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Home Explore 20211226 Chinese Bulletin

20211226 Chinese Bulletin

Published by vchairman.cmcacamberwell, 2021-12-24 14:58:14

Description: 20211226 Chinese Bulletin


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异象:建立合神心意的教会 Vision: Building a Church after God's Own Heart 基督教华人卫理公会墨尔本谢恩堂 CAMBERWELL METHODIST CHURCH 58 Cooloongatta Road, Camberwell, VIC 3124 • Tel: (03) 9889 0702 • 谢恩堂崇拜时间:9:00am(中文);11am(英文) Wyndham布道站 200 Tarneit Road, Werribee, VIC 3030 崇拜时间:2:30pm(中文) 驻任会督 Resident Bishop 黄永森会督 Rev. Dr. Albert Wong 0433 015 363 主理牧师 Minister-in-charge: 康祥文牧师 Rev. James Kong 0413 953 238 协理牧师 Associate Minister 于建华牧师 Rev. Jian Hua Yu 0417 479 734 English Pastor (Part Time) Ps. Allan Quah 0402 675 219

圣诞后第一主日崇拜程序 (2021年12月26日) 默祷 肃静歌《主在圣殿中》 众坐 宣召 箴言 3:5-6 领会 诗歌赞美 8《齐来谢主》 领唱 祷告 领会 主祷文 众立 启应经文 诗 90:1-17 领会 榮耀颂 众立 诗歌呈献 < My God is So Big and So Strong So Mighty > 儿童主日学 信息经文 申命记 8:4-6 领会 证道 『数算与祷愿』 康祥文牧师 奉献 400《我已经决定》 众坐 献礼文 众立 报告 牧师 差遣诗歌 466《愿那灵火复兴我》 众立 差遣与祝福 牧师 阿们颂 《三叠阿们》 众立 2

