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Published by Shyanne Faulconer, 2017-02-01 19:23:25

Description: PrinceEdwardCounty_BrandManual


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Brand ManualYour Guide to Branding The County™ / Version 2.0

The County™ Branding Guidelines Version 2.0Preface One of the objectives of the Community Development Strategic plan for Prince Edward County is to reclaim our “iconic rural brand”Reclaiming Prince Edward in an effort to build greater awareness of The County’s lifestyle andCounty’s Iconic Rural Brand visitor experience to attract new residents, visitors and investors. As a first step in the process, a committee of marketing, tourismFor good reason Prince Edward County has and graphic design professionals was created to inform thegained recognition provincially, nationally creative process by defining who we are as a community, how thatand even internationally in food, wine and identity should be represented and how that is best communicatedart communities. Our reputation, coupled to our target audiences. The committee worked together to paintwith The County’s unique sense of place – a picture that was representative of the County’s identity anda community of small hamlets and villages – highlighted our strengths.the simplicity of rural life, and an accessiblecost of living, have made our community ahot spot for tourists, residents and investors.

The County™ Branding Guidelines Version 2.0Preface (Continued)Special Thanks... We would also like to thank all of our community partners who have embraced the new brand and have begun the process ofThe Community Development Department, would like to take this implementing the graphics, messaging and tone of voice elementsopportunity to thank the members of the branding committee who into their marketing materials and communications. It is throughdonated their time and experience to the branding process. Without the thoughtful implementation of these elements that we cantheir knowledge, passion and commitment to this project, the speak with one voice as we communicate the promise of Thepositive and professional results would not have been possible. County brand to the rest of the world. We are proud of who we are and the new brand that represents our community, cultureThe following individuals provided invaluable input and way of life. In this manual you will find the tools and guidelinesto the process: that will assist in developing a clear message about what it means to be The County. • J eremiah MacKenzie, CEO, Taste the County, CDC representative Prince Edward County is, and will always be a friendly, quiet • G ord Phillips, Taste the County Board Representative/Tourism consultant and rural community characterized by its great people, bursting creative talent and authenticity. We enjoy the outdoors, we’re not • L ynn Sullivan, TDA Board Representative / past Chair of PECWA materialistic and we value authentic human experiences. • A shley Stewart, Communications Officer, PEC We invite you to discover what makes the County so special. • Anne VanVlack, Principle, Infolink • L ynne McMullan, Prince Edward County Chamber of Tourism and Commerce Board Representative • D r. Maureen Horne-Paul, Prince Edward County Chamber of Tourism and Commerce Board Representative • N eil Carbone, Director of Community Development • C ommunity Development Commission, PEC • T revor Trewartha/Karen Bonhomme, 1dea Design + Media Inc.

The County™ Branding Guidelines Version 2.0Table of Contents> 1.0 Using this Manual > 4.0 Brand Applications> 1.1 Reasons for Using this Manual > 4.1 Business Cards> 1.2 Resources > 4.2 Letterhead > 4.3 Envelopes> 2.0 Our Brand Essence > 4.4 Advertising > 4.5 Display Advertising> 2.1 Lay of the Land > 4.6 Newsletter> 2.2 Our Story > 4.7 Electronic Communications> 2.3 Our Promise > 4.8 Apparel> 2.4 On Trend Design Aesthetics > 4.9 Vehicle Identification> 2.5 What Do We Want Our Target to Know?> 2.6 What Do We Want Our Target to Do? > 5.0 Photography> 2.7 Brand Attributes> 2.8 Brand Communications > 5.1 Photography Overview> 2.9 The County Logo> 3.0 Using the Identity System > 6.0 Co-Branding > 3.1 Logo Variations > 6.1 Co-Branding with a Partner > 3.2 Placing the Logo > 3.3 Logo Usage Guidelines > 3.4 Unacceptable Alterations > 3.5 Logo File Formats and Naming Convention > 3.6 Colours > 3.7 Typography > 3.8 Supporting Graphics

1.0The County™ Branding GuidelinesUsing thisManualIn this manual, you’ll find essential resources toeffectively use the Prince Edward County logo, visualassets and brand messaging. It has been drafted toprovide internal and external stakeholders with a toolkitfor proper use of The County™ brand. It is not designed to inhibit creativity or expression but rather provide a solid, standardized foundation upon which all departments, programs and units can build their marketing and communication creative material.

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 1.0 Using this Manual > Menu | Version 2.0 | 61.1 Reasons for Using this ManualOne key to enhancing the visibility and It is incumbent on all stakeholders who utilize The County brandreputation of The County is a consistent to follow the provided brand guidelines. The effectiveness of theand reliable approach to our marketing and Prince Edward County brand is contingent on the people whocommunications. Consistency in the look use it – and use it well.and content of our communications materialsprovides a recognizable and memorable presence This manual contains guidelines governing the proper andin the minds of the people and organizations with consistent use of The County’s brand story, key messages, logos,whom we seek to communicate. colours, typography and photography. It explains how to apply these guidelines to print materials, websites, signage, apparel, stationery and other marketing and communications materials. This manual establishes a basic foundation for developing marketing and communications materials, but we acknowledge that these standards cannot address every situation that may arise. Therefore, the manual also includes contact information for the Corporate Communications Department, where staff can answer specific questions.

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 1.0 Using this Manual > Menu | Version 2.0 | 71.2 ResourcesThe Corporate Communications Department The County Logois responsible for managing the communicationsstyle and visual identity. To use The County logo, you must become an authorized user by completing an application form and receiving approval from The County’sThe Corporate Communications Department sets branding, Corporate Communications department. To request an official copy ofmarketing and visual identity policies and oversees the efforts of any of The County logo variations or any of the graphics contained ininternal and external individuals, commercial vendors and this brand manual, email your request to the Corporate Communicationsorganizations that communicate our message and identity. All print Department at [email protected], websites, advertising, media communications and othermarketing and communications materials produced should be Stationery Templatesreviewed for compliance with branding and visual identity standardsbefore being printed, produced, published or distributed. Upon review, The official Prince Edward County templates for business cards,if materials produced outside of the Corporate Communications letterhead and envelopes can be requested from the CorporateDepartment are not in compliance with the guidelines contained Communications Department. Under no circumstances should anyin this manual, appropriate modifications may be required. department design its own stationery from scratch. The templates are the tools to allow for building new materials within the parameters ofAny questions regarding these guidelines, requests for logo files the brand. To obtain a copy of the templates, email your request toor brand communication aids should be directed to: [email protected] Corporation of the County of Prince Edward PhotographyCorporate Communications Department613.476.2148 ext. 224 The Corporate Communications Department maintains a repository [email protected] County photography. Images are available for use by internal departments as well as for external use. The Corporate Communications Department will determine appropriate use of The County images, including instances when permission of subjects in photographs is required before those images can be reproduced. To submit a photography request, email your request to [email protected].

2.0The County™ Branding GuidelinesOur BrandEssenceOne of the central goals of the Prince EdwardCounty branding initiative was to establisha clear picture of who The County is and whatit’s values should be. Like a human personality, The County has a personality, a feeling and character that make it unique and significant from other rural communities. The following section digs into what is unique, desirable and appealing about The County as a place to visit, live and do business.

