EuroSchool North Campus presents SPARK REKINDLED Newsletter Featuring Rendezvous with Mr. Rahul Deshpande
01 From the Principal’s Desk Table of 02 Rendezvous with the CEO Contents 03 Christmas Cheer 04 Class Activities 05 Student Articles 06 Achievements & Celebrations 07 Arts Section 08 Non-Academic Club Activities 09 Sports Section
From the Principal’s Desk
Christmas is a fantastic time! The promise of peace, goodwill and a From the growing sense of excitement and expectation, makes this time of year very Principal’s Desk special indeed. This year we have all got more on our minds than just presents. The consequences of corona virus pandemic are being felt all Dr. Vandana Gupta over the world. Let us all come together on this Christmas and make this (Principal, EuroSchool North Campus) time a moment of love & celebration. Let us find some time to combat stress this year. Mindfulness is a way we all can follow and teach our kids to get some peace of mind. Mindfulness comes from Buddhist ideas and practice, and is all about knowing the mind, training the mind and freeing the mind. It might seem difficult at first, but everyone has the ability to be mindful. American psychotherapist and Buddhist teacher, Sylvia Boorstein, describes mindfulness as “opening to or receiving the present moment, pleasant and unpleasant, just as it is, without either clinging to it or rejecting it.” Mindfulness is a strategy to help manage emotions and keep everyone calm. The activities related to nature like seed germination, describing the family members, learning Maths concepts through colouring, appreciating different art forms, all contribute towards learning mindfulness. I feel really elated to present this special edition newsletter which is close to my heart!! The teachers and students at EuroSchool North Campus were privileged and honored to have a rendezvous with Mr. Rahul Deshpande, CEO, EuroSchool and Billabong High School, who took out time from his busy schedule. Let us catch sight of some Christmas fun and plethora of special days’ celebration along with the special interview in this edition of Spark Rekindled !!
Rendezvous with the CEO
Rendezvous with the CEO, Mr. Rahul Deshpande “Leadership is not a position or a title, it is action and example.” – Cory Booker This precisely describes our CEO, Mr. Rahul Deshpande. He is indeed the fountainhead of all the illuminating ideas, idol of knowledge and the source of inspiration to all in the Organisation. As a part of our journalistic venture, we at EuroSchool North Campus organised a tete-a-tete with Mr. Rahul Deshpande. The meeting was effective, inspiring, thought-provoking and gave an insight into the CEO’s thoughts and vision for EuroSchools! Our interviewers, Neha (Head Girl), Vansh (Head Boy) and Gaurav(Team Marshall), Madhumitha (Student editor) along with the Coordinators Ms. Lakshmi Priya, Ms. Divya and the Principal, Dr. Vandana Gupta were obviously intimidated at the very thought of interviewing the CEO but the best part is that Mr. Rahul who is humility personified put everyone at ease! So, the next one hour was fully utilized by the team , bombarding their interviewee with questions about his personal and professional life. Rather these questions garnered insightful, in-depth responses from the CEO.
True Calling…Here are some excerpts from this informal roundtable. Que: How has your personal life influenced your thoughts about education? What inspired you to take a plunge into the education sector which is very different from the corporate sector? CEO: I actually did not envision myself to be a part of the education sector, but the twists and turns throughout my life, had finally led me here. I went from IIM Kolkata to Harvard School of Management, Massachusetts, and the practical pedagogical approach at Harvard, which was based on real-life case studies, sparked my interest towards teaching which made my learning deeper, more practical and rooted in reality. I strongly believe that the aim of a school should be to prepare its students for life. Que: You play the role of an educator as well as a Corporate Head. Which role do you enjoy the most? Could you tell us what you like or dislike about your current position. CEO: Honestly, I’m not an educator. I have tried teaching my own kids and I’m largely unsuccessful! (laughs). I have tremendous respect of teachers as it takes a whole lot of courage to stand before a bunch of bright students who have access to information at the tip of their fingers. But my role is more of a coach who mentors different teams that include administration, expansion, academicians who are designing curriculums and so on. My role is to ensure that everybody is motivated and excited about what they do. Broadly speaking, my role is to put people in the right positions that excite them and are happy to come to work every day and try something new! Apart from that, two things excite me. One is building of Argus and the other, building of new schools!
