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Home Explore ESD-II project e-bulletin Q4-2020

ESD-II project e-bulletin Q4-2020

Published by ITCNE, 2021-04-12 08:37:15

Description: This e-newsletter aims at supporting the project
implementation process via raising awareness
amongst educators and the public on education
for sustainable development and green
The independent editorial board overseeing the
publishing policy and content management will
be managing the newsletter’s day to day work.
Your valuable feedback and comments are
welcome for sharing with the Editorial Board.

Keywords: ESD,SD,ESD project,ESD Mongolia


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PROJECT FUNDING INSTITUTIONS PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION INSTITUTIONS National Coordinating Local Implementing MEMBER OF THE “FOUNDATION FOR ENVRIONMENTAL EDUCATION” (FEE) MINISTRY OF MINISTRY OF INSTITUTE FOR “INFORMATION AND TRAINING ENVIRONMENT AND EDUCATION AND EDUCATIONAL RESERACH CENTER FOR NATURE AND ENVIRONMENT” NGO TOURISM SCIENCE Quarterly e-newsletter Issue №1 Quarter 4, 2020 Highlights: GREETINGS • Interview As nomads, Mongolians have a tradition of co- We are very pleased to share with you the first edition P. Lkhagvasuren, existing with nature and using resources of the e-newsletter on the New Year’s Eve and wish Director, Mongolian sustainably. Nevertheless, in the past 50 years (the you. A Happy New Year of 2021! Institute for Educational delicate balance in human and ecosystem Greetings from Research relationship) has been disrupted by rapid Mr. D. Ganbold, State Secretary, Ministry of urbanization, environmetal degradation and Environment and Tourism • Project statistics pollution due to increased population growth and Chair, National Steering Committee, Education for • Gender related unsustainable economic activities. Sustainable Development Project The project on Education for sustainable develop- information ment (ESD) implemented jointly with the • Best Practices on Ministries of Environment and Tourism and Education and Science, and funded by the Swiss Education for Agency for development and cooperation (SDC) Sustainable aims To promote an environmentally, socially and Development economically responsible, equitable, and • Local News sustainable future for the people of Mongolia through Education for Sustainable Development. Content This e-newsletter targets and is distributed among the project stakeholders including but not limited to educators, teachers, students and local communities for raising awareness and communicating concepts of sustainable develop- ment. Our quarterly e-newsletter offers national coverage and shares international and national best practices, news and stories on the project implemented activities on education for sustainable development. ESD-Guest Corner 2 ESD-Process 4 ESD-One topic 6 WE SUPPORT AND DESIMINATE FOR EDUCATIOI FOR SUSTAINABLEDE DEVELOPMENT ESD-Good practice 8 This e-newsletter aims at supporting the project ESD-News 10 implementation process via raising awareness amongst educators and the public on education ESD-To call for 12 for sustainable development and green development. The independent editorial board overseeing the publishing policy and content management will be managing the newsletter’s day to day work. Your valuable feedback and comments are welcome for sharing with the Editorial Board. 1