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 2.0 Our Brand Essence > Menu | Version 2.0 | 92.1 Lay of the LandThe County is... All of these factors are slowly changing the make-up of our residents and visitors, and the beliefs and attitudes that accompanyToday, Prince Edward County is gaining recognition from people them. We have truly become a community of communities andin the food, wine and art communities, but is not as well-known this is integral to the County’s the general population. Lately, however, the County’s uniqueattributes and attitudes have become very present in today’s Our goal is to create a voice for this group; to identify that unique20-30-somethings; gastro-tourism, rustic-chic aesthetics and local County quality, that je ne sais quoi that brings so many differentproduce to name a few. These aren’t fads – they’re core values people together here, and use it to engage, inform, and invite.this generation will carry with them. Many of Canada’s cultural andculinary trend-setters have taken notice and are starting to move in,but they’re bringing their own brand voices with them.This emerging reputation coupled with the County’s uniquesense of place – a community of small hamlets and villages –the simplicity of rural life and an accessible cost of living, havealso made the County a burgeoning retirement destination.Furthermore, the County’s central location in southern Ontariohas allowed the “footloose” industry, entrepreneurs, and manysmall and medium sized businesses to thrive. Given recentimprovements to our telecommunications infrastructure and theCounty’s increasing profile, this trend will only continue to allowup-and-coming industries (wine-making, value-added agriculturalproducts, technology and software firms, etc.) to grow.

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 2.0 Our Brand Essence > Menu | Version 2.0 | 102.1 Lay of the Land (Continued)What the County IS What the County ISN’TIt’s progressively traditional. It has a rich heritage but celebrates it • It’s not ‘The Hamptons of Toronto’ as it’s been called a contemporary way. Its values are timeless but its approach is It’s far more attainable and far less pretentiousmodern. Its population is older, but its offerings are increasinglyattractive to younger generations. • It’s not as far as people think it is; it’s mere hours away from Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa or New YorkIt’s actually an island, and you can feel the ‘laid back’ approachas soon as you cross over the bridge. Dig a little deeper though, • It’s not just a retirement communityand you see the other side of island life: a community of • It’s not just where Sandbanks Provincial Park is locatedcommunities, brought together by geography, that collectively • It’s not exclusiveexcels by working together while celebrating the uniqueness and • It’s never predictable, common or mundanecharm of each area of the county. They’re proud of what they do • It’s not about big box stores, fast food or parking lotsand who they are, and it shows. • The County is real, authentic • Provides opportunities for unique experiences • It’s a getaway from the hustle and bustle of the city • It’s a human place • An emerging destination for tourism and business • Both divided and brought together by geography • A mix of urban and rural • Friendly and welcoming

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 2.0 Our Brand Essence > Menu | Version 2.0 | 112.2 Our Story We’re contemporary yet traditional, artistic yet rustic, progressive yet set in our ways and we sit in a charming and picturesqueWelcome to “The County”. We’re unique and environment of timeless traditions, agricultural land, localrural – no question. But how do we put our foods and wine, artisans, boutiques and sought-after tourismcommunity’s personality into context? Are we experiences. We embrace local and we take so much pride insophisticated or scruffy, new age or traditional, the fruits of our labour – from that great glass of wine, farm-highly creative or vintage? Interestingly, we’re to-table produce, culinary experiences, artistic creations anda blend of all. There’s something special about a thriving tourism industry. And yet we are a community ofPrince Edward County and it’s the interwoven contrasting personalities and characteristics. Residents have arelationships between all of these characteristics warm sense of pride, authenticity and a willingness to give backthat makes it such a great place to visit, live, to the and do business. We’re a community withcontrast and character. Prince Edward County is, and will always be a friendly, quiet and rural community characterized by its people, bursting creative talent and understated realism.

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 2.0 Our Brand Essence > Menu | Version 2.0 | 122.2 Our Story (Continued) People are everything to the cultural landscape of our community. Friendly, welcoming and laid-back, County residents are real. Show up to that fine dining establishment in your rubber boots, it’s OK! It’s as if long-time residents hold the secrets to the natural wonders of the region. And it’s the new cultural explorers that grace our region who thrive for knowledge and a way of life that traditional Prince Edward County residents have always known. Our new urban residents are on-trend, young, open, accepting, non-traditional, enthusiastic and knowledge seekers. They hold an intriguing curiousity to immerse themselves in a new and simpler way of life and are inspired by the cultural idiosyncrasies that make up The County. They recognize the beautiful landscape, a region that’s bursting with creativity and an eco-concious environment surrounded by local ethical consumerism. So to summarize, it’s not just that we are one of the foremost and fastest growing wine regions in Ontario. It’s not just about having one of the best beaches in Ontario, nor is it simply the fact that we’ve been dubbed the gastronomy capital of Ontario that makes us special. It’s also our people and our contrasting characteristics that make us exciting. Prince Edward County residents are here to live and be immersed in the opportunities this region provides. They come from all walks of life. They see a natural wonder and a way of life that’s authentic, rewarding and understated.

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 2.0 Our Brand Essence > Menu | Version 2.0 | 132.3 Our PromisePrince Edward County is, and will always be a Prince Edward County will continue to celebrate these timelessfriendly, quiet and rural community characterized traditions and be a humble, friendly and a human place to visit,by it’s great people, bursting creative talent and live, work and do business. We continue to be progressive,authentic realism. We enjoy the outdoors, we’re modern and on-trend but we look forward to sharing our rusticnot materialistic and we value authentic human interpretation of what it means to be contemporary. We’reexperiences. open, welcoming and supportive of our region’s entrepreneurs, enterprises and individuals seeking to relocate their business to the area. Life’s an adventure, but sometimes that adventure means savouring the simple or fine things in life that make us real and happy. We live amid a very beautiful and charming setting. You will be fulfilled by living in a serene, tranquil and peaceful setting called “The County”.

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 2.0 Our Brand Essence > Menu | Version 2.0 | 142.4 Design AestheticsAs seen in print and natural surroundings.Natural Elements Rural Landscape Reimagined Materials Nautical Themes• Grass • Aged Hardwood Trees • O ld Re-purposed Items • Docks• Limestone • F armland • S eed Packages • L ighthouses• Waters • Tractors • C anning Labels • S ailboats• Sand • Vineyards, Orchards • B arrels • T he Ferry • Old Store Signage • B arns • Boardwalks • Birds, Rabbits & Deer (wildlife) • H eirloom Produce • W eathered Wood Planks • Loyalist Architecture • Heritage Homes

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 2.0 Our Brand Essence > Menu | Version 2.0 | 152.5 What Do We Want Our Target To Know?Tourists • The County is easy to visit and enjoy. Vacation properties are well-maintained, well-priced and easy to book. We offer a • P eople who’ve been to wide range of options such as B&B’s, cottages, luxury homes Prince Edward County and boutique hotels. simply refer to it as ‘The County’. • Art is everywhere in The County, from the painters and sculptors on the ‘Arts Trail’ to local products. • The County is actually an island in Lake • There’s always something to do in The County, even in Ontario, accessible via winter with great winter sports, events and activities too! three bridges and a ferry. • The County is home to Sandbanks Provincial Park which is considered to be one of the best beaches in Ontario and • The County has been feeding Canada for generations; at one all of Canada! point supplying the country with a third of its canned goods. It’s home to some of the most fertile land in the country, and • The County has a rich marine history and facilities to support has been coined the Gastronomic Capital of Ontario by the boating, fishing and sailing. Globe and Mail. • The County is • The County’s soil is ideal for wine production, sharing many only a few hours of its traits with the best wines in France. There are close drive from the to a million planted vines on the island (up from only thirty majority of the thousand in 2000), spread out over 35+ wineries. It’s a new population of industry, but it’s growing quickly and gaining reputation. both Ontario and Quebec. We are both accessible and affordable!

