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Home Explore Set up Linux Audio Home Studios with KXStudio

Set up Linux Audio Home Studios with KXStudio

Published by Esteban Herrera, 2018-05-07 13:30:33

Description: The most important component of a Professional Audio Home Studio: The Studio software

Keywords: Linux,Audio,Home,Studios,KXStudio


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Set up Cadence

1. Open Cadence

2. Cadence Engine configuration

3. Align Device, Sample Rate and Buffer Size with QjackCtl

4. Start ALSA MIDI Bridge (ALSA means Advanced Linux Sound Architecture)

5. ALSA MIDI Bridge activates MIDI a2j OUPUTS and INPUTS

6. Start ALSA Audio Bridge7. ALSA Audio Bridge activates alsa2jack and jack2alsa8. Close Cadence and then Right click on taskbar icon and click quit

ALSA-JACK connection

1. In connections, connect alsa2jack outputs to jack2alsa inputs

2. Open amsynth synthesizer

3. Open Audio and MIDI configuration

4. Select jack as Preferred Audio Driver

5. Re-open amsynth to apply changes and test banks

6. Check the new amsynth Audio connection

Play Soundfonts with VMPK

1. Re-open Qsynth

2. Open VMPK

3. Check the Qsynth connections in the tab Audio

4. Connect in ALSA, VMPK output to FLUID Synth (Qsynth1) input

5. Select Soundfont Bank and Program and play VMPK

Play Amsynth banks in VMPK

1. Disconnect in ALSA VMPK output and FLUID Synth (Qsynth1) input

2. In MIDI, connect VMPK output to amsynth input

3. Select amsynth instruments and play them in VMPK

Set up Zynaddsubfx/Yoshimi, and Rosegarden

Set up Zynaddsubfx(jack), also known as Yoshimi

1. Open zynaddsubfx(jack) or Yoshimi

2. Connect zynaddsubfx output to system playback

3. Select an instrument from the banks

4. No need to disconnect VMPK-amsynth 2 play 2 keyboards simultaneously

Play Soundfonts with Rosegardenand real keyboards with MIDI and USB port

1. Open Rosegarden

2. Rosegarden connects its outputs to Playback

3. Rosegarden connects its record inputs to system capture outputs (MONO example)

4. MIDI tab shows Rosegarden connections when starts

5. In ALSA, Rosegarden output connects with working VMPK

6. VMPK input appears set in Manage MIDI Devices in Rosegarden

7. Switch the Rosegarden output from VMPK to Qsynth

8. Select a project MIDI track (channel)

9. Go to MIDI connections

10. (Connect a REAL musical keyboard or MIDI surface or) disconnect MIDI VMPK output andamsynth input

There I’m playing a virtual synth bank with a REAL musical keyboard with MIDI through the USBport

Play and record Soundfonts with Rosegarden and VMPK

1. Reconnect VMPK output to FLUID Synth (Qsynth1)

2. In Rosegarden, select Instrument Parameters Bank and ProgramFor example, TRUMPET or Drums

3. Activate a channel to record and Press red record button

4. Play on VMPK but don't change the program since VMPK

5. Save the new MIDI recording

6. Changing the instrument in VMPK at this point can be useful to test new instruments withoutchanging the Rosegarden music sheet (the instruments channels configuration)

Connect the Jack keyboard and Amsynth

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