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ICAO COurse Catalogue 2019_clone

Published by ICAO Global Aviation Training, 2019-01-10 11:33:46

Description: ICAOTrainairCourseSched2018-1


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AERODROMES STP ELABORACIÓN, ANÁLISIS E INTERPRETACIÓN DE NOTAMS 029/037/NOTAMAIR NAVIGATION 10 DAYS Fee per participant: SERVICES CLASSROOM To be determined by host DurationAIR TRANSPORT Language THIS COURSE IS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE IN SPANISH ONLY.AVIATION Developed By Academia Superior de Ciencias Aeronáuticas (ASCA), República L AW Target Population Dominicana Course Aim El curso está destinado a: Course Objectives • especialistas AIS; • gerencia de Aeropuertos; • agentes de Operaciones de Aerolíneas; y • instituciones técnicas afines (CNS/ATM, AD, MET, SAR, FAL, FIS, COM y Organizaciones militares).ENVIRONMENT Al finalizar el curso, los participantes serán capaces de desempeñar con destreza las tareas relacionadas con la elaboración, el análisisFLIGHT SAFETY y la interpretación de NOTAM, de conformidad con las normas, AND SAFETY especificaciones y regulaciones de la OACI. MANAGEMENT Al finalizar exitosamente las actividades teóricas y prácticas del curso, elSECURITY AND participante estará en capacidad de: FACILITATION • establecer la responsabilidad del AIS, su importancia y su relación con el sistema de calidad AIS; • identificar criterios de selección, líneas de calificativos y casillas que componen el mensaje NOTAM; • analizar la composición de código NOTAM y la fraseología abreviada uniforme; • valorar la información que se emite a través del NOTAM y los diferentes tipos del mismo • elaborar NOTAM; y • valorar la información que se distribuye a través del tablero auto informativo conteniendo la información NOTAM vigente.TRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENTAVIATION Los miembros de la red TRAINAIR PLUS pueden adquirir los conjuntos de material didáctico MANAGEMENT normalizado (CMDN) a través del sistema electrónico de gestión TRAINAIR PLUS (TPeMS). Si usted no es miembro de la red TRAINAIR PLUS, favor de enviar sus solicitudes a [email protected]. 100 GLOBAL AVIATION COURSE CATALOGUE 2019

STP FLIGHT DATA PROCESSING IN ATC AERODROMES SURVEILLANCE OPERATIONS055/100/ATC ACC FDPR 25 DAYS Fee per participant: AIR NAVIGATION CLASSROOM To be determined by host SERVICES Duration Language ENGLISH AIR TRANSPORT Developed By Civil Aviation Authority Training Institute (CAATI) AVIATION Target Population L AW The training is most beneficial for new recruits to Air Traffic who will work Course Aim in the Air Traffic Control Centre (ATCC) dealing with en-route traffic and Aeronautical Message Handling System (AMHS) equipment. Course Objectives This course will provide participants with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude to enable them to perform primary and secondary flight data ENVIRONMENT processing duties during normal surveillance operations of the ATCC, as well as in the event of surveillance equipment or Air Traffic Control FLIGHT SAFETY Automation System (ATCAS) failure. AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to perform the following tasks proficiently: SECURITY AND FACILITATION • identify, select, process, and distribute relevant flight data received via AMHS or voice links and circuits, including weather and Integrated Aeronautical Information Packages (IAIP) data; • prepare, format, and disseminate relevant flight data via the AMHS or voice links and circuits; • manually prepare, process, and distribute Flight Progress Strips (FPS); • coordinate departures (DEP), estimates (EST), transfers of control (TNR), and other control activities and messages with internal and external Air Traffic Service Units (ATSUs), as required; • monitor Flight Data Display (FDD) functions, manage errors, and make updates to flight data, as required; and • ascertain and issue Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) codes to area and approach controllers, as required. TRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT TRAINAIR PLUS Members can purchase Standardized Training Packages (STPs) through AVIATION the TRAINAIR PLUS Electronic Management System (TPeMS). MANAGEMENT If you are not a TRAINAIR PLUS Member, please send your enquiries to [email protected]. For more information, visit or write to [email protected]. 101

AERODROMES STP AIS/MAP PUBLICATION SPECIALIST 029/074/AIS PUBAIR NAVIGATION 10 DAYS Fee per participant: SERVICES CLASSROOM To be determined by host DurationAIR TRANSPORT Language ENGLISHAVIATION Developed By Civil Aviation Training Centre (CATC) L AW Target Population The training is most beneficial for personnel attached to Aeronautical Course Aim Information Service (AIS) operational units who are experienced in AIS duties. Course Objectives The course will provide participants with the knowledge, skills, andENVIRONMENT attitude required to carry out the function of AIS/MAP Publications Specialist in an effective and efficient manner, in accordance with ICAOFLIGHT SAFETY standards stipulated in Annex 15 — Aeronautical Information Services and AND SAFETY the Aeronautical Information Services Manual (Doc 8126). MANAGEMENT Upon successful completion of this course, participants will gain the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude to: • process incoming data for publications; • compile the Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP); • compile AIP amendments; • compile AIP supplements; • compile Aeronautical Information Circulars (AICs); and • disseminate elements of Integrated Aeronautical Information Packages (IAIP).SECURITY AND FACILITATIONTRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENTAVIATION TRAINAIR PLUS Members can purchase Standardized Training Packages (STPs) through MANAGEMENT the TRAINAIR PLUS Electronic Management System (TPeMS). If you are not a TRAINAIR PLUS Member, please send your enquiries to [email protected]. 102 GLOBAL AVIATION COURSE CATALOGUE 2019

STP AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES AERODROMES AIS INSPECTOR159/052/CAA INS ANS/AIS 5 DAYS Fee per participant: AIR NAVIGATION CLASSROOM To be determined by host SERVICES Duration Language ENGLISH AIR TRANSPORT Developed By East African School of Aviation (EASA), Kenya AVIATION Target Population L AW The training is most beneficial for: Course Aim • Aeronautical Information Service (AIS) Officers with at least five years’ Course Objectives experience as AIS Supervisors; • personnel assigned Audit/Inspection duties of ANS AIS Systems for a regulator; and • AIS officers assigned duties in AIS operation stations (airports) and Trainers of AIS officers. This course provides ANS/AIS Inspectors with the necessary knowledge, ENVIRONMENT skills, and attitude to carry out Audit/Inspection on ANS/AIS systems for effective and efficient air safety oversight. FLIGHT SAFETY AND SAFETY Upon successful completion of this course, participants will: MANAGEMENT • develop technical guidance materials, manuals, and ANS AIS regulations; • conduct Audit/Inspection of ANS AIS systems; • write ANS AIS Audit/Inspection reports; • enforce ANS AIS standards and regulations; and • manage documents and records. SECURITY AND FACILITATION TRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT TRAINAIR PLUS Members can purchase Standardized Training Packages (STPs) through AVIATION the TRAINAIR PLUS Electronic Management System (TPeMS). MANAGEMENT If you are not a TRAINAIR PLUS Member, please send your enquiries to [email protected]. For more information, visit or write to [email protected]. 103

AERODROMES STP BASIC METEOROLOGY COURSE FOR AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS 039/111/MET ATC BASAIR NAVIGATION 5 DAYS Fee per participant: SERVICES CLASSROOM To be determined by host DurationAIR TRANSPORT Language ENGLISHAVIATION Developed By Civil Aviation Training College, Allahabad, India L AW Target Population The training is most beneficial for personnel who are assigned or about to Course Aim be assigned Air Traffic Control functions. Course Objectives This course is designed to impart the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitude to Air Traffic Control (ATC) Officers to interpret and useENVIRONMENT aeronautical meteorological information, in accordance with ICAO Annex 1 — Personnel Licensing, Training Manual (Doc 7192), Part-F1, Manual of the ICAO Standard Atmosphere (Doc 7488), Aircraft rules 1937 and CAR section 9 for safe and efficient Air Traffic Services. Upon successful completion of this course, participants will: • interpret aeronautical meteorological information, reports, forecasts, and warnings correctly and efficiently; and • use aeronautical meteorological information, reports, forecasts, and warnings correctly and efficiently, while exercising ATC duties.FLIGHT SAFETY AND SAFETY MANAGEMENTSECURITY AND FACILITATIONTRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENTAVIATION TRAINAIR PLUS Members can purchase Standardized Training Packages (STPs) through MANAGEMENT the TRAINAIR PLUS Electronic Management System (TPeMS). If you are not a TRAINAIR PLUS Member, please send your enquiries to [email protected]. 104 GLOBAL AVIATION COURSE CATALOGUE 2019

