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Home Explore UCAS_Guide_2016


Published by kevins, 2015-09-23 17:59:07

Description: UCAS_Guide_2016


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GETTING STARTED Go to the UCAS home page at and click on the Apply button at the top. Then click on the ‘Apply for 2016 courses’ button. You have to register before you can log on - you only need to register once. You don’t need to complete your application in one go but you must have it completed by the College deadline of Friday 4th December 2015. REGISTRATION01 Click on ‘register’, read the information about registration and what you need to do, and click ‘next’.02 Read the Terms and Conditions and tick the box at the bottom to confirm you accept them.03 Complete the Registration process by putting in your personal details. All fields marked with a red asterisk (star) must be completed.04 If this is your first time applying through UCAS you need to choose the third option: ‘I have neither of the above’ then click ‘next’.05 Complete the postal address information, telephone and email address. When you add an email address, ensure it’s a suitable and appropriate address (not rude or slang) as Admissions tutors may contact you via them.06 When choosing a password, choose one that’s unique to you and not easily guessed, but equally, something you will remember! Keep a note of your password, e.g. in your phone or email. You’ll need to answer all 4 security questions - keep a note of these too.07 They will then give you a Username. Again, keep this safe somewhere as you won’t get another chance to see it.08 Either click on ‘Log in Now’ if you are continuing with your application or ‘Go to UCAS home page’ if all you wanted to do was register and are going to start your application another time. APPLY09 If you’re coming back to your application, log in using your username and password you created10 How are you applying? You must choose the ‘Through my School/College’ option.11 It will ask you for a Student Buzzword. By putting in a buzzword, UCAS will automatically know you are connected to West Herts College. The student buzzword you must type in is WHC201612 After accepting you’re applying through West Herts College, select what ‘Tutor Group/Application Group’ you’re in - the type of course you’re doing now, e.g. Sport, IT, Access etc.13 UCAS will welcome you and give you a Personal I.D. Number, which you should keep safe, as you’ll need this if you have to contact UCAS in the future.14 Read all the information on this page, as it will come in handy as you complete your application. 01

15 This above screen is what you’ll see when you log on in the future. On the left hand side, there are 7 sections to complete to apply, e.g. Personal Details, Choices etc. This allows you to go back and forth and return to sections whenever you want to. PERSONAL DETAILS16 Click on ‘Personal Details’. Some of your details will already be there from when you registered. Read carefully and fill in all boxes marked with a red asterisk (*/star).17 You must fill in your email address. Ensure it is a sensible and appropriate one.18 Next to some questions there are boxes, (on the right), with ‘see list’. Click and use these boxes rather than typing in your answer, as UCAS want particular answers. For example, when they ask for your country of birth you might type England, but UCAS want United Kingdom, and you’ll find this on their list along with other countries. 02

19 When filling in the boxes for ‘Student Support’ (Finance), if you’re applying for a student loan or grant, your fee code is 02. Use the drop down arrow to find this. For Student Support Arrangements select your Local Authority by clicking on ‘see list’20 You can grant a parent/guardian/adviser access and you will need to identify who this is in the ‘Nominated Access’ section. This will allow that person to discuss your application with UCAS and with the Universities if you are unavailable.21 If you have a disability/special need, provide further details. Even if you don’t have a disability/ special need you still need to complete this section.22 Once you’ve completed this section, tick the ‘section completed’ box and ‘save’ at the bottom of the page. If it’s not completed, you still need to click ‘save’ or you will lose all the information you have entered. You can then come back to it at a later date and fill in the parts you didn’t complete. If you’ve made a mistake, or not completed a section, it will tell you in green at the top of the page after you’ve saved it.23 Once saved, UCAS will ask you to ‘verify your email address’. This is a safety precaution to ensure you have entered it correctly. UCAS will send you a ‘Verification Code’, to your email which you need to type into the prompt when you next log on. 03