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 2.0 Our Brand Essence > Menu | Version 2.0 | 162.5 What Do We Want Our Target To Know? (Continued)Prospective Businesses Prospective Residents • T he County is welcoming of new business; with support from • T here is a strong sense of community and volunteerism in business associations and a strong Chamber of Commerce. The County. • T here is a strong sense of community with many smaller family • P roperty in The County is quite affordable compared to and generational businesses continuing to operate successfully. urban settings. • M uch of The County’s workforce is employed in the service • T he County is a place where “everybody knows your name”... sector rather than in agriculture or manufacturing despite our in a good way. rural location. • T he County is safe and secure. • The County supports a wide variety of businesses including manufacturing, biotechnology, agriculture, tourism, retail and • T he County is a great place to raise a family to work or to retire. a diverse “footloose” industry; there is excellent access to professional services. • T here’s something for everyone here with the common threads of community, nature, culture and authenticity woven through • The County offers a great deal of support to businesses and them all. entrepreneurs; the development process has been streamlined into a one-window approvals process to aid developers. • There’s something going on every day and night in The County - all year round. • Nearby educational institutions, local educational partnerships and a sizable area workforce mean finding the right employees • T he County provides the benefits of small town living with isn’t difficult in The County. access to amenities just a short drive away. • T he County strongly supports new and alternative business ideas, and innovation.

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 2.0 Our Brand Essence > Menu | Version 2.0 | 172.6 What Do We Want Our Target To Do?• We want to get people here to visit and see all that • We want people to consider relocating here to raise their The County has to offer. families, work in a more laid-back/human setting or to retire.• W e want potential residents to experience The County from • We want people to recognize that rural life coupled with the the perspective of living here. quality of place in The County can provide them with a more relaxed and fulfilling lifestyle.• We want our visitors to tell their friends about their unique and wonderful County experiences. • We want people to associate “The County” with a unique and alluring feeling – something that is accessible to anyone but unattainable anywhere else. • W e want people to become excited at the thought of being able to live and work in a place they considered a vacation retreat. • We want entrepreneurs, businesspersons and developers to recognize the untapped potential of The County and the benefits of investing in this burgeoning destination. • W e want current residents to take pride in their community and to embrace the changing nature of The County’s population and economy.

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 2.0 Our Brand Essence > Menu | Version 2.0 | 182.7 Brand AttributesBrand attributes are words that help describe the The County brand attributes of “rustic contemporary” areessence of who The County is. We use these words complimented by the supporting following adjectives:and phrases to reinforce what we know to be trueabout The County, and help to understand the Authentic Charmingessence of our brand character. Honest Natural Vintage PastoralThe County should be identified as “rustic contemporary”. On Experiential Old-Style Friendlyone hand, the community is “rustic” because of its agricultural Rooted Picturesqueroots, unfinished look and authentic nature. On the other hand, Pacedwe have the “contemporary” County that takes pride in its culinaryexperiences, artistic expression, viticultural success and boutique Creative Rustic Rusticshopping. The root of “contemporary” is founded by “rustic”. Inother words, as urban adventure-seekers live and visit The County Crafty C ontempporary Organicfor its contemporary experiences, they are drawn in and intrigued Unique Ruggedby its rural assets and simplistic way of life. We believe “rustic Boutique Laid-backcontemporary” is a way of life in The County. Rural Hands-on Contemporary Cultural Chic Trendy

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 2.0 Our Brand Essence > Menu | Version 2.0 | 192.8 Brand CommunicationPutting “The County” Into Words Bringing “The County” to Life through WordsThe Prince Edward County brand can be a) “The County” vs. “Prince Edward County”brought to life using imagery, patterns, logos,typography, and perhaps most importantly, Locals have lovingly referred to “Prince Edward County”messaging and tone. When describing The as “The County” for decades. It’s a key part of the localCounty in words, it’s important to use a warm, vocabulary, and “The County” is even a trademarked termfriendly and inviting tone of voice that supports that is owned by the municipality. When introducing Princethe essence of the brand. Edward County in any written communication, the full name “Prince Edward County” should precede any reference to “The County”. After using “Prince Edward County” once within the same article, “The County” can be used for any further reference to PEC. b) “ The Corporation of the County of Prince Edward” / “The County of Prince Edward” Use of “The Corporation of the County of Prince Edward” and “The County of Prince Edward” is reserved for official municipal business as a corporate entity and should not be used for promotion of The County brand.

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 2.0 Our Brand Essence > Menu | Version 2.0 | 202.8 Brand Communication (Continued)c) E xample Conversational / Narrative / Narrative: Tone to Describe The County There is something about Prince Edward County that you can’t When describing The County, use a friendly, welcoming and quite put your finger on. Our progressively-traditional roots, and informal tone, using plain language. Technical jargon should be rustic-contemporary vibe, come together to create a unique avoided. Here are some examples of how to (and how not to) and undeniable charm that often boils down to simply being promote The County in print: ‘accidentally awesome’ or having that ‘je ne sais quoi’. Whether you’re into food, wine, the great outdoors, the beach, art, NO: Sandbanks Provincial Park, which is situated on Lake theatre, artisan products, camping or just a relaxing getaway, The Ontario in Prince Edward County, has the world’s largest County, as it is lovingly referred to, has something for everyone. baymouth barrier dune formation. Located on the shores of Lake Ontario, The County is a short YES: Home to Sandbanks Provincial Park, Prince Edward County drive and easy getaway from the hustle and bustle of Toronto, has the world’s largest natural formation of sand dunes! Ottawa and Montreal. We embrace local and we take an immense amount of pride in the fruits of our labour, whether it’s NO: There are nearly 40 wineries in Prince Edward County. The a glass of local wine, a farm-to-table culinary experience, or an wine sector thrives due to the limestone and natural minerality artistic creation. Speaking of pride, The County is proudly one contained in the soil. There are excellent restaurants, events, of the top 10 gay-friendly locations in Ontario! Characterized and galleries and studios to explore in Prince Edward County. by authenticity, The County always has been, and always will be a friendly, rural community defined by our people, bursting YES: Not a beach person? Check out The County’s wineries, creative talent and understated realism. farm-to-table restaurants and art galleries and studios. While you’re at it, take in a concert or play or a signature County event. NO: We encourage you to visit Prince Edward County. YES: Come see for yourself what makes The County so special!

