REAL LIFE HEALTHY LOVE DOES EXIST...You won’t want to accept anything less than what herself up again, then you feel the lash of what feels like a whip you deserve and you know your worth on a deep with a rock on the end of it belting your legs, this is repeated level. I’ve met so many amazing people whom as may times as she can muster and finally when she has had given the chance to thrive rather than survive enough she grabs your face by the chin and screams onceswould do great things with the life they have been more into your face “don’t EVER F*%#ken do that again!”given. Unfortunately they have succumbed to the life they feel SLAP! across your cheek. For me that defines a beating, wellthey deserve. Staying in unhealthy disfunctional relationships one of many styles my mother liked to perform. At least sheand not loving who they really are. I was a woman just like that, didn’t go near my babysister, I was her buffer for that I amgrowing up with a mother who was addicted to alcohol, whom grateful as I know her little frame would not have survivedneglected my sister and I and whom believed a good beating that. Living like this getting beatings in the middle of the night,was a fair punishment for feeding the fish twice accidentally or in the mornings before school and being left alone at least 4-5not making her coffee good enough. I grew up to believe I was nights a week to fend for ourselves with not much food to eatworthless, the only thing I was good for was taking care of my for many years of your life, kind of brainwashes you to believebabysister. I was only 6 the first time I wasleft alone all night that you aren’t a worthy person and life for you is never goingto take care of her, at the time she was only 2. I was very good to be any better than this. So fast forward to being a youngat giving her a bath, making her milk and cooking her dinner, thirteen year old girl discovering her sexuality, trying to fit inI was never told that but I must have been to be left alone to to highschool, all the while having a homelife like anyone elsedo it all at just 6 years old. Unfortunately back in the 1980’s you know; I always felt out of place. The cool kids didn’t reallythe family law and welfare like me and people alwayssystem was extremely broken asked what the welts wereand my Dad was not allowed “I always had bruises and sores on my legs most mornings,to have custody of us because my school uniform didn’t go I was always super skinny andhe was a man and the courts flat chested so needless to say I down to my ankles so hidingbelieved children belong her attacks were a little hardwith their mothers. NOT at times. I always had bruisesALL CHILDREN and NOT felt like a huge outcast amongst and sores I was always superALL MOTHERS, let me just my peers. So how is then that skinny and flat chested sosay. It was definitely a daily needless to say I felt like aaccurrance when it came a person is able to feel worthy huge outcast amongst myto beatings, her favourite of a healthy love or even know peers. So how is then that aweapon of choice was the person is able to feel worthykettle cord, plug end. There what that is by any stretch?! ” of a healthy love or even knowwere times that she would what that is by any stretch?!“accidentally burn my arm” It was only natural once Iwith her ciggarette pointing was kicked out of home atat me with it, terrified it would go in my eye I would raise up thirteen and half and moved into a childrens hostel to hook upmy arm to block her; unfortunately that just amade her even with a boy with just as many issues as myself. I was fourteenmore mad. I have to be honest looking back at that time in my when he asked me to “go out” he was only 16, we grew uplife I am baffled that my birth mother did not kill me, Lord together from that point, spent 10 years together, off and on,knows she tried. There’s nothing in this world more painful to he became my family.. Yes event he dark side of my family. Imy heart than being beaten by the person you love the most. don’t remember the first time he struck me but by the time IWhen I say beaten I don’t mean a smack on the behind, or a left it was so bad that yes he was now using the buckle end ofslap on the wrist. To me the definition of beating is; first you his belt and whipping me across my back. I stayed and stayedare screamed at close up in your face until you feel every word because I didn’t know any different and we had three childrenbeing said and the spit is on your cheeks, followed by being together and I did not want my boys coming from a brokendragged to your room by your hair and thrown on the bed home, what I didn’t realise is that we were already living INor floor which ever you land on first, next long arms wailing a broken home. But as niave as I was I knew that I did have adown on your tiny body and being hit on any and every part choice, I don’t have to live like this forever. I just didn’t haveof your torso, thighs and back, depending on where you roll to the skill set to not make the same mistake again with anotherget away from it. She takes a breath and storms out... just as man. So instead of looking for myself to get out, I found a manyou think it’s over and you can assess the damage she stomps to be my Knight in shining armor, to save me and love meback in with a weapon screaming more because she’s worked FINALLY. Boy was I WRONG!!! JULY 2014 51
REAL LIFEImade a huge mistake and found myself jumping kids fed and in school. So when this tall handsome man from the frying pan into the fire, 10 years down with walked into my life and paid me attention and wanted me one man abusing me and cheating on me into a 4 I mean really wanted me, I niavely fell head over heels for year relationship that not only almost killed me but him. 6ft 8inches tall, all muscle and reminded me of my tortured and scarred my young children. My first Ken doll that I played barbies with as a young girl wishingpartner and father to my children, found himself heavily my life was just like Barbies. He moved fast with me andaddicted to drugs, he used that as his excuse to withhold before long I packed up left my partner and got my ownfinances and keep us on the brink of homelessness. It’s his place, started over with this new adonas of a man. Little didreason why we never had family holidays or enough food I know that he would be the biggest mistake of my life andto eat. I found myself relivingmy childhood over again almost crush the life out of my boys and myself. But howthrough him but this time I had 3 young boys with me for would I know any different.... I was going on 25 with onlythe ride. He made me feel inadequate in everyway, I awlays my mother’s love and my ex partners love to go by as anfelt that my body wasn’t good enough and my personality example of what love was. 20 solid years of abuse. I knewwas crap. So I withdrew from people, I lost any friends I nothing, I had no worldly experience, I was scared and Iever had and just worked full time and kept the house tidy, just wanted to be loved.... To Be Continued......AmyLee52 JULY 2014 Models: Tom Wooler & Milly Ewens Hair & Make-Up: Alana Hart from Make-It Up Gold Coast Photographer & Styling: AmyLee Photography
article//WOMEN MAKING WAVESJan Milne wears many hats but first through her high integrity, honesty Who is involved in your businessand foremost she runs in partnership and enthusiasm. She is involved and how do they help with buildingwith her husband Don a property in many charities, such as, Destiny your dream?education and information business Rescue, B1G1 and a very special We have just last month rebrandedcalled Property Achievers. relationship the Namaqumaqua our business and have gone from Village of Fiji. But Jan’s real passion Ultimate Achievers to Property Jan Milne purchased her first lies with her media advocate and Achievers for a number of at 21 years of age and has personal message about Domestic Firstly we didn’t feel that our namebeen involved in many property Violence “Its NOT Okay” fully reflected what we did, andtransactions over the last 30 years. How did you come up with this secondly we have an awesome teamCurrently is now a full time property idea and how long did it take for of people , known as our Dreaminvestor and has been for the last your to launch? Team who work along side us. Our5 years. Jan arrived in Australia in After attending many different Dream team make this all a reality1969 from England with her parents seminars on Property Investing over for our clients, they take them