Root Cause effective long-term strategy for the control of cancer. In Mongolia, cancer-related deaths are the second National policies and programs should be implemented leading cause of death since 1990, and in 2016, cancer- to raise awareness, to reduce exposure to cancer risk related deaths per 10,000 population increased by 13.41, factors and to ensure that people are provided with the or 1.2, from the previous year. In 2016, cancer accounted information and support they need to adopt healthy for 25.6 percent of all deaths in the population, and more lifestyles. than 4,000 people died from cancer. As of 2016, 78.9 percent of the population diagnosed with cancer had Project Milestone: died in stage 3 or 4 of the disease, and 85.4 percent of 2014 - Implementation of the project aims to prevent the total population had died within one year of being vulnerable sector of society from Hep B and C viruses by diagnosed. (Source: Center for Health Development providing free medical tests “Health Indicators” 2016). 2015 - Collaboration with the Mongolian Government to raise public awareness on Hep B and C viruses and its Purpose consequences. Whole Liver-Mongolia movement had In line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) begun. “Provide healthy and prosperous living conditions for the 2016 - Global partnership with the World Health entire population” and the “Sustainable Development Organization. National policies and programs were Concept of Mongolia - 2030” “Reduce cancer mortality carried out. to 10.5 per 10,000 population by 2020” , Implement the 2017 - Renovation of playground at the National Center 3 Steps Against Cancer by the World Health Organization of Maternal and Child Health, and donation of over 200 (WHO) JCI Leader tooka step to raise public awareness books and toys. of cancer, provide accurate information, intensify 2018 - Construction of palliative care center “House of psychological care to make cancer treatment more Hope” at the National Cancer Center collaborating with effective, and work within the framework of JCI Mongolia’s TIKA Agency of the Republic of Bulgaria strategy. Based on the rights and objectives, the project 2019 - Enlightenment of public to encourage young was implemented through a social project. people to support cancer patients Due to inadequate public awareness of cancer in Mongolia, 2020 - Due to pandemic COVID-19, supplements of chances of diagnosing cancer in early stages are very protective clothing, masks, and hand sanitizers were low, especially in children. Many parents misinterpret provided to the doctors, nurses and patients of partnering the illness with common symptoms of diarrhea or fever, hospitals thus do not approach appropriate medical assistance. In 2014, 19.8 of 10000 people were diagnosed with liver Also, there is a high chance of doctors to disregard and cancer, however the number dropped to 8.5 in 2018. mistreat infant early symptoms of cancer due to poor In 6 years, 1050 JCI Mongolia members collaborated health systems and cancer awareness in rural areas. with the project raising over 300,000 USD in partners with 3 International entities, 20 local partners, 7 government Overview agencies, 5 hospitals, and 1200 dedicated volunteers, According to the World Health Organization, Mongolia who have worked to raise funds and awareness of the has the world’s highest rate of liver cancer, as well as disease. the highest mortality rate from the disease. Each year, liver cancer and liver cirrhosis account for 15% of all Long Term Impact deaths. Chronic hepatitis is the most common risk factor Since 2014, JCI Leader has collaborated with the in developing liver cancer, and 400,000 of Mongolia’s 3 National Cancer Center, National Center of Maternal and million citizens are diagnosed with a hepatitis virus. Child Health, and the Disabled People’s Association to But a major factor in reducing liver cancer deaths is early raise public awareness of Hep B and C viruses leading to diagnosis. Many Mongolians are not diagnosed until they cancer. Together we provided medical tests to diagnose are late-stage and inoperable. According to the World the viruses, vaccines to prevent from the disease and Health Organization (WHO), between 30-50% of all cancer palliative care for those who are suffering. We have cases are preventable. Prevention offers the most cost- successfully initiated an accessible and affordable 151