2021年12月26日 教会圣工 诚心欢迎前來崇拜的每一位。願上帝的愛充滿您,温暖您的心田。 1. U PDATED PUBLIC HEALTH PROTECTIONS TO of becoming infected by touching a surface is very KEEP VICTORIANS SAFE (请参阅第8页) low risk. With more than 92 per cent of eligible Victorians 温馨提醒:教会强烈建议所有参加教会的人 double dose vaccinated, coronavirus restrictions 使用二维码签到,作为一种爱心的姿态,以 are being updated to ensure Victorians enjoy more 便我们在疫情爆发时随时掌握情况。此外, freedoms this festive season, keeping themselves 在室内需要佩戴口罩并经常洗手。 and their families safe while the Omicron variant is 2. 联 合教会祷告会:周四(30/12) 7:30PM, monitored and investigated. 由康牧师带领。让我们一起数算主恩,向 Minister for Health Martin Foley will today sign 神感恩,同时以祷告来彼此服事。(脸 书 pandemic orders under the new Public Health and Camberwell MC Online Group) Wellbeing Act, which will come into effect from 3. 喜 讯:夏长炎夫妇令长女Sarah Zhong-Rong 11.59pm 15th December 2021 and be in place until Ha将在27/12/2021周一上午10AM与Isaiah 12 January 2022. John Smith结婚,邀请主内弟兄姊妹在线 All Victorians who are eligible for a booster five 上平台参加他们的婚礼。请扫描二维码 (QR months after their second shot are urged to book an Code) 或到网站 appointment as soon as possible – especially those at 注册。(请参阅第9页) higher risk of contracting the virus, such as healthcare 4. 牧 养关怀:若需要祷告或关怀,请联系康牧 workers. 师(0413 953 238)或卢凌杰执事。同时,请每 Ensuring children are protected from coronavirus is 天继续为一人/家庭祷告,以实际的行动去关 also vital, and parents are encouraged to get their 心他们。 kids vaccinated when the rollout for five to 11-year- 5. 家 庭灵修:继续提供每周的家庭灵修(中英), olds begins on 10 January 2022. 给家庭祭坛/崇拜使用。(请参阅第6页) As part of the orders, people under 18 will no longer 6. 见证分享:请弟兄姊妹写见证,可寄给牧者 be required to show proof of their vaccination status 或初开弟兄[email protected]。 at all venues, such as hospitality. 7. 2 022年教会营改为08/01/2022(周六)在教 The mandatory vaccination requirement will be 堂举行一天『更新自己,更新家庭』的讲座 removed for all customers in retail, except hair (9AM to 4:30PM)。讲员:Brett Ryan。备 and beauty services, and will also be removed 有午餐,唯须透过线上表格的链接https://docs. in real estate, places of worship, weddings and funerals. Mask settings in retail remain YRxWIl3HoRvLisRYC5Mxflz875KMHi0kg/viewform或 unchanged. 扫描二维码(QR Code)报名,无需报名费。报 Under the pandemic orders, restaurants, cafes, 名截止:24/12/2021。请大家踊跃报名。( bars and pubs are still only open to fully vaccinated 请参阅第7页) patrons and staff. Workers are required to wear 8. 教堂空间:请各团契在使用教堂空间之前, masks. 务必透过Picktime.com预 订,避免在使用上 Face masks no longer need to be worn at 的冲突。请在使用后确保所有灯光、冷气、 weddings, funerals, or ceremonial settings. 音响等都关了,同时确保所有窗和门都关闭 If these events are held at places of worship 和上锁。 there will not be any vaccination requirements 9. 家 庭门训调查表Family Discipleship Survey Form or limits on participants, nor any requirement 我们邀请大家填一下这个调查表,协助教会 for organisers to check vaccination status. If 更好策划和落实家庭门训的服事。We invite the ceremony is at a hospitality setting, vaccine brothers and sisters to fill in the survey form to help requirements will apply. the church in planning the family discipleship ministry. Workplaces exposed to a positive coronavirus Camberwell MC Online Group (On Facebook) case will no longer need to be deep cleaned, after 10. 澳洲卫理《线上成人主日学》2022第一个 mounting international evidence that coronavirus is an 线上主日學(中文)《建立属灵生命的敬拜 airborne or droplet-borne disease and the likelihood Spiritual Formation in Worship》时间:主 3

