Design ElementsTMbyUltimate Symbol©1994-8 Ultimate Symbol Inc.
CopyrightThe contents of the Design ElementsTM that the user understands and agreesCatalog, DE Catalog.pdf, Image Files that the user may use the imagesand accompanying Documentation are in whole or in part except for resale orthe property of Ultimate Symbol Inc. distribution of the collection itself.and are copyrighted. Some portions of See the “End User License Agree-the Documentation are copyrighted ment” located on the software disk(s)to and reprinted with permission from for the complete terms and conditionsAdobe Systems Incorporated. of this agreement.©1994-8 Ultimate Symbol Inc. Use of SoftwareAll rights reserved. You may install and use the Software on a single computer. You may notDesign Elements, Nature Icons, Official install the Software on a networkSigns & Icons, WebPage Graphics, server. You may not distribute copiesand The Ultimate Symbol Collection of this Software or accompanyingare registered trademarks of Ultimate Documentation in any form withoutSymbol Inc. Adobe and Acrobat are the prior written consent of Ultimatetrademarks of Adobe Systems Incorpo- Symbol Inc.rated which may be registered in certainjurisdictions. Macintosh is a registered For simultaneous use on multipletrademark of Apple Computer, Inc., computers or a network, call Ultimateand Windows is a registered trademark Symbol at 800-611-4761 regardingof Microsoft Corporation. Other volume discounts and Multi-User Sitetrademarks are the property of their Licenses.respective holders.License Agreement Any unauthorized duplication or useBy using the Software disk package of Design Elements, in whole or in part,you have agreed to the terms in print, or in any other storage andand conditions stated in the “End User retrieval system is strictly prohibited.License Agreement” located onthe software disk(s). Design Elements Ultimate Symbol licensed to the user on the basis 31 Wilderness Drive Stony Point, New York 10980 USA 914-942-0003 Business Office 800-611-4761 Sales & Upgrades ©1998 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 914-942-0004 Fax Orders 914-942-5342 Technical Support Website 198 2
WarrantyLimited Warranty In no event shall Ultimate Symbol, itsUltimate Symbol Inc. (Ultimate Symbol) suppliers, employees, officers, directors,warrants to the original purchaser of dealers, or distributors be liable forthis Software that: any damages, including lost profits or(1) this Software will perform substan- lost savings or other incidental or conse-tially in accordance with the accompa- quential damages, arising out of thenying written materials, when used with use, inability to use, or abuse of thisthe recommended system configuration: product, even if advised of the possibili-and ty of such damages, or for any claim(2) the disk or disks upon which this by any other party.Software is recorded are not defectiveand have been properly recorded. Disclaimer Ultimate Symbol disclaims all other90-Day Period warranties, either expressed or implied,This warranty is for a period of 90 days including but not limited to impliedafter the original date of the purchaser’s warranties of mercantibility and fitnesspurchase of this package, during which for a particular purpose. Ultimatetime any disks which become defective Symbol does not warrant that theunder normal use will be replaced functions contained in this Software willat no charge. The product registration meet your requirements or that thecard should be filled out and sent operation of the Software will be unin-to Ultimate Symbol in order to provide terrupted or error free.proof of original purchase. Some states do not allow limitations ofReturned Goods Policy implied warranties, or incidental orUltimate Symbol Customer Service consequential damages, so some of themust be notified before returning the above limitations may not apply to you.Ultimate Symbol Software Product.Returned Software will not be accepted ©1997 Ultimate Symbol Ultimate Symbol unless accompa-nied by a Returned MerchandiseAuthorization (RMA) number assignedby Ultimate Symbol Inc. UltimateSymbol’s entire liability under thislimited warranty and otherwise withrespect to the Software, is limited toreturn of the Software and accompany-ing materials to the dealer or to UltimateSymbol for replacement or refund, atUltimate Symbol’s option. 3
