Spark Rekindled Jocund June Newsletter EuroSchool North Campus
Table of 01 Editorial Contents Icebreakers 02 03 Events & Initiatives Articles 04 05 Achievement Classroom s Buzz 06 07 Academic Clubs Non- Academic 08 Clubs
Editorial “Life can give everything to those who try to understand and are willing to receive new knowledge” At EuroSchool North Campus, each day brings a new learning experience for both teachers and students. To share these joyful moments of learning, we are proud to present our newsletter ‘SPARK REKINDLED’ for the month of June 2021. This newsletter is surely going to unravel the world of the most unforgettable and precious moments of the school. Each part showcases the enthusiastic participation of our joyful students engaged in learning with fun. Through celebration of special days, EuroSchool North Campus aims to engage the students into relevant issues pertaining to the society, environment and humanity in general. Various initiatives are being taken up to keep both the teachers and the students motivated with the focus being on mental health and wellbeing. The reflection of the students’ creativity and achievements is the epitome of the newsletter. Dear readers, with this newsletter, we hope to delight you as you flip through the pages which reveal the most happening events at school this month. HAPPY READING!
Ice Breakers
ICEBREAKER FOR TEACHERS The chirping of the birds and the subtle rays of the sun had set the ambiance for a relaxing evening, but the excitement in the air amongst our teachers was building as they were gearing up for the first fun event of this academic year, that is the ‘Icebreaker for Teachers’. This event was put together by our every enthusiastic CCA teachers, Ms. Divya and Ms. Jaya. It was hosted by the equally enthusiastic and charming teachers, Ms. Meghana and Ms. Sonam. The highlights of this session were the talent show by the new teachers and a fun-filled team building event. The new teachers were all pepped up with a lot of confidence, as they show- cased their talent. The teachers entertained with their painting, dancing, singing, meditation and poetry skills, for which they were applauded exuberantly. The new teachers were embraced and appreciated with an open heart, which was felt by each one of them. This event was complete with the participation of our Principal Ma’am, Dr. Vandana Gupta. Her appreciation and encouraging words for the new teachers made them gleam with pride. She also participated in the team building activity, where we, the teachers were able to see and experience the fun and the cool side of hers. This relaxed and informal interaction with principal ma’am, gave a boost to the new teachers and helped them to feel part of the team. Well, the existing teachers were happy to reconnect with her again, for this academic year. The team building activity, was a creative one, combined with fun, which paved way for bonding between the teachers, new and old, to bridge the gap and feel being part of the Euro family. This joyous event ended with a positive note and has laid the foundation for many more successful events and activities for this upcoming academic year.
ICEBREAKER FOR STUDENTS On the reopening day of the school, the children took the center stage. The Ice breaker – Talent show was planned in order to provide a platform for students to showcase their talents, creativity and imagination All the children got chance to introduce themselves, talk about their vacation, and surely about the remarkable talent(s) each of them has. A spectrum of hobbies and talents was demonstrated; beautiful drawings, creative paper art, and some soothing guitar music. The drawings – mandalas, animated characters, and sceneries, were a feast to the eyes. Certainly, the elegantly done paper art initiated a chain of ‘Wows!’ among the students. The budding singers, dancers and musicians grabbed everybody’s attention. The soothing guitar, violin and keyboard music struck a chord in our souls. Moreover, some talents were unique and quite unbelievable, like Lego art, self-made made Japanese series trailer and custom designed dress. It was inspiring to discover that there were passionate young chefs and nature lovers in the class. In addition, a majority of the them had a long list of talents and hobbies, which was, without a doubt impressive to learn about. Unfortunately, the show had to come to an end. But what a journey it was! Within a short time, it was a privilege to understand and be awestruck by such young minds with their commendable talents. It had set a clear platform to believe that the academic year is unquestionably going to be rewarding!!