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 2.0 Our Brand Essence > Menu | Version 2.0 | 212.8 Brand Communication (Continued)d) Copy Points for use in PR, web copy, travel guides, • With over one million planted vines and nearly 40 wineries, advertorial and all marketing materials: The County is one of Canada’s largest wine regions. • Come see for yourself what makes The County so special! • C oined as the Gastronomic Capital of Ontario, The County is a rural hotspot for restaurants and farm-to-table food, • A rt is everywhere in The County - from the painters and wine, cider and spirits. sculptors on the Arts Trail, to the studios and galleries in repurposed barns. For more information on how to bring The County to life in writing, contact: • The County - Contrasting, creative, real. The Prince Edward County Communications Office • Rustic contemporary is the Prince Edward County way of life. 613.476.2148 ext. 224 [email protected] • Live amid the charm, creativity and entrepreneurial spirit that that makes up Prince Edward County. Seek a new way of life that’s authentic, understated and real. • T he County - Eat, drink, create, explore. • From locally-grown foods, vineyards, beaches, artisans and outdoor adventures, visit Prince Edward County. Ontario’s best kept secret. • T he County is about warm hospitality, rich traditions, pastoral landscapes and friendly, laid-back small towns. • H ome to Sandbanks Provincial Park, The County has the world’s largest natural formation of sand dunes.

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 2.0 Our Brand Essence > Menu | Version 2.0 | 222.9 The County LogoThe official Prince Edward County logo is an emblematic In every application, the logo must be displayed prominently andrepresentation of The County’s brand and is highly instrumental legibly, and in accordance with the following guidelines:in how the region is recognized and perceived by it’s internal andexternal audiences. The primary logo is comprised of two main 1. U se only the logos provided in conjunction with the branddesign elements, including the illustration and wording. It is vital manual, without modification, rotation or simulation;to be consistent with this application and never to display the logoin configurations other than those shown in this manual. 2. T o preserve the integrity of the logo, it must not be combined with other elements to create a new symbol or image; 3. T o protect the integrity, legibility and impact, do not reproduce at sizes smaller or without the proper protective space than the recommendation amounts outlined in this manual; 4. Apply the logo to all websites, publications, advertisements, presentation materials, marketing collateral and business stationery (both print and electronic); 5. Use the logo only once per surface, page or web page.

3.0The County™ Branding GuidelinesUsing theIdentity SystemThis section includes the visual standards forusing, placing, and supporting the logo correctly. > 3.1 Logo Variations > 3.2 Placing the Logo > 3.3 Logo Usage Guidelines > 3.4 Unacceptable Alterations > 3.5 Logo File Formats and Naming Convention > 3.6 Colours > 3.7 Typography > 3.8 Supporting Graphics

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 3.0 Using the Identity System > Menu | Version 2.0 | 243.1 Logo VariationsPrimary Vertical Positive Colour Logo Positive Black Logo Use the 4-colour CMYK positive logo whenever Use this version when for instances whereThe County logo exists in three variations. possible. This logo is intended for use on a technical or colour limitations prevent theEach variation can be utilized depending on white (positive) coloured background. use of the primary colour version.the area in which it is being displayed.With the Primary Vertical version, theillustration is stacked above “The County”wording. This variation is ideal for placingon spaces which are more tall than theyare wide and/or in square proportions.These variations of the logo are available asscalable vector artwork (EPS), as well as high/low quality pixel files (TIFF, JPG, PNG).These variations of the logo are provided invaried colour profiles including PMS (PantoneMatching System), CMYK, and RGB. Reversed Colour and White Logo Use the 4-colour CMYK positive logo whenever possible. It is acceptable to display the logo on other background colours, as long as the legibility of the elements are not compromised. Never place the logo on a background where there is not enough contrast or too much clutter is present. Use the white logo version when reproduction issues may arise with the colour logo.

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 3.0 Using the Identity System > Menu | Version 2.0 | 253.1 Logo Variations (Continued)Primary Horizontal Positive Colour Logo Positive Black Logo Use the 4-colour CMYK positive logo whenever Use this version when for instances whereWith the Primary Horizontal version, the possible. This logo is intended for use on a technical or colour limitations prevent theillustration is displayed to the left of “The white (positive) coloured background. use of the primary colour version.County” wording. This variation is idealfor placing on spaces which are more widethan tall.These variations of the logo are provided asscalable vector artwork (EPS), as well as high/low quality pixel files (TIFF, JPG, PNG).These variations of the logo are provided invaried colour profiles including PMS (PantoneMatching System), CMYK, and RGB. Reversed Colour and White Logo Use the 4-colour CMYK positive logo whenever possible. It is acceptable to display the logo on other background colours, as long as the legibility of the elements are not compromised. Never place the logo on a background where there is not enough contrast or too much clutter is present. Use the white logo version when reproduction issues may arise with the colour logo.

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 3.0 Using the Identity System > Menu | Version 2.0 | 263.1 Logo Variations (Continued)Icon Only Positive Colour Logo Positive Black Logo Use the 4-colour CMYK positive logo whenever Use this version when for instances whereUnless otherwise approved by Corporate possible. This logo is intended for use on a technical or colour limitations prevent theCommunications, an avatar on a social white (positive) coloured background. use of the primary colour page or a watermark (Section 3.8is the only approved instance where the Reversed Colour and White Logographical element can be used without Use the 4-colour CMYK positive logo whenever possible. It is acceptable to display the logo“The County” wording. on other background colours, as long as the legibility of the elements are not compromised. Never place the logo on a background where there is not enough contrast or too much clutterWhen using the reversed colour and white is present. Use the white logo version when reproduction issues may arise with the colour logo.variations, the logo should only be placed onother background colours that maintain theadequate contrast, and in an area that supportsthe minimum recommended protective spacerules (Section 3.3).These variations of the logo are provided asscalable vector artwork (EPS), as well as high/low quality pixel files (TIFF, JPG, PNG).These variations of the logo are provided invaried colour profiles including PMS (PantoneMatching System), CMYK, and RGB.

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 3.0 Using the Identity System > Menu | Version 2.0 | 273.1 Logo Variations (Continued)Supporting Wordmark Report Name - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet September 31, 2014 2 ExampleCertain circumstance exist where it is Title (L1) – Lorem ipsum sit nunc sem quam Report Template Secondary Pageacceptable to use the Supporting Wordmark: As shown, the Supporting Wordmark Subtitle (L2) – Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus is utilized in this multi-page report • T he rule to this is that if using the template. This logo version is ideal in Supporting Wordmark, the Primary Body Content (L3) – Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum this Report Template as the primary logo must have preceded this version rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, logo was clearly displayed on the in at least one instance. blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec front cover of the report. vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus • In most instances, the use of the tincidunt. Duis leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Supporting Wordmark is most suitable for, but not limited to, multi-page Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam documents or presentations. It’s semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus recommended placement is within pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien ut a header or footer as an identifier libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis of a municipal document. leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Donec sodales sagittis magna.This variations of the logo is provided as Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quamscalable vector artwork (EPS), as well as high/ semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctuslow quality pixel files (TIFF, JPG, PNG). pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus.These variations of the logo are provided in Callout (L4) – Cras neque est, venenatis et imperdiet et, rutrum eu only. Sed tempus odio id eros facilisis lobortis. Sed eu ipsum elit, eu volutpat. Bullet Intro Sentence (L5) – Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus • Bullet List (L6) – Nam eget dui. Etiam rhonecenas tempus, tellus eget coenm. • Bullet List (L6) – Etipus, tellus eecenas get condimentum. • Bullet List (L6) – Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Malus ndimentum. Body Content (L3) – Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. PEC0004-Report example.indd 1 2014-06-12 6:44 PM

