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Home Explore 2017 Fairbook

2017 Fairbook

Published by Garfield County, Colorado, 2017-06-23 10:51:36

Description: 2017 Fairbook FINAL


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1®STARS, STRIPES eFAIR DELIGHTSFAIR& presentedby ® RODEOJuly 31Aug 6 2017 est. 1938

2GARFIELD COUNTY FAIR boardWelcome to the 2017 Garfield County Fair & Rodeo! long. We continue to enjoy incredible support fromThe 2017 Garfield County Fair Board is excited to our community and local businesses at our livestockpresent the 79th Annual Garfield County Fair & shows and sale. Once again we are proud to haveRodeo with our patriotic theme “Stars, Stripes & booked top talent this year for our big Friday nightFair Delights”. concert, one of the most anticipated concerts on theWe would first like to tip our hats in appreciation western slope. Popular newcomer Scotty McCreeryto our Garfield County Commissioners, our valued is the headliner with country music veterans PamSponsors, each and every Volunteer, Partner and Tillis and Lorrie Morgan opening the concert withGuest that made your 2016 Garfield County Fair & their Grits & Glamour tour. Our Professional RodeoRodeo one for the “record books”. Your support, Cowboy Association (PRCA) rodeos celebrate ourencouragement and willingness to work closely western heritage…participation in both the Xtremewith your Fair Board make the Garfield County Fair Bulls and ProRodeo increased substantially last& Rodeo the best on the Western Slope. year. Rifle, Colorado is undeniably on the map withPlanning the Fair & Rodeo is a year-long process… professional your Garfield County Fair Board was completing Our free stage will debut a packed schedule ofthe final debriefing and reports on the 2016 Fair & music and entertainment to delight and captivateRodeo, we had already set in motion plans for the our multicultural audiences of all ages.2017 Fair & Rodeo. Our partners at the City of Rifle will continue toWe are thrilled to invite you all to join us at the provide shuttle transportation from downtown Rifle2017 Fair & Rodeo from July 31st thru August 6th. to the Fairgrounds Wednesday through SaturdayWe are pleased to offer some of your favorite fair for your convenience.activities as well as new and exciting entertainment If you are interested in becoming a Sponsor,for the whole family. Volunteer and/or Partner please visit our websiteThe Family and the Youth Rodeos continue to at We would love tobe local favorites in our community. 4-H and FFA have YOU be a part of the Garfield County Fair &enrollment is up across the County. Exhibits will Rodeo!highlight the hard work our youth commit to all year Eileen L. Sheets Garfield County Fair Board Member

3TABLE OF CONTENTSFair Board Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Demolition Derby & ATV races . . . . . . . 31County Commissioners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Strongman Competition . . . . . . . . . . . . 32Royalty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7 Tuff Truck Challenge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33Hall of Fame & In Memoriam . . . . . . . 8-9 Local 4-H Stories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-35Schedule of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-13 Parking Shuttle Route . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37Family Rodeo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-15 Free Stage Entertainment . . . . . . . . 38-40Youth Rodeo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-15 Midway of Family Fun . . . . . . . . . . . 41-42Heritage Night . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 4-H/FFA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43Xtreme Bulls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 4-H/FFA 2016 Livestock Champions . . . 45PRCA/WPRA ProRodeo . . . . . . . . . . 20-21 Open Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46-77Concert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-24 Open Class Entry Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79Parade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28Car Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 BUY TICKETS ONLINE4-H/FFA Livestock Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 at garfieldcountyfair.comThe mission of the Fair Board is to provide a Garfield County Fair that embraces all ages, cultures and entities,while promoting a spirit of community, family values and an educational emphasis on our Western heritage.


5county commissionersGarfield County Board of County Commissioners (l-r) – Commission Board Chair, John Martin;Chair Pro tem, Mike Samson and Commissioner Tom JankovskyWelcome to the 2017 Garfield County Fair and Rodeo!Garfield County is celebrating its 79th Garfield Without the selfless dedication from our fairCounty Fair and Rodeo from July 31st through August board, staff, partners, committees, program chairs,6th. The theme “Stars, Stripes and Fair Delights”, volunteers and many others, the fair would notis a tribute to this great country and our county’s continue to be the success that it is today. We’veenjoyment of all things fair. This year, the fair said it before and it remains true in 2017…the fairpresents, Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association gets better every year!ProRodeo (PRCA) and Womens Professional Rodeo “Tis the season to – Ride – Rope – and enjoy fairAssociation (WPRA) along with Xtreme Bulls. This delights, enjoy! – It’s your County Fair!” saidyear’s concert is even bigger and better with three Commissioner John Martin.big names, Pam Tillis and Lorrie Morgan will open “Howdy Folks – Welcome to the 2017 Garfieldthe fair concert on Friday night and Scotty McCreery County Fair and Rodeo! Have fun, enjoy and bethe youngest man and first country music artist in safe. We’re happy to have you, if you get a chance,history to have his first album debut atop the all- say thanks to all the hard working volunteers whogenre Billboard Top 200 albums chart will headline make it happen,” said Commissioner Mike Samson.the concert. What an incredible combination! “Thanks to all our guests for joining us in celebratingWe also have the Demolition Derby which is always our community and our western heritage at thea sold out event as it is a crowd favorite and this Garfield County Fair and Rodeo,” said Commissioneryear, we have added the Tuff Truck Challenge on Tom Jankovsky.Sunday! As your Board of County Commissioners, we inviteThere are also family favorites like the 4-H livestock you to join us in celebrating our western Coloradoshow, family rodeo, heritage night, parade, car heritage. We hope to see you there!show, and the midway of family fun for everyoneand tasty fair food from the vendors. Lot’s to do andenjoy at the County Fair!

6 garfieldcountyfair.comRoyalty programRoyalty Mission StatementThe Garfield County Fair & Rodeo Royalty program is dedicated to provide an opportunity for youngwomen to be spokespersons for the Garfield County Fair & Rodeo, the sport of rodeo, the western wayof life and their community of Garfield County. The Royalty program utilizes teamwork, organizationalskills, public speaking, community service, and relationships to prepare participants in becoming futurecommunity leaders. Mackenzie Ventrello - Queen Hello! My name is Mackenzie Ventrello and I’m honored to serve as the Royalty Queen for the 2017 Garfield County Fair & Rodeo. I enjoy representing my county, learning about leadership, communication, teamwork, public speaking, and time management. My horse Boss and I ride rodeos throughout Colorado goat tying and running barrels and poles. 4-H has given me greater appreciation and understanding of agriculture, which I will continue while attending the University of Wyoming this fall. I hope to teach future generations and help keep our great heritage. Hope to see you at the Garfield County Fair & Rodeo! Allie Beasley - Junior Queen Hello! My name is Allie Beasley, I am proud to represent Garfield County Fair & Rodeo as your Jr. Queen, as a 5th generation native my roots are in farming, ranching and hunting. I raise pigs, goats and chickens in 4-H, but I’m most passionate about riding my horses and running barrels. Being a part of this program has helped me get outside my comfort zone and do something new with my horse. I’ve had so much fun in Royalty making lifelong friendships with the four girls on my team. I hope to see you at the Garfield County Fair & Rodeo! Mataya Holtz - Princess Hi! My name is Mataya Holtz, I am excited to serve with Garfield County Royalty as a Princess. Since I was a little girl I’ve always had big dreams, after high school I plan to pursue one of my dreams by becoming an Army Veterinarian. I’ve been in 4-H for three years showing the Boer goat breed, this year I plan to take part in 4-H dog agility and obedience training. You’ll also find me with my Royalty sisters riding my beloved horse, “Annie Oakley” at the arena, and happily representing the community through Fair & Rodeo. The royalty program has taught me so much in so little time! I am proud to represent Garfield County as Princess and hope to see all of you at Garfield County Fair & Rodeo! Royalty Contestant Information Preliminary Tryouts Meeting – June 19, 2017, Garfield County Fairgrounds  North Hall and Outdoor Arena (Horses), 8 am – 1 pm  Contestant applications due by July 7, 2017. Contest is July 10, 2017, Garfield County Fairgrounds North Hall and Outdoor Arena (Horses), 8 am – 1 pm All forms and information available at Contact: Becky Schwartz, [email protected]