STP AERODROME CNS AERODROMES ENGINEERING COURSE169/105/COM MTC SURV ENG 5 DAYS Fee per participant: AIR NAVIGATION CLASSROOM To be determined by host SERVICES Duration Language ENGLISH AIR TRANSPORT Developed By Incheon Airport Aviation Academy (IAAA), Republic of Korea Target Population The training is most beneficial for: Course Aim • technical engineers or technicians with more than two years’ experience Course Objectives in the field of Communication, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS) relevant departments; and • supervisors or managers in the field of CNS relevant departments. This course will provide CNS engineers with the necessary knowledge, AVIATION skills, and attitude to ensure the procedures and process for CNS relevant L AW facilities operations and maintenance are implemented satisfactorily and applicably to accomplish the goal of safe and efficient operations ENVIRONMENT and maintenance. in accordance with corresponding standards and recommended practices. FLIGHT SAFETY AND SAFETY Upon successful completion of this course, participants will: MANAGEMENT • perform preventive maintenance inspections; • undergo a flight inspection; • conduct corrective maintenance; and • manage a project for CNS installation. SECURITY AND FACILITATION TRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT TRAINAIR PLUS Members can purchase Standardized Training Packages (STPs) through AVIATION the TRAINAIR PLUS Electronic Management System (TPeMS). MANAGEMENT If you are not a TRAINAIR PLUS Member, please send your enquiries to [email protected]. For more information, visit or write to [email protected]. 105

AERODROMES STP AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLER COMPETENCE ASSESSOR COURSE 059/096/ATC TRG CPAAIR NAVIGATION 5 DAYS Fee per participant: SERVICES CLASSROOM To be determined by host DurationAIR TRANSPORT Language ENGLISHAVIATION Developed By EUROCONTROL Institute of Air Navigation Services, Luxembourg L AW Target Population The training is most beneficial for personnel responsible for the Course Aim competence assessment of Air Traffic Controllers (ATCs) for the issuance of new qualifications or the renewal of existing qualifications. Course Objectives This course will provide assessors with the knowledge, skill, and attitudeENVIRONMENT required to conduct competency assessments of ATCs. Upon successful completion of this course, participants will: • prepare for assessment activities; • conduct a practical assessment; • conduct an oral board; and • complete the assessment report.FLIGHT SAFETY AND SAFETY MANAGEMENTSECURITY AND FACILITATIONTRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENTAVIATION TRAINAIR PLUS Members can purchase Standardized Training Packages (STPs) through MANAGEMENT the TRAINAIR PLUS Electronic Management System (TPeMS). If you are not a TRAINAIR PLUS Member, please send your enquiries to [email protected]. 106 GLOBAL AVIATION COURSE CATALOGUE 2019

STP AERONAUTICAL INTERNET PROTOCOL AERODROMES NETWORK (AIPN) MAINTENANCE163/078/COM MTC AIPN 5 DAYS Fee per participant: AIR NAVIGATION CLASSROOM To be determined by host SERVICES Duration Language ENGLISH AIR TRANSPORT Developed By Aeronautical Safety College (ASC), Japan AVIATION Target Population L AW The primary target population: Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel Course Aim (ATSEP) who are working at airports. ENVIRONMENT Course Objectives The secondary target population: Air Traffic Services Flight Information Officers, the Visual Aids and Electrical Engineers/Technicians and Aeronautical Satellite Operation Specialists. FLIGHT SAFETY AND SAFETY This course will provide the ATSEP participants with the necessary MANAGEMENT knowledge, skills, and attitude required to maintain the Aeronautical Internet Protocol Network (AIPN) in an effective and efficient manner. Upon successful completion of this course, participants will: • maintain AIPN and associated equipment in normal operations; • respond to AIPN failure alarm; • check hardware of AIPN abnormalities; • check software of AIPN abnormalities; • conduct quality check of AIPN; and • recover failure of AIPN. SECURITY AND FACILITATION TRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT TRAINAIR PLUS Members can purchase Standardized Training Packages (STPs) through AVIATION the TRAINAIR PLUS Electronic Management System (TPeMS). MANAGEMENT If you are not a TRAINAIR PLUS Member, please send your enquiries to [email protected]. For more information, visit or write to [email protected]. 107

AERODROMES STP MANEJO DE MENSAJERÍA ATS NORMALIZADA ASOCIADA AL PLAN DE VUELO OACI 179/108/COM ATS MSGAIR NAVIGATION 5 DAYS Fee per participant: SERVICES CLASSROOM To be determined by host DurationAIR TRANSPORT Language THIS COURSE IS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE IN SPANISH ONLY.AVIATION Developed By Instituto Universitario de Aeronáutica Civil (IUAC), Venezuela L AW Target Population El curso está destinado al personal técnico en Telecomunicaciones Course Aim Aeronáuticas Course Objectives Capacitar al operador en Telecomunicaciones Aeronáuticas a fin de desarrollar los conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes que le permitan elENVIRONMENT correcto manejo de la Mensajería ATS normalizada asociada al plan de vuelo OACI. Después de completar satisfactoriamente el curso, los Operadores en Telecomunicaciones Aeronáuticas podrán llevar a cabo sin dificultad las actividades técnicas relacionadas al manejo de la Mensajería ATS normalizada asociada al plan de vuelo OACI.FLIGHT SAFETY AND SAFETY MANAGEMENTSECURITY AND FACILITATIONTRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENTAVIATION Los miembros de la red TRAINAIR PLUS pueden adquirir los CMDN a través del Sistema MANAGEMENT electrónico de gestión TRAINAIR PLUS (TPeMS). Si usted no es miembro de la red TRAINAIR PLUS, favor de enviar sus solicitudes a [email protected]. 108 GLOBAL AVIATION COURSE CATALOGUE 2019

STP HUMAN FACTORS FRONTLINE ATM AERODROMES OPERATORSSTP 059/072/ATM HF FLO 5 DAYS Fee per participant: AIR NAVIGATION CLASSROOM To be determined by host SERVICES Duration Language ENGLISH AND FRENCH AIR TRANSPORT Developed By Académie Internationale Mohamed VI de l’Aviation Civile (AIAC), Morocco Target Population The training is most beneficial for Air Traffic Controllers in Office (ATCO). Course Aim • The primary target population: Frontline air traffic controllers. Course Objectives • The secondary target population: Supervisors and personnel in charge of planning and scheduling. This course will train frontline operators of an Air Traffic Management AVIATION (ATM) organization on Human Factors aspects, so they can maintain L AW suitable operational performance throughout the service period. ENVIRONMENT Upon successful completion of this course, participants will: • manage cognitive skills; • identify limiting factors of human performance; and • manage interactions within a team. FLIGHT SAFETY AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT SECURITY AND FACILITATION TRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT TRAINAIR PLUS Members can purchase Standardized Training Packages (STPs) through AVIATION the TRAINAIR PLUS Electronic Management System (TPeMS). MANAGEMENT If you are not a TRAINAIR PLUS Member, please send your enquiries to [email protected]. For more information, visit or write to [email protected]. 109

AERODROMES STP OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF MODE S SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT 163/126/COM MTC SSAIR NAVIGATION 5 DAYS Fee per participant: SERVICES CLASSROOM To be determined by host DurationAIR TRANSPORT Language THIS COURSE IS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE IN RUSSIAN ONLYAVIATION Developed By Republican State-owned Enterprise “Kazaeronavigatsia” L AW Target Population • The primary target population: Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel Course Aim (ATSEP) who are currently assigned or are to be assigned to operate and maintain a Mode S surveillance system equipment. Course Objectives • The secondary target population: Supervisors and/or managers in the field of Communications, Navigation, and Surveillance/Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) systems.ENVIRONMENT This course will provide ATSEP with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude to operate and maintain Mode S surveillance system equipment inFLIGHT SAFETY accordance with a manufacturer standard. AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT Upon successful completion of the course, participants will be able to: • manage Mode S surveillance system equipment; • apply procedures of preventive maintenance of Mode S surveillance system equipment; and • apply procedures of corrective maintenance of Mode S surveillance system equipment.SECURITY AND Центр профессиональной подготовки РГП FACILITATION «Казаэронавигация»TRAINING Техническая эксплуатация COMPETENCY оборудования DEVELOPMENT систем наблюдения режима SAVIATION MANAGEMENT STP 163/126 COM MTC SS TRAINAIR PLUS Members can purchase Standardized Training Packages (STPs) through the TRAINAIR PLUS Electronic Management System (TPeMS). If you are not a TRAINAIR PLUS Member, please send your enquiries to [email protected]. 110 GLOBAL AVIATION COURSE CATALOGUE 2019