Education System… Que: There has been a massive change in the education sector with regard to the teaching learning processes. How prepared are we at EuroSchool for an equitable education system as promised in National Education Policy? What is your vision for EuroSchool? CEO: A lot of the ideas that National Education Policy is talking about has been the fundamental tenets based on which the EuroSchools were established. EuroSchool’s core values and principles are actually in alignment with the main goals of NEP viz. balanced education, practical learning, student centred education. A student’s education should allow for him/her to actually think and apply. My vision for EuroSchool, particularly, is to create a balanced, well-rounded curriculum for students who are ‘ready for life’. We aspire to produce young people who are confident, who can think independently and who can make a difference in the world. We are trying to build this in our curriculum by focusing on 21st century skills which are collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, and communication rather than content-based learning, which may be obsolete over time. Que: With Argus which is an ecosystem for teachers, students and now parents in place, do you think self-directed learning will be effective, with the help of such tools and technology? CEO: Argus was launched with an idea to collaborate with the stake holders in the learning system – students, teachers and parents. Lifelong learning is important else we’ll be irrelevant. Each one of us should take the onus of our own learning. This is one of the objectives of Argus which gives the students to learn ‘anytime’, ‘anywhere’. This will in turn change the dynamics of the classrooms. Argus is a work-in-progress as new thinking gets added to it every day. To sum up, self-directed learning through Argus is one of the key elements of our approach.
COVID & Beyond… Que: Sir, with cases drastically going up, what is your opinion about reopening of school? We miss going to school as much as you miss seeing our schools brimming with enthusiastic students. But our parents would definitely not let us go to school now keeping the safety issues in mind. CEO: “Student safety is paramount.” We will ensure that hygiene and safety is maintained at all costs. Most state governments are thinking of opening schools for senior classes where students can come for doubt clearing, prelims and practical exams. We are preparing to create a safe environment for both students and staff by investing in proper equipment, processes, protocols and auditing all of these. This will inspire confidence across the system- parents, staff and students, that we have the ability to manage the operations responsibly. Que: Sir, What changes do you foresee in the physical classroom setting, post Covid? CEO: Firstly, it is important to understand the purpose of a physical school. In a virtual school, there is, no doubt, content dissemination but what makes the physical school stand apart is the development of soft skills – social collaboration, communication, etc. Therefore, schools should be more than mere buildings and classrooms, with more outdoor spaces which allow students to interact outside their classrooms. The future of learning is blended learning with academic transaction that could happen in a virtual environment and students come to school to acquire social skills that are extremely vital. While virtual school has set a platform for inter-school collaborations as students are able to connect across geographies and social groups. Future classrooms will mainly be social spaces for collaboration along with teachers and peer groups.
Personality… Que: Sir, to know a little more of your personal side, could you tell us what motivates you and who has been your role model? CEO: Firstly, my grandfather from whom, I suppose, I acquired the entrepreneurial skills. I’ve had the good fortune to have met some very interesting people. My enthusiasm comes from seeing smiling faces of students when I visit schools. The fact that I am contributing towards creating a young generation of future leaders, is enormously satisfying for me. Que: What are your strengths and how do you capitalise on that? CEO: To find something that you are passionate about and you are excited to do it every day, I think, is everybody’s strength. Then everything else will fall into place. Everybody has got this strength. One has to only discover it. This is exactly what EuroSchool philosophy is. ‘Discover Yourself’. We all have to discover our passion and feel excited to work for it, and then it will not seem like work. The only way to find our passion is to try out a bunch of things. And what better place than a safe environment called school. Que: How do you like to spend your leisure time? CEO: Mostly with my kids. I like to swim and read. I have taken to audio books these days as I listen to it when I’m travelling as well. Presently, I’m into learning human behaviour – how and why people behave the way they do. What are the biological underpinnings of human behaviour, understanding morality and philosophy in human behaviour. This is also something that excites me.
Leadership traits … Que: Sir, you are into multiple activities such as expansion, running schools, etc., yet manage to participate in all the school events. How do you manage your time? CEO: I work for long hours. (chuckles). It comes largely because I’m excited about what I do and enjoy doing it. It doesn’t seem like work to me. I travel extensively, meet people esp., young people and that’s satisfying for me. I like the cut and thrust of a conversation which will leave me thinking. If you really like to do something, you will surely find time for it. Que: If you were to describe yourselves in 3 words, what would they be? According to you, what are the attributes a leader must possess? CEO: Curious, Passionate and Energetic. As a leader, it is important to listen. The leader should have the ability to work with people in order to get the best ideas and synthesise them to make decisions based on that. Another important thing is to surround yourselves with people smarter than you. This will help you to make better decisions. Have the courage to stand by your decisions and the humility to accept when you are wrong.
