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Home Explore EEE Dept Newsletter 2016

EEE Dept Newsletter 2016

Published by augustusdavid, 2016-02-22 02:30:06

Description: EEE Dept Newsletter 2016


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DIRECTORDr.Shobha Rekh DEPUTY REGISTRAR HOT Dr.Albert Rajan HODDr. Immanuel SelvakumarAssistant Professor 3 Dr. Lydia

MESSAGE FROM DiRECTOR School of Electrical SciencesIt is my pleasure to appreciate the News letter teamof EEE department headed by the dynamic HOD. Theachievements of the department of Electrical and Electronics is remarkable. I am proud of the great professors of the departmentwho have published their research in IEEE journals. Itspeaks volumes of your QUALITY. There is no doubt thatthe budding engineers would shine in greater levels. Thehigh voltage in EEE department always ignites the youngminds to soar higher and higher. I am happy to see all yourachievements brought out in this edition of newsletter.With the addition of KARUNYA SALZER Innovation Cell, I am sure we would have many innovations rising.May the Lord Jesus enable you to have many more laurels in the years to come. ALL THE BEST !Dr. Shoba Rekh 4

INTERVIEW WITH DEPUTYALRLETGHIESTRAR How do you wish to see EEE department after 5 years?I would say that we need to expand boundaries in a manner to provide students and the faculty an experienceto the outside world inside the campus, also the Visibility to other institutions, conferences and collaborationwith industries, facilitation of research laboratories, use of labs by domestic industries, igniting young mindsfor products and patents, improvisation in the quality of projects, thus improving standard of students. Tell us about your three phase of your life here at Karunya. What is your experience, you being as a student, teacher and as a deputy registrar?In all of these I was undergoing the art of learning, be it technical knowledge , values that are been learnt in the course of mycareer,flexibilitythatwasimpartedduringmy9yearsofstayinhostel.Igainedexperiencewhileworkinginvariousadministratormodules which lent me flexibility as I dealt with parents knowing issues of students and handling their problems. On thewhole I would simply say I procured, bestowed, divulged, refined, cultured my knowledge that I could possibly get from here. How do you manage yourself being as a teacher and a deputy registrar?Being deputy registrar to the institution is my career and teaching is my passion, thus it’s effortless for meto cope with both, my pleasure is to create interest in students and thus making them trained professionals. How far CBCS system imparted improvement?Basically CBCS system provides student a free will to choose their professor, time and above all choice of the subjects andthus this can greatly give a positive outcome. Also I’m looking forward to see projects which are interdepartmental, inter-disciplinary since the students are now grouped in class where they study with their friends from different departments. What is your contribution after being a deputy registrar?I would include the improvisations that are done, the amount of scholarship that are being sanctionedhave increased to almost higher than previous records, also the quality of the course completioncertificate has also been improved , not that i forget , even the id cards have got their new traits.Dr.Albert Rajan 5

MESSAGE FROM head oAf LdLepTaHrEtment I am indeed really happy in writing the message for this newsletter.Welcome to the new academic year 2015-16. Previous academic year wasa blessed one. Many faculty members brought laurels to the department. Icongratulate Dr. J. Jayakumar, Associate Professor for receiving UGC Awardand Dr. M. Lydia, Assistant Professor who got Post Doctoral fellowshipfrom Technion- Israel Institute of Technology .Our UG Students cameup with extraordinary projects, such as Wave Energy harvesting system,Automatic Batter vending machine, Automatic Weed detector, 3D Printerand wheel chair for differently abled. Power and Energy related projects done by our M.Tech Students were well appreciated by the examiners. We have new facilities added to our department. The Wind TunnelExperimental set-up, NI LabVIEW software, Multi-sim Software and latestelectric drives. Karunya - Salzer Innovation Cell is a great opportunity forall our students. Through this cell, students can learn industrial productsand contribute to the industries with their creative and innovative ideas. God has given us many invaluable gifts - beloved parents, greatleaders,dedicated teachers, well equipped department, true friends,good life style etc. Don’t be negligent in accepting these gifts, and don’tmisuse the facilities provided. Utilize all the facilities and try to build a fruitful future. I welcome all the new UG and PG students who have joined to the department. Hope you will enjoy your studies in the department. Let us work hard. May the Lord give his wisdom and knowledge to us.Dr. Immanuel Selvakumar 6

