through a cap and trade system, like Quebecperson basis when compared to other energy sources, and invest, if somewhat and Ontario.citizens worldwide, means every step we cautiously, in energy efficiency and a smarttake will help. New Brunswickers rank grid, are all good ideas. At issue is how LOIS CORBETT is Executivethird in per capita carbon pollution in long their plan will take to get us to our Director of the ConservationCanada, after Albertans and people destination. Our utility’s timeframe to get rid Council of New Brunswickliving in Saskatchewan, mostly because of coal is 2045, a full 30 years slower thanof our dependency on coal-fired Ontario, 20 years later than all of Britainelectricity and oil for heating. and a decade longer than even Alberta. 1

energyLouise Comeau: Charting the course for a renewable energy economy in Canada By Jon MacNeillLouise Comeau likes to “These steps give us off, dealing with melting permafrost andpicture a different sort the opportunity to cut vanishing sea ice, not to mention coastalof living. pollution and engage erosion, which is becoming a problem in Canadians as full participants New Brunswick and on the East Coast as Imagine, she says, your roof is topped in their energy system, which well.with solar panels that power your lights, I think is really exciting and Severe forest fires, droughts and floodingheat your water and help recharge your important if we want to get events are happening at higher car. You step onto the street, the job done,” says Comeau, Alberta’s Ministry of Agriculture and Forestryand it’s the same story at every home and who helped author the report released data in early November showingbusiness in your community: an integrated and runs the national climate that the 2015 season saw wildfires coverrenewable energy system that cuts network from her home office more than 492,000 hectares — double thepollution and creates rewarding jobs. in Keswick Ridge. 25-year average. Unseasonal rainfall across Pie in the sky stuff? Not a bit. Comeau, “Our homes, vehicles, and New Brunswick in late September causedthe Executive Director of Climate Action way of life become part more than 100 incidents of damagedNetwork Canada, says Canada can create of the solution, no longer infrastructure, from washed out roadways toa renewable energy economy in the next prolonging the problem.” culverts becoming entirely exposed. Across10 years — we just need the courage, and the country, homeowners and businesseswill, to make it happen. commercial and residential buildings to zero- are having to manage new levels of flooding emissions standards. and extended power outages from extremeThe Path Forward weather, while hunters, fishers and farmers Why 100% Renewable? struggle to adapt to the the negative In November, with the United Nations effect this is having on crops and animalclimate change conference on the horizon, According to the Intergovernmental Panel behaviour.Climate Action Network Canada released on Climate Change, Canada has already There is a consensus among climatea roadmap for seeing its vision into warmed at nearly twice the global rate since scientists that human activity — specificallyreality. Three Big Moves Toward A 100% 1950. Canadians in the far North are worse the burning of greenhouse gases — isRenewable Energy System for Canada driving climate change. Climate Actionlays out how we can create a renewable Network Canada estimates that Canadaenergy economy that is accessible to all will have to cut one third of its carbonCanadians, respects indigenous rights, and pollution by 2025 in order to do our fairmakes oil sands expansion unnecessary. share in preventing dangerous levels of The big three? Eliminate carbon-based global warming. That means finding waysfuels like coal and oil from the electrical to remove about 250 million tonnes ofgrid; ramp up the uptake of electric and greenhouse gas emissions.hybrid vehicles; and retrofit (and regulate) 2 ECOALERT SPECIAL EDITION 2015

energy How We Do That – Three Big StepsElectricity from Efficient and zero-emitting Efficient and zero-emitting renewables buildings transportation Comeau says the key to building a 100% One of the best ways to save energy and Environment Canada’s 2014renewable energy system is to phase out reduce pollution is by not wasting the Greenhouse Gas Inventory report showscoal and require that all new generating energy we’ve already generated. That’s why, that transportation is responsible forstations use renewable energy sources. Comeau says, we need stringent building 28% of carbon pollution in Canada. The A fair carbon tax will help in both codes that create plenty of employment and most efficient way to trim that numberthese efforts. Comeau says the federal drive down pollution. is encouraging more Canadians togovernment should work with provinces The deep decarbonization report describes make sure their next vehicle is a hybrid-and territories to establish a consistent some key components of a proactive building electric or electric.carbon tax and require the industrial sector code, such as: requiring the use of zero or Comeau says the federal governmentto meet minimal standards of performance. near-zero emission technologies in all new can accelerate the uptake of hybrid and Carbon pricing initiatives — such as the buildings and retrofits, and; mandatory energy electric vehicles by following California’scap and trade deal in Ontario and Quebec, and greenhouse gas intensity regulations for lead and establishing requirements forand carbon taxes in British Columbia and buildings, vehicles and appliances. zero emission vehicles (ZEV). According( just recently announced) in Alberta — The Climate