ESD-GUEST CORNER The National Institute of Educational Research (Mongolian Institute for Educational Research) is the national coordinating institution for the Education For Sustainable Development (ESD) II project co-implemented by the Swiss development cooperation agency jointly with the Government of Mongolia. The Technical Advisory and Coordination Group at National Level comprising representatives from government agencies in charge of education and environmental management, affiliated institutes and NGOs active. For further discussion of the project implemented activities, we i interviewed Dr. Lkhagvasuren, Director for Mongolian Institute for Educational Research . Let’s start our discussion on Educa- This also implies the setting up of a fully the aim is to build capacities within our tion for sustainable development (ESD) functional Mongolian Institute for own institutions. by defining it and understanding what Educational Research based multi- stakeholder coordination unit comprising Mongolian Institute for Educational are the objectives of ESD . representatives from the national Research was established in 1956 and is institutions under the two ministries. the core education management institution One of the greatest challenges of our with over 60-years of professional time facing humanity is finding ways of It is needless to highlight here the fact expertise. As a research-based policy co-existing with nature, protecting the that the second phase of the Education for making, policy implementing and environment and using finite resources Sustainable Development Project was based experimenting institution, the Mongolian soundly since these are the very on experiences and learnings from the Institute for Educational Research will be foundation of our existence. successfully implemented Education for provided with the unique opportunity to Sustainable Development Project phase Addressing this challenge through one. integrate Education for sustainable greening development and translating sustainable development into practice is Will Education for sustainable development (ESD) principles into formal the main objective for the project by development (ESD) 2nd phase project education curricula, content and learning educating the future generation on results facilitate the national level standards at all formal education levels starting from pre-school to higher sustainable development principles. P. LKHAGVASUREN education level. In response to addressing the global Education for Sustainable For this reason, the Mongolian Institute challenge, it has been recognized by the Development (ESD) is the for Educational Research has been United Nations and the policy on most effective means for selected as the main implementor for the sustainable development has been grounding the Sustainable project. I am happy to note here that embraced by its member states. jointly the Government of Mongolia and development (SD) This implies addressing developmental principles into practice Swiss development cooperation challenges from the sustainability agency (SDC) have made a very good perspective and meeting the present gen- institutional and structural development eration’s needs without compromising the for ESD and greener development? decision on this selection. ability of future generations to do so. The end results of any work depend on Yes, this is one of the goals to be Mongolia’s commitment to the UN ‘s achieved within the Education for the intellectual and professional skills and Sustainable Development 2030 frame- Sustainable Development Project. For inputs by those who implement and work was reaffirmed in the adoption of certain, Mongolia will benefit from undertake the activities. The key to its National Program on Education for institutional development on Education for project implementation success is in Sustainable Development and its commit- sustainable development (ESD) with an having a team fully meeting the ment to green development. This is also extensive team working on Education for prerequisites for work done successfully. reflected in its Long-term strategic Vision sustainable development (ESD) principles 2050. and their combination with the traditional The project has good team work The Mongolian Institute for Educational knowledge of Mongolian nomads for practicing mutual understanding and Research (MIER) was selected as the protection of our earth. collaboration, critical skills for 21st project management institution under the century. Our team is happy to emphasize 2020 MoU between the Swiss agency for Could you please elaborate more on the on accomplishments for 2020 goals and development and cooperation (SDC) and reasons for PIU established at the objectives through effective collaboration the Ministry of Education and Science. Mongolian Institute for Educational with other project stakeholders including As well as the Ministry of Environment Research, not the independent unit as per the relevant ministries, the swiss and Tourism. This stipulates the the generally accepted practice? development cooperation agency and the integration of Education for sustainable non-governmental organization Infor- development (ESD) principles into This could be explained from both sides. mation and training centre for nature and formal education and reaching out to, Firstly, establishing an independent PIU is environment (ITCNE). informing and educating youth and widely practiced and the first phase of the children through development of relevant project was no exception facing limitations The project’s Steering Committee curricula, pedagogy and the adoption of a of economic and human resources. oversees the institutional and partnership Whole Institution Approach. Continuity and sustainability for the project building for day to day work. Continuity activities remain questionable, in this case, and sustainability of activities are ensured too. for our today’s action. With the Education for sustainable Educating young can be seen as development (ESD) 2 project we tried to identical to the very fast act of learning avoid this shortage by setting up the PIU at for human beings, feeding the new born the national professional institution in infant.As such, Education for sustainable charge of education management in development (ESD) can be recognized as capacity of the project implementor since the main channel and means for grounding the sustainable development 2 concept into Thank you

“EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE Member organizations Names of members DEVELOPMENT PROJECT PHASE-II” TECHNICAL ADVISORY AND COORDINATION GROUP (TAGG) Ministry of Environment T. Turbadrakh and Tourism (MET) Specialist of Green Policy Development Department of MET Ministry of Education and A. Tsolmon Science (MEC) Senior specialist of Policy and Develop- ment Department of MoES B.Dulamsuren Quality assurance specialist of Secondary Education Department of MoES The Technical Advisory and Coordination Group at National Level Institute for Teachers N. Munkhbayar or National TACG comprises multi-sectoral professionals active in professional development Head of Student Development Department main pillars of sustainability, but not limited to socioeconomic, Ch.Gajiddulam environmental and cultural sectors. TACG encompasses the whole (ITPD) Methodologist of Department eco-system of education and also covers informal education. TAGG Functions: Information and Training L.Temuujin The TACG oversees and ensures quality work at multi-levels center for nature and envi- Board member, Senior technical advisor including soum, local community and national levels for G.Battsetseg professional development on-job trainings for target group members ronment (ITCNE) Programme manager and enhancing capacity for local TAG members Content Development and distribution of methodological guidance Educational Evaluation Batsukh.B and resource materials for capacity building trainings for educators Senior Specialist and other project implementors for ensuring the project goal achievement and assuring quality performance for activity Center (EEC) R.Undrakhbayar implementation under “ESD-II” project. Specialist in charge of projects Oversight, monitoring and evaluation and advisory support to initiatives grounding the Whole School Approach for Sustainability Mongolian Institute for A.Enkhtogtokh at school levels and introduction of Green Office Management and Educational Research Head of sector of Education programme Green Code activities and approaches into local and national J.Densmaa institutions . (MIER) Officer in charge Mathematics Communication, information dissemination and public awareness work on “ESD-II” project results and learnings for domestic public Bolortungalag.L and international audience National Centre for Lifelong Head Code of Conduct for TACG Members: Education (NCLE) Every TAGG member maintains certain norms and core values Lut-Ochir.V reflected in the TACG Members’ Code of Conduct stipulating equal Specialist participation, inclusiveness, respect for difference, open and participatory decision making, ethical conduct and creative and Ya.Shiilegmaa responsible acts. Mongolian National Univer- Director of research and Innovation Recognized is the main principle for the education for sustainable sity of Education (MNUE) D. Uurintuya. development based on three dimensional approaches and as such all content for education for sustainable containing socio-economic and Head, office of International Relations ecological dimensions in their complexity and integrity. M. Nyamsuren Recognized is that Collective decision making by the TAGG Head of Education Culture Inspection members has potential of impacts over the Government of Mongolia General Agency for Special- Eepartment decisions concerning the socio economic and ecological integrity for ized Inspection (GASI) D.Unurjargal the country. Senior inspector of Education Partnership Framework for TAGG Partnership Framework for TAGG collaboration and cooperation Media organizations B.Bilguunkhangal includes the Ministry of environment and tourism, Ministry of edu- Editor of the Mongolian national broad- cation and science, Swiss development cooperation agency, caster television Mongolian Institute for Educational Research, Mongoli- D.Davaadulam an state professional inspection agency relevant agencies in charge Head of Amgalan Delkhii NGO, journalist of education and environmental management, media, NGOs, research institutions and individuals, local authorities at soum/ D. Shijirbold aimag/district levels and professional/methodological entities in Fresh Water Resources and Head of Information, research and training charge of the project implementation, schools, parent groups and Nature Conservation Center public in project covered areas. (FWRNCC) Ts. Ichinkhorloo Senior specialist of Training Department 3