STP HANDLING EMERGENCIES AND UNEXPECTED AERODROMES EVENTS IN TERMINAL AND ENROUTE059/120/ATC EMG HNDL AIRSPACE CLASSROOM 5 DAYS Fee per participant: AIR NAVIGATION Duration To be determined by host SERVICES Language ENGLISH AIR TRANSPORT Developed By Target Population Malaysia Aviation Academy Course Aim • The primary target population: Operation enroute and terminal control air traffic controllers. Course Objectives • The secondary target population: Air Traffic Service (ATS) managers/ supervisors and staff of the regulatory body, safety and training units; and pilots airline pilots who are interested in joint training (optional). This course will provide Air Traffic Controllers (ATCOs) with knowledge, AVIATION skills and attitude required to handle and manage abnormal situations L AW efficiently and effectively in accordance with national and international standard procedures. ENVIRONMENT Upon successful completion of the course, participants will be able to: • respond to abnormal situation notification; • take appropriate action in case of unusual situations; • take appropriate action in case of equipment degraded situation; and • take appropriate action in case of emergency situations. FLIGHT SAFETY AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT SECURITY AND FACILITATION TRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT TRAINAIR PLUS Members can purchase Standardized Training Packages (STPs) through AVIATION the TRAINAIR PLUS Electronic Management System (TPeMS). MANAGEMENT If you are not a TRAINAIR PLUS Member, please send your enquiries to [email protected]. For more information, visit or write to [email protected]. 111

AERODROMES STP ATC FACILITY CHIEFAIR NAVIGATION 122/103/MGT ATS ATCO 5 DAYS Fee per participant: SERVICES To be determined by host CLASSROOMAIR TRANSPORT Duration ENGLISH Language GAL ANS Training Centre Developed By Target Population • The primary target population: Incumbent Air Traffic Control (ATC) facility chief post-holders. Course Aim • The secondary target population: Deputy facility chiefs, Air Traffic Course Objectives Control (ATC) shift supervisors, and senior managers.AVIATION This course will provide participants with the knowledge, skills, and L AW attitude required to manage and administer an Air Traffic Control (ATC) facility efficiently and effectively in accordance with ICAO Standards andENVIRONMENT Recommended Practices (SARPs) and local regulations.FLIGHT SAFETY It focuses on safety, training and quality assurance systems. It is aimed at AND SAFETY incumbent facility chiefs, deputy facility chiefs and individuals who may or MANAGEMENT will become facility chiefs. Upon successful completion of the course, participants will be able to: • manage Air Traffic Service (ATS) systems; and, • perform administrative tasks and duties, in accordance with company documents, the Good Operating Practices (GOPs) nominated in the courseware, GAL ATS-Safety-D001 (GAL SMM), Safety Management Manual (SMM) (Doc 9859), and Annex 19 — Safety Management.SECURITY AND FACILITATIONTRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENTAVIATION TRAINAIR PLUS Members can purchase Standardized Training Packages (STPs) through MANAGEMENT the TRAINAIR PLUS Electronic Management System (TPeMS). If you are not a TRAINAIR PLUS Member, please send your enquiries to [email protected]. 112 GLOBAL AVIATION COURSE CATALOGUE 2019

STP CURSO OPERADOR DE BÚSQUEDA, AERODROMES SALVAMENTO Y RESCATE - SAR (BÁSICO) 057/099/SAR OPR 5 DAYS Fee per participant: AIR NAVIGATION CLASSROOM To be determined by host SERVICES Duration Language THIS COURSE IS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE IN SPANISH ONLY. AIR TRANSPORT Developed By Instituto Nacional de Aeronáutica Civil (INAC), Paraguay AVIATIONTarget Population L AW El curso está destinado a: Course Aim • Población Primaria: Operadores SAR (Search and Rescue)Course Objectives • Población Secundaria: Capital humano externo que participe en la operación SAR (bomberos, Policía Nacional, paramédicos, ejército y población en general). Implementar los servicios que se realizan en la Operación SAR, abarcando ENVIRONMENT todas las personas que intervienen durante esta actividad al producirse una emergencia aeronáutica. FLIGHT SAFETY AND SAFETY Después de completar satisfactoriamente el curso, los participantes MANAGEMENT tendrán la capacidad de: • recepcionar alertas de emergencias; • declarar fases de emergencia; • realizar pruebas de equipos y enlaces con el Proveedor de Información MCC (Mission Control Centre); • coordinar la misión SAR; • coordinar las operaciones en el lugar del siniestro; • ejecutar las operaciones de salvamento; y • rendir un informe del resultado de una alerta SAR. SECURITY AND FACILITATION TRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT Los miembros de la red TRAINAIR PLUS pueden adquirir los CMDN a través del Sistema AVIATION electrónico de gestión TRAINAIR PLUS (TPeMS). MANAGEMENT Si usted no es miembro de la red TRAINAIR PLUS, favor de enviar sus solicitudes a [email protected]. For more information, visit or write to [email protected]. 113

AERODROMES STP AREA SURVEILLANCE CONTROL 054/039/ATC RDRAIR NAVIGATION 30 DAYS Fee per participant: SERVICES CLASSROOM To be determined by host DurationAIR TRANSPORT Language ENGLISH Developed By Queen Noor Civil Aviation Technical College (QNCATC) Target Population • The primary target population: Air traffic controllers who completed Course Aim an area procedural control course. Course Objectives • The secondary target population: Air Traffic Control (ATC) supervisors and other Air Navigation Services (ANS) management personnel.AVIATION This course will provide participants with the knowledge, skills and L AW attitude required to execute surveillance control of air traffic within an Area Control Center (ACC) effectively and efficiently to comply withENVIRONMENT standards required by the concerned licensing authority.FLIGHT SAFETY Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to: AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT • operate flight data display and associate equipment; • establish identity of aircraft; • vector aircraft; • provide standard separation between aircraft; • accept or transfer identity /control of aircraft; and • manage abnormal situations.SECURITY AND FACILITATIONTRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENTAVIATION TRAINAIR PLUS Members can purchase Standardized Training Packages (STPs) through MANAGEMENT the TRAINAIR PLUS Electronic Management System (TPeMS). If you are not a TRAINAIR PLUS Member, please send your enquiries to [email protected]. 114 GLOBAL AVIATION COURSE CATALOGUE 2019

STP APPLICATION OF INTEGRATED DATABASE AERODROMES WITHIN DESIGN OF FLIGHT PROCEDURES 022/145/AIS FPC IDA AND CHARTS CLASSROOM 5 DAYS Fee per participant: AIR NAVIGATION Duration To be determined by host SERVICES Language THIS COURSE IS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE IN RUSSIAN ONLY. AIR TRANSPORT Developed ByTarget Population Republican State-owned Enterprise “Kazaeronavigatsia” AVIATION L AW Course Aim The training is most beneficial for:Course Objectives • The primary target population: Cartographers and designers of flight procedures. • The secondary target population: Managers in the field of aeronautical information services and airspace design. This course will provide cartographers and designers of flight procedures ENVIRONMENT with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude to apply integrated database appropriately within design of charts and flight procedures. Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to: • input aeronautical data into an integrated database; • use an integrated database to perform design tasks; and • issue charts. FLIGHT SAFETY AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT SECURITY AND FACILITATION TRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT TRAINAIR PLUS Members can purchase Standardized Training Packages (STPs) through AVIATION the TRAINAIR PLUS Electronic Management System (TPeMS). MANAGEMENT If you are not a TRAINAIR PLUS Member, please send your enquiries to [email protected]. For more information, visit or write to [email protected]. 115

AERODROMES STP AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT (AIM) SPECIALIST 021/122/AIS AIM SPCAIR NAVIGATION 10 DAYS Fee per participant: SERVICES CLASSROOM To be determined by host DurationAIR TRANSPORT Language ENGLISHAVIATION Developed By Training Centre of the Mongolian Civil Aviation Authority (TCMCAA) L AW Target Population The training is most beneficial for: Course Aim • current Aeronautical Information Service (AIS)/ Aeronautical Course Objectives Information Management (AIM) officers/supervisors; • AIS/AIM practitioners; • AIS/AIM managers responsible for the functioning and planning of AIS developments and their implementation; and • AIS/AIM inspectors and Civil Aviation Authority (CAA)/Air Navigation Services (ANS) level specialists responsible for AIS oversight.ENVIRONMENT This course will provide participants with necessary knowledge, skills and attitude to ensure the flow of aeronautical data and aeronauticalFLIGHT SAFETY information necessary for global air traffic management (ATM) system AND SAFETY safety, regularity, economy and efficiency, in accordance with ICAO MANAGEMENT Annex 15 — Aeronautical Information Services requirements. Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to: • manage raw data; • process static data and information; • process dynamic data and information; • handle pre- and post-flight information; and • handle Air Traffic Services (ATS) reporting office functions.SECURITY AND FACILITATIONTRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENTAVIATION TRAINAIR PLUS Members can purchase Standardized Training Packages (STPs) through MANAGEMENT the TRAINAIR PLUS Electronic Management System (TPeMS). If you are not a TRAINAIR PLUS Member, please send your enquiries to [email protected]. 116 GLOBAL AVIATION COURSE CATALOGUE 2019