Action Network says to the California Air Emissions Board, thewill help curb emissions in our homes, government could drive the uptake of latest version of its ZEV regulation willbusinesses, industrial operations and on technologies such as solar thermal, help get more than 1.4 million of them onthe roadways. photovoltaic systems, and heat pumps for the road by 2025. According to the recent report Pathways heating and cooling homes by writing zero-to Deep Decarbonization in Canada, emission building standards into our building By regulating personal and commercialswitching to electricity generated from codes. The network says we could see the vehicles to zero or near-zero standards,renewable sources is the single most energy consumption of buildings fall between the deep decarbonization report projectssignificant way to achieve deep reductions 53-73% by 2050 by embracing these Canada could remove 45 megatonnes ofin global carbon pollution, And the effort is technological and efficiency improvements. emissions by 2025.already well underway — the International For Lois Corbett, the state of housingEnergy Agency’s (IEA) latest energy stock in New Brunswick presents what Climate Action Network Canadaoutlook shows that almost half of the she calls “a happy problem.” Corbett, — a says we can cut carbon pollutionworld’s new power generation capacity founding member of Climate Action Network by one third in 10 years and reachcame from renewable energy in 2014. Canada — says zero-emission building code full decarbonization within 35 years Progress is being made in by setting our sights on a 100%Canada, too. A 2015 report from standards in our province would keep a renewable energy system.Clean Energy Canada shows lot of contractors busy for a long time.that investment in clean power “Canadians support this transitiongeneration increased by 88% over “Our homes are among full-stop,” says Comeau. “Recentthe previous year in 2014, totalling the oldest in the country — polling commissioned by our groupsome $10.7 billion. The organization shows the majority of Canadiansstates that almost 27,000 people now creaky, cold and drafty in believe protecting the climate is morework in the clean energy sector in the winter, wicked hot in the important than building new pipelinesCanada, surpassing the number of people and expanding our use of fossil fuels.”employed in the oil sands. summer,” says Corbett. The Canadian Solar Industries “If we fix that, we not only “It’s time for Canada to be bold andAssociation reports that the solar energy save New Brunswickers a courageous — beginning at the UNmarket is growing each year by 50% and pile of money in heating and climate conference in Paris, and thenthat renewable energy is expected to cooling costs, but we create following through at home — to makemake up one third of global electricity a lot of jobs for carpenters, sure we’re moving toward becomingoutput by 2035. The association states plumbers, all sorts of trades.” the country our citizens want us tothat between 25,000 and 41,000 solar be.”manufacturing and installation jobs couldbe created in Canada by 2025 with the climateactionnetwork.caright federal leadership. 3

Student leaders champion The report also touched on the stridesthe fight for climate justice being made toward the development of an international framework on climate changeBy Najat Abdou-McFarland mitigation — such as the UN conference in Paris. With the rapid growth taking place inJust as students were drivers of social The group prepared a report laying out renewable energy technology and clean change in the divestment campaign the case for fossil fuel divestment at Mt. A. energy markets, the report cautioned that to end apartheid in South Africa, one It was submitted to the university’s Board investments in fossil fuels risk becoming of the key fights for climate protection of Regents (similar to a board of governors) stranded assets in the near future, arguingtoday is also being blazed on college and with much student-made fanfare in the that the continued spending of capitaluniversity campuses across the world, campus publication, The Argosy. expenditure on destructive and recklessincluding here in New Brunswick. In laying out its case, the students argued fossil fuel reserves is not only devastating The Fossil Free Divestment movement that Mount Allison’s reputation as an for the environment; it is financially andcalls on individuals, public institutions and exceptional post-secondary institution economically wasteful.corporations to pull financial support from compelled the board to use its privilege The group distributed small orange squarefossil fuel enterprises and invest in the and position to influence global affairs patches — a symbol for the fossil freeclean, renewable energy sector. Led by for the better. The report outlined the divestment campaign — to show the Boardorganizations such as and Divest- imperative to act on the potentially of Regents that their campaign had theInvest, it has become the fastest-growing catastrophic impacts of climate change, support of students, faculty and communitydivestment campaign in history, with 800 and illustrated how global forces are members in Sackville.entities (comprising educational institutions, pressuring financial players to realign The campaign saw its first victory in thefaith organizations, health institutions, their activities in order to contain global winter of 2015 when the faculty union votedcharitable foundations, and municipalities) warming. to support its divestment initiative. At thepledging to divest a combined $50B from same time, the Mt. A student council votedoil and gas companies over the next four down