Credits The skill, dedication and sheer Special Thanks stamina of the following individuals Michael Bailey enabled Ultimate Symbol Jennifer Clark to produce Design Elements: Gary Cosimini Steff Geissbuhler Development / Production Caryn Leland Mies Hora, Project Leader, Art Director Steve Pares Sabrina Joy, Project Coordinator John Yurtchuk Richard Hora, Project Consultant, Woobie, Feline Consultant Illustrator The Design Elements Catalog and all Jane Jao, Production Assistant, of the images in it were designed and Designer produced in Adobe™ Illustrator™ Paul Levy, Technical Specialist 3.2 and 5.0 using Adobe Garamond, Roderick Cruz Univers Regular, Bold and Black, on a Richard Day Macintosh Quadra 650 and 610. Suzette DeNobriga-LeSage The Illustrator pages were subsequently Nicolle Marsilio converted to Adobe Acrobat™ PDF Alex Singleton (Portable Document File) format. Paul Tu Dorene Warner Tai Lam Wong lllustration / Design Michael Wong, Chief Illustrator Elizabeth Bakacs Karl Llewellyn Richard Manville Craig Meachen Joanna Zlowodzka ©1994-7 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 4
Table of Contents 8 Welcome 1 210 Forward 16 Stars Suns 29 Flourishes Accents Moons Zodiac Typographic Devices11 Getting Started 17 Stars 30 Dashes / Whiskers / Product Contents - 5 point Compound Rules12 Locating Image Files 18 - 3 & 4 point 35 Brackets / Braces / Opening EPS Files - 6 point Parentheses13 About Acrobat Reader14 About EPS Files 19 - 7 & 8 point 38 Spencerian / Flourishes /15 About WMF Files - Multi-point Accents 20 Suns (Contents continued on next page) - Drawn 21 - Rise - General 23 - Faces Eyes Noses Lips 24 Moons - Phases - Phase Symbols 25 - General Faces Planetary Astronomy - Symbols 26 - Aspects & Nodes - Positions - Time 27 Astrology Zodiac Symbols - Northern Signs 28 - Southern SignsTo display page, click once on page number. ©1994-7 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 5
Table of Contents (continued) 3 4 545 Borders 61 Motifs Shapes 80 Printers’ Ornaments Rules Designs Devices Dingbats Designs46 Varied Weight 62 Postage Motifs 81 Radial - Scotch - Stamps Early American - Cancellations - Pennsylvania Dutch47 Geometric 63 Tags / Hang Tags 82 - Quilt - Rectangles 83 - Square Labels 84 Square48 - Circles 85 General49 - Triangles 67 Seals 86 Printer / Book 68 Blurbs - Diamonds 69 Bursts - Florals / Fleurons50 Ornate Banners 89 - General53 - Art Nouveau 90 - Hearts54 - Classical 72 Hanging Signs - Leaves - Pre-Columbian TV Screens - Acorns Bell Shapes55 - Geometric 91 Fleur de Lis57 Floral 73 Light Bulbs59 Pictorial 74 Check Marks Musical Chevrons (Contents continued on next page) 75 Ribbons / Bows / Bowties Gifts 76 Game Symbols - Playing Card Suits - Dominoes - Chess Pieces 77 Filmstrips 79 Container Imprints - Carton Recycling SymbolsTo display page, click once on page number. ©1994-7 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 6
Table of Contents (continued) 6 7 8 92 Arrows 106 Circular 118 Shapes Designs Pointers Designs Geometrics 93 Arrows 107 Snowflakes 119 Crosses - International 108 Concentric Circles / 120 Hearts 121 Droplets / Teardrops 94 - General Targets 96 (wedge) Eggs 97 - Multi-directional 109 Spirals Pear Shapes 110 Whirls - General - Curved Pinwheels 122 Cartouches / Tablets 99 - Tail 125 General100 - Head 112 Rotors 126 Geometrics 113 Designs (ancient) - Circles Pointers - Optical - Triangles - Ancient - General 127 - Pentagons / Crystals /101 - Clock Hands102 - Hands 114 Globes Diamonds - Diamond Cuts (woodcut) Gears 128 - Quadrilaterals / Squares103 (general) 115 Radials104 - Weather Vanes 116 Asterisks - Hexagons105 - Animals 117 Compass Faces - Polygons - General - Lightning - General 129 - Arches / Parabolas - Ovals - Ellipses - Elliptical Shapes 130 Shields / Badges 132 Tombstones / Headstones Puzzle PiecesTo display page, click once on page number. ©1994-7 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 7
Welcome “What are you going to do Our goal was to edit and name the with all of those files?”, materials, carefully organize them into I asked, staring at a bank self-evident categories and, in effect, of black metal file cabi- create a dictionary of visual forms. nets. It was late 1979 and The task seemed daunting and it was. my father Richard, the There were thousands of individual consummate visual artist, pieces of original artwork – stats, acetates, tracings, sketches, ink render-was preparing to retire after a successful ings, rapidograph noodlings, in40-year-long career in the graphic arts. addition to his extensive collection ofPackage design, calligraphy, industrial old books, photographs, 19th-Centurydesign, architectural and product linecuts, engravings, German