7 Rebecca Jolley - Princess Hi everyone! My name is Rebecca Jolley, I am honored to serve as one of your 2017 Garfield County Fair & Rodeo princesses. I am 17 years old and a 6th generation native of Garfield County. My family has been a tremendous help getting me where I am today. As far back as I can remember, I’ve been on a horse. My love of horses led me to 4-H where I made friends and learned leadership skills. When I’m not busy with Royalty and 4-H, I love to bake, decorate cakes, 4 wheel, and ski. Come on out to the Garfield County Fair & Rodeo! Kaitlyn Harris - Princess Hello! My name is Kaitlyn Harris this is my first year in Garfield County Royalty as Princess. I am 15 years old and attend Rifle High School. I live in Rifle with my family the biggest support system in my life I wouldn’t be where I am without them. I love riding my horses “Cutty” and “Rope Daddy” we go to rodeos throughout Colorado to rope and barrel race. After high school I aspire to go to college with the goal of studying to become an equine veterinarian. I can’t wait to see you all this year at the Garfield County Fair & Rodeo. God bless! Princess for a Day and Lil’ Buckaroo Event Wednesday, July 19th, 9 am – 1 pm  Garfield County Fairgrounds Event HallRegistration: $20 before July 17, 2017; $25 after.  Lunch is provided. Ages 5-12Princesses will decorate their own crowns and sashes, learn about horse grooming and horsemanship. Lil’ Buckaroos learn how to rope, horse grooming and horsemanship All forms and information available at Contact: Becky Schwartz, [email protected]

8 garfieldcountyfair.com2017 hall of fameRoger CoombsRoger has been very involved as a 4-H leader and 4-H parentfor 11 years. Roger served on the Livestock MarketingCommittee for 8 years and as president for 3 years. Rogervolunteers countless hours throughout the year to plan andproduce the livestock shows and auctions. Roger has alsobeen a leader in shooting sports for 8 years. Roger alsoproduces the very successful and fan favorite “DemolitionDerby” on Saturday nights at the Fair for the past 12 years.Karen RhoadesKaren was in 4-H, enjoyed sewing, cooking, and participatingin the Platte County Fair in her youth. She later became aMaster Food Safety Advisor to safely do her canning. Herpassion for canning stems from the abundance she anddaughter Brenda grow in their garden every year. Karenenters her veggies, cut flowers, and lots and lots of canningin Open Class. Karen helps check in canned goods, arrangeand organize the display and assist the Open Class judges.Karen devotes her time tirelessly year after year at theGarfield County Fair in Open Class. Johnson Construction Johnson Construction has been involved in the Garfield County Fair for more than 30 years. With its continued support of the 4-H program Johnson Construction believes that the kids benefit the most from the community support. Since becoming a fair sponsor a few years back Johnson Construction is excited to see the future generations gain skills through FFA and the 4-H program. Owner Mike Johnson would like to thank the hardworking people that put so much time and effort into the fair every year. “It’s a great event for our community, they make it possible for everyone to attend and enjoy” states Mike.

9in memoriam Robert “Bob” Zarlingo Robert “Bob” Zarlingo spent his entire life farming and ranching in Garfield County. He helped support FFA programs while he had children in the school system. He participated steadily as a buyer at the Garfield County Fair livestock auctions while he owned the Silt Market and Hy-Way Feed and Ranch Supply.La Verne “Bubbles” StarbuckBubbles and her husband were civic minded ranchers and big supporters ofcommunity events. Bubbles was crowned Garfield County Fair and RodeoQueen in 1952 and in the same year was Flag Day Rodeo Queen. Sheparticipated at the fair and rodeos with Frank, who served on the board. Frankand Bubbles were positive role models and instilled values, morals, ethics andresponsibility in the local youth. Trent Goscha Trent was a proud member of the Mt. Sopris 4-H Club where he learned many valuable skills and had many friends. Trent was a bright light in the community helping with the local gymkhanas, participating in the Roaring Fork Ranch Roping and Rodeo, encouraging others to do their best. Trent had a deep respect and appreciation for all servicemen and women, prying stories and information from a recruiter at last year’s fair. Trent, you are missed.James BaileyJim Bailey was a devoted 4-H Leader his last eight years within the GarfieldCounty 4-H Shooting Sports program. He instructed firearm safety andmarksmanship in .22 Rifle, Air Rifle and Muzzle loading. Jim was very generouswith his time helping the 4-H Shooting Sports members, parents and leaders.He received Outstanding 4-H Leader for 2015-2016 4-H year. Court Will Court Will cherished the County Fair. He participated in 4-H from the time he was 8 years old until he turned 18. He showed steers and pigs. He was a very generous donor through Farm Bureau Insurance as well. In 2002, he and his Dad, Perry, won the CPRA team roping title at the Garfield County Fair. His highlight, however, was participating in the Family Rodeo with his wife Ronnie, his dad and his beloved nieces Jadyn and Rylan. Court loved helping all the youth improve their skills as he passed on his amazing talents of roping and riding. For Court, if it involved the youth of this county, and a rope, he was there.

102017 Garfield County Fair Events ScheduleSaturday, July 11:00 pm 4-H Shotgun Sporting Clay Contest Glenwood Springs Gun ClubFriday, Saturday & Sunday, July 14-16 Fairgrounds and Rifle Sportsmen’s Club8:30 am 4-H Shooting Sports Contest Rocky Mountain Baptist ChurchThursday, July 20 Fairgrounds9:00 am – 4:00 pm 4-H County Contests FairgroundsFriday, Sunday, July 21-23 Indoor Arena Horse Show Event Hall North HallWednesday, July 26 Fairgrounds9:00 am Dog Show FairgroundsFriday, July 28 Indoor Arena Outdoor Arena3:00 pm Utility Goat & Alpaca Show Indoor ArenaSaturday, July 29 Midway Outdoor Arena9:00 am Premier Exhibitor Interviews & Written8:00 am – 4:00 pm Tests South Hall 4-H/FFA General Projects Judging North HallSunday, July 301:00 pm Robotics Contest2:00 pm Model Rocket LaunchMonday, July 3110:00 am Poultry Show6:00 pm Family RodeoTuesday, August 18:00 am Rabbit Show6:00 pm 4-H/FFA/VIP Appreciation BBQ (Invita-6:30 pm tion Only) Youth RodeoWednesday, August 210:00 am – 10:00 pm Open Class Exhibits10:00 am – 10:00 pm 4-H/FFA Exhibits12:00 pm – 10:00 pm Midway of Family Fun5:00 pm – 9:30 pm Beer Garden