STP AIRCRAFT EMERGENCIES FOR AERODROME AERODROMES CONTROLLER REFRESHER COURSE052/141/ATC TWR EME 10 DAYS Fee per participant: AIR NAVIGATION CLASSROOM To be determined by host SERVICES Duration Language ENGLISH AIR TRANSPORT Developed By Saudi Academy of Civil Aviation (SACA), Saudi Arabia AVIATION Target Population L AW This training is most beneficial for civil aviation personnel employed as Course Aim aerodrome controllers.Course Objectives This course will ensure the knowledge and skills of aerodrome controllers are maintained and updated to effectively manage traffic in an aircraft emergency situation, in accordance with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) ENVIRONMENT air traffic services procedures, Section 29.12 and KSA General Authority of Civil Aviation Regulations (GACAR), Sections 11 and 12. Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to: • deal with radio communication failure aircraft; • control aircraft with engine failure/fire/smoke; • control hydraulic failure aircraft; • control bird hit aircraft; and • handle crashed aircraft. FLIGHT SAFETY AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT SECURITY AND FACILITATION TRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT TRAINAIR PLUS Members can purchase Standardized Training Packages (STPs) through AVIATION the TRAINAIR PLUS Electronic Management System (TPeMS). MANAGEMENT If you are not a TRAINAIR PLUS Member, please send your enquiries to [email protected]. For more information, visit or write to [email protected]. 117

AERODROMES STP 050/136/ATC TRMS ATC TEAM RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (TRM) AND SAFETY CLASSROOMAIR NAVIGATION 5 DAYS Fee per participant: SERVICES Duration To be determined by host Language ENGLISHAIR TRANSPORT Developed By The Barbados Civil Aviation Training Centre (BCATC), Barbados Target Population • The primary target population: Unit chiefs of Air Traffic Services (ATS), Air Traffic Control (ATC) supervisors and senior ATC officers who mayAVIATION be asked to perform the task of shift supervisor and Aeronautical L AW Informational Service (AIS) staff. • The Secondary target population: Air Navigation Services (ANS) management and quality officers. Course Aim This course will provide ATC supervisors and ANS managers with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude that will permit them to developENVIRONMENT a positive attitude and behaviour towards teamwork skills and human performance in an ATC environment, in order to minimize the impact of teamwork related errors within the Air Traffic Management (ATM) system. These learned skills will also permit students to develop and implement or improve a safety policy, which will describe the organization fundamental safety approach for managing safety and the basic principles of the organization’s safety management programme, in accordance with Barbados’ local regulations and recommended international standards and best practices.FLIGHT SAFETY Course Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to: AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT • implement team building strategies within an ATC environment; • develop strategies for managing functional teams within an ATCSECURITY AND FACILITATION environment and guidelines for conducting teamwork activities; • evaluate the impact of effective and efficient leadership on teamwork;TRAINING • develop stress management coping skills in an ATC team working COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT environment; • develop a safety culture in the ANS;AVIATION • apply accountabilities and responsibilities for the development and MANAGEMENT delivery of aviation safety strategy and performance; • develop strategies aimed at minimizing the risk associated with aircraft operations as low as reasonably practicable/achievable; • evaluate the appropriateness of safety standards for externally implemented systems and services; and • establish a programme to ensure the implementation of safety strategy and policy measuring the safety performance against realistic objectives and/or targets. TRAINAIR PLUS Members can purchase Standardized Training Packages (STPs) through the TRAINAIR PLUS Electronic Management System (TPeMS). If you are not a TRAINAIR PLUS Member, please send your enquiries to [email protected]. 118 GLOBAL AVIATION COURSE CATALOGUE 2019

STP GESTION AUTOMATIZADA DE AERODROMES PLANES DE VUELO 020/169/AIS AFPM 5 DAYS Fee per participant: AIR NAVIGATION CLASSROOM To be determined by host SERVICES Duration Language THIS COURSE IS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE IN SPANISH ONLY. AIR TRANSPORT Developed By Instituto Centroamericano de Capacitación Aeronáutica (ICCAE) de AVIATIONTarget Population COCESNA, El Salvador L AW Course Aim El curso está destinado a: ENVIRONMENTCourse Objectives • Personal de las dependencias ARO/AIS • Supervisores ARO/AIS FLIGHT SAFETY Proporcionar al personal de las dependencias de ARO/AIS, los AND SAFETY conocimientos, habilidades y aptitudes necesarios para tramitar los MANAGEMENT Planes de Vuelo haciendo uso del software de validación del Plan de Vuelo y del sistema AMHS (TOP SKY) a fin de reducir la introducción de errores en el proceso de llenado de planes de vuelo en formato electrónico, sin errores, omisión ni rechazo del sistema, en correspondencia con los Procedimientos Operativos para los Datos Dinámicos AIS (OPADD) para América Central de COCESNA. Después de completar satisfactoriamente el curso, los participantes tendrán la capacidad de: • ejecutar los procedimientos de recepción del Plan de Vuelo; y • operar el sistema AMHS (TOP SKY) y la aplicación informática de validación de plan de vuelo. SECURITY AND FACILITATION TRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT Los miembros de la red TRAINAIR PLUS pueden adquirir los CMDN a través del Sistema AVIATION electrónico de gestión TRAINAIR PLUS (TPeMS). MANAGEMENT Si usted no es miembro de la red TRAINAIR PLUS, favor de enviar sus solicitudes a [email protected]. For more information, visit or write to [email protected]. 119

AERODROMES STP VHF (OTE) TX/RX MAINTENANCE COURSE 163/121/COM MTC VHAIR NAVIGATION 15 DAYS Fee per participant: SERVICES CLASSROOM To be determined by host DurationAIR TRANSPORT Language ENGLISHAVIATION Developed By Civil Aviation Training College Allahabad, India L AW Target Population The training is most beneficial for:ENVIRONMENT Course Aim • air traffic safety and electronic personnel (ATSEP) who are currently Course Objectives assigned or about to be assigned maintenance duties at the VHF site; andFLIGHT SAFETY AND SAFETY • air traffic safety and electronic personnel (ATSEP) management MANAGEMENT personnel. To provide ATSEP with knowledge, skills and attitude required to operate and maintain very high frequency (VHF), (OTE) communication system for providing smooth uninterrupted services as per communications, navigation, and surveillance (CNS) circulars of Airports Authority of India and the national operational regulations and procedure. Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to: • operate VHF (OTE) transmitter and receiver; • perform preventive maintenance of VHF (OTE) Tx and Rx; and • perform corrective maintenance of VHF (OTE) Tx and Rx.SECURITY AND FACILITATIONTRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENTAVIATION TRAINAIR PLUS Members can purchase Standardized Training Packages (STPs) through MANAGEMENT the TRAINAIR PLUS Electronic Management System (TPeMS). If you are not a TRAINAIR PLUS Member, please send your enquiries to [email protected]. 120 GLOBAL AVIATION COURSE CATALOGUE 2019

STP ATSEP NAVIGATION AIDS AERODROMES EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE164/134/COM MTC NAV 10 DAYS Fee per participant: AIR NAVIGATION CLASSROOM To be determined by host SERVICES Duration Language ENGLISH AIR TRANSPORT Developed By Nigerian College of Aviation Technology (NCAT), Nigeria AVIATION Target Population L AW The training is most beneficial for: Course Aim • air traffic safety and electronic personnel (ATSEP) engineers / technicians; and • air traffic safety and electronic personnel (ATSEP) supervisors, air traffic control officers (ATCOs) and the ab initio students intending to build a career in operational-related tasks in the aviation industry. The course aims to provide ATSEP with knowledge, skills, and attitude ENVIRONMENT required to manage the operation of navigational aids equipment and Navigation-satellite based stations effectively and efficiently, in accordance with national Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP) Procedures Manual, Nigeria (Nig.) Civil Aviation Regulations (CARs), 2015 and international standards.Course Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to: FLIGHT SAFETY AND SAFETY • operate navigation aids equipment; MANAGEMENT • maintain navigation aids equipment; and • troubleshoot navigation aids equipment failure. SECURITY AND FACILITATION TRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT TRAINAIR PLUS Members can purchase Standardized Training Packages (STPs) through AVIATION the TRAINAIR PLUS Electronic Management System (TPeMS). MANAGEMENT If you are not a TRAINAIR PLUS Member, please send your enquiries to [email protected]. For more information, visit or write to [email protected]. 121