stepand siblings to start a new life in the years, we noticed many of the by step through the processes ofthe lucky country. Jan’s family had same people who were attending getting started in Property Investinglived in caravans most of her young but doing nothing with the education whilst making sure it all runslife traveling with her fathers work that they were receiving. Then we smoothly along the construction. She went to over realised that there seemed to be a How has your business affected25 schools before getting special gap in the education where these your family life and how do youpermission to leave at 14 years and people were being taught, to what balance it all?9 months. Jan is a wife, mother to level they were entering the market.4 children and grandmother to 15 So at that time Ultimate Achievers This is one area I think many peoplebeautiful grandchildren who are was launched. This consisted of struggle, it is not always easy to getthe reason and passion for building a group of like minded people, work and balance to run smoothly.this business. Jan has been an who met in Sydney, Brisbane and I feel this is harder to do when youowner/director of many different Melbourne once a month. This took work from home as unless you arebusinesses, Jan is an accomplished about 12 months to launch in the 3 very disciplined it is hard to switchauthor, a known presenter, speaker States. off. So Don and I make sure we haveand a media advocate for domestic Tell our readers more about our downtime where we have ourviolence. She has been interviewed your business and how you help walks in the fresh air, connect withon channel 10, channel 7 and people? our families, who live in a differentchannel 9 nationally and conducts We felt that by taking these people States and we also have date nightsa weekly radio program called “The on a journey, starting out with the that are completely dedicated toLady and The Tradie”Jan inspires basics and holding their hands during our personal relationship. On a verymany people to strive for their goals this process we could give them positive level our business has given confidence to start and continue on us the funds to take our children building their property portfolios. and grandchildren overseas on We have many different levels of family holidays to experience things Property Investors in the Ultimate they may never have experienced Achievers and we all help each other. otherwise. We start their journeys with a 2 day What do you see in the next 12 event called Bridge the Gap where months for your business? they are taught how to locate a deal, how to negotiate, how to do a Our first entry level into Property feasibility etc.. Achievers is with our VIP membership By doing this we have helped clients this gives you access to all the tools make hundreds of thousands of of the trade and personal access dollars using property investment to our elite Dream Team. We have strategies. found from personal experience those that join VIP are the ones who are serious and are the action takers in our business.54 JULY 2014
Women whom survived and thrived despite their pastand are now building strong communities of leadersAfter the rebranding to Property Sandy Hobley books on my findings from inside aAchievers we are moving this First off if you could introduce world of learning to a whole new level in yourself and tell us a little aboutthe coming 12 months. We will be what you do? How did you come up with thispersonally mentoring hand picked Mother of three beautiful daughters idea and how long did it take forclients to joint venture with us and Grandmother of six amazing your idea to launch?take them on a one on one training grandchildren with a mix of boys and I came up with the idea 15 minutesapprenticeship, hands on learning girls. I am an entrepreneur before I announced from stage that Iwhere they will experience property I am an auditory and visual dyslexic. was going to embrace my dyslexia.investing from the ground up. This I also have dysgraphia, dyspraxia, I had the website registered andcould be anything from a simple sub dyscalculia, Irlen and ADD. I see my started to plan how I would helpdivision to a renovation, strata titling dys as abilities or “my traits” and I people just like me.or the Ultimate a full development love them. It took me till I was fifty From the research I knew I wantedprocedure. Each person will be to love and understand them. Before to help people so I wrote a programguided through their own individual that I just found ingenious ways to on how to connect with yourself andlearning process. hide them and get around them, love yourself. It aimed to help youWe have our second book being ignore them, or not do anything that find out the what’s and whys of whatpublished shortly, and even if I say would show them up. you did and why you did it and toso myself it is awesome, so much undo some of the learnings of havinginformation shared for you to put into But that all changed the day I said a learning issue.action. that I was going to embrace my I quickly realised what I was goodWhat wold be the ultimate dyslexia. at and what I wasn’t good at. Withdream outcome for what you are people and patterns I was lighteningbuilding? Which lead me to look at what fast, but paper work I was slow at,Don and I love to help others, so dyslexia really was in medical terms so writing out the concepts andthe Ultimate dream for us is to teach and how other people cope with it, structuring my ideas out on paperour clients everything we know so not hide from it. That day I learned to was hard, slow and boring. So Ithat they can touch other lives with really love the real me. What began decided I needed a business partner.their knowledge and join us on this as personal research ended up being My thoughts were to have a malejourney of enlightenment. me finding out how many of us partner simply because it gave bothHow can people get in touch with struggle in life and in the work place. sides of the coin so to speak. Butyou? I spent a year researching and writing you know how you meet someoneIf anyone is interested in learning and you can see they are completelymore about what we do or to opposite to you yet somehow willconnect with us please go to our cause you to grow and be stretchedwebsite for the better?au or to connect with Jan about her That’s when Fiona Spence came intomessage of “Its NOT Okay” www. my life and Assured Confidence born. (Love my business partner).0412 469 046 She can do all the things I am not good at and it is the same for her. Assured Confidence is a training company that works very differently from your normal training company. We work with learning issues inside corporations, businesses and in workshops. Just for a start, we have a JULY 2014 55
The reason behind this method was But just like learning issues there is I made some calls and a steeringin my research I was constantly told so much miss understanding about committee was formed, dates werehow people with learning issues domestic violence and how it begins set and a plan was in place.diagnosed and undiagnosed felt and why it begins and the lengths We put together our charity arm withmiss understood and misjudged in people have to go to to get away Hope Empowered called Domesticthe work place. Doing training made from it. Challenges. Domestic comes fromthem feel like they were back in the have caused it so you need to domestic violence, Challenges comesclassroom and all the stress and make better choices. Or that it only from learning issues or challengesoverwhelm was back in front of them happens in low socio-economic areas that you have both with a learningagain. This caused them to deal with or sectors of the community. That is a issues and also rebuilding your lifetheir fears rather than pick up what huge misconception. after domestic violence.was being trained. I understand how But just like learning issues there is Tell our readers more about yourthis happens. I had also felt the same so much miss understanding about business and how you help people?issues. domestic violence and how it begins I love the fact that we create allSo I went back into my mind with and why it begins and the lengths our own program’s from both amy work history and saw how a lot people have to go to to get away professional stand point and fromof fundamental flaws came through. from it. researching people who have or carryPeople with learning issues have For me to get away from it meant learning issues. I believe you havespent their