Message Carrier Page 1 Arizona Area Al-Anon/Alateen Newsletter Message Carrier Panel 56 Assembly 03/25/2017Officers HELLO AFG ARIZONA Delegate: SPRING ASSEMBLY, Panel 56Barbara L. Alternate Delegate: WORLD SERVICE LITERATURE UP-DATES Claudia M. CONFERENCE Paths to Recovery Workbook (P-93) $10; Chair: The 2017 World Service Workbook and book Paths to Recovery Mike S. Conference will be April 24–28 in Virginia Beach, VA It will be (B24), $25.Recording Secretary: an exciting time as I attend my Al-Anon Newcomer Packet (K-10) will Cherie J. second Conference! Our theme now be in a booklet rather than a sleeve. this year is “Our 2017 CAL Catalog (S-15) is now available. Treasurer: Members:Our Hope for the Paula W. Future,” or Nuestros RECORD BREAKING NEWS Miembros: Nuestra Group Records Esperanza Para el Futuro.” Jennie M, Treasurer of the Board of Secretary: Trustees has announced that contributions Jane B. Today at our Assembly, I to WSO during 2016 have broken records will be sharing information with for total donations that are over you and I need information $2,000,000! She continues by saying, “I from you to take with me as I am awed by the generous spirit of this go to be the voice and vote for fellowship. Give yourselves a standing Arizona. As always, your ovation!” It was just a year ago that I stood prayers and good thoughts as I before all of you and told you about the net prepare and attend the 2017 loss of the WSO General Fund and we WSC are very much talked about how we could all help to make appreciated! 2016 have a different outcome. Well, you have done it, all of you, working together,Inside this issue: Pg. Please come and join me on you have made a difference. Thank you to 1-3 June 17, 2017 for Delegate’s everyone who made a change and little byReports: 6-7 Day in beautiful Sedona! I will little, it amounted to a lot! I’ll have theDelegate 11-12 have much to tell you so gather 2016 Audit Report and the 2017 Budget forTreasurer 4-5 up your members and friends you to review in June.Alternate Delegate and head up to Sedona to hearGroup Records Secretary 9 all the latest from WSC. And, A Big Thank You to Alateen Coordinator of course, there will be love District 9 Archives/Newsletter 8-10,13 gifts! AFG Convention For hosting the 2017 Districts and Liaisons A big thank you to District Spring Assembly 2A for being our hosts for the In Paradise Valley day. Mark your calendars and plan to come and have a great day together!Contact Information 14-15 continued on page 2
Message Carrier Page 2 CONFERENCE TOPICScontinued from page 1 Some of the topics to be discussed at the WSC in April will be:AL-ANON”S International Convention The Policy Committee has finalized its work on incorporating spiritual principles into theAl-Anon’s Sixth International Convention will be text portions of the “Financial Matters”held July 5—8, 2018, in Baltimore, Maryland. The section of the Policy Digest, pp 95-99.theme for the convention is Celebrating One Day Proposed revisions by the PolicyAt A Time. This has a layer of meanings because Committee to the text “Conventions andwe are celebrating, we are celebrating one of our Other Events,” pp 85-86, and pp 123-124 ofslogans, and it also recognizes our daily reader, the Policy Digest.“One Day at a Time,” which is celebrating its 50th The Policy Committee will present theAnniversary! Registration fees are as follows: compiled comments about the “open” andBefore Dec. 31, 2017 $130 “closed” designations for meetings to theBefore May 31, 2018 $165 WSC for members to review and pursueAfter May 31, 2018 $195 any changes in terminology if desired. TheWhy are we talking about the convention that is 66 discussion about “open” and “closed” hasweeks away? Because NOW is the best time to start revolved around Tradition Five, theplanning your budget to attend! Here are some principle of being welcoming, andthings to consider: Tradition Twelve, maintaining anonymityEstimate your travel expenses of members.Think about your room cost During this year, I have been serving on thePlan on registering early WSC Task Force: Spirituality in DistrictTotal these items for preliminary budget Money Discussions. We will be presentingDivide by number of weeks to determine how our workshop to WSC members onmuch to save each week Thursday, April 27. My next assignment is to serve on a workshop entitled, What Does CHAIRPERSON OF THE BOARD LETTER a Terrific AWSC Agenda Include? Members will continue a discussion of theEach quarter after the Board of Trustees meet, the “Prayer for Today” at WSC in April. I willChairperson writes a letter or report about what has be taking all the comments you have givenhappened at the Board of Trustees meeting. Along to me as I give Arizona’s voice and vote towith the Chairperson’s letter, there are also updates this decision. As always, we trust that allfrom the Policy Committee, the Finance Committee group conscience decisions will be, asand the Conference Leadership Team. The letter stated in Tradition Two, the expression ofand updates can be found on the WSO website and I the loving God of our understanding.encourage you to check it out in May. Here are acouple of items of interest from the last COB letter: CHOSEN AGENDA ITEMS• World Service Conference Summary (P-46) All WSC members have been sent a list of ChosenThe Board voted to accept the Finance Committee’s Agenda Items. I have selected a few of those itemsrecommendation to discontinue the complementary that are on the next page. I am going to give timeprinted copy of the World Service Conference to read through these items and then we will haveSummary (P-46) to all World Service Conference some time to discuss them. Thank you all for yourmembers, past WSC members and Area World participation.Service Committee members beginning in 2017. Adigital copy will continue to be available on-line. Thank you so much for giving me this opportunityPrinted copies will be available for purchase for to serve as your Delegate. Please contact me ifthose who desire a hard copy. there is anything I can do for you!Service Manual (24-27): The Board voted todiscontinue the complimentary printed copy of the Barbara LongService Manual to groups within the World Service 19702 N. 93rd Dr.Structure beginning in 2018. A digital copy of the Peoria, AZ 85382most current version will continue to be available on-line to each registered group. Printed copies will 602-319-6353be available for purchase. All newly registered [email protected] will continue to receive a complimentaryprinted copy as part of the registration process. continued on page 3