a motion to support the initiative,years. however Clay Steell, a member of the University and college campuses are at divestment group, said the council is nowthe heart of this movement. GoFossilFree. reconsidering its lists student groups active on five A setback came later in the winter whencontinents, with hundreds registered in the the group approached the Board of Regents’U.S. and more than 20 groups operating Finance and Investment Committee andacross Canada, including at the University was told the committee didn’t have theof New Brunswick (UNB) Fredericton capacity to consider its proposal. Steell saidcampus and Mount Allison University (Mt. this shows the university needs a betterA) in Sackville. mechanism in place to give students the The Mt. A group had humble origins ability to influence the outcomes of the— beginning as a student project for an school’s investment decisions. He said theEnvironmental Action course in 2013. From group will continue to place pressure onthere, the Mount Allison Student Divest the administration to carry through withGroup formed into a full-fledged campaignto uproot any fossil-fuel related investments divestment andin the university’s endowment fund encouragedinvestment portfolio. readers to check for updates on their progress in the university newspaper. Both the Mt. A group and the Fossil Free group at UNB held events on their respective campuses for the first- ever Global Divestment Day in February 2015. They are expected to hold events again this year, and we encourage you to attend if possible. Visit the Conservation Council for more links about the divestment movement and how you can take carbon pollution out of your own investments. 4 ECOALERT SPECIAL EDITION 2015

Making Your Personal Climate PledgeWorld leaders are meeting in Paris right now to hammer downeach nation’s commitment for curbing climate change. What betteropportunity, then, for you to chart out your own plan for living moreenvironmentally-friendly. Here are some ideas and tips to help you Larissa VerhoevenEnergy Efficiency Local Food bikes and ride if there is a safe route. We’re often quick to jump in the car What does energy efficiency really mean? It There are and go, but there are opportunities tomeans we want our homes cozy in the winter and many benefits leave the gas-guzzlers in the in the summer. It’s a lot easier to achieve to buying According to the Live Earth Globalthis when our homes are properly sealed and locally and Warming Survival Handbook, typicalinsulated. Prevent unwelcome drafts by making growing your drivers use 340 gallons of gasolinesure the weather stripping around doors and own food — annually, which equals around 6,100-lbswindows is in good condition. Consider using a both for your own iosfnC’t Oan2, per person. If walking or bikingwindow kit to add some extra insulation — you’ll health and the health option, an easy way to trim thatnotice a difference. Remember to turn your of our planet. Don’t let number is carpooling to work or play.thermostats down at night but you can save a small lawn (or no lawn at all) keep you Commute with neighbours, co-workers,some money if you try not to adjust them too from producing wholesome, nutritious your spouse or friends on a regular basis,much throughout the day — find a setting that’s foods. Wooden raised garden beds on and, if possible, strike an arrangementcomfortable for your family and stick with it. And your lawn or deck don’t take up too much with your employer to work from homethose fuzzy slippers and wool sweaters are in space but give you plenty of room to grow one or two days a week. Passengeryour closet for a reason — don’t be afraid to let yourself some cucumbers, tomatoes, vehicles represent a significant chunk ofthat thermostat be and layer up instead. greens or other produce. And the compact our overall greenhouse size means less time tending to the crops, gas emissions in Renewable Power making it easier to fit into your schedule. New Brunswick, If growing your own food is not an so the more we On top of efficiency, your option, consider making the conscious can walk, pedal heating source is also effort to buy local and purchase in-season or carpool, the goods. There are so many reasons to start better off we’ll important. Traditional buying local: your money stays in the local all be. And means of oil and gas community and provincial economy; local even better heating can be expensive goods travel fewer distances and so cause still — consider — and certainly have less carbon pollution from transportation; purchasing an a big environmental you’re being proactive with your health electric or hybrid for impact. Consider adding by eating healthier, more nutritious foods your next vehicle. or switching to renewable (often pesticide-free); food tastes better, energy to help offset your and you can develop real relationships with carbon footprint and the cost of the people growing your food and raisingyour power bill. For example, homeowners with livestock.a grid-tied solar system can ‘bank’ excess energy When local goods are not available atthey generate during peak times and use those the grocery store, remember to shop forcredits during lulls in generation. Given how long fruits and vegetables that are in seasonwinter lasts in New Brunswick, you might not think and came from as nearby as possible,solar panels would be an effective power source. support meat and produce growers that areBut New Brunswick’s position on the globe actually committed to organic practices, and avoidgives us some of the sunniest winter months in food produced with pesticides or with a lotCanada, and solar panels actually generate more of packaging.electricity