Events & Initiatives
WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY “Let’s nurture the nature, so that we can have a better future.” Every year, the World Environment Day falls on the 5th of June. Under normal circumstances, the school would conduct programs for awareness on environment and preservation. This is a very important event that cannot be ignored even in the times of a global pandemic. In view of this, EuroSchool North campus organized a Student Led Session LIVE on EuroSchool India Facebook page on Saturday, 5th June 2021 at 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM. Topic: Ecosystem Restoration- Reimagine...Recreate...Restore. Guest Speaker: Dr. Shobha Ananda Reddy, Trustee, TREND: Trust for Rejuvenation of Environment and Nature Development We are delighted to share that the World Environment Day Live Show on EuroSchool India Facebook Page was a grand success. The show was witnessed by 1.5 k + viewers and was very well appreciated. Our guest speaker, Dr Shobha Ananda Reddy, set aside her precious time for the benefit of our student community. Her presence was extremely motivating, and she awakened the young Eco warriors with her in-depth knowledge and contribution to Our Environment. Our Student panelists, Gaurav A Reddy, Pratyush Vishal and Ishika Srivastava Of Grade 11, Savannah Sabu, Madhumitha Unnikrishnan, Yashas P Raju and Sresth Tiwari of Grade 10 contributed to the success of the event. and made us proud. You can watch the session at the link given below:
WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY “Let’s nurture the nature, so that we can have a better future.” To mark the day, the students of EuroSchool North Campus actively took part in the given activities: • Grades 1 and 2 - Pot a plant • Grades 3-5 - Theme-based drawing along with a slogan • Grades 6-8 - Poster making competition
FATHER’S DAY The tiny tots looked so excited and thrilled to come along with their fathers, which otherwise is a rare occurrence. Various games were played such as Cookie on the Face, Beard Shaving Race, Quiz etc. At last, the father-child duo danced to the tunes of foot-tapping music. It was an exciting day filled with fun-filled activities which were thoroughly enjoyed by the fathers and their little ones. “A father is someone who holds you when you cry, scolds you when you break the rules, shines with pride when you succeed, and has faith in you even when you fail”. Father’s Day event was organized virtually on Saturday, June 19th, 2021, at EuroSchool North Campus.
FATHER’S DAY Children expressed their emotions and thoughts on this Father’s Day through some heart warming messages and cards. Students’ enthusiasm and creativity was its peak in creating these stunning masterpieces.
INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY The International Yoga Day has The theme for this year 2021 is been celebrated annually on 21st “Yoga at Home and Yoga with June since 2015. Family”. This is apt to the current Yoga which means ‘union’ scenario and circumstances. We at originated in ancient India. It is a EuroSchool North Campus set of physical, mental and spiritual celebrated it on 21st June from practice. 7:00 a.m. to 7:45 a.m. June 21st happens to be the Teachers, students and parents longest day in the northern whole heartedly participated in hemisphere and hence the the Virtual Yoga day celebrations significance. and made it a grand success.
INTERNATIONAL OLYMPICS DAY International Olympics Day is observed on June 23 every year to celebrate sports and health. The occasion marks the day when International Olympic Committee was founded in 1894. The day aims at promoting sports and spreads the message of making sports an integral part of life. At EuroSchool North Campus students observed this day by taking a look at India’s Journey at the Olympics since 1900. All the medal winners in Olympics till date were remembered. The significance of the day and the importance of Sports was discussed. The event concluded by wishing Good Luck to all our participants of Tokyo Olympics.