Message Carrier Page 3 Continued from page 2 CHOSEN AGENDA ITEMS1. How can we encourage Al-Anon members (newcomers & long-timers) to fully understand andembrace the spiritual principles of our Seventh Tradition when so many of our meetings refer to \"passingthe basket\" as the Seventh Tradition? Are we enabling our members to not fully embrace the Tradition'sfullest spiritual principles? Explain the importance of this CAI and how it could shape Al-Anon as a whole:Many members are surprised when they finally hear that the Seventh Tradition includes so much more thanjust contributing financially. Many of our Groups, Districts, and Areas identify with the struggle to getmembers to participate in service. We have aspired and accomplished some amazing financial ambitions.Can we be just as innovative and creative to encourage our members to contribute SERVICE to strengthen,unify, and help Al-Anon stay healthy and flourish?2. How can Al-Anon be more open and inclusive when we have \"closed meetings\", Area and District de-listing policies/procedures and don't always welcome newcomers who come to us seeking help with familymembers who are addicts without giving them a chance to discover whether or not problem drinkers alsoplayed a role in their lives? Our Conference theme is \"Our Members: Our Hope for the Future\". It seems tome that some of the ways we present ourselves as a \"help for families of problem drinkers \" is not veryhelpful. If we can find so many ways to close the door on people in need, to whom are we presenting hope?I think this topic is important because we need to examine ourselves to discover why we are losingmeetings and people and why we have great difficulties attracting and keeping younger members.3. How can we empower Alateens to help them feel like they are a part of Al-Anon? How can we as Al-Anon members learn from Alateens? How can we better help them successfully transition into Al-Anon? -Can this be achieved by starting the transition process earlier? - Or have a transition process developed?Explanation: How can we help Al-Anon and Alateen members feel more connected to each other? How canwe be more unified and help gather in these wonderful recovering teens once they hit adulthood so we don'tlose their unique perspective?4. What are the barriers in attracting younger members or keeping them after they attend a meeting? Theimportance is one we've been talking about to a certain extent for several years. The population of Al-Anonis not changing; it is a 62 year old white female. We're wondering if there are things in our program that arekeeping younger members from staying connected, such as God, religious quotes in our literature. We don'thear too much about needing a Higher Power as we do in regards to needing God in our lives - it's writtenin every Step, and Tradition. What other barriers can we see or think of that are affecting newcomers fromcoming?5. The WSO has had requests for GRs, AMIAS, etc. to have a forum on AFG Connects. What effect doemails, AFG Connects, AFG Announcements, the website and other ways of communicating directly withmembers and to the Groups have on the Links of Service? Would the fellowship like more directcommunication from the WSO? If so, what impact would that have good or bad on the fellowship as awhole or on the Delegates and District Representatives as information sources? Are the Links of Service asa two-way system of communication outmoded? Should the methods of communication within thefellowship be reconsidered? Social media can be a highly effective tool for public outreach. But whateffects has it had on sponsorship and face-to-face meetings? In this world of changing technology, we needto be aware of its effects on our fellowship.
Message Carrier Page 4 Group Records Secretary Report—Assembly, March 25, 2017 KeepinYgoSYucrohuGerdrGuoulrepoau’spCIhRnefeoccrkom-rUdapstiUoonnp…-to-DateOur primary purpose is to help friends and family bothered by someone’s drinking. Making our meetingsavailable and easier to find for those seeking a meeting, is important. Is your meeting information listed and accurate on the meeting lists and websites, so those in need ofmeeting can find it?Check for current information on meeting lists and websites where your group may be listed. Review Local,Area, and WSO paper lists and website lists. If your group information is out of date or not listed, check outthe information on how to make updates by viewing,“Keeping Group Records Up-to-Date” on the reverse side of this page. Do you need to add Special Instructions on the GR1 Form? Is the location on your group informationclear and accurate? Would adding special instructions on the GR1 form indicating room number or name or adescription of the location make it easier to find for those new to your meeting? Are there dates or monthsyour meeting is not available that are specified? Is there something your group offers that might be anadditional attraction?Consider adding any information helpful in locating your meeting or information that may be an attraction.For example, Room 4 is located on the south side of the building; this meeting is child friendly; this meetingoffers sign language; this is a speaker meeting. These types of descriptions can be added in the SpecialInstructions section of the GR-1 form. Would your group benefit from signs in easy-to-spot places to direct people to the meeting room, sothey can find the help and hope they are seeking? There is a new status for groups, “Reported Not Meeting” that can be initiated by those