ISSUE #1 CON 01 EXPLAINING TENTS 02 MISOGYNY IN PHILIPPINE SOCIETY 03 It's been eighty years since Filipino women were given the right to vote. Women for generations have been oppressed, their abilities ignored and their roles limited. PERSONALITY TRAITS AND POLITICAL AFFINITY In this article, we will observe each candidate based on their political spectrum and see where the 16 Personality Types based off of the Myers-Briggs Type are evident. This is a system used to characterize and classify political positions that are related to one another. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF FAKE NEWS Rappler is an online news site mostly known for its staunch criticism of the Philippine government. Rappler believes that there is a system of trolls and bots who spread fake news. Identity Protective Cognition is a form of reasoning where a person selectively credits and dismisses information depending on their personal interests.
EXPLAINING MISOGYNY IN PHILIPPINE SOCIETY Ever since Aguinaldo’s Malolos Republic, the majority of result of anatomy but rather of cultural and social those who ran for the position of the President of the expectations” which expresses that it is more on cultural and Republic of the Philippines were men. Generally, when a sociological expectations rather than the biological woman stands for President, it is difficult to believe in her, explanation. Frequently imposed on being a woman outside given the skepticism of women's abilities. And now in 2022, of the societal, she saw men and women as equals in the we have a female presidential candidate - Leni Robredo. society. Women for generations have been oppressed, their However, it is disturbing that the reason for some voters to abilities ignored and their roles limited to childbirth, caring, avoid voting for her is due to her sex. In fact, even some housework, and not much else. According to Karen Horney, women use the same justification for not choosing her in the society will have little, if any, control over women if they upcoming elections. While justifications include statements learn to see themselves as men's equals. such as “men are stronger than women”, and that “she will just be manipulated by stronger politicians”, research says Any woman can win the presidency. The New Zealand otherwise. According to an article entitled: “Gender and Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, the German Chancellor leadership emergence: A meta-analysis and explanatory Angela Merkel, the Prime Minister of Finland, Sanna Mari, model”, it is not necessarily that female leaders are weaker and the President of Slovakia, Zuzana Caputova are just than their male counter-parts, but rather, that they have a some of the women who exhibit upright leadership and different style of leadership. It is also found that female authority for their country. These strong women have leaders tend to encourage participation over obedience. Not demonstrated that they are not “babae lang”. They have necessarily a bad thing when it’s the end result that matters. shown the aptitudes of women who are capable of leading a country just as well as men as they show excellency in their Aside from the elections, there is also a battle to eliminate administration. the outdated belief that women are inferior to men. Although it has been eighty-four years since Filipino women were given Remember that we are not just electing our country's next the right to vote, numerous of our people still hold the leader in the upcoming elections but we're also working to antiquated belief that females are inferior to males. ensure that we have and the next generation has a brighter future. The feminine psychology of Karen Horney states that “the psychic differences between men and women are not the
There is a saying that who we vote for is a representation of The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, also known as MBTI, who we are. And while some would say that we should set our consists of 16 personality types. It is a test commonly used personal feelings aside when it comes to the choice of the to get the gist of your personality, however this test cannot next representative of our nation, like it or not, our being able be completely reliable because the result differs depending to relate to a certain candidate definitely does affect our what mood you are in when you're taking the test. For choice. So, what does it say about us when we root for a example, you used to be an ISFJ (Introverted, Observant, candidate known for lying and hoarding their dictator father’s Feeling, Judging), meaning you don't necessarily enjoy embezzled money from Filipinos? What about a candidate socializing and you're observant of what is happening to known for their public service and government programs your surroundings. To add into that, most of the time you despite the lack of funding? Or a candidate with all the use your feelings when making a decision and you judge experience in government and political know-how, but also people based on what you have observed. Three days later, followed by their dark past as an enforcer of the tyrant above? you feel giddy, hyperactive and want to socialize. If you take the test, it might have a different outcome as to what In this article, we will observe each candidate based on their result you have gotten three days prior. In this article we political spectrum and see where the 16 Personality Types will judge and observe the candidates and see to which of based off of the Myers-Briggs Type are evident. But first, let’s the 16 personality types they fit best. have a bit of background on political spectrums. This is a To elaborate and further discuss what these letters system used to characterize and classify political meant, let us first discuss each letter. The first letter in their positions that are MBTI represents their related to one overall social skills another. The graph is and where their divided by four, top energy comes from, 'E' left to right is stands for authoritarian and the Extraversion while, 'I' lower, left to right as stands for libertarian. The Introversion. Meaning horizontal line that Extraversion or cuts the graph is \"Extrovert\" people referred to as gather their energy by economic left or right. socializing with other If there is a pattern people, while that can be observed Introversion or here, it’s that with the \"Introvert\" is the exception of two opposite. The second candidates, most of letter refers to how them lean towards the they learn. 