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Home Explore Imerge Magazine January 2014

Imerge Magazine January 2014

Published by, 2014-07-02 04:38:16

Description: Imerge Magazine January 2014


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Life in the Fat Lane………………………………………….10 Behind the Curtain, A Stagehands Story………………….12 New Year, New Skin…………………………………………24 Delicious Detox………………………………………………28 In Incredibly Photography of Troy Tackett ………………..40 Ready to Change…………………………………………….62 A Life Change ………………………………………………..68 Under the Hood……………………………………………….74 Accountability………………………………………………….76 Resolutions…………………………………………………… 78 Buying a Fitness Machine……………………………………80 Super Bowl Snacks…………………………………………...84 Warming Winter Soups……………………………………….98

Managing Editor Lifestyles Editor Laurie Boteler Janet Lynn Smith Photography Troy Tackett Special Interest Fitness Chad Johns Nicola Johns

Beauty Editor Fashion Consultant Mimi Wright Jeanne Quillen Lola Lynch Janette Vorster Sharon Sunman Editor in Chief Kathleen Capossela Kids Interest Features and Food Joanie Cull Kathleen Capossela

From Our Readers Leslie Anne of Indianna:: I have to tell you I thought your magazine was lame when I first saw it but you have gotten better and better. Now I can- not wait for the next issue. Your beauty tips are so right on and make me want to do something for myself and that ain't' easy to do. Good job. Rebecca of Kansas City: I love the way you write about fitness and health so easy to read and under- stand Kimberly in Poplarville: you make it so simple like I don't have any more excuses to not workout. Lifting bags full of groceries who writes this stuff!

from Beth in Seattle: I love cats and can so relate to this story. They are not just furry companions I believe they come to us as comforting angels too. Cheers to Mo! from James in Slidell, La: we lost our son in law to a bone cancer he was only 22 last year the anniversary of his death was this month and we are having trouble dealing so when I read this article I had to share it with my daughter. We so enjoyed it and are now sitting in our back yard wait- ing for a Mo to drop in our lap. If you have an questions or comments about our magazine, please email us at [email protected] or leave a comment on the website at

I like new things. When it’s time for new shoes I am all on it, strap on my purse breaks I get a thrill because I know I get to buy a new one. And who doesn’t love shopping for a new car, playing with all the new gadgets and buttons? New things mean new starts, and how can you not like the threshold of a new year? You get to stand in the face of a spanking new year and see all of the hopes and dreams of your future. It’s time to make declarations and promises to yourself and they all ring out in form of a resolution. Most people make resolutions with head strong, determination and affirmations; they are dedicated and full of energy to make it happen. That’s when the year is young and you are raring to go it seems like nothing can stop you, so is your resolve to make things happen. Wouldn’t it be great if we could maintain that fortitude throughout the year and see our goals for the year met? In this issue we have two people who did that very thing in 2013 and we’re honoring their strength of mind and character. Sergio Ribeiro and Lou Quigley made up their minds in January 2013 that they would make a difference in 2013 and they did that very thing, changing their lives. This magazine is dedicated to their ability to make a resolution and see it to fruition. Kathleen Mary

If your looking for a food to improve your health, you might want to increase your intake of fresh vegeta- bles. In so many different ways, the aspects of the vegetable are matched up with the health and im- provement of our bodies. First of all, vegetables are so low in calories it’s almost impossible to gain weight from overeating them. Vegetable also provide optimal nourishment on a daily basis with a steady supply of necessary vitamins. Phytonutrients are another huge factor; the nutrients that prevent certain diseases. Another incredible asset of vegetables: a necessary ingredient in our daily diets, vegetables are fiber rich and help move our food through our diges- tive track. So if you making a get healthy resolution in 2014, make sure you up your intake of fresh, wholesome vegetables.