AERODROMES STP ATSEP - AIRPORT POWER SYSTEMS AND FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 104/135/AGA MTC PSFAIR NAVIGATION 10 DAYS Fee per participant: SERVICES CLASSROOM To be determined by host DurationAIR TRANSPORT Language ENGLISHAVIATION Developed By Nigerian College of Aviation Technology (NCAT), Nigeria L AW Target Population The training is most beneficial for:ENVIRONMENT Course Aim • air traffic safety and electronic personnel (ATSEP) engineers / Course Objectives technicians; andFLIGHT SAFETY • air traffic safety and electronic personnel (ATSEP) supervisors, air traffic AND SAFETY control officers (ATCOs) and trainees intending to build a career in MANAGEMENT operational-related tasks in the aviation industry. The course aims to provide air traffic safety and electronic personnel (ATSEP) with knowledge, skills, and attitude required to manage the operation of airport power systems and facilities effectively and efficiently, in accordance with the national Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP) Procedures Manual, Nigeria (Nig.) Civil Aviation Regulations (CARs), 2015 and international standards. Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to: • operate airport power systems and facilities; • maintain airport power systems and facilities; and • troubleshoot airport power systems and facilities.SECURITY AND FACILITATIONTRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENTAVIATION TRAINAIR PLUS Members can purchase Standardized Training Packages (STPs) through MANAGEMENT the TRAINAIR PLUS Electronic Management System (TPeMS). If you are not a TRAINAIR PLUS Member, please send your enquiries to [email protected]. 122 GLOBAL AVIATION COURSE CATALOGUE 2019

STP ATSEP PRE-ON-THE-JOB AERODROMES TRAINING COURSE163/177/COM MTC OJT 4 DAYS Fee per participant: AIR NAVIGATION CLASSROOM To be determined by host SERVICES Duration Language ENGLISH AIR TRANSPORT Developed By Nigerian College of Aviation Technology (NCAT), Nigeria AVIATIONTarget Population L AW The training is most beneficial for: Course Aim • air traffic safety and electronic personnel (ATSEPs) that have completedCourse Objectives the ATSEP basic course and have attained the minimum qualification training in the communications, navigation, and surveillance/air traffic management (CNS/ATM) environment. • air traffic safety and electronic personnel (ATSEPs) OJT training supervisors. The course aims to provide air traffic safety electronics personnel (ATSEP) ENVIRONMENT with knowledge, skills, and attitude to prepare them for the on-the-job (OJT) training phase qualification for license and ratings, in accordance FLIGHT SAFETY with national Air Navigation Services Provider (ANSP) Procedures Manual, AND SAFETY Nigeria (Nig.) Civil Aviation Regulations (CARs), 2015 and international MANAGEMENT standards. Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to: • identify regulatory and operational requirements; • perform OJT proceedings; and • record the OJT observations in the technical logbook. SECURITY AND FACILITATION TRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT TRAINAIR PLUS Members can purchase Standardized Training Packages (STPs) through AVIATION the TRAINAIR PLUS Electronic Management System (TPeMS). MANAGEMENT If you are not a TRAINAIR PLUS Member, please send your enquiries to [email protected]. For more information, visit or write to [email protected]. 123

AERODROMES STP PERFORMIMG ADS-B SYSTEM EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 164/170/COM MTC ADSBAIR NAVIGATION 5 DAYS Fee per participant: SERVICES CLASSROOM To be determined by host DurationAIR TRANSPORT Language ENGLISHAVIATION Developed By Malaysia Aviation Academy, Malaysia L AW Target Population The primary target population: Air Traffic Surveillance EngineersENVIRONMENT Course Aim The secondary target population: Course Objectives • Supervisors at Automatic Dependant Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B)FLIGHT SAFETY sites, operation or technical managers; AND SAFETY • Staff of the regulatory, safety and training units involved in Air Traffic MANAGEMENT Safety Electronics Personnel (ATSEP) oversight and training; and • Technical division of air navigation services. This course aims to provide air traffic surveillance engineers with knowledge, skills and attitude required to ensure that maintenance procedures are implemented appropriately in order to deliver maximum system operational availability in full compliance to International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) operational performance standards and (any national standards) hence promoting public safety and trust in air transportation. Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to: • complete the theoretical questions on the ADS-B principle and system architecture; • perform ADS-B system equipment maintenance procedures; • justify the solution and types of intervention; and • describe the intervention of the faulty ADS-B equipment by completing the report of intervention.SECURITY AND FACILITATIONTRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENTAVIATION TRAINAIR PLUS Members can purchase Standardized Training Packages (STPs) through MANAGEMENT the TRAINAIR PLUS Electronic Management System (TPeMS). If you are not a TRAINAIR PLUS Member, please send your enquiries to [email protected]. 124 GLOBAL AVIATION COURSE CATALOGUE 2019

STP SEARCH AREA CALCULATION AERODROMES FOR SAR OPERATION 057/152/SAR SAC 4 DAYS Fee per participant: AIR NAVIGATION CLASSROOM To be determined by host SERVICES Duration Language ENGLISH AIR TRANSPORT Developed By Malaysia Aviation Academy, Malaysia AVIATIONTarget Population L AW Primary Target Population: Search and rescue personnel Course Aim ENVIRONMENT Secondary Target Population:Course Objectives • Watch managers; • Supervisors; and • Training officers. FLIGHT SAFETY AND SAFETY This course aims to provide SAR Mission Co-ordinator (SMC) with MANAGEMENT adequate knowledge, skills and attitude to execute search area calculation for SAR operation in accordance with national and international standard procedures. Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to: • collect the appropriate data; • calculate the drift for parachute and aeronautical; • calculate total water current; • calculate the datum positions and divergence distance; and • plot the search area. SECURITY AND FACILITATION TRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT TRAINAIR PLUS Members can purchase Standardized Training Packages (STPs) through AVIATION the TRAINAIR PLUS Electronic Management System (TPeMS). MANAGEMENT If you are not a TRAINAIR PLUS Member, please send your enquiries to [email protected]. For more information, visit or write to [email protected]. 125

AERODROMES STP AERODROME CONTROL INITIAL TRAINING 052/157/ATC TWR INIAIR NAVIGATION 40 DAYS Fee per participant: SERVICES CLASSROOM To be determined by host DurationAIR TRANSPORT Language ENGLISHAVIATION Developed By Queen Noor Civil Aviation Technical College (QNCATC), Jordan L AW Target Population The primary target population:ENVIRONMENT Course Aim Candidates intended to be aerodrome controllers from different Civil Course Objectives Aviation regulatory Commission (CARC) units; and new designated employees who acquire the entry requirement of the course Secondary target population: Air Navigation Service (ANS) managers / supervisors This course aims to provide participants with knowledge, skills and attitude required to control ground movement and air traffic within the control zone of the aerodrome effectively and efficiently in accordance with standards required by the concerned licensing authority. Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to: • control traffic on the manoeuvring area; and • control air traffic within the control zone.FLIGHT SAFETY AND SAFETY MANAGEMENTSECURITY AND FACILITATIONTRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENTAVIATION TRAINAIR PLUS Members can purchase Standardized Training Packages (STPs) through MANAGEMENT the TRAINAIR PLUS Electronic Management System (TPeMS). If you are not a TRAINAIR PLUS Member, please send your enquiries to [email protected]. 126 GLOBAL AVIATION COURSE CATALOGUE 2019