seeking ameeting who could not find it as described on the WSO website meeting list and reported back to WSO as nomeeting found. The group is temporarily removed from the WSO meeting list until it can be verified as towhether the meeting is still active or not.Are your group Contacts information up to date and are the Contacts prepared to respond to newcomer calls?Need help with these suggestions? Contact your District Representative or your Group Records Secretary, Jane Brett 520-909-6409/ [email protected] THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE continued on page 5continued from page 6Lastly, one of our District meeting topics, discussed at more than one meeting, had been more memberparticipation at the District business level. Our meeting is held on the first Saturday, every other month (Jan,Mar, May, Jul, Sep, and Nov). One thought so far has been designing a flyer, to distribute to groups invitingmembers to 'stay in The Loop' by attending our business meetings and/or at least being added to our masteremail list to receive Area, District, local information; our meeting agendas; and our meeting minutes. Ourdistrict boundaries are spread out so in attempts to keep our meeting in a central location, and hopefullypromote more participation, beginning in May we will be meeting at Mesa Fire Station #217, 10434 E.Baseline Rd., Mesa. (Between Crismon and Signal Butte roads).Thank you for allowing me to be of service.Respectfully, Ann S. District 11 Rep
Message Carrier Page 5continued from page 4 KEEPING GROUP RECORDS UP TO DATEWhy is it important to keep the group records up to date? To help families of alcoholics by welcoming them. To provide anyone seeking an Al-Anon meeting with up-to-date meeting information. Meeting information listed on the WSO Group Records database is what is given out to newcomers and visitors inquiring about where to go to a meeting on the WSO website and toll-free line. The CMA (Current Mailing Address) listed on the group’s records is the address to which all mail is sent from WSO—an important link of communication between WSO and the groups, which aids the groups with matters affecting the group and Al-Anon as a whole. Donations through the quarterly appeal, is one example of this.Whose responsibility is it to keep current and update new information of the groups listed on theGroup Records Database? It is the District Representative’s responsibility to update the group records. It is the Group Representative’s responsibility to inform their District Representative of any changes. It is the Group Representative’s responsibility to update the group records, if there is no District Representative. No Group Representative? A group member designated by the group can make an update.What is the process of updating group records?It is done on the GR-1 form (English) SGR-1 form (Spanish). It is a simple process that can beaccomplished online. Those that require a paper form can print it from the online location or get papercopies from me. Paper forms are to be mailed to: Jane Brett 10516 E. Karen Gannon Pl. Tucson, AZ85747 or scanned and emailed to [email protected]. The group records are updated on the Area website to the Area website Click on the menu item, Members. Enter the password: azafg Click on the menu item, Group Records Corner. Click on the GR-1 form, either online or printable, and make the changes. This will update both the Area and WSO. Instructions for the GR-1 form are also available here. Information is listed in both English and Spanish. Contact your local Information Center (AIS/LDC) or Intergroup (AIS) with the changes, so the local meeting list will be updated as well.Has your group considered using a group email? New technology offers an additional method for groupsto communicate through a group email. By creating a group email, [email protected], a new avenue of communication between the group and WSO andthe Group Representative and group members becomes available. A group email offers anonymity and aconsistent communication tool that can be turned over to the next GR.Websites where meetings are listed:World Service Organization (WSO): See local AIS/LDC websites listed on the Area website.If you have any questions, please send me an email at [email protected] or call me at 520-909-6409and we will learn together!Love in Service/Love is Service,Jane B.Group Records Secretary
Message Carrier Page 6AFG of Arizona – Treasurer’s ReportSpring Assembly - Saturday, March 25, 2017I will begin by reporting our current financial position as of March 23, 2017 which is:Checking Balance: $19,187Savings Balance: (Ample Reserve): $15,001 Included in my report today are copies of the 2017 Budget and the Actual vs. Budget as of March 23,2017. Income reported through March 23, 2017 exceeds the budget projection by $1,244. The majority of theoverage is attributed to the following:Donations over $1,491.Registrations $657.Thank you to the Groups and Districts for your continued support of Arizona Area!Expenses reported through March 23, 2017 are below the budget projection. This is not unusual for this periodof time as we have not yet completed a full quarter, and expenses for this Assembly are not included in thetotals. Category Expenses that will increase following this Assembly:Area Meetings.Travel.Printing.Given our strong current financial position, we have the opportunity to consider allocating some of our fundsbeyond the scope of the 2017 budget. Any ideas or suggestion may be brought forward this afternoon during“New Business”.In an effort to reduce printing costs, I have placed just a few copies of the Group Donation spreadsheet at eachtable. An updated report is posted on the Area website shortly after the close of each month. Please direct yourGroups to refer to the Area Website Treasurer’s Corner page for the most current GroupDonation report. If you have any questions regarding your group or district donations, please contact me [email protected] submitted,Paula W.Area Treasurer – Panel continued on page 7continued from page 9We are