whole life hiding and I that the perpetrator would lay to walk a mile in someone’s shoesmust say they do it well. I even hid waiting for me with his gun lined to understand from an emotional,them from my best friend for 14 up to shoot me many times. And sensory and factual perspective.years. So it was easily missed in the with that knowledge I still believe I also look at the science behindwork place. I had a 50/50 chance of living and everything we teach.I see the patterns in learning the dying. Chances were that it would Having been through domesticlearnings. Let me explain... never happen, but If I stayed with violence and having a number ofTo learn anything new... say setting him I would have died because the learning issues, I can see the why,up a VCR, you read the instructions. violence got worse daily. how and why not in how someoneFor a person with learning What I learnt from talking with St with a learning issue struggles toissues those instructions can be Roger O’Malia was how the police rebuild their life, and what lead themdestructions. Basically they can’t get felt and why they do the job they to allow themselves to meet andpast the reading phase so they never do in helping people in domestic partner with these people who don’tget to set up the VCR. violence get out. It’s not about understand self control, be it verbalBut as a talent and trait analyst I breaking the family unit as much as or physical.understand the way people with breaking the bad behaviours. I had I help people understand what makeslearning issues learn and take out the a new respect for the police and them tick, why they tick that way, howfirst set of learnings so they can learn possibly for myself. to re-layer or re-spin in productivewhat they have to learn. In basic In 2014 we were lining up to do ways.terms I do the kiss method. another months worth of interviews We also have our buddy system.Now please pardon the jump in over the month of May and Roger A buddy is someone who hassubjects here but this is how my brain asked me if I thought learning issues your back, who understands you,works. Topics appear magically and I played a role in domestic violence as enhances you and your abilities andhave no idea how to segue to them. there were no stats on it. I believe fills the gaps in areas that take youI have a radio program on there was a huge role and started away from your natural flow.YYYFM87.6 called the ‘Ministry talking around known stats regarding Assured confidence and domesticof Buzz’. The program is about learning issues. I spoke about the challenges has examples the buddyinterviewing interesting people and people (both men and women) I system from concept, and by that Imaking a difference in people’s lives. knew who had learning issues and mean Sandy thinks it and it happensIn 2013 Micheal Baguley and I did how domestic violence played a part straight away. Fiona has this beautifula months worth of program’s on both in their childhood and then as way of letting me spin and shedomestic violence. We interviewed adults. grabs the information I spit out andsurvivors, police and related services. He said can your Assured Confidence together program’s are born.I didn’t know how I would go as I was do anything about it? Fiona is our project manager as wella survivor and I hadn’t really spoken My reply was a resounding “Yes!” as the head of training, I am thetoo much about it. People have this After the radio program I was in networker, people connector andidea that you must Fiona’s kitchen and within an hour the head talent and trait analyst.better choices. Or that it only over a peppermint tea, we had the Together we operate daily inside ourhappens in low socio-economic areas confident women program designed. buddy system. We have each other’sor sectors of the community. That is a backs.huge misconception.56 JULY 2014
Who is involved in your business Fiona and I have a number of projects Is there anything special or a quoteand how do they help with building and program’s we are working on you would like to leave us with?your dream? including workshops and speaking Winston ChurchillFiona Spence and myself are equal events. Never never give upbusiness partners, I am the networker We have just run our first pageant, But I always say: You do not knowand Fiona is the structure. which was stressful and fun all at what you are capable of, until you areFrom that we have built an amazing the same time. And we are about capable of it because you are doingteam. Our team is made up of to take our midday parties right it.professionals both trained in specialist around Australia. They are aimed at If you never give up, then victory isfields as well as professionals because awareness and fun. already won.they have lived it and understand the I have been nominated for Telstra I will never give up. Changing thelearning issues they have. business women’s award, which was mindset of learning issues insideIn the system we have, we bring in a great honour and I will have to wait domestic violence or in society area number of trainers each specialist and see where that takes me. just challenges... problems waiting forin their own areas. Our belief is you The next 12 months is full of solutions.have to have walked a mile in the adventure, trials and tribulations and Sandy Hobleyshoes to talk from a place of holistic lots of growth both in our mind sets Embracingunderstanding. and in awareness. So the next 12 0413141605It has to be solar plexus knowledge, months I believe will look like us in anot head knowledge. boat riding the rapids, I personally amHow has your business affected looking forwards to the ride.your family life and how do you What would be the ultimate dreambalance it all? outcome for what you are building?Probably the greatest effect has My personal dream is learning issuesbeen being able to better help my are just recognised as challenges,girls understand why they struggle just like learning to walk or certain areas both at school and in We all have some form of a learningeveryday life. issues as we progress through ourIt has also benefited my grand lives. I would love people when theychildren. We were shopping one day see someone struggling, to comeand after we parked the car I said to alongside as a grand daughter, remember where Someone that edifies them and helpswe parked. She said “Grandma you them understand. No one humanknow I don’t have any short term has to be perfect at everything. Butmemory!” I said neither do I let’s we can be perfect at loving andtake a picture in our minds so we will embracing what challenges us dailyfind the car after our shopping. We to grow us daily.laughed and took a mental picture My dream is that we look at theand went off and enjoyed shopping heart of people, not the capabilitiestogether. of a person. I see a world whereIn my business I believe in harnessing we don’t become judge and jurormy abilities to be a better mother and on somebodies life but rather treatgrand mother. people with the same respect andBalance is an interesting idea to a love we wish to be treated with.person with learning issues. I have How can people get in touch withADD and balance to me is always you?needing to be doing something, They can get in touch with us throughusually more than one thing at a time. our website www.assuredconfidence.This allows me to have the ability to com.ausit still and write or read. Balance to Our Facebook, facebook/me is being content, and at peace assuredconfidence or ring mewith my self. Balance is about being personally via email Sandy.hobley@complete with in myself. or via myWhat do you see in the next 12 linked in profile...................months for your business? JULY 2014 57
elly Plug Kelly was newly engaged at the time of our shoot, and beaming with happiness, Kelly is passionate about this cause and wants to help us empower people around the globe to make better choices for their lives, also to let people know that there is such thing as healthy and beautiful love. If you would like to have a make over photo shoot like Kelly and be a big part of the solution please head to our website and click on apply to be a model, you don’t have to be an actual model of course.... just have good intent to want to change the world one mindset at a time. www.missionbeautifulaustralia.com58 JULY 2014
Models: Kelly Plug JULY 2014 59Hair & Make-Up: Alana Hart from Make-It Up Gold CoastStyling: Alana & AmyLeeLocation: Plum Source CleavlandPhotographer & Styling: AmyLee Photography