STP ON-THE-JOB TRAINING INSTRUCTOR FOR AIR AERODROMES TRAFFIC CONTROL (OJTI FOR ATC) 059/149/ATC OJTI 7 DAYS Fee per participant: AIR NAVIGATION CLASSROOM To be determined by host SERVICES Duration Language ENGLISH AIR TRANSPORT Developed By Civil Aviation Training Centre Thailand, Thailand AVIATIONTarget Population L AW Primary target population: Experienced air traffic controllers Course Aim ENVIRONMENT Secondary target population: Supervisors of Air Traffic Control (ATC)Course Objectives control rooms, flow management positions, ATC training department officers. FLIGHT SAFETY The aim of this course is to provide field-instructors with specific AND SAFETY instructional technical capabilities that will enable them to optimize the MANAGEMENT job post performance to graduate Air Traffic Control Officers (ATCOs) in the most efficient way and at the lowest possible cost. Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to: • prepare a course syllabus according to the Unit Training Plan (UTP); • prepare a course schedule; • perform instructor self-preparation; • organize the delivery; • prepare course material and devices; • brief trainees of the program; • perform training in the operational workplace; • debrief trainee feedback; • assess the trainee’s progress; and • complete a summative report. SECURITY AND FACILITATION TRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT TRAINAIR PLUS Members can purchase Standardized Training Packages (STPs) through AVIATION the TRAINAIR PLUS Electronic Management System (TPeMS). MANAGEMENT If you are not a TRAINAIR PLUS Member, please send your enquiries to [email protected]. For more information, visit or write to [email protected]. 127

AERODROMES STP ATSEP - SURVEILLANCE EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 163/144/COM MTC RDRAIR NAVIGATION 10 DAYS Fee per participant: SERVICES CLASSROOM To be determined by host DurationAIR TRANSPORT Language ENGLISHAVIATION Developed By Nigerian College of Aviation Technology (NCAT), Nigeria L AW Target Population The primary target population: The Air Traffic Safety ElectronicsENVIRONMENT Course Aim Personnel (ATSEPs) (engineers/technicians). Course Objectives Secondary target population: ATSEP supervisors, air traffic control officers (ATCOs), and trainees intending to build a career in operational relatedFLIGHT SAFETY tasks in the aviation industry. AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT The course aims to provide ATSEP with knowledge, skills and attitude required to manage the operation of surveillance radar equipment effectively and efficiently in accordance with national Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP) Procedures Manual, Nig. CARs, 2015 and international standards. Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to: • operate surveillance radar equipment; • maintain surveillance radar equipment; and • troubleshoot surveillance radar equipment failure.SECURITY AND FACILITATIONTRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENTAVIATION TRAINAIR PLUS Members can purchase Standardized Training Packages (STPs) through MANAGEMENT the TRAINAIR PLUS Electronic Management System (TPeMS). If you are not a TRAINAIR PLUS Member, please send your enquiries to [email protected]. 128 GLOBAL AVIATION COURSE CATALOGUE 2019

STP ATSEP - COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT AERODROMES MAINTENANCE163/143/COM EQP MTC 10 DAYS Fee per participant: AIR NAVIGATION CLASSROOM To be determined by host SERVICES Duration Language ENGLISH AIR TRANSPORT Developed By Nigerian College of Aviation Technology (NCAT), Nigeria AVIATION Target Population L AW Primary target population: The Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel Course Aim (ATSEPs) (engineers/technicians). ENVIRONMENT Course Objectives Secondary target population: ATSEP supervisors, Air Traffic Control Officers (ATCOs) and trainees intending to build a career in operational related tasks in the aviation industry. The course aims to provide ATSEP with knowledge, skills and attitude required to maintain communication equipment effectively and efficiently in accordance with national Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP) Procedures Manual, Nig. CARs, 2015 and international standards. Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to: • operate communication equipment; • perform preventive maintenance on communication equipment; and • perform corrective maintenance on communication equipment. FLIGHT SAFETY AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT SECURITY AND FACILITATION TRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT TRAINAIR PLUS Members can purchase Standardized Training Packages (STPs) through AVIATION the TRAINAIR PLUS Electronic Management System (TPeMS). MANAGEMENT If you are not a TRAINAIR PLUS Member, please send your enquiries to [email protected]. For more information, visit or write to [email protected]. 129

AERODROMES STP APPROACH CONTROL PROCEDURAL BASIC 053/173/ATC APP BASAIR NAVIGATION 15 DAYS Fee per participant: SERVICES CLASSROOM To be determined by host DurationAIR TRANSPORT Language ENGLISHAVIATION Developed By Aeronautical Safety College (ASC), Japan L AW Target Population Primary target population: Air traffic controller officers (ATCOs) whoENVIRONMENT Course Aim require approach control procedural rating. Course Objectives Secondary target population: Air traffic control (ATC) supervisors and other air navigation services (ANS) management personnel. This course aims to provide ATCOs with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude required to manage air traffic within the approach control area, applying procedural approach control effectively and efficiently in accordance with the ATC manual of Japan Civil Aviation Bureau (JCAB), local adjustment procedure, agreement, operations manual and operation procedure. Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to: • control instrument flight rules (IFR) arrival traffic; and • control IFR departure traffic.FLIGHT SAFETY AND SAFETY MANAGEMENTSECURITY AND FACILITATIONTRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENTAVIATION TRAINAIR PLUS Members can purchase Standardized Training Packages (STPs) through MANAGEMENT the TRAINAIR PLUS Electronic Management System (TPeMS). If you are not a TRAINAIR PLUS Member, please send your enquiries to [email protected]. 130 GLOBAL AVIATION COURSE CATALOGUE 2019

STP AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION OFFICER AERODROMES INITIAL TRAINING 021/131/AIS BAS 20 DAYS Fee per participant: AIR NAVIGATION CLASSROOM To be determined by host SERVICES Duration Language ENGLISH AIR TRANSPORT Developed By Civil Aviation Authority Training Institute (CATI), Jamaica AVIATIONTarget Population L AW The training is most beneficial to persons who have successfully Course Aim completed high school, have English language proficiency level 4, are ENVIRONMENT computer literate and desirous of pursuing a career in AeronauticalCourse Objectives Information Service/Management. FLIGHT SAFETY AND SAFETY The course is also beneficial to Aeronautical Information Service (AIS) MANAGEMENT supervisors, managers and their superiors, as well as, aviation personnel interfacing with the AIS in the performance of their duties and is desirous SECURITY AND of gaining an initial appreciation of the purpose and role of the AIS in FACILITATION International Air Navigation. The goal of the course is to provide persons desirous of pursuing a career in Aeronautical Information Service/Management; with initial training to acquire the requisite knowledge, skills and attitude to effectively collect, validate, classify, prepare, publish aeronautical data and information, and to provide aeronautical briefing services; in accordance with Jamaica Civil Aviation Regulations (JCARS) 2012 and Jamaica Aeronautical Information Publication. Upon successful completion of this course, participants will: • collect aeronautical data from sources; • validate aeronautical data received; • classify aeronautical data according to the Integrated Aeronautical Information Package (IAIP) elements; • prepare aeronautical data for dissemination and storage; • publish Aeronautical Information in accordance with ICAO SARPS; and • provide Pre-flight Information Briefings and Flight Planning services. TRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT TRAINAIR PLUS Members can purchase Standardized Training Packages (STPs) through AVIATION the TRAINAIR PLUS Electronic Management System (TPeMS). MANAGEMENT If you are not a TRAINAIR PLUS Member, please send your enquiries to [email protected]. For more information, visit or write to [email protected]. 131

AERODROMES STP INVESTIGACIÓN DE INCIDENTES ATS, UNA HERRAMIENTA PARA EL SMS 059/171/ATC INC INVAIR NAVIGATION 5 DAYS Fee per participant: SERVICES CLASSROOM To be determined by host DurationAIR TRANSPORT Language THIS COURSE IS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE IN SPANISH ONLY.AVIATION Developed By Centro de Estudios Aeronáuticos (CEA), Colombia L AW Target Population Primary target population:ENVIRONMENT Course Aim • Controladores de Tránsito Aéreo; y • Personal técnico de los proveedores del Servicio de Navegación Aérea.FLIGHT SAFETY Course Objectives AND SAFETY Secondary target population: MANAGEMENT • Gerentes de seguridad operacional; • Inspectores de la autoridad de la aviación civil y de estado; ySECURITY AND • Personal vinculado al sector aeronáutico y / o aeroportuario. FACILITATION Dotar a los controladores de tránsito aéreo y al personal técnico de los proveedores de servicio de navegación aérea de los conocimientos, habilidades, y actitudes que se requieren para realizar la Investigación de incidentes ATS de forma estandarizada como herramienta del Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad Operacional (SMS) de acuerdo con Manual estándar de Gestión de servicios de prevención e investigación de incidentes ATS de la Aeronáutica Civil Colombiana, contribuyendo a incrementar los niveles aceptables de seguridad aplicables al Estado. Después de completar satisfactoriamente el curso, los participantes tendrán la capacidad de: • recolectar las evidencias documentales necesarias para el análisis del evento de seguridad operacional de acuerdo con los RAC 06 y RAC 219, la Circular Técnica Reglamentaria NID No 5003-082-002, la Circular interna CIN No 5003-082-002 y los demás Manual del Curso; • realizar el análisis del evento una investigación de acuerdo a la normativa aplicable en el Proceso: Gestión de servicios de prevención e investigación de incidentes ATS y al Manual del Curso; y • elaborar el informe final de la investigación del incidente ATS acorde a lo regular en los RAC 06 y RAC 219, la Circular Técnica Reglamentaria NID No 5003-082-002, la Circular interna CIN No 5003-082-002 y Manual del CursoTRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENTAVIATION Los miembros de la red TRAINAIR PLUS pueden adquirir los CMDN a través del Sistema MANAGEMENT electrónico de gestión TRAINAIR PLUS (TPeMS). Si usted no es miembro de la red TRAINAIR PLUS, favor de enviar sus solicitudes a [email protected]. 132 GLOBAL AVIATION COURSE CATALOGUE 2019