currently gearing up for our annual Family Recovery picnic and would like to invite everyone to joinus. It will be April 2nd at Lost Dutchman State Park, the Palo Verde Ramada. The District will be servinghot dogs with the trimmings and ask, if you feel compelled, to bring along a side dish to share. If hot dogs arenot your thing, you're welcome to bring along your own grilling preference. We will also be providing waterduring the event. The grill will be ready to go by noon and we have an AA speaker, Ann Marie D.; and Al-Anon speaker, Amy M. scheduled for 1:30. Just an FYI, the Park does open at sunrise if anyone is interestedin an early morning hike before lunch.Another item we have going on is our bid, along with District 6, to host the 2018 Al-Anon/AlateenConvention in July 2018. Sue H. and Tanya J. have stepped forward as co-chairs. Ideas are flowing and theyhave been doing some foot-work, as well as reaching out and encouraging participation. More news on thistopic for you at Fall Assembly. continued on page 4
Message Carrier COORDINATOR & LIASION & DISTRICT REPORTS Page 7 continued from page 6 Al-Anon Family Groups of Arizona, Inc Actual vs Budget - 2017 / Actual vs Presupuesto - 2017 March 23, 2017 / 23 de marzo 2017 Actual 3 Month Budget Difference Annual Budget Presupuestos Presupuestos de tres Diferencia Meses AnnualINCOME/INGRESOS 421 1,000 -579 4,000Area 7th Tradition/Septimo Tradicion 0 0 0 0Convention Proceeds/Ganancias de ConvencionDonations/Donaciones 6,991 5,500 1,491 22,000Fund Raising/Recaudacion de Fondes 0 250 -250 1,000Other (Interest)/Otro (Interes) 0 75 -75 300Registrations/Registrationes 657 5,000TOTAL INCOME/INGRESOS TOTALE 1,907 1,250 1,244 9,319 8,075 32,300EXPENSES/GASTOS 860 2,100 1,240 8,400 68 25 -43 100Area Meetings/Reuniones de Area 0 100 100 400Bank Fees/Comisiones Bancarias 242 338 96Fund Raising/Recaudacion de Fondes 0 3 3 1,350Insurance/Seguro 0 75 75 10Legal & Accounting/Legal y Contabilidad 0 13 13Literature/Literatura 180 195 15 300Other Expenses/Otros Gastos 286 679 392 50Postage/Franqueo 0 53 53Printing/Imprenta 107 175 68 780Registrations/Registrationes 63 125 62 2,750Rent/Renta 162 38 -125Supplies/Materiales 2,376 210Telephone/Telefono 0 3,750 1,374 700Travel/Viaje 0 25 25 500Website/Sitio Web 4,343 375 375 150WSO Donation/Donacion WSO 15,000TOTAL EXPENSES/GASTOS TOTALE 8,066 3,723 100 1,500 32,300Checking Account/Cuenta de Cheques: $19,187Ample Reserve Account/Amplia Cuenta de Reserva: $15,001
Message Carrier Page 8 SPANISH COORDINATORThe State of Arizona has 2 Spanish Districts and 2 wonderful District Representatives. District 26-S inPhoenix, headed by Maria Luna, has 13 groups, has its own Intergroup Office and meets every 2 months..Tucson has the new District 10-S led by Elvira, with 6 groups and monthly District meetings with rotatingmeeting places.In 300 BC, Aristotle said: “learn by doing.” The Al- Anon corollary is : “learn by serving.” I have beenlearning how to use the Area webmail to communicate with other coordinators and how to senddocuments. There is much to be done on the websites to correct erroneous information and translate andadd new documents. I have learned to use Google Translate. I am heading a Thought Force forTranslation to research what methods of translation are available and which are those being used byWorld Service. I am to recruit and manage volunteers. I work with the IT Coordinator and the Web ITSpecialist. As I learn computer skills and how to use the 3 Al-Anon websites (World Service, State andSouthern Arizona) with their 3 respective passwords, I need to communicate this information to Spanishmembers and encourage them to use the websites. I am also in charge of the translation equipment(replace batteries and headphones) and arranging for interpreters for our events.A new, enterprising member of the Tucson Intergroup, Mike M., recently undertook an ambitious job oftaking a survey of all the Al-Anon groups in the Tucson area, including the Spanish ones. He asked whatthey think of the Intergroup and what possible changes could be made to interest more members inattending. Along with it, Mike created a 2-page list of service positions taken from the Service Manual andincluded the diagram of the levels of service in Al-Anon. In answer to the question on the survey “Whatwould you like to ask the Intergroup?\" the following are the responses of some of the Spanish speakingmembers: 1) What is the function of the Intergroup? 2) How does the Intergroup handle telephone calls toits Office from Spanish speakers? 3) Is there Spanish translation at the Intergroup meetings? 4) Why don’tEnglish speakers attend anniversaries of Spanish groups? 5) How does the Intergroup benefit me, as anindividual? 6) Are topics of gratitude, service sponsorship and the Service Manual presented?Sigamos viniendo (“let’s keep coming back”),Helen/Elena LandermanSpanish CoordinatorDelegate’s Day UPCOMING EVENTS 110 Indian Cliffs Road2017 Al-Anon/Alateen Convention Sedona, AZ June 17, 2017 Sheraton Crescent Hotel Saturday 2620 W. Dunlap Phoenix, AZ July 14-16, 2017 TBD—Hosted by District 5 Friday—Sunday Hosted by District 15 Baltimore, Maryland2017 Fall AWSC in Cochise County August 19, 20172017 Fall Assembly in Phoenix, AZ October 14, 20172018 Al-Anon International Convention July 5-8, 2018
