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MC_Review-Concussion_Brochure 2

Published by justinmacnaughton, 2016-01-13 17:17:49

Description: MC_Review-Concussion_Brochure 2

Keywords: Concussion,Traumatic Brain Injury


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Concussion ReviewHow PEMF therapy Assists the Healing of Concussion & Traumatic Brain Injury

For best results, PEMF therapy should be applied as soon as possibleafter a traumatic head injury to reduce inflammation and improveoverall recovery.Introduction Signs and symptoms of concussionConcussion is a common head injury that millions of The signs and symptoms of concussion and TBI canpeople suffer from every year. Both mild and severe show up soon after the injury or they may notconcussion results in damage to the brain, often with appear for days, even weeks afterwards. Symptomsserious, long-term consequences. In this Review we usually reflect a functional disturbance to the brainexamine traumatic brain injury (TBI) and explain and may include:how PEMF therapy may help heal the brain damageand treat the physical, cognitive and emotional • Physical ailments, such as pain,symptoms associated with concussion. headaches, nausea, numbness, slurred speech and trouble with co-ordination orWhat exactly is a concussion? balance.A concussion occurs when trauma causes the brain to • Cognitive impairments, such as difficultyhit against the inside of the skull, resulting in brain concentrating, memory problems, mentaldamage. The brain is cushioned in cerebral spinal confusion and slower reactions.fluid but a direct blow to the head, neck or body,even a sudden jolt, can cause the brain to slam up • Emotional disturbances, such as feelingsagainst the skull. A sports injury, recreational of irritability, depression, sadness andaccident, car crash, physical assault, or even a anxiety.seemingly innocuous fall, can result in concussion.The Brain Trauma Foundation reports that • Changes in overall wellbeing, such asconcussions have reached epidemic proportions and sleep disturbances, lack of energy, loss ofestimates that up to 3.8 million athletes a year appetite and changes in daily routine.suffer from concussion, though the majority areunder-reported and under-diagnosed. 22

Many patients immediately notice a difference after PEMF treatment. They feel like a veil has lifted from their mind, thoughts are crisp and clear, energy is boosted and head pain is reduced or gone entirely.The dangers created by concussionWhen the soft tissue of brain hits the bony cranium with force, the trauma results in some degreeof tissue damage and inflammation. When such a trauma happens on your arm or your leg, theinflammation is temporary and the damaged tissue is repaired and new tissue grows in its place.However, when a trauma happens to the brain, recovery is much slower and the consequences moreserious. The injury causes the brain to switch on it’s immune system and it has a hard time turningit off again, resulting in cognitive impairment, a \"brain fog\". Even concussion caused by minoraccidents can lead to memory problems and reduced concentration. When concussion impacts aperson's ability to stay alert and pay attention, it leaves them more prone to additional injury.Recovering from concussionRecovery times can vary greatly depending on the severity of the concussion. Children andadolescents often take longer to recover then adults. For most people who sustain a concussion orTBI the affects are temporary and they are back to normal within a few months. For others, theaffects may be long lasting, causing enduring problems. The symptoms of concussion cover a widespectrum of conditions, from impaired cognitive functioning to emotional disturbances.Assisting Concussion Recovery with PEMF therapyAlong with standard treatment protocols PEMF therapy is particularly useful in addressing thevarious problems resulting from concussion and traumatic brain injury (TBI). PEMF therapy canassist on two fronts, help heal the brain damage and treat a spectrum of symptoms resulting fromconcussion. Large numbers of people have benefited from PEMF therapy, helping them regain theirphysical and mental health after a concussion of TBI. 33