日晚上8-10PM (AEDT) 日期:23/2, 30/1, 13/2, 20/2 via zoom. 大纲:圣经中的敬拜、建立生 命与崇拜程序、敬拜:述说神的故事、成为合神心意的敬拜者。老师:林良敏牧师。欢迎报名参 加。报名表格:或扫描二维码(请参阅第10页) 11. 谢 恩堂2022年第一次牧区议会将在15/01/2022(星期六)上午10AM在副堂召开。请牧区议会 成员(牧者、执事、退休牧者、本处传道)出席,同时请各委员会和各团契主席提成报告,请在 10/01/2022之前寄给江初开主席。 12. 奉 献方面:我们要忠心持守,透过银行户口在线转账来奉献。谢恩堂银行户口:Account name: Chinese Methodist Church in Australia Camberwell; BANK: ANZ; BSB: 013 225; Account Number: 4939 79025。我 们也准备了一个奉献箱放在招待处给弟兄姊妹使用,可使用信封写上姓名或号码。教会将采取适 当的防疫措施处理。奉献报告:$10,664.35 (12/12-17/12/2021) 转账奉献时请注意: Description Abbreviations Bank reference Tithing十一 General经常费 TITHE C9/E11 C9 TITHE Paul WONG Thanksgiving感恩 GEN C9/E11 C9 GEN Paul WONG Mission宣教 TKS C9/E11 C9 TKS Paul WONG Theological student神学 MIS C9/E11 C9 MIS Paul WONG Special特别 THE C9/E11 C9 THE Paul WONG Others其他 SPE C9/E11 C9 SPE Paul WONG OTH C9/E11 C9 OTH Paul WONG Building fund建堂 C9/E11 C9 Camberwell mc Paul WONG, E11 Mercy mc Paul WONG…...... 代祷事项 我们晓得万事都互相效力,叫爱神的人得益处,就是按他旨意被召的人。(罗8:28) 祷告的生命是操练门徒生命成长不可少的因素。没有祷告的生命,我们就会缺乏信 心仰望神、事奉神,生命就没有能力实践神的真理,也没有能力活出神的爱。没有 祷告,我们就会按着自己的意思去行。 1. 特别为会督、年会各部领袖和所有 许多失去工作的人,家庭面对经济 牧者能尽心的为主摆上,建立一个 压力,婚姻挑战和低落情绪祷告, 合神心意的教会祷告。 求主帮助。 4. 为谢恩堂中英文福音事工祷告;求 2. 我们建立《合神心意的教会–关怀 神复兴我们的心灵,挑旺福音的热 社区、为主得人》,首先让我们继 忱,更新我们爱神爱人的生命,更 续忠心迫切祷告,做这个时代的代 好地事奉,在主里彼此真诚相爱, 祷勇士!鼓励教会领袖,主内弟兄 成为神忠心的群体,常结属灵的果 姐妹们一起参与祷告的事工;我们 子,凡事荣耀神。为谢恩堂弟兄姐 期盼谢恩之家是一个祷告的教会。 妹一起配搭关怀社区,为主得更多 的失丧灵魂祷告。 3. 让我们继续为Covid19疫情祷告; 5. 为 主内病痛和身体软弱的肢体祷 求神赐下恩典,怜悯与医治,以致 告:江辉力(Jimmy Kong);许庆 患者得医治,减少社区传播。我们 典;叶乃忠;许如豪;陈素卿;鲁 要继续为医生、护士、医院工作人 凤琴(康师母母亲);卢庆龄小妹 员代祷,求神保护他们,赐给他们 妹(心脏恢复健康);官伯威牧师; 有健康的身、心、灵来看顾患者, 许碧仙(周牧师母亲)。 同时,也为疫苗的推出祷告。求神 带领我们国家的经济快速复苏。为 4

2021年各团契聚会时间表 主日 10:20am 儿童主日学 林猷树 每周 周四 2:00pm 姐妹会 卢凌蒂 每周 周四 10:00am 乐龄团契 张素卿 每月第四周 周六 6:30pm 青年团契 吴田辉 每周 周六 6:30pm 初成团契 黄拔儒 每月三次 周六 8:00pm 成人团契 王联庆 每周 2021年Wyndham布道站各团契聚会时间表 主日 10:30am 儿童主日学 杨阳 小班每周,大班隔周 主日 1:00pm 敬拜组 Leslie 每月一次 周二 8:00pm 喜乐组 王柱荣 隔周 周三 8:00pm 祷告会 于牧师 每周 周六 8:00pm 仁爱组 黄通娟 每周 本周事奉人员 照神所喜悦的,用虔诚、敬畏的心事奉神。希十二28 26/12/21 华语崇拜 Wyndham布道站 English Service 讲员 康祥文牧师 于建华牧师 Rev Meng Tee Gan 领会 卢增顺 领唱 黄拔儒 徐蓉 Chris Ting 司琴 梁淑媛+程薇婷+刘建宏 Instrumental Jin Loong Wong 招待员 刘本妮 王佳惠 Jiaxin Wong Cassandra 招待员 蒋瑞汶,吴雯雅 刘勇、郝蔚 Josiah Tan Florence Yao 主日献花 林志雄 颂读经文: 欧阳婷 Wesley Chew 多媒体 Leslie Alister Chew & Andrew Zhang 现场直播 Florence Yeo 整洁 林惠珊 主日学: - (大) - - (小) 黄庆宏/郑健安 - 备圣餐者 - - - 下周事奉人员 所求于管家的,是要他有忠心。林前四2 2/1/22 华语崇拜 Wyndham布道站 English Service 讲员 康祥文牧师 康祥文牧师 Rev James Kong 领会 王柱荣 领唱 待定 陈若梅 Joo Soo Lim 司琴 - Instrumental Cheryl Chan 招待员 王佳惠 Venus Kang 刘俐伺 招待员 林弼超 刘勇、张华兴 Jacklyn 蔡琼婉 颂读经文: 王玫 Jamilyn Wong 主日献花 Benjamin & Leslie Florence Yao 多媒体 陈观辰夫妇 主日学: - (大) Yew Fong Lim 现场直播 刘利仪 Jonathan Liew & Jin Loong Wong 整洁 - (小) 毛宪樑/陈建荣 - 备圣餐者 - - Cerene Quah 林美德夫妇 5

