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Home Explore Ian's Info Article(1)

Ian's Info Article(1)

Published by wangw, 2016-12-05 19:29:50

Description: Ian's Info Article(1)


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Minecraft: Adventure Handbook By IanWelcome to Minecraft...How to survive in normal world...Going to the underworld...Is this the END?...Upgrade your tools…Enchantment… Chapter 1: Welcome to Minecraft As Steve walk into the wood, he saw a pair of glowing eyes. He was incredibly terrified,so he ran as soon as possible backward, but he bumped into a odd substance with green andwhite dots all over its body. Boom! The monster exploded in his face. You see! That is whathappen when you don’t play this game with skills, you die instantly. This article will teach youall about fighting off monsters and making tools, read on to have skills all about playing deadlyworld of Minecraft. Chapter 2: How to survive in normal world. In the normal world you will have to survive there, live there and respawn there. So, Ibet you will need some of the skills to survive, but before you learn the skills, you will need tolearn about some foes that will attack you. Zombies will burn in sunlight just like Skeletons,but the difference is that one looks like a skeleton and the other one looks like a zombie! Ha-ha! Everyone should know that already (I mention it just in case.). Well… the big differencebetween the two is that skeletons uses bows and arrows while zombies attack with barehand(duh). Sometimes skeletons may spawn on top of a spider which is called Jockey (reallypowerful because can bite and shoot).

Read on to know more about spiders. Spiders are really powerful, they can jump up all of the sudden and attack you. Cavespiders are a bit smaller and has poison, so you need to be aware when you see a small spiderwith blue-green-ish body because it has the ability to kill you in about 3 hits if you are notwearing armors. The best way to kill spiders and cave spiders is to be standing taller than themonster, so that it cannot jump at you and bite you and deal extra damage from jumping at youfrom above. Another great way to kill a spider is to use bow and arrows to shoot it, it is the bestwith the enchantment of flaming. Fire may be another great way to kill mobs except forwither(a boss that can be spawned, way too fast to be set fire on.), Blaze(Found in Nether,immune to fire.), Magmacube(can be found in Nether that is immune to fire), and EnderDragon(Way too fast, will be found in the end). Creepers are a kind of monster with white and green dots all over its body, also awalking TNT. It will walk in front of you when it sees you and explode in front of your face. Itdeals at least 9 hearts, if it has been hit by lightning(has blue circle all around) it kill you even indiamond armour(without enchantments), but a charged Creeper can also help you collect thehead of other monsters by exploding in front of the other monsters. The best way to kill aCreeper is to stay out of its range and shoot it with your bow and arrows. This monster is veryinteresting because it was invented as a failed invention of pigs in Minecraft. A Witch uses potion to kill you and to protect itself(you won’t see if often, so I won’t talkmuch). The range of the splash potion is shorter than the range for bows and arrows. A Slimehas three sizes, big, medium, and small. If you kill the big one, it will don into a medium one.The medium one breaks down into the small one. Only the small slime drops slimeballs.

The last and the most powerful monster in the normal world is Enderman, it staysneutral until you look at it from his feet to his head, then it will attack you, which you will notwant because it deals about 4.5 heart per hit. If you look at it straight in the eye, it may teleportbehind you. So, in order to kill this kind of monster is to put blocks behind you(so it can’tteleport behind you), wear a pumpkin on your head( it won’t attack you with pumpkin on yourhead), and use bows and arrows to shoot them so it can’t deal it's 4.5 heart damage. There is also a kind of horse, called Skeleton Horse(as they actually look is skeleton) thatspawns when it is struck by lightning when you get into ten square beside it, it will spawnskeletons riding skeleton horses around it and the skeleton will attack you. Chapter 3: Going to the Underworld In order to build a Nether Portal, you’ll at least 12 obsidian(without the corners), thereshould be a 4x2 square for you to walk through( you can also make the portal bigger if youwant, it’ll still work). If you are short on obsidian, you can cut the four edges off. It will stillwork. Make sure that you bring some obsidian and flint and steel to go back to the normalworld( just in case your portal is destroyed). After finish building the portal, you will have to geta flint and steel to light the portal. After you lighted it, you can walk through the portal and gointo Nether. When you are in the Nether, you cannot sleep. There will be some super surprising thingthat are not going to be fun at all. The monsters are also very different. There are no monsterfrom the normal world, so be ware, this might be where you lose all of your important things.The most of all, do not try to put water in Nether, it will evaporate(it will disappear, but notsure why, though). There will be some of the monsters that you know nothing about, you mightdie as soon as you go into Nether. The most common monster you will see in Nether is Zombie Pigman. You are correct, itis half pig and half zombie, but it stays neutral as long as you do not hit them. They might droptheir golden sword or some golden ingots if you kill them. Make sure that you are not using fireor lava to try and kill them, since they can swim in the lava without taking a single damage.They usually appear in packs, so if you hit one while the others are nearby, you will soon getkilled by a bunch of Zombie Pigmans. They use teamwork to defeat you. The other monster that you will see often is the Magma Cubes. They have three sizes,big, medium, and small. Don’t ever think of taking down a Magma Cube with just a sword. Youmight success with the medium and the small ones, but you will almost never survive a fightwith the big Magma Cube with just a sword. The way to kill it is to either shoot it with a bowand arrows or use your sword to hit it while it is in the air. You might also see a thing that has yellow sticks circling it and flying up into the sky andkill you. That thing is called Blaze. It shoots the thing spinning around it to attack you, but therange is also very far, so do not underestimate the power of the Blazes. They can kill you in aninstant if you don’t have anything that can protect you from fire. Since it is made out of fire,