112017 Garfield County Fair Events ScheduleWednesday, August 29:00 am Swine Show Indoor Arena Free Stage3:00 pm Karen Quest Cowgirl Tricks Outdoor Arena Free Stage4:00 pm Ladies Skillet Throwing Contest Free Stage Free Stage4:30 pm Fashion Revue & Performing Arts Presentation Outdoor Arena Free Stage5:30 pm Heritage Celebration – Free Apple Pie & Ice Cream Free Stage6:00 pm Glenwood Vaudeville Revue South Hall North Hall7:00 pm PRCA Xtreme Bulls & In Memoriam Honors Midway Midway7:15 pm The Logan Brothers Indoor Arena Indoor Arena8:45 pm Leslie Tom Music South Hall South HallThursday, August 3 South Hall10:00 am – 10:00 pm Open Class Exhibits Free Stage Free Stage10:00 am – 10:00 pm 4-H/FFA Exhibits Free Stage Outdoor Arena12:00 pm – 10:00 pm Midway of Family Fun Free Stage Free Stage5:00 pm – 9:30 pm Beer Garden South Hall8:00 am Sheep Show North Hall Midway Goat Show – 1 hour following the Sheep Show12:30 pm Judging Apple Pie Contest1:00 pm Judging Commissioner Cookie Jar and Gingerbread1:30 pm Contests Photography Shootout1:30 pm Karen Quest Cowgirl Tricks3:45 pm Karen Quest Cowgirl Tricks5:00 pm Ponder the Albatross7:00 pm PRCA ProRodeo7:00 pm Tropical Kaoba8:45 pm LeverActionFriday, August 410:00 am – 10:00 pm Open Class Exhibits10:00 am – 10:00 pm 4-H/FFA Exhibits12:00 pm – 10:00 pm Midway of Family Fun

122017 Garfield County Fair Events ScheduleFriday, August 45:00 pm – 11:00 pm Beer Garden Midway9:00 am Cloverbud Show Indoor Arena10:00 am Beef Show Indoor Arena11:00 am Apple Pie Eating Contest Free Stage12:00 pm Karen Quest Cowgirl Tricks Free Stage1:30 pm Photography Shoot Out South Hall2:00 pm Round Robin Showmanship Contest Indoor Arena2:00 pm Karen Quest Cowgirl Tricks Free Stage3:15 pm Bicycle Annie Free Stage5:15 pm Fifty50 Free Stage7:00 pm Scotty McCreery, Opening Act Grits & Glamour Outdoor Arena10:00 pm Nu-Blu Free StageSaturday, August 510:00 am – 10:00 pm Open Class Exhibits South Hall10:00 am – 10:00 pm 4-H/FFA Exhibits North Hall12:00 pm – 11:30 pm Midway of Family Fun Midway12:00 pm – 11:00 pm Beer Garden Midway10:00 am Parade Railroad Avenue11:30 am Buyer’s BBQ, (Buyers Only) Event Hall12:00 pm Summer of Thunder Car Show Metro Park12:00 pm Karen Quest Cowgirl Tricks Free Stage12:30 pm Livestock Awards Announcement Indoor Arena1:00 pm Jr. Livestock Sale Indoor Arena1:00 pm Redneck Relay Race Free Stage1:30 pm Photography Shoot Out Finals South Hall1:30 pm Aunt Bea and Uncle Durty Free Stage2:30 pm Watermelon Eating Contest Free Stage2:45 pm Nueva Generacion Folklórico Free Stage4:30 pm Karen Quest Cowgirl Tricks Free Stage5:30 pm Rifle Rotary Ball Drop Outdoor Arena6:00 pm Already Gone Free Stage7:00 pm Demolition Derby Outdoor Arena9:30 pm Caleb Dean Band Free Stage

132017 Garfield County Fair Events ScheduleSunday, August 610:00 am – 6:00 pm Midway of Family Fun Midway12:00 pm – 5:30 pm Beer Garden Midway10:00 am – 1:00 pm General Project Check Out North Hall10:00 am – 1:00 pm Open Class Check Out and Premium Pay Out South Hall10:00 am Strongest of the Strong, Strong Man Competition Midway1:30 pm Tuff Truck Track Party Outdoor Arena2:00 pm Marked by Faith Free Stage2:30 pm Tuff Truck Challenge Outdoor Arena3:30 pm Karen Quest Cowgirl Tricks Free Stage6:00 pm Fair Closed. See you next year! Schedule is subject to change.

14 7/31 Monday2017 family & youth rodeosFamily fun commences at the 79th Annual Garfield County Fair &Rodeo on Monday night. This action-packed evening has becomeso popular with locals a second night has been added on Tuesdaywith a Youth Rodeo. Anyone can compete in the events onMonday night. The fun will continue on Tuesday night with morekids’ activities guaranteed to entertain and get dirty. These arefree events for the whole community to watch!7/31 Monday Night Family RodeoRegistration for all participants 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm; line-up starts at 6:00 pmBarrel Racing – 10 and under, 11-17, 18 and olderFamily Team BrandingFamily Dally Ribbon RopingPoles – 10 and under, 11-17, 18 and olderCalf Riding – 10 and under

158/1 Tuesday2017 family & youth rodeos8/1 Tuesday Youth RodeoRegistration for all participants 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm; line up starts at 6:30 pmAll Mutton Bustin’ participants must weigh 50 lbs., or less. Only the first 50 entrants may register.Round 1 Mutton Bustin’ – First 25 kidsBoot Scramble – Ages 4 through 7 years and ages 8 through 12 yearsStick Horse Races – 3 through 5 yearsRound 2 Mutton Bustin’ – Second 25 kidsCalf Scramble – Ages 4 through 7 years and ages 8 through 12 yearsMutton Bustin’ Finale – Top 5 girls and top 5 boysSponsorsRocky Mountain Baptist ChurchC&C IndustriesArbaney Cattle Company & LivestockCompetitor Entry FeesFamily RodeoPole Bending – $15/entryCalf Riding – $15/entryBarrel Racing/Poles – $15/entryFamily Team Branding/Family Dally RibbonRoping – $25/teamYouth RodeoBoot Scramble – FREEStick Horse Barrel Races – FREECalf Scramble – FREEMutton Bustin’ – $10/entryPlease contact the Garfield County Fair & EventsCoordinator for more [email protected].

16 8/2 Wednesdayheritage night Come and celebrate “Stars, Stripes and Fair Delights” at the Garfield County Fair Heritage night. The Garfield County Fair & Rodeo continues the traditional celebration with the free apple pie and ice cream as a nod to our beginnings as Apple Pie Days, which started in 1909. A new tradition was started at the 75th anniversary fair in 2013 with the addition of a free Glenwood Vaudeville Revue show. It’s has been very popular with the community and we are proud to bring back this high- caliber, family entertainment this year. Before the apple pie is served, enjoy the 4-H Talent Show and Fashion Revue. We have some very talented youth in our county performing on the Free Stage. Finish off the evening after the Vaudeville Revue with the action packed PRCA Xtreme Bulls rodeo and music on the free stage to dance off all the fair food you ate! Glenwood Vaudeville Revue The Vaudeville Revue Theatre has become the place for special events in the Glenwood Springs area with world class stand-up comedy, Grammy nominated bands, country, and swing dancing to live music and all kinds of other events. Of course, our very popular summer show will run every Friday, Saturday and Sunday until October 2017. The Vaudeville brings the people of Garfield County and the Roaring Fork Valley a very entertaining show with professional talent. To learn more about our show and special events please visit, or call 945-9699.