60 JULY 2014 Models: Kelly Plug Hair & Make-Up: Alana Hart from Make-It Up Gold Coast Styling: Alana & AmyLee Location: Plum Source Cleavland Photographer & Styling: AmyLee Photography
This issue has been a mammoth effort for myself and my I do makeup work for runways, weddings, photo shoots,little team of MUA’s, unfortunately the ladies that worked formals, birthdays or any special occasions.on the first issue were flat out with their regular work and Iwas blessed to have the amazing Alana Hart from Make-It Bookings can be made either on:Up save the day for me on many occasions.... So to honour Email: [email protected] amazing efforts in working with me on almost every Facebook link: for the last two and half months I would like to dedi- Mobile: 0420422330cate this page to her...Here’s a little about Miss Hart: AlanaHart MUA.I thrive on helping women bring out there natural beauty/confidence using makeup. Started training at the NapoleonPerdis Academy five years ago, encouraged me to build myown business to use my skills and teach women simpletricks they can do at home in 10 mins before work, kids orwomen on the go!Donating my time for Mission Beautiful Australia is one ofthe most satisfying jobs i have done so far. Broken womensit down in my chair with no self-worth or confidence, takea second look at themselves when i have a finished mymagic, The look on there beautiful faces makes my heartmelt. It’s my way of saying “you are enough”!! JULY 2014 61
health and fitness//> Zelle MareeThere is a huge emphasis placed on Preparation and goal setting are an to yourself is starve your body as thatbody image through social media in extremely crucial part of many aspects will destroy your metabolism. Theretoday’s society. I find this not only of life. Applying this principle to your are some basic principles that you canconcerning because of the added training and nutrition approach is apply to your nutrition approach, suchpressure placed on individuals who one of the most important steps of as consuming clean (products thatstrive to achieve a particular look they helping you remain committed to the only contain one ingredient and that isconsider “attractive” or “beautiful”, but health and fitness lifestyle. The goal the food itself) and organic products,also because of the health concerns setting process exposes key elements limiting processed foods and additivesthat arise from following an unhealthy that help you to identify an emotional in your diet is not only beneficial forapproach with nutrition and training attachment to achieving a particular those with weight loss goals, but will(which can cause long term detrimental result. When you find something also improve your energy levels, focus,effects) to achieve extreme results that you are passionate about, a fire and digestion and organ functions,promoted in social media. ignites inside you and the reasons to and eating smaller portioned meals do something heavily outweigh theBeauty and happiness isn’t just how reasons not to. Once that passion isyou look on the outside, it is how in full swing, you will start to enjoy theyou feel on the inside. It cannot be journey knowing that your hard work isdetermined by a body fat percentage, getting you a step closer to your goal.a weight on a scale, or a number ona dress size, it is a state of mind. It is Many people state that their health andabout being kind to you, letting go of fitness goal is to “get fit”. What is yourshame and guilt, really understanding definition of “being fit” and when willthat you deserve a happy and healthy you know that you have achieved it?life and that you shouldn’t compare Breaking down general goals can assistyourself to others. You cannot seek in keeping you focused and keepingvalidation from other people; this world you working towards becoming acan be very cruel so you must seek happier version of yourself. After all,validation within yourself. Building our ultimate goal is to improve our well-a strong emotional foundation being, health and self-esteem.accompanied by a healthy nutritionaland exercise approach is where an Nutritionally, the best thing that youindividual starts to achieve physical, can do is relax and stay away frompsychological and physiological results. food that you know doesn’t work for you and the worst thing you can do62 JULY 2014
& Healthier Happier youregularly throughout the day to avoid Breakfast: 1 tspn coconut oil, 2 largehunger cravings. Some individuals are eggs, 60g leg ham, 1 ½ cups spinach, 1able to follow a strict and “clean” meal ¼ cups honeydew melon 381 caloriesplan approach with no temptation tocheat on their diet. Unfortunately, not Snack: 10 hazelnuts, ½ cupall of us have that sort of discipline blueberries, 2 cups natural coconutwhen it comes to food so it is water 220 caloriesabout balance and allowing for theoccasional treat within your meal plan. Lunch: 12 spears asparagus (boiled),Accounting for those calories and 60g avocado, 2 cups green leaf lettuce,macro nutrients will ensure that you 85g turkey breast, ½ cup cherryaren’t depriving yourself to an extreme tomatoes, ½ cup shredded carrot, 1situation where you experience food tbspn balsamic vinegar 312 caloriesguilt, exposing a risk of developing aneating disorder. Snack OR (optional) Treat: 60g hommus, 5 baby carrots (150g) 158Following a meal plan is the best way calories OR (optional) 30g Panato stay on track and you can monitor Chocolate Eighty (80% cacoa) 174your daily intake using smart phone caloriesApps such as MyFitnessPal. Thepreparation phase of meal planning Dinner: 1 cup broccoli, 1 ½ cupsfor a few days or a week in advance squash, 100g chicken breast seasonedwill assist with portion controlling, with sea salt and freshly ground blackavoiding temptation or last minute take pepper 365 caloriesaway options, and will help keep youworking towards your goal. Your daily Snack: ½ large apple, 30g beef jerkyintake should include lean proteins, 161 caloriesvegetables, fruit and whole grains. Water intake also plays a vital rolePlease find below an example of a in your body’s health and weight1600 calorie meal plan. (Please note management; water assists yourthat this is an example meal plan body’s processes and metabolicand may not specifically suit your rate. Increasing your water intake to atdaily calorie intake or dietary needs. least 2L per day will supply your bodyPlease consult a dietitian or general with adequate hydration. In the initialpractitioner if you require special stages of doing this, you will find thatdietary consideration). You will note you will be running to the bathroomhow a small treat can be included into much more often, but stick with it,your meal plan if the calories/macro your body will adapt once it realisesnutrients are accounted for. that all of the excess water it has been retaining is no longer needed. A food diary is a great way to keep track of your nutritional and water intake.There are some important factors when goal setting:1. Setting both intrinsic and extrinsic goals (example – physical appearance i.e. fit, toned, etc. is an extrinsic goal but an underlying intrinsic goal is feeling happy, confident and content with the outer representation of yourself);2. Make your goals realistic – do not aim to look like size 6 catwalk model if that figure is physically not possible. We want to work hard and be proud of what we have and what is possible to achieve;3. Set deadlines – again, these deadlines need to be realistic;4. Accountability – confirm you are serious with the goal by writing it down and putting it up on the wall where it is visible, or tell a supportive friend;5. Long term and short term goals – short term goals help keep you motivated and focused towards achieving the long term goal. JULY 2014 63
rASS ose64 JULY 2014
X marks the spotat home loan conneXion Looking to refinance or to purchase property?Discover theEASY way to find theloan you want ...Genuine service and peace-of-mindAt Home Loan Connexion, it’s our job to make theentire loan process easy.First, we help you to select the loan that suits yourcircumstances best from our panel of lenders.Then, we submit your application on your behalf,and continue to assist you through the entire loanprocess. We keep you regularly updated on theprogress of your application, and notify you whenyour loan is approved.We offer you moreOnce your loan is approved, we can even put youin touch with our own property industry contactsto help you, if you wish. They can help you tomaximise your investment by providing you withhandy renovation tips—right through to legaladvice.a Wide ranGe of loans to suit yourneedsA wide range of loans to suit your needs Wespecialise in providing you with a whole range offinance solutions, including …• Home loans• Personal loans• Car loans• Leasing and• Commercial loans.By giving you what YOU want, WHEN you wantit, we give you the type of service we wouldexpect for ourselves—helpful, understanding,comprehensive and experienced!Tracy Keareydirector – home loan connexionPhone: (07) 3821 5014 Mobile : 0417 738 469Shop 3/165 Bloomfield StreetCleveland QLD 4163 2014 65