in colder temperatures. Winter winds are With the holiday season coming upon us,often stronger than in other seasons, increasing consider buying a locally-raised turkey (youthe output of windmills and windfarms. Beyond can find one using our BuyLocalNB App –the environmental benefits, perhaps the greatest of incorporating renewable energy into yourhome is the satisfaction you’ll have when the Alternative Transportationtraditional power grid suffers its inevitable outages.Last winter, as severe winter storms caused The benefits of alternative transportationa spate of outages across the province, New are often twofold: they get your heartBrunswickers were tantalized by a newspaper pumping, and they keep the vehiclearticle about a family in Tracy who were oblivious exhaust fumes from flowing. Need to visitto it all. Powered entirely by renewable energy, the corner store to pick up a few thingsthe home became the unofficial gathering spot for dinner? Get your partner and walkfor neighbours when the traditional grid went there once or twice a week — you’lldown. So, if you do bring renewables into your enjoy the extra time it takes. Do thehome, maybe don’t be surprised if a few nippy kids want to go play at a friend’sneighbours come knocking on your door during house? Get them to hop on theirthose harsh winter storms.5

Best and the Rest: Climate Plans Leading-up to Paris By Pascale Lea Ouellette The first global agreement on climate concept of ‘legally binding’ into the treaty change, in 1992, was voluntary, not legally mix, and negotiators were able to getThere’s certainly a lot of media and, binding. The next significant development, reduction commitments from the world’s to a lesser degree, public attention in Kyoto, Japan, in 1997, did introduce the rich nations. But, the Kyoto Protocol had focused across the pond on Paris, France, where world leaders from195 countries, both rich and poor, will sitdown from November 30th to December11th and try to hammer out shared actions ina united attempt to keep global warming toless than 2 degree celsius by the middle ofthis century. But what will the heads of statereally be doing there, and why should anyof us expect that the conference will makea real difference? Our answer to the first question — well,a lot, really. And the second? We certainlyhope so. What makes this, the 21st Conferenceof Parties (COP, where the parties arethe countries that signed the originalUN climate change treaty way back in1992) different is that for the first time, allcountries are expected to come forwardwith legally-binding plans, called IntendedNationally Determined Contributions(INDC), which for brevity, we’ll refer to as thecountries’ plans in the rest of this article.The History of Climate Accords: A global effort to reduce our impactBy Olivia DeYoung1987: Washington, US 1992: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 1997: Kyoto, JapanPresident Bush signed the The Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, The Kyoto Protocol is negotiated atClimate Protection Act, Brazil, set up the United Nations the third meeting of COP, setting adirecting the Environmental Framework Convention on Climate legally-binding GHG reduction targetProtection Agency and the Change (UNFCCC), which had the goal of 5.2 per cent below 1990 levels byDepartment of State to develop of stabilizing global GHG emissions. 2012. Canada voted in favour of theinternational policy options It wasn’t legally-binding and no protocol in 2002.dealing with rising greenhouse mandatory limits were set, but 152gas (GHG) levels, coordinate countries set a voluntary goal to dropmeetings, and to publish emissions from developed countries toa report summarizing the 1990 levels by understanding ofclimate change.1988: Toronto, Canada 1995: Berlin, GermanyThe Toronto Conference on Changing Following the Earth Summit, the ConferenceAtmosphere was the first major international of the Parties (COP) is created to reviewforum bringing scientists and world political progress and consider further action throughleaders together in an effort to combat global annual meetings. Nothing much resulted fromwarming. Developed nations called for a 20 the first two meetings except an agreementper cent reduction of CO2 emissions by 2005. that the UNFCCC wasn’t enough — legally-This conference played an important role in binding commitments would be needed forestablishing the IPCC, the leading international real action to take place.scientific body on global warming, which wasformed later that year. 6 ECOALERT SPECIAL EDITION 2015

no constraints on carbon pollution from put forward pledges that are That’s a very good start for the world’sthe poor, or developing nations, a criticism detailed and with targets most populous nation and an economicthat prevented the U.S. from ever signing exceeding their previous superpower, Climate Action Tracker says. Onthe Kyoto Protocol and which led, critics commitments. the negative side of the balance sheet, thesay, to justification for Canada’s previous Let’s look at some of the think tank says China’s carbon intensity targetgovernment to withdraw its assent. countries’ plans, starting with is “more consistent with allowing a global Back to the countries’ plans. After years the positive news from the big average temperature change of 3-4°C,” missingof back and forth among negotiators at players. altogether a contribution to hitting the <2°Cvarious COPs from Montreal to Peru, the Over half — 53 per cent,terms of reference for country plans were in fact — the world’s entirehammered out. To meet the UN sniff test, carbon pollution came fromthe plans are supposed to be “fair in light China, the European Unionof the