17GLENWOODFORD.COM Car Business Your Way CODE OF THE WEST Our promise to provide you the utmost convenience and transparency. Your happiness is paramount to us and we are committed to earning your trust with the following Oath. We pledge to you ... • You will never pay dealer handling fees at glenwood spring ford • Your first hour of service diagnosis will be at no charge • The value of your vehicle will be guaranteed for 30 days whether you buy from us or not • To always provide history reports and reconditioning list on all preowned vehicles • To be here when you need us and accommodate your schedule with parts and service hours from 8AM to 8PM Call (970) 945-2317

18 8/2 WednesdayPRCA xtreme bullsWednesday, August 2, 2017, we will host the 3rd Annual Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA)Xtreme Bulls competition. Professional bull riding is a fierce, rough and grueling sport with roots deeplyimbedded in our Colorado culture. It’s America’s original extreme sport and the night will feature nationallyranked bulls and talented pro cowboys. This event is sponsored by Coors, an official national sponsor forPRCA, and Western Slope Communications.The PRCA is headquartered in Colorado Springs, CO. It is the largest and oldest rodeo sanctioning body inthe world. The PRCA is committed to maintaining the highest standards in the industry in every area, fromimproving working conditions for contestants and monitoring livestock welfare and treatment.The PRCA showcases the world’s best cowboys by televising the sport’s premier events, including theWrangler Champions Challenge Tour presented by Justin Boots, the Justin Boots Playoffs and Championships,Ram National Circuit Finals Rodeo, All American ProRodeo Finals, PRCA Xtreme Bulls Tour and the world-renowned Wrangler National Finals Rodeo.You won’t want to miss this captivating and adrenaline charged sporting event that features some of thebest bulls and cowboys around. It is the toughest sport on dirt!Gates open at 6:00 pm, event starts at 7:00 pm.Tickets are $15 for adults (age 13 and over), $10 for seniors (65+) and youth 4-12, (3 and under free).Purchase them online at, telephone 800-626-TIXS (8497), buy them in personat a kiosk in Alpine Bank at 100 E 4th Street in Rifle, or at the fair starting on Wednesday, August 2nd untilthis event sells out.

19 Paving the Way as a Proud Sponsor of the 2017 Garfield County Fair& Rodeo Best of Luck to all Contestants!Frontier Paving Inc.854 Bedrock LaneRifle, CO 81650970-625-2224

20 8/3 ThursdayPRCA/WPRA Rodeo nighthonoring American Veterans!This year will be the 4th Annual Garfield County Fair Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA)ProRodeo and Women’s Pro Rodeo Association (WPRA) sponsored by Coors, an official national sponsorof the PRCA, and Western SlopeCommunications.The Professional Rodeo CowboysAssociation (PRCA) is the oldestprofessional rodeo-sanctioningbody in the world. We continueour tradition of honoringAmerican veterans at theProRodeo event. The crowningof the 2018 Royalty Court willtake place before the rodeobegins.Roughstock events includebareback riding, saddle broncriding and bull riding. Timedevents include steer wrestling,

21PRCA/WPRA prorodeoteam roping and tie-down roping. A contestant’s goalis to post the fastest time in their event. Women’sProfessional Rodeo Association presents barrel racing.The stock contractor for PRCA is Sankey ProRodeo You Can’t Buy Happinessfrom Montana. The stock contractor cares for all of But You Can Buy PLANTSthe animals in the rodeo. Sankey ProRodeo buys,breeds, raises, feeds and transports all livestock for And That’s Pretty Muchthe PRCA. The highest standards are required by PRCA THE SAME THING!for the stock contractor to provide care and humanetreatment for the top-performing livestock taking partin the PRCA rodeo.Gates open at 6:00 pm, event starts at 7:00 pm. New Castle GardensTickets are $10 for adults (age 13 and over), $5 for Open Everyday For the Seasonseniors (65+) and youth 4-12, (3 and under free). 6501 CR 214 (Peach Valley Road)Purchase them online at, New Castle, CO 81647telephone 800-626-TIXS (8497), buy them in person at 970-984-3850a kiosk in Alpine Bank at 100 E 4th Street in Rifle, or atthe fair starting on Wednesday, August 2nd until thisevent sells out.

22 8/4 FridayCONCERt - scotty mccreeryScotty McCreery in 2011, and received the CMT Music Award for theScotty McCreery burst onto the national music USA Weekend Breakthrough Video of the Year forscene in 2011, quickly establishing himself as one “The Trouble with Girls” in 2012.of country music’s hottest new stars. Now just a Around the time he turned 21 in 2014, “Feelin’ It”few years later, the talented singer/songwriter has became his second consecutive Top Ten hit andalbum sales approaching 3 million; earned both was later certified Gold in 2015. That same year,Platinum and Gold album certifications; debuted McCreery released his fan-favorite single “Southernthree consecutive albums at No. 1 on a Billboard Belle” with an accompanying music video thatchart; achieved one Gold and three Platinum- quickly topped GAC’s “Top 20 Countdown.”certified singles as well as two Top Ten hits; won Soon after being named “Country Music’s SexiestACM, BMI and CMT Awards; and authored his first Man” by the readers of NASH Country Weeklybook Magazine, McCreery released his first book, which. he called a “travelogue – not an autobiography,”After winning Season Ten of “American Idol” and the talented performer shared stories from his lifecapturing the hearts of millions of television viewers and lessons learned along the way.across the globe, McCreery released his debut McCreery performed a new song, “Five Morealbum, which became the best-selling solo album Minutes,” on the Grand Ole Opry in June 2016. Thereleased by a country artist in 2011, he became song was put up on the Opry’s You Tube Channelthe youngest man and first country music artist in and became both a fan and internet favorite. Thehistory to have his first album debut atop the all- performance earned him the Rare Country Awardgenre Billboard Top 200 albums chart. for Opry Moment of the Year in Dec. 2016.That album was certified Platinum and the first In-between concert dates, McCreery has beentwo singles from that album have also since been writing songs. He will release new music in 2017.certified Platinum. He won the New Artist of theYear Award at both the Academy of Country Music(ACM) Awards and the American Country Awards

23 Concert seating chart Order tickets online now at: KMTS is a proud sponsor of Scotty Mccreery & PaM tilliS and lorrie Morgan “Grits & Glamour”

24 8/4 Friday ®CONCERt - grits & glamour ® Member FDICPam Tillis and Lorrie Morgan are currently Grits and Glamour’s Lorrie Morgan and Pam Tillisdelighting old and new fans across North America sparkle and shine with a down home rootsy natureon their highly successful Grits and Glamour Tour. that hopefully inspires others to embrace the GritsFrom the road to the red carpet, on center stage in and Glamour of their own lives.the theater or under the spotlight in a honkytonk,these two women are comfortable in their high Ticket informationheels. Veteran recording artists and performers, Gates open at 5:00 pm,they grace the country format with style, flair, and event starts at 7:00 pm.undeniable talent that is captivating and timeless. Tickets are $10 to $60,Formed in 2009, the Grits and Glamour tour is a online at,“together is better” event. The show is only loosely phone 800-626-TIXS (8497),scripted. Good-natured ribbing and off-the-cuff in person at kiosk in Alpine Bank,remarks are just part of the fun. They add tight 100 E 4th Street, Rifle,harmonies to each other’s material, classic songslike Tillis’ “Maybe It Was Memphis,” and “Mi Vida or the at fair startingLoca,” and Morgan’s “Something In Red” and Wednesday, August 2nd.“Except for Monday” as well as new and originalmusic from more recent recordings. The ladies are Buy tickets early we anticipate a sold-outbacked by some of Nashville’s finest musicians and Concert again this year!singers. After years of working solo, both artists findteaming up fresh and interesting.




28 8/5 SaturdayGarfield County Fair ParadeJoin everyone for the trip through American nostalgiaat the Garfield County Fair & Rodeo parade. Localbusinesses and groups will be there to compete andshow off their talents and community support. Counton candy, waterworks from the Garfield County AirportFire Truck and lots of excitement. Get there early forthe best views along the parade route or better yet,enter your own group to participateThe parade route runs down Railroad Avenue from16th Street to 3rd Street. Groups and businesses who participate in the parade can win 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place in each of the five categories: Float, Vehicle, Classic Auto, Marching Unit, and Horse Entry. Two honorable mention awards and the coveted “Best of the Parade” will be awarded. Parade starts at 10:00 am. Register at, contact the chamber at 970-625-2085.