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 3.0 Using the Identity System > Menu | Version 2.0 | 283.1 Logo Variations (Continued) ExampleExternal Wordmark Prince Edward Tourism Travel Guide As shown, this travel guide wasWhen promoting the brand to an external ONTARIO CANADA distributed to a large geographic areamarket outside of the catchment area of and promoted to those unfamiliarPrince Edward County, the wording “The Ta s T e . T o u r . s Tay. with The County. The cover of theCounty” is not literal enough for consumers to guide clearly features the Externalmake the connection to which “County” it is. CountyPrince Edward Wordmark as the predominant titleTherefore, it is acceptable to use the External oNTarIo CaNaDa allowing for the geographic area toWordmark to compliment the logo to ensure be showcased, while still displayingthe message is clearly understood. See Inside | Voir à l’intérieur Sélectionner contenu en français the primary logo in the bottom right corner. The partnership betweenIn presenting The County logo, use this logo these two logos allow for the formalversion as a subsidiary element and utilize the name of “Prince Edward County”External Wordmark version as the primary. If to be displayed while introducingthe External Wordmark is being used on any the signature term “The County” towritten surface, a primary logo (with illustration) external audiences. It also avoids themust be displayed on the same surface. need to use the Primary Logo large on any given page.This variations of the logo is provided asscalable vector artwork (EPS), as well as high/low quality pixel files (TIFF, JPG, PNG).These variations of the logo are provided inblack only. ROUTE DES ARTS ROUTE DES SAVEURS ROUTE DES VINS

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 3.0 Using the Identity System > Menu | Version 2.0 | 293.2 Placing the LogoColour Backgrounds White Dark Grey Palette 100 to 85 %Here are examples of the correct way to C0 M0 Y0 K0 PMS 426 - C0 M0 Y0 K95place The County Logo on a variety ofbackground colours. It is important to have Light Beige Palette 25 to 5 % Dark Grey Palette 100 to 85 %adequate contrast between the mark and thebackground for optimal visibility. PMS 468C - C6 M13 Y41 K4 PMS 426 - C0 M0 Y0 K95When placing the logo on a light colour Light Brown Palette 100 to 5 % Red Palettebackground, such as the left column ofexamples utilize the variations intended for PMS 401 - C10 M11 Y17 K27 PMS 186 - C2 M100 Y85 K6 100 %positive backgrounds (marked _Pos in thefile formats). Yellow Palette 100 to 5 % Green PaletteWhen placing the logo on a dark coloured PMS 142 - C0 M24 Y78 K0 PMS 384 - C26 M4 Y99 K35 100 %background (shown in the right-handcolumn on this page), use logo versionmarked _Rev in the file formats.Additional colour backgroundsare available. See Section 3.3 White Blue Palette C0 M0 Y0 K0 PMS 7454 - C65 M35 Y14 K0 100 %

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 3.0 Using the Identity System > Menu | Version 2.0 | 303.2 Placing the Logo (Continued)Picture/Texture When placing The County logo on textures, source examples that DO NOT place the logoBackgrounds embody a rustic and worn impression, such as aged wood or paper. on a background that reduces the legibility.Here are examples of the correct way to placeThe County logo on a variety of picture andtexture backgrounds. It is important to haveadequate contrast between the mark and thebackground for optimal visibility.When using the logo on a photograph,ensure it is placed on a part of the imagethat is free from clutter. The logo shouldonly be placed on images that maintain theadequate contrast, and an area that supportsthe minimum recommended protective spacerules (Section 3.3).Use of the positive coloured logo on picturesand textures is acceptable as long as thecolour density of the background colour is nogreater than 30%. Use of the reversed colourlogo on pictures and textures is acceptable aslong as the colour density of the backgroundcolour is no less than 75%.

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 3.0 Using the Identity System > Menu | Version 2.0 | 313.3 Logo Usage GuidelinesProtective Space Guidelines x xAlways maintain adequate protective space around The Countylogo to maintain visual clarity and to provide maximum impact. xThe following two guidelines are in place for protective spaceallowance. The first is the recommended protective space Recommended Protective Space xamount. The second is the minimum amount. x xRecommended Protective Space Recommended Protective Space x xThe recommended protective space is X; where X is equal to the xheight of the icon. This space is required around all sides of thelogo. This applies to positioning around graphic elements, as well xas from background field edges, trim and rules. xSee next page for Minimum Protective Space.

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 3.0 Using the Identity System > Menu | Version 2.0 | 323.3 Logo Usage Guidelines (Continued) x xProtective Space Guidelines x Minimum Protective Space xMinimum Protective Space x xThere will be instances where the recommended protective xspace cannot be achieved. In situations where there are space xrestrictions due to other elements or document sizes, theminimum protective space can be used. The minimum protective xspace is X, where X is equal to the height of the letter “C” in the xword “County”. This space is required around all sides of the logo.This applies to positioning around graphic elements, as well asfrom background field edges, trim and rules.See previous page for Recommended Protective Space. Minimum Protective Space

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 3.0 Using the Identity System > Menu | Version 2.0 | 333.3 Logo Usage Guidelines (Continued)Minimum Logo Size Print ApplicationsMaintaining the legibility and the integrity of The County logo is 1\" Primary Vertical Logovery important, regardless of what the application is or the 1.25\" Minimum size of 1” width.manner in which it is reproduced. Be sure that when determiningthe size of the logo that its legibility and integrity are not Primary Horizontal Logocompromised. Minimum size of 1.25” width.Specific minimum sizing has been established for printapplications as well as digital applications. Always maintain thelock-up’s aspect ratio when scaling, regardless of the application. Digital Applications 140 px Primary Vertical Logo 185 px Minimum size of 140 pixels width @ 72dpi. Primary Horizontal Logo Minimum size of 185 pixels width @ 72dpi.

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 3.0 Using the Identity System > Menu | Version 2.0 | 343.4 Unacceptable AlterationsConsistent application of The County logo DO NOT change the colour of DO NOT change the logo’s DO NOT add drop shadowsis essential to building and maintaining any elements in the logo. proportion. or other effects to the logo.brand recognition. The logo should neverbe altered or redrawn in any way and onlyapproved digital artwork should be usedfor reproduction purposes. While not anexhaustive list, these examples illustrate someincorrect uses and deviations to avoid. DO NOT change the proportion DO NOT rotate the logo. DO NOT apply a stroke of any one element. around the logo. DO NOT use the logo at a .ca percentage of the logo colour. Uga. Itam DO NOT add .ca to the end rehent, sum of the logo. laut aris ilit, et ad quod etur sit omnim latet init que voluptae ex eicipsunt laut od et vid unt. DO NOT place close to text; see 3.3 for space requirements. DO NOT use in a holding box DO NOT place on a background DO NOT use any colour other or other shape. that reduces the legibility. than white when knocking out of a solid colour background.