health and fitness//Exercise has so many beneficial factors so Not all exercises are suitable for everyone.should be regularly incorporated into your Before attempting new exercises, youdaily/weekly routine. Regular exercise should take into account your ownis good for your heart, decreasing your strength, flexibility, balance and overallblood pressure, increasing blood flow and health to determine whether an exerciseimproving heart muscle function; assists is appropriate for you. If in doubt, checkwith weight control; is a great mood with your general practitioner beforeenhancer and stress relief; helps to improve commencing a new exercise regime.sleeping patterns; helps improve oxygen Stretching before and after exercise isand nutrient supply to all cells in your body; crucial to avoid injury; ensure you do atand helps to manage and prevent many least 5 - 10 minutes stretching pre and posthealth conditions. workout. This basic at home tabata styleCombining cardiovascular and resistance workout incorporates a cardio and muscularexercises into your exercise regime will not development focus to help tone your buttonly see you receive all of the benefits listed and thighs and requires no equipment.above, but will also assist with helping you For this tabata workout, follow 20 secondstone and tighten your body all over. Many active and 10 seconds rest for eachof us are faced with time and financial exercise. Complete all exercises throughrestrictions but that does not mean that we once then allow 60 seconds rest. Repeatare not able to do something when it comes an additional two times for a quick workoutto exercise. completed under 20 minutes. EXERCISES DURATION HIGH KNEES 20MINS REST 10SECONDS SIDE LUNGES 20MINS REST 10SECONDS MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS 20MINS REST 10SECONDS SQUAT + REAR LEG LIFT 20MINS REST 10SECONDS BENT KNEE SIDE PLANK LEG RAISE (LEFT) 20MINS REST 10SECONDS KNEELING LEG RAISE (LEFT) 20MINS REST 10SECONDS BENT KNEE SIDE PLANK LEG RAISE (RIGHT) 20MINS REST 10SECONDS KNEELING LEG RAISE (RIGHT) 20MINS REST 10SECONDS66 JULY 2014
High knees – performed while running on the spot, drive Side lunges – starting with your feet together (a), step outyour right knee toward your chest (a), pumping arms to to the side with you left leg and bend at the knee. Yourassist with gaining height, landing on the balls of your feet right leg should be kept straight at the knee (b). Push offand alternating legs (b). your left leg back to the starting position and then repeat with your right leg.Mountain climbers – starting with your hands placed While holding your body in place with your upper body,on the ground slightly wider than shoulder width apart. alternate legs by pushing up off your forefeet, raising yourResting on your forefeet, one leg should be extended back hips, extending the front leg and pulling your rear legand the other leg bent forward under your chest (a). forward to land on your forefeet simultaneously (b).Squat + rear leg lift – stand with feet shoulder width apart, return to the beginning position. Extend your left leg backarms extended forward (a). Keeping your back straight and raise your foot off the ground while keeping your backand knees pointed forward, squat down by bending at straight (c). Return left leg back to starting position andthe knees and pushing the hips back. Descend until your repeat squat and raise with opposite leg.thighs are parallel to the ground (b). Extend the knees to JULY 2014 67
Bent knee side plank leg raise (left) – lying on your Bent knee side plank leg raise (right) – lying on yourside, place your right forearm under your shoulder side, place your left forearm under your shoulderto support weight and your left arm a long side your to support weight and your right arm a long sidebody. Bend your right knee to a right angle and your body. Bend your left knee to a right angleplace left leg fully extended oeuletv(aat)e. dKoeeffptihneggyroouurnd and place sritgrahitglhetgafnudllyyoeuxtrebnoddeydeoleuvta(ate).d Koeffetphiengback straight and your body your backraise your left leg to a comfortable flexion and then ground raise your right leg to a comfortable flexionlower again (b). and then lower again (b).Kneeling leg raise (left) – starting position is on all Kneeling leg raise (right) – starting position is onfours, arms and thighs at 90 degree angle to the all fours, arms and thighs at 90 degree angle toground. Back should be straight and slightly arched the ground. Back should be straight and slightlys(atr).aiKgehet pbienhginydouyrolue,fet lkenveaetinbgenitt,nroaihseigyhoeurrthleafnt leg ayorcuhrerdig(hat).leKgesetprainigghytobuerhriingdhtyoknue, eelbeveantti,nrgaiisteno your higher than your hip level; keep the sole of yourhip level; keep the sole of your foot facing the ceil- kfonoetefabcaicnkgttohestacretiilninggp(obs) iatinodn.then lower your rightipnogsi(tbio) na.nd then lower your left knee back to starting Breaking habits and forming new lifestyle changes can be hard so start by making smallchanges to your nutrition and exercise routine. The more gradual you implement chang-es, the higher success you will have to maintain them long term. Look after your body by eating more nutritious foods and exercising regularly. Your body will love you for it and you deserve nothing less! Love Zelle!68 JULY 2014
Mission Beautiful Australia MagazineMBA MAGAZINE ambassadors are passionate about of your time! In return we will show our grati-raising awareness about domestic violence in all tude within the pages of our magazine, offer youit’s forms, they are our most loyal readers who discounted and sometimes complimentary ticketswant to help us make our message loud and clear. to exclusive events, rewards for your time andOur ambassadors share our vision of violence efforts plus so much more. Of course you will befree homes through education and empowerment and the first to hear about news and events or any MBAwant to spread the MBA word across the globe. It Magazine announcements before the public...won’t cost you a cent, all we ask is a little WHAT WE WOULD LOVE FROM YOU is to be willing to share the magazine with new readers, become a key part of our social media community, look out for opportunities for MBA Magazine to becomeinvolved in, give us feedback whenever we implement new initiatives and be a voice wherewe can’t be.... share your experiences of being our ambassador with others and just plain be an awesome you! For your chance to join the MBA Magazine family, just tell us via email in 500 words or less why you would be a perfect fit for us. Just send you email to: [email protected] remember to incude your full name, occupation, state and city Visit our website for more details JULY 2014 69
Model Dior WilkinsonHair & Make-Up: CassRose make UpPhotographer & Styling: AmyLee Photography70 JULY 2014
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Model Dior WilkinsonHair & Make-Up: CassRose make UpPhotographer & Styling: AmyLee Photography72 JULY 2014
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Model Dior WilkinsonHair & Make-Up: CassRose make UpPhotographer & Styling: AmyLee Photography74 JULY 2014
Subscribe TodayBecome a MBA Magazine subscriber today Visit or go to joomag app or joomag.comTERMS AND CONDITIONSAll credit card payments will be charged in $AUD and will appear on your statement as joomag. You may cancel yoursubscription at any time and we will refund monies for all remaining issues. In order to receive Issue 3 as partof your subscription, please subscribe by 5pm (AEST) 31OCT 2014. Please see to see the privacy informa-tion.JULY 2014 75