countries’ situation and capabilities, and the United States in 2012,transparent in intent, and, ambitiously ensuring that their plans, stillworking towards a low-carbon society and drafted pre-Paris, come undereconomy.” The plans may include mitigation intense scrutiny.efforts to increase resilience and adaptation China pledged to capcomponents to address the impacts of its CO2 emissions; a fifth of thoseclimate change. reductions are from phasing out oil and Most of the world’s countries have stepped coal in favour of low carbon energyup before the Paris conference. According sources. China has also pledged toto the UN Climate Change Newsroom, 131 reduce its carbon intensity (that’s theplans have been submitted, which, taken ratio between GHG units and Grossin total, account for roughly 91.1 per cent of Domestic Product) by 60-65% belowglobal greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. All 2005 levels by 2030.developed countries have submitted theirpledges. Other good news? Many countries bullseye. Continued on page 8....2009: Copenhagen, Overall, the first phase of Kyoto failed to slow global carbon emissions. TheDenmark Protocol didn’t even become international law until more than halfway through the first commitment phase. Some countries and regions, notably the EuropeanThe Copenhagen Accord is Union, were on track to meet or exceed their Kyoto goals, but other large nationscreated, recognizing the need were falling short. Two of the biggest emitters – the United States and China,to limit the global temperature pumped out enough extra GHG emissions to erase all the reductions made byrise to 2 degrees Celsius, other countries. Canada had committed during the first phase to cutting itsprotect forests, and establish a greenhouse gas emissions to 6 per cent below 1990 levels by 2012, but by 2009framework for a Green Climate emissions were 17 per cent higher than they were in 1990.Fund to deliver financial aidfor mitigation and adaptation 2013: Warsaw, Poland 2015: Paris, Franceactions in developing countries.More than 130 nations, COP 19 is held in Poland. Here, Countries, armed with theirincluding Canada, agreed to parties were expected to create a national climate action plans,the Copenhagen Accord at the roadmap for the 2015 COP in Paris gather for COP21 in Parismeeting the following year. (where a legally-binding treaty for to establish legally-binding GHG reductions after 2020 would be commitments to reduce struck). The talks fizzled, and parties GHG emissions after the year agreed to resume negotiations in Peru 2020. the following year.2004: Moscow, Russia 2012: Doha, Qatar 2014: Lima, PeruThe Russian Federation votes in The Doha Amendment to the Countries resume negotiationsfavour of the Kyoto Protocol, Kyoto Protocol is adopted, which with an eye toward Paris andgiving it the 55 per cent threshold established the second phase adopt the Lima Call for Climateneeded to enact it. It enters for the Protocol. Canada did not Action, setting in motion theinto force as a legally-binding commit to these new targets, and discussions needed to reach andocument in 2005, and by 2007 it was the first country to announce agreement for what would behad been voted on and approved its withdrawal. done in 2020 and 177 countries. 7 Source: Survey, Canadian Perspectives on Climate Change, Energy and Policy Priorities for Climate Action and the Paris Climate Negotiations, November 2015

Continued from page 7....The countries that make up the European absolute (as opposed to intensity-based)Union have pledged to reduce overall emission-reduction target. The pledgeemissions by 40% of 1990 levels by 2030. also has an adaptation component.Critics of the EU plan say that while it hasa good target, how the final calculation in As we put this edition of EcoAlert to bed,carbon pollution reduction will be calculated analysts point to Canada and Australiais, well, fuzzy. Carbon Brief experts are as the stinky plans in the pre-Paris pile.worried that EU nations will overestimate Please remember that Canada’s plan wascarbon stored in nations’ forests, for prepared by the previous government,example, and pay too little attention to and we, like the rest of Canada, haveGHG emissions from industrial sectors like taken note of the new Prime Minister’scement, steel, coal approach.and oil. Within the According to What’s up in Canada? our friends at TheEU, some countries’ Analysts point to Climate Institute, Climate change regulations vary byplans are better than Canada and Australia Canada and province and are ever-evolving. Theothers — Norway Australia’s plans following are highlights of climateand Switzerland, for will mean that change initiatives in Canada:example. as the stinky plans • C lean Energy Act in British ColumbiapSm2inebnSamtre6doaettt-uiiivttv2loseelesis8nosrotsir’ountp(yfapcsnretroaloshagdrranneebercltaty,epcgksfttnolo1ehsat7tnhoy.entbTadptasUsynhoei,nniru2scsitrc0amecer2edsen5sgat)fanbsr-doaycmyat2srru0b2ict2o0kw0n0sii,5lpanlanorlneedltldvduhbetulieyalncsreg.gpere-teCgohPnfraeaatonhdmuraeeigdosseha,sx,ptpaetirhninrilmcade2itsaA.0serue3il—syt0to.frcoaAforlesianmxi’tpfsrisitACoafebphoslrnuaullairtaonssntttanwigshunwalsileecegtlasthbkdshposfesiaeglnstagoiahp’rpnftilnooavypeebdtueionottaFl,soldtpdlulbeteeWe also found Brazil’s plan interesting. meeting the < 2°C target. aims for 93% renewable energy andIt’s ambitious, and to date, the only major self-sufficiency by 2016developing country plan that contains an Bad enough that Canada’s plan is • G reen Energy Act in Ontario phased compared to Australia when rated on out coal-fired power by 2014 and is the “who, me?” scale. But here’s what the first to do so in North America. the renowned World Resources Institute The Act also promotes renewable says: Canada and Russia have the energy development and according lowest annual GHG reduction rates from to the David Suzuki Foundation has 2020-2030 based on their targets. The created over 20,000 jobs Russian pledge is conditional on the • Q uebec cap and trade system limits outcome of the Paris agreement and on company emissions and makes use of the province wide carbon market • E fficiency Nova Scotia states that energy efficiency incentives have reduced electricity demand by 5.5% the commitments of other developed countries. 2030Canada’s plan is to cut 30%of emissions based on 2005 levels by 2030. 8 ECOALERT SPECIAL EDITION 2015