!\"#$ 2021-12-26 %&'()* +,:-./0 1:18-25 12(345-6789%:;<=>?#@ABCDEFG7H18-20 IJBKLMN<OCPQ (FG7(RS H21-23 IJTUV,W(XYZ[\\]^“_`abcRdef”H21 IJgh“i `jb(Rkl-m6”H23 IJT-.*nZ[\\]WMN<oYp`(%qVrT “ef”(s tuvRw^Yeshua Hex7JBVyw“ez{w|&”T-.}~Äk“ef”cnR(vÅ^ “Åb`CÇÉ(ÑÖ>Üáà&Pu”H21 IJT“l-m6”Vyw“%âÄ)*”TäãåçB -./0àoYp`(2éwB%èêefëíìîb()*^“l-m6ïPuñwó%âÄ) *ò”H. 23 IJô“öàñh*õÄWú”H. 18:20Jô“ñùâ_Ä)*”H. 28:20JT1 nZ[\\]“ef”z“l-m6”ûücu †B°ìî<oY%qVr^ef-l-m6V¢%âÄ )*Bb`|&Ä£§ÜTefCÄ>Üáà|&Pu3Ä•l¶ß%()*^“Ä®Åe f(©™l´¨¶ß≠?Æ”Hu 10:19JTef-l-m6\\]<%&'()*TÅØBO°Ä∞ <ÜB*ëíàèêb(±©B≤≥%)*(¥µ∂¨5Ä∑∏Hπ∫ 1:7JT%?ª()*ºw b&'()*T Ωæ ø 21 Izø 23 I(Z[\\]¿P<¡¬Vr√ ƒ ≈ *%?ª&'()*WB1∆«D»√ … }  y∆«ÀÃlÕ(+,BŒœ_–ƒ%(…}—ET … } “ ” ‘’z÷◊ôkÿŸ⁄€…}^î‹[*%?ª&'()*WV¢ê¡¬ôkh›`(…}ôkÇ É…}T fi fl ¶ß‡()* Family Devotion 2021-12-26 The Redemptive Presence of God Scripture: Matthew 1:18-25 WHEN THE ANGEL of the Lord revealed to Mary that God had chosen her to bear the Messiah through the Holy Spirit (vv.18-20), particular emphasis was given to the name of the Messiah-to-be-born (vv.21-23). Note the two parallel expressions in the text: “and you shall call His name Jesus” (v.21) and “and they shall call His name Immanuel” (v.23). Matthew is underscoring an important theological significance in the parallelism. The name “Jesus” was originally given in Hebrew: Yeshua, which means “Yahweh is salvation”. And Matthew gives the reason for the name “Jesus”: “for He will save His people from their sins” (v.21). “Immanuel” means “God with us”. In fact, the presence of God in Jesus Christ is a key theme in Matthew: “His name Immanuel…God with us” (Matt 1:23); “I am there in their midst” (Matt 18:20); “lo, I am with you always” (Matt 28:20). When the parallel “Jesus” and “Immanuel” are combined together, the theological significance surfaces: Jesus-Immanuel is God-with-us who saves us from our sins. Jesus saves us from our sins that we may have access to the presence of God: “we have confidence to enter the Holy Place by the blood of Jesus” (Heb 10:19). Jesus-Immanuel is God’s redemptive presence with us. Thus, even when we sin, the way into God’s presence remains open to us in Christ through His blood (cf. Eph 1:7). The holy presence of God is also a redemptive presence. OBSERVATION What is the significance of the parallelism of verse 21 and verse 23? APPLICATION How do I live in the presence of God that is holy and redemptive? PRAYER Write a prayer to God as your response from your meditation on and application of the Scriptures. Prayer Points Give thanks and praise; For Church Leaders: To know what it means to walk in the holy-redemptive presence of God; Pray for those in need; Pray for self. Song Into Your Presence 6


