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Hidden Treasure Art eMagazine Summer 2015

Published by HT Art Magazine Publishing, 2016-10-28 19:14:13

Description: HT Art Magazine Publishing is an art magazine and book publishing company that has been set up with the sole aim of showcasing and encouraging the work of emerging and established artists, providing them with a platform from which they can collaborate and display their work.


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hiddentreasureArt eMagazineSUMMER 2015 On the cover, the young Austrian artist: Daniel Wimmer HT Art Magazine Publishing I Summer 2015

Georgia Szollosi Ellis - director and editorJurors:Georgia Szollosi Ellis Painter - director and editorMike P. Ellis - art collector and advisorZsolt Pinter - graphic designer and painterValeria Kovacs - co-editor and curatorCover: Daniel WimmerBack: Guillermo GrebeHidden Treasure Art eMagazine / Summer 2015is published by HT Art Magazine PublishingPromotion and Publication London, [email protected] 2013-2015 by HT Art Magazine Publishing.All rights reserved. All artists featured in HiddenTreasure Art Magazine Yearbook 2015 retain thecopyright for each of their individual images. Allrights reserved. No part of this book may be repro-duced or translated in any form or by any means,electronic or mechanical, including photocopy-ing, recording or by any information storage andretrieval system without written permission from thecopyright owners.

The Arts Do Live...“...continuously, and they live literally by faith;their names and their shapes and their uses andtheir basic meanings survive unchanged in allthat matters through times of interruption, di-minishment, neglect; they outlive governmentsand creeds and the societies, even the verycivilization that produced them. They cannotbe destroyed altogether because they repre-sent the substance of faith and the only reality.They are what we find again when the ruins arecleared away.” - Katherine Anne PorterWith great pride and an even greater sense ofduty and responsibility we would like to pres-ent the first volume of the Hidden Treasure ArteMagazine / Spring 2015 April.Our mission is to connect and build a bridgebetween artists and art lovers by providing andpresenting a high quality source of visual artand design through our book, website, maga-zine and other publications. We are dedicatedto bringing happiness and recognition to theartists and joy, beauty and satisfaction to theart lovers let them be collectors, buyers, galler-ies, curators or others taking pleasure in art anddesign.We believe that Hidden Treasure Art eMaga-zine has much to offer both to the Artist and tothe Readers.Georgia Szollosi Ellisdirector, editor and curator

ArtistsAlexander Breskin.................................24CPleyer..................................................32Daniel Wimmer.....................................12Deborah Nicholas................................18Elana Scwartz.......................................56........................................................... ....58Francesco Sandrelli..............................34Fu Wenjun..............................................50Gabi Dömenig......................................10Giampietro Cudin................................44Giuseppe Digiacomo..........................60Gordon Tardio.......................................16............................................................ ....26Graehound...........................................36Gualat....................................................08Guillermo Grebe...................................40........................................................... ....64Julie River...............................................42Kirsten Høst............................................14Maria Fatjó Parés..................................06Marian Sava..................................... ....62Paola Adornato....................................38Paul-Jürgen Weber..............................52R. Geoffrey Blackburn..........................30Raymond Quenneville.........................20Rohe Wiliam..........................................28Shae White............................................46

Paintings DrawingsMixed Media

Maria Fatjó Parés La Sardana oil on canvas 92 x 38 cm 2015www.mariafatjopares.comcontact: Maria Fatjó Paré[email protected] Maria was born and raised in Bar- celona (Spain), where she still lives and works. She received a Bache- lor Degree in Communication (Ad- vertising and Public Relations) from Universitat Ramon Llull. However, as naïve painter she is a self-taught artist. Grandi Formaggi oil on canvas 41 x 41 cm 20146 I HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Sumer 2015

La Gondoletta oil on canvas 41 x 41 cm 2014 Bottom rightFacciamo la Pasta oil on canvas 61 x 24 cm 2014Her main reference developing her painting style was the painter Pere Torné-Esqui-us (Barcelona 1879-Flavancourt 1936), particularly 11 naïve works which had beenpainted by him to decorate a child´s room. Maria tries to achieve an art for all ages:a kind of art dedicated to both child and adult. She shows her artwork both at re-gional and international scale. HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015 I 7

