Prime Genes Basis of Physiological Death Let’s talk about the very first basis of life, where the life starts? Yes, we know when the sperm (23 chromosomes) from the father and the egg (23 chromosomes) from the mother fuses to form the zygote i.e. 46 chromosomes, life takes it start “the very first form of the life”. Now for understanding, let’s say zygote contains two sets of chromosomes or two chromosomes or two Prime chromosomes. One from the sperm and one from the egg. So 46 chromosomes determine the life or simple to put, creates life. Let’s stay here for a while. Suppose, two eggs fuse with each other. Will they start a life? Absolutely not. What about two sperm fusing with each other? We keep this point for later talk. But you ever considered fusing of two sperms with an egg i.e. formation of 69 chromosomal zygote. Will that start a life? Actually yes, although it will result into an abortion. Shortly mean to say, evidence of life becomes obvious at the zygote level (>46 chromosomes) when the sperm contributes. Most specifically, sperm gives only its DNA neither its head, body nor tail. The egg as a whole is involved in zygote formation. So, the egg provides the source of the nutrition and basis of survival for the sperm DNA. At least 46 chromosomes are crucial for life to take breath. The extra chromosomes will result into failure of life to sustain, but life still starts Out of 46 chromosomes, 23 chromosomes or 1 set of chromosomes must come from the sperm no matter what otherwise life would not start. Sperm DNA is responsible for initiation of life while egg provides two functions; firstly, nutrition in yolk and secondly may help in initiation of life by means of its DNA. At this level, the only cell that gets pure (physically not by coping) parental chromosomes is zygote 100% genetically pure i.e. 50% Female (egg) and 50% Male (sperm) chromosomes. As it is illustrated in a DNA Map below.
In the DNA map: At 1 Cell Stage (Zygote) At this stage, the zygote contains two prime chromosomes (actually 2 chromosomes = 46 chromosomes) which are physically or directly inherited from the parents i.e. through sperm and egg. So, the zygote is a 100% pure cell containing two prime chromosomes. These chromosomes are termed as prime chromosomes due to the fact that these are not the copied or duplicated ones rather coming directly. At 2 Cells Stage (1st Cleavage) Mitosis will divide zygote into two cells equally. So each cell gets one prime chromosome (physically coming from zygote) and one replica chromosome (bastard chromosome). So, each one of two cells contain one prime and one replica chromosomes but difference lies in between two cells as one cell contains male prime chromosome (Prime M coming through sperm) and the other cell contains female prime chromosome (Prime F coming through egg).
Now you will say what is the difference between replica and prime chromosomes as replica chromosome is copied or replicated from the very same chromosomes. Answer lies in the fact, why the life would not start when the zygote is formed by combining two eggs which are also replicated forming the complete genetics of 46 chromosomes. Let’s say you extract the DNA (chromosomes) from a sperm and replace it with 23 replicated chromosomes of the body and then form a zygote. Life still would not start. Do you think the telomeres present at the ends of a chromosome can also be replicated? Of course not. Each cell in a human body contains its own unique telomeres at chromosomal ends which are formed randomly and cannot be replicated during cell division. Only the chromosomes present in the sperm and egg which are inheritable. Means to say that the prime M is the same chromosome which is present in the sperm carried from our parents and still present in one of the cells in our body as such. Same is true for prime F chromosome which comes through egg and is hidden in the ocean of cells untouched and unchanged. So, this is the unique quality which renders the specific importance of the prime M cell containing prime M chromosome, “the Code of the Life” which is not present in the prime F i.e. female chromosome containing cell. Only 2 cells in our body contain the original DNA or chromosomes inherited from our parents i.e. one cell containing prime M chromosome and 2nd cell containing prime F chromosome. All this is attribute to telomeres at the end of the chromosomes which make the exact replication of the chromosomes or DNA impossible. Only the central portion of chromosome is replicated during mitosis or meiosis, while the terminal ends of newly replicated chromosome is formed by random selection or protocol. Nit a single mRNA is present for the telomeres of chromosomes so telomeres do not undergo replication during cell division. In fact, not a single cell in human body possess the same 100% genetics. At 4 Cells, 8 Cells Stage