29Summer of thunder Car Show Summer of Thunder Car Show Saturday, August 5, 2016 12:00 pm We are honored to continue this tradition with the 9th Annual Summer of Thunder Car Show. You can see these fantastic restored and well preserved vehicles up close at Metro Park. The vehicles will be parked on 3rd Street in downtown Rifle right after the parade, then head to Metro Park for the show and judging. The Summer of Thunder Car Show is free to viewers and owners will be on hand to talk about their prized possessions. Anyone can register their entries early for $20 bysubmitting an entry form found at by July 22, 2016.Entry the day of the show is $25.The Summer of Thunder Car Fiesta Guadalajara Mancinelli’s Pizza Show is brought to you by: O’Rielly/Checker Auto Parts Micro Solutions Alpine Bank Rifle NAPA Wing Nutz Bank of Colorado Dickey’s BBQ Rib City Grill-Rifle Mountain Chevrolet Stampfel Construction Alpine Tires Berthod Motors Crabtree’s Auto Body Microplastics GWS Ford Columbine Ford Automotive Detailing-Rifle Big O Tires Western Slope Trailers Western Slope Paint Supply Kum & Go AutoZone

30 8/5 Saturday2017 Livestock SaleWhy Support the Sale?The Garfield County Fair the animal processed. Bid price does not includeJunior Livestock Sale is the processing.culmination to the year’s work Split Buyingfor 4-H and FFA members. If a whole animal is too much, you may split the saleThey have spent months with one or more other people.selecting, training, and feeding Buy Backtheir animals in preparation Buyers not wanting to keep their purchased animalfor the fair. The sale provides pay the difference between the final bid price andyouth with funds to begin the the Buy Back price listed in the Sale year’s projects. Many For Donationof these youth save these You can donate the meat from your purchase tofunds for college too. You’ll one or more nonprofit organizations. You maybe supporting a program that also donate the processing fees or arrange for theemphasizes involvement in recipient to pay them.projects that teach strongvalues, leadership andcommunity involvement.• Buyers are invited to a barbeque in their honor starting at 11:30 am, Saturday, August 5, 2017 at the Fairgrounds Event Hall• Buyers receive recognition in the 2017 sale program• Buyers receive recognition in print media• Buyers will receive a color photo of their purchase with the 4-H/FFA memberLivestock Sale ParticipationIndividuals may obtain top-quality beef, pork, lamb,goat, rabbit, and poultry to enjoy all year long. Youpay the total sales price bid at the time of the sale.You will need to designate where and how you want Add-Ons Add-ons are a great way to support a specific youth if you are unable to purchase an animal. Add-ons are a flat fee, large or small. Add-on money is added on top of the sale price. You do not need to be a registered buyer. Add-ons can be done during the sale or at the completion. For more information, please contact the Garfield County Extension Office at 970-625-3969. Livestock Sale – Saturday, August 5, 2017, 1:00 pm

31demolition derby most fun you’ll have watching cars and trucks wreck into each other – guaranteed! Gates open at 5:00 pm, event starts at 7:00 pm. Tickets are $20 for adults (13 and over), $10 for seniors (65+) and youth (4-12), (3 and under are free). Purchase online at www.garfieldcountyfair. com, telephone 800-626-TIXS (8497), buy in person at a kiosk in Alpine Bank at 100 E 4th Street in Rifle, or at the fair starting on Wednesday, August 2nd until this event sells out, which happens every year so come early.The Garfield County Fair Demolition Derby is one Demo Derby Entriesof the most highly anticipated events. It is always a The pit opens at 4:30 pm. All vehicles and driverssell out so be sure to arrive early. There will be tons must be registered by 6:00 pm for the mandatoryof car crashing, engine revving, and dirt flying fun. drivers meeting. There is a $50 entrance fee for carsThe addition in 2016 of Full Size Pickups and Limited and trucks, includes 2 pit passes; $30 for ATV/4-Weld Cars was a big hit and will return. The crowd wheelers, includes 1 pit pass. Additional pit passeswill be entertained by locals trying to get the fastest cost $20 each. Find the rules and entry forms attimes on their ATV in the barrel racing. So borrow truck from a buddy, build a car or bring your ATV Contact Roger Coombs at 970-379-4460 orand let’s have some fun! Of course, you can always [email protected] for more a ticket and watch from the stands and yellloud for your favorite. It’s guaranteed to be the

32 STRONGEST OF THE STRONGSTRONGMAN COMPETITION August 6th, 10 am – 2 pm at the Fairgrounds Free for spectators, great for the whole family! EVENT FOR MEN & WOMENRaising Money for BRENTS PLACE “for our kids with cancer a home for families” $50 Entry Fee / All Competitors Contact: Greg Orosz 970-309-9598 or email [email protected] Registration Forms and Waivers at

338/6 SundayTUFF truck challengeTuff truck participantsand enthusiasts will findthe Tuff Truck Challengethis year to be a highlightof the fair! A StockClass allows registrantsto enter their daily-drivers and run againstthe clock. Trophies andbragging rights are therewards for superhumandisplays of driving skill.Competitors who takeit to the next levelenter the Modified TuffTrucks. Although thesevehicles’ bodies lookstock and their enginesare naturally aspirated,Modified Tuff Trucksare otherwise heavily worked over to handle the bumps, jumps, corners, and hazards inherent in eachobstacle course. The modified race format starts with vehicles seeded for the elimination bracket. Side- by-side racing narrows the field until a winner is crowned. Other classes included are Open, Powder Puff and Freestyle. More than $4,000 will be paid out to winners. Gates open at 1:30 pm, event starts at 2:30 pm. Tickets are $20 for adults (13 and over), $10 for seniors (65+) and youth (4-12), (3 and under are free). Track Party passes can also be purchased for an additional $5 to go into the arena to meet the drivers and see the trucks up close. Purchase online at, telephone 800-626-TIXS (8497), buy in person at a kiosk in Alpine Bank at 100 E 4th Street in Rifle, or at the fair starting on Wednesday, August 2nd until this event sells out. Pit passes $30 per person day of show only at pit entrance. Tuff Truck Challenge Entries Find the rules and entry forms at Contact Lil’ Foot Motorsports at 720-495-0973 or [email protected] for more information.

34 garfieldcountyfair.comthe new ladies of the fair unwind right before the livestock sale. “I’ve been around 4-H all my life,” she said. “I started in shooting sports with a .22 rifle and in livestock with market lambs, and then I switched over from air rifle and .22 to archery. Now I show market lambs and goats … and I’m in leadership. I’m on the Parliamentary Procedure Team, and the livestock judging team, and am involved with county council. The list keeps going on.”A 4-H family Nationwide 4-H operates in communities acrossEmma Thate has always felt a strong bond with her the country, and stresses self-reliance throughfamily. It is this love of family that inspired the now education. After college, Emma aspires to become16-year-old Rifle resident to join 4-H as a child. either a veterinarian or an extension agent. SheOver the past 11 years, 4-H has helped Emma said Colorado State University Extension Directorflourish, gaining experience and knowledge in many Carla Farrand has been a strong mentor in her life.disciplines from archery to leadership, and rifle “She really pushed me to get more involved in 4-H,”marksmanship to tending lambs and goats. Now Emma said. “I definitely would not be where I am4-H District 11 president, she strives to bring the with 4-H or as a person without Carla being thereorganization closer together, and has set her sights and supporting me. Being district president meanson becoming state president in this June’s election. so much to me. … It’s broadened my horizons. My entire personality has grown so much, and 4-H doesn’t just stay in 4-H, it carries out into everything I do.”“I’d like to see everyone be even more of a family,”said Emma. “My biggest goal is to make 4-H morefamily-oriented, and to have us pull together evenmore.”Emma’s drive has taken her all the way toWashington D.C., where she met last year with 4-Hmembers from around the country. While in thenation’s capital, they discussed policy, learned howto create legislation, and even held debates withother members. Being on this larger stage helpedfurther Emma’s aspirations to be a leader in 4-H.“To be there, and run conferences, I’m like, ‘holysmokes, I’m only 15 (at the time).’ This is crazy,” shesaid.Back home, Emma has shown market lambs each 4-H fosters Chapman’s many talentsyear in 4-H since she turned eight, and participated The array of talents Whitney Chapman possessesin shooting sports at the same time. She loves would be impressive for an adult three times herattending the Garfield County Fair & Rodeo, where age. The local 4-H member is gifted with a gentleher skills truly shine. touch for tending to her animals, the creative skillEmma shows her animals at the fair, in 2016 she to complete complex woodworking projects, andwas Junior Superintendent with goats. She added the focus to become a proficient marksman withthat the big Friday night concerts are a great way to both a .22 rifle and a bow, all at the age of 11.