GUALAT Maria Teresa Guala was born in Turin 1947, is coming from a family of and sculptors of “Monferrato”. Studiedcontact: Maria Teresa Guala at Accademia Belle Arti of Turin ([email protected] Filippo Scroppo).Italy Kindergarten acrylic drawing on paper 50 x 70 cm 2014 “Dear Friend, the information you give me on your activity confirm you have no difficulty for your introduction in the Art World... I suggest you continuing your activity of painter because there is “good stuff in you”. - Vittorio Sgarbi Red Cat acrylic drawing on board 34 x 50 cm 20138 I HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Sumer 2015

“...the expressive style of M. Teresa Guala identifies herself with a search tied to the col- our, to the intense flowing of the line and to the vital scan- sion of the images. In particu- lar, the painter has elaborated a speech in which the simplifi- cation of the representation results, as suggested by A. Bottello, by an adhesion to the German Expressionism.” - Angelo Mistrangelo Behind the Curtain acrylic drawing on board 50 x 70 cm 2013 Rock Guitar acrylic on canvas 50 x 70 cm 2012“...some ‘stories’ having as support plan someExpressionistic references, revive without doubtthese works evocative in the extreme and in ‘apictorial figure’ – as said in precedence - Neoex-pressionist... In fact in her works, above all in themost recent, we find a far analogy of line withsome important painters of “Die Brucke” as Heck-el, Kirchner, Schmidt, Rottluff.” - Arturo Bottello HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015 I 9

Gabi Domenig contact: Gabi Domenig [email protected] Austria Flower Meadow Dreams Down at the Water Lily Pond acrylic on canvas 140 x 100 cm 2015 Born in Lienz, Austria. Gabi Domenig was attracted to fine arts in an early age. Her love for painting encouraged her to take classes in nude painting, color theory, drawing and compo- sition. Following her first exhibition in 1999, where she presented 20 large pastel paintings, she started to paint with acrylics on canvas. Gabi is pri- marily concerned with the representa- tion of man and women which shows through her artworks. She tries to cap- ture moments and to build up emo- tional tensions. The viewer should feel something of her passion when she paints. For her art should be life-affirm- ing and beautiful, touching and con- necting. Her characters send out var- ied emotions such as pride, pain, love, sadness, loneliness, joy and longing.10 I HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015

The figures are mostly located in a particular environment cutout. The ex- pression of the eyes should animate the viewer to enter in a deeper com- munication with the figures in the pic- ture. Flowers, plants, animals, patterns and landscape sections are decora- tive parts, but are usually situated in the background. Because of her intensive color palette and the figurative painting she is attributed to the Neo-Expression- ism. You can find her images in private collections, in international art books, art magazines and online art galleries.Queen of FashionTime Out in theFlamingo Parkacrylic on canvas140 x 100 cm2015 Birthday Garden Party Waiting for the Clown acrylic on canvas 140 x 100 cm 2015Image on thebottom leftSunday Walkon the Golden Beachacrylic on canvas140 x 100 cm2015 HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015 I 11

Daniel Wimmerwww.www.wida-art.comcontact: Daniel [email protected] Self-portrait oil on canvas size cm year Title oil on canvas size cm year Title oil on canvas size cm year12 I HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015

“Daniel Wimmer was born in Salz- burg and grew up in an artist family. He’s been drawing since childhood and since he has finished the Nurs- ing School he is truly ‘addicted’ to it. Due to working in night-shifts he has more spare time and he started to draw and paint every day. With the help of different books and on- line courses he taught himself the techniques of the old masters and also other styles. Title oil on canvas size cm year Title oil on canvas size cm year In his paintings he loves playing with contrasts, compositions and different schools. He hardly repeats himself and this way he is learning from each new picture. His pre- ferred subject are people. He loves the different, always changing col- ours of their skin and the fascinating shapes of their bodies and faces.”HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015 I 13