JET LAG FROM AdLrL.lyTdHiEa Karunya University entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, a science and technology research university, dedicated to the creation of knowledge and development of human capital and leadership for the advancement of the State of Israel and all humanity in the year 2013. To intensify our collaboration, a group of faculty members from Karunya University visited Technion Campus in November 2014. I was a member of this team and it was during this visit that I learnt about the opportunity of a post-doctoral position in the department of Electrical Engineering. I deem it a great privilege and a God-given opportunity to step into the portals of Technion- Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel as a post-doctoral fellow. I work along with Dr. Yoash Levron in the area of Smart grids and Advanced Power system algorithms. The department of Electrical Engineering is a center of excellence in applied and theoretical research, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in electrical and computer engineering.Georg Simon Ohm In 1827, developed one of the most important laws of electric circuits: Ohm’s law. When the law was first introduced, the supporting documentation was considered lacking andGerman (Erlangen, Cologne) (1789–1854) foolish, causing him to lose his teaching position and search for a living doingPhysicist and Mathematician odd jobs and some tutoring. It took some 22 years for his work to be recognized as a majorProfessor of Physics,University of Cologne contribution to the field. He was then awarded a chair at the University of Munich and received the Copley Medal of the Royal Society in 1841. His research also extended into the areas of molecular physics, acoustics, and telegraphic communication. 7

Finishedwork ofJesus - Mr.Paul SathiyanHE CREATED THE MANKIND IN HIS OWN IMAGE AND LIKE-NESS (GEN 1:27)Foundation beneath was also created to be the creation of perfect (abundance).mankind was to share The first blessingand demonstrate GOD’s what GOD gave to thelove. It was the plan of mankind is recorded inthe Most High GOD to Gen 1:27. He wants Hisshare His love with the people to multiply, fillmankind. He created the earth and subduethe mankind in His own it. It was God’s plan toimage and likeness (Gen bless us when we got1:27). As GOD is perfect conceived in GOD’s mind.(Matthew 5:48) manThe plan of satan was to break the relationship of talks about the attribute of GOD. Our GOD neverGOD with man. Satan acted so cleverly, he brought changes from His original plan. He used His sonthe wrath of GOD upon the mankind whom GOD Jesus Christ as a key to restore back the broken re-loved so much. Sin entered and removed the life lationship and to prove the whole mankind thatof abundance form the mankind. As sin contin- He is a loving GOD. Jesus came to this world toued, people could see the wrath of GOD. During restore the broken relationship between GOD andthe days of Noah, the wrath of GOD consumed man (Rom 5;10), restore the abundance that GODthe entire mankind except for the family of Noah. gave (John 10:10), to demonstrate the love of GODThen from there GOD started to pick people who (John 3;16) and to show the way to reach the Fatherwere found faithful on earth. One such generation (John 14:6).Sin always leaves its consequence be-was of Israel. Num 24:1 records that “it pleased hind. It leaves behind curses, wounds, sickness etc.the LORD to bless Israel”. As days went on Satan If a man has to have a life of abundance, then thegave an understanding that wrath of GOD is a sign consequence of sin also needs to be removed. Jesusof closed door on the way to reach the father. It’s said in John 10:10, I am come that they might havethe sin of man that brought wrath upon mankind. life, and that they might have it more abundantly.The foremost desire of GOD was to show His loveto the mankind and not the wrath. Malachi 3:6 8

He finished everything on the cross and opened a There is no sin which the blood of Jesus can’t re-way for the mankind to reach the Father. He has move and there was no curse that was not laid uponleft nothing incomplete for the man to complete. Jesus. All the plan that devil formulated against usHe set the crooked path straight for man, so that when we sinned, was cancelled out on the crossthe way to reach the Father becomes easy. Jesus on (Colossians 2:13-15). Rom 8:28 says that all thingsthe cross said that “It is finished” (John 19:28). He work together for good for them that love GOD.wants us to believe in the finished work of Jesus and We need to accept this crucified Jesus in our life.come boldly to the throne of Grace (Heb 4:16) hav- The sickness which came as a result of sin, was laiding cleansed by the blood of Jesus (1 John 1:7). As upon Jesus and it was the plan of GOD to ploughmuch as we believe and acknowledge the suffering the body of Jesus for our transgressions so that weof Jesus on the cross, we get edified. The curse that could be healed by the wounds of Jesus (Is 53:5).entered our life due to the sin was also placed on Through Jesus Christ, GOD opened the door forthe shoulder of Jesus (Gal 3:13), and He took all the eternal life. When we accept this Christ Jesus, ourcurse upon Him. It’s the truth that we don’t real- needs shall be met according to Phil 4:19. Goodnessise many times. It’s the lie of the devil that we often and mercy shall follow all the days of our life. Amenconfess that - I suffer because of my past sinful act. 9