35The exceptional DeBeque resident has been with joy. She wants to be a small animal veterinarian4-H for five years, during which her skill set has when she gets older.flourished. Whitney’s now been the local 4-H While tending to the animals takes a lot of hertreasurer for two years, and her favorite activity is time, Whitney also enjoys woodworking, and notraising and breeding rabbits to show at the Garfield just constructing simple projects. She is building aCounty Fair & Rodeo. stand that contains an aquaponics system for 4-H“My favorite thing about my rabbits is taking them this year. These systems utilize waste from farmedto the fair and hanging out with my friend, Kalyn,” fish to provide nutrients for hydroponically grownshe said. “This year I have one breeding rabbit, and plants in a symbiotic cycle. “I’m planning on startingthen I’ll be doing about four market rabbits.” that soon, so I can grow some plants in it,” she said.Whitney has seven rabbit does and 28 kits in her In her first year of 4-H, Whitney constructed a rabbitbarn, and is in her first year of working with beef. box to hold supplies for her beloved animals. SheShe also raises chickens and lambs, and is planning also has built a zoo for her stuffed animals, showingon bringing in quails next year, and pheasants after both her constructive and creative sides. The rabbitthat. box took ninth place in the woodworking class atAt last year’s fair, Whitney won Champion Market the Colorado State 4-H Fair, and the zoo took homeProducer and Reserve Grand Champion Market seventh-place honors.with one of her roaster rabbits; and her silky hen Whitney’s diverse set of talents has her sights setwon Reserve Grand Champion in breeding class. high. She aspires to eventually raise buffalo andHer sheep won Champion and Reserve Champion even axolotl, a critically endangered salamanderMarket Producer. from Mexico.Whitney has participated at the fair for five years “She’s a busy kid,” her mom Wendy added.and said showing her animals brings her the most718 Taughenbaugh BlvdRifle, CO 81650( 970 ) 625 – 3050 Phone( 970 ) 625 – 0848 FaxGood night. Great savings. • Free continental breakfast • Free wireless Internet • Free Satellite TVCasual mountain-view roomsat value prices. Pet friendly.Weekly, monthly & corporate rates.Truckers Special $45.99.Call for special event pricing.

36 garfieldcountyfair.com970-625-5154

37Fair shuGatrfiteldlCeourntoy FuairtSheusttle RouteFarm Fresh Café 5 Fire Dept. 1 2nd Street Lot Courthouse 2 Rifle Middle School Garfield County Fairgrounds 4 (pickup at crosswalk in parking lot) Fairgrounds Entrance Police Dept. (drop-off/pickup will be across the street) 3 Black Bear Liquors Parking Lot 3 Black Bear Liquors 4 Rifle Police Dept./Rifle Courthouse 5 Farm Fresh Café West side fairgrounds drop-off/pickup Fairgrounds handicap pickup/drop-off Downtown Parking Lot (Street parking is available throughout the city)Rifle MiddlePark Ave2 The shuttle runs on a continuous loop, School Railroad Ave with an approximate 1/2 hour run time the following days and hours: Wednesday, 8/2: 5pm – 10pm Thursday, 8/3: 5pm – 10pm 5th Street Friday, 8/4: 3pm —11pm 4th Street 3rd Street Saturday, 8/5: 4pm – 11pm 1 2nd StreetShuttle provided by:

38 garfieldcountyfair.comfree stage entertainmentCaleb Dean Band Fifty50Caleb Dean Band is a straight up Traditional Fifty50 is a Roaring Fork Valley locally based bandWestern Swing Country Band and performs songs comprised of Dave Stoltzfus (vocals and rhythmfrom legends Hank Williams, Waylon, Haggard, Bob guitar), Beth Getzen Stoltzfus (vocals), Jeff AndrewsWills, George Strait, Garth Brooks, Alan Jackson, (lead guitar), Jerry Larsen (drums) and Tom MercerRandy Travis, and Chris LeDoux just to mention a (vocals and bass). Their classic, modern and originalfew. rock has awarded them many Local’s Choice Awards over the years.LeverActionJimmy Snowden, Dennis Ward, Steve Harding, NatWaterman, Rob Labig and Steven Wendall Johnsonare Colorado boys who have come together to put alittle fire in the music scene with their own brand of“Rockin’ Country Music”.Nueva Generacion FolklorikoFolk dance group Nueva Generación Folkloricohas about 50 dancers under 12 that learn abouttheir culture, tradition, and poise. The traditionalfolklorico dresses are Spanish in style, but indigenousMexicans added the bright colors with differentstates associated with different colors. The dancers’favorite part about dancing is making people happy.

39free stage entertainmentCowgirl Tricks Already GoneDubbed “America’s Over the last severalFunniest Cowgirl”, Karen years, “Already Gone”Quest a one-woman has become one of theaward-winning original most in-demand partycomedy act, Cowgirl bands in the region,Tricks. Skillful trick roping, playing at many of theimpressive whip cracking, top musical venues andmagic, music, outstanding festivals. The breadth ofaudience rapport and their set list is as diverseimprovisational kooky as the band itself, withcowgirl shenanigans selections that weavehave proven wildly through, R&B, funk,popular at domestic and classic rock, countryinternational venues for audiences of all ages. crossover, blues, and good ol’ rock n’ roll.Strolling around the grounds, you’ll see Over The Leslie TomTop™ Stilt Characters, each original character is If Patsy Cline, Bob Wills,engaging and uplifting. Karen’s goal is to delight, Hank Williams andamaze, entertain and take you to new heights. Her Loretta Lynn were allskills includes juggling, clowning, acrobatics, fire- sitting at a table togethereating, uni-cycling, and stunts. Karen performs for listening to Leslie Tomfamily audiences at state and county fairs, festivals sing, they would beand more in 25 states and 10 countries. grinning from Greeley to Music City because of what they were hearing. This Texas native now living in Denver is the epitome of traditional country music with lyrics of cheating hearts, love lost and found.Nu Blu Marked By FaithHailing from Siler City, NC, Nu-Blu’s heart and soul “We desire to encourage everyone with songs thatis husband-and-wife duo Daniel and Carolyn Routh. remind us of His great love for us.”Carolyn’s caramel-coated soprano is one of theband’s defining traits, at times a tender lullaby, attimes a freight train headed straight for you, butalways unwinding a surprising tale. Daniel is thegroup’s backbone, a multi-instrumentalist andvocalist who also handles band management. TJHonaker on vocals and banjo, and Clint White onfiddle/mandolin round out the quartet’s sound.Together they deliver upbeat, blazing-fingers pickwork as well as gentle, heartwarming ballads.