Message Carrier COORDINATOR & LIAISON & DISTRICT REPORTS Page 9NEWSLETTER COORDINATOR continuation of Southern Arizona Liaison reportThe Deadline for the next Message Carrier will be Filling our Fundraising Coordinator positionMarch 28, 2017. The idea of sending your reports has been another challenge. Last year groups andto [email protected] is so that the districts were asked to consider having fundraisinginterpreters can get them to read ahead of time and events and/or making extra donations to Intergroup.know what we are talking about as we give our The response to this request resulted in a 15%reports. This will also enable me to get the increase in donations to Intergroup for 2016. OneMessage Carrier out in a much more timely event that was held was a Halloween Fashion Show.manner and when there are motions, etc. to be Another group has a separate donation box,considered the DRs will have them in time to get available at each meeting, for members to donatethem to the GRs before Assembly. directly to Intergroup. A task force has proposedShorter reports are easier to make fit where they creating a Seventh Tradition Coordinator to take theneed to go so keep this in mind when writing place of the Fundraising Coordinator. The purposethem. of the position is to facilitate the efforts for theIf you have any events that should be in the Southern Arizona AIS to remain fully self-“Upcoming Events” column, please let me know. supporting. The duties of the FundraisingI will be working on these ideas as we move Coordinator included putting together at least 2toward the Fall AWSC in late summer. fundraising events each year. This can be a big job.Pat Holland, Newsletter Coordinator The goal of the new position would be to [email protected] and/or recruit members to support the fundraising efforts that districts might sponsor. This would get ARCHIVE COORDINATOR'S REPORT more members involved in fundraising and lighten the load of the Coordinator. Guidelines for theWhen I became aware that this is the 60th Birthday Seventh Tradition Coordinator were presented at theof Alateen, I had an AHA moment! I went over to March Intergroup meeting and will be voted on inour archive storage facility last week and am April.currently reviewing the 2 binders containingAlateen information to put together the Archive Our Liaison to AA is currently working ondisplay featuring Alateen at this year's Convention. starting an Al-Anon meeting for men in theSo look for our display in July! Happy 60th Birthday Whetstone Units of the Wilmot State Prison inAlateen!!! Tucson and is looking for volunteers to attend the meeting.Thanks for letting me serve. Respectfully submitted,Sue Hetherington, Area Archive Coordinator Melody Gallego 520-419-8221 Southern Arizona AIS Liaison Report [email protected] Southern Arizona AIS is grappling with the District 11 Report age-old question, “How do we get more members involved in service at the Intergroup level?” Last To start, I would like to step back to a February year a though force was formed to address this event and thank everyone that participated in our question. From this came the idea of taking a District's workshop, Opening Our Hearts - survey of members and a task force was formed. Transforming Our Losses. We had 52 attendees on The task force distributed a survey titled, “How that rainy Saturday afternoon. A special shout out to Service is Part of our Recovery”. Due to the hard the facilitator, Ginny G; and presenters, Peter S; work of the task force in ensuring the survey was Carol C; and Sue P also for their part in helping distributed to all groups in southern Arizona, 500 make it an enjoyable, successful event. responses to the survey have been collected. These responses will now be reviewed by our Steering continued on page 6 Committee. Once the results are tabulated, I will pass on information regarding what was learned and what actions will be taken. to be continued
Message Carrier Page 10 DISTRICT 13 Are you finished reading this issue of the Message Carrier?The next District 13 meeting will be held on April 1at 1:30pm at Pyle Adult Center (Payson Room) in Pass it along to a fellow Al-AnonTempe. The Pyle Center is located southwest of the memberintersection of Rural and Southern. If you don'tmake it to the meeting on April 1, the following Print a copy to share with your groupmeeting will be held April 29, same time, samebuilding in the conference room. GO TO AZ Al-Anon/Alateen Family GroupsDistrict 13 will be hosting the EVIC FamilyRecovery Night on April 22. The theme is Early and then MembersCinco de Mayo with a panel topic of \"Restored to and then Newsletters and there youSanity - what didn't work and what we learned select which issue you want to print forworks now.\" Enchiladas will be provided. your groupIf your meeting is in Tempe, Ahwatukee, orChandler West of Dobson, you are part of District Let others know what is going on in13 - Welcome! If you are a GR for a meeting held the Area.within District 13, please email me at [email protected] so that you will be included in Share information about service.informational emails for your AFG. Elisabeth, DR District 13 DISTRICT 6We have meetings in Casa Grande, Maricopa, and Florence. A new meeting is being planned for Coolidge; Idon’t have information yet on where or when.There is a new meeting in Maricopa on Tuesday at 6:30 pm held at Community of Hope Church. They arestudying Paths to RecoveryThe GR for Friday Strength and Hope set up a facebook page for the district. The name is AFG6. It is set toprivate.Our fall potluck was held in October in Casa Grande. Our guest speaker was Lois.We mailed out 11 letters to first responders. Casa Grande, Eloy, Stanfield, Sacaton (3), Arizona City, Florence,Coolidge, Maricopa, and Ak Chin.We participated in the Spring Health fair at Central AZ College in Coolidge. We were invited back for the fallhealth fair in October.We purchased 50 copies of AFG for the district.We are working on plans to present a workshop on Conflict Resolution.Donna Morris, District 6 DISTRICT 5We will have a District meeting in April. At that time we will discuss planning a RAW. The topic underconsideration is Sponsorship. Please contact me with possible presenters on this topic. We're looking forwardto sponsoring the fall AWSC!Barbara KennedyDistrict 5 Representative520-559-4700 Motions approved at AWSC and voted on at AssemblyThe motion to approve the Guideline changes was amended to send the last item (Election Procedures)back to the committee for further work, and then it was passed.The motion to increase the Public Outreach budget from $500 to $1000 for 2017 only was amended toincrease the Public Outreach budget from $500 to $2000 for 2017 only and then this motion passed