REAL LIFEIwas 22 when I first got married. He was six years older was an abusive alcoholic and my parents were in a loveless mar- than me. I had a crush on him since I was 13. When riage. My mother had a religious faith therefore my siblings and he proposed my first thought was “no way” but then I I were raised in a strict religious environment. I love both of remembered—I was fat and ugly. Who else would want my parents wholeheartedly and I believe our parents did the me? Patty Kapua is a now-single mother of four boys liv- best they could with the tools they had at the time. We started ing her dream life on the Gold Coast. Embarking on an amaz- dating when I was just 16, my parents disapproving immensely. ing venture where she is using her experience and qualifications No one could see the “goodness” that I could see. I loved the gained to help those in need. She has taken her experience of fact that he was older, he was a friend of the family but with a domestic violence, which she doesn’t like to reflect upon, and jealous streak that I mistook as protectiveness. I had seen my uses it help women grow in confidence and love. Patty is the fathers jealous rages and I thought that *Michaels jealous streak founder of Inner Spark Systems and is a qualified Relationship was just normal, it was how a man showed his love for a woman and Sex Coach. She reflects on the journey, which she has de- (well how I thought it was). I was young and in love with the scribed as “arduous”. I grew up with one brother and two sisters feeling of being “worshiped” He was musically gifted, a great on New Zealand’s North Island. I thought we had a “normal” sportsman and made me laugh. What more could I ask for? upbringing, not understanding until later years that my father More importantly…. What more did I deserve?76 JULY 2014
I was 17 years old the first time I was beaten! We were at to the South Island where my (shocked) friends threw anthe local pub while talking to one of our mutual friends engagement party. He flew down for the celebrations but(a male) he grabbed me from behind, dragging me by the something was missing. I had rationalized our engagementhair through the staff entrance across the tarmac road by thinking that our feelings remained unchanged afterwhere I was thrown into the car, punched in the head and three years. We were in love! He called to say he couldn’t gotold I was a “dirty fat slut” and that “no one would ever through with the marriage. I was absolutely devastated. I hadwant me”.”Who do you think you are leading a man on like put my heart and soul back into the relationship. How darethat?” Yes in his eyes the mere act of speaking to a man was HE have reservations.“leading him on”. In hindsight, this is where my unresourceful pattern of copingCrying, going home that night feeling very sore and wanting with rejection comes from. We have strategies for doingto talk to my Mum but knowing she ‘wouldn’t understand everything, whether its brushing our teeth, making breakfasthim the way I did’. I told myself that he was drunk, he or going on a date.wouldn’t do it again, he said sorry, he didn’t mean to do what Twenty-one, heartbroken and looking for revenge I returnedhe had done. You know the same old lines we so frequently to my hometown. I wanted to show him what he was missinghear. out on.My Mum saw the blood on my jeans. That teamed with amothers instinct she knew something wasn’t right. Naturally, I While out on a date, having loads of fun I ran into HIM…denied everything. My behaviour toward my date that night was inexcusable, something I’m by no means proud of.Packed up and sent off to Queenstown for my own benefit I As it goes one thing lead to another and that night we wereworried. Worried about his threats to kill himself if I ever left together sexually for the first time.him. Yet another way the abuser tries to maintain the hold Crushed under the weight of my guilt and my religiousover us. No one knew where I had gone. Leaving him, my beliefs that were weighing heavily on my mind meant thatfamily, friends and a great job I went into hiding – My own when he proposed – again - that morning, I accepted.Bourne Identity moment!! My immediate thought was “no way” but with littleOver the next six months I put my life back together. My self respect, minimal belief that anyone else would everMum had said that If I still felt the same way about him when want me and having enough baggage to fill an airport II returned then she would give her blessing. I was torn—I still continued on my tarnished journey as a battered woman.ached to be with him but the other half of me wanted to be I told myself that if I just kept my mouth shut or listenedtreated with respect. Subconsciously I still believed I was fat to what he wanted, things would get better. I was a strongand ugly and that no one else would want me. woman and that’s exactly how my family and friends sawI lived in the South Island for three years. Other men had me! No way was I going to ask for help, I was much toapproached me but I felt that he and I were destined to be embarrassed even though deep down I was screaming outtogether. Besides, my mind was telling me I was “damaged for help.goods” and didn’t deserve any better. How could this be happening to me?It was my friend’s wedding that started a chain of events that Our wedding night was less than romantic and definitelywould see us get married. without the fairy tale romance.In 1995 I went to my home town for my best friend’s I asked him to help me out of my dress as my hair waswedding, excited to see my family and secretly wondering twisted around the long beads of buttons down my he was, did he still love me? Did he know I was back? Instead of the tenderness I had hoped for that night I gotThe excitement of perhaps bumping into him… Knowing my hair hacked with a knife and less than zero tenderness.I needed to avoid what I called the “love bubble frenzy” my Waking up with regret the next morning I wanted toonly option was to stay away…. Unfortunately my heart had SCREAM!other plans.He picked me up from the wedding reception. We hadn’t What had I done??????spoken to each other in three years! We did A LOT of talkingand decided to get married. Years later my mother admitted to seeing me crying that morning and told me it broke her heart. I thought IALARM BELLS going off yet?? had hidden my regret from everyone, obviously not my“Why not?” I thought. “What else is there for me?” I returned mother. JULY 2014 77
The breaking point came! I was hospitalised for having let embarrassed but it is what it is! Shit happens and formy niece eat the last piece of chocolate cake. whatever reasons there may be, we choose to embark onBroken cheek bones, a split face, facial bruising that turned a life less pleasant than others. Why? Only we can answerfrom green and black to yellow and brown, that lasted that!three months and now with a scar on my right cheek The difference is, I have moved forward! I have gainedwhich is only visible when I cry – a poignant reminder of strength within myself, I have healed in many ways and I amwhere I was and how far I have come! happy at this particular moment in time with WHO I am as a person, what I am doing with my life and the direction IYes, He beat me. He verbally abused me, he was addicted am choosing to porn and felt inadequate in the bedroom. He toldme I was fat, ugly and that no one would want to look Me NOW:at a “beast” like me. I believed him. My beliefs became My passion, drive and my life work is now to guideeverything he had spewed into my face every day. men and women with similar heartache and empower them with the education, skills and tools to understandMoving On: yourself and enjoy a healthier, passionate and satisfyingI had ENOUGH! relationship regardless of where or what you haveI hadn’t allowed myself to mend nor to heal from the experienced.mental and physical abuse that I was subjected to. The Love Patty!hurt of that abusive relationship was brought to my nextrelationship. I took all my issues, self-doubt and misguidedbeliefs of myself.Moving on very quickly without any thought I was on amission to find love! I just knew I didn’t want to be alone.I then met Tony, the father of my four beautiful boys.The Reflection:I NOW know, I thought I had stored my past in a safeplace. A place where it would remain untouched where noone needed to know and where the pain would never berevisited.I was asked to write my story with the intention to helpothers in a similar situation.Did I want to open up these demons again? No not really?Did I want to relive the pain and heartache from my past?No not at all? Am I comfortable with sharing this littleinsight into my story? No not really. I’m actually quite78 JULY 2014