ROBUSTNESS SESSIONS “Self-care is how you take your power back.” This pandemic has not been kind on the mental and physical health of our parent community, children and teachers. The isolated lifestyle, the uncertainty of life etc.. has led children and adults to experience a variety of feelings. Depression, anxiety, stress, grief, loss or any major change in our life can all affect our mental and emotional health and day to day living. Sometimes it is hard to know if what we are experiencing is depression, worry, sadness or anxiety. Caring for ourselves is how we can take your power back. Self care is the active participation of enhancing our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and quality of life. It is important to maintain both physical and mental components of self-care in order to achieve an overall state of wellness. To cater this need EuroSchool North Campus came up with an initiative where our staff members conducting a one-week session on ROBUSTNESS which was very well received by students, parents and teachers. The one-week session from 14th June 2021 to 18th June 2021 included activities like Meditation, Yoga, Physical and Brain Gym exercises, Zumba etc.. These activities help to enhance self awareness and promotes emotional health, It promotes better self care, It boosts energy and improves mood, it helps us to deal with stress, reduces anxiety & depression and helps you work out more Effectively. Engaging ourselves in these activities will help us to give time for ourselves (Self Care) and will help with our Physical and Mental health.(Gain the Power back)
World Oceans Day Every year on 8th June, the World Oceans Day is celebrated. The theme of the current year is ‘The Ocean : Life and Livelihoods’ and aims to strengthen cooperation worldwide to \"develop the scientific research and innovative technologies that can connect ocean science with the needs of society. What can we do to protect oceans? Make safe sustainable seafood choices. Use less plastic Take care of the beach Educate yourself about oceans and marine life. - Shalini Aggarwal Teacher, EuroSchool North Campus
World Day Against Child Labour 12th June of every year is celebrated as World Child labour day. This year-2021 the theme is, ‘Act Now, End Child Labour.’ As we celebrate another year with the aim to raise awareness and activism to prevent child labour, these thoughts cross my mind… “A child is meant to learn, not to earn.” Economic hardship exacts a toll on millions of families worldwide – and in some places, it comes at the price of a child’s safety. Roughly 160 million children were subjected to child labour at the beginning of 2020, with 9 million additional children at risk due to the impact of COVID-19. This accounts for nearly 1 in 10 children worldwide. Almost half of them are in hazardous work that directly endangers their health and moral development. Children may be driven into work for various reasons. Most often, child labour occurs when families face financial challenges or uncertainty – whether due to poverty, sudden illness of a caregiver, or job loss of a primary wage earner. The consequences are staggering. Child labour can result in extreme bodily and mental harm, and even death. It can lead to slavery and sexual or economic exploitation. And in nearly every case, it cuts children off from schooling and health care, restricting their fundamental rights and threatening their future. Whatever the cause, child labour compounds social inequality and discrimination, and robs girls and boys of their childhood. Unlike activities that help children develop, such as contributing to light housework or taking on a job during school holidays, child labour limits access to education and harms a child’s physical, mental and social growth. Especially for girls, the “triple burden” of school, work and household chores heighten their risk of falling behind, making them even more vulnerable to poverty and exclusion. Child labour is a crime against humanity and needs urgent attention and redressal. CHILD LABOUR – EVOLUTION STOPS HERE. - Shalini J Teacher, EuroSchool North Campus
World Music Day The Fête de la musique, also known in English as World Music Day, is an annual music celebration that takes place on 21 June. More than 120 countries commemorate this day , as people organize free public concerts in parks, stadiums, and public places, mostly for music lovers and learners. Music, something so beautiful, something so significant, why do we, as beings, like to listen to melodious tunes and lyrics that form meaning to us? Some feeling more intimate while others engage you in a fun, happy tune to cheer you up. “We are seeking music that reflects who we are, so that includes personality, that includes the way we think, and it may even be the way our brain is wired.” Music is a form of expression in itself. Artist can share their experiences through lyrics, they can share their stories and their ups and downs, the lyrics tell stories, they might even help some people when they’re at their darkest. Some lyrics make you cry, some make you smile, it makes all the difference in the world. How does music help us when we’re down? Music releases these chemicals in your brain called ‘Dopamine’. These chemicals are a kind of naturally occurring happy chemical we receive as a part of reward system. Music may seem like an insignificant part of your life, but sometimes you never really realise the things that make you happy. It’s the small things that matter, Artists try to help people in hard times. They help people with their music. Some type of music inspires young people and that creates creativity and a hope for a new generation. So, on this day of International Music Day, why don’t we all share across music/songs we love from different artists and spread love amongst others that you can reach out too. Help them in their times of need and give them suitable songs to listen to depending on their mood. That is one way of showing you care amongst many others. - Muankimi Saiawi, Grade 8C
EDUCATION STALWART AWARD We are elated to share with all of you that our Principal Dr. Vandana Gupta was awarded Education Stalwart Award!! At the DK Education Annual Leadership Award ceremony 2021, held on 27th June 2021. The entire Euro family is proud of her as she has received this award for her passion, commitment and contribution to the lives of teachers, students and the entire educator fraternity.