you can use snowballs to weaken it first and then finish it off with your sword or bow andarrows. If you see a thing that looks like a white jellyfish that flies in the air, then you just saw apowerful monster called Ghast. It can shoot fireballs at you, but you can deflect it by hitting thefireball using bow or a sword. The floor of the Nether is flammable, it is set on fire forever if youdon’t cover the fire with a block or hit it with your hand. The most special monster is called Wither Skeleton it will hit you with its stone sword, soit won’t deal much damage, but the thing is, it deals a wither effect(like poison) on you if yougot hit. That is why people are watching out for Wither Skeleton most of the time. It is adangerous mob, I must say. Do not ever underestimate the power of a Wither Skeleton. Chapter 4:Is this the END? In order to go to the END, you must find the Ender Portal. You can do that by combiningblaze powder(dropped by blaze when killed) and ender eye(dropped by endermen when killedbut rare). Keep on throwing it into the air and following it. After you find the portal, you needto place 12 eye of ender on the portal to activate it. When it is activated, you can go in, butremember you can only get out of the END unless you killed the Ender Dragon or you get killedby the Endermens or Ender Dragon and also, you can’t sleep in the END. The first thing you should do after you got to the END is to destroy the Ender Crystalsbecause the crystal heal the Ender Dragon. I suggest you to wear a pumpkin on your headbecause then the Endermens won’t attack you. Remember me telling you that you can’t sleepin the END? Well… that is because you can use it as an explosive weapon against the EnderDragon. In order for you to do that you need to wait until the Ender Dragon gets near. Thenjump on the bed as if you want to sleep, then you can jump back up quickly. That is when youcan say, “In yer face dragon” and scram because that doesn’t and won’t do a lot of damage tothe Ender Dragon. Chapter 5: Upgrade your tools If you would like to get a better weapon or tools, then you should mine for gold(highdamage but low durability), chop wood(you should do that in the begining, low damage anddurability), stone(better than wood), iron(2nd best in durability and damage), Diamond( betterthan anything that is not enchanted). You can wood by hitting it with your hand, but for getting stone, you will need woodenpickaxe or above. You can get iron by using stone pickaxe or above. You can only get gold anddiamond by using iron or diamond pickaxe. Chapter 6: Enchantment You can get enchanting table by three blocks of obsidian at the bottom one in the centerwith 2 diamond beside it and a book on top of the obsidian. If you don’t want to wastediamonds, here is another way to enchant.

You can also make an anvil that is made by three iron blocks on the top(made by three 9iron ingots each) and 1 iron ingot on the middle and lastly, 3 iron ingots at the bottom. Theanvil can be used to fix you tools and also enchant your tools with enchantment book. You canget the enchantment book through trading with villagers, making a book then enchant it withthe enchanting table, or through fishing in the water with fishing rod. I personally think thatanvil is better because you will need a very rare mineral called lapis for the enchantment on theenchanting table. If you can have both, then that is the best, but if you only can have one, I willrecommend anvil. If you enchant with enchanting table, you’ll get better enchantments, butcan only enchant once with that item. If you use the anvil, them make sure that you have someother anvils because the anvil is breakable, so make sure that you don’t waste any uses. Enchantments can make everything way better than it was. Make sure that you canenchant things, so that you won’t die too easily and can at least survive longer, or can evenmake you not die. I guess that this is the end of the book, no, really the end. I hope my book can help yousurvive longer in Minecraft.

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