You are being emotionally abused if your partner: • Calls you names, insults you or continually criticizes you. • Does not trust you and acts jealous or possessive. • Tries to isolate you even so far as to eliminate your job. • Monitors you excessively. • Controls you with money. • Punishes you by withholding affection. • Expects you to ask permission. • Threatens to hurt you, the children, your family, your pets or himself. • Humiliates you in any way.You are being physically abused if your partner has: • Damaged property when angry • Pushed, slapped, bitten, kicked or choked you. • Abandoned you in a dangerous or unfamiliar place. • Scared you by driving recklessly. • Used a weapon to threaten or hurt you. • Forced you to leave your home. • Trapped you in your home or kept you from leaving. • Prevented you from calling police or seeking medical attention. • Hurt your children. • Used physical force in sexual situations.You are being sexually abused if your partner: • Views women as objects and believes in rigid gender roles. • Accuses you of cheating or is often jealous of your outside relationships. • Wants you to dress in a sexual way. • Has ever forced or manipulated you into to having sex or performing sexual acts. • Held you down during sex. • Demanded sex when you were sick, tired or after beating you. • Involved other people in sexual activities with you. • Ignored your feelings regarding sex. Exerts from the Dr Phil Website www.drphil.comJULY 2014 79
NO! ?more to theinner critic.I T IS AMAZING HOW OFTEN do this to ourselves is how I often portray it to my clients – an ! THE VOICE OF THE INNER internal triangle we play out daily. We all have a ‘Child’ part CRITIC SPEAKS TO US. in us. This part is on the one side at the bottom of the triangle How often and how intense this voice is. It tells and is our ‘seat of emotion’. This part of us expresses, feels, us all that we ‘should’ do, all that we are not, tells rebels, cries out and asks for their needs to be met. Like when we are young children, we are not grown up enough to walkus to fight harder, to push more, to stay calm, to explain our- in other’s shoes and to understand the social norms and ‘rulesselves, to work harder, to power on, to stay......It tells us that of behaviour’. So, we tantrum when we do not get our way andit will get better despite a myriad of evidence that it has not. think nothing of it. We all have the ‘Obedient Child’ part andWe often to do not feel ‘allowed’ to express what it is that we a ‘Tantrum Child” part in us. More about this in a minute.feel and what it is that upsets us. We often stay silent despiteothers’ behaviours hurting us. One way to understand why we80 JULY 2014
If you need help and believe you are in danger please call anger, the hurt, the sadness, the pain. It recognises each of000, if you would like to find your closest shelter phone the these emotions as real, valid and worthy of attending to.national hotline open 24hrs a day on (1800) RESPECT Because - they are. All our sadness has come from some- where. Our anger may look out of proportion to others he second part of us is what I call the Inner but it is no less valid or felt by us. Our hurt is there for a Critic. The Inner Critic sits on the opposite reason. Or many of them. Once the Observer attends to side of the triangle to the Child. This one the Child sufficiently by understanding it, listening to it, feeling compassionate towards it, nurturing it and givingTis born out of our primary caregivers, our it permission to express – can we move onto the next parents and guardians, teachers and the phase. The next phase is problem-solving. The Observerelders, our extended family. This part is also shaped by the now works with the Inner Critic, asking it questions andsociety we live in and our culture and its norms. This part seeing how some of his/ her advice might be useful. Theregulates our emotion and tells us to: “Think about it and Observer then works towards implementing this and help-be rational”. It also tells us ‘You’ll be right”, “Don’t worry ing the Child stay protected.about it”, “Boys don’t cry”, “You don’t need help” and “Oth-ers are worse off, don’t be ungrateful”. You know the voice. In line with the quote which inspired this article today – itIts intention is good: it is to regulate emotion and point is our Inner Critic that tells us to stay in relationships thatout risks in life - so we can be prepared. It is there to help hurt and to keep trying to improve relationships we feelus. Problem is: it sometimes sounds so mean! It sounds are toxic to us. It is also the Inner Critic that hushes thecritical, derogatory, harsh, insensitive, dismissive. Child from expressing anger, dissatisfaction, a boundary, a need to not forgive (yet), to constantly justify and excuseIn response to our Inner Critic, our Child then either and explain oneself. The Observer protects the Childbecomes Obedient and tries to please the Critic with all in us and tells us to mindfully speak up, to take care ofof its might (eg. perfectionist behaviour, over-achieving). ourselves at least to a degree that we take care of others &It wants to ‘jump higher’ and ‘try harder’. This is, until that it is not selfish, rude or wrong to process emotions insome point the Child tires out and says: “Oh stuff it!” He/ your own time. The Observer gives thumbs up to healthyShe then rebels, stops trying and sabotages him/ herself boundaries, positive ways you can look after yourself and(eg behaviours that are direct opposite of his/ her parents, take care of your emotional needs – whatever that meansdepressed mode, self-harming, nail biting etc). Rebellion to you.mode, big time. Love and hugs,The third part of us – which helps put these two into a Psychology Centralhealthier perspective is the one I call the Observer or theProtector. This one ‘sits’ on top of the triangle, betweenthe Child and the Inner Critic – doing the negotiationprocess. It first and foremost listens to and feels for theChild. It allows the Child to ‘cry it out’, ‘vent it out’, ‘screamit out’ and to find a creative, positive way to express all theYtooxuicarreelaatliloonwsehdipst,oYtoeurmairneateallowed to hwuarltkyaowua. yYforuomarepeople thataunllfoowrgeidvintog.aYnogurydsoenlf’tishowane danyone an explanation fortaking care of yourselfFor individual work with Luciana on this topic as well as other women’s issues she feels so passionately about,contact Psychology Central at Varsity Lakes on 55 78 98 68 or visit our website on JULY 2014 81
REAL LIFE EBECCA JORGENSON, The Inner Warrior, Be Yourself.Throughout my teens I had always old and finally was able to go get my 30, I fell pregnant and the pain kept in-looked forward to getting “boobies” as breast implants. My parents drove me in creasing. My son was born and refusedI am sure most teenage girls are. My for my day procedure of getting 325cc of to latch to the left breast. He wouldwhole family on my mum’s side had cohesive silicone inserted into my body. scream and refuse to have anything to dobig breasts so this made me excited to This changed my breast size from just a B with that breast. Five months after myget my own. To me at that point in my cup to a D cup. From that day forward I son’s birth I went to another cosmeticlife nothing was more womanly than felt so womanly and oozed so much con- surgeon about the increasing pain andbreasts. I reached the age of 16 and still fidence. When I was 28, I started feeling also the fact the left breast looked oddhad no breasts which was very disap- burning sharp pains in my left breast so and had dropped a lot compared to thepointing. From that age I always said I went to my surgeon who reassured me right. I was informed that this happenedonce I was old enough and could afford after an ultrasound scan that it was just because I have just had a baby and theto I would get implants. Having no the nerve endings spasming. A few more pain again was just nerve endings. I feltbreasts made me lack so much confi- years passed and this pain started get- within myself this wasn’t right but theydence. Bikinis, dresses and tops never ting worse with a shooting pain down were the expert so I took their word forlooked as good on me as they did on my my left arm which would send a burning it. Three months after that I went for myfriends who had breasts. I was 22 years sensation down the entire arm. At age82 JULY 2014