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 3.0 Using the Identity System > Menu | Version 2.0 | 353.5 Logo File Formats and Naming ConventionThe County has created a wide and Vector Files: EPS JPEGcomprehensive variety of logo formats. EPS format allows high-quality print JPEGs are intended for screen or emailFor best reproduction results, it is important reproduction. EPS files can be scaled to any use. These should be used in smaller sizes.that the appropriate file format be utilized. size without sacrificing image quality. You may JPEGs should not be used for print. JPEGsIf a file format is needed that is not use these files in page layout and graphics do not have a transparent background.represented, contact the Corporate programs for print projects. Additionally, EPSCommunications Department (Section 1.2). format files may also be used to create files in PNG any of the other image formats at exactly the PNGs are for screen use only. PNGs doA specific file naming convention has been sizes required. have a transparent background and can beestablished to ensure ease in locating and scaled down.utilizing the correct logo variation needed. TIFTo use, simply pair one item from each TIFs can be used when a variable size is not Note: JPEG, .TIFF and .PNG logo versionscolumn to formulate the desired file variation. necessary for print. TIFs have been provided will lose dpi resolution quality if the logo is with a transparent background, and should increased in size. To maintain a resolution never be scaled or enlarged. quality of 300dpi for print production purposes, it is recommended that the .EPS version be used. File Naming Convention TheCounty_Horiz_CMYK_Pos.jpg Identifier Application Colour Back- Format TheCounty ground Vert PMS .eps Horiz CMYK Pos .jpg Type Black Rev .tif Icon RGB .png Web White

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 3.0 Using the Identity System > Menu | Version 2.0 | 363.6 ColoursColours are integral to The County’s visual Primary Colour Paletteidentity and maintaining consistency is essential. PMS 426C PMS 186C PMS 2985C PMS 272C To ensure the consistencyThe County’s primary colour palette consists of a C0 M0 Y0 K95 C61 M56 Y0 K0 of our visual identity,range of vibrant colours creating a contemporary R51 G49 B50 C2 M100 Y85 K6 C60 M0 Y3 K0 R116 G116 B193 specifications for eachfeel all sourced from use in the logo. colour are provided for R200 G16 B46 R91 G194 B231 use in print and webThe accent colour palette consists of additional applications. Please notetones, less saturated in colour and compliments PMS 384C PMS 142C PMS 401C PMS 468C that screen and laser-the contemporary logo palette with a more C10 M11 Y17 K27 C6 M13 Y41 K4 printer colour is notrustic feel. Selected to complement and expand C26 M4 Y99 K35 C0 M24 Y78 K0 R175 G169 B160 R221 G203 B164 necessarily an accurateon the primary colour palette, these colours representation of actualplay a supporting role through their use in R148 G147 B0 R241 G190 B72 colours due to variancesbackgrounds, titles, charts, graphs and so forth. in monitor and printer calibrations.Colour combinations should be carefullyconsidered and ideally similar tones are best Accent Colour Palette • Pantone Matchingpaired together, such as greens including PMS System (PMS) colours and384 with PMS 5753 and PMS 618. Ensure no CMYK values are providedmore than four colours are used together at any for print time (excluding The County logo). To addflexibility the colours may be tinted to 25%, 50% PMS 7454C PMS 7477C PMS 5753C PMS 618C • RGB values are providedand 75% with the exception of PMS 186 red. C62 M22 Y4 K11 for web applications. R85 G127 B166 C79 M46 Y47 K18 C65 M44 Y100 K35 C40 M32 Y87 K0 R70 G104 B112 R76 G94 B31 R165 G165 B68 PMS 5195C Warm Grey 9C PMS 4695C PMS 471C C58 M59 Y45 K20 C49 M43 Y58 K12 C42 M74 Y81 K53 C21 M70 Y100 K8 R114 G96 B104 R137 G131 B107 R89 G50 B35 R188 G98 B37

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 3.0 Using the Identity System > Menu | Version 2.0 | 373.7 TypographyThe County’s Corporate fonts have been Museo 700 - AbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvselected to provide clarity and legibility, Museo 500 - AbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvdistinctiveness, and also to reflect the tones Museo 300 - AbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvand emotions associated with its story. Thesefonts shown below. Contained within The County logo, Museo 700 is used to typeset the word “County”. The varying weights of Museo can be used in all caps for bold short headlines, or in sentence case, for longer,Primary Typefaces friendly headers. It is for display and advertising purposes and not for text/body copy.Museo Museo Sans 700 - AbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuMuseo Sans Museo Sans 500 - AbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUu Museo Sans 300 - AbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuAccent Typeface Contained within The County logo, Museo Sans 500 is used to typeset the word “The”. The varyingMuseo Slab weights of Museo Sans can be used for all short headlines and is ideal for extended amounts of text/body copy.Default Typeface Museo Slab 500 - AbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtArial This font is used only as a header or tagline font. It is for display and advertising purposes and notThe typography within The County logo and for text/body copy.wordmark is a customized solution and shouldnever be altered, replicated or rebuilt. Arial - AbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz The Arial typeface may be used for internally produced documents, forms, reports and web-based initiatives due to it’s widespread availability. Variations such as italicized and bold are acceptable for adding selective graphic punch to the document. However, be aware of accessibility implications. When Museo is unavailable, the Arial typeface may also be used in externally produced communications.

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 3.0 Using the Identity System > Menu | Version 2.0 | 383.7 Typography (Continued)Font Sizes Standard corporate font sizes:Standard corporate font sizes will be used Arial 11pt whenever possible for internally produced The County’s standard for the body of documentsdocuments, forms, reports and web-basedinitiatives. Using a consistent corporate Arial 13pt font size will both improve the accessibility The County’s standard for titles/headingsof municipal documents, and enhance theconsistency of The County’s visual identity. Arial 15pt The County’s standard for large print It is understood that from time to time, larger or smaller font sizes will be required for certain documents or publications. Regardless of the original font and format, all documents must be made available in alternate formats as necessary.

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 3.0 Using the Identity System > Menu | Version 2.0 | 393.8 Supporting GraphicsTypography Heading Blocks ExTopur lToasrteeThe County headings blocks use size, placement Unwindand spacing of words to express key componentsof the County brand in a visual dynamic way. CrReaetailveContrastingThey are comprised of roughly three to five words Examplewhich can be determined on an individual basis. Pull-Up BannerWord size is flexible and should be determinedby the importance of each word within themessage. Ensure all words within the messageare legible. The words are typeset in varyingwidths of the Museo font family.The colour palettes for each heading block isadjustable, however, it is recommended that amonochromatic (similar tones) palette be used.The heading blocks are used most effectivelywhen reversed in white on a dark colouredbackground.

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 3.0 Using the Identity System > Menu | Version 2.0 | 403.8 Supporting Graphics (Continued)WatermarksThe use of a watermark of The County iconis an approved graphic solution to add visualinterest to marketing materials. It should beused in moderation and never be used on thematerials surface more than once per page.An ideal percentage opacity for the watermarkis 10-20%. It is best used in light grey forpositive backgrounds, and reversed white fordark backgrounds. In some instances thewatermark can be offset the the page. Example Facebook Profile Page

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 3.0 Using the Identity System > Menu | Version 2.0 | 413.8 Supporting Graphics (Continued)Rustic TexturesIn order to achieve the proper balance of thebrand character, accents of rustic touches areincorporated as support graphics.Best examples of rustic touches include:• Worn/rough edging• A ged textures such as worn paper, old wood, and rough paint

4.0The County™ Branding GuidelinesBrandApplicationsHere you can see, at a glance, how all the visualelements described come together to formstandard branded materials.The following section brings together some examples of applyingthe basic elements together within applications:> 4.1 Business Cards> 4.2 Letterhead> 4.3 Envelopes> 4.4 Advertising> 4.5 Display Advertising> 4.6 Newsletter> 4.7 Electronic Communications> 4.8 Apparel> 4.9 Vehicle Identification