typedesign – he had done it all, and master- specimens, and more. We decided tofully. Throughout the years he had expand many categories with brandmeticulously filed his design work in new material as well.those cabinets.Innumerable variations of a particular A comp was produced and a publisherdesign or theme were researched and was found. By 1981, Volumes 1developed for each project to satisfy and 2, the first two of four hardcoverboth his clients and his own compulsive volumes were published, entitledcuriosity about visual forms and their Design Elements - A Visual Reference.relationships. The cumulative One decade and fifteen-thousandresult was bewildering in volume and volume sales later, the digital world ofstunning in scope. CD-Rom’s beckoned. What better way to reproduce and transmit ourIt would have been a shame not to expanding visual reference than on amake available such an exquisite and tiny, shiny disk?uniquely varied collection of visualephemera, so I convinced him to pub- Once again, father and son lay everylish it somehow and share the wealth. last design element out on the floor, to reconfigure the collection for use on a computer, with all of the new capabili- ©1994-7 Ultimate Symbol Inc. ties that it affords. We re-edited the categories and added new ones to the collection in order to reflect yet another ten years of collection and creation, before painstakingly redrawing all of the elements in Adobe Illustrator. (continued on next page) 8
Welcome (continued ) I was looking for the ideal screen interface. One that would be intuitive and fun to use. Fortunately, Adobe Systems dropped in deux ex machina with their powerful Acrobat document software, which perfectly suited our product. At last, one can easily navigate the whole collection of thousands of images in minutes, locating any single category or specific symbol in seconds. Now that’s progress. The visual arts and the design business truly have been changed forever by computers. In the process of design, a computer is only a tool, but it is a most efficient one. Design Elements by Ultimate Symbol is a testament to that fact. I hope that you use this labor of love well and in good taste. May it inform and inspire you, and save you precious time. For this designer, good design has always been good business. Even more importantly, good design is a source of great fun. Enjoy. Mies Hora President & Founder Ultimate Symbol Inc. ©1994-7 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 9
ForwardVisual symbols are among the oldest A writer controls the content and ©1994-7 Ultimate Symbol Inc.permanent means of communication, elegance of his prose. Nevertheless, hedating back some 30,000 years to is still at the mercy of his vocabulary.the caves of Lascaux and Altamira. Ourancestors included the shapes of He can play with ideas, juggle ideas orarrows, hands, and geometric forms in parody ideas. He can sculpt paragraphstheir representations of bulls, horses and say anything he feels like saying.and mammoths. Clearly those images But he can do none of this withoutfulfill some archetypal human need. words. They are his raw material, theDespite the distances we have travelled source of his inspiration, the tools offrom those caves, we find that these his trade.same forms remain a compellingmeans for transmitting information. A designer is not unlike a writer. HisThey are, today as then, an indispensa- “words” are the graphic elements,ble part of our visual language. In symbols and signs which make up ourrecent years, we have seen this tradi- common visual vocabulary.tion enriched by the signs of modernlife – television screens, filmstrips, Design Elements by Ultimate Symbol,scientific nomenclature, etc. is an invaluable graphic reference work. It builds upon the sturdy foundationThe availability of a resource in which of the original four hard-cover booksthe very best of these images have and expands the designer’s vocabularybeen selected and exquisitely rendered to include an even more vast array offor the purposes of reproduction is a dingbats, designs, symbols, icons andgreat service to all of us, but it is most calligraphic devices.important to designers. The painstakingcare with which Richard Hora and This extraordinary product providesMies Hora have undertaken this task is the designer with a much-neededreflected in this collection, which dictionary of images, a comprehensiverepresents an enormous research effort resource for fine, reproduction qualityas well as the exercise of astute judge- ornaments and figures. Its immensement, taste and skill. Here is a very high practical value is matched only by itslevel of visual quality and design utility. fine craftsmanship.The thoughtfulness and comprehensivenature of their work makes this product Lou Dorfsmaninvaluable for the concerned designer. Former Vice President & Creative DirectorDavid C. Levy, Ph.D. Advertising & DesignPresident, The Corcoran Gallery CBS Inc.Former Executive DeanParsons School of Design 10