'S' stands center or at least the for \"Sensing\" while 'N' center right of the is for \"Intuition\" economic scale. This is relating sensing and explainable with intuition to the topic, Leody Guzman aiming sensing would mean for a more socialistic having the feeling or form of government, gist of what may be while the others are the problem more of a circulating around continuation of the status quo of how the country is generally you, basically using your five senses, while intuition is run, economically. In the nitty gritty and social policies using your rational, thinking mind and then figuring out though, Leni Robredo is more liberal when it comes to social what you think the problem is. The third letter refers to issues, while the others are more on the conservative side of how you make decisions. 'F' stands for \"Feeling\" while 'T' stands for thinking. It is obvious how these two are the discussion different, while one bases their decision making to what “Every individual is an exception to the rule.” they are currently feeling, the other thinks and weighs the variables on hand in order to come up with an answer. The - Carl Jung, Zeitschrift für Menschenkunde Vol. 1, Page 54 last letter refers to how you organize your life. You can consider this as the way you plan, 'J' stands for \"Judging\" Now, when talking about the MBTI, of course we must while \"P\" stands for \"Perceiving\". Judging in relation to our come with the disclaimer that while widely used all over the topic, it means that they follow a step-by-step procedure world, the test should not fully be taken at face value. While when it comes to achieving their goal, this may also mean definitely an interesting take on a person’s personality, there that once a plan has been set out, they are most-likely not are many criticisms of the validity of the test, ranging from open to the thought of changes, where as Perceiving is poor reliability (when a person retakes a test and gets a wildly opposite, in a way they can be similar when it comes to different result), up to the objectivity of a self-reporting test. their step-by-step however, they are open to new strategies But as long as it is not used as an official method of gauging and is also open to spur of the moment change of plans, personalities of people, such as in workplaces, using them for meaning they are ready to what outcome that may arise. entertainment purposes should be just fine.
As a labor activist, “Ka Leody” stands out from the rest of the ESTP Leody de G candidates in the sense that before his presidential campaign, he would be seen “on the ground”, working for the interests of the farmers and laborers, helping out with unions and such. This would suggest that he is leaning towards the Extraversion end of the spectrum. For his methods of learning, he seems to be more reliant on empirical means, such as data, suggesting he uses Sensing. It gets a bit harder to judge when it comes to Thinking vs Feeling, but we believe that he would be very Thinking. His impassioned talks and speeches would have you believe that he is a heart over brain kind ESTJ Ping Lacson While I land these two on the same personalit If you look at the political spectrum, Robredo ranks highest on the authoritarian scale, whic Terror Law, and his approach of “security ov and oft critized, by Leni Robredo herself. Altho political spectrum, their MBTI shows that they both extroverts, as seen in television, news a their intentions for the people and are enga advocacy. In addition to that, they are both aw with ways that will help prevent or solve the is sensing. In interviews, and presidential debate media platforms, they use their ability to think the society in all aspects involved, may it b Lastly, both of them criticize and point out iss currently sitting and suggest a different appr again. In this aspect, we can conclude that the point out what is wrong then plan out what n outcome. His absence in the presidential debate and other interviews that ISFPBongbong M were offered to him, resulted in controversy and also had people question his capabilities and intention in his run as president of the Philippines. Due to the lack of exposure to said interviews and debates, we would consider him an Introvert, because we have no idea what his real goal and agenda was when he auditioned as a candidate in order to run as president. Based on the interviews that he participated in, Bongbong has a clear idea as to what issues and problems are taking place, which proves he has sensing qualities, however based on his advocacies and speech, he most often uses his feelings in order to get his messages through to the ESFP Manny Pacquiao These two candidates are vocal as to wha their social skills, both of them enjoys in Isko religiously checks on his city and its the words of the bible and tell everyone many. This shows that they are both extro that are circulating in the country, like ho Manila to solve the problem of congestio issues and problems that we are curr contributions ever since he was deeme absences was out of control. Going ba acquire the skill of sensing. When it com Manny and Isko follow their feelings. As in voicing out their opinions and though what problems exists, both of them have their visions, this shows that both of them