AERODROMES ITP AIR TRANSPORT STATISTICS ONLINEAIR NAVIGATION Duration 6 HOURS Fee per participant: SERVICES Language US$995 Target PopulationAIR TRANSPORT ENGLISH Course AimAVIATION Course Objectives The training is most beneficial for: L AW Important • airport and airline planners;ENVIRONMENT • managers and operational staff; • airport specialists in government;FLIGHT SAFETY • airline executives; AND SAFETY • marketing and commercial managers; MANAGEMENT • aviation consultants; and • aircraft manufacturing analysts.SECURITY AND FACILITATION In the first Air Transport Statistics online course, ICAO-CAE will provide basic training on international air transport statistics focusing onTRAINING standard terminology used, how data is collected, and what it represents. COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT This course aims to introduce the student to the key statistical elements used in civil aviation to understand the origin and meaning of the statistical data collected and to analyze such data. They will also learn where the data originates, how the different data series may relate to each other, and how to verify that the data submitted conforms to the instructions and definitions pertaining to each data series presented. Civil aviation statistics may be required for a number of activities: such as, analyzing historical trends, planning and forecasting, defining benchmarks to enable comparison among similar entities, analyzing accident and incident trends, etc. For these activities, a comprehensive understanding of the available information is required. This course fills a vacuum which has been created over the last decade, as some of the international and regional organizations that once provided basic guidance material on air transport statistics to the industry have ceased to do so. Prerequisite reference material for this course is Manual on the ICAO Statistics Programme (DOC 9060), which must be purchased from ICAO before registering: 136 GLOBAL AVIATION COURSE CATALOGUE 2019 MANAGEMENT

ITP AIR TRANSPORT ECONOMICS AERODROMES ONLINE AND REGULATIONS Duration Language 6 HOURS Fee per participant: AIR NAVIGATIONTarget Population US$995 SERVICES Course Aim ENGLISH AIR TRANSPORTCourse Objectives The training is most beneficial for: AVIATION Important L AW • airport and airline planners; • managers and operational staff; ENVIRONMENT • airport specialists in government; • airline executives; FLIGHT SAFETY • marketing and commercial managers; AND SAFETY • aviation consultants, and; MANAGEMENT • aircraft manufacturing analysts. SECURITY AND It is a useful introductory course for junior aviation experts in their early FACILITATION career development in the air transport industry or government regulatory bodies. Professionals working in related fields such as finance, economic TRAINING development or tourism will find this course helpful in their dealings with COMPETENCY airline/airport issues. DEVELOPMENT As international air transport developed and became more complex over the past six decades, so, too, has its regulation. This course will provide easy learning material to help you acquire the basic knowledge of the many aspects of this dynamic activity. The scope of the course is limited to the economic aspects of international air transport regulation. This course is designed to provide a clear foundation of the underlining principles of airline and airport economics, as well as to address aviation regulatory and policy issues. It helps to interpret economic indicators and will address implications of airline strategies for airports with particular reference to changing patterns of airline operations. Methods for operating airports under different government policies in different countries will be reviewed as well. Prerequisite reference materials for this course are Manual on the Regulation of International Air Transport (Doc 9626) and Policy and Guidance Material on the Economic Regulation of International Air Transport (Doc 9587), which must be purchased from ICAO before registering: For more information, visit or write to [email protected]. 137 AVIATION MANAGEMENT

AERODROMES ITP AIR TRANSPORT STATISTICS ONLINEAIR NAVIGATION Duration 6 HOURS Fee per participant: SERVICES Language US$995 Target PopulationAIR TRANSPORT ENGLISH Course AimAVIATION Course Objectives The training is most beneficial for: L AW • airport and airline planners;ENVIRONMENT • managers and operational staff; • airport specialists in government;FLIGHT SAFETY • airline executives; AND SAFETY • marketing and commercial managers; MANAGEMENT • aviation consultants; and • aircraft manufacturing analysts.SECURITY AND FACILITATION In the first Air Transport Statistics online course, ICAO-CAE will provide basic training on international air transport statistics focusing onTRAINING standard terminology used, how data is collected, and what it represents. COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT This course aims to introduce the student to the key statistical elements used in civil aviation to understand the origin and meaning of the statistical data collected and to analyze such data. They will also learn where the data originates, how the different data series may relate to each other, and how to verify that the data submitted conforms to the instructions and definitions pertaining to each data series presented. Civil aviation statistics may be required for a number of activities: such as, analyzing historical trends, planning and forecasting, defining benchmarks to enable comparison among similar entities, analyzing accident and incident trends, etc. For these activities, a comprehensive understanding of the available information is required. This course fills a vacuum which has been created over the last decade, as some of the international and regional organizations that once provided basic guidance material on air transport statistics to the industry have ceased to do so. Prerequisite reference material for this course is Manual on the ICAO Statistics Programme (DOC 9060), which must be purchased from ICAO before registering: 138 GLOBAL AVIATION COURSE CATALOGUE 2019 MANAGEMENT

PTP FUNDAMENTALS OF THE AIR AERODROMES TRANSPORT SYSTEM ONLINE Duration 20 HOURS Fee per participant: AIR NAVIGATION Language Free - to complete the online SERVICES Developed by ENGLISH course (without exam)Target Population USD 100 to complete the exam Course Aim University of Waterloo in partnership with the International Civil Aviation AIR TRANSPORTCourse Objectives Organization (ICAO). The training is most beneficial for aspiring new aviation professionals as well as professionals transitioning into aviation. This course will provide fundamental knowledge and inspire individuals AVIATION about the different fields of aviation as they consider their professional L AW goals and career path. The following nine online modules cover diverse activities and regulations of civil aviation: air law, aircraft, operations, ENVIRONMENT navigation, airports, security, environment, accidents, and safety. To complete the course without the exam (free of charge), please register at To complete the exam to earn a certificate, please go to the ICAO Store at Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to: • explore the daily activities, challenges, and decisions within different FLIGHT SAFETY areas of civil aviation; and AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT • explain the complexities, and how safe, secure and efficient global air transport is made possible. SECURITY AND FACILITATION TRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT For more information, visit or write to [email protected]. 139 AVIATION MANAGEMENT

AERODROMES STP SUPERVISING AIRPORT TEAMS TO DELIVER GREAT CUSTOMER SERVICE 126/015/MGT AGA/SVCAIR NAVIGATION 5 DAYS Fee per participant: SERVICES CLASSROOM To be determined by host DurationAIR TRANSPORT Language ENGLISHAVIATION Developed By Gulf Centre for Aviation Studies (GCAS), United Arab Emirates L AW Target Population The training is most beneficial for supervisors and operations duty Course Aim managers within sections that deal with customers in the airport. Course Objectives The course will provide participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively supervise customer service teams in anENVIRONMENT airport environment in accordance with international best practices. This course will focus on some of the aspects of leadership required of a supervisor in this environment. Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to: • lead the customer service teams on shift; • handle customer complaints; • coach individuals; and • develop a positive team culture.FLIGHT SAFETY AND SAFETY MANAGEMENTSECURITY AND FACILITATIONTRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENTAVIATION TRAINAIR PLUS Members can purchase Standardized Training Packages (STPs) through MANAGEMENT the TRAINAIR PLUS Electronic Management System (TPeMS). If you are not a TRAINAIR PLUS Member, please send your enquiries to [email protected]. 140 GLOBAL AVIATION COURSE CATALOGUE 2019