10 AA Life Changing Experience It was a great experience as I could travel halfway across the world in an entirely different time zone. Akshay S Rao | Final EEERecently, I got a chance to related to the work or travel. It placement. Also it is useful as pursue an internship in was really exciting to work there I am aiming to do my MastersZagreb, Croatia. It was a three and I could learn a lot of new in Electrical and Computermonth long internship spanning things related to my studies, the Engineering.from April to July. It was a great culture and the lifestyle of theexperience as I could travel people there. I can definitely say Ithank IAESTE KU for giving mehalfway across the world in an that my internship has changed this life changing opportunityentirely different time zone. me. I knew that we have to work and also IAESTE Zagreb for hard to achieve your dreams. making me feel at homeAlong with being in a different during the entire course of the continent, I had the Focusing on the technical side, internship. I would like to thankopportunity to make many new my project was based upon my parents for supporting mefriends from different countries Python programming. I had and being there for me. I wouldand culture. They were really to develop courses on python also like to thank my professorshelpful and they made me feel programming for students of at Karunya University for helpinglike I am at home away from TVZ Zagreb. Along with the me and motivating me to take uphome. My co-workers and the development of the course, I had this internship.mentor at the University were to do webscraping to providereally understanding and helped a n dgather information for theirme out whenever I had clients. It has helped any queries be it me in getting a

KARUNYA 11 salzerINNOVATION CELLKarunya University, Coim- be formally inaugurated in tronics and Instrumentationbatore, Tamil Nadu India the month of June 2015. Engineering, Electrical andin Partnership with SALZER This cell also support and Electronics Engineering,Electronics Ltd , Coim- help the undergraduate Electronics and Commu-batore, India offers plat- and post graduate pro- nication Engineering andform for new innovation in jects with the help of ex- Mechanical Engineeringelectrical , electronics, In- perts in SALZER Electronics can get the training/inter-strumentation and embed- Ltd. As currently there are action from this centre. Onded field. This innovation 3 U.G projects and 1 P.G successful completion ofcell also provide most Project is going on. The the training, they enhancecomprehensive range of projects list are given be- their technical and prac-hands on training courses low: tical knowledge. This helpson Load Break Switches, 1.Intelligent bus location them in implementing theseWiring Ducts, Terminal Con- information system ideas in a real time con-nectors, Selector Switches, 2.Smart shopping using trol environment/projects.Ammeter Switches, Voltme- smart cart Major Activities of theter Switches, DC Discon- 3.Sensor application to Innovation Cellnectors, Electro Magnetic medical field 1. Hands on trainingRelays and Magnetic 4.Study on the enhancing on the Salzer productsWires. This kind of training the performance of PV 2. Training programwill be provided every panel by thermo electric 3. Seminar and Lec-semester and it delivers convertors and water tures on latest electricalquality and competent cooling system productstraining which supports Faculty members, 4. Mini & Major stu-to handle manufacturer Research Scholars, UG dents innovative projectsproblems. and PG students from This innovation will department such as Elec-Count Alessandro Volta. Began electrical experiments at the age of 18 workingItalian (Como, Pavia) with other European investigators. Major contribution(1745–1827)Physicist was the development of an electrical energyProfessor of Physics, source from chemical action in 1800. For the firstPavia, Italy time, electrical energy was available on a continuous basis and could be used for practical purposes.