Signing Off… The Principal and the panelists feel extremely honoured for having spent quality time with our CEO Mr. Rahul Deshpande and got to know more of his professional and personal side. This one-odd-hour in his company left us with a lot of take-aways. His advice to the students… “If you take ownership “Travel to new places of your own learning, and meet people.” you will go very far in “Jump in at the deep end of the “Discover new life.” pool and find your way through. ways of thinking.” You may be considered young “Have a range and be and brave or young and foolish. interested in multiple things. Bravery and Foolishness are two This will broaden your sides of the same coin! ” horizon and will enrich your “Dedicate time and life.” effort to read new things.” Our CEO is, no doubt, a person who walks the talk!
Christmas Cheer
Douce nuit, sainte nuit ! O Holy night, the stars are brightly shining Dans les cieux ! L’astre luit. It is the night of the dear Saviour's birth Le mystère annoncé s’accomplit Long lay the world in sin and error pining Cet enfant sur la paille endormi, C’est l’amour infini ! C’est l’amour infini ! Till He appeared and the soul felt His worth Saint enfant, doux agneau ! A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices Qu’il est grand ! Qu’il est beau ! For yonder beams a new and glorious morn Entendez résonner les pipeaux Fall on your knees! Oh, hear the angel voices! Des bergers conduisant leurs troupeaux O night divine! O night when Christ was born! Vers son humble berceau! (bis) O night divine! O night, O night divine! C’est vers nous qu’il accourt, En un don sans retour ! Led by the light of faith serenely beaming With glowing hearts by His cradle we stand De ce monde ignorant de l’amour, So led by light of a star sweetly gleaming Où commence aujourd’hui son séjour, Here came the wise men from the Orient land Qu’il soit Roi pour toujours ! (bis)
1. Separate the 6 egg whites from the yolks . 2. Whisk the egg yolks with the 150gms sugar and 3 tablespoons of lukewarm water, to create a foam.. Gradually add 150gms flour and 10gms baking powder. 3. Whip the 6 egg whites until stiff then fold them delicately into the previous mixture. 5. Preheat the oven to 150 ° C. Roll out the dough in a long, flat mold (drip pan type) covered with baking paper to a thickness of 1 cm. 6. Bake for 15 minutes, the biscuit should be lightly browned. 7. Take out of the oven, place a clean damp cloth on the biscuit then unmold it and roll it up. Let cool. 8. Break the 250gms of chocolate and melt it in a double boiler. 9. When melted, add 100gms of soft butter and mix. 10. Unroll the cake and spread 2/3 of the chocolate on it. Then roll the cookie again on itself. 11. Cover the cookie with the remaining chocolate then, using a fork, streak the top. Set in the refrigerator. -By Isabelle Bathiard French HOD, EuroSchool North Campus
Class Activities
Pre-Primary Pink Day Celebration The Pre-Primary wing of EuroSchool North Campus celebrated Pink Day. It was wonderful to see our tiny tots bloom and blossom in different shades of pink- of their favourite cartoon characters. The activity aimed to make the young ones identify the objects in pink colour or things they usually see around them. Children were explained that pink colour signifies love, beauty and kindness. They were very excited to learn that the pink colour could be obtained by mixing red and white. It was indeed a visual treat to witness the little ones speaking confidently about their favourite pink cartoon characters.
Pre-Primary Pajama Party Pajama Day is the day on which the children were thrilled with the idea of wearing their pajamas and to see all their classmates and teachers do the same! Some children were wondering if they needed to sleep right away; some were so proud of their pajamas and some even brought along their favorite bedtime stories and toys. Their regular morning routine was replaced with a series of special activities including mattress games, bed-time stories and learning about the importance of sleep in our life. As a token of take away, the children were given an opportunity to make their own hot chocolate milk along with their classmates which further added to their excitement. After drinking chocolate milk, the little once got comfortable to watch a movie with puffy popcorn. After that, a soothing song was played to put them to sleep and make them travel to their dream world.