ESD-PROCESS The Information and training centre for nature and environment (ITCNE) non-governmental organization has been selected as local implementor for the Education for sustainable development (ESD-II) project. Established in 2003, the institution has over 17- years of expertise in training and research on green and sustainable development. Actvities:  undertake trainings and research on green Information and training centre for nature and The ITCNE is supported by an advisory development and education for sustainable environment ‘s(ITCNE) role within the “ESD team comprising of 20 national and development national level -II” project: collaborate with model schools in international consultants. it has 10 6 aimags (Arkhangai, Khovsgol, Khentii, research works to its credit , and more than  implementing agency for international Eco- Khovd, Bulgan and Orkhon) and 2 districts of 30 resource and methodological references school, Learnings about forest, Young re- Ulaanbaatar city (Bayangol and Songino- published. porters for environment, Blue flag and Khairkhan) and provide technical and Green key programs, methodological support to members of local TACGs.  environmental restoration, technical advisory service for landscaping QUARTER 4, 2020; PROJECT RESULTS REFERENCE SURVEY AND DATA- DEVELOPED MATERIALS ORGANIZED TRAININGS MATERIALS BASE Self-Evaluation and Excel Database Platform Produced and published are 10 Whole School Approach capacity support trainings Assessment Sheet for 30 with 25 sub-sheets for manuals or methodological conducted for 42 representatives of 6 provinces and model schools selected for entering the School Self- reference guidebooks on aspects of 2 UB districts. the “ESD-II”project Assessment data. The education for sustainable Classroom trainings on School Self Check Check List for Green Office model schools completed development (esd) integration Assessment methodologies covered 30 schools and MoUs signed with 6 Aimag surveying of 11000 totaling 643 pages of step-by-step 572 of their representatives. (Province) Governors and 2 individuals from target methodological guidance (with A discussion round with participation of 107 District Governors groups for assessing the contributions of 258 individuals) members of local TAGGs was held. Four Side MoUs signed by current state of the schools. Moodle Learning Platform was A day long training on Methodologies for planning 30 school administrations, Model school 900 students created for 120 local TAG and formulation of small project proposals was Provincial education and teachers have been members and 900 school organized for 731 Trainers of Trainees from 29 departments, Provincial polled twice for training participants enabled with passcodes schools of 6 provinces in October 2020. Environment and Tourism quality monitoring and and divided into 30 groups of 30 Step by step Trainings on Performance tracking for Departments and ITCNE. feedbacks and comments individuals each. schools (planning and monitoring aspects) have Development of Tripartite reflected for planning and Selection criteria and guidance on been organized jointly with the Government Agreements between School undertaking activities. formulation of Small Project Administration office and Management Academy Administration, Local Proposals have been developed and trainers. Governor’s Administration sent out and shared with all the and ITCNE for formulation/ schools. submission of Small project proposals by 30 schools. 4

A list of ESD Model Schools under “Education for sustainable development-II ” project Bulgan Province: Orkhon Province: Khentii Province: Erdmiin Orgoo Complex School of Bulgan Aimag, Secondary School # 15 Temujin Complex School Secondary School of Khishig Undur Soum, Secondary school # 4 Secondary School, Gal Shar soum Secondary School of Mogod Soum, Secondary school# 5 Khan Khentii Complex school, Gal Shar soum Sceondary School of Khyalganat soum Secondary School# 15 Secondary School, Bayan Adarga soum Secondary school, Dadal soum Ulaanbaatar city Erdmiin Orgoo Complex School of Bayangol district School #28 laboratory school of Bayangol district Shine Ekhlel laboratory school of Bayangol district Secondary School #122, of Songinokhairkhan district Student 41315 Teacher 1922 Worker 812 Administration 107 Khovsgol Province: Khovd Province: Arkhangai Province: Secondary School. Rashaant soum School # 1, Khovd Secondary school# 2 Avyas school, Rashaant soum School# 2, Khovd Secondary School #3 Secondary school, Tsetserleg soum Secondary school, Buyant soum Secondary School, Tariat soum Secondary school, Khatgal soum Secondary school, MunkhKhairkhan soum Secondary School, Battsengel Soum 5