RESEARCH 13 Dr.Jayakumar Associate Professor IEEE 802 SERIES INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL FOR SMART GRID APPLICATIONSObjectivesThe Electricity Department of Tamilnadu was laboring with old metering systems char-acterized by error prone manual meter reading, lack of visibility of peak demand periodsand inefficiencies in energy accounting due to tampering issues and power theft.Therefore a smart grid technology is predicted to reduce distribution losses, improveelectricity efficiency in the grid as well as at energy user’s homes and offices, and ena-ble two- way digital communication to monitor devices associated with the grid from acentralized control center. Consumers also would benefit from reduced electricity bills,greater reliability and quality of power supply by using this technology.This research proposal is modeled and implements the smart grid technology in a small-er level. This proposal focuses on the following use case.a. Reduction in power lossb. Identify the unauthorized usage of loadc. Demand responsed. Indicate the utilization of power at low tariffe. Excessive power utilization detection. Based on the above use case, smart grid proto type model will be developed andimplement for testing purpose. After the successful implementation, this model will beproposed and will be tested on few consumers in Coimbatore district with the help oflocal Utility Company.The research proposal revolve around energy, technologies such as smart metering,wireless sensor networks, open platforms, high-speed broadband and cloud computing,citizen involvement, and public administration services. University Grand Commission ( UGC) has selected the above proposal ( Ref.No.F.30-1/2014/RA-2014-16-OB-TAM-5600-SA-II) . UGC has grant Rs 29,24,424/ to completethe project with in period of two years (2015-2017).André Marie AmpèreFrench (Lyon, Paris) Mathematics, On September 18, 1820, introduced a new field of study, electrodynamics, devoted to the effect of(1775–1836) École electricity in motion, including the interaction between currents in adjoining conductors and theMathematician and Polytechnique in interplay of the surrounding magnetic fields. Constructed the first solenoid and demonstrated howPhysicist Paris it could behave like a magnet (the first electromagnet). Suggested the name galvanometer for anProfessor of instrument designed to measure current levels.

TECH BITS 143D printing3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing (AM), refers to various pro-cesses used to synthesize a three-dimensional object.In 3D printing, successivelayers of material are formed under computer control to create an object.Theseobjects can be of almost any shape or geometry, and are produced from a 3Dmodel or other electronic data source. A 3D printer is a type of industrial robot.Futurologists such as Jeremy Rifkin believe that 3D printing signals the begin-ning of a third industrial revolution,succeeding the production line assemblythat dominated manufacturing starting in the late 19th century. Using the powerof the Internet, it may eventually be possible to send a blueprint of any productto any place in the world to be replicated by a 3D printer with \"elemental inks\"capable of being combined into any material substance of any desired form.3D printing in the term's original sense refers to processes that sequentiallydeposit material onto a powder bed with inkjet printer heads. More recently, themeaning of the term has expanded to encompass a wider variety of techniquessuch as extrusion and sintering-based processes. Technical standards generallyuse the term additive manufacturing for this broader sense. How Lexus Hoverboard WorksMagnets. That’s the short version. The long version means steeling yourself for a light dose of phys-ics.According to Lexus, its hoverboard relies on superconductors and magnets, which combine torepel the force of gravity and lift an object—like, say, a fancy skateboard and its rider—abovethe ground.“With a superconductor you don’t need to have anoscillating magnetic field [like Hendo’s],” explains EricPalm, Deputy Laboratory Director at FSU’s NationalHigh Magnetic Field Laboratory. “Instead you havesomething called the Meissner effect, which essentiallysays that when you take a magnetic field near thesuperconductor, it induces current in that supercon-ductor, and creates essentially an image magneticfield on the other side of the superconductor. Youcreate current, but since it’s a superconductor, thecurrents don’t die away. So you don’t need oscillating magnetic fields. You can have a magnetthat levitates above a superconductor or vice versa, a superconductor that levitates above amagnet.”If that all sounds a little technical, try to picture a maglev train, which relies on similar principles toachieve speeds of, in the case of Shanghai’s Transrapid, over 300mph.

70 % 20 % 10 % Contributed by N.PONASWIN ( 3rd year )1 .ELECTRICITY2. THYRISTOR3. RESISTANCE4. CAPACITOR5. LUMPED6. DIODE7. NODE8. POWER9. INDUCTION10. INDUCED11. TERMINAL12. TRIAL13. LOOP14. CORE15. MAGNET16. FLUX17. LOAD18. GRID19. COIL20. FIELD15 CROSSWORD find the electrical terms in this puzzle