have to address your weight is- sues, I have been battling mine I read an article recently that re- literally all of my life, but I am ally inspired me to write about saying that in the process you his month’s topic, feeling pretty. can increase your self-worth, self -esteem, self-image and feel There are too many plus-sized good while you work on the women out there who are run- weight. Notice the word “self” is ning away from mirrors because, used several times in that last they are made to feel ugly and sentence, why?, because you undesirable every day and that have to do it yourself, no one just does not have to be the else can make you feel pretty. case. If you are an overweight child then it will start at a young It took me years to be able to age and continue throughout our look in the mirror and see a pret- lives, we have it ingrained in our ty woman, I had a childhood full minds that if we are not thin, we of being made fun of and bullied are not pretty, or we hear “You because I was a fat kid. I kept are so pretty in the face, if only my head down and avoided eye you would lose weight”, we are contact in high school in hopes I the only ones that can stop this would just be unnoticed, but eve- and allow ourselves to look in the ry day was like hell for me. I hon- mirror and like what we see. I am estly did not have my first real not in any way saying that as date until I was in my late teens. long as you feel pretty you do not One day something just snapped

in me, I had had enough! I start- the inside out, and that kind of ed doing my hair and make-up ugly cannot be fixed. I promise it every day, instead of whenever I is absolutely okay to look at felt like it, I learned how to ac- yourself in the mirror, and say “I centuate my assets and ignore Feel Pretty” just as you are right the mean nasty things people now. Now you go try it. had to say. I didn’t look at the floor anymore, I looked people in the eye, sometimes I had to If you would like to contact me force myself, but I did it, you about this article, my other arti- would be surprised at how hard cles, a question, or just to vent, it is for some random stranger to you can email me at: make a smart fat remark when [email protected] they have to look you in the eyes to do it. My life has changed so much, and the way I look at myself is something I want so badly for other women to feel. This is why I write about issues that promote a size positive attitude, because we all deserve to feel pretty. When you feel good about your- self, the diets and exercise will follow when you are ready. So, go out there with your head up and look at the people who have made you feel bad about your- self, you might be amazed at how unattractive they are, from

You are sitting in the dark, voic- a light rain falling. They watch es all around you, anxiously as eight 53 foot trailers are waiting, suddenly the room moved in, pulled in by semi- goes silent, but just for a se- trucks followed by 4 stream- cond, from nowhere you hear lined luxury buses, the gloves the first chord of the electric go on and work begins. These guitar, a spotlight hits the stage men and women are union and the crowd erupts and is on stagehands, members of The their feet, it is show time. International Alliance of The- atrical and Stage Employees Twelve hours earlier, a group of men and women are standing or I.A.T.S.E., and this is how in the cold, just after sunrise, they earn a living. the skies are grey and there is The Stagehands are truly the unsung heroes behind every concert, Broadway show, cir- cus, and theatrical production, and movie, that you see. We walk into the arenas or thea- ters, and when the curtain goes back the stage is set, the

lights are in place, and the When stagehands walk into the performers simply walk on venue there is nothing but a and off stage flawlessly, but it huge, empty, echoing, space. is the stagehands that make There is no stage, lights, or that flawless appearance sound equipment, it is all waiting possible. to be unpacked from the trucks,

and put together in time for bers of more than 1500 the show. bands over the years. The highlight of working concerts Greg Miranda is a member of he tells me, was working the I.A.T.S.E. Local 369, he has KISS farewell tour, being a been a stage hand for the long time KISS super-fan he last 16 years and the work he said he was beyond excited does is not easy by any to be able to actually pick up means, but he truly enjoys and hold Gene Simmon’s this work. A musician him- bass and Paul Stanley’s gui- self, (Greg is the bass player tar. The most heartwarming for a local band “The Mad story was Greg being able to Hadders”) he has been able arrange for his mother Patri- to meet and talk to the mem- cia, (who was fighting cancer

impressive collection of back- at the time and had just fin- stage passes and guitar picks ished Chemotherapy) to meet that go from Bluegrass to Kenny Rogers, Kenny was Heavy Metal artists, not wonderful to her, and after a something the average per- lengthy conversation made son would ever be able to sure before he left to give her have. a personalized photo, being a union stagehand allowed that I asked Greg to give me an to happen. Greg also has an overview of what happens during a show day. The union