ESD-ONE TOPIC GENDER AND GENDER EQUALITY Gender and gender equality is one of main Education for sustainable development (ESD) pillars. For this reason, all nations unite their voices and efforts for attaining gender equality. One of such efforts is an Annual International Day for fighting against Gender based Violence. The theme for the 2020 annual international campaign was eliminating many forms of Gender based Violence at home, at work and public places. 190 nations of the globe joined the campaign which took place for the period from November 25 to December 10, 2020. Mongolia organized this campaign for the 23rd time. To change the fixed stereotypes concerning T. Enkhbayar, Secretary of the National Commission on gender equality and ensure full participation Gender and Gender Equality in leadership and decision making, trainings T. ENKHBAYAR have been provided for relevant staff on priority for enabling women with equal MORE THAN 90 opportunities for managerial positions and PERCENT OF VICTIM VICTIMS for making budget gender sensitive. ARE GIRLS AND L. Tsedevsuren, WOMEN Former Minister for Education, Science and Culture National Human Rights Commission of This year’s annual campaign against Gender based Violence Mongolia conducted a survey at Small and has been observed in 190 countries. What do you think of Medium Enterprises revealed that 1 in 4 impacts and results for this campaign uniting the entire globe? women experiences workplace sexual harassment. First of all, I am pleased to be the first of the guests for your A.Ariunzaya new initiative. Minister of Labor and Social Protection The goal of the campaign against Gender based Violence is to If you are facing gender related challenges raise awareness and engage the public in the fight against all forms of gender-based violence, against girls and women. constantly, this could mean you are gender The Social network was full of skepticism on the campaign’s sensitive and aware of the challenges impact in ending violence. Of course, it is not the immediate result T. Amgalan, for the campaign. The campaign had 2 immediate objectives: informing and raising awareness and by being informed, getting Advisor, Gender Specialist, National engaged. This means even if your home and workplace are free Committee on Gender and Gender Equality from violence, you will be well informed and equipped with information and knowledge on actions to be taken when violence Who is a real gentleman? Who does occur either with your neighbour and regarding sexual recognizes differences and diversity, harassment at the workplace. equality in all acts, free of discrimination, strives for equal Women and girls are the worst affected by natural disasters, distribution of wealth and resources; pandemics and wars. During this global pandemic period, many opportunities for growth and nations have concerns on increasing gender-based violence. development, pluralist and During strict lockdown, gender-based violence takes place fundamental to communication and undercover, thus limiting the victim’s access to the outer world. expression of opinions? That is why it is encouraged to raise awareness on violence, enable access to help lines and keep victim shelter houses open. For the 2020 campaign, due to COVID 19, it has been undertaken in virtual format and has called for the public to be active in fighting violence whenever it takes place. N. Batzorig Sociologist 6

Volume 1, Issue 1 ““Everyone agrees that only with equal access and freed from The best way to protect our discrimination we can achieve sustainable development, daughters is to educate well inclusive economic growth coupled with elimination of poverty our boys and peace on the earth. When stereotypes, attitudes and acts based on gender inequality is still alive around us, each of us, me, you, your children and loved ones, anyone could be affected negatively by gender-based violence”. Stefani Burri Head of Swiss Cooperation in Mongolia What is your impression of decisions made during B. Ider-Od COVID-19 pandemic, are they gender sensitive? The occurrence of Gender based violence is declining Social taboos over openly according to official sources with less distress calls. This expressing their emotions, they is biased to one extent because it requires constant limit boys and men to fully monitoring and evaluation. The downward trend for exercise their fundamental violence occurrence could also be related to the fact that it human right. We encourage is happening undercover as mentioned before. everyone to free themselves from these stereotypes and Victim protection, reaching to shelters and considering taboos and support boys and the extra burdens caused by COVID-19 also should be men to freely express their taken into account for planning the work. We appreciate emotions. help and assistance rendered by international donors during this difficult time. A.Khongorzul Psychologist, Another challenge related to public health during the Head “Beautiful Hearts” NGO pandemic, especially when it comes to hygiene for women and children is shutting down the public bath houses. spillover for families and the nation as well. And last, Maintaining hygiene for everyone is another priority, but not least, we have to take drastic actions for though we understand that these places pause risk of addressing public health issues for our boys and men. spread for COVID 19. Why is gender considered one of the main pillars for Gender equality basic principles described? Education for sustainable development (ESD)? There are 5 principles for achieving gender equality as The sustainable development core value aims at described legally. All of them are very important. Gender LEAVING NO ONE BEHIND. This means men, equality implies the provision of equality for all genders: women, the differently abled and elderly, youth, boys man and woman to be provided with equal opportunities and girls -none of them should be left behind and denied for active participation in social life and for them to development opportunities. The fifth SDG stipulates benefit equally. provision of equal access to education, health care, decent work, and representation in political and However, with more than 50% of the population being economic decision-making processes, economic women and active socially, their percentage of empowerment of women and girls and eliminate gender- engagement at the decision-making level and in labor based violence. Gender equality is recognized as a cross market remains critically low and women still constitute cutting issue for all 17 SDGs. the highest (up to 90% of) violence victims. Thank you. The caregiving roles of women cannot hinder their engagement into labor market. On the contrary, the solutions for encouraging their participation in social life and valuing their unpaid care work are steps such as increasing number of kindergartens, opportunity to work from home and creating gender sensitive work places for encouraging increased birth rates and positive economic 7