Kirsten Høstwww.hoestart.comcontact: Kirsten Hø[email protected] Getting the Harvest Home oil on canvas 50 x 50 cm 2013As Oneoil on canvas40 x 50 cm2014 Kirsten Høst is a Danish artist, now liv- ing in Denmark, who has embarked on a new phase of her life and work, after spending 30 years in London, UK. This new phase emanates from a confident and sure belief and trust, that there is a plan for each one of us, if we allow our true gifts to unfold naturally. This trust has allowed her to find a new vision and a new voice working with oil painting and watercolour/ink/collages.14 I HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015

Kirstens work is strongly influenced by The Secondgeometry, which she sees reflected in Snow Queenall aspects of our universe. This themewas reinforced by her meticulous study oil on canvasand admiration of the great renais- 60 x 80 cmsance painters in the museums in Italy, 2015where she has spent longer periods oftime, especially in Firenze, Perugia andVenezia. Kirsten`s work frequently startswith a geometric shape and with anopen mind, and inspiration develops alife and vibration of its own.Her work has been exhibited in London,Paris, Edinburg, Copenhagen, Philadel-phia, and New York in the U.S.A, andwill be in 2015 exhibited in Palermo andFirenze in Italy, Paris in France and inBarcelona in Spain.Two Womenoil on canvas100 x 86 cm2013HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015 I 15

Gordon Tardio www.www. gordonartist contact: Gordon Tardio [email protected] Malaysia Don’t Look Now acrylic on raw watercolour paper 22 x 30 in 2015 Sharing acrylic on watercolour paper 30 x 41 in 201516 I HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015

Gordon Tardio is a Canadian born art-ist now residing in Malaysia. Since 1980he has exhibited his paintings in Van-couver, Canada, Bangkok, Singapore& Malaysia. Now his work can be seenonline freeing him up for more qualitystudio time. Gordon has traveled ex-tensively over the years and you’ll seethat people, places and cultures area recurring theme in his art, as are or-chids and nature. But what dominateshim is his love for the painting process,using acrylic colour on various art pa-pers as his main medium. Then there’sbook illustration, portrait, comic strip,caricature. He also works with cam-era and computer, to create imagesbrush strokes just can’t deliver. Robes acrylic on raw watercolour paper 22 x 30 in 2015 Temples & Wires, a Lane in Bangkok acrylic on handmade paper 21 x 31 in 2013 HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015 I 17

Portraits of Treasured Memories contact: Deborah Nicholas [email protected] United Kingdom Debbie Nicholas is a portrait artist based in Hampshire, U.K. She has always been a lov- er of art so about 6 years ago she decided to look into step by step books and teach herself how to draw realistically. She is most skilled at using graphite pencils but also uses colored pencils and pastels. Debbie strives to get a realistic portrait and works from pho- tos mainly. If you enjoy her artworks, feel free to pop over to her page and follow her at It Wasn’t Me coloured pencils on Bristol Board Smooth paper A4 201418 I HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015

Kyrie graphite pencils on Bristol Board Smooth paper A4 2012Bottom RightMarshmellowgraphite pencils onBristol Board Smooth paperA32015Bottom LeftShm All Mines Hidden Treasuregraphite pencils onBristol Board Smooth paperA42015 HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015 I 19

Raymond Quenneville contact: Raymond Quenneville [email protected] Canada Born in 1956 in Trois-Rivières, Quebec (Canada), Ray- mond Quenneville is a self-taught artist who has been painting for over 35 years. In 1992, after having explored a variety of media, he went back to oil painting, and decided to pursue his own unique style in expressing land- scape and light. By playing with complementary colours, Raymond Quenneville accentuates con- trasts and creates impressive luminous effects. In his landscape paintings, subtle val- ues variations almost make visible the fine consistency of the air itself and create an illusion of depth that is convincing to the eye. He likes to paint peaceful environ- ments, expressing serenity and equanimity of places where it is good to stop and just be for a moment. Raymond Quenneville has held many solo exhibitions and participated in numerous collective exhibitions and symposia. Winner of several awards he has received many special mentions from juries and the public. He is a member of the Institut des arts figuratifs (IAF), of the Society of Canadian Artists (SCA) and of the Mondial Art Aca- demia (MAA).20 I HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015