workers always arrive 30 with a laugh, but Greg spoke minutes early to every job, this seriously as he went on to ex- gives them a little bit of extra plain that a concert is very dif- time to be sure they are not ferent from a Broadway produc- late, and of course, he says, tion, and he should know, he they also sit around drinking has worked almost 1000 Broad- coffee, eating donuts, and won- way and theatrical productions. dering why they are there at He went on to tell me that when this time of day, this was said the doors on the back of the trucks open you see a wall of

black road cases, and after a few minutes of cursing and grumbling about why anyone would need so much equipment, they get started. All of the cases that range from 50 to 500 pounds or more have to be moved inside and unpacked, the general rule is last in first out, and if they are lucky the crew before them has done the job well and every- thing runs smoothly, if not, it is this crews job to unpack it sort it out and then put it together again. The workers and cases are directed

by the road crew (they travel ment crew needs for their part with the artist) and separated of the show is inside those cas- into carpentry, electricians, es so all of them have to be un- lighting, audio and backline packed. (this department sets up the in- The first thing to go up, is liter- struments) departments, with a ally going up, the lights are Broadway show they also have hung from trusses that can be set and wardrobe departments. anywhere from 50 to 100 feet Everything that each depart-

off the ground, the men and ing up, the audio department is women up there are called getting all of the sound equip- “Riggers” and their time is ment set up, electricians are spent walking, and working on wiring it all, the stage is being trusses that are about 24” wide, built, and the backline is setting not much room when you are up drum kits, guitars, amps, that high. The next time you go and any other instruments that to a concert look up, and you are going to be used that night. will see them up there usually After hours of backbreaking running spotlights during the work, the stagehands get a show. While the lights are go- break for lunch, some will leave

and come back late that night for the load out, while others have to concert, they have to listen carefully and work quickly to keep the be back for sound check and to work the show itself. The stage- performers lit up. When they work a Broadway show or theater pro- hands working the show, will be running spotlights which requires hit- duction, they do all of that, plus everything from opening the curtains, ting cues given to them over a headset by the lighting director and moving sets, and helping actors do wardrobe changes, even setting switching out the colored gels on the lights as directed during the up the orchestra pit if it is being used.

and come back late that night for the load out, while others have to concert, they have to listen carefully and work quickly to keep the be back for sound check and to work the show itself. The stage- performers lit up. When they work a Broadway show or theater pro- hands working the show, will be running spotlights which requires hit- duction, they do all of that, plus everything from opening the curtains, ting cues given to them over a headset by the lighting director and moving sets, and helping actors do wardrobe changes, even setting switching out the colored gels on the lights as directed during the up the orchestra pit if it is being used.

After the last encore, the applause stops and the audience wan- ders out, now it is back to work for load out. This time it is first in, last out, so that the trucks are ready for the next crew, in the next town. If they are lucky they will get a quick thank you from the artists, but for the most part they remain invisible, and their thanks comes in the form of a paycheck. The union stagehands are, as Greg says, “The first to show, and the last to go”. So, the next time you go to a show or a concert, look around, somewhere there will be the stagehands waiting in the dark for their cue, the spotlights will hit the stage and the show will begin.

Most of us make New Year’s resolutions so why not make a reso- lution to put your best skin forward? There are many ways to ac- complish beautiful skin but one of the easiest is exfoliation and the skin care brushes available help you to achieve your goal. There are many different systems on the market but the one that I use and personally recommend is the Clarisonic Sonic Cleans- ing System. The system starts at $125.00 for the “Mia”, which is the basic system. While Clarisonic uses a sonic oscillation sys- tem, there is also the Olay Pro-X which uses a non-sonic rotating brush, making for a completely different skincare experience. This system begins at $29.99. I wanted to give you both ends of the spectrum for pricing purposes. Cleansing manually often leaves behind makeup and dirt. These get trapped in your pores and can cause breakouts and dull skin. A sonic cleansing system uses sonic frequency to gently and

thoroughly remove all traces of dirt, makeup and oils. The Clarisonic uses a patented frequency of more than 300 move- ments per second and removes up to 6 times more makeup and 2 times more dirt and oil than manual cleansing. Many spas and dermatologists use the Clarisonic system. This sys- tem reduces pore size, oily skin, dry patches and blemishes. It is gentle enough to use twice a day. You will find that your moisturizer and serums will absorb quickly after cleansing with the Clarisonic.