testing programme. is the patient’s mental wellbeing. Scientific studies have Each year, we raised awareness to the public with shown that low levels of depression in patients affect their support from 21 local partners to raise funds which cover immune systems, reducing relapses and prolonging life. the medical tests and vaccines costs for those in need We live in a society where medicine is highly developed, including disabled people and children. and we can reduce pain physically and mentally by using Our international sponsor, TIKA Agency of the Republic of appropriate medicine. But a human is a slave of its mind. Turkey, covered the cost of the construction of a palliative Therefore, we have created an environment to reduce care center “House of Hope” in the National Cancer emotional distress where we can make a positive and Center. Built with eco-friendly materials, the place has rapid change in the patient’s treatment. become a soothing environment for inpatients and their loved ones. The National Cancer Center receives more How does this program align to the JCI Plan of Action? than 10,000 inpatients and 100,000 outpatients annually. IMPACT - “Healthy life - Safe future” We focused on public JCI Leader members, counted over 450, sponsored awareness to enrich the knowledge on Hepatitis B and to renovate the playground at the National center of C, to seek early checkups for any stages of cancer and Maternal and Child Health. We created a fun and friendly acknowledge the chances and rates of cancer. 300,000 atmosphere for the children, helping them to forget their USD fund was raised in 6 years to provide free medical pain, and live a life of ordinary kids. Each year, we organize tests, vaccines, medical services, and palliative care to auctions in art exhibitions by children’s artworks in the save thousands of people. playground to raise fund for treatment cost. Over 6 years, MOTIVATE - The project has engaged more citizens and we’ve witnessed 20 cancer-free heroes who successfully collaborated with international partners to empower won their cancer. the impact of a positive change. Its participants were motivated to be responsible for themselves as well as What were the long-term objectives of this program? their families and do periodical medical testing on B, C Under the UN’s third Sustainable Development Goal to viruses and prevent the viruses with vaccinations if the “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all test results were negative. ages”, JCI Leader in cooperation with the World Health Many people, especially our youth, realized what role they Organization (WHO) has started the LIFE MATTERS can play if there is a cancer patient in their families, and project concentrating on 2 phases. friends when they participated in storytelling sessions PREVENTION PHASE with cancer patients. INVEST – The project has raised 300,000 USD in cash • To ensure the methods of achieving the from 30 sponsors and immeasurable volunteer time Global goals in Mongolia from partners which became valuable resources to JCI members to support long-term achievement. • To improve public knowledge on cancer root Participants not only invested in the project in cash, more cause of Hepatitis B and C viruses importantly, they invested in the future of children and disabled people by helping them to get diagnosed and • To serve public with accessible medical tests vaccinated for free as well as raising awareness about for diagnosis cancer and aftereffects among the public. CONNECT - The project has reached out to many • To provide vulnerable sector of society with children, their parents, doctors, disabled people, cancer vaccinations patients and their caregivers. We are aiming for a broader framework to acknowledge more people. “Life • To prevent as many as people from Hepatitis matters” has connected the JCI members to the WHO B,C and further cancer and other international agencies, health organizations to implement the project more efficiently. It has connected AFTER CARE PHASE the disabled people to the sources where they could • To spread hope for patients and their loved receive more help and get the medicals to heal Hepatitis ones infection and liver illnesses. More importantly, it spread • To educate caregivers properly on how to treat patients in appropriate way • To support inpatients psychologically • To encourage young people to become active citizens An important factor in the success of cancer treatment 152
hope for the parents of children who diagnosed cancer with an area of 200m2, which was built in the first phase and professional consulting with psychotherapists for the of the project, was resolved with a 100% grant from the next stage cancer diagnosis patients and their parents. Republic of Turkey (Turkish cooperation and coordination COLLABORATE – The project took another step up agency). in collaboration when it expanded its partnership internationally with WHO, NRTPC, and TIKA Agency of the How does this project advance the JCI Mission and Republic of Bulgaria. Our local alliances were National Vision? Center for Cancer Research, Ulaanbaatar City Health JCI MISSION: Department, Mongolian National Radio and Television, The members of JCI are providing development Mongolian Palliative Care Association, Ulaanbaatar City opportunities that empower young people to create Governor’s Office, District hospitals, Civil Representatives a positive change