PERSONAL DETAILS24 This section asks for extra information about you such as ethnic origin, religion or belief, sexual orientation, gender identity, whether you have completed any summer schools - entitled ‘Activities in preparation for higher education’ and information about your parent’s employment.25 Some of these questions aren’t compulsory, so if you don’t want to answer them, you don’t have to. Some questions have red asterisks (*stars) which must be completed.26 Tick the section as ‘Completed’ and ‘Save’. STUDENT FINANCE27 As you will be applying for student finance and will need to complete an application for this tick the box – ‘I will be applying for student finance’ and yes to the next two questions – ‘I want to share my details with the Student Loans Company’ and ‘I want UCAS to send a reminder of when and how to apply for student finance’. Tick sections ‘completed’ and ‘save’ CHOICES28 In this section add what universities/courses you wish to apply to. Each choice is made separately, so save each choice. When you’ve completed all of your choices tick the section as ‘complete’. You can choose up to 5 universities/courses, which will be arranged in alphabetical order. Each29 university/college will only know about their course or courses you have applied. They won’t know about your other choices until you make your final decision.30 Click on ‘add a choice’.31 You should have already made your choices by looking on ‘Course Finder’ or checking university websites and attending open days. Use the 'see list’ boxes to complete and find the correct university and course details (Institution Code, Course Code, Campus Code, Start Date, Live at home while studying etc.)32 Once done, click ‘save’. You have the option of removing a choice if you change your mind.33 To continue adding your choices click on ‘add a choice’.34 Once you’ve made all your choices and clicked on ‘complete’ and ‘save’, UCAS tells you how many choices you’ve made, and if you’ve not made the full 5, you will be given the option of adding a choice at a later date. 04

EDUCATION35 The university/college you are applying to need to know where you’ve studied, which qualifications you have already achieved (e.g. GCSEs) and what you are studying now. This includes your BTEC Extended Diploma, Access Diploma, or AS Levels/A-Levels (don’t put an AS if you went on to get a full A Level in it).36 Add your Secondary School first.37 It will ask for your school centre number - use the ‘find’ box and search for your school, it will fill these boxes automatically. Once you’ve filled in your school information, and clicked ‘save’, click on ‘add qualifications’ to38 fill in your GCSE subjects and grades. The information they ask for in this section will be on your certificates. If you don’t have your certificates you need to contact your school as soon as possible. To add more than one GCSE subject, click ‘save and add similar’. When complete click ‘save’.39 Click on ‘add new school/college’ to add West Herts College and continue with the section to add your BTEC Extended Diploma, Access Diploma or other qualification and repeat the process. You should also add the units/modules you completed in your first year and the units/modules you’ll be taking this year - you can get this information from your Tutor.40 When putting in your current course at West Herts College, choose the correct campus from the‘see list’ box. It should have the relevant Campus and Centre number:Dacorum: 17119Kings Langley: 17651Watford: 1764941 You also need to add your Functional Skills from your first year and any Functional Skills or GCSEs you are taking this year.42 If you’re completing a BTEC Extended Diploma, you need to include your BTEC Registration Number. Your tutor should be able to give you this; otherwise you will need to see the Student Administrator for your department.43 You need to put the highest level of qualification you have before you start the degree. You should select ‘Below honours degree level qualification’44 Once you’ve completed this section, click ‘Complete and save’. 05

EMPLOYMENT45 Only complete this section if you have had or are currently in paid or voluntary employment. You can add up to 5. If you’ve never had a job leave this section blank but still click ‘Complete and Save’. PERSONAL STATEMENT46 Your Personal Statement is your chance to tell universities/colleges why they should want you as their student. Admissions tutors want to know why you’re interested in the course and what you hope to do after your studies. A strong Personal Statement is important – it will help persuade the university to make you an offer. In many cases, you will not be invited to an interview, so the Personal Statement is your only chance to make your case to the university.47 You can enter up to 4,000 characters (including spaces) or 47 lines of text (including blank lines). You don’t have to use all the space provided but you must have a minimum of 1000 characters. When you save it, UCAS will automatically tell you if you still have space available or if you have used too much.48 You should type your personal statement in a Word document and copy and paste it into your application. This is because UCAS will time out after 35 minutes of inactivity, and you’ll need a lot of thinking time when preparing it. As it’s a text box it will also not show any spelling or grammatical errors, which a Word document will do.49 You can’t use features such as underline, bold, italic or foreign characters in the text. If you do they’ll be removed when your text is pasted into the application.50 UCAS will test applications for plagiarism, so don’t copy from a website/book, or use someone else’s. If UCAS suspect you’ve done this, they will inform the university/college you’ve applied to and take appropriate action. This may mean they remove your application all together and even if they don’t, universities don’t want people who plagiarise as their students.51 Each university/college will have ‘Entry Profiles’ on the UCAS website for the course you’re applying for. These can provide you with tips on what you can include in your Personal Statement.52 The following pages offer practical tips on completing your Personal Statement. If you have any queries, see your tutor or make an appointment with a Student Advisor in Student Support. 06