Getting StartedWelcome to Design Elements PRODUCT CONTENTSThis 8-volume collection of 3,064 high- MAC/PC Hybrid CD-ROMquality EPS files was created by designprofessionals for design professionals. 1. EPS/WMF FilesDesign Elements is part of The Ultimate > Mac: EPS 6.0 and EPS 3.0 formats.Symbol Collection, a suite of products > PC: EPS 3.0 and WMF formats.that provides instant access to a widevariety of inspirational, high-quality, and 2. End User License Agreementtime-saving designs and icons, in fully By using the images on this CD-ROM,editable PostScript™ format. you agree to the terms and conditions of this agreement (also located on Page 2This section contains the following of this manual).information: 3. Adobe Acrobat Reader™> Product Contents An intuitive screen interface and image> Locating Image Files browser. Install to view the PDF docu-> Opening EPS Files ments listed below.> About Acrobat Reader> About EPS Files 4. DE Catalog.pdf> About WMF Files On-screen display of the Design Elements Catalog may be viewed in Acrobat Reader. 5. Ultimate Symbol.pdf An overview of The Ultimate Symbol Collection™, a library of more than 20,000 images. Use to view and access the Free Sample Files. 6. FREE Sample Files FREE sample files from the other products in The Ultimate Symbol Collection. ©1994-7 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 11
Getting Started (continued)LOCATING IMAGE FILES Adobe PageMaker™ ©1994-7 Ultimate Symbol Inc.Once you have found the image you want From the FILE menu go to PLACE. Selectin the Design Elements™ Catalog, take the image you wish to import into Page-note of the number at the base of the Maker. The PS (Post Script) symbol willimage. appear on the screen. Click the mouse to place the image on the screen.Example: CorelDRAW!™ 01 A 07 From the FILE menu go to IMPORT. From the LIST FILES OF TYPE pop-up selectVolume 01 Catalog Page “A” File 07 ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR (*.ai, *.eps) DO NOT use the ALL FILES or COREL TRACETo find the EPS image, select your CD- option as the files may be incompleteROM drive and locate the EPS or WMF when imported.Files folder. Then locate the folder entitledVolume 01, Sub-folder 01A, File Number Macromedia Freehand™01A07. >Freehand 4.0 and greater: Illustrator 3 files can be opened and edited.QUICK TIPS FOR OPENING EPS FILES > Freehand 3.x: To open and edit Illus-Adobe Illustrator™ trator 3 files you will require the \"EPSFrom the FILE menu go to OPEN to Exchange\" utility from Altsys Corpora-import the EPS images into your pro- tion. To obtain a copy of this utility,gram. If you PLACE the images you please contact Altsys at 800-477-2131.will not be able to ungroup or manipulate It is also available from major mail-orderthe files. Select the CD drive and the file catalog retailers, such as MacWare-you wish to import. Double-click the file house at bring it into your program. >Freehand 2.x (or earlier versions): Illus- trator 3 files are not compatible. TheShortcut for Illustrator Users: best option is to upgrade to FreehandOpen EPS Files Instantly Using the 4.0 or greater.On-screen Catalog!> Open “DE Catalog.pdf” in Adobe Quark Xpress™Acrobat Reader. See Page 13 for Xpress users will need to create ainstructions on installing and browsing graphic box to import the EPS file Acrobat Reader. After you have created the graphic box> Click once on the image or file number click on the Content Tool, and selectof your choice. The image will automat- Get Picture from the FILE menu.ically open in Illustrator (Mac: Illustrator6.0 or greater; PC/Windows: Illustrator 123.0 or greater).