Here are some tips for you to get Do a light cleanse first manually great results from your Clarisonic: and remove your eye makeup. Charge your unit for 24 hours be- Use a cleanser that produces fore your first use and you will suds for best results. Clarisonic have a charge for 10 days if used makes its own cleanser but you twice a day. It comes with an In- can use your own favorite cleans- ternational Charger. er. Pick the right brush head for your It is timed to cleanse your skin for skin type. There are Normal, Ac- two minutes. After each beep ne, Sensitive, Delicate, Deep you move the brush to a different Pore and now a Body Brush. The area of the face. majority of skin types can use the Do not use an exfoliator with the Normal brush. Clarisonic, your brush already does that for you.

It is waterproof so you can use it ing brush to cleanse your skin. in the shower. I leave mine in the This system cleanses and exfoli- shower until it needs charging. ates the skin using an oscillating brush head with two speeds. It Each user should have their own brush. cleanses up to 6 times better than a manual cleansing. It is a To cleanse your brush just run it great alternative to the more ex- under very hot water with cleans- pensive Clarisonic. You get basi- er. Dry your brush head after cally the same performance and each use. The brush head this unit runs on 2 AA batteries. should be changed every 2 to 3 months. The same user tips apply to the Olay Pro-X. Just remember it is If you are under a doctor’s care water resistant NOT waterproof for skin issues, it is recommend- so it is best not to leave it in the ed that you consult with your shower. The replacements brush physician before using the Clari- set starts at $10.99 as opposed sonic. These units also utilize to the Clarisonic replacement magnets. brushes at $40.00. Body Brush - For cleansing are- as of the body needing extra care and attention, including the Whichever system you choose, make a resolution to use it EVE- décolleté, hands, arms, elbows and feet. Works with the Clari- RY day and you will see a differ- sonic Plus and Pro models. ence in your skin. After the first cleansing you will feel the differ- The Olay Pro-X Advanced ence in how clean your skin feels Cleansing System uses a rotat- and enjoy your rosy glow! .

By Lola Lynch Are you feeling exhausted with blotchy skin and dark under eye circles after the Christmas party season but don't feel like living on veg- etable juice for two weeks? If that sounds like you, here are ten more gentle ways to detox and revital- ize and still get fabulous results! Dry Skin Brushing ~ Skin is the largest organ of the body and it plays a major role in eliminating toxins.

The simple technique of skin of exfoliating dry, dead skin brushing is a highly effective caused by cold winter weath- strategy in your battle against er. toxins. It stimulates the circu- lation and superficial glands, Before your shower on dry thereby improving lymph drain- skin using a long handled natu- age, helping to flush out those ral thistle brush, start at toxins. It also has the benefit your toes and gently brush upwards towards your heart using quick sweeping motions. Epsom Salts ~ Before bed relax for twenty minutes in a bath where you have added two to four cups of magnesi- um rich Epsom salts. Not only will this help you sleep better but it also helps to draw tox- ins from the body. Adding a

few drops of lavender essential oil mixed with a sweet almond oil, will also promote wellbeing and calm. Sauna ~ What could be more relaxing than the wonderful heat of a sauna, closing your eyes and imagining being on a tropical beach, while the heat promotes perspiration, which is one of the natural ways the body uses to detox. Aromatherapy Massage ~ The wonders of aromatherapy mas- sage include, decreased anxiety, enhanced sleep quality, greater energy, increased circulation, release of endorphins