Un Hiver Pas Comme Les Autresoil on canvas18 x 36 in2011 Sans Trop Réfléchir oil on canvas 30 x 40 in 2013On the LeftRetrouvaillesoil on canvas18 x 36 in2013 HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015 I 21

Raymond Quenneville Les Blues I oil on canvas I 18 x 36 in I 201122 I HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015

Good Newsfor those who wish to participate in Hidden Treasure Art Mag-azine Yearbook 2016. Artists can decide until the 30th of Oc-tober, 2015 if they like to be included in Hidden Treasure ArtMagazine Yearbook 2016.If you wish to participate in Hidden Treasure Art Magazine Year-book 2016, the same rules apply as for the Yearbook 2015 one.You can chose, whether you like to be part of our eMagazine(with two pages for 55.00 GBP) and later, if you decide to par-ticipate in the Yearbook 2016, you can be included withouthaving to be selected and you pay less, since the participa-tion fee for the eMagazine is part of the yearbook fees (TwoBooks with 1 page + Post&Packaging, Handling Fee and Bank-ing Transaction Fees)So, you will be part of the eMagazine with two full pages, theeBook (the electronic version of the Yearbook with one page)and the paperback format of Hidden Treasure Art MagazineYearbook 2016 (with one page) also you will receive a FreeMembership in our Online Art Gallery (with two artworks andlink to your website). HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015 I 23

Alexander Breskin contact: Alexander Breskin [email protected] UkraineMorning Ringingoil on canvas75 x 95 cm2012 Three Elements oil on canvas 112 x 96 cm 200224 I HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015

At the Root, Apostle Andrew oil on canvas 105 x 35 cm 2015Alexander Breskin is a member of the Un-ion of graphic artists of Kiev and the Unionof Artists of the book. His works are rep-resented in the National Art Museum ofUkraine, the National Museum of Ukraini-an Decorative and Applied Art, the Muse-um of History of Kiev, the Kiev Museum ofCultural Heritage, and the Museum Get-manstva as well as in private collectionsin different countries. The artist is teachingdrawing and painting in his studio since2005 and keeps painting himself. Two filmsabout Breskin’s works were made in 2007and 2010 by international TV channel UTRand they were broadcasted several times. Inspirationoil on canvas 90 x 70 cm 2011 HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015I 25

Gordon Tardio Life goes on … Myanmar acrylic on watercolour paper I 22 x 30 in I 2014 Gordon Tardio is a Canadian born artist now residing in Malaysia. Since 1980 he has exhibited his paintings in Vancouver, Canada, Bangkok, Singapore & Malaysia. Now his work can be seen online freeing him up for more quality studio time. Gordon has traveled extensively over the years and you’ll see that people, places and cultures are a recurring theme in his art, as are orchids and nature. But what dominates him is his love for the painting process, using acrylic colour on various art papers as his main medium. Then there’s book illustration, portrait, comic strip, caricature. He also works with camera and computer, to create images brush strokes just can’t deliver. www. I HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015

Art Website - Do you have one?If you are an artist, you must proactively market your creationsto the world to become acknowledged and appreciated inthis highly competitive industry. While there are a number ofways to market your artistry and unique eye including partici-pating in art shows, exhibits and contests, there is nothing moreeffective than creating an art website to market your skills andexceptional artwork. While beauty is in the eye of the behold-er, you will give your visitors the visual samples that will affecttheir impression on you as both a person and an artist.While it is true that artists today have many choices as far asonline art marketing is concerned the importance of having apresence via means of a personal website for your art is morevalid today than ever. If you desire to sell art online it is crucialto have your own presence if you desire to reap the rewardof your efforts. Having your own artist website is a key factortoward success if you desire to sell original art online withouthaving to split profit from eCommerce with others. HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015 I 27

Rohe Williamwww.wtrohe-art.eucontact: Rohe [email protected] Morning Mists Chicago River aquarelle on paper 40 x 50 cm acrylic on aluminum foil/board 2014 16 x 12 cm 201428 I HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015 William T. Rohe was a practicing architect until he picked up the brush in 1997. He is an Ameri- can living on an island in Greece. He works in various media, abstract, landscape, people and realism in oils, acrylic, pastels, aquarelle and ink. He also constructs three dimensional mon- tages. Mr. Rohe enjoys using painting on vari- ous materials and using the pallet knife.