INTERNATIONAL INNOVATION SUMMIT IMAGIVATION 2021 We are delighted to share that students of EuroSchool North Campus, participated enthusiastically in the recently concluded INTERNATIONAL INNOVATION SUMMIT-IMAGIVATION 2021, organized by ZENIK LEARNING. The theme for the event was IMAGINE, INNOVATE, IMPACT. It was a GLOBAL SUMMIT where students from different countries participated. We are happy to share that 20 of our students participated actively in all the events and also won laurels for our school. We are proud of Lavanya Panwar of Grade X who secured Global Rank 3 in The Impact Extempore. Dhwani Samirkumar Abhani of Grade VIII emerged as the School Topper in The Impact Extempore and Astha Ashok of Grade IV emerged as the School Topper in Innovation Olympiad and Innovators Suit. In recognition of the institution’s guidance to the students in developing innovative mindset EuroSchool North Campus was awarded Certificate of Appreciation.
Classroom Buzz
ENGLISH “Finding the right work is like discovering your own soul in the world.” ~ Thomas Moore We all know that economic activities are undertaken to earn money. Generally, people engage themselves in such activities on a regular basis and are said to be engaged in their occupation. Thus, occupation means keeping oneself engaged or occupied in some gainful economic activity on a regular basis to earn one’s livelihood. During the course of this activity children of Grade 3 learned vocabulary and expressions about jobs and occupations. This activity helped the children to talk about what jobs their family members do. They also talked about their interests and what they want to be when they grow up.
HINDI कोई फकक नह ंी पड़ता है कक कौन-सी भाषा है, छात्र हर भाषा के सार का आनदंी लेता है। और भाषा का आनदीं लेने का एकमात्र तर का एक गततविधि है। कक्षा ५ मंे हमार हहदीं कक्षा के दौरान, छात्रों ने संीज्ञा के तीन भागों को रचनात्मक तर के से प्रदर्शतक करना सीखा। सिपक ्रथम र्शक्षक्षका ने सभी छात्रों को सींज्ञा की पनु राितृ ्त्त करिाई और उन्हें गततविधि का विस्तारपूर्क वििरर् देकर कार्कक ाल आरम्भ ककर्ा। गततविधि के र्लए सभी छात्रों ने A4 साइज शीट पर सींज्ञा के भेदों को शाखाओंी द्िारा दशारक ्ा और उनसे सींबंीधित धचत्र धचपकाए। इस गततविधि ने छात्रों को सींज्ञा के विषर् से संीबीधं ित अपनी समझ को मज़बूत बनाने मंे सक्षम ककर्ा और उन्हंे बबना शब्दों के के िल धचत्रों द्िारा एक विषर् को प्रस्तुत करने का अिसर भी हदर्ा।
MATHEMATICS A Playdough activity was conducted for Grade 2 as a reinforcement of the Topic “SHAPES“. The teacher demonstrated “3D SHAPES” using Playdough. The difference between 3D and 2D shapes was also showcased in the class with examples of 3D objects which is seen in our daily life. This activity created a great learning experience. Children were able to understand the 3D shapes by touch and feel concept and were also able to see 3D shapes that can “ROLL” and “SLIDE” in an effective way. The main objective was to help them to imagine the world they live in is full of different shapes. The smile and excitement on the students’ face was the proof of the fun they experienced during the activity.
SOCIAL SCIENCE Various activities were done in Social Science across grades. Here is a glimpse… Children of Grade 5 enjoyed and understood how Evolution of man took place. Through this activity, students were told to pretend themselves belonging to ancient times and to create a cave wall using different materials. Through this activity, they integrated Social with Art and Craft. They also witnessed a collaboration of the subjects. As subject enrichment program for the students of grade 7 were asked to write an article on suggesting ways to stop deforestation. It was a great learning experience for the all the students as they came up with wonderful ideas and ways to protect our environment which is indeed need of the hour.