with the LIFE MATTERS project by Office, District’s Health Union, National Center for preventing cancer to encourage a healthy lifestyle Maternal and Child Health of Mongolia, Psychotherapists among vulnerable people and children. Also the project and many doctors. empowers the public to care each other and to help those in need, towards achieving the Global goals. Was the budget an effective guide for the financial Participants have developed their skills to prevent from management of the project? Hepatitis virus infection and were educated about All the funds that were raised through the sponsorships the importance of the vaccinations along with further have been efficiently planned as people and organizations understanding of the cancer and preventative actions to had been clearly informed about the costs. Sponsors take in early stages to have a better chance in the cure. were fully aware of how many lives their donations would Sharing stories inspired the patients and caregivers to save. spread hope and encouragement for their loved ones. Our sponsors and JCI Mongolia members made JCI VISION: donations of over 300,000 USD in cash so far. As a leading global network of young active citizens, JCI The World Health Organization (WHO), members of JCI Mongolia members are leading in implementing projects Mongolia, National Rehabilitation Training and Production toward achieving Global Goals by changing the social Center (NRTPC) arranged the doctors and nurses to misconceptions around cancer-dependent households volunteer to work for the project for blood tests of B, C with the right positive information. viruses and vaccine injections. Our project acts to draw public attention to the disease of Free media support from Mongolian National Radio and cancer and its prevention, to change people’s misbehavior Television along with support from famous doctors, in lifestyle, to increase positive self-confidence, to spread celebrities on Social Media. positive thinking in society, and to help create active Free consultation from National Center for Cancer citizens in its framework. Research, Psychotherapists, and National Center for Maternal and Child Health of Mongolia. Describe the main roles of the participating members City and District Governor’s Offices, and domestic in this program. hospitals cooperated by arranging training rooms and We have involved as many members of JCI Mongolia medical check rooms for free. This allowed the project to since our project aimed at the public awareness to save the cost to save more lives. promote a prevention of a deadly cancer by early The renovation of the playground which is done every diagnosis, especially appointed to the vulnerable sector year in the National Center for Maternal and Child Health of the public, disabled people and children. of Mongolia is funded 100% from JCI Leader members Project coordinators’ platform included 6 Project and partners. Chairpersons, 120 committee members, 481 local Treatment costs for cancer diagnosed children are organization members and 1200 JCI Mongolia members funded through the auctions in the playground that are to serve the community since 2014. organized annually with children’s artworks. 20 children’s ANALYZE: Project Chairpersons treatment costs were covered through the funding. The construction of the palliative care “ House of Hope’’ • Take a lead on all project phases • Ensure project management and review 153
DEVELOP: Project Chairpersons and Committee Members of cancer in infants and children • Research on the project - collected data, • Educational guidance to the public on analyzed costs • Developed an Action plan developing a healthy lifestyle • Assigned specific tasks to for each committee • Disabled People’s Association to manage • Cooperation agreements were signed • At home tests and vaccinations of Hepatitis • PR and Marketing plans were initiated B and C were arranged for disabled people • JCI Mongolia member involvement plans were carried out • At home visitations from doctors and nurses to provide medical assistance if PARTNERSHIP: Project Chairpersons and Committee needed Members REVIEW: Project Chairpersons • International Organizations - WHO, TIKA • Evaluated the project for future improvement • Local - Government agencies, Associations • Regular visitations to the hospitals for • JCI Mongolia involvement feedbacks • Professional service providers EXECUTE: Project Chairpersons, Committee Members, How did the Local Organization measure community JCI Mongolia Members impact for this program? • Brochures, handbooks and promotional The results of the project will be measured by the number of people we have reached, which is totalled up to hundred materials were printed to raise funds and thousands. Currently, the National Center of Cancer awareness to the public Control estimates the number of project beneficiaries • Promotional programs were aired through based on statistics to more than 10,000 people are Local Media channels hospitalized annually in urban and rural areas, and more • Raised 300.000 USD in funding through than 100,000 people receive outpatient services. sponsorship events The impact of the project has been measured by: • Members have encouraged their co-workers, 1. the number of people who has participated in the families and friends to donate handmade protection clothes and facial masks to use at medical checks the palliative care center “House of Hope”. 