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Verixel Profile online

Published by trismedia07, 2021-05-04 07:55:47

Description: Verixel Profile online


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TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................... 0 COMPANY INFORMATION ................................................................................ 2 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................. 3 BACKGROUND & PHILOSOPHY....................................................................... 3 OBJECTIVE........................................................................................................ 4 OUR VISION:...................................................................................................... 4 OUR MISSION:................................................................................................... 5 WHAT WE DO..................................................................................................... 6 ROAD & HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION................................................................. 6 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION............................................................................... 6 OUR BUILDING MAINTENANCE WORKS SPECIALISTS IN OUR PEOPLE..................................................................................................... 8 Management Team:......................................................................................... 8 Our People:....................................................................................................... 8 ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE............................................................................. 10 POLICIES............................................................................................................. 11 SAFETY, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY........................................... 11 CERTIFICATIONS & MEMBERSHIPS................................................................ 13 1 VERIXEL SOLUTIONS & INVESTMENTS LIMITED COMPANY PROFILE


INTRODUCTION We appreciate you taking the �me to go through the Verixel Solu�ons and Investments company profile. This is a great opportunity for us to commu- nicate our services and key compe��ve strengths to you. This profile is designed to provide you with an introduc�on to the Verixel Solu�ons and Invest- ments company, and we hope and look forward to mee�ng our clients personally to develop a rela�onship through one-on-one interac�on shortly. We thank all those who have contributed to the development of the Verixel Solu�ons and Investments company through various inputs, and we thank you for your interest in our Company, and look forward to working with you. BACKGROUND & PHILOSOPHY Verixel Solu�ons and Investments Ltd began as a general works contractor in 2020. The group has undertaken many challenging projects and accumu- lated skills, know-how and experiences in design and build solu�ons, project management services, building trades and related engineering works. Today, Verixel Solu�ons and Investments Ltd takes on the role of main contractor for small to medium size projects and performs project management services to coordinate specialist trades for industri- al/commercial projects. We also provide design inputs and engineering solu�ons as value-added services to our clients. We have built our reputa�on on our client focus and hands-on approach. We are proud of the fact that the majority of our workload comes from repeat business and that we have a strong reputa�on for our compe��ve edge and reliable execu�on of all projects undertaken. This is achieved through our relentless a�en�on to detail and an experienced team with the drive and customer focus to ensure client sa�sfac�on is a given on all Verixel projects. We con�nue to invest in modern business prac�ces OBJECTIVE and management techniques in order to ensure that we remain at the cu�ng edge of our industry. Our objec�ve is to provide our clients with an “I am We con�nue to build on our reputa�on with our assured” experience when we are chosen to execute their focus firmly on growing the ability of the business projects. Our emphasis on clear communica�on and to deliver in new and innova�ve ways. Our ambi�on follow-through procedures ensures that client’s objec�ves and goals have always been to deliver quality are top priority in the planning and execu�on of all our projects and value for money to our clients; our processes. success and reputa�on today have been testament to this wisdom. 3 VERIXEL SOLUTIONS & INVESTMENTS LIMITED COMPANY PROFILE

OUR PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND EXECUTION PHILOSOPHY ARE: • Create detail schedule and resources plan to meet client’s project objec�ve, • Communicate clearly with all project stakeholders, • Track project progress and fine-tune devia�ons, • Supervise closely on quality of work done, • Complete and commission the project on �me. We take pride in our delivery; thus, our clients can always be assured that only the most experienced and qualified people are serving them, all the �me. OUR VISION: To be a respectable building contractor delivering beyond expecta�on, always. OUR MISSION: To procure projects at compe��ve pricing, provide safe working condi�ons and deliver quality work within reasonable �me frame.

WHAT WE DO ROAD & HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION We undertake a wide variety of building and maintenance work - from small, one of Road building is one of the major sectors Verixel residen�al jobs, to home builds to large Solu�on and Investment Limited operates in. commercial or industrial projects. At Verixel With individual engineers years’ experience in Solu�ons & Investments Limited, we specialize in building and maintaining roads, from simple many different types of building maintenance gravelling on country roads to class A roads with work, including: high traffic counts. The company has experience with the numerous complexi�es of highway • Upgrade of Bathrooms, Kitchens & other construc�on, and has successfully undertaken Facili�es the design and construc�on of several types of pavements and wearing courses. • Repair of Joinery Items • Re-Pain�ng of Buildings BUILDING CONSTRUCTION • Extensive Range of Plumbing Ac�vi�es • Extensive Range of Electrical Installa�on Verixel Solu�on and Investment Limited’s focus is stronger on Civil Construc�on; we are focused in Ac�vi�es developing proper�es for our clients on a • Replacement of Floor Coverings selec�ve basis. This func�on entails the overall • Glazing of Broken Windows project management; from the sourcing of land, • Patching of Holes in Walls bulk and link infrastructure, appointment and • Brickwork Repair management of professional team, and the • Graffi� Removal & Applica�on of Protec�ve physical delivery of the project, be it civil infrastructure/housing and or both. Coa�ngs • Repair of Fire Damage & Fire Safety Upgrades • Water proffing 5 VERIXEL SOLUTIONS & INVESTMENTS LIMITED COMPANY PROFILE