WHAT SHOULD GO IN YOUR PERSONAL STATEMENT? DO DON’TDo give reasons for why you want to study Don’t mention activities or responsibilitiesthe course - more than just enjoying the without referring to skills and experiencesubject(s). Remember there will be strong gained. Admissions Tutors have 100’s ofcompetition for places so you need to be forms to read - they won’t have time to readconvincing. between the lines.Do write about your current course - what Don’t refer to experiences that are tooyou enjoy and why, and the skills you have long ago particularly if you have moregained. recent experience.Do make reference to your long term Don’t mention interests without beingcareer plans and make a link to your course more specific e.g. for reading mentionchoice. Write about the skills you hope to authors or genres, likewise with music or artgain at university and transfer to work. - mention particular artists.Do mention positions of responsibility Don’t lie!with examples of duties e.g. Student Rep.Do aim to present an image of yourself as Don’t apply for too many very differentan active and well-rounded individual - not courses, making it difficult to write ajust an academic. convincing personal statement, which supports the application.Do be reflective. If you make a point like ‘Ilike reading, I travelled abroad’ say why and Don’t write a statement which makes yourwhat you get (got) from doing this. choices look random and not researched.Do show your statement to other people - Don’t simply rely on a spellchecker -parents, friends, family, tutors, and Student proofread as many times as possible. It canAdvisors, to check the structure and content. be helpful to leave a few days between drafts, as it’s often easier to pick up spelling andDo make sure your statement is well grammar mistakes after distancing yourself.written with a strong opening sentence andconcluding paragraph or sentence.Important information:Once you’ve completed your final draft it needs to be checked and signed off by your tutor and insome cases a Student Advisor in Student Support before it can be sent to UCAS - see the checklistprovided. 07

PERSONAL STATEMENT PREPARATION SHEETYou need to show motivation, enthusiasm and commitment.Think about what you’re saying and why you’re saying it.IntroductionWhy do you want to study this course?Main body — describing your suitabilityWhat interests you about this subject area?Why does the content/structure of the degree appeal to you – what are you particularly lookingforward to studying?How is your current course relevant?What knowledge, skills and qualities do you have which are relevant to the degree you’ve chosen?Outline your academic skills e.g. working to deadlines, doing research etc.What extra reading and/or research have you undertaken related to your chosen subject?Have you made any relevant visits e.g. to art galleries, hospitals or law courts?Demonstrate you are well motivated and enthusiastic about your chosen subjectHow does this course link to your future chosen career?If you are taking a gap year explain why and what you hope to achieveWork experience/Voluntary work/Part-time jobDo you have any experience relevant to your chosen degree subject?What skills/personal qualities has your part-time job or voluntary work given you?If you have work experience, what skills have you developed and how will these skills help you tocomplete your chosen course?Hobbies/Interests/AchievementsWhat activities both in and out of college do you take part in? Do you play any sports, do anycharity/volunteer work, part of any theatre groups, or a member of a band?Have you held any positions of responsibility – Student Rep?If you have a hobby, how has it helped your interpersonal skills or your ability to work in a team?ConclusionMake sure you include a concluding sentence as it leaves a good impressionDon’t let your personal statement fizzle out. Try to pull together everything you have covered andfinish on a high, positive note! 08

