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Home Explore Bronza Brand Book

Bronza Brand Book

Published by El Tevah, 2023-07-25 23:29:06

Description: Bronza Brand Book


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Brand style guide

Contents BRONZA – Brand style guide Brand style guide Contents......................................................................................................................................................................................................2 Introduction...............................................................................................................................................................................................3 Primary Logo.............................................................................................................................................................................................5 Primary Logo: variations...................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Primary Logo: Sizes.................................................................................................................................................................................7 Secondary Logo: Logo & Slogan....................................................................................................................................................... 9 The 5 don’t s..............................................................................................................................................................................................10 Mascot.........................................................................................................................................................................................................12 Icons.............................................................................................................................................................................................................13 Color Palette.............................................................................................................................................................................................15 Typography............................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Summary and Miscellaneous: Brand Pattern.............................................................................................................................19 Page: 2

Introduction BRONZA – Brand style guide Bronza is a gaming studio that produces adventurous games. The company’s slogan is “One eye to the past, One eye to the future”. Our clients are called Seers, and are highly intelligent. For the many challenging puzzles they encounter, and overcome. Bronza produces games with an affinity to history, and anthropology. While embedding thinking procedures, and learning capabilities required from its participants. Bronza targets gamers of all levels, history and anthropology enthusiast and those who like science as well. Our games are Playable on all platforms, including mobile devices, and tablets. The games developed in our studios, immerse the participants in ancient times and the bronze age in particular. by exploring these mediums we hope our Seers acquire new perspectives and problem solving skills. Page: 3

Primary Logo: BRONZA – Brand style guide This is our primary logo at Bronza, Our logo is presented in it’s three main forms: 1st form: Fully colorized with the brands main color palette, this is our primary brand logo form. (Look at brand colors for color palette) 2nd form: B&W (black and white), this form is used for uncolonized documents forms and print, it is used also as the base for engraving and branding on multiple surfaces such as metals and leathers. 3rd form: Dark mode, this is a digital form for screens in dark mode, this form may be used for dark surfaces as well. Page: 5

Primary Logo: BRONZA – Brand style guide variations These are the appealer variants of our logo, they may be used to signify our company. Exhibit (A) on the left, showcases the brand name on the bottom. Exhibit (B) in the middle, showcases the brand name to the right. Exhibit (C) on the right, showcases the brand name by itself. The variants are used based on spacing in the individual project, and are arranged in the order of priority. These rules stand, and are identical for the other forms of the logo B&W and Dark Mode. Page: 6

BRONZA – Brand style guide Primary Logo: Sizes The sizes of our logo changes the details in it, and presents as follow: Exhibit (A) on the top row, 100% full, 50% full, 25% without semi brand name, 12.5% icon. Exhibit (B) in the middle row, 100% full, 50% without semi brand name. Exhibit (C) on the bottom row,100% full, 50% full, 25% without semi brand name, 12.5% icon. The variants are used based on spacing in the individual project, and are arranged in the order of priority. These rules stand, and are identi- cal for the other forms of the logo B&W and Dark Mode. Page: 7

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BRONZA – Brand style guide Secondary Logo: Logo & Slogan Bronza has a secondary logo and its the eye of, Bronza the owl insignia of the our brand. The secondary logo shown in the first row of the left column, and display the logo in the brand colors in addition there are B&W and Dark Mode. (which are black and white respectively) Bronza‘s slogan goes as follow: “One eye to the past, One eye to the future. Focus in on the here and now, which is present”. The short version uses the first sentence, and is shown in the left column rows two to five. An even shorter version of the slogan exists at Bronza and it’s the Seer. Many legends have been told, and passed down through the generations. Almost in every culture on the globe, from east to west and north to south. About an archetype of person that no matter the age, has a wisdom that makes them seem like they can tell the future... Page: 9

Logo: -4 0°5° The 5 don’t s 5° 4 Don’t change horizontal dimensions Don’t change vertical dimensions Don’t use unnecessary effects Don’t rearrange colors Don’t exchange colors Any logo at Bronza may be presented either straight (in most cases) or with a tilt of up to forty five degrees. (Shown top right) The five don’t s of Bronza are as follow: I) Don’t change horizontal dimensions - the ratio is fixed only diagonal stretch retains ration. II) Don’t change vertical dimensions - the ratio is fixed only diagonal stretch retains ration. III) Don’t use unnecessary effects - only natural effects are allowed, like a texture or a surface. IV) Don’t rearrange colors - the colors are set and shall stay consistent across all mediums V) Don’t exchange colors - and definitely no replacing colors!!! Page: 10 BRONZA – Brand style guide

Mascot: Bronza has a mascot, and it’s a cartooned version of Bronza. The owl displayed BRONZA – Brand style guide above are the fully colorized version the B&W version and the Dark Mode version The mascot is basis for the Icons Page: 12

Icons: BRONZA – Brand style guide Bronza‘s Iconography, uses the brand logo as a base. 1st icon on the left symbolizes location, used to indicate an address. 2nd icon from the left symbolizes mail, used to indicate emails and mailing information. 3rd icon from the left symbolizes telephone, used to indicate phone number information. 4th icon symbolizes web, used to symbolize websites. Page: 13

Color Palette: Color (I) Color (II) Color (III) Color(IV) RGB 77, 38, 00 RGB 191, 191, 153 RGB 255, 64, 0 RGB 102, 26, 255 CMYK 40, 70, 100, 50 CMYK 25, 25, 40, 00 CMYK 00, 75, 100, 00 CMYK 60, 90, 00, 00 HEX #4D2600 HEX #BFBF99 HEX #FF4000 HEX #6619FF Color usage recommendation (approximate ratio): 50% 30% 10%10% .Color (I) Brown - used as main text Color, Backgrounds and outlines Color (II) Beige - used for frames and backgrounds. Color (III) Orange - used for highlights and marks. Color (IV) Purple - used for accents. BRONZA – Brand style guide Page: 15

Typography: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 013456789(!#$%&/.|*`@',?:;) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 013456789(!#$%&/.|*`@',?:;) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 013456789(!#$%&/.|*`@',?:;) Bronza uses three fonts, and they’re used as follow: Ethnocentric - font for the brand name, its used for the brand name exclusively. Rhythm - font for the slogan, its used for the motto, headers and titles. Open Sans Hebrew - font for main text bodies descriptions and information. BRONZA – Brand style guide Page: 17

BRONZA – Brand style guide Summary and Miscellaneous: Brand Pattern Bronza pattern to the left showcasing the colored version, which is a brown background with beige insignia. B&w version and Dark mode are identical, and is shown on the right it’s the same as the main or colorized version just in gray-scale. The pattern is used as a decorative add for products, and objects belonging to the brand. Page: 19

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