Drinking Ouzo Old Curiosity Shop, Aeginaoil on canvas oil on canvas50 x 70 cm 40 x 60 cm2004 2015 HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015 I 29

R. Geoffrey Blackburn contact: R. Geoffrey Blackburn [email protected] United States Canyon Jewel oil on linen 50 x 38 in 1982 Born in 1947, R. Geoffrey Blackburn began his professional fine arts career in 1970. He has taught art and worked in various art-related fields his entire professional life. While in England, in the early 1970’s, he was the principle artist for an international magazine.30 I HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015

Red Canyons oil on linen 24 x 30 in 1979Although he has studied art both privately and at the University of Utah, he is essential-ly self-taught. His first recognition as an artist came at the age of eight when his workwon first prize at the annual exhibit at the Old Mission at San Juan Capistrano, CA.During the last uranium boom of the 1970’s, Blackburn co-owned and operated a min-ing and exploration company, North American Resources Corp. working out of Moab,UT, which was how he came to focus on red rock landscapes.Blackburn’s art has been widely exhibited, collected and has hung in the White Houseand appeared on national television. In 1987, he invented a new, user-interactive artform for which he received a US Patent in 1990. His work is frequently commissioned bycollectors.Twilight on the Colorado oil on panel 14 x 24 in 2013Desert Rulesoil on panel9 x 15.5 in2008 HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015I 31

CPleyer contact: Christina Pleyer [email protected] Germany Square photography print on brushed aluminium 120 x 75 cm 2015 Creativity is Christina’s middle name. Both in craft and art of her works. Her body of works consists exclusively of photography yet few of them are recognizable as such. Spaceman 120 x 80 cm photography print on brushed aluminium 201532 I HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015

Big Wheel Wave Powerball Red photography, print on matt aluminium photography 120 x 80 cm print on acrylic glass 2014 120 x 80 cm‘I want to inspire people. I want 2015others imagination run wild.Lovers of art won’t get answersinstead the pictures evokeemotions.’ - was a recent quoteof the photography artist whois based in Stuttgart, Germany.Her work was exhibited in majorEuropean cities like Berlin andVienna. Upcoming exhibitionswill be held in France and Ger-many both in 2015. Her work isrepresented at art fairs and gal-leries in Germany. All her worksare limited and signed editionsof scarce quantity to further in-crease their value. HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015I 33

Francesco Sandrelliwww.francescosandrelli.itcontact: Francesco [email protected] Donna Antica oil on canvas 270 x160 cm 2012 Francesco Sandrelli is a self-taught artist Out of Time from Castiglion Fiorentino, Tuscany. He had art exhibitions in France, Canada, oil on canvas UK and the United States. Although he 270 x 160 had a keen interest in drawing since ear- 2012 ly childhood, he began to paint in the eighties, attending a private school in Florence. After four years spent in school, he felt exhausted and went to hospital for art therapy in painting. From 1994, he paints again. His works during this period reflect a ‘grande’ love for his family.34 I HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015

For a while he paints large canvases, especially in remem- Narcosisbrance of childhood memories, sensations and dreams: hisvirtual storytelling mixes fairy tales with inner visions, combin- oil on canvasing imperfection with sharpness and abstraction with figu- 270 x 160rative. Sometimes feeling everything farce around, Franc- 2012esco is striving to find sense in turmoil through painting.Cring Out of Beautyoil on canvas280 x 1602011 HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015 I 35

Graehound Durner’s Chandelier mixed media on Rives Black 44 x 30 in 2014www.graehound.comcontact: [email protected] E Douglas Street #31361701 Bloomington, ILUnited StatesT: + (1) 3098382982 Suspension mixed media on Bristol 6.25 x 9 in 201436 I HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015