THE COMPLETED FORM53 Once you have completed all sections, you can ‘view all details’ to see all the sections in one go and edit anything you need to change.54 Anything that’s not completed correctly or missing will be highlighted in green.55 Once you’ve completed your application, your Personal Statement needs to be checked and signed off by your tutor and in some cases a Student Advisor in Student Support. Your tutor will provide you with the checklist and tell you if an advisor needs to see your statement. Do NOT Pay/Send until your Personal Statement has been approved and the checklist has been signed. PAY/SEND56 You need to agree with all statements and click ‘I agree’.57 UCAS will list your choices for you to double check.58 You need to pay for your application using a credit/debit card. The card need not be in your own name but you will require the consent of the cardholder. If you use a credit/debit card that you don’t have permission to use, UCAS will cancel your application.59 If you’re applying for only one choice you will pay £12 (if you choose to add another choice later, you will be asked to pay a further £11). If you apply for more than one choice you need to pay £23.60 Follow the prompts to send your application to the ‘Referee’ at the College. Once you’ve done this, take the signed checklist to Student Administration. It’s your responsibility to let Student Administration know you’ve completed and paid for your application. Student Administrators can’t send any applications to UCAS unless they have the checklist signed by your tutor and a Student Advisor.61 See the flowchart on the following page for the application and sending process. 09

THE APPLICATION PROCESS Complete all sections of the UCAS application form except ‘Pay/Send’Get your Personal Statement checked and signed off by your tutor (See checklist) See a Student Advisor to check your Personal Statement and sign your checklistLog back on to UCAS and ‘Pay/Send’ Application can be returned to you for any amendments if necessary Take the signed checklist to Student AdministrationThe Student Administrator will add theReference from your tutor and send the form electronically to UCAS UCAS sends you an acknowledgementwith details of what happens next and your individual password to enable you to ‘Track’ your application online – whereyou can see offers made from universities/ colleges and reply to them 10

Track The screen above shows where you can access ‘Track’ from—the log-in page. Track is where you can view any updates for your offers and accept or decline offers made to you.You will need your personal ID for this so keep this written in a safe place or on your phone.You can make a range of changes in track. These include address, phone number and emailaddress.Some changes can only be made by your University or college. Such as change of course de-tails such as point of entry or course itself.

Useful Websites   How UCAS can help and getting started - getting-started  Searching for Courses -  Open Days -  Entry Requirements - Tariff - entry-requirements/tariff  Register and Apply -  Writing a Personal Statement - writing-personal-statement  Types of Offers - application/types-offer  Key Dates -  Extra - extra-choices  Finance -  Contact -  Web Chat / Case Studies / Blogs -

UCAS ChecklistHave before you begin…...  Pen and paper to make a note of important information such as personal I.D.  Personal Details - Home address, telephone number and email address  Think of a password beforehand. This must contain numbers and 1 lowercase and 1 upper- case letter.  Know the Buzzword for this year - WHC2016  Information regarding your previous employment - Name and address of employer, start and finish dates.  Information on extracurricular activities you have taken part in that showcase you interest and passion for your subject - Name and address of where this took place, your key role and responsibilities.  Educational Information - Previous qualifications. Include name of School, centre number of school, list of GCSEs and grades. Current BTEC Registration Number - available from your tutor. You will also need a list of the modules from Year 1 and Year 2 of your current course. (Don’t forget to include your Functional Skills)  Card payment details Personal Statement will be checked by your tutors. Some will also need to be checked by a Student Adviser - the information below will confirm who needs to see your personal statement:  Performance, Music and Media - Tutor & Adviser  Business Studies - Tutor Andrew Seaman only (Adviser is optional)  IT - Tutor & Adviser  Sport, Travel and Public Services - Tutor & Adviser  Hair and Beauty - Tutor & Adviser  Food Academy - Tutor only (Adviser is optional)  Art and Design - Tutor & Adviser  Health, Education and Care - Tutor only (Adviser is optional)  Building Services - Tutor & Adviser

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