At 4 cells stage, the 1st cell contains one prime i.e. prime M and one replica chromosomes. In the 2nd cell, both the chromosomes are replica (no original parental chromosome). In the 3rd cell, one prime F and one replica chromosomes are present while the 4th cell contains only 2 replica chromosomes. So, out of the 4 cells, only two cells have prime chromosomes (50% each). This goes on like this and at 8 cells stage, still only 2 cells possess the prime chromosomes and termed as prime cells. Out of 60 trillion cells in our human body, only 2 prime cells are present containing the prime chromosomes, prime M and prime F respectively. As we have said, prime M chromosome containing cell contains the code for life and prime F chromosome containing cells contains the information and control for nutrition, protection, maintenance of life like a womb (body) and our appearance. Simply to put, prime M cell is responsible for life essence or patrol (power to live) while prime F cells is bestowed with the necessary machinery (tools to live). You can take the example of a motor bike. Patrol provides the energy to run the wheel while the engine is responsible to utilize that energy. Without the patrol, motor bike is totally dead but with a health body or hardware. Same way, without the engine or hardware, patrol alone can do nothing. This is true for prime cells. Prime M is the source of life that needs a health body to sustain upon and this body is provided and governed by the prime F cell. Now the question is where in our body, these two cells are hidden. As there is a specific and fixed place for each organ in the body, there is also the specific location for these two cells. For a minute assume, prime M cell is present somewhere in the brain and prime F cell in present in the spinal canal. Scenario 1 A 60 years old man is suffering from ischemic heart disease but is mentally stable and healthy. In this scenario, his body is dying but not his brain. He has the power to live and not a health body to sustain that power. If he stays living that way, ultimately his heart cells will deteriorate. His heart would fail to fulfill the command of the brain i.e. to pump the blood. Brain will continuously send the positive impulses to the heart but the heart will cease working in the end and the man would die due to the brain ischemia at last. But if we transplant a brand new heart or at least we use a heart-lung machine for such a person, he would survive. The ultimate cause of death in every disease or accident is the brain ischemia. To summarize, we have concluded two points here:
The patient had health brain (life power), but his body (heart) failed him. As he had healthy brain, he sure had the capability to live long if he was provided with new organs or body (pathological death). Scenario 2 A young man of 20 years dies suddenly without any obvious organic cause and all of his vital organs are normal and in healthy state. This man dies what we called a physiological death or a natural death. His body wants to live and is healthy but something failed him or we can say, his life fuel has ended. In the 1st scenario, the man had capability to live but his body rejected him (pathology). Contrarily, in the 2nd scenario, the man’s body is totally healthy but he lost the power to live (natural death). What has changed in the 2nd person (the capability to live) that 1st person still possessed? Surely, something somewhere in the body changed or altered that led to the death of a healthy body. Something must have the code of life (prime M cell) which if the person losses, he will face his death as he will lose the power to live whether or not he will have a health body (2nd scenario). If prime M cell is secured in the body, the man will have the necessary power to live. Meanwhile if he gets some pathology or his organs get failed, he will die because his body is no longer strong enough to get hold of the life like in the 1st scenario. It would be no less than a miracle if a person described in 1st scenario gets a brand new body and will survive as long as his life power fades away. While in the 2nd scenario if he gets the code for file, he will survive as he already has a healthy body. Practical Applications of Hypothesis Now, if we say the prime M cell in the 1st man is healthy as he has the capability to live but the prime F cell got failed or is dead as his organ machinery or body failed him. And in contrast, in the 2nd man, the prime F cell is healthy as he has the healthy body but prime M cell is faulted due to which the power to live in him dimmed away. Now we are going to save the 2nd man’s body. If we extract the prime M gene from the 1st man’s body and transplant it in the 2nd man, the body of the 2nd man will come to the life. But as the prime M life giving cell is of the 1st person, the life or soul in the body of 2nd man would be of the 1st person’s say person A and body of the person B will ultimately be adopted as of person A. Person A prime M cells will govern and use the body or machinery of person B as a vessel the same way as the bacteriophage virus’ DNA uses bacterial nucleus machinery for its life purpose. The explanation for that change or adaptation is person B’s body as the result of person’s A prime M cell lies in the theory that prime M cell contains all the information and memory of a man. E.g.