SCIENCE Collage making- Types of animals Collage making is fun and it helps children to develop their reasoning, creative, imaginative and problem-solving skills. It also helps them to make cognitive advances such as learning proportions. The children of grade 6 experienced this during their Biology period while making a collage on different groups of animals based on the food habits. It was conducted as a reinforcement and fun-filled activity in the class.
Academic Clubs
QUIZ CLUB A Quiz is a form of game or mind sport. It contains an element of competition and is also played for fun but in both, the children learn something. Learning is fun. Keeping with the theme “Fun with Quiz”, a fun-filled Quiz was conducted on 23rd June 2021, for Grade – 1 & 2 children. The Quiz included questions as pictures of famous cartoon characters and music of famous cartoon movie clips which the children had to identify. The objective of this Quiz was for the children to have fun and the over whelming positive feedback of the Quiz session was an indicator to it.
STREAM CLUB- THE Updating STEM TO STREAM which HOLISTIC PACKAGE includes ARTS, Reading and wRiting concept into it. This infusing of ‘Reading & wRiting’ into STEM model is important because it has been found that writing like any other art helps in teaching an entire range of tools for thinking which are required to be creative in any discipline. The first club class of STREAM, held on 23rd June 2021, witnessed 150 + Students. Students were given Introduction of the STREAM club. The topic covered in the class was ‘Don’t Let That Wind Passed Unused’ based on the Natural Resources of Energy. Renewable and Nonrenewable resources of energy was discussed with the help of PPT, videos and satellite and waterwheel models were used to explain the concept. Puzzle activity was conducted on different groups of resources. Students enthusiastically participated in the hands-on activity- Making the windmill.
MODEL UNITED Model United Nations is an academic NATIONS (MUN) CLUB simulation of the United Nations where students play the role of delegates from different countries and attempt to solve real world issues with the policies and perspectives of their assigned country. This club has been started with an objective to introduce MUN to Grades 6 to 8. We believe that catching them young is important so that they embark on a life- changing journey that will help them develop confidence in leading others, a stronger awareness of global issues, and become inspired to change the world. The first club class of MUN, held on 23rd June 2021, involved the following activities: • A glimpse of MUN- ‘WHAT IS MUN?’ • Interaction with the participants about their understanding of MUN • Case study – Gender Equality
Non-Academic Clubs
LITTLE CHEFS CLUB Cooking with kids is not just about ingredients, recipes and cooking. It’s about harnessing, imagination, empowerment and creativity. Cooking is educational and fun! This club aims to show our Little Chefs that healthy, foods and meals can be planned, prepared and served in a limited time. In the first session, held on 30th June, the children were excited and enthusiastic to use their own creativity to modify recipes to their taste preferences. Throughout the class, the children were asking about how to make different flavoured ice- cream at home. The surprise element of the show was learning how to make a mango smoothie and the way of serving it.
HOME ECONOMICS CLUB Home Economics is the art of making our children learn some useful life skills and making them independent in doing the basic household work. The first session of home economics club held on 30th June 2021 saw huge participation from enthusiastic students. The session started with the introduction to the home economics club and making the kids aware about the skills that they will learn in different sessions. The students were then taught about the different kitchen utensils and their names in English. All the students participated enthusiastically in the session. They brought one object from their kitchen and spoke about its use . At the end of the session, the students played a quiz on the virtual quiz platform and enjoyed the session.
GUITAR BASICS CLUB Guitar Basics Club, as the name suggests, aims to teach the basics of playing the Guitar. Music, in general is therapeutic is nature and brings a feeling of calm and peace to our minds. Hence, it is one of the best hobbies to pursue. In the first session of the club, held on 30th June 2021, the students learnt what is guitar, types of guitar and how guitar looks outside by drawing. They also saw a beautiful video made by Keerthan sir on how it looks from inside Students participated with great enthusiasm and shared their interest and passion towards learning a musical instrument.
Thank you Happy Reading
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