ESD-BEST PRACTICE First guest of the Podium is A group of Students and Teachers from 2nd school, Jargalant soum of Khovd Province, initiators of the conference “Boys in leadership” GRAND RESULTS OF SMALL PROJECTS The Boys Conference is an initiative started under the aegis of the “ESD-II” project for serving as a role model for others. It strives to engage the public and bring change on a larger scale by gaining momentum while starting with small initiatives. It started with self-questioning in a group of boys where they felt they encountered challenges in sharing their emotions; opportunities for self-growth and development, access to information and communication with parents and their mentors/teachers. To find answers to these pressing questions, the boys from School#2 of Jargalant soum, Khovd Province organized a day-long conference on November 30, 2020. The boys raised their issues and teacher and parent representatives supported them with their advice and suggestions based on the latest findings and research results. In particular, the conference sub-sections with topics on social roles and notions of manhood, the pride of a Mongolian Army Soldier, your nation’s wellbeing starts with you, an individual, Boys’ Secrets and From Boys to Boys were supported by the Khovd University Professors, professionals from Health Centers and Army Headquarters. The paper submitted by E. Otgonsaikhan, student of grade 11 gained much interest of the participants. Male teachers of the school teamed up for a small performance and introduced warming up games, which made the atmosphere unforgettable and friendly. After their long discussion, the boys formulated their public appeal to their peers encouraging everyone to be a responsible citizen and an individual of right mindset and acts keeping abreast with the times. “Boys The School Self-assessment survey Following this, they formulated their Conference” was conducted among students and project proposal on discussing and supported by teachers of the secondary school# 2 of increasing ways for boys’ roles and Khovd aimag and the responses to the leadership and the project proposal on “ESD-II” survey highlighted the need of conference for MNT 100,000 was Project updating the curricula for supporting submitted to the Small Project Fund set up the process of keeping abreast with the by the ESD-II project implementor, global aspects and also recognized the ITCNE. need for empowering boys for their active participation and leadership in Upon completion, the initiative has been the proposed new initiatives. warmly welcomed by the public, local community for scaling up to the provincial level and to be conducted on a regular basis. 8

B. NEMEKHBUYAN E. DANIEL Specialist, Family, Youth and Child Student, 11th Grade, Secondary Development Department, Governor’s School# 2, Khovd Province Office, Khovd Province The conference enabled us to I shared the story of General Sanders, the exchange our thoughts on founder of the KFC fast food chain, at challenges we face and get much the conference. The key message was to needed support from our adults succeed, you do not always need and specialists in the field we university degree education, but passion needed the most support. We have and commitment, knowledge and skills were pre-requisites. From agreed to start the change from ourselves to be good role models. the discussions, what we have witnessed was that there were many Bullying younger children and the younger lads avoiding us gender specific challenges only boys faced. As for my have been observed previously. But now following the presentation, I hope at least 20-30% of the participants have been conference, we noticed that there was more mutual motivated by my story of the KFC founder. understanding and respect between different age groups: younger children are not anymore imtimidated and they talk TS. SURENKHORLOO freely with us. We valued the discussion greatly. Social Worker, School# 2, Khovd Province Thanks to support from the “ESD II” Project, ecological knowledge of our students has improved significantly and a true partnership has been established between teachers, students and their parents. The partnership resulted in submission of the project proposal to the Small Grants Fund and it was funded resulting in the first ever Conference on Boys in Leadership. The conference saw active participation by all the boy students of grades 6 to 11. The foreseen risk for the event as identified following the methodological guidance on proposal formulation was ensuring full participation of students. Nevertheless, some stimulus mechanism has been linked to availing full participation of students, which worked well. We have a major challenge at our school concerning clean water, waste and solid waste management. We estimated that we are wasting 6% of water used in Jargalant soum just because of the leaking in the school toilet. We also observed that many people store their drinking water in plastic containers compromising on water quality. Thanks to increased awareness and knowledge, we have realized all these problems and we were able to find local level solutions to these problems. Our attitudes have changed positively and we feel such a pain looking at water wasted. Student and parent partnership resulted in a very productive and collaborative project based on advantages flowing to the local community. As the parents are mostly agrarian people who are active vegetable growers, support from ESD II project in establishing the Green House for the school yielded multiple benefits for students and the school. 9