Getting Started (continued)ABOUT ADOBE ACROBAT READER 1. Page by PageWith the Acrobat Reader, you can view- Browse through the PDF documentsand navigate any Portable Document a page at a time using the page forwardFormat (PDF) file, including our screen and back buttons at the top of tool bar:catalog “DE Catalog.pdf” (Mac);“DE_Cat.pdf” (PC) and “Ultimate Sym- Previous Pagebol.pdf” (Mac); “Ultimate.pdf” (PC) Next PageImportant: It is not necessary to loadAcrobat Reader or our screen catalog 2. Key Word“DE Catalog.pdf” to begin using the Search by key word, selecting the walkingEPS/WMF files. However, the screen cat- fingers button from the tool bar:alog will assist you in convenientlyviewing and selecting the image files. FindThe “DE Catalog.pdf” is linked to the Enter a single word or part of a word inEPS Files. Click once on the image or the “Find What” text box, and clickfile number of your choice. The image “Find”. To find the next occurrence of thewill automatically open in Illustrator word, press “Command - G”.(Mac: Illustrator 6.0 or greater; PC/Win-dows: Illustrator 3.0 or greater). 3. Thumbnails Click on the Thumbnail Icon from theInstalling Acrobat Reader toolbar to display a set of thumbnailFor detailed installation instructions pages:see the “ReadMe” file located in theAcrobat Reader folder on the CD-ROM Thumbnails and Page(Mac) or “readme.txt” located in theAcrobat subdirectory (PC/Windows). You may select a page to jump to by clicking on a thumbnail page, orAcrobat Reader Features even select a view or specific area of aOnce Acrobat Reader is loaded, browse thumbnail page.the PDF files using the following handyAcrobat features: 4. Bookmarks Click on the Bookmark Icon from the toolbar to display bookmarks, which serve ©1994-7 Ultimate Symbol Inc. as an alphabetized index of categories of images: Bookmarks and Page Click on the listing you would like to see. 13
Getting Started (continued)5. Link Categories Acrobat Reader HelpWhen you see one or more of the icons Please see the Acrobat Reader 3.0 Online(below) featured in the lower left corner Guide, which can be found in the fileof a catalog page, that page contains “Reader.pdf” in the Help folder (located indesign elements from that image catego- the same folder as the Acrobatry and is also linked to other pages Reader). When using Acrobat Reader,with images from that same category. selecting the Help > Reader Online Guide menu will open “Reader.pdf”Anatomy / Human automatically. (Note: On the Macintosh platform, the Help menu is the secondAnimals menu from the right on the top menu bar and is indicated by a ?-mark icon.)Circular For the latest information on Acrobat go online to: ABOUT EPS FILES Design Elements are EPS outlines, andModern will print at the very highest resolution on any PostScript™ equipped printer.Nature / Environmental These images were created in Adobe Illustrator as EPS and saved as grouped,Religion / Occult 1-bit, Adobe Illustrator 6.0 and 3.0 files (Macintosh), and Adobe Illustrator 3.0Rough / Woodcut EPS and WMF files (PC/ Windows).Square EPS Files can be placed directly into any ©1994-7 Ultimate Symbol Inc. page layout application like QuarkBegin viewing a Link Category now by Xpress or PageMaker. You can custom-clicking on the icon above for the ize the images easily by opening orcategory of your choice. To go to the importing them into draw programsnext page containing images in a partic- such as Adobe Illustrator, Macromediaular category, click on the icon again. Freehand, CorelDraw!, etc. See Page 12 for Quick Tips on opening and placing EPS files. For detailed instructions on how to manipulate vector images, consult the manual of your draw program. (continued on next page) 14
Getting Started (continued)Printing Complex Files To decompose the image, select the ©1994-7 Ultimate Symbol Inc.Macintosh: If you are having difficulty image, go to “Arrange” menu, and selectprinting a complex 6.0 file with many “Ungroup”. You are now ready to pullpoints, try instead using the 3.0 version it apart.provided. Many EPS 3.0 files have splitpaths to facilitate printing on printers ABOUT WMF FILESthat are old or that have insufficient WMF files (Windows Metafile) are alsomemory to handle large, complex files vector outlines with nodes or points.with many points. The format was designed by Microsoft™ Corporation to maintain image fileTransparency & Compound Paths compatibility across a broad range ofMacintosh: When possible, 6.0 images Windows applications.were saved as compound paths, whichallows for transparency or the ability Previewing Problemsto ‘see through’ blank areas of the image. EPS and WMF files behave differently in various PC/Windows applications. IfIf a grouped image will not come apart, EPS files don't preview properly and areit may be because the file is a compound difficult to work with in your applicationpath. To release a compound path in of choice, we suggest you try using theIllustrator, select