the age of a person is coded in the prime M chromosome. If we change the age of a man from 60 years to 70 years, he can live for further 10 years if his body bears it. Secondly, the memory of all the events is stored in prime M chromosome so if we transplant this prime B chromosome containing cell in another person, the prime M cell will start to change the experience and record of every organ of the person according it its own memory. As we know, a person can live if he loses both his limbs. He can also survive if his GIT is dissected out, his kidneys are removed, heart and lung are transplanted or cut out, even his C2, C3 vertebra (respiratory centre) are damaged, a person can sustain on ventilator or heart lung machine. Even in deep coma, patient is still alive with his body almost dead. But one thing that can’t be transplanted or compensated if damaged is the obviously the brain (certain parts of the brain not the whole stuff). So prime M gene is surely located in one of these areas whose insult in unbearable. Now Let’s Talk About Prime F Cell Prime F cell codes for the morphological features, appearance and functions of the body. E.g. any somatic genetic cloning in genetic engineering uses copy of prime F so features of the cells are copied. Actually, we use pirate copy of prime F chromosome or cell (all the somatic cells are the replica of the prime F cell or chromosome). This prime F chromosome has a feature/property that any change in its configuration will ultimately change the configuration of all the somatic cells in the same way. Think of a person sitting in the centre of a room with mirrors all around. If we see him, we will see 5 images or mirage of the same person. On is original (the person himself) and the other four are his reflections (pirated). If we want to induce a change in all of the images, we have two ways to do it. Either we can make changes one by one in all of the mirrors and then the person himself or we can locate the real person and mark him with the desirable change. It would definitely change all of the reflections in the mirrors all around. In the same way, if we want a change in the body’s somatic cells, we no longer need to change all the somatic cells in the body. We just have to locate the prime F cells and make the desirable change in it or replace it and ultimately, the entire ocean of cells in our body will obey the command of prime F cell and will change accordingly. As in the previous scenario, where we transplanted the prime M cell of persons A into the person B’s body, the person A was resurrected in the body of person B having same memories and spirit as of the person A. Think of a spirit extracting from one body and then putting it back to another body. But if the person A wants the same body and appearance as he had before (body A), we have to transplant prime F cell from the body A to the current body B. As a result, the prime F cells will now take command of the body B and would change it into body A’s morphology with required
time. The body gets modified or converted into exactly the same type and appearance like other one (from where prime F has been taken). We can copy prime F cell or chromosome even from a dead body or tissue as it has nothing to do with the life and has only code for morphology. But prime M cell must be transplanted from the living body (the telomeres get degraded with time in dead cells). For better understanding, take an egg of ostrich at zygote level and replace its prime F chromosomes with human’s prime F chromosome. The progeny born of that egg would be a human body (human’s morphology) but spirit and memory of an ostrich child. But if we transplant just prime M chromosome, the organism will have the morphology of the ostrich, and the spirit of humans. Practically, we don’t need to transplant the whole chromosome. We can create new heart, lungs, kidneys, liver etc. only by transplanting a portion of DNA or chromosome from the prime F cell. We can extract the part of the chromosomes coding for a particular organ and use it to make a brand new organ exactly like before. We can create new organs in vivo anywhere, anytime just using eggs or some suitable media. Use of Vector Anything that can enter the cell without triggering cell alarm and ultimately into the nucleus without damaging it, can you name that? It can get access the nucleus or chromosomes, trim a part of it and replace it with his own code and then make it replicate. Yes, that is the vector which can be plasmid or virus. Virus is actually the prime candidate for locating agent. Now, we will no longer need of bone marrow transplantation or long term gene therapy for thalassemia. We just have to change the chromosomal configuration of a single cell i.e. prime F cell which will reset the genetic problem and eradicate the thalassemia trait for the body within days to weeks in a single shot containing vector.
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