ESD-EXPERIENCE SHARING “ESD-II” project TACG partner organizations sharing their sustainability initiatives and commitments: PRACTICES RECYCLING OF WASTE PAPER This time, the Institute of Teacher institutions to start sorting out the Professional Training (IPTD) has waste paper at the generation site for informed us about their partnership further recycling process. Based on with the Tuvshin Saikhan recycling their experience, the public can join plant for recycling their waste the recycling effort for waste paper. The recycling plant purchases packaging materials, old books and waste paper at MNT 20-50.00 per newspapers and sell them to their kg of waste paper depending on the kiosks. This is a true contribution to type of paper. The paper is recycled sustainability by saving more trees and to end products of egg containers forests , water and other natural and carton boxes. resources and saving more energy. The glossy cover journals require These are some of the examples of high grade technology for recycling sustainability practices encouraged and as such they have not been within the ESD-II project recycled at the same plant. The implementation and they have started TPTI encourages individuals and yielding clear results. WASTE BATTERIES EXCHANGED FOR TEACHING AIDS Mrs. Sainbayar, Methodist from the Training Institute joined the network. Since Batteries cause soil and air pollution Teacher Professional Training then, staff members learned about the when they decay, impacting directly Institute runs battery collection box. negative impacts of battery discharge in the and indirectly public health and the Then the collected batteries are open and started sorting out and collecting living and non-living environment. exchanged for teaching aids for the waste batteries. The AA batteries discharged as waste subject of physics. He started this due to our careless management initiative after getting enrolled into contain many heavy metals like the Green Passport national network cadmium, lead and lithium affecting on recycling. public health. The Green Passport network and Only a single battery AA size can campaign is a joint initiative between affect 800 liters of water. Thus, sorting Fresh Water Resources and out and disposing these batteries Nature Conservation Center under responsibly is a necessity and must the Ministry of Environment and become our acquired habit leading to Tourism, Municipality of Education and Environmental Protection better management for used batteries. Departments, National Association of Recycling for Solid Waste and it has been 2 years since the Teacher GREY WATER RECYCLED IN SEWAGE shortage, water recycling and re- using, harvesting of rain/snow water The Teacher Professional Training is becoming popular. In Southern Institute with support from World Europe, in some areas, shortage of Vision has started recycling their clean drinking water sources is grey water in toilets. A person-an forcing them to search for water apartment dweller flushes 34.4 saving technologies and exploration liters of water in toilets daily. If we of other new water sources. Though replace this clean water with grey 70 percent of the earth is covered with water, we could save 3.8 liters of water, yet only 2.5 percent of it is water daily. potable. Only 1/3 of this drinkable water is available for use, the rest is With clean water resources stored in ice form. depleted and some nations suffering from drinking water 10