the image, pull down the WMF files, as they consistently preview“Object” menu, select “Compound more accurately in most applications.Paths”, then select “Release”. Be awarethat when releasing a compound path, Printing Problemssome apparently empty or transparent If however, you are having troubleobjects/spaces may become solid black printing the WMF files (broken, bandedor white. Freehand users: see composite or incomplete images), we suggest youpath in your software manual. stick with the generally more sophis- ticated EPS files for your final printingImages Composed of Separate Shapes and imagesetting.If an image appears in the Design Note: We have extensively tested allElements Catalog with an asterisk * in of the EPS and WMF files in Design Elements, using many differentthe lower right-hand corner, it is applications, but we cannot guaranteecomposed of separate, overlapping that they will function flawlessly in allshapes which may be pulled apart. versions of every Windows application or in every variation of systeme.g.: configuration. * 15
Stars Suns 1Moons Zodiac ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 17 Stars - 5 point 18 - 3 & 4 point - 6 point 19 - 7 & 8 point - Multi-point 20 Suns - Drawn 21 - Rise - General 23 - Faces 24 Moons - Phases 25 - General Faces Planetary Astronomy - Symbols 26 - Aspects & Nodes - Positions - Time 27 Astrology Zodiac Symbols - Northern Signs 28 - Southern SignsTo display page, click once on page number. 16
Vol.1 Stars Suns Moons Zodiac A Stars - 5 point01A01 01A02 01A03 01A04 01A05 01A0601A07 01A08 * 01A09 01A10 01A11 01A1201A13 01A14 01A15 01A16 01A17 01A1801A19 01A20 01A21 01A22 01A23 01A2401A25 01A26 01A27 01A28 01A29 01A3001A31 01A32 01A33 01A34 01A35 01A36 ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc.* Composed of separate shapes 17
Vol.1 Stars Suns Moons Zodiac BStars- 5 point continued 01B01 01B02 01B03 01B04 01B05 01B06 01B07 01B08 01B09 01B10 01B11- 3 & 4 point 01B12 01B13 01B14 01B15 01B16 01B17 01B18 01B19 01B20 01B21 01B22- 6 point 01B23 01B24 01B25 01B26 01B27 01B28 Star of David 01B29 01B30 01B31 01B32 01B33 01B34 01B35 01B36 ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 18
Vol.1 Stars Suns Moons Zodiac C Stars - 7 & 8 point 01C01 01C02 01C03 01C04 01C05 01C06 Heptagram Mystic Star 01C07 01C08 01C09 01C10 01C11 01C12 Star of Regeneration Octagram of Creation 01C13 01C14 01C15 01C16 01C17 01C18 01C19- Multi-point 01C20 01C21 01C22 01C23 01C24 01C25 10 point 12 point 12 point 12 point 12 point Ten Disciples of Jesus The Twelve Tribes of Israel 01C26 01C27 01C28 01C29 01C30 01C31 01C32 01C33 01C34 01C35 ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 19
Vol.1 Stars Suns Moons Zodiac D Suns - Drawn01D01 01D02 01D03 01D04 01D05 01D0601D07 01D08 01D09 01D10 01D11 01D1201D13 01D14 01D15 01D16 01D17 01D1801D19 01D20 01D21 01D22 01D23 01D2401D25 01D26 01D27 01D28 01D29 01D3001D31 01D32 01D33 01D34 01D35 01D36 ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 20
Vol.1 Stars Suns Moons Zodiac ESuns- Drawn continued 01E01 01E02 01E03 01E04 01E05 01E06 01E07 01E08 01E09 01E10 01E11 01E12- Rise 01E13 01E14 01E15 01E16 01E17 01E18 01E19 01E20- General 01E21 01E22 01E23 01E24 01E25 01E26 01E27 01E28 01E29 01E30 01E31 01E32 01E33 01E34 01E35 01E36 ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 21
Vol.1 Stars Suns Moons Zodiac FSuns- Generalcontinued 01F01 01F02 01F03 01F04 01F05 01F06 01F07 01F08 01F09 01F10 01F11 01F12 Spanish Alchemy(Gold) 01F13 01F14 01F15 01F16 01F17 01F18 01F19 01F20 01F21 01F22 01F23 01F24 Spanish Cave 01F25 01F26 01F27 01F28 01F29 01F30 Pre-Colombian Equador 01F31 01F32 01F33 01F34 Ancient Sigil of the Sun Note: For efficient viewing some images on this page are greyscale representations of the actual EPS files. 22
Vol.1 Stars Suns Moons Zodiac GSuns- General continued 01G01 01G02 01G03 01G04 01G05 01G07 01G08 01G09 01G10 01G11 01G12 01G13 01G14 01G15 01G16 01G17 01G18 01G19 01G20 01G21 01G22 01G23 01G24- Faces Eyes Noses Lips 01G25 01G26 01G27 01G28 01G29 01G30 Venetian German 01G31 01G32 01G33 01G34 01G35 01G36 German German ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 23
Vol.1 Stars Suns Moons Zodiac H Moons 01H06 - Phases 01H01 01H02 01H03 01H04 01H05 New Moon Waxing Cresent Moon 01H07 01H08 01H09 01H10 01H11 01H12 Half Moon, First Quarter Waxing Gibbous Moon 01H13 01H14 01H15 01H16 01H17 01H18 Full Moon 01H19 01H20 01H21 01H22 01H23 01H24 Waning Gibbous Moon Half Moon, Last Quarter 01H25 01H26 01H27 01H28 01H29 Waning Crescent Moon 01H30 01H31- Phase ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc. Symbols 01H32 01H33 01H34 01H35 Last Quarter New First Quarter Full 24