40free stage entertainment Ponder the Albatross Ponder the Albatross plays a variety of different genres of original music with a little bit for everyone. They are an experimental Folk/Rock/Grass band with a variance of Fiddle, Drums, Bass, and Mandolin/Guitar depending on the song. Ponder the Albatross is a very original, and high energy band with original songs from reggae to trippy instrumental to folk/rock to bluegrass.Bicycle Annie The Logan BrothersDynamite indie rock band Bicycle Annie featuring The Logan Brothers, 2015 winner of the GlenwoodGonzales plays original songs, as well as the biggest Post Independents’ Locals’ Choice Award for Bestrock tunes from the 60’s to present! Bicycle Annie Band/Musician, are a Glenwood Springs-basedhas been rocking the Grand Valley for almost five classic rock, folk rock, and modern rock cover band.years. AK-lead guitar & vocals, Jeff Steele-drums Their characteristic sound comes from outstanding& vocals, Jordan Will-bass & vocals, and newest lead vocals, two and three-part harmony, guitar,member Gonzales-lead vocals. melodic bass lines, drums and harmonica.Tropical Kaoba Micah BallThis talented group was originally founded in 2000 Micah Ball hails from 5in Denver, by Gustavo Nava supported by Oscar generations of mountaineers,Mendoza, They were members of a group with a miners, and wildcat oilmengreat trajectory in Mexico and the USA in the late from Blackhawk, Central City,80’s and 90’s but decided to try their luck in the & Golden, CO. Over the yearsUSA and with lot of effort and sacrifice began the Micah has worked with manyauthentic sound of tropical music…reaching the of the valley’s favorite radiopeople as the favorite guapachoza music. stations, and has built a voice over & emcee/announcer career that continues to grow. Hard work and persistence earned him representation by Go Voices LLC, and just recently on-camera acting representation by W-Talent Agency in Denver. The fair welcomes Micah back again as Free Stage emcee.

41Wednesday - Sundaymidway of family fun Food, Family & Fun! The Midway of Family Fun brings some new fun & educational attractions for kids of all ages. This year the fair will host the Butterfly Encounter. Fairgoers can interact with and actually feed butterflies! Friday through Sunday at the fair there will be a free rock climbing wall. Saturday and Sunday we’ll have a special guest visiting the fairgrounds – Krusher the T-Rex! Don’t miss the Dinosaur/Ice Age education and activities booth and learn about what has been found in Colorado. A Farm-to-Table Ag Education booth with activities will enlighten the whole family too. Children can enjoy getting up close with the animals in the petting zoo and pony rides. The mechanical bull, water balls, face painting and strolling entertainment will be back this year as well. Come get your favorite fair foods on the Midway all week long!

42 garfieldcountyfair.comNEW THIS YEAR! Strongest Of The Strong -Strongman Competition,Event for Men and Women! Raising Money forBRENTS PLACE “for our kids with cancer a home forfamilies”Free for spectators, great for the whole family!$50 Entry Fee / All Competitors Contact: Greg Orosz970-309-9598 or email [email protected] Forms and Waivers prizes for competing at the Fair!Ladies Skillet Throwing contestWednesday, August 2, 4:00 pm - Outdoor arena trackThe winner gets a $100 gift card! No husbands will beinjured in this contest.Photography Shoot OutPreliminary contests -Thursday, August 3, 1:30 pmand Friday, August 4, 1:30 pm – South Hall. Bring aphoto you have taken at this year’s fair to the SouthHall by 1:30. It can be on your cell phone and we canprint wireless for you. Each day’s winner will receivea photo frame and will be entered in the Saturday,August 5, final judging at 1:30. New entries will alsobe accepted Saturday until 1:30 pm. The finalist willreceive a $100 gift card!Apple Pie Eating ContestFriday, August 4, 11:00 am – Free StageThe winner gets a $100 gift card!Redneck Relay RaceSaturday, August 5, 1:00 pm – Free StageCan be individual or team of up to 5. Toss 4 ears ofcorn in a bucket; run a designated distance whilebalancing eggs on a spoon; “shear a sheep” byshaving a balloon; transfer “moonshine” (water)from mason jars to an olive container; then carry a“greased pig” (a Crisco-covered watermelon) to thefinish line. Jeff Foxworthy would be proud.The winner(s) gets $100 gift card! (Shared if team)Watermelon Eating ContestSaturday, August 5, 2:30 pm – Free StageThe winner gets a $100 gift card!

43garfield county CSU extension Carla Farrand County Director 4-H Youth Development Family & Consumer Science Kayla Hinkley Extension Agent Agriculture/Youth Livestock Kaycee Manuppella STEM Program Associate School Enrichment/Afterschool Do you want to make a difference in your community? Do you have a talent to share, a skill to teach, or a favorite hobby? Do you want to be involved in one of the largest, mostlong-standing and positive youth development programs in the country? If so, become a 4-H volunteer!We are always looking for adult volunteer leaders to serve as mentors and role models for the youth inour community. Whether it is coordinating a club meeting or educational program, helping 4-H memberscomplete their projects, or lending a hand during the Garfield County Fair & Rodeo, the 4-H program couldnot exist without the support and dedication of itsadult volunteers.In addition to the 4-H program, Colorado StateUniversity Extension also provides education andinformation in the areas of agriculture, horticulture,and natural resources. We are also your source forprograms in the family and consumer science arenaincluding food safety, food preservation and cottagefoods. CSU Extension has volunteer programs forcommunity members wishing to become ColoradoMaster Gardeners and Master Food Safety Advisors.CSU Extension has some new volunteer opportunitiesworking with STEM (science, technology, engineeringand mathematics) with school enrichment and afterschool programs.CSU Extension is dedicated to serving current andfuture needs of Coloradans by providing educationalinformation and programs that safeguard health,increase livelihood and enhance well-being.P O Box 1112, 1001 Railroad AvenueRifle CO 81650Phone: 970-625-6939 Fax: 970-625-3917

44 garfieldcountyfair.comThank you, 2016 livestockshow & sale volunteersAlan Thate Denise Stewart Kaycee Manuppella Patricia CoombsAlanna Fitzsimmons Diana Casey Kayla Hinkley Peggy ThateAlexandria Casey Diana Metzler Kerrie Melby Philip RiceAlice Smith Doc Dexter Kim Brand Ragina ShoupAlison Teter Donovan Hill Kim O’Neill Randel PattonAmanda Rice Donald Metzler Kip Costanzo Randi SheridanAndrea Murr Erika Burris Kristopher Melby Rebecca Maria RamthunAnn Walker Fil Meraz Kyle Costanzo Rick EttlesBen Smith Gregorio Rios Aguilar Larry McCown Robert CuevasBrandon Scott Heather Scott Leah Frink Robert PerigoBrenda Brand Heather Tucksen Lee Krauth Roger CoombsBrett Vander Mark Holly Bosley Leia Sober Russel FrankeBrooke Barbata Holly Gardner Levy Burris Nikl MackeyBruce Collins Jack Pretti Lisa Neil Ryan FrinkBuck Buchholz Jackie Stuart Lisa Nieslanik Sabree CoombsBuddy McNeel Jacque Burris Lolita Shaffer Scott CorbettCandie Vander Mark Jana Farris Luz Valencia Scott GhanCarol McNeel Janet Sheridan Lydia Rios LaBelle Sheri McNealCarla Farrand Jason Neil Lynn Shackelford Stacey EllibeeCarrie Kuersten Jason Shoup Makenzie Neil Stephanie HinkleyChad Harris Jay Rickstrew Mary Kingen Steve HauquitzCharles Lewis Jennifer Burris Mary Krauth Taejun JooCharles Pruett Jennifer Matthews Melinda Lewis Tanner GianinettiCheri Brown Jennifer Shepherd Melissa Sever Tara HarrisCindy Chelewski Jennifer Street Michael Capraro Teena MorfordClinton Sheridan Jillene Christianson Michael Kuhn Tegan CostanzoCori Rider Jim Hancock Michael Morford Tia HancockCourtney Jenkins Jim Sheets Michele Snyder Tina McCrayCrystal Morris JoAnn Watson Mike Hinkley Tom SlappeyCynthia Murr Johanna Ball Mike Shanks Trey FonnerDanny Jackson John Farnham Mike Walck Vera BottDavid Davis John P Chapman Misti Myers Veronica CapraroDeb Ghan Jon Smith Molly Mendoza Wayne PollardDee Stiers Joshua Grandits Niki Smith Wendy Chapman Julie Hurst-Farnham Wendy Hayden And all others who volunteered!

