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Home Explore MC_Summary PEMF-Ebook V5

MC_Summary PEMF-Ebook V5

Published by justinmacnaughton, 2016-01-13 17:21:32

Description: MC_Summary PEMF-Ebook V5


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TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Fields 4 A Disconnection 7 Who BeneIits? 10 Conclusion 13 Devices 4


PULSED ELECTRO-MAGNETIC FIELDS An essential element for health Food, water, oxygen and sunlight are requirements for life, but there is another essenMal element for health: the nurturing frequency energies of the Earth itself. The planet has naturally produced Pulsed Electro- MagneMc field (PEMF) energy at a number of varying frequencies up to a maximum of 32 Hertz (Hz) since its creaMon over 4.5 billion years ago. Two primary frequencies necessary for human health are the Earth’s rotaMonal GeomagneMc frequency (10Hz) and the Schumann frequency (7.83Hz), known as the planets heartbeat. Without these frequencies all living things would become ill very quickly. PEMFs play an essenMal role in our body's circadian rhythms, metabolism, energy producMon and assist in keeping the body free from pain, sickness and disease. The human brain and other body organs operate specifically at the Schumann frequency of 7.83 Hz. These frequencies are so criMcal that NASA and all other space agencies equip space suits, transportaMon cra_ and even the InternaMonal Space StaMon with PEMF units to specifically replicate these frequencies and mimic what naturally happens on Earth. 6

Two primary frequencies necessary for human health are the “ Earth’s rotaMonal GeomagneMc frequency (10Hz) and the Schumann frequency (7.83Hz), known as the planet’s heartbeat. “ Without these frequencies all living things would become ill very quickly. - Michael Clark, Chairman of Magnacare Health Group 7


A DISCONNECTION Receiving less of the Earth’s natural frequencies There has been a disconnecMon from the planet's core health giving frequencies over the last 50 years. Both humans and animals have been conMnually exposed to environments that distort the body’s frequency through poor diet, illness, conflicMng frequencies, stress, travel, and more. By introducing a complementary and natural booster to the body’s required electro-magneMc field, healthy energeMc exchanges can be reestablished in cells, Mssues, organs, and the whole body. PEMF therapy energizes cells naturally. It enhances the repair and rejuvenaMon of damaged or diseased cells, even regeneraMng completely new and healthy cells. As cells detoxify the body flushes out harmful products, the immune system is strengthened, healing is jump- started and the body is beder protected from ailment and disease. MagnacarePEMF™ devices use pre-programmed control units to administer precise ultra-low frequency, low intensity pulsaMng magneMc fields to the body – mimicking the energy frequencies of the Earth’s magneMc fields. Using these devices enables us to naturally energizing our Mssue directly at a cellular level as an essenMal element for beder health and wellness. 9

“ Sir Albert Einstein At the end of the 19th century the electron was discovered and electro- magneMsm was brought into the realm of science on the atomic level. Albert Einstein showed that electricity and magneMsm are not discrete phenomena, but different aspects of the same phenomenon. “ Pulsed electro-magneMc energy at the correct power and frequency mimic the body’s movement and cell recharging - providing addiMonal sMmulaMon of what is in essence a natural phenomena. -   Sir Albert Einstein, September 17, 1954 10


WHO CAN BENEFIT? All living beings, humans and animals. Everybody can benefit from PEMF therapy. The old and the young. The sick and the healthy. All living beings, humans and animals. Your body has an innate ability to heal itself and if given the right condiMons, it will do so effecMvely. By restoring or enhancing cellular energy and circulaMon, you are able to improve health even before damage and problems become obvious. PEMF therapy addresses the quality of the body’s cells, and in so doing is an energy medicine that works at the cellular level to improve overall health and increase energy throughout the body. PEMF therapy devices assist the body to restore its own healing process by combaMng exisMng cellular degeneraMon, increasing oxygenaMon and promoMng hydraMon, sMmulaMng ATP and osteoblast producMon while allowing for beder overall absorpMon of the necessary nutrients required for healthy cellular funcMon. PEMF therapy promotes healing and enhances the elements necessary for a healthy life – even offering relief from acute or chronic pain without pills or surgery. 12