Vol.1 Stars Suns Moons Zodiac IMoons 01I06- General Faces 01I01 01I02 01I03 01I04 01I05 01I07 01I08 01I09 01I10 01I11 01I12 01I13 01I14 01I15 01I16 01I17 01I18Planetary 01I19 01I20 01I21 01I22Astronomy- Symbols 01I25 01I26 01I27 01I28 01I29 01I30 Sun New Moon 1st Quarter Last Quarter Full Moon Earth Sunday Global Cluster Monday Moon Moon 01I31 01I32 01I33 01I34 01I35 01I36 ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc. Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Uranus Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Initial of Discoverer Shield and Spear Caduceus Bolt of Lightning Looking Glass Sickle of Time Sir F. W. Herschel 01I37 01I38 01I39 01I40 Pluto Neptune Earth Uranus Monogram PL Trident Globe & Cross 25
Vol.1 Stars Suns Moons Zodiac JAstronomy 01J06- Symbols Fixed Star continued 01J01 01J02 01J03 01J04 01J05 Sun New Moon 1st Quarter Last Quarter Full Moon Moon Moon 01J07 01J08 01J09 01J10 Star Comet Comet Falling Star 01J11 01J12 01J13 Galactic Cluster Planetary Nebula Galaxy- Aspects & Nodes 01J14 01J15 01J16 01J17 01J18 01J19 Conjunction Ascending Node Descending Node Opposition Quadrature-Half Quadrature The Dragon's Head The Dragon's Tail- Positions 01J20 01J21 01J22 01J23 01J24 01J25 Quadrature- Quintile Quincunx Sextile Sextile-Half Trine One and a Half 01J26 01J27 01J28 01J29 01J30 01J31 Sun's Sun's Sun's Moon's Moon's Station Mark Center Upper Limb Lower Limb Upper Limb Lower Limb- Time ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 01J32 01J33 01J34 01J35 01J36 01J37 Hour Day Week Month Year Day & Night 26
Vol.1 Stars Suns Moons Zodiac K Astrology 01K01 HoroscopeZodiac Symbols- Northern Signs 01K02 01K03 01K04 01K05 01K06 01K07 Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo March 21 April 20 May 21 June 21 August 23 Vernal Equinox Summer Solstice July 23 01K08 01K09 01K10 01K11 01K12 01K13 Ram Bull Twins Crab Lion Virgin Lobster 01K14 01K15 01K16 01K17 01K18 01K19 Ram Bull Twins Crab Lion Virgin 01K20 01K21 01K22 01K23 01K24 01K25 Ram Bull Twins Crab Lion Virgin Lobster 01K26 01K27 01K28 01K29 01K30 01K31 Ram Bull Twins Crab Lion Virgin ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 27
Vol.1 Stars Suns Moons Zodiac L Zodiac Symbols - Southern Signs 01L01 01L02 01L03 01L04 01L05 01L06 Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces September 23 October 23 November 20 December 21 January 20 February 18Autumnal Equinox Winter Solstice 01L07 01L08 01L09 01L10 01L11 01L12Balance Scorpion Archer Goat Water Bearer Fishes 01L13 01L14 01L15 01L16 01L17 01L18Balance Scorpion Archer Goat Water Bearer Fishes 01L19 01L20 01L21 01L22 01L23 01L24Balance Scorpion Archer Goat Water Bearer Fishes 01L25 01L26 01L27 01L28 01L29 01L30Balance Scorpion Archer Goat Water Bearer Fishes ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 28
Flourishes 2AccentsTypographicDevices 30 Dashes / Whiskers / Compound Rules 35 Brackets / Braces / Parentheses 38 Spencerian / Flourishes / Accents ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc.To display page, click once on page number. 29
Vol.2 Flourishes Accents A Typographic DevicesDashesWhiskersCompound Rules 02A01 02A13 02A14 02A02 02A15 02A16 02A03 02A17 02A18 02A04 02A19 02A20 02A05 02A21 02A22 02A06 02A23 02A24 02A07 02A08 02A09 02A10 02A11 ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 02A12 30
Vol.2 Flourishes Accents B Typographic DevicesDashes 02B01 02B13Whiskers 02B14Compound Rules 02B15continued 02B16 02B17 02B02 02B18 02B19 02B03 02B20 02B21 02B04 02B22 02B23 02B05 02B24 02B06 02B07 02B08 02B09 02B10 02B11 ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 02B12 31
Vol.2 Flourishes Accents C Typographic Devices 02C21Dashes 02C01 02C11 02C22Whiskers 02C23Compound Rules 02C24continued 02C25 02C26 02C02 02C12 02C27 02C28 02C03 02C13 02C29 02C30 02C04 02C14 32 02C05 02C15 02C06 02C16 02C07 02C17 02C08 02C18 02C09 02C19 02C10 02C20 ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc.
Vol.2 Flourishes Accents D Typographic Devices 02D08 ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc. Dashes 02D09 Whiskers 02D10 Compound Rules 02D11 continued 02D12 02D13 02D01 02D14 02D02 02D03 02D04 02D05 02D06 02D07 33
Vol.2 Flourishes Accents E Typographic Devices 02E08 ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc. Dashes 02E09 Whiskers 02E10 Compound Rules 02E11 continued 02E12 02E13 02E01 02E14 02E02 02E03 02E04 02E05 02E06 02E07 34
