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Home Explore ISHTTAA Brochure

ISHTTAA Brochure

Published by Rakesh Niranajan, 2016-09-03 03:33:27

Description: ISHTTAA Brochure contains brief offering details on Industrial Automation, Industrial IT and Mobility services. For more please visit us

Keywords: industrial automtion,Industrial IT,Wonderware,Mobility


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“We are on a mission, to bring Art into Technologythat helps increasing your business.” ishttaa TechCraft Pvt Ltd. -Crafting Possibilities!

Our Services Industrial Automation Industrial IT MobilityAs an independent automation service Driven by a team of experienced techno- We bring the next leauge of enterpriseprovider, we provide solutions and crats, We provide system integration and solutions through Mobility. Industrialservices at every phase of your Industrial specialized software engineering services. Automation and Industrial IT world canAutomation projects right from initiation Backed by our domain knowledge and improve efficiency and productivity provid-till commissioning and ongoing mainte- competencies in automation, we offer a ing the real-time information on finger tip.nance irrespective of the industries. wide range of IT services for our customers We design innovative apps for your needs.The Platforms we workIndustrial Automation Deployment Release to Market Requirement AnalysisPLC Platform: Allen Bradley/Rockwell-RS logix, Control Logix, PLC5, Quality Agile DevelopmentSLC500 & 5000; Schneider- Modicon, M80, Quantum and Legacy Assurance Methodology Designsystems; Siemens- S7, S1500 family, GE and others. DevelopmentHMI Platform: Wonderware, Rockwell Software – Panel View, RSView,FactoryTalk, Citech, GE- Proficy and Cimplicity, Siemens- WINCC andothers.DCS Platform: Siemens – PCS7, ABB – 800XA, Honeywell-EPKSMES Platform: Wonderware, Honeywell, SimaticIT & RockwellIndustrial ITApplication Layer: Dot Net –C#.Net, Asp.Net, WPF, WCF, JavaDatabase and Reporting: SQL, Oracle, MySQL, SSRSMobilityiOS, Android

We Believe 05 FUN AT WORK We have lots of fun at work where our team mates get extremely crazy and creative to have loads of fun… 04 EXPLORATION We love innovation and Challenges as this is what allows us to ‘Craft Possibilities’ 03 PROACTIVITY Every team member has a voice and we make it count to reach your goal. 02 HOME GROWN 01 Our professionals are trained with best Blend of Domain, Technology, Culture, Attitude and Process to deliver excellence. ONE TEAM, ONE GOAL Customer focus is our objective, your goal is our goal. We work as ‘One Team’ with our customers and suppliers too.Our Approach About Us Strategic Engagements At ishttaa we take the pride in building global and customer centric solutions. With huge We work with you to craft your passion. For every great idea of yours, we expertise in engineering and IT our aim is to have the right crafting techniques. Our strategic engagements focuses on deliver business value to our customers. With building a holistic view of the present scenarios and even focusses the unique blend of competencies such as Industri- future too. From building a project, product or building the right team; we al Automation, Industrial IT and Mobility, craft every bit of your vision. Ishttaa gives an unique experience. Platform Based Solutions Our Partnership Using readymade platforms in the project/ products reduces the development cost and time substantially. We study in detail and after assessing thoroughly we choose the best platform to suit your needs; thereby deriving the desired results. Product Engineering Our skills in product engineering across industrial automation and industrial IT products helps us build the right team and right product for our customers. Training and Development We sharpen our skills and build our capabilities continu- ously to give the right solutions aligned to current trends and technologies.

Contact us:ishttaa TechCraft Pvt Ltd.No17, 2nd ‘B’ Cross Main Road,Katriguppe Main Road,Vivekanand Nagar, BSK 3rd StageBengaluru - [email protected]://

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