MANAGEMENT TEAM Main Board Director involvement is ensured on every Verixel Solu�on and Investment Limited is project from start to finish as only 10-12 projects driven by our 2 working directors and 3 maximum are run at a �me, ensuring that issues are management team, collec�vely they dealt with efficiently and quickly and there is strong accumulated more than 10 years of work quality control. Our aim is to be our clients’ first choice experience in the building industry. They are for construc�on related services. Customers and involved in the business development, partners see us as integral to their success. We will procurement, project management and an�cipate their needs, and deliver on every administra�on of the company. commitment we make. Our people, our focus and our The management team proac�vely gathers track record for delivery present a very strong case for feedback, iden�fies changes in business choosing Verixel Construc�on as the preferred environment, reviews work processes and construc�on partner. communicates key learning points and company policy to all staff at regular mee�ngs. OUR PEOPLE: Our people are crucial in the delivery of our services VERIXEL SOLUTIONS & INVESTMENTS LIMITED and solu�on to our clients. In order to ensure that COMPANY PROFILE everyone is equipped with the right skill, knowledge and a�tude, a comprehensive training programme is put in place to constantly upgrade our people in technical and management skills. We believe firmly in providing the right training, accredited cer�fica�on and prac�cal knowledge for our people, in order for them to execute their du�es and responsibili�es confidently. Our aim is to stay relevant to the ever-changing market place and client’s requirement. 6


POLICIES Quality is the result of good management and will be achieved by the way we get the right things done. We believe there is always a be�er way to provide services to our clients and strive for con�nuous improvement. In rendering our services, we will op�mize resource u�liza�on and commit ourselves fully to the task at hand. We consider mee�ng client requirements as the minimum performance criteria and aim to surpass expecta�ons. SAFETY, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY Verixel Solu�on and Investment Limited is commi�ed to a clean, safe and healthy environment for our employees, contractors, customers and the communi�es around us. All employees and contractors forming part of this service, have a duty to prevent harm to themselves, to others and to the environment. Verixel Solu�ons and Investment Limited will comply with all the applicable legisla�on, regula�ons and customers’ requirements as minimum benchmark for its Safety, Health and Environment Policy. Verixel Solu�ons and Investment Limited will regularly review this policy, prac�ces and performance to ensure ongoing improvements. At Verixel Solu�on and Investment Limited we contribute to our environments and develop structures which may last centuries. With this in mind, we are future centric in terms of the design and technology we apply. We recognize the importance of u�lizing the most modern and most sustainable materials within the construc�on process. We are commi�ed to build iconic projects which will break new grounds in terms of sustainable materials and innova�ve construc�on techniques. Verixel Solu�ons and Investment Limited con�nuously strives to perform to sustainable best prac�ce in construc�on in our mission to lesson our impact on our environment, and every new project for us is a challenge in search of a zero-carbon footprint. The area of the provision of more and more sustainable and renewable buildings is constantly evolving and changing and we are usually opera�ng in a very exci�ng and dynamic �mes. We source our materials responsibly; we audit our supply chain to ensure compliance with our systems and procedures whilst con�nuously checking our chain of custody cer�fica�on etc. This investment in suppliers and materials selec�on allow us to give the required high performance in use that specifica�ons demand but with a reduced environmental footprint.

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Tax Compliance Certificate For General Tax Questions Contact KRA Call Centre Tel: +254 (020) 4999 999 Taxpayer PIN : P051952326G Cell: +254(0711)099 999 Name and Address : Verixel Solutions & Investments Limited Email: [email protected] NA, NINE PLANETS APARTMENTS SUITE PLUTO FOUR, NA, Nairobi North District, PO Box:199, Certificate Date: 19/10/2020 Postal Code:00515 Certificate Number: KRANON1196737520 This is to confirm that Verixel Solutions & Investments Limited, Personal Identification Number P051952326G has filed relevant tax returns and paid taxes due as provided by Law. This Certificate will be valid for twelve (12) months up to 18/10/2021. Caveat This certificate is issued on the basis of information available with the authority as at the certificate date mentioned above. The Authority reserves the right to withdraw the certificate if new evidence materially alters the tax compliance status of the recipient. Disclaimer : This certificate is system Generated and therefore does not require signature.You may confirm validity of this certificate on the iTax Portal by using the TCC Checker.This certificate confirms your compliance status for a period of five years preceding the date of issue. The certificate may however be with withdrawn on grounds of outstanding debt affecting periods prior to this.

PIN Certificate For General Tax Questions Contact KRA Call Centre Tel: +254 (020) 4999 999 Cell: +254(0711)099 999 Email: [email protected] Certificate Date : 05/10/2020 Personal Identification Number P051952326G This is to certify that taxpayer shown herein has been registered with Revenue Authority Taxpayer Information Taxpayer Name VERIXEL SOLUTIONS & INVESTMENTS LIMITED Email Address [email protected] Registered Address L.R. Number : NA Building : NINE PLANETS APARTMENTS SUITE PLUTO FOUR Street/Road : KABARNET GARDENS OFF NGONG City/Town : NA ROAD County : Nairobi District : Nairobi North District Station : North of Nairobi Tax Area : Nairobi North Tax Obligation(s) Registration Details Sr. No. Tax Obligation(s) Effective From Date Effective Till Date Status 1 Income Tax - PAYE 05/10/2020 N.A. Active 2 Income Tax - Company 05/10/2020 N.A. Active The above PIN must appear on all your tax invoices and correspondences with Revenue Authority. Your accounting end month is June unless a change has been approved by the Commissioner-Domestic Taxes Department. The status of Tax Obligation(s) with 'Dormant’ status will automatically change to 'Active' on date mentioned in \"Effective Till Date\" or any transaction done during the period. This certificate shall remain in force till further updated. Disclaimer : This is a system generated certificate and does not require signature.

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