climate & energyA strong Canadian climate plan will grow the economy — not sink itThe old dichotomy of jobs versus the Energy efficiency By Karyn MacPhersonenvironment is dead. The imperative to measures, such as investments inact on climate change, paired with the A 2012 report by the Acadia Centre clean technology innovation and publicadvancements made in clean energy shows that investments in energy, gives us the opportunity efficiency not only optimize energyto create rewarding jobs, wealth and consumption and demand, they Investing in Clean Techprosperity while also protecting the lead to economic growth and jobenvironment and doing our part to fight creation. According to the report, In a recent interview in The Guardianclimate change. Energy Efficiency: Engine of Economic newspaper, Prof John Schellnhuber, Growth in Canada, New Brunswick one of the world’s most influential could see a net increase in GDP of climate scientists, said the move toward between $3-6 for every dollar spent a global low-carbon economy would on programs that reduce home and gain unstoppable momentum if enough business energy use, with the most big countries act on their new climate aggressive scenario seeing $5.9 plans, noting that “ultimately, nothing billion in GDP over the study period can compete with renewables.” A report (2012-2040). We’ve already seen released by Clean Energy Canada says the benefits of energy efficiency governments could take advantage of the programming in New Brunswick. emerging demand for clean energy and The crown agency Efficiency NB cleantech by encouraging growth in these (whose programming was rolled into sectors through tax breaks for power NB Power last fall) helped 30,000 storage and solar technology. According homeowners, 402 commercial to the report, Canada accounts for 2.5% of buildings and 42 industrial facilities global trade, but only 0.4 % of the global improve their operations since it clean energy market. launched in 2005. The modest incentives offered through its Health savings programs resulted in $7 of economic activity for every $1 invested by A recent study conducted by Harvard government, and reduced provincial University’s school of public health shows greenhouse gas emissions by that switching to renewable energy is 210,000 tonnes. just as good for public health as it is for the climate. The researchers determined Pricing carbon that regional health benefits worth hundreds of millions of dollars per year Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission are attributable to renewable energy describes provincial carbon pricing and energy efficiency projects (mainly as the most practical way to reduce by displacing the use of dirty, coal-fired greenhouse gas emissions at a electricity). According to the study, wind feasible cost. The commission farms built near Cincinnati and Chicago highlights British Columbia’s carbon produced $210 million in annual health tax as an example for others to benefits, while energy efficiency projects follow. The B.C. tax gives polluters in Cincinnati produced $200 million in the flexibility to reduce emissions and benefits during off-peak hours and $20 generate revenue that is used to fund million at peak times. other economic and environmentalPolicy Talk CCNB is regularly invited to offer policy advice on issues that matter to you „ W e submitted comments to the „ W e sent congratulatory letters to all Environmental Impact Assessment for new NB Members of Parliament and„ We are a member of the Lower St. a duck and fish farm on Grand Lake new Federal Cabinet MinistersJohn Hydro Community LiaisonCommittee hosted by NB Power and we „ W e sit on the Marine Debris „ We met with the Minister of Educationparticipated in the Open House public Stakeholder Advisory Committee to give input on sustainability educationengagement series on the Mactaquac advising on a marine debris reduction issues and outdoor learning curriculumProject strategy for southwest New Brunswick. „ We continue to participate in the„ We offered positive feedback on the „ We gave positive feedback on the Musquash Advisory Council in support draft regulations for the Province’s new Province’s new draft regulations to of DFOs ongoing management of the Electronics Waste Recycling program develop small scale renewable energy Musquash Estuary Marine Protected projects Area. 9