Weeklong Pre-Primary Learning with Fun The Pre-Primary wing started their week learning and exploring new concepts, colours and so on. Here are a few glimpses of the activities. Colour Introduction: Identifying colours in their early childhood helps build cognitive pathways between visual clues and words. Clay modelling: Clay modelling is a fun way to play, create something and it also helps in developing their motor skills, problem -solving skills, therapy of expression, self esteem and imagination. Art & Craft: Gives children a sense of achievement and allows them to take pride in their work which builds confidence. They get to try new things, develop patience, math concepts and creativity etc.
Grades 1-2 Describing Words Activity Describing words or Adjectives help paint a picture in the reader’s mind. To reinforce the concept Grade 1 English students had an activity. Variety is a key to it. The students not only described themselves but also enthusiastically described their brother, sister, favourite toy, place, ice-cream, the list is endless.
Seed Germination Grades 1-2 Activity The students of Grade 2 learnt about the process of seed germination through a fun activity. This taught the children an important concept that the seeds need adequate amount of water to germinate. In the weeklong activity, the children then transferred the sprouted seeds to pots containing soil. The children were delighted to see the sprouts develop tender leaves and grow into young plants. They took great care to nurture the plants and proudly displayed them in the class.
Parts of the Plant and Grades 1-2 their Functions Student of grade 2 learnt about plants and their different parts in this activity. The teacher should some interesting videos describing each part of the plant and their functions. The students were eager to show the plants at their homes. They recognized the various parts and explained their functions as part of the reinforcement activity.
Grades 3-5 Forms of Matter Grade 3 and 5 had an activity on the arrangement of molecules in different forms of matter. The children had used various things which were available at home like grains, rubber bands, bindis, etc. to represent atoms and molecules. The children showcased their creativity and showed a lot of enthusiasm while participating. In the end learning outcomes were, children understood the arrangement of molecules in 3 different forms ( solid, liquid and gases) and learning reinforcement was done.
Division in Kitchen Grades 3-5 Activity Who Cares, We Won The Division - rightly said by Brain Urlacher. Grade 3 children enjoyed and understood better with the help of an activity. It is scientifically proven that the human brain is hardwired to earn and absorb concepts better with practical applications instead of theory knowledge. Children were asked to find Dividend, Divisor ,Quotient and Remainder using vegetables and legumes (Rajma /Channa).
Grades 3-5 2D vs 3D Shapes 3D shapes are made up of flat surfaces which are in turn 2D shapes. Whenever we trace the outline of the 3D shapes on a plane, we get a 2D shape depending upon the 3D shape which we are using. To make this concept clear, children of Grade 3 were made to trace one of the surfaces of different 3D shapes on the A4 size sheet paper. Children were enthralled during the tracing process of different 3D shapes and colored them using crayons or color pencils. They enjoyed doing this activity and learnt the concept very well through the activity.
Currencies of Grades 3-5 Different Countries Teaching children about money is never just about money - Dave Ramsey Children of Grade 4 enjoyed and understood concept of currencies of different countries better with the help of research. It helped them to enhance their knowledge through self-learning, deeper understanding of the subject, finding out important things connected to the topic of research. Children have been given the task as to prepare a PPT on the topic where they have to integrate Math with ICT. They witnessed a collaboration of subjects.
Artistic Representation Grades 3-5 of Fractions The concept of fractions and decimals was reinforced by creating a design in 10 X 10 grid. They used different colors to shade in different boxes in the grid, which is further represented in the form of fractions and decimals. This Art Integrated Learning activity stimulated the creative senses of the children as they projected their understanding of fractions and decimals through aesthetic displays.
Exploring the Fauna Grades 3-5 of Uttarakhand As a part of CBSE Social Art Integrated Project Activity on Uttarakhand, Grade 4 students were assigned to research on National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries. These young kids showcased their talent through beautiful paintings, also researched and spoke about the topic, to know more about the location of Uttarakhand, the scenic beauty and on how to conserve these national parks.