2. the number of people that has been vaccinated and • Engagement with Professional Service Providers got the immunity against Hepatitis B • The National Cancer Center - House of Hope 3. the number of people who started the treatment of • organizing workshops with cancer-free Hepatitis C and had succeeded patients and inpatients to spread hope 4. the number of people who got aware about t • free therapy sessions from psychologists 5. he Hepatitis and liver diseases caused by virus • trainings with caregivers on at home infection rehabilitations 6. the number of organizations that supported and • The National Center for Maternal and Child cooperated in the program Health - Playground 7. the fact of support cooperation with the WHO • yearly renovated playgrounds, donation of 8. the number of children participated in drawing books and toys exhibitions • art exhibitions with inpatient children’s 9. the number of inpatients who participated in therapy artwork sessions • creating an amusing environment to 10. the number of caregivers of patients who participated children in workshops • District hospitals Describe the actual community impact produced by • Trainings for the district doctors from this project. professionals to diagnose early symptoms Recognition from the Government led to implementing Mongolia’s National Program ‘Whole Liver- Mongolia’ nationwide, which aims to eliminate infections of 154
Hepatitis B and C among the full population of 3 million satisfied, knowing how many lives they’ve saved. by 2020. HEALTH: JCI Leader, JCI Mongolia members have gained The initial phase covered 47.1 percent of people in the awareness about cancer, and went through screening target age group of 40-65. In 2018, the program’s second and testing of Hepatitis B and C with their families phase involved citizens aged 16-39 and 61.2 percent of All the participants and volunteers were vaccinated the group got the free tests. Within the framework of the (based on test results) Whole Liver –Mongolia Program, Hepatitis B and C tests Those who has been diagnosed with Hep B or C viruses are free of charge and medicines for hepatitis are being received the treatment discounted 60 percent by the Health Insurance Fund We have prepared a handbook for future use - for parents (HIF). of cancer diagnosed children which provides them with support and knowledge to preventing the whole family 1154 disabled people went through screening for any from mental suffering stages of cancer and Hepatitis B, C in district hospitals . Around 600,000 people broadened their knowledge on How did the program advance the JCI Mission? the awareness of the Hepatitis viruses. With that we Provide development opportunities to members believe, our project has impacted to save thousands of LIFE MATTERS provided various development people’s lives by diagnosing cancer at early stages and opportunities for members with project management. getting vaccinated from Hepatitis B and C viruses. Organizing large social events, arranging social impact 11% of the patients have been diagnosed with Hepatitis and awareness, researching for resources and making C virus positive. LIFE MATTERS project helped them to decisions gave all the participants a chance to grow as start the treatment to free from the C virus in their liver. a better person and to make an impact on society. We The National Cancer Center treats more than 10,000 have faced difficulties and unpredicted circumstances people a year and provides outpatient care to more than throughout the program, eventually we solved all the 100,000 people. These people are the main beneficiaries issues with our developed skills, created networking and of our palliative care center “House of Hope”. volunteers. The National center for Maternal and Child Health treats Create positive change in society around 800 cancer diagnosed children annually. These We have addressed an issue where the Nation itself children are the main artists of our art playground and should have been aware. Within the duration of the main participants of our art exhibition. Through the art project, successfully initiated a Nationwide movement exhibition we auction the arts to fund the treatment for “Whole Liver - Mongolia” to save thousands of Mongolians cancer diagnosed children. 