Graehound currently works predominantly inmixed media to create illustrative pieces thatpromote nuanced discussion between thebroader concepts of disability and identity. Shehas an affinity for detail and enjoys the medi-tative quality of both creating and observinglayered imagery. She holds a BFA in Studio Artfrom Northern Illinois University with an empha-sis in Drawing and is currently enrolled in the In-terdisciplinary Studio Art Masters programme atGoddard College.Perpetually interested in discovering newformes of expression, Graehound has beenincluded in national and international exhi-bitions and publications regarding her workin several different media, particularly draw-ing and beadwork. Seep mixed media on Bristol 10.75 x 6 in 2014 Lacquerice mixed media on Bristol 15.75 x 11 in 2015 HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015 I 37

Paola Adornato Untitled acrylic on canvascontact: Paola Adornato 100 x 80 [email protected] 2014Italy Paola Adornato was born in Evevning 1972 in Italy and work in Turin. acrylic on canvas Graduated at the Primo Liceo 50 x 40 cm Artistico she attended Acca- 2014 demia of Belle Arti of Turin. She started her artistic trip and her Senza Titolo 18 approaching to the painting, acrylic on canvas finding in the acrylic, her cur- 45 x 30 cm rent art expression. 200938 I HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015

Her paint start by studying photos that shedone at anonymous places. All the images,after, are elaborated... come to life, in thisway: colors, contrast and prospective views.She told: I find interestingly make to knowthat many works show places that today beno more. They are structures that in this peri-od of time has been knocked down or per-manently closed. Altrove acrylic on canvas 45 x 40 cm 2009HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015 I 39

Guillermo Grebe contact: Guillermo Grebe [email protected] ChileGuillermo Grebe studied TitleVisual Arts at the Universityof Chile between 1983 and medium87 and design in 2010 to12. sizeHe has been studied fromthe masters as Gonzalo Diaz year of creationand Adolfo Couve. Since1989 he dedicated himselfto working in advertising asan artistic creative director. Title medium size year of creation40 I HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015

Title Title mediummediumsize sizeyear of creation year of creationGuillermo Grebe has been HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015 I 41teaching design and audio-visual communication atnumerous universities also,he has been working in thesame profession as crea-tive director and strategiccommunicator until presentdays. He has been paintingwithout great pretensionsand intermittently since heleft the School of Arts andhas exhibited in group aswell as in solo exhibitions inChile. Since 2014, Guillermodedicated himself to paint-ing professionally and per-manently.

Julie River contact: Julie River [email protected] Belgium A Venise watercolour and ink on paper 25 x 35 cm 2012 “In her Brussels Studio, that artist loves to mix China ink and waters colours, feather and brush in concert. In that technique error does not forgive, the indelible stroke becomes a challenge that she finds amusing. In her peaceful gardens, she affirms her fantasy, in rep- resenting strange personages, often insects that she acts like actors on the stage. The wood, the trees, the leaves become the decor and the curtains”. Julie River 2012 En Piste watercolour and ink on paper 30 x 40 cm 201242 I HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015

“The watercolours are worked in a non-conformist way, often with five or six layers, very meticulous work. In tone splashes of colour the artist juggles with the strokes of the feather, with rhythm, move- ments, and dynamism. Transport- ed by the delicacy of the stroke, the insect himself becomes a co- median or a minstrel. And finally this strange world takes us to re- spect the differences. In feat, it means respect of the other, Love of Live, in all shapes and form”. N-P Louise, 2012 Vers La Lumière watercolour and ink on paper 25 x 35 cm 2013 Sous Le Soleil De Saturne watercolourand ink on paper 25 x 30 cm 2014 HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015 I 41

Giampietro Cudin Caos mixed technique and acrylic 100 x 80 cm 2012 contact: Giampietro Cudin [email protected] Italy Positive, full of interest and always looking to the future, these words to define Cudin. He has studied Architecture in Canada and Psychology in Italy, painter, sculptor, elegant engraver, gentle and generous person, with great passion for poetry. The artist has always lived the art 360°, his ar- tistic work is an ongoing process of analy- sis and comparison of the works from the past to the contemporary, between the contingent reality and conceptualism. Animals mixed technique and acrylic 50 x 50 cm 201544 I HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015