(the feel good hormone), as well as helping to remove toxins from the body by im- proving lymphatic drainage and circulation. Since aro- matherapy oils are highly concentrated substances they always need to be di- luted in a carrier oil such as sweet almond oil, grape seed, sunflower, jojoba or wheat germ.( It is also not advised to use essential oils if you are pregnant without seeing a fully trained aroma therapist. ) Look for oils that are cold pressed or or- ganic to provide extra ben- efits to the body. These are easy to find in any

health food store. Having a friend to massage you is won- derful but you can also do one yourself. A great combination for a detox is two drops of juniper, one drop of fennel, e drop of grapefruit, one drop of cypress mixed together in ten mls of carrier oil. Bentonite Clay Masks ~ One of the best masks you can use is a bentonite clay mask because it has negative charges that bond to the positively charged toxins in your skin. A simple clay mask is a powerful detoxifier since it draws and absorbs impurities while also having the benefit of calming irritated skin. Water and Lemon ~ Drinking lots of water (at least eight to ten glasses) is an excellent way to detox. It helps to rehydrate and also flush the toxins in your system. Adding lemon juice from

half a freshly squeezed lemon body release toxins naturally. to warm water is a great way of The more you sweat the more adding vitamin C which helps in- toxins you release. crease collagen which means younger looking skin. Shower ~ Finish your morning shower with alternating be- Exercise ~ Make it fun! Even tween water as hot as you ten or fifteen minutes of danc- can stand and water as cold ing to your favorite music is as you can stand. Do this for beneficial. Just make sure you just a couple of minutes. This break a sweat, this like the has the benefit of increasing benefits of the sauna helps the circulation which in turn

flushes the lymphatic system. It also invigorates you for the day! Pineapple ~ Enjoy pineapple! Cleanses your skin from inside out, helping you to have clear beautiful skin and all over rejuvenat- ed feeling. Pineapple contains bromeliad which acts as an anti- inflammatory, breaks down proteins and removes toxins from the bloodstream.

Thassotherapy ~ This treatment is more popular in Europe than America but I had to include it as it is such a lovely way to de- tox and treat yourself at the same time. Thalassa is the Greek word for sea, and during this treatment you immerse yourself into a pool which contains warm and purified seawater contain- ing minerals to detox and purify the body. The pool contains jets which help the blood to circulate effectively and also eas- es aches and pains. The treatment also includes a seaweed wrap, followed by a shower and a deep relaxing massage. And there you have it, some delicious and refreshing de- tox tips to have you back to feeling your best in no time.

The bedroom should be a place to rest in, a place to find peace, to enjoy solitude and privacy. I have always thought that the bedroom should be a personal sanctuary. But with our busy life styles, we often make it a place to throw our clothes and shoes and bags. We usually don’t have time to make the bed before we leave in the morning for work and when we get home we fig- ure, ‘eh, why bother we’re just going to get back into it.’ But the bedroom should be neat, orderly and inviting. The coloring should match our personality and style, the lighting should be bright by day and subdued at night with candles burning for added effect and atmosphere when times demand it. Soft mu- sic playing, books to read, magazines to look through, the tele- vision playing on those late mornings when you have the luxury of sleeping in. This year make a resolution to keep the bed- room a sanctuary.

As the sun rises upon a new year, take ad- vantage of the fresh start. The things you have put off, the hopes you’re storing in that special place as you wait for just the right moment to make your dreams happen can’t do you any good if you don’t put them to work. As the new year rolls in let this be your new beginning. Take a look at your life, make a quality decision to in- vest in change; do what it takes to make you the best you can be. In the long run, it only takes a spark to get a fire going, so here is to the new you in 2014.

The Amazing Photography of Troy Tacket Seeing the amazing Troy’s appendix burst and photography of Troy Tackett created a medical emergen- makes one think that he grew cy that landed him in the up with a camera in his hand hospital. This close encoun- taking pictures of everything ter with death had a tre- on the playground and every mendous effect on Troy who bug in the backyard but as a now began to see life differ- child Troy Tackett did not as- ently. He appreciated the pire to be a photographer, his beauty of nature and start- first love was music. Rock mu- ed hiking. While he was out sic was deep in his bones and enjoying the splendor of the until 2011 he was a rocker play- wilderness, he began to take ing his guitars and jamming photographs. It is hard to with his band until 2011 when it believe that Troy has only all changed. (cont. on page 62)

The Amazing Photography of Troy Tacket Troy Tackett, Photographer https//

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