Heal the brain damage “The use of PEMF therapy may diminish theIt is well established that PEMFs can reduce severity of concussion and TBI symptomsinflammation and swelling in soft tissue. It has also been quite immediately, while drasticallydemonstrated that they reduce inflammatory and reducing overall recovery time”.attenuate anti-inflammatory cytokines followingtraumatic brain injury. For best results, PEMF therapy Nadine Waeghe, MPT & ACT –should be applied as soon as possible after a traumatic Elevate Performance & Physical Therapyhead injury to reduce inflammation and improve overallrecovery. effectively and without pharmaceuticals. The FDA had approved the use of PEMF therapy for treating cases ofPEMF therapy can restore and stimulate the auto- severe depression, where all other options have beenimmune system which has been knocked out of balance. exhausted. The low frequency magnetic pulsesMany studies confirm that PEMF therapy can directly produced by certain PEMF therapy devices entrain brainassist the repair and healing of damaged cells and even waves and have a calming and sedating effect. PEMFsaid in the regeneration of cells and soft tissue. PEMFs harmonize and balance the autonomic nervous system,are known to improve blood flow and nitric oxide providing deep relaxation, releasing stress and reducingbalance in the brain, helping to repair neurons and anxiety.increase inter-connections. The release ofneurotransmitters is also promoted. By stimulating and Restore general well beingincreasing energy in cells and tissues, PEMF therapy PEMF therapy has been proven to assist in the treatmentenables the body to speed up recovery and better fulfill of insomnia by restoring natural sleep patterns. Usedits own healing process. before sleep, PEMFs influence the secretion of melatonin, important in inducing sleep. They also reduceTreat the physical ailments brainwave frequency causing drowsiness and keeping theNumerous clinical studies have proven the effectiveness brain in a sleeping state for longer, resulting in a deeperof PEMF therapy in providing relief for both acute and sleep. PEMF therapy can re-energize and re-vitalize thechronic pain. PEMFs provide a natural, non-drug solution body at the cellular level, restoring overall well-beingthat blocks pain receptors and promotes the release of and health.endorphins, the body's own pain killer. PEMF therapy isalso effective in treating all kinds of headache, even Conclusionmigraine. The low frequency pulses used in PEMF In summary, PEMF therapy may directly help the braintreatment synchronize dominant brain waves, which recover from traumatic brain injury and reduce long-assists with improving co-ordination and sense of term damage. It may greatly reduce the severity ofbalance. symptoms, while improving overall recovery time. PEMFs give the brain much needed energy, open up the flow ofImprove cognitive functioning cranial fluids for cerebral repair, and activate andOne of the most immediate and noticeable benefits of enhance the body’s own healing ability.PEMF therapy for people suffering from concussion is alifting of the \"brain fog\". PEMF assists with a variety of PEMF therapy is a proactive approach that provides aneurological disorders because it stimulates neurons and comprehensive range of benefits for people sufferingbrain cells to return to normal functioning frequencies. from concussion, both mild and severe. Whether theRecent studies reveal that PEMF enhances brain activity symptoms are manifesting due to a recent accident orand cognitive ability. PEMF therapy can heighten mental from a long-standing problem, PEMF therapy is a reliablealertness, improve visual and short-term memory, solution, scientifically proven to be effective. It is aincrease concentration and expand attention span. natural, non-invasive, drug free, treatment with no side-effects and easily integrated with existingReduce anxiety & Enhance mood treatment protocols. Contact us for recommended PEMF therapy Protocols for Treating Concussion and TBI.It has been confirmed by clinical studies that PEMFtherapy can eliminate depression and elevate mood, 44

Concussion Case-Study briefs Trauma: 24 year-old-female was injured from a direct blow to her head. No immediate diagnosis or treatment was received while she continued her regular routine for the next 7 months. Symptoms: Persistent, low-grade headache everyday with migraine headaches 5-7 days per week. She experienced flat affect, slowed reaction times, altered mental processing and changed personality and behaviors. PEMF therapy: She started using the MagnaPulse™ low Hz PEMF therapy device 7 months post-trauma. By day 3 she reported no migraines and after only 1 week she reported no headache. After 1month using the device nightly under her pillow she was reported symptom-free and demonstratedimproved reaction time and mental processing, as well as a return to normal expression andbehavior. Trauma: 17-year-old male was injured from a direct blow to his head while playing quarterback in his varsity football game. He received a mild whiplash and a concussion. Symptoms: He was assessed on site by the school ACT and diagnosed with a minor concussion. He was advised to rest for a few days and follow up with the school ACT in one week. PEMF therapy: He began using the MagnaPulse™ low Hz PEMFtherapy device 1 day post-trauma. He used the device for 3 weeks at 4Hz overnight and 8Hz duringthe day with no other treatment than rest. A steady decline of symptoms was reported over the 3weeks and he is speculating a full return to football. Trauma: In 2015 a 16-year-old female was injured during her high school varsity volleyball game from a direct impact of her head with the net post. Symptoms: Reported a mild headache for 3 days before visiting the high school health department where she was diagnosed with a concussion. Symptoms worsened and persisted over the next week, including physical, mental/cognitive and, emotional and behavioral alterations.PEMF therapy: She began using the MagnaPulse™ low Hz PEMF therapy device 10 days post-trauma.She continued to rest while using the device at 4Hz overnight and at 8Hz during the day. Within 3days she reported significant decrease in intensity of headache, emotional and behavioral issues,and feeling generally better. 55

For more information about specific PEMF therapy Protocols for Treating Concussion and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), please email us at [email protected] . If you'd like to learn more about PEMF therapy or, for more information about our PEMF products, visit the MagnacarePEMF website. MagnacarePEMF is a division of Magnacare Health Group NA, LLC (MHG). MHG is the exclusive North American distributor of MagnacareUK, Ltd. PEMF therapy devices. MagnacareUK, Ltd devices are registered with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). They are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or replace any beneficial medical treatment protocol. They do provide complimentary benefits recognized for certain healing by assisting the body to: absorb and utilize beneficial medicines, remove toxic medicine wastematerial, support the immune system, peripheral circulation, oxygen and nutrient uptake in the cells, pain relief; and improved healing are all well documented in clinical trials. 877.Get.PEMF| | [email protected] 395 Miramontes Rd, Suite 100 Woodside, CA 94062

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