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 4.0 Brand Applications > Menu | Version 2.0 | 434.1 Business Cards 1. I ndividual name 2. P osition/titleThe business card template contains the 1 John Doe 3. Contacts: The business telephonefollowing information: 2 Position/Title number is preceded by “T:”, followed by • Name 3 T: 613.123.4567 ext. 890 | F: 613.123.4567 “ext.” (extension number), “F:” (facsimile • Job Title(s) number), followed by business email • Primary Telephone [email protected] 7 address. • Facsimile 4 1234 Fifth Street 4. A ddress: • Email Address • T he suite number is given as a simple • Office or Department Location Picton, Ontario Canada A1B 2C3 • Web Page number followed by the building name • Social Media Profiles 5 PrinceEdwardCounty • C ommas separate city town and • Primary Vertical Logo @Shire_Hall province with no commas used beforeTemplates for the all stationary are the postal codemanaged, produced and regulated 6 • D ouble spaces are used betweeninternally through the Corporate the country and the postal codeCommunications Department. To acquire • Web page includes the www.stationery, contact 613.476.2148 ext. 224 5. S ocial Media: Icons are placed to theor email [email protected] left with the profile names to the right,to issue an order request. where applicable. 6. A dditional Visuals: The Icon Only Reversed White logo with 20% opacity is placed in the bottom right hand corner of the back of the card. The background colour is PMS 384C “green”. 7. Logo: Primary vertical colour placed in the lower right scaled to 0.9”h.

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 4.0 Brand Applications > Menu | Version 2.0 | 444.2 Letterhead 1. L ogo: Primary horizontal colour placed in the top leftGeneral Letterhead 8.5\" scaled to 0.5”h x 2”w.The general letterhead is to be utilized in 1 The Corporation of the County of Prince Edward 2. Address: 10pt fontinstances when a general situation when 3 Shire Hall, 332 Main St. Picton, ON K0K 2T0 2 • “The Corporation of thethe communication message is not specific www.pecounty.on.cato a certain department or the Office of County of Prince Edward”,the Mayor. This template contains the September 31, 2014 followed by the addressfollowing information: • C ommas separate town Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, and province with no • Primary Horizontal Logo commas used before the • Office Address Simply type your required letter over the included example text and use the setting size and font to help postal code • Web Page achieve the right graphic balance within the letter. • D ouble spaces are used between the province andTemplates for the all stationery are Title (L1) – Lorem ipsum sit nunc sem quam the postal codemanaged, produced and regulated • Web page includes theinternally through the Corporate Subtitle (L2) – Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus www. and is shown in redCommunications Department. 3. Template: Design standardsTo acquire stationery documentation, Body Content (L3) – Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum including margins, stylescontact 613.476.2148 ext. 224 or email rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit sheets, colours, [email protected] vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien typography have beento issue an order request. ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo. established and are available Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Donec sodales sagittis magna. for use when including written content. 11\" Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Callout (L4) – Cras neque est, venenatis et imperdiet et, rutrum eu tortor. Sed tempus odio id eros facilisis lobortis. Sed eu ipsum elit, eu volutpat. Bullet Intro Sentence (L5) – Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus • Bullet List (L6) – Nam eget dui. Etiam rhonecenas tempus, tellus eget coenm. • Bullet List (L6) – Etipus, tellus eecenas get condimentum. • Bullet List (L6) – Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Malus ndimentum.

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 4.0 Brand Applications > Menu | Version 2.0 | 454.2 LetterheadDepartment Letterhead 8.5\" 1. Logo: Primary horizontal colour placed in the top leftThe department letterhead is to be utilized 1 Community Development Department scaled to 0.5”h x 2”w.for communication materials produced The Corporation of the County of Prince Edwardfor internal municipal departments. 3 2. Address: See generalThis template contains the following Shire Hall, 332 Main St. Picton, ON K0K 2T0 2 letterhead.information: T: 613.555.5555 | F: 613.555.5555 3. Department Contact: • Primary Horizontal Logo [email protected] | “Community Development • Office or Department Location Department”, followed by • Web Page September 31, 2014 “The Corporation of the • From the Department of, County of Prince Edward”, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, followed by the business Plus Descriptor telephone number is • Primary Telephone Simply type your required letter over the included example text and use the setting size and font to help preceded by “T:”, followed by • Facsimile achieve the right graphic balance within the letter. “ext.” (extension number), “F:” • Email Address (facsimile number), followed Title (L1) – Lorem ipsum sit nunc sem quam by business email addressTemplates for the all stationery are shown in red.managed, produced and regulated Subtitle (L2) – Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibusinternally through the CorporateCommunications Department. 11\" Body Content (L3) – Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentumTo acquire stationery documentation, rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blanditcontact 613.476.2148 ext. 224 or email vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae [email protected] ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis issue an order request. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Callout (L4) – Cras neque est, venenatis et imperdiet et, rutrum eu tortor. Sed tempus odio id eros facilisis lobortis. Sed eu ipsum elit, eu volutpat. Bullet Intro Sentence (L5) – Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus • Bullet List (L6) – Nam eget dui. Etiam rhonecenas tempus, tellus eget coenm. • Bullet List (L6) – Etipus, tellus eecenas get condimentum. • Bullet List (L6) – Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Malus ndimentum.

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 4.0 Brand Applications > Menu | Version 2.0 | 464.2 LetterheadOffice of the Mayor 8.5\" 1. L ogo: Primary horizontalLetterhead colour placed in the top left 23 scaled to 0.5”h x 2”w.The Office of the Mayor letterhead is tobe utilized exclusively for communication 1 From the Office of the Mayor 2. Address: See general letterhead.materials produced and distributed by the The Corporation of the County of Prince EdwardOffice of the Mayor. This template contains 3. Mayor Contact: “From thethe following information: Shire Hall, 332 Main St. Picton, ON K0K 2T0 Office of the Mayor”, followed T: 613.476.2148 | F: 613.476.5727 • Primary Horizontal Logo 4 by “The Corporation of the • Office or Department Location [email protected] | County of Prince Edward”, • Web Page followed by the business • From the Office of the Mayor Descriptor September 31, 2014 telephone number is • Primary Telephone preceded by “T:”, followed • Facsimile Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, by “ext.” (extension number), • Email Address “F:” (facsimile number), followed • The Coat-of-Arms Simply type your required letter over the included example text and use the setting size and font to help by business email address achieve the right graphic balance within the letter. shown in red.Templates for the all stationery are managed,produced and regulated internally through Title (L1) – Lorem ipsum sit nunc sem quam 4. Official Uses ofthe Corporate Communications Department. The Coat-of-Arms: Subtitle (L2) – Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus • Seal of the Corporation Body Content (L3) – Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit • P roclamations, Official Reports vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien and other printed documents ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Donec sodales sagittis magna. • Property Identification 11\" Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper • Mayor’s Chain of Office libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. • Mace and Flags Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Donec sodales sagittis magna. • U se of the Coat-of Arms is an official symbol intended for Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper ceremonial application libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. • Use of the Coat-of-Arms on business stationery and business Callout (L4) – Cras neque est, venenatis et imperdiet et, rutrum eu tortor. cards is restricted to the Mayor Sed tempus odio id eros facilisis lobortis. Sed eu ipsum elit, eu volutpat. and Members of Council Bullet Intro Sentence (L5) – Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus • Bullet List (L6) – Nam eget dui. Etiam rhonecenas tempus, tellus eget coenm. • Bullet List (L6) – Etipus, tellus eecenas get condimentum. • Bullet List (L6) – Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Malus ndimentum.