Hindi Activity on Grades 3-5 Advertisement आज के इस प्रतिस्पर्धा के युग में विज्ञधपन कध अपनध ही महत्तत्ति है। ककसी भी िस्िु की जधनकधरी हमंे विज्ञधपन द्िधरध ही प्रधप्ि होिी है और विज्ञधपन सुनकर यध देखकर अथिध पढ़कर ही हम उस िस्िु की खरीदधरी करिे हंै। यह विज्ञधपन िब और अधर्क मूल्यिधन बन जधिध है जब इस विज्ञधपन के तनमधणा में नन्हे - नन्हे हधथ शधममल हों। उनकी सुदं रिम कलधकृ तियधँा, रचनधत्तमक अमभव्यक्ति न के िल इन विज्ञधपनों एक नई जधन दधल देिी है बक्ल्क हमधरे मन को स्ििः ही आकवषिा कर देिी है। कक्षध चधर के विद्यधधथया ों ने अपने पसदंु ीदध िस्िु पर अपनी भधषध मशक्षण की अध्यधवपकध की सहधयिध से विज्ञधपन लेखन के तनयमों को जधनकर विज्ञधपन लेखन कध एक अद्भिु नमूनध प्रस्ििु ककयध।
Exploring the Art of Grades 3-5 Uttarakhand The Uttarakhand region of India boasts its own distinctive art forms. These art forms comprise painting, architecture, sculpture and other such aesthetic endeavours. Both the Kumaon and the Garhwal regions of Uttarakhand have contributed largely to the art tradition of the state. Uttarakhand's wall paintings mainly served decorative and ritualistic purposes, but their aesthetic values are also high. As part of the Art Integrated Project, students of Grade 5 explored the various art forms of Uttarakhand. Students relished while they painted and were enthralled by the rangoli designs. Students had drawn few paintings of Aipan which added a pretty good color.
Exploring the Art of Grades 3-5 Uttarakhand As a part of CBSE Social Art Integrated Project Activity on Uttarakhand, students of Grade 5 were assigned to research on Visual and Performing art forms of Uttarakhand. These kids showcased their talent through beautiful paintings, also researched and presented in the form of PPT’S and spoke about them which enabled them to know the culture of Uttarakhand.
Grades 6-8 QUELLE JOURNÉE!... Students of grade 7 - French - had to describe their day, … their routine, exact time and activities. A way for them to reinforce the learning of time, expression of chronology, and reflexive verbs … WHAT A DAY !…
Grades 6-8 Conditional Tense in French “Si la Pandémie finissait aujourd’hui! …” As a practice to learn the Conditional tense, students of grade 8 were invited to write what they would do “if the Pandemic was over today, …” Students expressed a panel of wishes… from seeing their friends, going to school again, camping , dancing of joy, being outside with family, travelling the world …to simple wishes like eating an ice-cream in Baskin Robins or throwing masks and sanitizers forever!... Very touching to read… et bonjour Liberté!
Presentations on Grades 6-8 Biodiversity Presentations made by the students are the perfect examples of ‘Learning By Doing’. To inculcate this spirit the teacher encouraged Grade 8 students to make lovely presentations on biodiversity . Students were very enthusiastic, and they made interactive presentations on Desertification, Deforestation and red data book. They also made presentations on protected areas i.e., national parks, wildlife sanctuary and biosphere reserves.
The Skit ( From a Grades 6-8 Student’s Perspective) A few days ago, our teacher asked us to do a skit based on a chapter titled “The Pipe-lighter”. Many of my friends volunteered , but only five people were selected. There was a lot of excitement on the day of the skit. Before the skit started, I saw all of my friends dressed up in hats, fake mustaches and fancy clothes. Everyone was eagerly waiting for the skit to begin. The skit started with a lot of enthusiasm. All my friends were well prepared and enacted their characters with a lot of interest and energy. It was all immaculately planned and well performed. We had a lot of fun and the actors did a wonderful job. By: Rachit Chandra -8C
Student Articles
MERRY X’MAS CHRISTMAS FACTS CHRISTMAS FUN Hey guys! Who’s in a festive mood? Christmas is here! Christmas is for joy, for giving and sharing, for laughter, for Christmas is celebrated on the day Lord Jesus was born. coming together with family and friends, for tinsel and These are some miracles and facts which happen on brightly decorated packages, But mostly, Christmas is for Christmas: love. It was this love for which Jesus came to this world 1. December 2020 is the 106th anniversary of the and sacrificed his life. ‘Christmas truce’ of the first World War. It was an unofficial cease fire agreed upon by soldiers of German and British Many people love Christmas, as this festival takes place armies. during harsh winters and darkness. Christmas lights up the 2. In Ukraine, Christmas trees are decorated with a fake entire place and brings in some warmth and hope of spider and web. They are hidden in the tree and whoever extended sunlight.In places such as Rome, where there finds it , is believed to have good luck for a whole year. were not such harsh winters, a holiday in the honor of 3. An old Christmas tradition in Britain has it that, when Saturn, the got of agriculture was celebrated. stirring the pudding, a coin is dropped in and whoever finds it has good luck waiting for him. Let’s all have a fun Christmas this time. MERRY CHRISTMAS Well, that’s all folks! Hope you have a holly jolly Christmas -By Hamsa 8D -By Mrinal 6E