20 kids are now cancer-free. from something we could protect our own health. We have given hope to many cancer diagnosed people How did the Local Organization benefit from running into realizing that every patient and every case have a this project? chance to cure. RECOGNITION: Create positive change in participants People’s perception of the JCI organization widened, Participants were given the opportunity to make a positive positioning JCI Mongolia to be number one NGO in difference in society, to protect ourselves and our loved the country. Since the project’s implementation, JCI ones with just one test. Mongolia active members grew up to more than 1000, While helping people with cancer, participants gained given possibilities to make a positive change. new experiences on how to be around diagnosed people Collaboration with Mongolia’ Government and to give them hope to overcome their illness. International organizations increased number of affiliates Participants learned how to get a real-life balance for future networking while developing their career, maintaining good health, SATISFACTION: exploring their hobbies while dedicating time to contribute Developed JCI Leader members to be better with effective to society. project management Members who participated in the project were all self What is the expected long-term impact of the project? 155
Thanks to our project we spread awareness of this disease in many levels: vulnerable sectors of the society, and children. Acknowledging the society for preventive medical checkups by organizing free medical tests of Hepatitis B and C viruses, and a vaccination for B virus made impact to many households financially, emotionally and healthwise. These actions would ensure more healthy lives to children and disabled people of Mongolia in both sections. The implementation of the “Life matters” project was also the first advantage for Mongolia to intensify psychological services. Psychology is a basic medical science, and the project aims to raise awareness of the need to intensify psychological care in all health care organizations. Poor mental health, anxiety and depression can be prevented during and after cancer treatment by good support provision. We made a positive impact on social psychology and disseminate accurate information about cancer through our “House of Hope” center. What changes would you make to improve the results of this project? Be prepared for National Emergency - COVID 19 pandemic. Detecting symptomatic patients as early as possible for early diagnosis of cancer as it generally increases the chances for successful treatment Easy access in cancer care - particularly in lower resource settings and vulnerable populations. The consequences of delayed or inaccessible cancer care are lower likelihood of survival, greater morbidity of treatment and higher costs of care, resulting in avoidable deaths and disability from cancer. 156
Салбар байгууллагуудын 2021 оны Хөтөлбөр, шагнал хариуцсан захирлууд JCI Улаанбаатар салбар байгууллагын 2021 JCI Дархан салбар байгууллагын 2021 оны JCI Эрдэнэт салбар байгууллагын 2021 оны JCI Капитал салбар байгууллагын 2021 оны оны Хөтөлбөр, шагнал хариуцсан захирал Хөтөлбөр, шагнал хариуцсан захирал Хөтөлбөр, шагнал хариуцсан захирал Хөтөлбөр, шагнал хариуцсан захирал Э.НАРАНБАЯР БАТЗАЯА Б.ДАШМАА АМАРБАЯР Утас: 88884142 Утас: 99014126 Утас: 99326668 Утас: 99105068 И-мэйл: [email protected] И-мэйл: [email protected] И-мэйл: [email protected] И-мэйл: [email protected] JCI Их хүрээ салбар байгууллагын 2021 оны JCI Централ салбар байгууллагын 2021 оны JCI Лидер салбар байгууллагын 2021 оны JCI Чэйрмэн салбар байгууллагын 2021 оны Хөтөлбөр, шагнал хариуцсан захирал Хөтөлбөр, шагнал хариуцсан захирал Хөтөлбөр, шагнал хариуцсан захирал Хөтөлбөр, шагнал хариуцсан захирал МАЙЦЭЦЭГ ОТГОНЖАРГАЛ Г.МӨНГӨН-ОЮУН Ж.ДАВААЖАРГАЛ Утас: 99100780 Утас: 99015267 Утас: 88101412 Утас: 90890910 И-мэйл: [email protected] И-мэйл: [email protected] И-мэйл: [email protected] И-мэйл: [email protected] JCI Эко салбар байгууллагын 2021 оны JCI Найрамдал салбар байгууллагын 2021 JCI Прогресс салбар байгууллагын 2021 оны JCI Конгресс салбар байгууллагын 2021 оны Хөтөлбөр, шагнал хариуцсан захирал оны Хөтөлбөр, шагнал хариуцсан захирал Хөтөлбөр, шагнал хариуцсан захирал Хөтөлбөр, шагнал хариуцсан захирал БАТЦЭЦЭГ Э.УУГАНБАЯР Т.ТУЯАЦЭЦЭГ Э.ЖАМБАЧОЙНДОН Утас: 99159953 Утас: 99017937 Утас: 99081974 Утас: 99996881 И-мэйл: [email protected] И-мэйл: [email protected] И-мэйл: [email protected] И-мэйл: [email protected] JCI Импакт салбар байгууллагын 2021 оны JCI Номадик салбар байгууллагын 2021 оны JCI Гранд салбар байгууллагын 2021 оны Хөтөлбөр, шагнал хариуцсан захирал Хөтөлбөр, шагнал хариуцсан захирал Хөтөлбөр, шагнал хариуцсан захирал А.НАМУУН ЭНЭРЭЛМАА Б.ЖАВХАА Утас: 99009266 Утас: 88102478 Утас: 88104326 И-мэйл: [email protected] И-мэйл: [email protected] И-мэйл: [email protected] 170
JCI Монгол байгууллагын 2021 оны Хөтөлбөр, шагналын хорооноос шинэчлэн боловсруулав. 171
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