Message Carrier Page 11 ALTERNATE DELEGATEHi There,This is our third Assembly! By now most of us are beginning to understand some of what we’re doing. Forme, that feels good!Area Convention Committee 2017I’m honored to work with such talent. We’ve been studying the Traditions and the Concepts at everymeeting, and looking at how they apply to the Convention. I hope you turn out in record numbers. Let yourgroup know what they’d be missing if they had other plans. We will have a full report later.Convention Bid 2018I am grateful to Districts 11 and 6 for taking a bid for the 2018 Convention! You’ll hear from them today.AA State Convention 2017Linda C is working on bringing you a terrific program at the 2017 AA State Convention in PrescottSeptember 29 to October 1. She’ll talk about that a little later. Thanks, Linda!Southwest Regional Delegates MeetingSWRDM was in Colorado March 11 through March 13, 2017 in Colorado. The Southwest Region iscomprised of eight Areas: Arizona, California North, California South, Colorado, Nevada, Hawaii, NewMexico/El Paso, and Utah. It was attended by new and past delegates as well as by alternate delegates, AreaChairs, and any interested Al-Anon. I was there with our Delegate, Barb, and Mike, our Area Chair and ourpast Delegates, Virginia, Cindy, and Luz. Barb, Mike, and I are grateful that you send us to SWRDM.Beyond preparing the new delegates for Conference, we heard what the other Areas are doing and we canlearn from their triumphs and challenges. We are going to be looking at some guideline changes due to whatwe learned, and Arizona Al-Anon will benefit. We learned more than I can report here, but I’ll share a fewhighlights.Cindy M reported the Public Outreach Committee’s success in bringing Al-Anon PSAs to six local theatersand the success of the Al-Anon Conventions which have brought a lot of financial rewards to the Area, aswell as the fellowship and fun. California North passed a Do Not Refer policy and has insurance for theofficers and groups. Nevada approved a longer WSC meeting. In New Mexico, they are doing a first everNative American Convention. Several of the Areas are bidding on the 2023 International Al-AnonConvention. Many other areas are struggling with open positions, turnover, or finances. We are truly blessedin Arizona. Our trusted servants and the generosity of our members have us in strong shape to carry themessage to those who still suffer.One of my favorite people is Joyce B. our regional trustee. She reported that the WSO finances are looking upthanks to the overwhelming response to last year’s shortfall and appeal. Thank you for stepping up! Therewas some discussion because of some benefits that are no longer sent to the groups. For example, theConference Summary and the Service Manual are no longer supplied to the AWSC and the groups, and thereis no free Forum subscription. I saw the power of SWRDM come to light as we all shared our experience,opinions, and feelings and all came back richer.I wanted you to know that the Groups at Work booklet is a strong resource for you and you might want tolean on it more. It can be updated as needed without Conference Approval. That should be your go-to. Thetrial period of a WSO Alateen work group ended and was not renewed. Unfortunately, it proved impossible tomove forward by getting participation from the teens in thought and task forces.I brought you back some quotes from SWRDM. If you’re holding a quote, can you stand up and take turnsreading them? I wanted to give you a sense of what it’s like to be listening to the wisdom of SWRDM.GuidelinesWe’ll be discussing some possible changes to the Area Guidelines later. It’s part of my job as AlternateDelegate to facilitate the work of the Guidelines Committee in keeping the Guidelines current and clear.We’ll be discussing some changes we recommend later in the day. I hope you carefully reviewed the emailCherie sent out for me. That will simplify matters a lot.Hugs, continued on page 12Claudia MilliganArea Alternate [email protected]
Message Carrier Page 12continued from page 11Quotes from SWRDM brought back by our Alternate Delegate, ClaudiaOur higher power can have a bigger dream for us than we could have for ourselves.I've been here long enough to realize I haven't been here long enough.The answer comes, always. I just need to listen for it.I come to Al-Anon because you can’t stop me.Start locally and think globally. If we limit our thinking we're going to die and I'm not willing to die. Tom B.COIf you stay long enough, you'll get the answersRemember, God's in charge. Know that you belong. God has chosen you for a very special reason. God doesn'tmake mistakes. Norm NMMistakes are always so public. I make public mistakes. I have learned to make public amends and I'm gratefulfor that. Joyce B.I can never pay Al-Anon back for what I have learned but I keep trying.Al-Anon tools gave me peace. I had hatred for his behavior. I had seen that as hatred for him. Elizabeth kI'm not qualified, I don't know if I'm willing, and it seems like too much work. Judy trustee from Nevada, onher decision to chair the policy committeeEverything I've ever been assigned to, I thought wasn't for me. It turned out it was all for me. JudyI always have a thought but I try not to always say it. JudyWhen I got here I was rigid I was responsible and I was right.I can always see God working in the rearview mirror.When I want to help someone, I ask myself am I being used or am I being useful.Serenity is not the absence of conflict but the ability to cope with it.You're not there to change Al-Anon, Al-Anon is there to change you.I thank my Higher Power for helping me find Al-Anon and I thank Al-Anon for helping me find my higherpowerOn conflict: No one out there is trying to ruin Al-Anon. Remembering that calms my heart.When I came to Al-Anon and he came to AA I thought I could get all those things I needed, like new cars anda house. And I kept coming and those things weren't important, I got my life back, I've got more friends than Ican count, and a higher power I can count on. My life is rich and full. Life gives us what we're supposed to get.