Christmas Eve It’s Christmas Eve. Eva is decorating the Christmas tree while her mother was baking cookies. Eva was looking out of the window when she saw a bunny take the snow man’s carrot nose. She called her mother and asked her to look out of the window. Her mother laughed out loud and told her this is the funniest bunny ever… ha ha ha. Her mother then asked Eva to go to sleep. She had to get up early the next morning because it was Christmas, guests were also invited. ‘They may bring gifts,’ mother said. Do you know him asked her mother? Eva promptly replied “No”. Will you give me some hints asked Eva? Her mother thought for a while and said: His hair is white , His suit is red, He wears a hat to cover his head He laughs his way: HO! HO! HO! And drives the Sleigh Through sleet and snow ”SANTA” screamed Eva. “You`re right” said mother and asked her to go to bed. Eva couldn`t wait till the next morning. She ran to her room and slept.Her mother then got all the hidden gifts and arranged it under the tree for Eva to find the next morning. It was Christmas and Eva woke up early and ran downstairs to find all the colorful gifts under the tree. She ran to wake her mom and screamed ‘Merry Christmas’ with joy. Her mother in return hugged her tight. They then ran down near the gifts and Eva chose the most colorful present to open, she opened the box that had her name on it, and this had an I-pad. She jumped with Joy and screamed that this was the best Christmas ever and thanked Santa for the wonderful gifts. ------ by Rihanna 4B
बसतं का मौसम है महका हुआ गलु ाब है हर गाावँ मे कौतूहल खिला हुआ कमल है, हर दिल गया मचल है, हर दिल मे है उमगं े हर लब पे ग़ज़ल है, चिंेगे स्वाि नये अनाज का ठं डी-शीतल बहे ब्यार पक गये जो फसल है, मौसम गया बिल है, त्यौहारों का है मौसम हर डाल ओढे नई चािर शादियों का अब लगन है, हर कली गई मचल है, ललए र्पया लमलन की आस प्रकृ तत भी हर्षति हुआ जो हुआ बसतं का आगमन है, सज रही “िलु ्हन” है, है महका हुआ गुलाब चचड़िया ने भरी उ़िान जो खिला हुआ कमल है!! गये पर नये तनकल है, ~ आदित्य कामत कक्षा - आठवीं 'स'
Achievements and Celebrations
National Pollution Control Day National Pollution Control Day is observed on Dec. 2nd to remember Bhopal Gas Tragedy of 1984. A video was shared with the students and the teachers advocated them about the importance of the day and why it is important for every individual to shift their attention to be aware of the different types of pollution that the environment is exposed to and the ways that we can contribute to managing the pollution as an individual. Few students also shared the significance of this day and came up with some real good suggestions to save environment against t Pollution.
Dance EURO Dance “Dance is the hidden language of the soul.” –Martha Graham DANCE EURO DANCE EuroSchool North Campus organized its First Inter House Virtual Dance Competition for the students of class VI- X on 2nd and 3rd December 2020.The esteemed judges for the event were Mr. Manoj, Ms. Lakshmi Priya and Ms. Pooja. The vivacious dancers set the floor on fire with their energetic performances. They dressed up in colourful costumes and swayed to the beats of music. The choreography, rhythm, synchronization and presentation of all the students were great. The performance encompassed various styles of Western and Indian - Hip Hop, Gangnam and even Classical. Some Bollywood numbers evoked nostalgic memories. Zestful performances by members of all the four houses made the competition a runaway hit. The happiness of the children was amply evident from the applause and appreciation.
Indian Navy Day Our Nation is an extraordinary country, Our Nation is exceptionally amazing, From the ocean to the sand, We adore this land! EuroSchool North Campus saluted the Warriors in White by observing Indian Navy Day. The Theme for this year is Combat Ready, Credible and Cohesive. Students of North Campus observed Indian Navy day virtually on December 4th, 2020, they learnt about the achievements and role of the Indian navy. The teachers explained the significance of the day. Students were taken on a Virtual tour of INS Vikramaditya.