Vol.2 Flourishes Accents F Typographic Devices Brackets Braces Parentheses02F01 02F02 02F03 02F04 02F05 02F0602F07 02F08 02F09 02F10 02F11 02F1202F13 02F14 02F15 02F16 02F17 02F1802F19 ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 35
Vol.2 Flourishes Accents G Typographic Devices Brackets Braces Parentheses continued02G01 02G02 02G03 02G04 02G05 02G0602G07 02G08 02G09 02G10 02G11 02G1202G13 02G14 02G15 02G16 02G17 02G18 ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 36
Vol.2 Flourishes Accents H Typographic Devices Brackets Braces Parentheses continued02H01 02H02 02H03 02H04 02H05 02H0602H07 02H08 02H09 02H10 02H11 02H1202H13 02H14 02H15 ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 37
Vol.2 Flourishes Accents I Typographic Devices 02I04 Spencerian 02I08 Flourishes 02I12 Accents 02I16 02I2002I01 02I02 02I03 02I2402I05 02I06 02I0702I09 02I10 02I1102I13 02I14 02I1502I17 02I18 02I1902I21 02I22 02I23 ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 38
Vol.2 Flourishes Accents J Typographic Devices 02J04 Spencerian 02J08 Flourishes 02J12 Accents 02J16 continued 02J20 02J2402J01 02J02 02J0302J05 02J06 02J0702J09 02J10 02J1102J13 02J14 02J1502J17 02J18 02J1902J21 02J22 02J23 ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 39
Vol.2 Flourishes Accents K Typographic Devices 02K04 Spencerian 02K08 Flourishes 02K12 Accents 02K16 continued 02K20 02K2402K01 02K02 02K0302K05 02K06 02K0702K09 02K10 02K1102K13 02K14 02K1502K17 02K18 02K1902K21 02K22 02K23 ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 40
Vol.2 Flourishes Accents L Typographic Devices 02L04 Spencerian 02L08 Flourishes 02L12 Accents 02L16 continued 02L20 02L2402L01 02L02 02L0302L05 02L06 02L0702L09 02L10 02L1102L13 02L14 02L1502L17 02L18 02L1902L21 02L22 02L23 ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 41
Vol.2 Flourishes Accents M Typographic Devices 02M04 Spencerian 02M08 Flourishes 02M12 Accents 02M16 continued 02M20 02M2402M01 02M02 02M0302M05 02M06 02M0702M09 02M10 02M1102M13 02M14 02M1502M17 02M18 02M1902M21 02M22 02M23 ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 42
Vol.2 Flourishes Accents N Typographic Devices 02N03 Spencerian 02N06 Flourishes 02N09 Accents 02N12 continued 02N15 02N1802N01 02N02 4302N04 02N0502N07 02N0802N10 02N1102N13 02N1402N16 02N17 ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc.
Vol.2 Flourishes Accents O Typographic Devices 02O03 Spencerian 02O06 Flourishes 02O09 Accents 02O12 continued 02O14 02O1602O01 02O0202O04 02O0502O07 02O0802O10 02O11 02O13 02O15 ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 44
Borders 3Rules 46 Varied Weight - Scotch 47 Geometric - Rectangles 48 - Circles 49 - Triangles - Diamonds 50 Ornate 53 - Art Nouveau 54 - Classical - Pre-Columbian 55 - Geometric 57 Floral 59 Pictorial ©1994-7 Ultimate Symbol Inc.To display page, click once on page number. 45
Vol.3 Borders Rules D03A02 6 Point A Varied Weight 46 D03A01 3 Point- Scotch D03A03 9 Point D03A04 12 Point D03A05 D03A06 D03A07 D03A08 D03A09 D03A10 D03A11 D03A12 D03A13 D03A14 D03A15 D03A16 D03A17 D03A18 D03A19 D03A20 ©1994-7 Ultimate Symbol Inc. D03A21 D03A22 D03A23 D03A24 Note: Borders and rules presented above are smaller in scale and shorter than actual files.
Vol.3 Borders Rules BGeometric 47- Rectangles D03B01 D03B02 D03B04 D03B03 D03B06 D03B08 D03B05 D03B10 D03B12 D03B07 D03B14 D03B16 D03B09 D03B18 D03B20 D03B11 D03B13 D03B15 D03B17 D03B19 ©1994-7 Ultimate Symbol Inc. Note: Borders and rules presented above are smaller in scale and shorter than actual files.
Vol.3 Borders Rules CGeometric 48- Rectangles continued D03C01 D03C02 D03C04 D03C03 D03C06 D03C08 D03C05 D03C10 D03C12- Circles D03C07 D03C14 D03C09 D03C16 D03C18 D03C11 D03C20 D03C13 D03C15 D03C17 D03C19 D03C21 ©1994-7 Ultimate Symbol Inc. Note: Borders and rules presented above are smaller in scale and shorter than actual files.
Vol.3 Borders Rules DGeometriccontinued- Triangles D03D01 D03D02 D03D04 D03D03 D03D06 D03D08 D03D05 D03D10 D03D12- Diamonds D03D14 D03D16 D03D07 D03D18 D03D09 D03D11 D03D13 D03D15 D03D17 ©1994-7 Ultimate Symbol Inc. Note: Borders and rules presented above are smaller in scale and shorter than actual files. 49
Vol.3 Borders Rules EOrnate D03E01 D03E02 D03E04 D03E03 D03E06 D03E08 D03E05 D03E10 D03E12 D03E07 D03E14 D03E16 D03E09 D03E18 D03E11 D03E13 D03E15 D03E17 ©1994-7 Ultimate Symbol Inc. Note: Borders and rules presented above are smaller in scale and shorter than actual files. 50
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