STP AVIATION ENGLISH FOR AIRCRAFT AERODROMES MAINTENANCE TECHNICIANS291/064/LAN ENG MNT 5 DAYS Fee per participant: AIR NAVIGATION CLASSROOM To be determined by host SERVICES Duration Language ENGLISH AIR TRANSPORT Developed By Ethiopian Aviation Academy (EAA), Ethiopia AVIATION Target Population L AW The primary target population: Aviation Maintenance Technicians starting Course Aim from assistant technicians to lead technicians and graduates of basic ENVIRONMENT aviation maintenance technician training. Course Objectives The secondary target population: Technicians above the lead positions. FLIGHT SAFETY This course will provide aviation maintenance technicians with the AND SAFETY necessary knowledge, skills, and attitude to write aircraft maintenance MANAGEMENT records and handle workplace emails and oral communication effectively, as per the required standard. Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to: • complete Aircraft Maintenance Logbook, MRO IT System (Maintenix) and Unserviceable Tag; • complete Shop Finding Forms and Serviceable Tags; • complete Job Instruction Cards/Task Cards and Resume Book; • correspond to business emails effectively; and • make effective oral workplace communication. SECURITY AND FACILITATION TRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT TRAINAIR PLUS Members can purchase Standardized Training Packages (STPs) through AVIATION the TRAINAIR PLUS Electronic Management System (TPeMS). MANAGEMENT If you are not a TRAINAIR PLUS Member, please send your enquiries to [email protected]. For more information, visit or write to [email protected]. 141

AERODROMES STP AIRCRAFT EMERGENCY LANDING AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES TRAINING FOR 279/127/ACS AELE CABIN CREWAIR NAVIGATION CLASSROOM 5 DAYS Fee per participant: SERVICES Duration To be determined by host LanguageAIR TRANSPORT ENGLISH Developed ByAVIATION Target Population Ethiopian Aviation Academy (EAA), Ethiopia L AW Course Aim The training is most beneficial for: Course Objectives • trainee cabin crew who will start their career as junior cabin crew; and • existing cabin crew members.ENVIRONMENT The aircraft emergency landing and evacuation procedures standardized training package (STP) will provide cabin crew members with the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitude to handle aircraft emergency landing and evacuation, according to the standard procedures. Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to: • apply anticipated and unanticipated emergency landing procedures; and • apply evacuation procedures during emergency landing/ditching.FLIGHT SAFETY AND SAFETY MANAGEMENTSECURITY AND FACILITATIONTRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENTAVIATION TRAINAIR PLUS Members can purchase Standardized Training Packages (STPs) through MANAGEMENT the TRAINAIR PLUS Electronic Management System (TPeMS). If you are not a TRAINAIR PLUS Member, please send your enquiries to [email protected]. 142 GLOBAL AVIATION COURSE CATALOGUE 2019

STP GESTION EFFICACE DU PROCESSUS AERODROMES LETTRES OACI AUX ÉTATS 121/132/MGT SLP 5 DAYS Fee per participant: AIR NAVIGATION CLASSROOM To be determined by host SERVICES Duration Language FRENCH AIR TRANSPORT Developed By Académie Tuniso-Française de Formation en Sûreté de l’Aviation Civile AVIATIONTarget Population (AFSAC), Tunisia L AW Course Aim La population primaire est constituée par le personnel des départements ENVIRONMENT administratifs et juridiques des États, aéroports et compagnies aériennesCourse Objectives en charge de la coordination avec l’OACI et des autres départements au sein de leurs États et compagnies. FLIGHT SAFETY Cette formation permettra aux personnels des départements AND SAFETY administratifs et juridiques des États, aéroports et compagnies aériennes MANAGEMENT en charge de la coordination avec l’OACI et des autres départements au sein de leurs États et compagnies les connaissance, habiletés et attitudes pour la mise en œuvre d’un Système National de coordination et de réponse aux Lettres de l’OACI. Cette coordination est essentielle pour la mise en place effective d’une veille réglementaire au niveau des États et des fournisseurs de service ainsi que pour l’assurance de la conformité avec les dispositions de la Convention de Chicago. À l’issue de ce cours, les participants seront en mesure de: • catégoriser les Lettres OACI aux Etats; • diffuser la lettre de transmission et la Lettre OACI aux institutions et organismes nationaux de l’aviation civile concernés; • adresser la lettre de réponse concertée à l’OACI; et • adresser un rapport de suivi à l’OACI. SECURITY AND FACILITATION TRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT Les membres du réseau TRAINAIR PLUS peuvent acheter les STP directement sur le AVIATION système de gestion électronique (TPeMS). MANAGEMENT Si vous n’êtes pas un membere de TRAINAIR PLUS, vous pouvez envoyer votre demande à [email protected]. For more information, visit or write to [email protected]. 143

AERODROMES STP AIRCRAFT LOADING FOR LOAD MASTERAIR NAVIGATION 069/189/ATE ALM SERVICES 5 DAYS Fee per participant: CLASSROOM To be determined by host DurationAIR TRANSPORT Language ENGLISHAVIATION Developed By Egyptair Training Academy, Egypt L AW Target Population Primary target population: Load master officers Course Aim Secondary target population: Jobs directly related to aircraft loading Course Objectives process such as managers, supervisors, quality control specialists, etc.ENVIRONMENT This course will provide load masters with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude to ensure that loading procedures are implemented appropriately in order to achieve the goal of safely and securely loaded aircraft in accordance with Egypt Air Ground Operation Local Manual. Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to: • prepare for loading process; • verify pre-loading status; • direct loading of aircraft; and • finalize loading documentation.FLIGHT SAFETY AND SAFETY MANAGEMENTSECURITY AND FACILITATIONTRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENTAVIATION TRAINAIR PLUS Members can purchase Standardized Training Packages (STPs) through MANAGEMENT the TRAINAIR PLUS Electronic Management System (TPeMS). If you are not a TRAINAIR PLUS Member, please send your enquiries to [email protected]. 144 GLOBAL AVIATION COURSE CATALOGUE 2019

For more information, visit or write to [email protected]. 145



AERODROMES ITP INTERNATIONAL AIR LAW COURSE CLASSROOMAIR NAVIGATION Duration 5 DAYS Fee per participant: SERVICES Language To be determined by hostAIR TRANSPORT Target Population ENGLISHAVIATION Course Aim Representatives (eg, administrators, lawyers, managers), with or without L AW legal education, from: Course ObjectivesENVIRONMENT • civil aviation administrations; • civil aviation authorities; andFLIGHT SAFETY • airports and air navigation service providers of member states. AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT The International Air Law course aims to enable representatives of Civil Aviation Administrations, Civil Aviation Authorities, Airports and Air Navigation Service Providers to support their organization in compliance with international air law, by applying knowledge guided through diverse case examples. Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to: • describe the concepts and rules of international air law; • explain the relevance of the rules and procedures of international air law for their own role and functions in their organization; and • apply their knowledge and understanding to assist their national administration in improving implementation.SECURITY AND FACILITATIONTRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENTAVIATION 148 GLOBAL AVIATION COURSE CATALOGUE 2019 MANAGEMENT

STP ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF CRIMINAL AIR AERODROMES LAW FOR AVIATION PROFESSIONALS154/172/CAA LAW EEL 5 DAYS (18 TRAINING HOURS) Fee per participant: AIR NAVIGATION ONLINE To be determined by host SERVICES Duration Language ENGLISH AIR TRANSPORT Developed ByTarget Population Joint Aviation Authorities Training Organisation (JAA TO), Netherlands AVIATION L AW Course Aim Primary target population: Aviation personnel in direct contact with passengers (pilots and cockpit crew, cabin crew, air police officers, ENVIRONMENTCourse Objectives aerodrome firefighters; ground operations personnel). Secondary target population: • Air traffic controllers; • Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) personnel (inspectors, managers and senior executives); • Safety managers from aviation service providers; • Security managers at airports and airlines; • Law enforcement personnel; • Customs officers; and • Ground handling managers. This course will provide aviation professionals with the necessary FLIGHT SAFETY knowledge, skills and attitude to correctly carry out the appropriate AND SAFETY procedures during specific safety and security incidents on board of an MANAGEMENT aircraft and in an aerodrome according to the regulatory framework and taking into account the chain of command, responsibilities and liabilities. SECURITY AND FACILITATION Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to: • explain the applicable legal framework in international civil aviation (ICAO, States, etc.); • execute the respective roles of different categories of aviation personnel within the specific applicable legal framework; • identify the borderline between legal and safety and security operational frameworks, with focus on responsibility and liability actions; • carry out specific and appropriate procedures in given situations and legal framework in place. TRAINING COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT TRAINAIR PLUS Members can purchase Standardized Training Packages (STPs) through AVIATION the TRAINAIR PLUS Electronic Management System (TPeMS). MANAGEMENT If you are not a TRAINAIR PLUS Member, please send your enquiries to [email protected]. For more information, visit or write to [email protected]. 149

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