Message Carrier Page 13 Web IT Coordinator Report Spring 2017 AssemblyHello Assembly members!Thank you all for being here to further benefit your Al-Anon/Alateen Groups. And thank you for allowing meto serve and make our Groups more accessible through WebIT.At our last Spring Assembly we presented the difficulty of finding a local meeting from our ‘Find a Meeting’page on the Area website. We presented some of what other Areas were doing and asked for help from theAssembly. The Assembly called for a Task Force to review and implement changes to the Area meeting page.We have results of the work done over the year for you here today.The Task Force was named ‘web based meeting location tools’, and staffed by Scott, Cherie, Garth andMyself. The Area Chairperson wrote the following Charge for the Task Force.Charge: Phase 1. Form a Task Force to evaluate WSO Search Tool options, our Area Search Tool options, and compare them to current meeting list presentations, and work to develop user-friendly Area “Find a Meeting” tool. Phase 2. Design and publish a sample page that reflects the best ideas of the Taskforce. Reporting Process. Report to future AWSC and Assembly through the WebIT Coordinators Report. Any motions necessary will be presented with KBDM Questions in old business.Dissolution: Phase 1, was completed in three video conference meetings with various attendees from the Committee. We found that many of the Area search tool options would involve significant expense and additional service volunteers. The WSO Search Tool may be a better option to reduce financial and service investment if it could be made available to us. Phase 2. Ask for help. We contacted the WSO staff, and asked for help with possibilities of search tools at the Area level. We presented our work from Phase 1 to Pat Q. at WSO.Outcome: The WSO working with their IT Specialist created a website tool for all Al-Anon/Alateen Service Groups with meeting search tool links for English, Spanish and French. After a Committee review of a sample page, we concluded to establish the tool on our “Find a Meeting” page, along with the original “Find a Meeting” List format. We also determined to place page counters to review utilization of the options. Count results: October 31, - February28th, (four months,) 8555 visited the Meeting Search Tool, and 1453 continued to on to view the original Meeting List Page, (roughly 16% continued to the original page.)Feedback from the Assembly>>> Committee Members: Don W, Cherrie J, Scott C, Garth MThank you for letting me be of service; Don W
Message Carrier Page 14 Al-Anon/Alateen Arizona Area World Service Committee Panel 56 THIS LIST IS CONFIDENTIAL AND FOR ARIZONA AREA AL-ANON BUSINESS ONLY!DELEGATE FUNDRAISING AL-ANON CHAIR FOR AA DISTRICT 7Barbara Long Monta Anderson STATE CONVENTION Ramona Corrales19702 N. 93rd Drive 2611 S. Jaguar Road Linda Clark PO Box 636Peoria, AZ 85382 Tucson, AZ 85730 928-273-4608 Somerton, AZ 85350(623) 572-5477 (520) 885-3823 [email protected] [email protected] AZAC AL-ANON CHAIR 929-919-3324 Ailey Ratliff [email protected] DELEGATE GROUP SERVICES 7443 E.32nd StClaudia Milligan Sunnee O. Tucson, AZ 85710 DISTRICT 87904 E. Obispo Ave. [email protected] 520-90-2623 Katie WakehamMesa, AZ 85212 [email protected], [email protected](480) 385-8454 LITERATURE [email protected] Jackie Swenson AZAC ALATEEN CHAIR DISTRICT 9 8901 Nugget Circle Carlos Lozano Ruth DavisCHAIRPERSON Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 4302 E. Pima (248) 421-4016Mike Simmons (928) 533-6591 Tucson, AZ 85712 [email protected] W. Calle Lejos [email protected] [email protected], AZ 85310 DISTRICT 10S - NEW!(602) 725-5073 NEWSLETTER COORDINATOR DISTRICT 1 Elvira Serventi (contact)[email protected] Pat Holland Karen Cabrera 1770 W. Elm St. 729 S. Paustian Circle 2048 Gene Autry Dr. Tucson, AZ 85745RECORDING SECRETARY Apache Jct., AZ 85120 Kingman AZ 86409 (520) 405-2011Cherie Johnston (480) 288-0640 928-263-1300 [email protected] Box 26811 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected], AZ 85726 [email protected](520) 488-6528 NEWSLETTER DISTRIBUTOR DISTRICT [email protected] Marty Marsh DISTRICT 2A Ann Synodis 1643 W Sparrow Dr. Sandra McCullough PO Box 5058GROUP RECORDS SECRETARY Chandler, AZ. 85286 100 Casnyon Trail Mesa, AZ 85211Jane Brett (716) 969-6519 Sedona, AZ 86351 (520) 705-937310516 E. Karen Gannon Pl. [email protected] (928) 284-4114 [email protected], AZ 85747 [email protected](520) 909-6409 PUBLIC OUTREACH [email protected] DISTRICT [email protected] Mary Cancik Carrie Turnbull 311 E. Auburn Drive DISTRICT 2B 3758 E Dragoon AveTREASURER Tempe, AZ 85283 Linda Clark Mesa, AZ 85206Paula Weech (602) 316-6843 4540 E. Robin Drive 480-993-49052127 S. Roberto Pl. [email protected] Prescott, AZ 86301 [email protected], AZ 85710 (928) 273-4608(520) 904-3541 SPANISH COORDINATOR [email protected] DISTRICT [email protected] Helen Elena Landerman Elisabeth Broughton 520-400-8805 DISTRICT 3 [email protected] COORDINATOR [email protected] <vacant>Barbi Blattenberger DISTRICT 14161 N Forest WEB IT COORDINATOR DISTRICT 4 Garth MatthewsChandler, AZ 85226 Don Waite Mary Scott 665 E. Palm St.