REAL LIFE THE INNER WARRIOR2yearly breast screen to which they found a this new person I was. I had to set an example to my ruptured implant which had leaked into my child that to find happiness in the universe you must lymph nodes. I had several lymph nodes filled have happiness within yourself. Many days and nights with silicone and they didn’t know what damage of starring in the mirror at myself in disgust, I finallyit could cause or if it would cause cancer. This realised that those scars tell a story of my life and theywas the answer to my pain and constant illness. My instant Imake me who I am today. They make me ME.thought was I need to get these toxic things out of my body t was only 8 months ago that I finally went andas I have a baby who needs his mummy. Within four weeks brought a bikini and wore it in public. That wasI had the implants removed with some breast tissue. The one of the biggest steps in getting back to thesurgery left me with disfigured breasts, a severe inverted confident woman I was. Following this I startednipple, scar tissue, deep scaring on my ribs and almost a realising that it was societies images that werecup size difference between them. I went from being aconfident swimwear model to a woman who refused to making me feel like I have to have the perfect breasts,wear bikinis, low cutting tops or fitted clothing. My self- be skinny and beautiful to be happy and loved. Thisesteem was destroyed. I was not only having to adjust to was so completely wrong. Everyone is beautiful inhaving a different body after pregnancy but also no breasts! their own unique way in this universe. Everyone has their own strengthAfter MRIs, numerous and can build theirbreast and endocrine own happinessappointments, suffering “This all brought me to afrom poor self-esteem very low point in my life. I felt from within. If youand bad health the dayfinally came to have my can shine love and happiness fromlymph nodes removed. ugly and disfigured. I had your soul then youOne of the most scariest will glow and beamdays of my life and I toxic unhealthy relationships this through yourwasn’t to know whether aura. Love andthey would come back around me and felt alone. happiness will findas cancer or just silicone and surround you. IfAfilled. total of After many, many months of I can discover this, seven lymph feeling like this slowly ” any one can… We nodes were all have the strength removed within, our inner warrior of happiness. from under my left arm that were four timesthe size they should. A day after surgery I noticed a smallgolf ball size forming. By the next day it was the size of atennis ball and I couldn’t put my arm down. Due to mybody trying to drain the toxins from the lymph nodes Iwas having to drive to the hospital for nine days to haveall the fluid removed. This caused more scars. Finally,after anxiously waiting for two weeks I received the newsthat is wasn’t cancer but I still needed to do a six and 12month check. I received the all clear 12 months later butstill to that day I was so embarrassed of my “unwomanly”body and disfigured breasts. This all brought me to a verylow point in my life. I felt ugly and disfigured. I had toxicunhealthy relationships around me and felt alone. Aftermany, many months of feeling like this slowly, the toxicrelationships around me were disappearing one by oneuntil I was a single mum with only a handful of friendsand family left in my life. This is when I had to look deepwithin myself and discover who I was as a person and love84 JULY 2014
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If you have experienced domestic violence in your life and would like to share your story, maybe you just want to stand up and show your support for our cause and have a make over with AmyLee Photography or one of our regional photogra- phers, then head to our website fill in the application form and email it to us.Once we approve your application a photographer will be allocated to you and your contact details will be passed on. For further information go to We photograph all ages, sizes, and cultures.... Both Men and Women so what are you waiting for? Apply today!JULY 2014 93
Introducing Our Cover Girl Mrs Gina Ramsey Q.Welcome to MBA Magazine Gina! We would love to get to know you more tell us Where were you born? I was born in a beautiful small town called Chigorodo, in the department of Antioquia in Colombia. Q Can you describe the neighborhood you grew up in? Haha! I remember it was very close, but people also gossiped a lot, and wanted to be involved in each other’s lives. But usually everyone was friendly and happy. Q. How many brothers and sisters do you have? When were they born? I do have a big family. I have 5 sisters and 2 brothers. The ages are, 31,27,26,24,21,18, and 13 years old. Q.What’s the most difficult thing that ever happened to you? How did you deal with it? It was probably moving away from Colombia, and everything I knew, at the time my English wasn’t great and I didn’t have any friends here, but I followed my heart and I love Australia Q. How did you decide what you wanted to do with your life? You know I just put things in God’s hands. When I’m not sure what to do, I just turn to him and trust he will guide me through those decisions. As long as I’m following my dreams, I feel like I’m on the right path in life.94 JULY 2014
COVER STORYQ.What was your first job? What did you like or Q. What does Mission Beautiful Australianot like about it? mean to you?My first job was in my own modelling school, I taught For me MBA means a great opportunity for all thosea group of small girls between 6 and 12 years old, who wish to open their heart to help and supportthings such as walking, posture, and some other people who have a lot of dreams to realize. supportmanners. I loved doing that, those girls were my all those people who live every day with abuseinspiration and I loved every minute with them. They and provides encouragement to continue and getwere just amazing. support. I think MBA provides many great opportu- nities to all the public who wants to express, educateQ.If a young person came to you, Asking what’s and support people in need. I personally love thisthe most important thing for living a good life, magazine, it’s just a sample of what we live every daywhat would you say? and how we can help things change for the better.I would just tell people to believe in themselves, thatanything is possible. Dream big, go hard and never Q. How do you feel about what this charity is try-doubt yourself. If you do that, life may not always be ing to achieve?easy, but it will always be full, and you’ll be proud of I feel very happy, mainly because I’m a woman withwhat you do achieve in life. This outlook applies to full of love and support, I love everything related toall areas of life, career, learning, family, relationships the charity its aim to help people, there are manyand so on. people who need a lot of our support every day and the its great to know there are organisations outQ. How do you define a “good life” or a “suc- there who care and want to help these people.cessful life”?For me it’s, that you don’t take anything for granted,and appreciate everything you have. Dream big andfollow them every day. I think if you follow your heartand keep going, then it’s a full life that’s been livedto the fullest.Q. What does it mean to you to be featured on JULY 2014 95the cover of Mission Beautiful Australia?For me to be on the cover its amazing & wonderful.It means a lot to me and for my career as a model aswell.Photographer: AmyLee PhotographyModel: Gina RamseyHair & Make Up: Alana hart make It Up Gold CoastStory: AmyLeeHair & Makeup: Alana Hart Make It UpModels own clothing,Styling: AmyLeePhotography: AmyLee Photography
cover story// Photographer: AmyLee Photography Model: Gina Ramsey Hair & Make Up: Alana hart make It Up Gold Coast96 JULY 2014
We love our covergirls, each has a unique look and story. Look out for our October issue of MBA Magazine as weintroduce our first ambassador for Mission Beau-tiful Australia , Miss Rachael Moore. Rachael’sstory of survival from an almost fatal shooting byher ex partner is one you do not want to miss! oryoduerr cOopnyline$9.89 JULY 2014 97
Photographer: AmyLee Photography Model: Gina Ramsey Hair & Make Up: Alana hart make It Up Gold Coast98 JULY 2014
“Balance is neverletting anyone loveyou less than you love yourself”- Elizabeth Gilbert JULY 2014 99
imagery// Every generation has strong women, powerful women. The 80’s was a huge turning point for women in western culture, glass ceilingsbeing broken & no more“I can’t do it” attitudes. As women we rocked the 80’s! Introducing Miss Lauren Hart our 80’s creation! -AmyLee100 JULY 2014
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