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 4.0 Brand Applications > Menu | Version 2.0 | 474.3 Envelopes 1. L ogo: Primary Horizontal Colour placed in the top right scaled toThe envelope templates contain the 1 Shire Hall, 332 Main Street 2”w x 0.5”h.following information: 2 Picton, Ontario Canada K0K 2T0 2. Address: • Name • C ommas separate building and • Job Title(s) street, new line for town with • Primary Telephone comma, followed by Ontario with • Facimile no comma then Canada • Email Address • Postal code is place on separate line • Office or Department Location • Web Page • Social Media Profiles • Primary Vertical LogoCommon Layout Sizes:Commercial #10 4.125”x9.5”Window 4.125”x9.5”Catalogue 7.5”x10.5”, 9”x12”, 10”x13”Templates for the all stationery aremanaged, produced and regulatedinternally through the CorporateCommunications Department.To acquire stationery documentation,contact 613.476.2148 ext. 224 or [email protected] issue an order request.

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 4.0 Brand Applications > Menu | Version 2.0 | 484.4 Advertising All advertising must include the following elements:Advertising allows The County to craftand broadcast messages that shape • The County primary logoits reputation with prospective visitors,residents and the community. Presenting a • The web address of Thestandardized look and tone makes ads more County, department or therecognizable and therefore, more effective. specific eventAll external advertising purchased and/orplaced by any division or department of The • Imagery files that are aCorporation of the County of Prince Edward minimum of 300 dpi at themust be submitted for advance review and actual print sizeapproval by the Corporate CommunicationsDepartment. Doing so ensures consistent • G raphic accents can be usedimagery and content. This requirement to mimic the visual flair of theapplies to external print publications such example with such tool as theas magazines and newspapers, external typography heading blocks,websites, billboards, other signage mediums, The County colour palette andexternal sponsorships, event programs, typographyand all television and radio advertising.This requirement does not apply to CreaRteivaelContrastingrecruitment advertising which is placed Live amongst the charm, creativity andby Human Resources in consultation ingenuity that makes up Prince Edwardwith corporate communications. County. Seek a new way of life that’s authentic, rewarding and understated. Discover for yourself what makes “The County” so special.

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 4.0 Brand Applications > Menu | Version 2.0 | 494.5 Display Advertising All display advertising must include the following elements:Similar to the guidelines outlined for • The County primary logoadvertising, display advertising (i.e. Pull-up • T he web address of TheBanners) allows for a visual presence withinthe community that clearly presents The County, department or theCounty brand front and center. Primary specific eventcreation of display advertising will be • G raphic accents can be usedproduced via the Corporate Communication to mimic the visual flair of theDepartment. However, all external display example with such tool as theadvertising purchased and/or placed by typography heading blocks,any division or department of The County The County colour palette andmust be submitted for advance review and typographyapproval by the Corporate CommunicationsDepartment. Examples includes vehicle Examplesigns, exterior/interior signs, banners,window decals, and displays used for public Pull-up Bannersevents/tradeshow, kiosks, etc.

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 4.0 Brand Applications > Menu | Version 2.0 | 504.6 Newsletter Community Development DepartmentThe visual identity elements can be September 31, 2014combined to create a compelling colournewsletter. This newsletter template sets the Our County, Our Communityframework for consistent and professionalbrand consistency, while allowing full Lorem Ipsum Dolorflexibility to customize messaging andwritten. It is available as a Microsoft Word – Lorem ipsum sit dolor amet ............... 00.docx file as well as an Adobe InDesign.indd file. – Lorem ipsum sit dolor sit amet dinamet ................................. 00The newsletter template includes multiplepages of example layouts, colour palettes, – Lorem ipsum sit dolor amet ............... 00 Place Picture Here. Community Development Departmentfont style sheets, one, two and three column September 31, 2014structures, and integration of photography – Lorem ipsum sit dolorand call-outs. sit amet dispiting conamet ................. 00 – Lorem ipsum sit dolor amet ............... 00 Providing input for the Corporate Strategic Plan Lorem Ipsum Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adexerci tation Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo. sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore – Lorem ipsum sit dolor amet ............... 00 magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, Photo Caption - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing eli“tDuis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl eu Lorem Ipsum Dolor esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumolore te feugaitihil imperdiet doming id quod mazim placerat facer postatem. – Lorem ipsum sit dolor amet ............... 00 The Community Development Department has a broad mandate, not onfalcyilisis at vero eros et accumolore te feugaitihil imperdiet”. Investigationes demonstraverunt lectores legere me lius ii – Lorem ipsum sit dolor amet ............... 00 legunt saepius. leading Community Development but working with the newly created DCoommingmiduanzimtyplacerat facer postatem. Investigationes Development Commission to achieve Council’s High Level Strategic Pdermioornitsiterasv:erunt lectores legere me lius quod ii legunt. Lorem Ipsum Develop sustainable jobs well matched to employment needs and opportunities; support the County’s profile as an attractive economic business opporItmunpitlieems; ebunitlding a One Window Approach for Development Proposals – Lorem ipsum sit dolor amet ............... 00 – Lorem ipsum sit dolor amet ............... 00 on local assets, resources, heritage and innovation; increase the munLiciviepaYol utar xFrbeeadsoem. Everyday – LYFE Development approved funding subsidizes the construction of seven one- bedroom units which must be rented at or below 80% of the Specifically the Community Development Department is responsible 2013, the Prince Edward-Lennox and Addington Social average market rent. Services (PELASS) Committee approved funding for seven affordable housing units in the new 17 unit “LYFE” apartment Creating a Community Development Strategic Plan building to be constructed by local developer, Sandbank 10 two-bedroom units and Homes Inc. 7 one-bedroom units The “LYFE” apartment building, which will be built three blocks Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, Lorem ipsum dolor suscipit loborut demonstraverunt lectorefsromledgoewrnetown Picton, will contain 10 two-bedroom units and Construction is expected to begin in spring 2014 and when consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. completed this important residential development will deliver nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut seven one-bedroom units (two of which are barrier free). The seven more affordable housing units in our community. laoreet dolore magna erat volutpat. “Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit inlit esse molestie conel me lius quod ii legunt intended to house tenants 55 years and older. The Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis dolore feugiat nulltihil imperdiet”. uscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea saepius. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, commodo consequat. Duis autem vel Doming id azim placerat facer postatem. Investigationes consectetuer adipiscing Uelist,eseCdudltiaumre & Heritage Assets as Economic Drivers [ 11,680 ]nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut • 11,680 museum visitors over approximately 100 operating days. laoreet dolore magna aliquam isiscer An increase of 1434 visitors from 2012 postatem demonstraverunt lectores • 7785 Volunteer Hours legere me lius quod ii legunt saepius. • 19 School Programs 555 Students Museum Visitors • Co-hosted Doors Open PEC with Community Development Community Development Department [ 7785 ] Department. 11 featured sites and approximately 2000 site visits • A new community partnership between Rose House Museum and Waupoos Estates Winery. Every sale will see 10% in Volunteer Hours returns for the museum Community Development Department

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