Guzman of person, but another take based on his decision to run for the presidency despite the small chance of winning is that the left is playing the long game, not exactly aiming for the presidency, but rather, a chance for Filipinos to be more open to the idea of left-leaning politicians, something that is currently difficult, especially with the penchant of the Military in red-tagging. And lastly, Leody de Guzman seems to be a perceiver. ty, they are not exactly similar all throughout. ESTJ Leni Robredo o leans the most on Libertarian, while Lacson h can be seen with co-authorship of the Anti- ver personal freedom”, which usually clashes, ough they are different when it comes to their y both acquire the same personality. They are and social media platforms, both are vocal to aging in activities that help them boost their ware of the problems circulating and are ready ssues, this proves that they acquire the skill of es that are aired live on television and in social k, in order to come up with ways that can help be economically, socially, agriculturally, etc. sues that were not handled well by the person roach in order for the mistake not to happen ey acquire the skill of judgment, because they needs to be done in order to have a different Marcos Jr. people. There is nothing much to say when it comes to his advocacies because he only proposes for “unity”. This actions and behavior proves that he most-likely bases his decisions on his feelings. In a debate he took part in, it is evident that he is well- aware of the situation our country is facing, however when asked as to how his plans can be made possible, he could not provide any proper and clear plan as to how his visions can be achieved. This proves that he uses the skill of perceiving, where he is open to sudden decision making and has no concrete plan as to how he can achieve his goal for the betterment of our country. at they want for the country in terms of ESFP Isko Moreno nteracting with the people, just as how people, and how Manny would preach how he has done good for the lives of overts. Both are also aware of the issues ow Isko managed the street vendors in on in the streets. Manny is also aware of rently facing, he has not made any ed as senator, in fact, his number of ack, this awareness proves that they mes to making decisions, it is clear that s insightful and smart they might seem hts in terms of the questions why and no concrete plans on how to carry out m are perceiving.
THE PSYCHOLOGY OF FAKE NEWS While the concept of “Fake news” has been around for almost two centuries, it has found itself more commonly used around the time period of 2016, specifically in the Presidential elections of the United States and the Philippines. Rappler, an online news site mostly known for its staunch criticism of the Duterte administration, believes that there is a system of trolls and bots who not just harass and threaten journalists critical of the government, but also ensures the spread of fake news around social media. But that is beside the point. All these bots and fake accounts spreading fake news would be pointless if there were no real people to believe them, right? After all, Duterte won the election after a bombardment of fake news favorable to him, and critical of his opposition. While none of us is immune to the danger of falling for fake news, and it is more of a practice in critical thinking in order to avoid it, there is another good reason why generally anyone could fall for it and it is called Identity Protective Cognition. According to Law Professor Dan M. Kahan, Identity Protective Cognition is a type of reasoning where a person unconsciously selectively credits and dismisses information depending on their personal interests. An example of this is when a person is proven to be wrong and instead of correcting themselves, they would dig deeper into their beliefs. This is because while probably not intended as such, the person being corrected would perceive it as an attack on their person. In a way, Identity Protective Cognition is a sort of defense mechanism when a person’s point of view becomes under attack. And even when presented with a well-explained correction, a normally rational person may find it difficult to admit being wrong. And this is why in this writer’s opinion we must be less harsher when it comes to talking to those who share fake news. We do not change someone’s mind by showing that we are intellectually superior, but rather, that we understand them and that maybe they should consider looking at your point of view as well. That is something we would do well to remember this upcoming election.
REFERENCES: Feist, J. & Feist, G. (n.d.). Theories of Personality, Seventh Edition. McGraw-Hill. Leung, C. (2021). Women leaders of the world | pictures. Reuters. Retrieved from https://www.reuters.com/news/picture/women-leaders-of-the-world-idUSRTS3KJED Butuyan, J.R.(2022). An election battle to fight misogyny. Retrieved from https://opinion.inquirer.net/149821/an-election-battle-to-fight-misogyny Badura, K., Grijalva, E., Newman, D. A., & Yan, T. T. (2018). Gender and leadership emergence: A Meta ... - researchgate.net. researchgate.net. Retrieved March 11, 2022, from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/323777325_Gender_and_leadership_emergen ce_A_meta-analysis_and_explanatory_model -https://dh2017.adho.org/abstracts/210/210.pdf -https://www.truity.com/page/16-personality-types-myers-briggs Jung, C. G., Baynes, H. G., & Baynes, C. F. (2008). Contributions to analytical psychology. Hesperides Press. BBC. (2016, December 7). Trolls and triumph: A digital battle in the Philippines. BBC News. Retrieved March 2022, from https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-38173842 Kahan, D. M. (2017). Misinformation and identity-protective cognition. SSRN Electronic Journal. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3046603 PHOTO CREDITS https://themanilajournal.com/2021/12/26/opinion-part-2-much-ado-about-bailiwicks/ https://puranick.wordpress.com/ https://news.abs-cbn.com/news/multimedia/photo/02/13/22/qc-memorial-circle-turns- pink-for-leni-kiko-rally
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