(480) 262-7267 1314 E Orchid Lane P. O. Box 265 Litchfield Park, AZ [email protected] Phoenix, AZ 85020 Taylor, AZ 85939 (623) 293-1038 (480)430-6677 (928) 243-7141 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Copillo [email protected] DISTRICT 15357 E. Arabian Drive WEB IT SPECIALIST Melanie SonderGilbert, AZ 85296 Scott Chapell DISTRICT 5 480-993-7537(480) 889-4068 (623)203-4306 Barbara Kennedy [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] DISTRICT 17ARCHIVES COORDINATOR 2017 AL-ANON CONV. CHAIR DISTRICT 6 Diane KreckerSue Hetherington Garth Matthews Donna Morris 13625 S. 48th St. #11554467 E. Meadow Land Drive 665 E Palm St 46024 W. Tulip Lane Phoenix, AZ 85044San Tan Valley, AZ 85140 Litchfield Park, AZ 85340 Maricopa, AZ 85739 480-430-2849(480) 463-5504 623-293-1038 (480) 299-1726 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Message Carrier Page 15 Al-Anon/Alateen Arizona Area World Service Committee Panel 53 THIS LIST IS CONFIDENTIAL AND FOR ARIZONA AREA AL-ANON BUSINESS ONLY!DISTRICT 18 DISTRICT 23 EAST VALLEY INFO. PAST DELEGATE – PANEL [email protected] Gene Thiel CENTER Luz Neville 5650 E. 8th St. 1320 E. Broadway #109 P.O. Box 35037DISTRICT 20 Tucson, AZ 85711 Mesa, AZ 85204 Tucson, AZ 85740Barbara Shelor 520-906-0168 (480) 969-6144 (520) 887-6330891 N.l Cowboy Canyon] district [email protected] [email protected] Valley, AZ 85614 DISTRICT 24 EVIC Liaison PAST DELEGATE – PANEL 38DISTRICT 21 Donna Belcher Wendy Hustad Pam BurnsSherrie Lee 4511 N. Circulo De Kaoits 2146 S. Extension Rd., P. O. Box 8852341 S. Lazy A Place Tucson, AZ 85750 Mesa, AZ 85210 Dewey, AZ 86327Tucson, AZ 85713 [email protected] [email protected] (928) 699-2280(520) 743-0608 [email protected] DISTRICT 25 SALT RIVER VALLEY INFO. district [email protected] CENTER PAST DELEGATE – PANEL 41DISTRICT 22 2432 W. Peoria Ave., #1027 Karen RimmellJoan F. DISTRICT 26S Phoenix, AZ 85029 2209 S. Oak Park [email protected] Maria Luna (602) 249-1257 Tucson, AZ 85710 1945 W. Chipman Rd. (520) 751-7571 Phoenix, AZ 85041 [email protected] ((602) 821-4883 SRVAIS Liaison [email protected] Dufy Litton PAST DELEGATE– PANEL 44 7026 E. Sunnyside Dr. Cindy Medford Reports Scottsdale, AZ 85254 P.O. Box 91453 480-326-9966 Tucson, AZ 85752-1453 We ask that reports to be presented at AWSC [email protected] (520) 544-9070and Assembly be submitted as soon as possible [email protected] to the event so that the interpreters have SOUTHERN ARIZONA INFO. CENTER PAST DELEGATE – PANEL 47 time to prepare the translations. 1011 N. Craycroft Rd. #450 Virginia Schaefer Please email your report to: Tucson, AZ 85711 8919 W. Acapulco Lane [email protected] (520) 323-2229 Peoria, AZ 85381 (623) 202-3787 [email protected] Southern AZ Info Center Liaison Melody Gallego PAST DELEGATE – PANEL 50 520-419-8221 Cecilia Koperno [email protected] 400 N. Coronado Street Chandler, AZ 85748 CENTRO DE INFORMACION (520) 548-0497 Y DISTRIBUCION AL-ANON [email protected] DE ARIZONA http:// PAST DELEGATE – PANEL 53 www.oficinaintergrupalhispana-al Vali Fayen 38359 North Fork Rd. Purcellville, VA 20132 Veronica Valle 540-338-2175 (623) 234-0504 [email protected] [email protected] to the Area may be mailed to: AFG of Arizona P. O. 16162 Tucson, AZ 85732-6162Please be sure to include your group name and number. Thank You !
Message Carrier Page 16Message Carrier1643 W. SparrowChandler, AZ. 85286The Message Carrier is a FREE Area Newsletter, published quarterly. To receive the Message Carrier, please fill out this form and mail it to the above address or e-mail the information to: [email protected] Please note that you will not receive your subscription until the next issue of the newsletter. It could be as long as 3 months since this is a quarterly newsletter.Please check preference below:( ) Mail Name Address State City Zip( ) E-mail E-mail address
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