ecobriefsCoal-free in the UK… And Alberta? fossil fuels completely. They cannot other forms of renewable energy. move to fracking nor nuclear. They When you burn coal, not only The UK’s Energy Secretary Amber need to completely transform their do you release large amount of Rudd announced on November 18 that economy away from dirty energy.” greenhouse gases — the pollution her country would close all coal-fired Canada’s electricity system has that causes climate change — but electricity plants by no later than 2025, seen some provincial governments other pollutants as well, like sulphur making it the first major global economy take major moves to phase out dioxide and nitrogen oxides, which to commit to such a plan. coal, too. In 2014, a year ahead of contribute to local air pollution and The announcement was welcomed, schedule, the Ontario government acid rain, and mercury, which is with some cautions of course, by leading shut its last coal power plant in highly toxic to people and which environmental organizations in Britain. Thunder Bay — converting it to run concentrates in fish and other “We welcome that UK wants to close all on biomass instead of coal. It was mammals. coal-fired power plants by 2025,” Dipti one of five big plants in Ontario that NB Power’s coal-fired electricity Bhatnagar, climate justice & energy co- a little over ten years ago produced plant in Belledune was opened coordinator for Friends of the Earth (FOE) 25 per cent of the province’s in 1993. In 2013 it released about International, told Common Dreams. “But electricity. And just a few days after 4,430 tonnes of S02 and 2.8 the UK needs to do much, much, much the UK announcement, Alberta’s million tonnes of greenhouse gases more. They have huge responsibility for Premier Rachel Notley followed suit (Department of Environment NB and climate change, and they need to end all — saying that province will phase out Environment Canada). The utility’s coal-fired electricity by 2030. long term plan does schedule its Burning coal to make electricity shut down, but not until a 2038-45 is highly polluting, especially in time frame (Environment Canada and comparison with wind, solar or NB Power).Taking the pulse of New Brunswick’s estuaries and commentary reminding New BrunswickersTracing the true decline of the Atlantic salmon what really started the decline: the knock-out blow that millions of poundsSalt Marsh, Musquash Estuary Marine Protected Area, New Brunswick. Nick Hawkins / Conservation of pesticides had on wild salmon stocks. Milewski explained the impact the 40-yearCouncil of New Brunswick DDT aerial spraying campaign had on salmon and offered its story as a lessonResearch pioneered by CCNB Science estuaries came from airborne pollution that for today’s decision-makers. “Failing toAdvisor Inka Mileswki more than a decade was man-made and likely originated out of acknowledge the long-term, persistentago was recently expanded and published central Canada and the U.S., while other effects that pesticides have had, andthrough a collaboration with Dalhousie contributors came from a nearby seafood continue to have, on wildlife and humansUniversity. processor and sewage treatment plant. is a recipe for history repeating itself,” Milewski wrote. “The large-scale aerial The team, including researchers Heike Whereas airborne pollution can’t be spraying of the herbicide glyphosate,K Lotze and Reba McIver, looked at the controlled by our province alone, Milewski recently classified as a carcinogen,health of seven estuaries in eastern New says it’s important we maintain healthy should stop. Pesticides used to kill theBrunswick by examining the level of riparian buffer zones and protect provincial chronic plague of sea lice in salmon farmsnitrogen found in eelgrass — an important wetlands to ensure the health of our should be prohibited. And, the cosmetichabitat for many animals, including estuaries. She says this research will help pesticides used to kill spiders, ants andmigratory birds such as the Canada Geese. decision-makers in our province manage cinch bug in our lawns, recreational areasMilewski says it’s important we understand these ecologically-sensitive areas morewhere the nitrogen in our estuaries is effectively. You can read the complete and schoolyards shouldcoming from in order to properly manage research paper on our website. be banned.watersheds and keep these crucial salt This fall, as the province’s English dailymarsh habitats healthy. newspaper concluded a series on the The ultimate The researchers found the greatest decline of the Atlantic salmon population lesson from the history ofcontributor of nitrogen in six of the seven in New Brunswick, Milewski published a salmon’s decline is, in the words of Rachel Carson, “what we do to wildlife we do to ourselves.” Files from CCNB’s Science Advisor 10 ECOALERT WINTER/ SPECIAL EDITION 2015

Leading groundwater expert says stay the A mandate to combat course on moratorium climate changeThe provincial government’s decision that New Brunswick isn’t alone in Spoofed already bylast fall to place a moratorium on having a moratorium. “A moratorium CBC’s iconic comedyhydraulic fracturing has the support of on shale gas fracking is the norm. New show, This Hour Hasone of Canada’s leading groundwater Brunswick is not an exception.” 22 Minutes, Canada’smonitoring experts. new Minister of When asked what advice he would Environment andDr. John Cherry, the chair of the 2014 offer the NB Commission and the Climate ChangeCouncil of Canadian Academies’ provincial government, Dr. Cherry said, has a lot of toughpanel on hydraulic fracturing, was in “given where New Brunswick is at, work to do. NotFredericton in November to meet with given there is currently a moratorium only is Catherine McKenna chargedthe New Brunswick Commission tasked policy, it makes sense to continue with leading Canada’s delegation to thewith reviewing the NB moratorium. that moratorium into the future. The upcoming United Nations negotiationsHe also gave a public lecture about east coast, and New Brunswick, on climate change (alongside of thethe scientific is not suitable for new International Affairs Minister,review his panel experimentation.” Stephane Dion) but she has beenconducted “A moratorium on shale gas given the job of undoing ten years ofon shale gas fracking is