Indian Navy Day INS Vikramaditya is the Indian Navy’s largest short take-off, but assisted recovery (STOBAR) aircraft carrier and warship converted from the Russian Navy’s decommissioned Admiral Gorshkov vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) missile cruiser carrier. INS Vikramaditya was commissioned into service in November 2013. The warship has been extensively refurbished with new propulsion systems, hull sections, sensors and flight deck. It was operationally deployed with full complement of MiG-29 aircraft in May 2014. Students were thrilled and enjoyed the Virtual 360-degree Tour hoping to step a foot on the Navy Ship.
National Mathematics Day National Mathematics Day is observed on 22nd December every year to mark the birth anniversary of the legendary Indian Mathematician, Srinivasa Ramanujan and his contributions in the field of mathematics. It was in 2012 that the then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh declared 22nd December as National Mathematics Day. A famous mathematician once said, “Mathematics is the most beautiful and most powerful creation of the human spirit.” Mathematics can be tough sometimes, so can many things in life. Mathematics is the only subject which shows that problems have solutions. Mathematics can be fun, challenging, hands on and applicable in real life.
National Mathematics Day To celebrate the spirit of mathematical learning, experience the joy of the mathematical sphere and to explore various mathematical concepts in a creative manner, Math Day was celebrated in EuroSchool North Campus with great zeal and enthusiasm. Quizzes were conducted across Grades 1 to 10 to mark the importance of contribution of Ramanujan in the field of Mathematics. The activities planned for Mathematics day were informative, engaging and entertaining. Children not only participated in the activities with great zeal and enthusiasm but also learnt the techniques to apply the knowledge of the subject in a variety of contexts.
National Mathematics Day The following students won the quiz in their respective classes. They will be awarded with an E Certificate. Grade & Name of the Winner Grade & Name of the Winner Grade & Name of the Winner Section Section Section 1A Parnika Amith Kutbatoor 3E Syeda Raesa 6B Shreejith j Bhatt 3F Dhruvika M Gowda 6C Rakshitha P 1B Saaksh Shekhar 3G Akshaj Subramanian 6D Kaushik K J S 1C Kruthi N Pujar Ananya Gautam 6E Anushkaa KS 1D Aakarsh Jha 4A Naivedya Mishra 7A Varsha Deepika Varikuti Sudha Sandip Talwalkar 7B Shlok M 1E Virat 4B Advay Avinash 7C Shaurya Kumar 4C Chunmay Belliappa H T 8A Rishabh V Kapatkaris 2A Shravanthi M Reddy Ishanth Gowda S 8B Aditya Chincholi 2B Aadya Chakilam Shanmukh 8C Tanmay 2C Pulkit Saraswat 4D Adarsh Arvapally 8D Ritvik Chandra 4E Sri Subhash Gorti 9A Arushi Shandilya 2D Aarav Shrivastava 4F Nakul Syon 9B Gayatri V Iyengar 2E Isha Roy Chowdhury Rohan Sunil 10A Abhinav Sreejith 2F Dia Angelika Singh 5A 10B Gaurav A 5B 3A Abhay Basanth 5C 3B Mitali Badachikar 5D 3C Srishti Narayanan 3D Pranav S Kuravatti 6A
Arts Section
Folk Art Folk art is an encompassing art produced from indigenous culture. It is rooted in the tradition that comes from a community and culture that people follow. It is an idea of sharing their varied traditions and culture. It is expressed in the form of art, music and dance. Folk art, especially visual arts across India have distinctive characteristics with concern to the materials, in which they tend to use natural substances like wood, straw, natural pigments for colouring and unique creative technique in drawing too. One can identify how Warli art is different from that of a Madhubani art, Mandala art to Gond art. Each of them have a distinctive feature. Students of Grade 7 have expressed folk art in their own styles.
Christmas Crafts Christmas, where people across the world celebrate to mark the birth of lord Jesus is a festival of joy and happiness. People decorate their homes with Christmas tree and beautiful light. Baking cookies to tasty plum cakes are the specialty of this day. The day is enjoyed by inviting friends and families for lunch ,visiting church and singing carols. Students of EuroSchool North Campus celebrated this festival of joy by making lovely Christmas cards and Santa crafts.