He follows his emotions, exploring original lan-guages to become spokesman for the com-plex of today’s man feelings. Not infrequent-ly the reality itself enters into his paintings,through elements that the painter collects overtime and in different moments of his life. Theybecome part of his work, interfacing with apainting technique always strongly expressive,airline tickets and bus tickets, newspaper clip-pings and pieces of posters, papers and writ-ings, the artist brings its back from his numeroustrips in different countries world and put themin his artworks. He collects pieces of life, whichhe then transform into a paint. Signs that artsaves and turns into memories and emotions.Messengermixed technique and acrylic100 x 70 cm2013 Animals mixed technique and acrylic 50 x 50 cm 2015 HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015 I 45

Shae WhiteKaleidoscope Lady www.jeinshaewhite.comacrylic on canvas contact: Jein Shae White24 x 30 in [email protected] United StatesBorn in China, adopted at an Some Kind of Wonderfulearly age and raised in the Unit- acrylic on canvased States, Shae White brings both 24 x 30 incultures alive in each of her can- 2014vases. Each painting tells so muchabout her and where she camefrom. Self-taught at an early age,she learned the most importantvalues: the freedom to explore,to create, and best of all, to try.46 I HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015

“I feel I have more free- dom to try different ways to open my mind and grow every day in ways that inspire me to be better,” - Shae White The Boy I Love acrylic on canvas 24 x 30 in 2014Shae ignores the rules so shecan express her thoughts inher own way. Her work isn’tabstract, surreal or cubism.It’s a synergy of all thoseand more. She refers to thisstyle as “Geometrism.” Naturalacrylic on canvas 24 x 24 in 2014 HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015 I 47

Be a part of hiddentreasure Art eMagazine / Autumn 2015 Eligibility Artists who are above 18 years old can submit their work for selection. All artworks must have been created by the submitting artists, who must have legal ownership and must be the sole owners of the copyright. All media and techniques of visual art can be submitted for review, such as painting, photography, sculpture, instal- lations and digital art, etc. Entry Information Artists who are interested in showing their work in Hidden Treasure Art eMagazine / Summer 2015 must send their images and biography to: [email protected] • Images of 6-8 artworks (minimum 1Mb images (300dpi) including details of the works, such as title, size, medium and the year of creation, • A short biography or description of artistic interests (maximum of 200 words, in the third person, in English, not a CV), • A profile picture, possibly portrait (minimum 400Kb images), • A website address. Media Accepted Painting, mixed media, decorative art, design, caricature, sketching, drawing, col- lage, sculpture, pottery, digital art, 3D art, photography, installations, print, graffiti, street art and custom painting. Cost £ 55.00 for 2 pages (or if you wish, you can pay in different currencies: $100.00 or €80.00 included tax. Banking transaction fees apply and must be paid by the artist). Additional pages £25.00 each (or in USD=$50.00 / in EUR=€40.00). Please, apply with this Submission Form. Deadline 30th November, 2015​- The eMagazine will be published on the 1st of December.48 I HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015

Photography Digital Art HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015 I 49

Fu Wenjun Nepotism conceptual photography 140 x 175 cm 2015 Fu Wenjun, Chinese impor- tant conceptual photogra- phy artist, talks about histo- ry of art; it’s not a means, but the main goal. He therefore analyses some aspects which are meant to express a timeless con- cept. In this way, the ex- pression of every artwork becomes a thesis with no possibility of anti-thesis, full of proofs which we find again many times in histo- ry, western and oriental, to remember that history is re- peating itself and that the mankind as a whole has similarities beyond geo-cul- tural position. Life is Simple conceptual photography 140 x 175 cm 2015 Among the Clouds conceptual photography 140 x 175 cm 201550 I HIDDEN TREASURE ART eMAGAZINE / Summer 2015

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