the norm. Dr. Cherry, a systemic deregulation of environmentalfracking for New Brunswick is distinguished and protection laws. The Minister’s mandateEnvironment not an exception.” widely-published letter, written by Prime Minister JustinCanada. expert on groundwater Trudeau, lays out a list of job duties that Dr. Cherry monitoring, chaired includes everything from writing new laws the 2012-2014 panel to protect human health from dangeroussaid that after of 16 North American air pollution, to restoring Canada’sextensively experts on a wide reputation on environmental stewardshipresearching the range of issues related and “restoring robust oversight andliterature, the science and the experts’ to shale gas development. thorough environmental assessments.”review around hydraulic fracturing, According to the letter, her key priorityhe concluded there is a worldwide In concluding his presentation, Dr. will be to “ensure that our governmentlack of scientific monitoring on shale Cherry said he would like to have provides national leadership to reducegas extraction that would enable any an opportunity to review shale gas emissions, combat climate change andscience-based decisions to justify fracking impacts in the context of a price carbon.” You can find a link to alldevelopment in Atlantic Canada. whole energy strategy for the country, the Cabinet Ministers’ mandate letters noting none of the expert panels ever and read CCNB Executive Director LoisIn his presentation, Dr. Cherry noted convened on shale gas fracking, or Corbett’s statement on the appointmentsthat “when the industry started their reports, has ever been tasked with on our website.approaching the places where we reviewing or laying out the full gamutlive” — as opposed to operating in of energy options and their impacts for 11isolated areas, far from people or public discussion.their water supplies — “this changedeverything.” He assured the crowd

ecobriefs Conserver House now powered by 100% clean energy On Oct. 1 we joined more than 10,000 Canadians who are helping to clean the energy grid by becoming ‘bullfrogpowered.’ Bullfrog Power is the country’s largest clean energy provider. The Toronto-based company allows homeowners, businesses and organizations to start using 100 per cent renewable energy by investing in new clean energy projects across Canada. Since founding in 2005, Bullfrog Power and its customers have helped put more than 3-million MWh of clean electricity and more than 4-million GJ of clean biogas onto Canada’s energy system. That much energy from fossil fuels would have contributed 1.1-million tonnes of carbon pollution toward climate change. We’re proud our office at 180 St. John St. in Fredericton is supporting the growth of renewable energy in Canada! Learn more about Bullfrog Power and their partnership with us on our website. Bringing solutions to your community We’ve been visiting communities acrossthe province to talk to residents andlocal officials about the opportunitiesand advantages of starting their ownrenewable energy project. The lateststop in the ‘Renewable Solutions NBTour: Inspire Connect, Advance’ tookour Executive Director Lois Corbett toWoodstock in late November, where she A candid call for leadership on water protectionmet with renewable energy producers, local Charles Murray, the provincial focused minister with a strong agenda canbusiness organizations, elected officials and Ombudsman, gave a refreshingly candid push through these kinds of barriers.”community members who want to see more presentation at the Nashwaak Watershed The Conservation Council has metsolar panels, wind farms and geothermal Association AGM in late November with Minister Kenny and discussed thesystems cropping up across our province. about his 2014 report on the province’s opportunity many times. He’s an avidCo-hosted by Transition Woodstock, Water Classification program and fisherman and knows the cultural andattendees heard about the state of regulation. Our Director of Freshwater economic value our waterways provide.renewable energy production in the region Protection, Stephanie Merrill, attended the He has an opportunity to move on yearsand NB as a whole, what’s new and exciting presentation, and couldn’t have agreed of stalling, to create a positive legacy asin the booming cleantech sector, and how more with the Ombudsman’s message: It’s Minister of Environment.renewable energy is meeting — and could time to get this done. Mr. Murray said it best: “He (Ministerbe exceeding — the province’s climate The Water Classification Program and Kenny) has a tremendous opportunity.action targets while creating rewarding jobs regulation was brought forth in 2002 – He has inherited an issue from variousright here at home. almost 14 years ago — as a progressive governments of different stripes. He’s not Contact us at tracy.glynn@ intention to set water quality standards the author but he can be the solution. if you’re interested in New Brunswick rivers and generate he does anything in this field, brings inin having the tour stop in your community. action plans to meet and enhance their any sort of regulation that has any actualHead to our website to learn more about protection. Of the 19 rivers submitted for effect, he can say, ‘I’m the most effectivethe Renewables Solutions NB Tour. classification, not a single one has been Environment Minister this province has had acknowledged and enforced by the in this millennium.’ He can be the hero of regulation. this story — if he takes it to task.” Mr. Murray says that strong political will has been lacking on this file and that “a 12 ECOALERT WINTER/ SPECIAL EDITION 2015

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