452016 grand champions & Reserve grand championsGrand Champion Beef Grand Champion Goat Grand Champion Poultry Camron Shepherd Camron Shepherd Greg GhanReserve Champion Beef Reserve Champion Goat Reserve Champion Poultry Bryce Ettles Katy Manuppella Tim GhanGrand Champion Rabbitt Grand Champion Swine Josey Morford Cody HinkleyReserve Champion Beef Reserve Champion Sheep Reserve Champion Swine Whitney Chapman Josey Morford Malachi Rider

46 garfieldcountyfair.com2017 OPEN CLASSESGARFIELD COUNTY FAIR OPEN CLASS BOOKFair Coordinator Pre-registration isDoreen Herriott highly [email protected], extension 4002 Email: [email protected] County Fair has moved into the 21st Mail: Garfield County Fair & Rodeocentury to make Fair Entry easier and more 201 8th St, Glenwood Springs, CO 81601enjoyable for all! Please join us by pre-entering Fax: 970-384-5009online as exhibitors.Go to contact the CSU Extension Office at 970-625-3969.Fair/SignIn/1404, scroll down and click on “Notin 4-H and need to create a FairEntry account?” You may also submit an entry form by email, faxand follow the user friendly instructions to create or US mail. The entry form can be found in the fairan account and register your open class entries. book or at you’re feeling a little technology challengedplease contact the CSU extension Office with your Mail: Garfield County Fairpaper entry form, 970-625-3969. Pre-entries are 201 8th Streetdue Friday, July 28, 2017. Participants with more Glenwood Springs, CO 81601than 10 entries need to have submissions in byThursday, July 27th, if you need assistance please Fax: 970-384-5009

47Go: Your weekly guide to Garfield County’s art, entertainmentand outdoor adventures.Find it every Friday in the Glenwood Springs Post Independent.

48 garfieldcountyfair.com2017 OPEN CLASSESOpen Class Departments or damage to exhibits. There will be someoneFINE ARTS present in the exhibit hall and doors are lockedQUILTING when there is no one present.NEEDLEWORK 12. All main departments will have age groups asCRAFTS follows;FOOD PRESERVATION Group # DescriptionBAKED GOODS 1 Youth – 17 and UnderFLORICULTURE 2 Adult – 18 to 64FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS 3 Senior – 65 and OverNOXIOUS WEED DISPLAY 4 ProfessionalHORTICULTURE - FRUIT 13. First, second, and third place ribbons will beHORTICULTURE – VEGETABLES awarded in each class at the discretion of theSPECIAL CONTESTS judge. Premiums are paid in each department.Open Class General Rules: Best of Fair - $25Please Read: You are responsible for following Grand Champion - $10these rules. Reserve Champion - $61. All residents of Garfield and adjoining counties First Place - $3 are invited to exhibit at the Garfield County Second Place - $2 Fair.2. All entries will be checked in and displayed Third Place - $1 in the South Hall at the fairgrounds, 1001 14. A best of fair ribbon may be awarded overall Railroad Ave, Rifle, CO 816503. All entries must be made by close of entry for an outstanding entry by Adult, Senior and time. No late entries will be accepted. Youth. This will be voted on by Open Class4. Entry tags will be available at the Extension volunteers. Office for those exhibitors who have submitted 15. A grand champion ribbon and reserve their entries prior to fair. champion ribbon may be awarded in a5. Entry tags must have the same exact name as Department at the discretion of the judge. on the entry form and a telephone number. 16. All articles must be entered in the name of the6. Classes may be created or combined at the maker. discretion of the superintendent or judges. 17. No article previously shown is eligible to be7. Any articles not picked up during official check- shown again. out hours shall forfeit all premiums. Please 18. If more than three of a kind not previously contact the Fair Coordinator to pick up entries listed are entered, a new class may be left at the fair. formed at the discretion of the Department8. Each exhibitor may make no more than two Superintendent. entries in each class per division. Example: Exhibitor may enter a total of two entries in Baked Goods Department, Cookies Division, and Chocolate Chip Class.9. Entries must be variety named.10. 4-H club members and other youth are encouraged to enter in open classes. Items entered in 4-H are not allowed to show in the open class.11. Although ever effort will be made to secure items in the exhibit hall, Garfield County Fair and its agents are not responsible for any loss

49 • Roll-Off Containers • Portable Restrooms • Special Event, Commercial & Residential Trash & Recycle Services Mailing: P.O. Box 999 | Shipping: 1058 County Road 100 Carbondale, Colorado 81623 Main: 970.963.3435 • FAX: 970.963.4205

50 garfieldcountyfair.comOPEN CLASS SCHEDULEMONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY SUNDAYJULY 31 AUGUST 1 AUGUST 2 AUGUST 3 AUGUST 69 am – 6 pm 7 – 11 am 7 – 10 am 8 – 11:30 am 10 am – 1 pmEntries accepted Entries accepted for Entries accepted Entries accepted Entries pick up andin all divisions. Needlework and Crafts for Baked Goods, for Commissioners’ premium payout.Fine Arts and must be received by Floriculture, Floral Cookie Jar Contest, Entries not pickedQuilting entries 11 am Arrangements, Apple Pie Contest up shall forfeitmust be entered Noxious Weeds, and and Gingerbread premiums. Vehicleson Monday. Horticulture. Creation Contest. will not be allowed 7 am – 6 pm on the Midway. Entries accepted 12:30 pm Assistance will be for Baked Goods, 10 am Judging of Apple Pies given by staff as Food Preservation, Judging of needed. all remaining Floriculture, Floral Departments. Arrangements, Noxious Weeds, and 1 pm Horticulture. Judging of 2 – 6 pm Commissioners’ Entries accepted Cookie Jars and 9 am for Commissioners’ Gingerbread Judging of Fine Arts Cookie Jar Contest, Creations. and Quilting Apple Pie Contest and Gingerbread Creation Contest. 11 am Judging of needlework and crafts.FINE ARTS 6. Exhibitors will be asked to place any three- dimensional pieces weighing more than fifteenEntries close at 6:00 pm Monday, July 31st in the South pounds in position for the duration of the Fair.Hall. Judging begins at 9:00 am on Tuesday, 8/1.1. Each exhibitor is entitled to enter a total of two 7. The Fine Arts Committee reserves the right to change any entries and place them in proper pieces per class (Example: Exhibitor may enter two categories. still life acrylic paintings in Class 101).2. All entries should be titled and are required 8. Although every effort will be made to secure items to have the artist’s name, address, age group, in the Exhibit Hall, Garfield County Fair and its medium used, class number, subclass, and price (if representatives will not be responsible for any loss for sale) clearly printed and attached to the back or damage to art exhibits or personal items. of each entry.3. No works previously shown at the Garfield County 9. Exhibitors will designate their age group Fair can be shown again. 10. Other media in fine arts class may include:4. All works of art and photography must be framed in suitable material with screw-eyes and wire Acrylics in place and ready for hanging. Oil/acrylic work Charcoal must be dry and framed. Each entry must have Oils an adequate hanger for the weight of the picture. Watercolor Over-sized entries must provide their own easel. Pen and ink5. No saw tooth hangers, tape or string. Entries Pencil without proper hangers as described in rule 4 may Pastel not be accepted for exhibition. Three dimensional Crayon or marker

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