Wednesday, 15 December 2021 UPDATED PUBLIC HEALTH PROTECTIONS TO KEEP VICTORIANS SAFE With more than 92 per cent of eligible Victorians double dose vaccinated, coronavirus restrictions are being updated to ensure Victorians enjoy more freedoms this festive season, keeping themselves and their families safe while the Omicron variant is monitored and investigated. Minister for Health Martin Foley will today sign pandemic orders under the new Public Health and Wellbeing Act, which will come into effect from 11.59pm tonight and be in place until 12 January 2022. The Minister has made the decision to sign the pandemic orders after considering advice from the Chief Health Officer (CHO) that there continues to be a serious risk to public health from the global pandemic, and that restrictions continue to be necessary to protect Victorians and the healthcare system. In particular, the CHO has highlighted the need to gather more information about the Omicron variant of concern before considering further changes to protective measures – such as mask requirements. All Victorians who are eligible for a booster five months after their second shot are urged to book an appointment as soon as possible – especially those at higher risk of contracting the virus, such as healthcare workers. Ensuring children are protected from coronavirus is also vital, and parents are encouraged to get their kids vaccinated when the rollout for five to 11-year-olds begins on 10 January 2022. As part of the orders, people under 18 will no longer be required to show proof of their vaccination status at all venues, such as hospitality. The mandatory vaccination requirement will be removed for all customers in retail, except hair and beauty services, and will also be removed in real estate, places of worship, weddings and funerals. Mask settings in retail remain unchanged. Under the pandemic orders, restaurants, cafes, bars and pubs are still only open to fully vaccinated patrons and staff. Workers are required to wear masks. Face masks no longer need to be worn at weddings, funerals, or ceremonial settings. If these events are held at places of worship there will not be any vaccination requirements or limits on participants, nor any requirement for organisers to check vaccination status. If the ceremony is at a hospitality setting, vaccine requirements will apply. Workplaces exposed to a positive coronavirus case will no longer need to be deep cleaned, after mounting international evidence that coronavirus is an airborne or droplet-borne disease and the likelihood of becoming infected by touching a surface is very low risk. In addition, tour and transport operators, gyms and creative arts premises such as theatres and cinemas will not need to clean equipment between uses. Workplaces will still need to maintain CovidSafe plans. Elective surgery rules are also being updated, with rural and regional health services able to resume up to 75 per cent of normal elective surgery activity. Media contact: Harry Adam 0448 505 876 | [email protected] 8


澳洲卫理公会《线上成人主日学》 课程:建立属灵生命的敬拜 Spiritual Formation in Worship 老师 Teacher : Rev Shirley Ling 林良敏牧师 语言 Language:此课程将以中文进行 Conducted in Chinese. 日期 Date: 23/1, 30/1,13/2, 20/2 (via Zoom) 时间 Time: Sunday night 8-10pm (AEDT), 5-7pm (AWST) 1. 23/1 Session 1 聖經中的敬拜 Worship in the Bible 2. 30/1 Session 2 建立生命的崇拜程序 Spiritual Formation in Worship 3. 13/2 Session 3 敬拜:述說神的故事 Worship: Telling the Story of God 4. 20/2 Session 4 成為合神心意的敬拜者 Become a worshiper after God's heart 报名 Registration at: 10

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