MIRACULUM Dr. PRAWIN ANGELOne of the greatest witnessing tools we have available TESTIMONYto us is the testimony of a changed life and sharingone would be my privilege. Yes, my name is Geethanjali(2015 batch student (Btech EEE)), my 3- years of stay inthe department was awesome. I had a good time of ex-ploration of knowledge from the opportunities provided,it molded me to become a professional. Also I thank all the staffs for their supportive aid.Not that I forget, I even encountered myself in experi-encing wax and wanes. But God was so faithful thathe proved his unconditional love, I’m blessed with twoplacements (Infosys and Wipro), also I was able to top 7th semester subjects. And I came out as the beststudent of the year in the department. I no longer lookat unfair situations from a powerless point of view, butmore with an optimistic point of view. My testimony hasnot just ended and I’m excited where it takes me ,Ilearned a lot about both myself and the world that I never had even considered investigating. I wouldhighly recommend readers to get their boundariespushed. God blessed me with these achievements andI thank God and the department which became my family. #knowyourguru Describe the one thing that fascinate you and about you? ASSOCIATE I’m a demure person ( not reveling everything to everyone ) PROFESSOR What is the other profession that you would like to work, if at all you have to choose for other than being a professor? 16 Doctor( but marks was not sufficient ) What is your passion? To lead a Christ centered life What are your hobbies? Putting different Kollams(rangolis) at home every day Reason for becoming a professor? Because of my education What are the ideal characteristics that you attribute a student should be? Obedience

Mr. BENUEL SATHISH Mr. SATHEESH KUMAR Mrs.MEENAL Describe the one thing that fascinate you and about you? ASSISTANT Consciousness PROFESSOR What is the other profession that you would like to work, if at all you have to choose for other than being a professor? Musician What is your passion? Helping others What are your hobbies? Listening to Music , Singing, Sketching and Fabric painting Reason for becoming a professor? Because of my Father and my Qualification (My Father is Retired Professor & Dean) What are the ideal characteristics that you attribute a student should be? Self-discipline,Obedience •Describe the one thing that fascinate you and about you? ASSISTANT oTo influence young minds through research and real time experiments. PROFESSOR •What is the other profession that you would like to work, if at all you have to choose for other than being a professor? oEstablishing a research centre in area of Energy •What is your passion? oTo start up a groundwork in areas of Energy. •What are your hobbies? oWatching documentaries regarding innovations in Energy. •Reason for becoming a professor? oEvaluating myself •What are the ideal characteristics that you attribute a student should be? oStudents being passionate about resolving problems of humanity through technological improvisation. • Describe the one thing that fascinate you and about you? ASSISTANT o My versatile nature PROFESSOR o What is the other profession that you would like to work, if at all you have to choose for other than being a professor? o Entrepreneur •What is your passion? o To become an entrepreneur and serve the Almighty. •What are your hobbies? o Like to be bird of passage ( love visiting new places). o Having a nice time with friends •Reason for becoming a professor? o God’s Plan •What are the ideal characteristics that you attribute a student should be? o Passionate, responsive & responsible Michael Faraday Michael Faraday was an English scientist who contributed to the fields of electromagnetism and electrochemistry. His main discoveries include those of electromagnetic induction, diamag- 17 netism and electrolysis.

18#STUDENTS VOICEWhat is the Craziestthing you came acrossin our Department ?Dogs entering the class with theh?students and leaving just as studentseris theleave for next tter in.Guys telling their friendsto cha xamto clap as soon asts less r ethey finishen end estetheir seminarMomking andring semMy friend get- Any memorable momentsuting scolding’s in class? *oo ls dfrom a fellowC stegirl in class dreamt of flying a jet plane during class and faculty thought that I was thinking about the answer for the question he asked ! (legacy still remains)ho Piece of advice fromIf you became our our staffs that u real-Dept HOD for one day ly liked? *what would you do? “If u don’tApprove all OD’s understand ask and ML’s. Would try givingpromotion or recom- before it’s toomend for promotionlate”for favorite faculties.

TIDBITS 19 find solution to the following puzzle and mail us to receive exciting prizes.Sudden brief increase in current orvoltage which damages electrical instrumentsThe work per unit of charge required toMove a charge from a point to anotherDC to DC converterAn imperial unit of power equalto 750 wattsA type of motor that is responsible formoving or controlling a mechanism orsystemReduction in the strengthof a signalA device that compares two voltagesor currents and outputs a digital signalA force that tends to cause rotationA terminal of FETThis material does not allow conduction

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