TRAINING SESSIONS BROADCAST OVER RADIO FOR HERDER FAMILIES AND IN CLASS SESSIONS HELD FOR SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN GOBI Fresh water resources and environmental their interactions, water valuing and protection Centre in Mandalgobi town of prices and the need for water saving and Dorno Gobi province has conducted training economy. sessions on sustainable development principles and water pricing and values. The They also came up with practical ideas for training session was for observance of the five-year anniversary of the Centre’s implementation at the school level. The establishment. training session was complemented with 40 students from the high school of Mandal complex participated in the training and radio broadcastings for 420 herder discussion sessions conducted about the main pillars of sustainable development and families of ErdeneDalai soum on sustainable development, green development and green procurement and purchase. 700 STUDENTS SUBMITTED THEIR ESSAYS FOR THE ESSAY CONTEST ON SELF-PROTECTION FROM AIR POLLUTION period from October 26 to December 15, for the 2nd place and G, Lkhagvasuren, 2020. student from Shine Mongol school of UB for the 3rd place. The contest encourages bringing the youth voices to public attention and For 10 of best works, they were all raising awareness on air pollution and self-protection and prevention, thus awarded with the diplomas of the Green contributing to improved understanding of the sustainable development concepts Passport campaign run by the Ministry of among youth. Environment and Tourism. P. More than 700 children submitted their essays. E. Suvdanchimeg, a student from Mongonzul, a participant wrote about 14th school of Bayan Ondor soum, Orkhon Province took the 1st place tragic change and swap in traditional followed by P. Mongonchimeg, student from Ikh Uul soum, Zavkhan Province scents of natural surroundings for A nationwide essay contest covering the Mongolians with the smell of coal, theme of self-protection against air pollution was successfully organized whereas G, Lkhagvasuren painstakingly jointly with the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Fresh water resources and described the smog blocking visibility conservation Centre and UNICEF, for the and how it causes burning sensation in the little lungs of all children. QR CODE TECHNOLOGY IS USED FOR IDENTIFICATION OF ANIMAL “QR coding technology is used for source The global consumer market is inclined identification for end products as the more towards products produced sustainably leather used for ball in your hand or yak in an environmentally sound way. down knit into a pair of gloves one wears. In meeting the consumer demand in green This will help greatly in value addition for products, the producers are interested in the herder produced organic products by supply of raw materials that are traceable for applying technological advances to origin and produced in a sustainable manner. traditional herding practices” this was posted by the journalist from Environmentally friendly and sustainable news agency on his Facebook page. sourcing for raw materials implies for health of animals and their pasture rangeland, This is the coding system introduced aspects such as animal comfort and quality under the participatory livestock raw of fibers the animal’s produce, sense of material traceability system called responsibility with herders and clean and “Responsible Nomads” developed by safe environment for production. the Green Gold Animal Health Project of SDC. The system was introduced in 2019 The Mongolian National Federation of with the purpose of raising domestic and Pasture Users and Herders have adopted this international market consumer awareness system for replication and scaling up to 34 on environmentally sound practices by soums nationwide. Mongolian nomads. 11

ESD-TO CALL FOR Respecting Human Rights in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic  Publishing and sharing of confidential private information or personal data such as one’s full names, idea numbers, marriage status and family history, and address without permission and authorization is considered an act of breach for the human right to privacy.  This breach may lead to division and conflicts in society.  Robust safeguards should be implemented to ensure prevention from such a breach at all costs especially during times like ours today with COVID 19 pandemic for maintaining public health and safety.  COVID 19 related full lock down mandates should not be misused for negating the work of human right activists and silencing media representatives.  COVID 19 related information and actions should reach out and be communicated to everyone. Every person is entitled to rights for actively participating in the decision-making process concerning their lives.  For public information and communication, certain groups of minorities (religious groups, the elderly, the differently abled and LGBT communities) should be specifically targeted as they have the risk of being left outside of conventional communication channels.  For tackling COVID 19 pandemic spread, concerns and knowledge by women need to be reflected for planning and undertaking increased preparedness and actions. COVID 19 Directive, UNHRC E-newsletter Editorial Board Address БОЛОВСРОЛЫН Mongolian Institute for Educational Information and Training Centre ХҮРЭЭЛЭН Research for Nature and Enviornment Teacher Development Palace 4th floor, Room# 5, Fifth Floor, Shuren Office Peace Ave-10, Build, Sukhbaatar district Khoroo 8, Sukhbaatar District Khoroo 1, Ulaanbaatar 14191 Ulaanbaatar 14210 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Website: Website: Phone: +976 70125286 Phone: +976 88111893 +976 80474838. +976 99085775 12

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