Benefits Advantages• Reduce inflammation, swelling and • Completely safe and non-invasivebruising treatment• Relieve pain naturally, without • Totally natural and drug freepharmaceuticals • No risk of discomfort or harmful side-• Improve your circulation and heart effectshealth • May be used on its own or to• Help your body to detoxify and rid itself complement other therapiesof impurities • Treats your whole body or specific• Increase your body's uptake of nutrients injuries• Speed up healing and regeneration • Easy to apply and doesn't require special training• Keep your bones strong and healthy • Enables you to take charge of your own• Boost your immune system and guard health and wellnessagainst disease • Scientifically proven to assist with a“ • Remove stress, relax your body and wide range of conditionsmind • Reliable and effective, producing results quickly• Enhance your mood and lifts depression • Affordable and can even save you• Get deep, rejuvenating sleep money on health costs and medications• Restore your energy and vitality •  Many more advantages•  Feel younger, stronger and more flexible•  Many more benefits 13

Four Conclusion 14

CONCLUSION Millions of people have beneIited Over the past 80 years millions of people around the world have benefited from the healing properMes provided by PEMF therapy. ScienMsts have invesMgated the effects of PEMFs on many diseases and nearly every organ in the body. They have published over 10,000 clinical studies verifying the many benefits provided by PEMFs. Worldwide more than 2000 double-blind studies have demonstrated that PEMF therapy is safe and effecMve treatment for many condiMons. Whether you have a debilitaMng condiMon or just want to obtain opMmal health - If you're in chronic pain or want to boost your immune system - If you'd like to speed up healing or slow down aging, PEMF therapy can work for you. 15

“ “ The Magnacare units are a posiMve way of redressing balance and providing those frequencies needed for health and together with nutriMon provide a powerful alternaMve for a longer and healthier life. -  Michael Clark, Chairman of Magnacare Health Group, 16

Four Devices 17

MagnaPulse™ Features •   Portable & Lightweight (128 grams) •   Variable Frequency (0.5-16Hz) •  Schumann Resonances •   Badery Operated •   Single Budon OperaMon •  EffecMve Local Treatment •  EffecMve Pain Control •   Completely Safe •   1 Year Warrant The MagnaPulse™ is our premier, truly portable PEMF therapy device. It produces ultra low-frequency, magneMc energy (0.5Hz - 16Hz) at very low-power to achieve faster pain relief without the body gejng used to or becoming faMgued from the treatment. The MagnaPulse™ modulates and inhibits pain signal transmission rather than just ‘blocking’ the pain, while assisMng cell regeneraMon and healing. 18

MagnaField™ Features •   Wide Range of EffecMve Frequencies •  Schumann Resonances •  Low Power ConsumpMon •   Large Area of Effect (2m x 3m) •   Suitable for up to two+ people •  Easy Mode SelecMon •   ‘Repeat’ Mode for conMnual treatment •  Robust, efficient, and reliable •  Alternate PosiMve/NegaMve Pulsing (NegaMve Bias) •   3 Year Warranty The MagnaField™ is our premier full-body PEMF therapy device. It offers variable-frequency (0.5Hz - 18Hz) combined with low-power and mulMple-form pulses. This device adaches to an enclosed magneMc coil producing a waveform radius up to 12 feet. Placed under a bed, or in a room anyone within radius can benefit from the full-body coverage of MagnaField™ . 19

LEARN MORE HAVE MORE QUESTIONS ABOUT PEMF THERAPY? WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR DEVICES? SHOOT US AN EMAIL OR GIVE US A CALL. HEALING | WELLNESS | PERFORMANCE Email MagnacarePEMF is a division of Magnacare Health Group NA, LLC (MHG). MHG is the exclusive North America distributor for MagnacareUK, Ltd. PEMF devices.MagnacareUK, Ltd. devices are registered with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). They are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure orprevent any disease or replace any beneficial medical treatment protocol. They do provide complimentary benefits recognized for certain healing by assisting the body to: absorb and utilize beneficial medicines, remove toxic medicine waste material, support the immune system, peripheral circulation, oxygen and nutrient uptake in the cells, pain relief; and improving healing are all well documented in clinical trials. 877.Get.PEMF|| [email protected] 395 Miramontes Rd, Suite 100 Woodside, CA 94062 20

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